5730 / 5730
- Arturo Abbondanza (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Michael Abbott
(Diamond Light Source)
- Co-author in Development of fast BBA for Diamond Light Source
- BEKTUR ABDISATAROV (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Amin Abdolvand (University of Dundee)
- Tetsuo Abe (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Sota Abe (Kobe University)
- Mitsushi Abe (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Suren Abeghyan (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
Gwenaelle Abeille
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Robert Abel (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Dan Abell (RadiaSoft (United States))
- Oliver Aberle (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Yves-Marie Abiven
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
Michael Abo-Bakr
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab
- Co-author in Beam-based characterization of a non-linear injection kicker at BESSY II
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Co-author in Lattice options for MLS II
- Co-author in Update on the lattice design process of BESSY III: towards a baseline lattice
Zakaria Aboulbanine
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Andrey Abramov (John Adams Institute)
Andrey Abramov
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Collimation system for the updated FCC-hh design baseline
- Author in Studies of layout and cleaning performance for the FCC-ee collimation system
- Co-author in BDSIM v1.7.0 developments for the modelling of accelerators and their environment
- Co-author in Beam dynamics studies for the FCC-ee collimation system design
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in Optimizing the beam intensity control by Compton back-scattering in e+/e- Future Circular Collider
- Co-author in Recent updates of the layout of the lattice of the CERN hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider
- Co-author in Simulations and measurements of collisional losses with Pb beams at the LHC
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Tools for integrated simulation of collimation processes in Xsuite
Hadil Abualrob
(An-Najah National University)
- Co-author in Magnetic design of the commutational magnet and quadrupoles for PERLE accelerator
- Co-author in Magnetic Design of the Commutational Magnet and Quadrupoles for PERLE Accelerator
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
Rasha Abukeshek
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in Magnetic Design of the Commutational Magnet and Quadrupoles for PERLE Accelerator
- Author in Magnetic design of the commutational magnet and quadrupoles for PERLE accelerator
- Co-author in Lattice design of 250 MeV version of Perle
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
Muhammad Aburas
(Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Co-author in Superconducting multipole triplet field measurements
Falastine Abusaif
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Investigations on NbTi superconducting racetrack coils under pulsed-current excitations
- Author in Realization of an Energy System-Informed Digital Twin of the KARA Accelerator at KIT in a Real-Time Simulation Environment: the ACCESS Project
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Falastine Abusaif (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Carlotta Accettura (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Sevim Aciksoz
(Boğaziçi University)
- Co-author in Beam Measurements from Proton Testbeam At KAHVE-Lab
- Sven Ackermann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Dieter Ackermann (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Wolfgang Ackermann2 (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Oxana Actis (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Kyosuke Adachi (Kyushu University)
- Madison Adam (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
- Petra Adams (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Andreas Adelmann (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Paul Aden (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Gowri Adhikari (University of Illinois Chicago)
Aytul Adiguzel
(Istanbul University)
- Co-author in Beam Measurements from Proton Testbeam At KAHVE-Lab
- Co-author in Manufacturing and Testing of the 800 MHz RFQ at KAHVE-Lab
- Co-author in Manufacturing and testing of the 800 MHz RFQ at KAHVELab
- Laurids Adler (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
Erik Adli
(University of Oslo)
- Co-author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
- Co-author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Diana Adliene (Lithuanian Association of Medical Physicists and Engineers)
- Chris Adolphsen (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Simon Adrian (University of Rostock)
Marton Ady
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
Namra Aftab
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of an electron beam for magnetic bunch compressor commissioning at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
Ilya Agapov
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Dynamics of off-axis injection near the coupling resonance at PETRA IV
- Author in Neural networks for ID gap orbit distortion compensation in PETRA III
- Author in Orbit-response based optics corrections for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Commissioning simulations tools based on python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Cross-talk between magnets in the H6BA-cell of PETRA IV
- Co-author in Extremum seeking for accelerator optimisation
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Sanjeev Aggarwal (Kurukshetra University)
Piero Agostinetti
(Consorzio RFX)
- Co-author in Implementation of the Additive Manufacturing for metals approach: the production of the acceleration grids for DTT NBI project
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of CuCrZr for nuclear fusion acceleration components
- Co-author in Predictive capabilities in CFD simulations of additively manufactured extraction grid cooling channels for the DTT NBI system
- Patricia Aguar Bartolome (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Davide Aguglia (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- José Aguilar (Universidad de Granada)
Ronald Agustsson
(RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design of 402 MHz Normal Conducting Coaxial Window for SNS Facility
- Co-author in Engineering, Manufacturing and Validation of Microwave Thermionic Electron Gun for Advanced Photon Source Upgrade*
- Co-author in Evaluation of low-loss alumina material for high-power RF windows
- Co-author in Strongly tapered helical undulator system for FAST-GREENS installation
Claudia Ahdida
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Absolute Calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Neutrino generated radiation from a high energy muon collider
- Co-author in Target systems design for a high intensity facility in the CERN's ECN3 area
Esmaeil Ahmadi
(Iranian Light Source Facility)
- Author in Employing octupole magnets for nonlinear optimization of Iranian Light Source Facility storage ring
- Author in Employing octupole magnets for nonlinear optimization of Iranian Light Source Facility storage ring
- Co-author in Conceptual design of multipole injection kicker magnets for the ILSF storage ring
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in The impact of the resistive-wall impedance on the ILSF storage ring
- Karl Åhnberg (MAX IV Laboratory)
Ragib Ahsan
(University of Southern California)
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
- Masamitsu Aiba (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Alexander Aiken
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Co-author in Stabilised timing links for the CLARA test facility
- Robert Ainsworth (Fermilab)
- Tomoya Akagi (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
Charles Akers
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
- Mina Akhyani (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Alexander Aksentyev
(National Research Nuclear University)
- Author in A feasibility study into the Quasi-Frozen Spin regime of operation of the NICA storage ring
- Author in ByPass optics design in NICA storage ring for experiment with polarized beams for EDM search
- Author in Spin coherence and betatron chromaticity of deuteron beam in NICA storage ring
- Author in The effect of spin oscillations in a ring with a quasi-frozen spin and its influence on the procedure for searching for the deuteron EDM
- Co-author in Studies of the spin coherence time of protons at COSY
Avni Aksoy
(Ankara University Institute of Accelerator Technologies)
- Author in Application of beam-based alignment to the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in A start-to-end optimisation of CLEAR for an inverse Compton scattering experiment, using RF-Track
- Co-author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Electron beam studies on a beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation
- Co-author in Experimental generation of the transversely uniform electron bunches at the CLEAR facility at CERN
- Co-author in The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
- Co-author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Update of the RF-Track particle tracking code
- Levon Alanakyan (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
Arnau Albà
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in OPAL and Future Directions Towards the Exascale Area
Benat Alberdi-Esuain
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Electron optics based on quadrupole multiplets for dark field imaging and diffraction with MeV electron beams
- Author in Electron optics based on quadrupole multiplets for dark field imaging and diffraction with MeV electron beams
- Co-author in Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab
- Sebastian Albrecht (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Simon Albright
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in First operational results of new real-time magnetic measurement systems for accelerator control
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
- Co-author in Improvement of the longitudinal phase space tomography at the J-PARC synchrotrons
- Co-author in Operation and New Capabilities of CERN's Digital LLRF Family for Injectors
- Co-author in Performance of the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with lead ions in 2022
- Co-author in Tailoring transverse beam characteristics with the new CERN PS booster charge-exchange injection system
- Siobhan Alden (John Adams Institute)
Alexander Aleksandrov
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in Characterization of high dynamic range beam emittance
- Co-author in Detailed characterization of a five-dimensional phase space distribution
- Co-author in Laser assisted charge exchange injection into the ring at the SNS
- Co-author in Measurements at peak operational beam current in the SNS beam test facility
Reyes Alemany-Fernandez
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Performance of the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with lead ions in 2022
- Co-author in Advancements in injection efficiency modelling for the Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) at CERN
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in Towards optics measurements with a new LEIR BPM system
David Alesini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Anna Alexander
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Design of the photocathode plug for the CARIE RF photoinjector
- Author in Optical optimization of Cs2Te photocathodes
- Co-author in Operation pressure and lifetime improvement of bialkali photocathodes via graphene protection
- Co-author in Test facility supporting modernization of the LANSCE front end
- Co-author in Transport model and Monte-Carlo simulations for photoemission from thin film semiconductors under high fields
- Anna Alexander (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Patrick Alexandre (Synchrotron soleil)
Fahad Alharthi
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in Benchmarking the FCC-ee positron source simulation tools using the SuperKEKB results
- Co-author in On positron beam dynamics an initial part of a large aperture FCC-ee capture linac
- Co-author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Khaled Ali (Kyoto University)
- Majid Ali (John Adams Institute)
Enrico Allaria
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Author in Sensitivity of the optical-klystron-based high-gain harmonic generation on the electron beam energy profile
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Co-author in Accurate control of seed and free-electron laser chirp with bunching spectral analysis
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Sensitivity studies of a seeded FEL operating at 2 nm
- Co-author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
- Maria Luisa Allegrini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- James Allen (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Jason Allison (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Steven Allison (Riverside College)
- Ivanessa Almansa (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
- Afnan Al Marzouk (Northern Illinois University)
- Gabor Almasi (University of Pecs)
- Ann Almgren (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Mohammad Al-Najdawi (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Alexander Aloev (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Stefano Alpegiani (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Lauren Alsberg (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Andre Althaus (TU Dortmund University)
- S. Altilia (University of Milano-Bicocca)
- Matteo Altissimo (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Maria Alvarado Martin (Added Value Solutions)
Murilo Alves
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Online optimization of SIRIUS nonlinear optics
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
- Co-author in Study of insertion devices effects in SIRIUS
- CLARA-MARIE ALVINERIE (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Antonio Amato (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Vinay Amatya (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Manar Amer (Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie)
- Friedhelm Ames (TRIUMF)
- Marie Amiens (Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie)
Zohrab Amirkhanyan
(Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
- Author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
David Amorim
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons
- Author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics and RF requirements for a chain of muon RCSs
- Co-author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Loïc Amoudry (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Alessandro Ampollini (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- Piotr Amrozik (Lodz University of Technology)
Philipp Amstutz
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Advances in a perturbation theory for the microbunching instability in free-electron laser injectors
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Co-author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
Christian Amstutz
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Yuwen An (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Maria Pia Anania
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Zoran Andelkovic (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Ake Andersson
(MAX IV Laboratory)
- Author in A report on a lower emittance lattice at MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring
- Author in First results of the multipole injection kicker in the MAX IV 1.5 GeV ring
- Author in Recent progress at the UV to visible light-based diagnostic beam lines at MAX IV
- Co-author in HOM dampers design for the MAX IV 100 MHz RF cavities
- Co-author in Time-resolved measurement and simulation of a longitudinal single-bunch instability at the MAX IV 3 GeV ring
- Anton Andersson (European Spallation Source)
Gerard Andonian
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Author in Beam transport and diagnostics for the space plasma experiment at Samurai
- Author in Construction of and experiments with a compact plasma source
- Author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Author in Developments and Characterization of a Gas Jet Ionization Imaging Optical Column
- Co-author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Co-author in Design and modeling of dielectric a wakefield accelerator with plasma ionized witness bunch
- Co-author in Developments and characterization of a gas jet ionization imaging optical column
- Co-author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Co-author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Co-author in Plasma wakefields produced by transversely asymmetric beams
- Co-author in Simulation study of betatron radiation for perturbed beams in plasma
- Co-author in Studying the basics of plasma physics using long range plasma
Matthew Andorf
(Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Co-author in A UV Pump laser System for micro-UED at Cornell
- Co-author in Alkali-antimonide photocathode transport in a vacuum-sealed canister
- Co-author in First demonstration of spin-polarized electrons from gallium nitride photocathodes
- Co-author in First demonstration of spin-polarized electrons from gallium nitride photocathodes
- Thomas Andre (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
Kévin André
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Studies of layout and cleaning performance for the FCC-ee collimation system
- Co-author in Beam dynamics for concurrent operation of the LHeC and the HL-LHC
- Co-author in Beam Dynamics for Concurrent Operation of the LHeC and the HL-LHC
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Odd Andreassen (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Maria Grazia Andreassi (Consorzio Pisa Ricerche)
- William Andreazza (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Victor Andrei (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Andrzej Andrejczuk (University of Bialystok)
- Antonello Andreone (University of Naples Federico II)
- Pablo Andreu Muñoz (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Alberto Andrighetto
- Co-author in The SPES target ion source automated storage system
Federico Anelli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Deepa Angal-Kalinin
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Design of a broadband modular permanent magnet electron energy spectrometer for FEBE
- Author in Design of an electron energy spectrometer and energy selector for laser-plasma driven beams at EPAC
- Author in Electron beam test facilities for novel applications
- Co-author in An introduction to the UK XFEL conceptual design and options analysis
- Co-author in Copper photocathodes for the modified 10 Hz gun on the CLARA accelerator
Maria Elena Angoletta
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Operation and New Capabilities of CERN's Digital LLRF Family for Injectors
- Co-author in Conceptual design of a compact synchrotron-based facility for cancer therapy and biomedical research with helium and proton beams
- Co-author in Performance of the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with lead ions in 2022
Julien Angot
(Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
- Co-author in SEISM: 60 GHz ECR ion source for future accelerator
Petr Anisimov
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Benchmarking HPSim with the LANSCE Linac
- Author in Emittance compensation in a high charge TOPGUN photoinjector
- Author in Update on the status of the C-band high gradient program at LANL
- Co-author in C-band photoinjector radiofrequency cavity design for enhanced beam generation
- Co-author in Novel diagnostics for measuring 4D beam matrix
- Antoine Ansel (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Sergey Antipov (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Alain Antoine
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in The Personnel Access System for FAIR
- Claire Antoine (Université Paris-Saclay)
Loris Antoniazzi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Construction, assembly and measurements of the SPES RFQ
- Co-author in First installation of the upgraded vacuum control system for ALPI accelerator
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in Upgrade of the ALPI low and medium beta RF control system
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Piergiorgio Antonini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Fanouria Antoniou (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Evan Antoniuk (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Tom Antonsen
(University of Maryland, College Park)
- Author in Adjoint optimization of circular lattices
- Author in Adjoint perturbations and their applications to the design of vacuum RF sources
- Author in Optimizing the discovery of underlying nonlinear beam dynamics and moment evolution
- Author in Optimizing the discovery of underlying nonlinear beam dynamics and moment evolution
- Co-author in Demonstration of Flat/Round Transformations of Angular Momentum and Space Charge Dominated Electron Beams
- Chiara Antuono (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Tsuyoshi Aoki (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Gema Aparicio Cantalapiedra (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Giorgio Apollinari (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Marco Apollonio (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Andrea Apollonio (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Ivan Aponte (Nevada National Security Site)
Robert Appleby
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Co-author in A novel large energy acceptance beamline for hadron therapy
- Co-author in A Novel Large Energy Acceptance Beamline for Hadron Therapy
- Co-author in Electron-bunch manipulation at 400GHz for compression, de-chirping, acceleration and synchronisation of femtosecond bunches.
- Co-author in Impact of Crab Cavity RF noise on the transverse beam profiles in the HL-LHC
- Co-author in Impacts of strongly curved magnetic multipoles on compact synchrotron dynamics
- Co-author in Progress toward TURBO: a novel beam delivery system for charged particle therapy
- Co-author in Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
- Co-author in Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
- Joshua Appleby (Diamond Light Source)
Oznur Apsimon
(The University of Liverpool)
- Co-author in Driver-witness configuration in CNT array-based acceleration
- Co-author in Driver-Witness Configuration in CNT Array-Based Acceleration
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic model for particle beam-driven wakefield in carbon nanotubes
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic Model for Particle Beam-Driven Wakefield in Carbon Nanotubes
- Co-author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Co-author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Co-author in Simulation study of betatron radiation for perturbed beams in plasma
- Co-author in TeV/m acceleration in laser-graphene interactions
Robert Apsimon
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Co-author in A low energy linac solution for 3D scanning applications
- Co-author in Fast RF tracking functions
- Andy Aquila (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Masatoshi Arai (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Sakae Araki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Mizuki Aramaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Frederik Arbeiter (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Nicolas Arbor (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
- Aaron Archuleta (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Gianluigi Arduini (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Mattias Årehult (European Spallation Source)
Theodoros Argyropoulos
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Experimental confirmation of the impedance reduction campaign in the CERN SPS
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
- Co-author in Validation of control loop modeling for power limitation studies with beams for HL-LHC
- Hidehiko Arima (Kyushu University)
- Robert Ariniello (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Iratxe Ariz (Fundación TEKNIKER)
- Michael Arlandoo (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Felix Armborst
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Author in SLS 2.0 machine protection
- Author in Transverse Resonant Island Buckets at the SLS
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 storage ring components overview before installation
- Co-author in TRIBs simulations for SLS 2.0
- Gustavo Armenti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Gonzalo Arnau-Izquierdo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Andre Arnold
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Co-author in Experimental investigations and Simulations of Dark Current in ELBE SRF gun-II
- Co-author in Impact of Surface Cleaning on the Quantum Efficiency of Mg Photocathodes
- Co-author in Low-emittance SRF photo-injector prototype cryomodule for the LCLS-II high-energy upgrade: design and fabrication
- Michaela Arnold (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
- Ned Arnold (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Svenja Arnold (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Jonas Arnsberg (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Fernando Arranz (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Iñigo Arredondo (University of the Basque Country)
Fabio Arroyo
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
Pablo Andreas Arrutia Sota
(University of Oxford)
- Author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in Beam delivery of high-energy ion beams for irradiation experiments at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Benchmarking simulations of slow extraction driven by RF transverse excitation at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Demonstration of non-local crystal shadowing at the CERN SPS
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Investigating alternative extraction methods at MedAustron
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Production of slow extracted beams for CERN's East Area at the Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Slow extraction with octupoles at CERN proton synchrotron to improve extraction efficiency
- Alberto Arteche (Royal Holloway University of London)
- Kurt Artoos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Alexander Aryshev
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Digital LLRF feedbacks development, implementation and test at KEK LUCX facility
- Co-author in KEK LUCX facility new FPGA based LLRF phase and amplitude feedback performance report
- Co-author in Study on a self-resonating optical cavity for high-brightness Laser-Compton Scattering X-ray sources
- hosein arzandeh (Iranian Light Source Facility)
- Takao Asaka (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Takashi Asami (The University of Tokyo)
- Margarit Asatrian (Universität Hamburg)
- Gabriel Ascenção (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Elke Aschenauer (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Michael Ashe
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
- Aasma Aslam (University of New Mexico)
- Lusine Aslyan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
- Aida Asoyan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
Ralph Assmann
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Advanced accelerators for high energy physics and Snowmass AF06
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in A compact dielectric grating-based charged particle bunch length diagnostic device at ARES
- Co-author in A Compact Dielectric Grating-Based Charged Particle Bunch Length Diagnostic Device at ARES
- Co-author in Beam based alignment of focusing solenoids at ARES
- Co-author in Dark sector searches based on dielectric laser acceleration
- Co-author in EuPRAXIA and its italian construction site
- Co-author in Numerical design of a compact TE11-to-TM01 mode converter for THz-driven electron acceleration
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
Maria Denise Astorino
- Author in The new proton beam delivery line of the TOP-IMPLART accelerator
- Co-author in A compact and mobile system for breast irradiation in prone position
- Co-author in An iterative algorithm to estimate the energy spectrum of an electron beam from PDD curves
- Co-author in Electron beam qualification at ENEA Frascati particle accelerators laboratory
Foteini Asvesta
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Author in Transverse beam coupling impedance studies at the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster after the LHC Injectors Upgrade
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
- Co-author in Tailoring transverse beam characteristics with the new CERN PS booster charge-exchange injection system
- Miroslav Atanasov (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Brandon Atencio (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Adem Ateş (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Said Atieh (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Terry Atkinson (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Thomas Au (TRIUMF)
- Mia Au (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Elodie Aubert (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Bernhard Auchmann
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Alexia Augier (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Kurt Aulenbacher (Institut für Kernphysik)
- Simone Aumüller (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Martial Authier
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in Superconducting multipole triplet field measurements
- Devesh Avasthi (Inter-University Accelerator Centre)
Michele Aversano
(Nagoya University)
- Co-author in Observation of sudden beam loss in SuperKEKB
- Ignacio Aviles Santillana (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Nikolai Avreline (TRIUMF)
- Julien Avronsart (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Awal Awal (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Jerome Axensalva
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Valeri Ayvazyan (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Zakiyeh Azami (Iranian Light Source Facility)
- Nikolay Azaryan (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Zohreh Azizi (Iranian Light Source Facility)
- Oscar Azzolini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Gabriella Azzopardi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Johann Baader (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Rick Baartman (TRIUMF)
- Betiay Babacan (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Marcus Babzien
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Data analysis and control of an MeV ultrafast electron diffraction system and a photocathode laser and gun system using machine learning
- Co-author in Multi-terawatt, sub-picosecond long-wave infrared laser for next-generation particle accelerators
- Co-author in Operation the Accelerator Test Facility linac transport beamline by using Artificial Intelegence and Machine Learning Methods
Alberto Bacci
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Achromatic low energy merger for energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in Increasing the flux of a Thomson source while maintaining a narrow bandwidth by using large energy spread primary particles
- Co-author in MeV-scale simulations and fabrication tests of woodpile-based waveguide for dielectric laser accelerators
- Co-author in On positron beam dynamics an initial part of a large aperture FCC-ee capture linac
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Simulation of tapered co-propagating structures for dielectric laser accelerator
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Transfer line design for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Belkacem Bacha (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Michael Backfish (Crocker Nuclear Lab)
Laura Badano
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Inari Badillo (University of the Basque Country)
- Federica Baffigi (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica)
Daniel Bafia
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Origins of Quench in Buffered Chemical Polished and Low Temperature Baked SRF Cavities
- Co-author in Origins of quench in buffered chemical polished and low temperature baked SRF cavities
- Co-author in The collaborative effects of intrinsic and extrinsic impurities in low RRR SRF cavities
- Co-author in The Collaborative Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Impurities in Low RRR SRF Cavities
- Soumendu Bagchi (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Johannes Baggemann (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Vincent Baglin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Osmar Bagnato (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Immo Bahns (Universität Hamburg)
Johannes Bahrdt
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
Zhenghe Bai
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Analyzing and optimizing dynamic aperture based on minimizing the fluctuation of resonance driving terms
- Author in Progress on the storage ring physics design of Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF)
- Co-author in A high-current low-energy storage ring for photon-hungry applications
- Co-author in Beam injection with an anti-septum into the HALF storage ring
- Co-author in DDBA-H6ba lattice for the nanometer-emittance design of Hefei Light Source
- Co-author in Error study on Hefei Advanced Light Facility storage ring
- Co-author in Instability consideration in the presence of passive superconducting harmonic cavities
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
Sha Bai
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Beam backgrounds at the CEPC
- Bowen Bai (Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School)
- Mei Bai (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Scott Baily (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Alexander Bainbridge
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Design of a broadband modular permanent magnet electron energy spectrometer for FEBE
- Author in Design of an electron energy spectrometer and energy selector for laser-plasma driven beams at EPAC
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in Testing of a ZEPTO tuneable permanent magnet quadrupole at Diamond Light Source
- Christopher Baker (Swansea University)
Juergen Bakos
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
- Jan Balajka (Cornell University)
- Nezah Balal (Ariel University)
- bjoern balazs (KDAB, Germany)
- Luiz Balbin (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Michael Balcewicz (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Lorenzo Balconi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Maria Baldini
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Andrea Baldo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Design of the ESS DTL mechanical supports
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Bruno Balhan (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Gael Balik (Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules)
- Michele Ballan (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Amalia Ballarino
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Carlo Baltador
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Design optimization for the construction of a linear accelerator driven BNCT facility
- Co-author in Commissioning of ESS normal-conducting linac instrumentation and implications for future hadron linacs
- Co-author in Design of the ESS DTL mechanical supports
- Co-author in Optimizations of a combined RFQ cooler prototype for exotic ion beams
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Philip Bambade (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Jeffrey Bamber (The Joint Department of Physics, Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust)
- Eberhard Bamberg (Viteris Technologies LLC)
- Gilles Ban (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen)
- Julien Bancheri (McGill University)
Laura Bandiera
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Author in Techniques for fabrication of crystalline undulators as an innovative intense source of 𝛾-rays
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in New Geant4 Simulation Model of Electromagnetic Processes in Oriented Crystals and its Applications in Accelerator Physics
- Co-author in The Design of the Electron and Positron Source for CERN External Beam Lines
- Yusei Bando (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI)
- Nilanjan Banerjee (Enrico Fermi Institute)
Dipanwita Banerjee
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Thomas Gabriel Banks (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Kenneth Baptiste (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Birant Baran (Ankara University)
- Birant Baran (Ankara University)
Anna Baratto Roldan
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Lara Barazzuol (University Medical Center Groningen)
- Ziga Barba (University of Ljubljana)
- Carmelo Barbagallo (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Desmond Barber (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Moises Barbera Ramos
(Instituto Universitario de Ciencia de los Materiales)
- Author in Driver-Witness Configuration in CNT Array-Based Acceleration
- Author in Driver-witness configuration in CNT array-based acceleration
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic model for particle beam-driven wakefield in carbon nanotubes
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic Model for Particle Beam-Driven Wakefield in Carbon Nanotubes
- Charlotte Barbier (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Fabio Barbo
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0: Activities in the experimental Hall
- Andi Barbour (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Albert Barcikowski (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Axel Bardonner (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Ales Bardorfer (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia))
- Borut Baricevic (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia))
- Barry Barish (California Institute of Technology)
Walter Barkley
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Design of the photocathode plug for the CARIE RF photoinjector
- Author in Status of CARIE facility design and construction
- Author in Study on Switching from H- to H+ Beam Delivery to the Proton Radiography and Ultra Cold Neutron Facilities at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE)
- Author in Update on the status of the C-band high gradient program at LANL
- Co-author in C-band photoinjector radiofrequency cavity design for enhanced beam generation
- William Barletta (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Daniel Barna (HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
Michael Barnes
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Operational experience of a low beam coupling impedance injection kicker magnet for the CERN SPS ring
- Co-author in Beam-induced heating mitigation of the SPS kickers: a crucial upgrade to move towards HL-LHC beam intensities
- Co-author in Characterization of the longitudinal beam coupling impedance and mitigation strategy for the fast extraction kicker KFA79 in the CERN PS
- Co-author in Design of a new CERN SPS injection system via numerical optimisation
- Co-author in Measurement and characterization of a toroidal tape wound nano-crystalline core for the 40kV Inductive adder development at CERN
- Rafael Baron (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Juan Barraza
- Diego Barrientos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Simon Barriere (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Manoel Barros Marin
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Improvements on the LHC Interlock BPM system
Christian Barth
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Jonas Barth (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Winfried Barth (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Cécile Barthe-Dejean (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Matthias Barthel (barthel HF-Technik GmbH)
Wolfgang Bartmann
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Design of a new CERN SPS injection system via numerical optimisation
- Co-author in Operational experience of a low beam coupling impedance injection kicker magnet for the CERN SPS ring
- Co-author in Recent updates of the layout of the lattice of the CERN hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider
Adam Bartnik
(Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Author in Xopt: A simplified framework for optimization of accelerator problems using advanced algorithms
- Co-author in A UV Pump laser System for micro-UED at Cornell
- Co-author in High angular magnification for accessing structural information in Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
- Co-author in Reconstructing 4D source momentum space via aperture scans
Riccardo Bartolini
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Co-author in Cross-talk between magnets in the H6BA-cell of PETRA IV
- Co-author in Motorized girder realignment test in the PETRA III storage ring
- Co-author in Status of the PETRA IV electromagnets
- Sonia Bartolome-Jimenez (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Hannes Bartosik
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the first run of High Luminosity LHC
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in Harmonics of 50 Hz on the beam spectrum of the Large Hadron Collider
- Co-author in Head-tail mode zero instability growth rate studies in the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Impact of Vibration to HL-LHC Performance During the FPF Facility Construction
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Investigations of losses on the CERN SPS flat bottom with HL-LHC type beams
- Co-author in Status of the beam-based measurement of the skew-sextupolar component of the radio frequency field of a HL-LHC-type crab-cavity
- Co-author in Tailoring transverse beam characteristics with the new CERN PS booster charge-exchange injection system
- Co-author in Transverse instabilities at injection energy in the CERN-SPS: lessons learned during high intensity studies
- Nazar Bartosik (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Roberto Baruzzo (CINEL)
Emanuela Barzi
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in High Energy & High Luminosity Gamma Gamma Colliders
- Author in The need for Nb3Sn coated Cu cavities for future accelerators
- Author in What is needed for BISCO to work in a dipole insert for 20 tesla hybrid accelerator magnets
- Co-author in 20 T dipole magnet based on hybrid hts/lts cos-theta coils with stress management
- Co-author in Large-aperture high-field NB3SN magnets for the 2nd EIC interaction region
- shree subhasish basak (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Thomas Bass
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Benchmarking simulations of slow extraction driven by RF transverse excitation at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Beam delivery of high-energy ion beams for irradiation experiments at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Production of slow extracted beams for CERN's East Area at the Proton Synchrotron
- Silvano Bassanese (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Gabriele Bassi
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Analytical formulae for the longitudinal impedance of two parallel layers with arbitrary complex permittivity and permeability
- Author in Bunch lengthening by a third-harmonic cavity in a low-emittance ring
- Author in Study of the combined effect of intrabeam scattering and impedance in a low-emittance ring
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Markus Basten (Helmholtz Institute Mainz)
- Miguel Bastos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Joseph Bateman
(John Adams Institute)
- Author in A novel fibre optic monitor for VHEE UHDR beam monitoring: first tests at CLEAR
- Author in A Novel Fibre Optic Monitor for VHEE UHDR Beam Monitoring: First Tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Development of reliable VHEE/FLASH passive dosimetry methods and procedures at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
- Co-author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in VHEE and ultra high dose rate radiotherapy studies in the CLEAR user facility
- Laury Batista (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Fabian Batsch (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Andrea Battistella (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Alex Battistello
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
Yuri Batygin
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in High-energy beamline for delivering H- laser stripped proton beam to LANSCE experimental area
- Author in Novel multi-beam front end for LANSCE accelerator facility
- Co-author in Electromagnetic and beam dynamics modeling of the LANSCE coupled-cavity linac with CST studio
- Co-author in High-gradient accelerating structures for proton radiography booster linac
- Co-author in LANSCE Accelerator Modernisation Project Studies at LANL
- Co-author in Symplectic neural surrogate models for beam dynamics
Jeremie Bauche
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Cedric Baud (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Lucie Baudin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Philippe Baudrenghien
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Beam loading compensation in the CERN SPS 200 MHz cavities. Measurements and comparison with expectations
- Co-author in SPS bunch-by-bunch phase measurement in the CERn SPS low level RF
- Co-author in The CERN SPS Low Level RF feedback with amplitude and frequency modulation
- Co-author in The CERN SPS Low Level RF: embedded acquisition system for the Cavity-Controller and Beam-Control commissioning and diagnostics
- Felix Baum (TRUMPF Huettinger GmbH)
Eric Baussan
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
- Co-author in The ESSvSB+ project
- Panagiotis Baxevanis (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Maud Baylac (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
- Hervé Bayle (Bergoz Instrumentation (France))
Elsa Baynard
(Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie)
- Co-author in Online spatio-temporal couplings monitoring diagnostics for laser-plasma accelerator driver
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Ivan Bazarov (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Nicolas Bazin (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
Reza Bazrafshan
(Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) and Center for Free Electron Science (CFEL))
- Author in Broad range single-shot electron energy spectrometer for THz driven booster accelerator using an in-vacuum tunable dipole magnet
- Author in Compact electron beam transport system of AXSIS THz-driven electron accelerator employing adjustable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole
- Author in Development of a compact half-cell RF photocathode gun for single-shot keV ultrafast electron diffraction with femtosecond resolution
- Co-author in Compact Single-Side-Pumped Terahertz-Driven Booster Accelerator
- Dmitry Bazyl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Armando Bazzani
(University of Bologna)
- Author in Analysis of a double-resonance crossing for beam splitting
- Author in Modelling the experimental data for long-range beam-beam wire compensators at the CERN LHC with diffusive models
- Author in Numerical simulations of transverse nonlinear beam manipulations at the CERN PS
- Author in Recent measurements and analyses of the beam-halo dynamics at the CERN LHC using collimator scans
- Author in The adiabatic theory of the nonlinear coupling resonance crossing in circular accelerators
- Giulia Bazzano (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- Brian Beaudoin (University of Maryland, College Park)
- James Bebbington (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Santiago Becerril-Jarque (Universidad de Granada)
Nicolas Béchu
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Arnaud Beck (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet)
- William Beeckman (SIGMAPHI S.A.)
Mostafa Behtouei
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Studies of FCC-ee single bunch instabilities with an updated impedance model
- Judita Beinortaite (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Philippe Belanger
(University of British Columbia & TRIUMF)
- Author in Beam-beam long-range wire compensators in LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Analytic calculations of RDT and detuning generated by beam-beam collisions and wire correctors
- Co-author in Electrostatic dust lofting: a possible cause for beam losses at CERN’s LHC
- Co-author in Potential and constraints of a beam-beam wire compensator in the HL-LHC era
- John Bell (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Ignasi Bellafont (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
Luca Bellan
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Beam transfer lines design study for 30-40 mA proton beam for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy facility
- Author in Design optimization for the construction of a linear accelerator driven BNCT facility
- Author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in Alvarez drift tube linac for medical applications in the framework of HITRIplus project
- Co-author in Demonstration of Beam Emittance Optimization using Reinforcement Learning
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in Optimizations of a combined RFQ cooler prototype for exotic ion beams
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Andrea Bellandi (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Marco Bellato (INFN- Sez. di Padova)
Marco Bellaveglia
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Maurizio Belli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Hugo Bello (La Romanica)
- Giulia Bellodi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Jonathan Bellon
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in Design Study of button BPMs for the EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Electron Storage Ring Collimation and Abort System design for the Electron Ion Collider
- Co-author in FELICIA – A probe to survey the RHIC magnet beampipe diameter for EIC beam screen insertion
- Sergey Belomestnykh (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Antonio Beltramin (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Chris Beltran (Mayo Clinic)
Chamseddine Benabderrahmane
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Mini-beta optics for the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdillah (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Vittorio Bencini
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Beam characterization and optimisation for AWAKE 18 MeV electron line
- Author in Design of the new 18 MeV electron injection line for AWAKE Run2c
- Co-author in Automating beam dump failure detection using computer vision
- Co-author in Design of a new CERN SPS injection system via numerical optimisation
- Co-author in EARLI: design of a laser wakefield accelerator for AWAKE
Filippo Bencivenga
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
Tina Bencivenga
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Design of the ESS DTL mechanical supports
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
Gabriele Benedetti
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Author in AC excitation studies for full coupling operation
- Author in Progress on the 6BA lattice for ALBA-II
- Co-author in ALBA beam lifetime optimization using RCDS
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Co-author in ALBA-II first tolerance studies
Carlo Benedetti
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Plasma-accelerator-based linear beam cooling systems
Elena Benedetto
(South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies)
- Author in Innovations in the Next Generation Medical Accelerators for Therapy with Ion Beams
- Author in Strongly Curved Super-Conducting Magnets: Beam Optics Modeling and Field Quality
- Author in Strongly curved super-conducting magnets: beam optics modeling and field quality
- Co-author in Conceptual design of a compact synchrotron-based facility for cancer therapy and biomedical research with helium and proton beams
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Impacts of strongly curved magnetic multipoles on compact synchrotron dynamics
- Co-author in Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
- Co-author in Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
- Co-author in Slow extraction with octupoles at CERN proton synchrotron to improve extraction efficiency
Michael Benedikt
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Recent updates of the layout of the lattice of the CERN hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Andrei Benediktovitch (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Rachid Ben El Fekih (Synchrotron soleil)
Jay Benesch
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Magnetic design of the commutational magnet and quadrupoles for PERLE accelerator
- Co-author in Magnetic Design of the Commutational Magnet and Quadrupoles for PERLE Accelerator
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
Johan Bengtsson
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Robust design of modern Chasman-Green lattices – a geometric control theory approach
- Author in Withdrawn; see below.
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Co-author in Describing curved magnetic fields
- Co-author in Progress on Thor SCSI development
- Co-author in Status of online model developments for BESSY II
- Co-author in Update on the lattice design process of BESSY III: towards a baseline lattice
- Daniela Benini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Christopher Benjamin
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Ultra-thin film yttria enhanced gold photocathodes
- Author in V3Si Thin Films for SRF Applications
- Co-author in Characterisation facilities for evaluating superconducting thin films for SRF cavities
- Co-author in Deposition of NbTiN and NbN on 6 GHz seamless copper cavity
- Co-author in Using HiPIMS to Deposit V3Si Super Conducting Thin Films of Single Target Deposition
- Stephen Benson (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
J. Berg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in A Double Bend Achromat Hybrid Pulsed Synchrotron Lattice for Accelerating Muons to 5 TeV
- Author in A Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Lattice Design for Acceleration to energies as high as 5 TeV
- Author in Calibration of the Main Linac Cryomodule Cavities for the CBETA Energy Recovery Linac
- Author in Choosing Cavity Voltages and Phases for the CBETA Multi-Pass Energy Recovery Linac
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Lattice design for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Lattice design for the interaction region of the electron-ion collider
- Author in Synchronizing the timing of the electron and Hadron storage rings in the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Beam optics update for EIC HSR-IR2
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Design and simulation of EIC IR orbit control system
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Lattice optimization for Electron Ion Collider Hadron storage ring injection
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
- Co-author in Status of MAD-X V5.09
- Co-author in Transition jump system of the hadron storage ring of the electron ion collider
- William Berg (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Michele Bergamaschi (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
William Bergan
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Beam optics update for EIC HSR-IR2
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Design and optimization of an ERL for cooling EIC hadron beams
Alexander Bergmann
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Vacuum design of the Super-FRS at FAIR
- Uwe Bergmann (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Matthew Bergstrom (European Spallation Source)
- Lily Berman (University of Strathclyde)
- Santiago Bernal (University of Maryland, College Park)
- Ana Bernardes (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Davide Bernardi (ENEA Brasimone Research Centre)
- John Bernardin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Marzia Bernardini (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Pierre-Emmanuel Bernaudin
(Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Co-author in Commissioning and operation of the SPIRAL2 SC linac
Axel Bernhard
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Magnetic field measurements and radiation simulation for a superconducting transverse-gradient undulator
- Co-author in A short-length transport line for laser-plasma accelerators using HTS periodic magnets
- Co-author in Application of three families of sextupoles at the KARA ring of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Co-author in Damage experiment with superconducting sample coils - experimental setup and observations during beam impact
- Co-author in Damage Experiment with Superconducting Sample Coils - Experimental Setup and Observations during Beam Impact
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and measurement of a normal conducting quadrupole for a laser-plasma-accelerator-based beam transport line
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Investigations on NbTi superconducting racetrack coils under pulsed-current excitations
- Co-author in Scaling fixed-field alternating gradient-type magnets for transportation of laser-plasma accelerator electron beams
Johannes Bernhard
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Absolute Calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Assessment of beam-intercepting device robustness for intensity increase in CERN’s North Area
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Co-author in Target systems design for a high intensity facility in the CERN's ECN3 area
Paolo Berrutti
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Plasma cleaning efforts at Fermilab
Gilles Berruyer
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in XH Detector integration with LImA
- Robert Berry (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
Kyle Berry
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
- Valentina Bertana (ChiLab ¿ Materials and Microsystems Laboratory)
Alessandro Bertarelli
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam-beam long range compensator mechanical demonstrator
- Co-author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Potential and constraints of a beam-beam wire compensator in the HL-LHC era
- Co-author in SWELL 1.3 GHz Cavity fabrication approach and machining
- Emmanuel Berthome (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Vincent Bertrand
- Co-author in Latest PANTECHNIK’s ECR ion sources performances
Michele Bertucci
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Status of a low-energy electron TRAnsverse Momentum Measurement device (TRAMM) at INFN LASA
- Drew Bertwistle (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
- Umberto Berzano (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
Maria Ilaria Besana
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 machine protection
- Stephane Bethuys (THALES Avionics France SAS)
- Douglas Bett (John Adams Institute)
- Simona Bettoni (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Christine Betz
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in The Personnel Access System for FAIR
Tony Beukers
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Design of the pseudo single bunch mode in SPEAR3
- Martin Beye (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Martin Beyer (TRUMPF Huettinger GmbH)
- Oleksandr Bezditko (National Science Centre)
Oleksii Beznosov
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Symplectic neural surrogate models for beam dynamics
- Harish Bhandari (Radiation Monitoring Devices (United States))
- Bijan Bhandari (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- JungBae Bhang (Kyungpook National University)
- Pushpalatha Bhat (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Sumit Bhattacharya (Argonne National Laboratory)
Anirban Bhattacharyya
(European Spallation Source)
- Author in Calibration of LLRF Systems at ESS
- Author in Estimation of Hot S-parameters of Power Amplifiers at ESS
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Co-author in Results of the elliptical cryomodule qualification at the ESS TS2
- Priyadarshini Bhattacharyya (Arizona State University)
Angelo Biagioni
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
Baoyuan Bian
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Design and experimental research of UHV flanges for the Hefei Advanced Light Facility
- Author in Finite element analysis for NEG coated vacuum chamber based on ANSYS Workbench
- Author in Finite element analysis for NEG coated vacuum chamber based on ANSYS Workbench
- Author in Study on the vacuum properties of laser-etched oxygen-free copper
- Author in Study on the vacuum properties of laser-etched oxygen-free copper
Nicolo Biancacci
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Advancements in injection efficiency modelling for the Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) at CERN
- Co-author in Overview of material choices for HL-LHC collimators
- Co-author in Performance of the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with lead ions in 2022
- Co-author in Towards optics measurements with a new LEIR BPM system
- Roberta Bianco (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Anna Bianco (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Niels Bidault (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Sandra Biedron
(University of New Mexico)
- Author in Summary of the 3rd ICFA Beam Dynamics Mini-Workshop on Machine Learning Applications for Particle Accelerators
- Co-author in Data analysis and control of an MeV ultrafast electron diffraction system and a photocathode laser and gun system using machine learning
- Co-author in Electromagnetic simulation of LANSCE chopper structure
- Co-author in Gradient descent optimization and resonance control of superconducting RF cavities
- Co-author in HPC modelling of a high-gradient C-Band LINAC for applications including hard X-Ray FREE-Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Study of noise impact on AI-based ptychography for beam characterization
- Bartosz Przemyslaw Bielawski (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Serge Bielawski (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules)
Michael Bieler
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Motorized girder realignment test in the PETRA III storage ring
- Co-author in PETRA III operation and studies in 2022
- Andrea Bignami (European Spallation Source)
Shalva Bilanishvili
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Capacitive BPM electromagnetic design optimisation
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Suheyla Bilgen (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Kacper Bilko
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Overview of total ionizing dose levels in the Large Hadron Collider during 2022 restart
- Co-author in Beam delivery of high-energy ion beams for irradiation experiments at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Co-author in Production of slow extracted beams for CERN's East Area at the Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
- Co-author in Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
- Simone Bini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Thomas Birke (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Thomas Birtwistle (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Caterina Biscari (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
Kip Bishofberger
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Additive manufacturing of copper RF structures for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in LANSCE Accelerator Modernisation Project Studies at LANL
- Co-author in Novel multi-beam front end for LANSCE accelerator facility
- Co-author in Test facility supporting modernization of the LANSCE front end
- Danilo Bisiach (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia))
- Giovanni Bisoffi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Maria Giuseppina Bisogni (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Mark Bissell (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Enzo Bissiato (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- SHRISTI BIST (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies)
- Jyoti Biswas (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- David Bizzozero (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Victoria Bjelland (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jonas Björklund Svensson (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Frederic Blache (Synchrotron soleil)
- Ian Blackler (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Frédéric Blanc (Amplitude Systèmes (France))
- Cesar Blanch Gutierrez (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Oscar Blanco-García
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Author in Scaling of hybrid multi bend lattice cells
- Author in Status of the SOLEIL II robustness studies
- Co-author in TDR baseline lattice for SOLEIL II upgrade project
Michael Blaskiewicz
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Effect of electron orbit ripple on proton emittance growth in EIC
- Co-author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Effect of oxygen and other impurities on copper coating conductivity at cryogenic temperatures
- Co-author in Microwave instability threshold from coherent wiggler radiation impedance in storage rings
- Co-author in Multibunch Instabilities with Stepped Airbag Bunches
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Progress on the electron ion collider’s RCS RF ramp development
- Co-author in Revisit the effects of 10 Hz orbit oscillation in the relativistic heavy ion collider
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Neven Blaskovic Kraljevic (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Thomas Blassick (Richardson Electronics Ltd)
- Milosz Blaszkiewicz (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Klaus Blaum (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
- Joerg Blaurock (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research)
Alexei Blednykh
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Microwave instability threshold from coherent wiggler radiation impedance in storage rings
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in Design Study of button BPMs for the EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Haissinski distribution of electron beam in Electron-Ion Collider and its impact on the Hadron beam
- Arno Bleeker (ASML (Netherlands))
- Alexander Bleile (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Robert Blick (Universität Hamburg)
- Guido Blokesch (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
Ben Blomberg
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in High-rate radiation damage studies of materials with heavy ion beams
- Co-author in AI-ML developments for Heavy Ion Linac operations
- Co-author in ATLAS operations shift log software upgrade and implementation
- Co-author in Automated Faraday cup readings at ATLAS
- Co-author in Development and commissioning of a new materials irradiation station at ATLAS
- Eddy Blomley (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Edmund Blomley
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in A low-latency feedback system for the control of horizontal betatron oscillations
- Co-author in Online fit of an analytical response matrix model for orbit correction and optical function measurement
- Co-author in Systematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
- Alain Blondel (University of Geneva)
- Greg Blume (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Fulvio Boattini
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in A two harmonics circuit for the powering of the very fast RCS (Rapid Cycling Synchrotron) of the muon collider accelerator
- Co-author in Magnets for a muon collider
- Co-author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
- Andrea Boccardi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Patrice Bocher (SIGMAPHI S.A.)
- Dariusz Bocian (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Dominique Bodart (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Ryan Bodenstein
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
- Ileana Bodini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Josef Boehm (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Michael Boese (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Alex Bogacz
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in Beam study on low dispersion CEBAF arcs
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Lattice design of 250 MeV version of Perle
- Co-author in Magnetic design of the commutational magnet and quadrupoles for PERLE accelerator
- Co-author in Magnetic Design of the Commutational Magnet and Quadrupoles for PERLE Accelerator
- Co-author in Modeling of standing wave RF cavities for tracking through multi-pass energy recovery linac
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Re-design of CEBAF optics for ER@CEBAF
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
- Alessio Bogani (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Michael Böge (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Anton Bogomyagkov (Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Daniel Böhlick (Berliner Elektronenspeichering-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H.)
- Roland Böhm (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Jen Bohon
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
- Steven Boi (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Romana Boiger
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in Non-invasive bunch length reconstruction in linacs
Oliver Boine-Frankenheim
(Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Co-author in FAIR completion of construction works, towards commissioning and first science
- Co-author in Identification of Magnetic Field Errors in Synchrotrons based on Deep Lie Map Networks
- Co-author in Identification of magnetic field errors in synchrotrons based on deep lie map networks
- Co-author in Instability mitigation using octupoles in bunches with space-charge
- Co-author in Landau damping with a transversely gaussian pulsed electron lens
- Co-author in Simulations of the compact transverse-deflecting system for ultra-short electron bunch diagnostic
- Co-author in Status of thermomechanical studies of the SIS100 emergency beam dump system
- Jürgen Böker (Varian Medical Systems Particle Therapy GmbH)
- Mark Boland (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
Trudy Bolin
(University of New Mexico)
- Author in Data analysis and control of an MeV ultrafast electron diffraction system and a photocathode laser and gun system using machine learning
- Author in HPC modelling of a high-gradient C-Band LINAC for applications including hard X-Ray FREE-Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Electromagnetic simulation of LANSCE chopper structure
Dan Bollinger
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Ion Beam Distribution in the FNAL LEBT
- Samuel Bolton (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Benoit Bolzon (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Luca Bomben (INGV Sezione di Milano)
- Danilo Bonanno (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Alexandre Bonatto
(Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre)
- Co-author in Driver-witness configuration in CNT array-based acceleration
- Co-author in Driver-Witness Configuration in CNT Array-Based Acceleration
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic Model for Particle Beam-Driven Wakefield in Carbon Nanotubes
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic model for particle beam-driven wakefield in carbon nanotubes
- Co-author in TeV/m acceleration in laser-graphene interactions
- Luca Bonaventura (Politecnico di Milano)
Massimiliano Bonesso
(INFN- Sez. di Padova)
- Author in Laser powder bed fusion of CuCrZr for nuclear fusion acceleration components
- Co-author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Implementation of the Additive Manufacturing for metals approach: the production of the acceleration grids for DTT NBI project
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of pure niobium for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Predictive capabilities in CFD simulations of additively manufactured extraction grid cooling channels for the DTT NBI system
Massimo Bonezzi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
- Norbert Bongers (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Roberto Bonifazi (Co.Me.B. SrL)
- Matthias Bonora (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Cristian Bontoiu
(University of Liverpool)
- Author in TeV/m acceleration in laser-graphene interactions
- Co-author in Driver-witness configuration in CNT array-based acceleration
- Co-author in Driver-Witness Configuration in CNT Array-Based Acceleration
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic Model for Particle Beam-Driven Wakefield in Carbon Nanotubes
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic model for particle beam-driven wakefield in carbon nanotubes
- Marco Bonura (University of Geneva)
Stewart Boogert
(John Adams Institute)
- Co-author in BDSIM v1.7.0 developments for the modelling of accelerators and their environment
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Co-author in Start-to-end tracking of therapeutic ion beams in BDSIM
Prach Boonpornprasert
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of an electron beam for magnetic bunch compressor commissioning at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Supan Boonsuya (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Sarawut Bootiew (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
Jan Borburgh
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of a compact synchrotron-based facility for cancer therapy and biomedical research with helium and proton beams
- Co-author in Design of a new CERN SPS injection system via numerical optimisation
- Co-author in Design optimization of the water-cooled coil for the LEIR extraction septum
- Co-author in Optimization of mechanical robustness in the booster injection bumpers
- Co-author in Protection of extraction septa during asynchronous beam dumps in HL-LHC operation
- Philipp Borchard (Dymenso (United States))
- Bernardo Bordini (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Walther Borg
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Andrea Borghini (Consorzio Pisa Ricerche)
- Ayla Borglund (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Fabio Borgognoni (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- Daniele Borille (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Michael Borland (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Robert Borner (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jorg Borninkhof (Berliner Elektronenspeichering-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H.)
- Marça Boronat (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Pawel Borowiec
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
Damiano Bortolato
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in The IFMIF RFQ as a resonant combiner: equivalent circuit and operational scenarios
- Co-author in Demonstration of Beam Emittance Optimization using Reinforcement Learning
- Co-author in First installation of the upgraded vacuum control system for ALPI accelerator
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in Upgrade of the ALPI low and medium beta RF control system
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Silva Bortolussi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Boris Borts (National Science Centre)
- Lucia Boscagli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Maurizio Boscardin (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Fabio Bosco
(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in A Space Charge Forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in A space charge forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Effects of bulk material properties on RF surface resistivity
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in Temperature stability in CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG)
- Alessio Bosco (Royal Holloway University of London)
- Anibal Boscoboinik (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Manuela Boscolo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in Estimated heat load and proposed cooling system in the FCC-ee Interaction region beam pipe
- Co-author in First studies of final focus quadrupoles vibrations of the z lattice of FCC-ee
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Filippo Bosi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Pierre Bosland
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Co-author in Gamma diagnostic development for ESS cryomodule prototypes in CEA Saclay
- Co-author in Reverse engineering on IPHI RFQ
Angelo Bosotti
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
- Co-author in Status of a low-energy electron TRAnsverse Momentum Measurement device (TRAMM) at INFN LASA
- Ralph Bospflug (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Mary Bossard (University of Chicago)
- Stefan Both (Particle Therapy Research Center)
Paolo Bottin
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Design of the ESS DTL mechanical supports
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
Luca Bottura
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in A two harmonics circuit for the powering of the very fast RCS (Rapid Cycling Synchrotron) of the muon collider accelerator
- Co-author in Conceptual design of a compact synchrotron-based facility for cancer therapy and biomedical research with helium and proton beams
- Co-author in Magnets for a muon collider
- Co-author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
- Manon Boucard (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Antoine Boucherie (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Lewis Boulton (Cockcroft Institute)
Frédéric Bouly
(Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
- Co-author in Detailed design studies of the high energy beam transport line of the Minerva Project at SCK CEN
- Co-author in Development of a Tool for Cavity Failure Compensation in Superconducting Linacs: Progress and Comparative Study
- Co-author in Double achromat solution with a dedicated collimation system for the MEBT-3 section of MYRRHA
- Co-author in Multipactor studies for the FCC–ee superconducting swell cavities
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Elian Bouquerel (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
Michael Bousonville
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Energy saving measures in the high-power RF system of the European XFEL
- Co-author in Development of single mode cavity at 1.5 GHz for the third harmonic RF-system in PETRA IV
- Co-author in Optimization of klystron drive signal and HV shape to reduce energy consumption during operation of the European XFEL
- Plamen Boutachkov (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Sebastien Boutet (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Francois Bouvet (Synchrotron soleil)
- Gordon Bowden (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Javier Boyer
(ALBA Synchrotron Light Source)
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Gregory Boyle (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Michael Boyle (L-3 Electron Devices)
Lars Bozyk
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in Cryogenic surfaces in a room temperature SIS18 ion catcher
- Co-author in Room temperature vacuum chamber with cryogenic installations
- Co-author in SIS18 operation and recent development
- Co-author in Superconducting magnets for SIS100 at FAIR – status update
- Co-author in Technological features and status of the new heavy ions synchrotron SIS100 at FAIR
- Mario Bozza (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Michele Bozzolan (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Saverio Braccini
(Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics)
- Co-author in A novel fiber-optic beam monitor
Chiara Bracco
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Design development and R&D for CERN’s HL-LHC external beam dump
- Co-author in Energy deposition challenges for the HL-LHC beam dump
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in Protection of extraction septa during asynchronous beam dumps in HL-LHC operation
- Co-author in Tailoring transverse beam characteristics with the new CERN PS booster charge-exchange injection system
Roberto Bracco
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Insertion device developments for Elettra 2.0
Axel Brachmann
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in LCLS-II commissioning results
- Joseph Bradley III (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Benjamin Bradu (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Anthony Braido (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Gabriele Brajnik (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Beatriz Branas Lasala (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Sytze Brandenburg (Particle Therapy Research Center)
- Fernando Brandi (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica)
- John Brandt (Enrico Fermi Institute)
- Simon Braner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Julien Branlard
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in A MTCA.4-based resonance controller for superconducting cavities
- Co-author in An upgraded universal frequency divider module for the new FLASH2020+ RF reference generation system
- Co-author in Optimization of klystron drive signal and HV shape to reduce energy consumption during operation of the European XFEL
- Peter Braschoss IV (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Vladimir Bratman (Ariel University)
- Adrian Brauch (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Guillermo Brauchli (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Hans-Heinrich Braun (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Peter Braunius (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Enrico Bravin
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
- Kai Brede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Elizabeth Breen
(Old Dominion University)
- Author in Simulations of radiation reaction in inverse Compton scattering
- Author in Simulations of Radiation Reaction in Inverse Compton Sources
- Co-author in Numerical simulations of radiation reaction using Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac formalism
- Co-author in Scattered spectra from inverse Compton sources operating at high laser fields and high electron energies
- Giuseppe Bregliozzi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Bernd Breitkreutz (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Ziga Brencic (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Joseph Brennan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Erminia Bressi (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Damien Brethoux (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Jonas Breunlin
(MAX IV Laboratory)
- Author in First results of the multipole injection kicker in the MAX IV 1.5 GeV ring
- Author in Photon beam stability and XBPMs at the MAX IV storage ring light source
- Co-author in Recent progress at the UV to visible light-based diagnostic beam lines at MAX IV
- Co-author in Time-resolved measurement and simulation of a longitudinal single-bunch instability at the MAX IV 3 GeV ring
- Frank Brinker (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Reinhard Brinkmann
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Ylenia Brischetto (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Thierry Brochard
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Off-energy operation of a HMBA lattice
- Krzysztof Brodzinski (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Daniel Broemmelsiek
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in IOTA Proton Injector Beamline Installation
- Co-author in Strongly tapered helical undulator system for FAST-GREENS installation
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
Giacomo Broggi
(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Author in Beam dynamics studies for the FCC-ee collimation system design
- Author in Studies of layout and cleaning performance for the FCC-ee collimation system
- Co-author in Beam absorbing material candidates for primary collimators for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Francesco Broggi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Stephan Brons
(Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum)
- Co-author in Beam properties beyond the therapeutic range at HIT
Stephen Brooks
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in FFA magnet prototype for high intensity pulsed proton driver
- Author in Non-scaling fixed-field proton accelerator with constant tunes
- Author in Open-midplane gradient permanent magnet with 1.53 T peak field
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
Miriam Brosi
(MAX IV Laboratory)
- Author in Time-resolved measurement and simulation of a longitudinal single-bunch instability at the MAX IV 3 GeV ring
- Co-author in Recent progress at the UV to visible light-based diagnostic beam lines at MAX IV
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- David Broughton (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Oleg Brovko
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
Kevin Brown
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Summary of the 3rd ICFA Beam Dynamics Mini-Workshop on Machine Learning Applications for Particle Accelerators
- Co-author in AGS booster beam-based main quadrupole transfer function measurements
- Co-author in Bayesian optimization calibration of ionization profile monitor at the AGS complex
- Co-author in Initial results of applying an autoencoder to detect anomalies in the air conditioning systems of the Brookhaven accelerator complex
- Co-author in Machine learning applications for orbit and optics correction at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron
- Nigel Browning (University of Liverpool)
- Lidia brozda (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Quentin Bruant (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
Roderik Bruce
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Analysis of orbit measurements with the new High Luminosity LHC collimator beam position monitors in the LHC run 3
- Author in Collimation system for the updated FCC-hh design baseline
- Author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Author in Studies of layout and cleaning performance for the FCC-ee collimation system
- Author in Update on the High Luminosity LHC collimation performance with proton beams
- Co-author in Beam absorbing material candidates for primary collimators for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Beam dynamics studies for the FCC-ee collimation system design
- Co-author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Commissioning strategies of hollow electron lens residual kick compensation
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
- Co-author in Optimizing Pb beam losses at the LHCb for maximum luminosity
- Co-author in Overview of material choices for HL-LHC collimators
- Co-author in Power deposition studies for betatron halo losses in HL-LHC
- Co-author in Recent updates of the layout of the lattice of the CERN hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider
- Co-author in Simulations and measurements of collisional losses with Pb beams at the LHC
Markus Brugger
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Absolute Calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Assessment of beam-intercepting device robustness for intensity increase in CERN’s North Area
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Co-author in Target systems design for a high intensity facility in the CERN's ECN3 area
- David Bruhwiler (RadiaSoft (United States))
Max Bruker
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in A 5 MeV Compton transmission polarimeter designed for a SRF photogun
- Co-author in A Compton transmission polarimeter for DC and SRF electron photo-injectors
- Co-author in CEBAF Injector Model for K-Long bunch charge at 200 kV
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
Erik Bründermann
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Realization of an Energy System-Informed Digital Twin of the KARA Accelerator at KIT in a Real-Time Simulation Environment: the ACCESS Project
- Co-author in A low-latency feedback system for the control of horizontal betatron oscillations
- Co-author in Bayesian Optimization for SASE Tuning at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Beam Trajectory Control with Lattice-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning
- Co-author in Beam trajectory control with lattice-agnostic reinforcement learning
- Co-author in Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
- Co-author in Enhancing the sensitivity of the electro-optical far-field experiment for measuring CSR at KARA
- Co-author in First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
- Co-author in Investigations on NbTi superconducting racetrack coils under pulsed-current excitations
- Co-author in Online fit of an analytical response matrix model for orbit correction and optical function measurement
- Co-author in Prospects for photon science and beam dynamics studies of a THz undulator at FLUTE
- Co-author in Simulations of the compact transverse-deflecting system for ultra-short electron bunch diagnostic
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Systematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
- Co-author in Towards fiber optics-guided synchrotron radiation-based longitudinal beam diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
- Co-author in Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
Pascale Brunelle
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Co-author in TDR baseline lattice for SOLEIL II upgrade project
- Laurent Brunetti (Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules)
Gabriel Brunheira
(Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials)
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
Christelle Bruni
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in TWAC : EIC Pathfinder Open European project on Novel dielectric acceleration
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Lattice design of 250 MeV version of Perle
- Co-author in Modeling of standing wave RF cavities for tracking through multi-pass energy recovery linac
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Co-author in Surrogate Model for Linear Accelerator: A fast Neural Network approximation of ThomX's simulator
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Oliver Brüning (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Olivier Brunner (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Alexander Brynes (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Wolfgang Bubeck
(Universität Stuttgart - Institut für Steuerungstechnik der Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungseinrichtungen)
- Co-author in Using TSN for accelerator control systems
- Emma Buchanan (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
Jonas Buchmann
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A new NEG coating setup with travelling thin solenoids for the SLS 2.0 complex vacuum chambers
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 vacuum components design
- Rachael Buckley (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Philip Bucksbaum (SRI International)
- Michael Buechler (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Thorsten Buettner (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Xavier Buffat
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
- Co-author in Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
- Co-author in Bhabha scattering model for multi-turn tracking simulations at the FCC-ee
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in Impact of multiple beam-beam encounters on LHC absolute-luminosity calibrations by the van der Meer method
- Co-author in Impact of multiple beam-beam encounters on LHC absolute-luminosity calibrations by the van der Meer method
- Christian Buhr (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Christian Bula (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Stepan Bulanov
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Plasma-accelerator-based linear beam cooling systems
- Bartosz Bulat (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Christopher Bullock
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
- Eugene Bulyak (National Science Centre)
- Anne Bundels (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Jürgen Bundesmann (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Kenneth Bunnell
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in AI-ML developments for Heavy Ion Linac operations
- Co-author in Automated Faraday cup readings at ATLAS
Alberto Buonanno
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0: Activities in the experimental Hall
- Co-author in Logistics strategies for Elettra 2.0
- Luca Rosario Buonocore (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Bruno Buonomo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC modulator upgrade
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Christoph Burandt (Helmholtz Institute Mainz)
Elena Buratin
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Beam loading simulations in PyAT for the ESRF
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
Joshua Burby
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- Co-author in Symplectic neural surrogate models for beam dynamics
- Nathan Burger (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Stephane Burger (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
David Burk
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Mechanical Polishing of Nb3Sn Thin-Film Cavities
- Co-author in Mechanical Polishing of Nb3Sn Thin-Film Cavities
Florian Burkart
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in Beam based alignment of focusing solenoids at ARES
- Co-author in Electron beam test facilities for novel applications
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
- Jasmin Burke (Rapiscan Systems Ltd)
- Helmut Burkhardt (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Trevor Burris-Mog (Nevada National Security Site)
Philip Burrows
(John Adams Institute)
- Co-author in Challenging students into developing accelerator-based innovations to protect the environment
- Co-author in Electron beam studies on a beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation
- Co-author in Experimental generation of the transversely uniform electron bunches at the CLEAR facility at CERN
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
Graeme Burt
(Lancaster University)
- Co-author in A low energy linac solution for 3D scanning applications
- Co-author in Characterisation facilities for evaluating superconducting thin films for SRF cavities
- Co-author in Electron-bunch manipulation at 400GHz for compression, de-chirping, acceleration and synchronisation of femtosecond bunches.
- Co-author in Split 6GHz SRF thin film cavities
- Beatrice Busetto (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
- Benedikt Büsing (TU Dortmund University)
- Michael Bussmann (Center for Advanced Systems Understanding)
- Ibon Bustinduy (ESS Bilbao Consortium)
- Aleksander Buszydlik (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- William Butcher (Cockcroft Institute)
- Andrey Butenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Lukasz Butkowski (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Daniele Butti (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Marco Buzio (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Woo Jun Byeon (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Oleksandr Bykhun (National Science Centre)
- Cephise Cacho (Diamond Light Source)
Jordan Caddick
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
- Andrea Cadoppi (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
- Roberta Caforio (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Aslihan Caglar (Yıldız Technical University)
Rongrong Cai
(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
- Co-author in Simulations and measurements of collisional losses with Pb beams at the LHC
Meng Cai
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Author in Fully Coherent Soft X-ray Pulse Generation Based on ERL
- Author in Fully coherent soft X-ray pulse generation based on ERL
- Author in Improving the performance of the SXFEL through Proximal Policy Optimization
- Author in Improving the performance of the SXFEL through Proximal Policy Optimization
- Co-author in Intelligent online optimization in X-ray free-electron lasers
Yunhai Cai
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Two Dimensional Transient CSR Simulation in Julia
- Han-Jie Cai (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Domenico Caiazza
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Magnetic measurement systems for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Superbend magnet for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in The new Elettra 2.0 magnets
Barbara Caiffi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Magnets for a muon collider
- Philippe Cailliau (Ion Beam Applications (Belgium))
- David Cajander (HEIA-FR)
- Giuseppe Calabrese (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Rama Calaga
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Design and optimisation of an 800 MHz 5-cell elliptical SRF cavity for T¯t working point of the future circular Electron-Positron Collider
- Co-author in Numerical calculation of the Lorentz force detuning and the pressure sensitivity for the HL-LHC crab cavity
- Co-author in Status of the beam-based measurement of the skew-sextupolar component of the radio frequency field of a HL-LHC-type crab-cavity
- Co-author in Validation of control loop modeling for power limitation studies with beams for HL-LHC
- Riccardo Calandrino (IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele)
Sergio Calatroni
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Impedance analysis of deformable RF contact bridges for high luminosity LHC
- Author in RF characterisation of laser treated copper surfaces for the mitigation of electron cloud in accelerators
- Co-author in Initial high electric field – vacuum arc breakdown test results for additively manufactured pure copper electrodes
- Co-author in REBCO sample testing for a HTS high Q cavity
Andrea Calia
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Co-author in Operational beta* levelling at the LHC in 2022 and beyond
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
- Conrad Caliari (Technical University of Darmstadt)
Stevo Calic
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
Carlo Callegari
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Andrea Calore (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Joseph Calvey (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Marco Calvi (Paul Scherrrer Institut )
Marco Calviani
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Assessment of beam-intercepting device robustness for intensity increase in CERN’s North Area
- Co-author in Beam absorbing material candidates for primary collimators for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Demonstration of non-local crystal shadowing at the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Design development and R&D for CERN’s HL-LHC external beam dump
- Co-author in Design development and technological R&D for niobium-cladded beam production targets
- Co-author in Development of bent crystal manipulation systems for beam collimation and extraction at CERN
- Co-author in Energy deposition challenges for the HL-LHC beam dump
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Progresses and design development for the CERN ISOLDE beam dumps exchange
- Co-author in Target systems design for a high intensity facility in the CERN's ECN3 area
- Pedro Calvo (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Eva Calvo Giraldo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Ciro Calzolaio (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Daniele Calzolari
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Lattice and detector studies for the MDI of a 10 TeV muon collider
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Neutrino generated radiation from a high energy muon collider
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
- Jean-François CAM (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen)
- Obed Camacho (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
- Fernando Camino (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Michael Campbell (CERN)
- giulio camuffo (KDAB, Germany)
Valentina Candela
(INFN- Sez. di Padova)
- Author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Implementation of the Additive Manufacturing for metals approach: the production of the acceleration grids for DTT NBI project
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of CuCrZr for nuclear fusion acceleration components
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of pure niobium for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Predictive capabilities in CFD simulations of additively manufactured extraction grid cooling channels for the DTT NBI system
Silvia Candela
(INFN- Sez. di Padova)
- Author in Laser powder bed fusion of pure niobium for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Implementation of the Additive Manufacturing for metals approach: the production of the acceleration grids for DTT NBI project
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of CuCrZr for nuclear fusion acceleration components
- Co-author in Predictive capabilities in CFD simulations of additively manufactured extraction grid cooling channels for the DTT NBI system
- Stefania Canella (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Francesco Canella (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Auriane Canesse (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Marco Canetti (SAES RIAL Vacuum)
- Eduardo Cano-Pleite (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Sergio Cantarella
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Lu Cao
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Author in Fully coherent soft X-ray pulse generation based on ERL
- Author in Fully Coherent Soft X-ray Pulse Generation Based on ERL
- Author in Improving the performance of the SXFEL through Proximal Policy Optimization
- Co-author in Improving the performance of the SXFEL through Proximal Policy Optimization
- Jianshe Cao (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Jiawei Cao (University of Oslo)
- Xiuxia Cao (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Shanshan Cao
(Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Direct RF sampling processor for cavity BPM system
- Shanshan Cao (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Ofelia Capatina (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Roser Capdevila (UPC - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Federico Capoani (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Flavio Capotondi
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Mauro Cappelli (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- Stefano Capra (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Matthew Capstick (University of Oxford)
Philippe Cara
(Fusion for Energy)
- Co-author in Configuration and engineering integration in the IFMIF-DONES project
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) Prototype for the IFMIF-DONES Linear Accelerator
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) prototype for the IFMIF-DONES linear accelerator
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Anthony Caracappa (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Ruben Carcagno (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Paolo Cardarelli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Fabio Cardelli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
Daniele Cardelli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
Lawrence Cardman
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
Javier Cardona
- Author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Manuel Cargnelutti (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia))
- Emanuela Carideo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Martina Carillo
(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Author in A Space Charge Forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Author in A space charge forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and mechanical tests of TIG-welded Ka-band accelerating structures for ultra-high gradient applications
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in Temperature stability in CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG)
- Yann Carin (Fusion For Energy)
Michele Carlà
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Author in AC excitation studies for full coupling operation
- Author in Progress on the 6BA lattice for ALBA-II
- Author in Status of the beam-based measurement of the skew-sextupolar component of the radio frequency field of a HL-LHC-type crab-cavity
- Co-author in ALBA beam lifetime optimization using RCDS
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Co-author in ALBA-II first tolerance studies
- Osvaldo Carletto (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Christian Carli
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Derivation and interpretation of parameters describing betatron mismatch and chromaticity
- Author in Limitations of radial magnetic field estimates from counter-rotating beams in an electro-static EDM ring
- Author in Neutrino generated radiation from a high energy muon collider
- Co-author in First design of a 10 TeV centre of mass energy muon collider
- Co-author in Lattice and detector studies for the MDI of a 10 TeV muon collider
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics and RF requirements for a chain of muon RCSs
- Co-author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Co-author in Periodicity five lattice proposal for a cpedm prototype ring
- Co-author in Simulations of beam dynamics and beam lifetime for the prototype EDM ring
- Co-author in Study of systematic effects mimicking EDM signal combining measurements from counter-rotating beams
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
Felix Carlier
(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Author in Towards optics measurements with a new LEIR BPM system
- Co-author in First measurement of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Co-author in First measurements of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Co-author in Measurement and modelling of decapole errors in the LHC from beam-based studies
- Co-author in Performance of the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with lead ions in 2022
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Spin-polarization simulations for the Future Circular Collider e+e- using Bmad
- Co-author in Spin-polarization simulations for the Future Circular Collider e+e- using Bmad
- Co-author in Status of the beam-based measurement of the skew-sextupolar component of the radio frequency field of a HL-LHC-type crab-cavity
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Colin Carlile (European Spallation Source)
- Evan Carlin (RadiaSoft (United States))
- Vincent Carlino (ibss Group Inc)
- Anna Giulia Carloni (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Kermit Carlson
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in IOTA Proton Injector Beamline Installation
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Bruce Carlsten (United States Department of Energy)
Nicola Carmignani
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Beam loading simulations in PyAT for the ESRF
- Co-author in Commissioning simulations tools based on python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Extremum seeking for accelerator optimisation
- Co-author in Off-energy operation of a HMBA lattice
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Co-author in Scaling of hybrid multi bend lattice cells
- Co-author in Towards a true diffraction limited light source
- José Miguel Carmona (Added Value Solutions)
Jean-Paul Carneiro
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in IOTA Proton Injector Beamline Installation
- Alessandro Carniel (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Federico Carra
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Beam-beam long range compensator mechanical demonstrator
- Co-author in Numerical calculation of the Lorentz force detuning and the pressure sensitivity for the HL-LHC crab cavity
- Co-author in Overview of material choices for HL-LHC collimators
- Paul Carriere (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
- Martin Carroll (European Spallation Source)
- Stefano Carsi (Università dell'Insubria & INFN Milano Bicocca)
- Iago Carvalho de Almeida (Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials)
Lee Carver
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Author in Beam loading simulations in PyAT for the ESRF
- Author in Status and recent developments of python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Commissioning simulations tools based on python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Extremum seeking for accelerator optimisation
- Co-author in Off-energy operation of a HMBA lattice
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Co-author in Scaling of hybrid multi bend lattice cells
- Co-author in Towards a true diffraction limited light source
Frédéric Carville
(Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Co-author in Superconducting multipole triplet field measurements
Sara Casalbuoni
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Effect of SCU long range errors on the FEL performance
- Co-author in Magnetic field errors and possible correction schemes in SCUs
- Co-author in Status update on SUNADAE2 magnetic field test facility at European XFEL
- Co-author in Studies of distributed optical klystron at european XFEL
- Alberto Casamatta (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Maxime Casanova (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Joan Casas (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
Michele Caselle
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in A low-latency feedback system for the control of horizontal betatron oscillations
- Co-author in Enhancing the sensitivity of the electro-optical far-field experiment for measuring CSR at KARA
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Systematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
- Co-author in Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
- Maya Caskey (University of New Mexico)
Pierluigi Casolaro
(Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics)
- Co-author in A novel fiber-optic beam monitor
Kevin Cassou
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Burst mode compact optical cavity for Inverse Compton scattering sources
- Co-author in High Finesse Fabry-Perot Cavity for ThomX ICS as an X-ray Source
- Co-author in Online spatio-temporal couplings monitoring diagnostics for laser-plasma accelerator driver
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in TWAC : EIC Pathfinder Open European project on Novel dielectric acceleration
- Lawrence Castellano (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Jesus Castellanos (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Mélanie Castelle (European Scientific Institute)
- Giuseppe Castro (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Davide Castronovo
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Installation and integrated testing of magnets for the ESS linac
- Co-author in Superbend magnet for Elettra 2.0
Davide Castronovo
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in The new Elettra 2.0 magnets
- Co-author in Magnetic measurement systems for Elettra 2.0
Roberto Catalano
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Dosimetry and first radiobiological assay of multi-Gy, multi-MeV TNSA proton beam with ultrahigh dose-rate
- Co-author in Ion acceleration by laser-matter interaction: status and perspective with the upcoming I-LUCE facility at INFN-LNS
- Co-author in PRAGUE (Proton Range Measurement Using Silicon Carbide): a detector to measure online the proton beam range with laser-driven proton beams
- Brandon Cathey (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Gaetano Catuscelli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Marco Cautero (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Francesco Cavaliere (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Matthieu Cavellier
- Co-author in Latest PANTECHNIK’s ECR ion sources performances
- Marco Cavenago (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Gianluca Cavoto (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Jean-Noël Cayla
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Commissioning of the RF system for the ThomX storage ring
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in TWAC : EIC Pathfinder Open European project on Novel dielectric acceleration
- Daniel Cebra (University of California, Davis)
Matteo Ceccarelli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Riccardo Ceccarelli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Alberto Cecchinelli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Rainer Cee
(Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum)
- Co-author in Beam properties beyond the therapeutic range at HIT
- Martin Cejp (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Emre Celebi (Boğaziçi University)
Luigi Celona
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in AISHa: an ECRIS for nuclear-physics, new clinical protocols and material experiments
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Metallic neutral vapours diffusion in electron cyclotron resonance ion sources : fluid dynamics and particle tracing simulations
Jean Cenede
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Enrico Cenni (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Matteo Centis Vignali (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Lisa Centofante
- Co-author in The SPES target ion source automated storage system
Francesco Cerutti
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Radiation field characterization for present LHC and future HL-LHC forward physics experiments
- Co-author in Comparison between Run 2 SEU measurements and FLUKA simulations in the CERN LHC tunnel and shielded alcoves around IP1/5
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Co-author in Optimizing Pb beam losses at the LHCb for maximum luminosity
- Co-author in Simulations and measurements of collisional losses with Pb beams at the LHC
- Miha Cerv (CIVIDEC Instrumentation (Austria))
- David Cesar (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Hakan Cetinkaya
(Dumlupinar University)
- Co-author in Beam Measurements from Proton Testbeam At KAHVE-Lab
- Stephane Cettour Cave (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Hyuk Jin Cha
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Thermal and mechanical analyses on a vacuum chamber in a compact superconducting undulator with HTS tapes
- Co-author in Magnetic field measurements and radiation simulation for a superconducting transverse-gradient undulator
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
Hyun Uk Chae
(University of Southern California)
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
Iryna Chaikovska
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in The ThomX diagnostics in the machine commissioning phase
- Author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Co-author in Benchmarking the FCC-ee positron source simulation tools using the SuperKEKB results
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ThomX Storage Ring
- Co-author in On positron beam dynamics an initial part of a large aperture FCC-ee capture linac
- Co-author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Co-author in The Design of the Electron and Positron Source for CERN External Beam Lines
Natthawut Chaisueb
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Lattice options for MLS II
- Janic Chambrillon (Fusion for Energy)
- Thomas Chaminade (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Che-Kai Chan (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Antoine Chance
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Author in Status and plans for the high energy booster of the future electron-positron collider FCC-ee
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics and RF requirements for a chain of muon RCSs
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
Antoine Chance
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Author in Definition of tolerances and corrector strengths for the orbit control of the High-Energy Booster ring of the future electron-positron collider
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
- Sophie Chancé (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Elaine Chandler (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Chin-Chun Chang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Fu-Yu Chang
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
- Co-author in Construction and Installation of a 320kW Solid State Power Amplifier for Taiwan Photo Source.
- Co-author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Co-author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
Mei-Hsia Chang
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Co-author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Co-author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
- Co-author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
- Miao-Hua Chang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Shian-Wen Chang
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Co-author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
- Co-author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
- Jui-Chi Chang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Xiangyun Chang (Yale University)
- Wei Chang (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Thakonwat Chanwattana (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Alex Chao (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Hung-Chun Chao (Diamond Light Source)
- James Chappell (University of Oxford)
Fabrice Chapuis
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
Nikolaos Charitonidis
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Co-author in The Design of the Electron and Positron Source for CERN External Beam Lines
Tessa Charles
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in Orbit-response based optics corrections for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in The MAX-IV linac with variable bunch compressors
- Brian Chase (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Swapan Chattopadhyay
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Anne-Sophie Chauchat (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Vincent Chaumat (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Patrick Chaumet (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
- Nicolas Chauvin (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
Joel Chavanne
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Design of permanent magnet dipoles-quadrupoles with longitudinal gradient for the PETRA IV storage ring
- Co-author in Impact of the insertion devices operation on the ESRF-EBS equilibrium emittance
- Co-author in Mini-beta optics for the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Co-author in Off-energy operation of a HMBA lattice
- Co-author in Protection of insertion devices against radiation damage at ESRF-EBS
Robert Chehab
(Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie)
- Co-author in Benchmarking the FCC-ee positron source simulation tools using the SuperKEKB results
- Co-author in On positron beam dynamics an initial part of a large aperture FCC-ee capture linac
- Co-author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Co-author in The Design of the Electron and Positron Source for CERN External Beam Lines
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Stéphane Chel (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
Samy Chemli
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Configuration management of the CERN accelerators complex on the road to long shutdown 3
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Scheduling tools development to manage CERN accelerators programmed stops and facilities installations
- Chih-Wei Chen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Han Chen (Tsinghua University)
- Xiaolong Chen (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Wei Chen (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- liwei chen (Tsinghua University)
- Hsiung Chen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Shih-Hung Chen
(National Central Univeristy)
- Co-author in Calculation for a compact laser plasma undulator beamline based on the experimental beam parameters at NCU
- Co-author in Calculation for a compact laser plasma undulator beamline based on the experimental electron parameters at NCU
- Co-author in Properties of superradiant spontaneous THz undulator radiation by an RF compressed electron beam
- Co-author in Simulation study of a planar dielectric-lined waveguide structure for manipulation of femtosecond high brightness electron beam in longitudinal phase space
Huaibi Chen
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Design of a parallel-feeding deflecting cavity with variable polarization
- Author in Design of an S-band buncher for KeV UED
- Author in Development of an ultrahigh dose rate radiation platform for X-ray FLASH radiotherapy research
- Author in X-band electron linear accelerator design for intraoperative radiotherapy
- Co-author in Compression of relativistic electron bunch train
- Co-author in Development of an X-band RF gun with four-feed coupler
- Co-author in Ultrahigh vacuum S-band gun and advanced photocathode studies at Tsinghua University
- Kaijie Chen (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Shengyi Chen (Dongguan Neutron Science Center)
Jianliang Chen
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Longitudinal injection for SAPS based on a double-frequency RF system
- Author in Magnetic error corrections of the storage ring for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Author in Recent Progress of the Design and Relevant Research Activities for Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Booster conceptual design of the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Latest lattice design and optimization for Southern Advanced Photon Source storage ring
- Ye Chen (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Gongxiaohui Chen (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Kemin Chen (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Qushan Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Si Chen
(Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Author in Fully coherent soft X-ray pulse generation based on ERL
- Author in Fully Coherent Soft X-ray Pulse Generation Based on ERL
- Co-author in Orbital Stability Analysis of Three Beamlines in Beam Distribution System of SHINE Facility
- Co-author in Wakefield and skin depth issues in the kicker at the SHINE
- Bo-Ying Chen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Ling-Jhen Chen
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Co-author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
- Co-author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
- Chih-Sheng Chen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Jian Chen
(Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Author in Optimization and development of the CBPM system for the SHINE
- Co-author in BAM system and machine stability at SXFEL
- Co-author in Direct RF sampling processor for cavity BPM system
Weilong Chen
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Design of an E x B chopper based on permanent magnets
- Co-author in Design of the Gradient Dipole Magnet for LLICTF
- Co-author in Design of the gradient dipole magnet for LLICTF
Jinhui Chen
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in A pulser R&D for the HEPS booster bumper magnet
- Co-author in Characteristic study of the pulse bump magnet in HEPS
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- TONG CHEN (Zap Surgical Inc)
Jenny Chen
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in New injection controls environment for the Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in Implementation and performance estimation of new archive system for the TLS control system
- Co-author in New controls for white circuits power supplies for the booster synchrotron of Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in New digital low-level rf controls based on the red pitaya STEMlab for the tls linac system
- Co-author in New event based timing system for the taiwan light source
Yuan Chen
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Beam transfer line of Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Author in Harmonic RF cavity design for 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Sources
- Author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Zhichao Chen (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Tao Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yukai Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Youxin Chen (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Fu-San Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Hai Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Fangzhou Chen (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Weidong Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Ang-Yu Chen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Chien-Rong Chen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Yung-Sen Cheng
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in New digital low-level rf controls based on the red pitaya STEMlab for the tls linac system
- Co-author in Development of a new control interface for the electron gun pulser of TLS LINAC
- Co-author in Implementation and performance estimation of new archive system for the TLS control system
- Co-author in New controls for white circuits power supplies for the booster synchrotron of Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in New event based timing system for the taiwan light source
- Co-author in New injection controls environment for the Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in TLS orbit feedback upgrade
- Co-author in TPS fast orbit feedback upgrade
- Wencai Cheng (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Chia-Mu Cheng (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Yuan Cheng
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Retrofit study of compressed air systems in NSRRC
- Wui Cheng (Diamond Light Source)
- Gongkui Cheng (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Andrey Cherepenko (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Ahmed Cherif (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Alexey Cherkashin (National Science Centre)
- David Chernin (Leidos Corp)
- Igor Chernyavskiy (Naval Research Laboratory)
- Eric Chevallay (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Yunlong Chi (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Enrica Chiadroni
(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Co-author in A space charge forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in A Space Charge Forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
Wei-Yuan Chiang
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Calculation for a compact laser plasma undulator beamline based on the experimental beam parameters at NCU
- Co-author in Calculation for a compact laser plasma undulator beamline based on the experimental electron parameters at NCU
- Co-author in Properties of superradiant spontaneous THz undulator radiation by an RF compressed electron beam
- Co-author in Simulation study of a planar dielectric-lined waveguide structure for manipulation of femtosecond high brightness electron beam in longitudinal phase space
- Ronic Chiche (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Paolo Chiggiato (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- David Child (Diamond Light Source)
- Bindu Chilukamarri (Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya)
- Osvaldo Chimalpopoca (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
Paolo Chimenti
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Motoki Chimura (Tohoku University)
- Francesco Chines (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Didier Chirpaz-Cerbat
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
Pei-Chen Chiu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in TLS orbit feedback upgrade
- Author in TPS fast orbit feedback upgrade
- Co-author in Bunch-by-bunch transverse position measurement during injection
Mau-Sen Chiu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
- Antonella Chiuchiolo (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Agnieszka Chmielinska (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- MyungHoon Cho (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Eun Jung Cho (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Kihyeon Cho (Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information)
- Yoonhyuck Choi (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Bong Hyuk Choi (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yong Jun Choi (Institute for Basic Science)
- Jinhyuk Choi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Oh Ryong Choi
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Co-author in HPRF SSPA System for RAON SRF cavities
- Tsun Him Chong (Osaka University)
- Sundeep Chopra (Inter-University Accelerator Centre)
Stefan Choroba
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Development of single mode cavity at 1.5 GHz for the third harmonic RF-system in PETRA IV
- Co-author in Energy saving measures in the high-power RF system of the European XFEL
- Co-author in Optimization of klystron drive signal and HV shape to reduce energy consumption during operation of the European XFEL
- Shao-Wei Chou (National Central Univeristy)
- Ming-Chang Chou (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Derek Chow (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
Ken Chow
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
- Jonas Christ (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Magnus Christensen (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Jonathan Christie
(University of Liverpool)
- Author in Developing a two-colour all-fibre balanced optical cross-correlator for sub-femtosecond synchronisation
- Author in Developing a Two-Colour All-Fibre Balanced Optical Cross-Correlator for Sub-Femtosecond Synchronisation
- Co-author in Acceleration of electrons from a linear accelerator by a laser driven plasma wave at CLARA
- Jan-Magnus Christmann (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Chris Christou (Diamond Light Source)
- Nicolas Chritin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Katerina Chrysalidis (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Yimeng Chu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Qingwei Chu
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Study on the Laser Treatment of Nb Thin Films on Copper Substrate with a kW nanosecond fiber laser
- Co-author in Study on the laser treatment of NB and Nb3Sn thin films on copper substrate with a kW nanosecond fiber laser
- Co-author in The optimization of the bronze-method Nb3Sn coatings on Cu substrates
Yun-Liang Chu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Pre-study of permanent dipole magnet at NSRRC
- Oleg Chubar (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Oksana Chubenko
(Arizona State University)
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
- Co-author in Study of nano-structured electron sources using photoemission electron microscope
- Ruslan Chulkov (B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics)
Inwoo Chun
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Dipole quadrupole magnet design for Korea-4GSR
- Co-author in Status of magnet systems for Korea 4GSR
- Myung-Hwan Chun (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Moses Chung (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Fu-Tsai Chung
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Construction and Installation of a 320kW Solid State Power Amplifier for Taiwan Photo Source.
- Co-author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Co-author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
- Co-author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
- Ting-Yi Chung (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Ashley Churchman
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Hugh Churn (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Eduard Chyhyrynets
(Università degli Studi di Padova)
- Author in Progress of application and surface enhancement by Plasma Electrolytic Polishing as a new treatment for SRF substrates and accelerator components preparation
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of pure niobium for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Nb3Sn on Cu Coating By Magnetron Sputtering From Target Synthesized via Liquid Tin Diffusion
- Co-author in Split 6GHz SRF thin film cavities
- Simone Cialdi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Alessandro Cianchi
(University of Rome Tor Vergata)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in First simulations for the EuAPS betatron radiation source
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Andrea Ciarma (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Alessia Ciccotelli (University of Manchester)
Ersin Cicek
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Design study of 972-MHz RF and clock generator board at J-PARC linac
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Wojciech Cichalewski (Lodz University of Technology)
- Vera Cilento (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Paolo Cinquegrana (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Daniele Cipriani (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Giuseppe Cirrone
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Ion acceleration by laser-matter interaction: status and perspective with the upcoming I-LUCE facility at INFN-LNS
- Co-author in Dosimetry and first radiobiological assay of multi-Gy, multi-MeV TNSA proton beam with ultrahigh dose-rate
- Co-author in New Geant4 Simulation Model of Electromagnetic Processes in Oriented Crystals and its Applications in Accelerator Physics
- Co-author in PRAGUE (Proton Range Measurement Using Silicon Carbide): a detector to measure online the proton beam range with laser-driven proton beams
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Fabio Cismondi (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team)
- Alessandro Citterio (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Thomas clark (Laboratoire Interactions, Dynamiques et Lasers)
- Christine Clarke (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- James Clarke (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Sébastien Clement (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Renato Clementi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Stefano Cleva
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Beam coupling impedance contribution of flange aperture gaps: a numerical study for Elettra 2.0
- Author in Button Type Beam Position Monitor Design for the Elettra 2.0 Storage Ring
- Co-author in Transient beam loading studies in view of the Elettra 2.0 upgrade project
- Co-author in Transverse deflecting cavities for short X-ray pulses at Elettra 2.0
Stefano Cleva
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0 eBPM: Complete System Overview
- Co-author in Towards Elettra 2.0: Beam diagnostics overview
- Jean-Louis Coacolo (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Thomas Cocolios (KU Leuven)
- Johanne Cohen (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique)
Thibaut Coiffet
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Mexhisan Coku (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Stephen Coleman (RadiaSoft (United States))
Antoine Colinet
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Reliability studies for CERN’s new safe machine parameter system
- Author in The consolidation of the interlock systems for the CERN North Area
- Co-author in Design considerations for CERN´s second-generation Beam Interlock System
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Isabella Colizzi (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Francesco Collamati (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Carles Colldelram (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Martin Collet (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- John Collier (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- William Colocho (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Andrea Giorgio Colombo
(INFN- Sez. di Padova)
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Marcel Coly (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Massimiliano Comisso (University of Trieste)
- Chris Compton (Michigan State University)
Michele Comunian
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Beam transfer lines design study for 30-40 mA proton beam for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy facility
- Author in Design optimization for the construction of a linear accelerator driven BNCT facility
- Co-author in Alvarez drift tube linac for medical applications in the framework of HITRIplus project
- Co-author in Demonstration of Beam Emittance Optimization using Reinforcement Learning
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in Optimizations of a combined RFQ cooler prototype for exotic ion beams
- Co-author in RF conditioning towards continuous wave of the RFQ of the linear IFMIF prototype accelerator
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
James Conlon
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Co-author in Characterisation facilities for evaluating superconducting thin films for SRF cavities
- Co-author in Deposition of NbTiN and NbN on 6 GHz seamless copper cavity
- Co-author in Split 6GHz SRF thin film cavities
- Co-author in Using HiPIMS to Deposit V3Si Super Conducting Thin Films of Single Target Deposition
- Co-author in V3Si Thin Films for SRF Applications
- Thorsten Conrad (BEVATECH)
- Andrea Conte (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Valeria Conte (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Stefano Contran (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Michele Contran (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Tiziano Contran (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Denis Conventi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Zachary Conway (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Joseph Conway (Xelera Research (United States))
Nathan Cook
(RadiaSoft (United States))
- Author in An online analysis platform for improving X-ray light source operations
- Author in Design and modeling of dielectric a wakefield accelerator with plasma ionized witness bunch
- Author in Developments and Characterization of a Gas Jet Ionization Imaging Optical Column
- Co-author in Developments and characterization of a gas jet ionization imaging optical column
- Co-author in Integrating hysteresis models into the Radia software
- Co-author in Testing of a fan-out kicker to protect collimators from low-emittance whole-beam aborts in the Advanced Photon Source storage ring
- Andrew Cooper (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Liam Cooper (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Rob Coppes (Particle Therapy Research Center)
- Sebastien Corde (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée)
Marcello Coreno
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
Laura Corner
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Co-author in Acceleration of electrons from a linear accelerator by a laser driven plasma wave at CLARA
- Co-author in Developing a Two-Colour All-Fibre Balanced Optical Cross-Correlator for Sub-Femtosecond Synchronisation
- Co-author in Developing a two-colour all-fibre balanced optical cross-correlator for sub-femtosecond synchronisation
- Co-author in Tunable monochromatic gamma ray source design using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
- Co-author in Tunable Monochromatic Gamma Ray Source Design Using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
- Stefano Corradetti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Roberto Corsini
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in A novel fibre optic monitor for VHEE UHDR beam monitoring: first tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in A Novel Fibre Optic Monitor for VHEE UHDR Beam Monitoring: First Tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in Application of beam-based alignment to the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Development of reliable VHEE/FLASH passive dosimetry methods and procedures at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Electron beam studies on a beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation
- Co-author in Electron beam test facilities for novel applications
- Co-author in Experimental generation of the transversely uniform electron bunches at the CLEAR facility at CERN
- Co-author in The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
- Co-author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in VHEE and ultra high dose rate radiotherapy studies in the CLEAR user facility
Jean-Pierre Corso
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Challenges and solutions in the integration studies of the future circular collider
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Reverse Engineering, a key and challenging step before the integration studies for old accelerators at CERN
- Co-author in The high luminosity Large Hadron Collider project: from project to reality at CERN
- Edgar Cristopher Cortés García (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Olivier Cosson (SIGMAPHI S.A.)
- Olivier Cosson (Normandy Hadrontherapy)
Gemma Costa
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Raul Costa (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Giacomo Costanzo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Andressa Costa Ojeda
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Pedro Costa Pinto (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Denis Cotte (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Julie Coupard
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Reverse Engineering, a key and challenging step before the integration studies for old accelerators at CERN
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Scheduling tools development to manage CERN accelerators programmed stops and facilities installations
- Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie (Synchrotron soleil)
- Antoine Courjaud (Amplitude Systèmes (France))
Sarah Cousineau
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Calibration of the 2-phase bubble tracking model for liquid mercury target simulation with machine learning surrogate models
- Co-author in Characterization of high dynamic range beam emittance
- Co-author in Detailed characterization of a five-dimensional phase space distribution
- Co-author in Laser assisted charge exchange injection into the ring at the SNS
- Co-author in Measurements at peak operational beam current in the SNS beam test facility
- Aaron Couture (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Silviu Covrig
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in Evaluation of a high-power target design for positron production at CEBAF
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Louise Cowie (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Matthew Cox (Diamond Light Source)
- Graham Cox (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Ben Cox (Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering)
Alexander Coxe
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Robert Coy (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Paolo Craievich
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Co-author in Corrugated wakefield structures at SwissFEL
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Andrew Cravatta (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Lorenzo Crescimbeni (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Lucio Crincoli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- James Crittenden (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Davide Crivellaro (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Joe Crone
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in Design of an electron energy spectrometer and energy selector for laser-plasma driven beams at EPAC
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in The EPAC electron transport beamline - physics considerations and design
- Co-author in Tunable Monochromatic Gamma Ray Source Design Using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
- Co-author in Tunable monochromatic gamma ray source design using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
- Frederick (Eric) Cropp V (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
- Brigitte Cros (Université Paris-Saclay)
Mickaël Crouvizier
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Guilherme Cruz
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
James Cryan
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Attosecond pulse shaping of X-ray free-electron lasers and applications to coherent control in quantum systems
- Co-author in Attosecond pulse shaping of X-ray free-electron lasers and applications to coherent control in quantum systems
- Co-author in Development of Two-Color Sub-Femtosecond Pump/Probe Techniques with X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
Ivan Cudin
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Bending magnet photon absorber design and calculations for Elettra 2.0 storage ring
- Author in Elettra 2.0 - the girder support design
- Co-author in Beam coupling impedance contribution of flange aperture gaps: a numerical study for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Button Type Beam Position Monitor Design for the Elettra 2.0 Storage Ring
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0: the vacuum system design for a new generation storage ring
- Co-author in Fabrication, conditioning, installation and commissioning with the beam of the first High Gradient (HG) module for the FERMI linac upgrade
- Co-author in Superbend magnet for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in The new Elettra 2.0 magnets
- Co-author in Towards Elettra 2.0: Beam diagnostics overview
- Chris Cuevas (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Xiaohao Cui
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Feasibility study of fast beam-based alignment using ac excitations in the HEPS
- Author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Author in Simulation studies of first-turn commissioning for the HEPS storage ring
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in CEPC damping ring design in TDR stage
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Co-author in Transient beam loading study in the storage ring of CEPC
- Ivan Cukic (KDAB, Germany)
- Francis Cullinan (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Luca Cultrera (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Mary Anne Cummings
(Muons (United States))
- Co-author in Affordable, efficient injection-locked magnetrons for superconducting cavities
- Co-author in Electron gun for sheet electron probe for beam tomography
- Co-author in Magnet system for a 1.497 GHz injection-locked magnetron
- Co-author in Mu*star: A new paradigm for nuclear reactors
- Co-author in Muonium R&D at Fermilab
- Co-author in Rapid High Resolution Surface Microanalysis using Low Temperature Plasma
- Francesca Curbis (Lund University)
- Alessandro Curcio (Spanish Center for Pulsed Lasers)
- Art Custer (Poole Ventura, Inc.)
- Matthew Cusworth (Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre)
- Giacomo Cuttone (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Krzysztof Czuba (Warsaw University of Technology)
- Pawel Czuma (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Marie Czwalinna (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Anne Dabrowski (Northwestern University)
- Raziyeh Dadashi Motlagh (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Marika D'Addazio (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Domenico D'Agostino (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Jin Dai
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Frequency pre-tuning of the 166.6 MHz hom-damped srf cavities for HEPS
- Co-author in Removal of BCP defects for the 166.6 MHz HOM-damped quarter-wave srf cavities
- Co-author in Status and progress of the RF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in Vertical tests of the 166.6 MHz HOM-damped Prototype SRF Cavities for HEPS
- Weining Dai (Stony Brook University)
- Dongxu Dai (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Jianping Dai (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Gregory Dale (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Barbara Dalena
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Author in Definition of tolerances and corrector strengths for the orbit control of the High-Energy Booster ring of the future electron-positron collider
- Author in Dynamic aperture predictions with echo state networks
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Status and plans for the high energy booster of the future electron-positron collider FCC-ee
- Gian Luigi D'Alessandro (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Gian Luigi D'Alessandro (John Adams Institute)
- Edward Daly (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Mogens Dam (Niels Bohr Institute)
Alessio D'Ambros
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in Design and testing of the VSR blade tuner and actuators
Heiko Damerau
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam performance and operational efficiency at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Experimental confirmation of the impedance reduction campaign in the CERN SPS
- Co-author in First operational results of new real-time magnetic measurement systems for accelerator control
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
- Co-author in Investigations of losses on the CERN SPS flat bottom with HL-LHC type beams
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics and RF requirements for a chain of muon RCSs
- Co-author in Longitudinal loss of Landau damping in the CERN super proton synchrotron at 200 GeV
- Co-author in Longitudinal loss of Landau damping in the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron at 200 GeV
- Co-author in Measurements of longitudinal Loss of Landau damping in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons
- David Daminelli (Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials)
- Kantaphon Damminsek (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Amir Danaeifard (Iranian Light Source Facility)
- Miltcho Danailov (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Håkan Danared (European Spallation Source)
Marco D'Andrea
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Co-author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
- Co-author in Performance of a double-crystal setup for LHC fixed-target experiments
- Co-author in Power deposition studies for betatron halo losses in HL-LHC
Salvatore Danzeca
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Comparison between Run 2 SEU measurements and FLUKA simulations in the CERN LHC tunnel and shielded alcoves around IP1/5
- Co-author in Irradiation tests of a cavity core material and GaN devices in J-PARC Main Ring
- Co-author in Overview of the radiation levels in the CERN accelerator complex after LS2
- Catarina Da Palma Serafim (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Richard D'Arcy (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
David Darde
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
Joel Daricou
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Improvements on the LHC Interlock BPM system
- Donya Daryadel (European Spallation Source)
- Debadri Das (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Tatiana Da Silva (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Luca Dassa (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Sara Dastan
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Broad band impedance effects on Elettra 2.0
- Author in Study on transverse multi-bunch instability in Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Superbend magnet for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in The effect of insertion devices on beam dynamics for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in The impact of the resistive-wall impedance on the ILSF storage ring
- Co-author in Transient beam loading studies in view of the Elettra 2.0 upgrade project
- Co-author in Transverse deflecting cavities for short X-ray pulses at Elettra 2.0
- Benoit Daudin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Hakob Davtyan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
- Carlos de Almeida Martins (University of Lisbon)
- Daniele De Arcangelis (Sapienza University of Rome)
- William DeBenedetti (Cornell University)
- Giovanni Debernardi (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
François Debray
(Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses)
- Co-author in SEISM: 60 GHz ECR ion source for future accelerator
- Giovanni De Carne (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Ivan De Cesaris (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Franz-Josef Decker (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Winfried Decking (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Benjamin Dedic (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Pascale Deen (European Spallation Source)
- Rafael Defavari (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Jeff DeFazio (PHOTONIS USA Pennsylvanis, Inc.)
- Andrea De Franco (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Christopher Degen (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Herbert De Gersem
(Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Author in Shunt impedance calculations for an in-vacuum undulator at Petra IV
- Co-author in Absolute charge measurements with pick-ups
- Co-author in Finite element simulation of fast corrector magnets for Petra IV
- Co-author in Tolerance analysis of a bunch arrival-time monitor design with rod-shaped pickups on a printed circuit board for the European XFEL and FELBE
Irene Degl'Innocenti
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in HL-LHC BPM electronics development as a case study for direct digitization and integrated processing techniques in accelerator instrumentation
- Co-author in Improvements on the LHC Interlock BPM system
- Co-author in Recording two-beam LHC BPM signals to validate a technique for extracting individual beam positions
- Angelica De Gregorio (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Jafar Dehghani (Iranian Light Source Facility)
Micha Dehler
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Author in Fast kickers for bunch by bunch feedbacks at SLS 2.0 and ELETTRA
- Author in Ion trapping and instabilities in SLS 2.0
- Co-author in Machine impedance calculation and impedance optimization of vacuum components in SLS 2.0
- Co-author in Overview of the collective effects in SLS 2.0
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 storage ring components overview before installation
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 vacuum components design
- Marco Dehn (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Monika Dehn (Institut für Kernphysik)
- Morgan Dehnel (Dehnel - Particle Accelerator Components & Engineering, Inc.)
Kirsten Deitrick
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Microbunching gain evaluation of bunch stretcher designs
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Design and optimization of an ERL for cooling EIC hadron beams
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Experimental demonstration of a straight-merger beamline
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
- Jurgen De Jonghe (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Lennert De Keukeleere (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre)
Elena de la Fuente
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in A generalized tool to compute wake potential and impedance from electromagnetic time domain simulations
- Author in Head-tail mode zero instability growth rate studies in the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Co-author in Transverse instabilities at injection energy in the CERN-SPS: lessons learned during high intensity studies
- Daniel del Alamo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Cristina de la Morena (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- RUDY DELAUNAY (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
Jean Delayen
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in HOM power in the EIC crab cavity system
Alicia del Barrio Montañés
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Ultra-fast generator for impact ionization triggering
- Co-author in Measurement and characterization of a toroidal tape wound nano-crystalline core for the 40kV Inductive adder development at CERN
- Co-author in New pulse forming line and transmission cables for the CERN PS booster extraction and transfer kickers
Elisa Del Core
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
Alessio Del Dotto
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Numerical studies for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB plasma beam driven working point
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
Nicolas Delerue
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in Challenging students into developing accelerator-based innovations to protect the environment
- Author in Commissioning of the ThomX heterodyne synchronisation system
- Author in Emittance growth study of an electron beam in a double-alpha magnet compressor used in an Inverse Compton Scattering X-ray source
- Author in The ThomX diagnostics in the machine commissioning phase
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ThomX Storage Ring
- Co-author in Development and Tests of a Full-Size Additive Manufactured Radio Frequency Quadrupole Module
Xavier Deletoille
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Andoni Delgado (Fundación TEKNIKER)
Martina Del Giorno
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
Paolo Delgiusto
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
Alessandro D'Elia
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Beam loading simulations in PyAT for the ESRF
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
Marc Delrieux
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Production of slow extracted beams for CERN's East Area at the Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Beam delivery of high-energy ion beams for irradiation experiments at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Beam performance and operational efficiency at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Co-author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Hossein Delsim-Hashemi (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Antonella Delvecchio (HSR)
- Julien Demailly (Université Paris-Saclay)
Riccardo De Maria
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Author in Status of MAD-X V5.09
- Co-author in Beam Dynamics for Concurrent Operation of the LHeC and the HL-LHC
- Co-author in Beam dynamics for concurrent operation of the LHeC and the HL-LHC
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the first run of High Luminosity LHC
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Strongly curved super-conducting magnets: beam optics modeling and field quality
- Co-author in Strongly Curved Super-Conducting Magnets: Beam Optics Modeling and Field Quality
- Nils Demary (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Quentin Demassieux (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Ernesto De Matteis (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Despina Demetriadou (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Alexander Demidovich (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Raffaele De Monte
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Button Type Beam Position Monitor Design for the Elettra 2.0 Storage Ring
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0 eBPM: Complete System Overview
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Towards Elettra 2.0: Beam diagnostics overview
- Peter Dendooven (University of Groningen)
- Changdong Deng (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Haixiao Deng
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Co-author in Enhanced harmonic generation for high-repetition-rate soft X-ray free-electron laser
- Co-author in Orbital Stability Analysis of Three Beamlines in Beam Distribution System of SHINE Facility
- Co-author in Terahertz radiation and Joule heating of corrugated structure at SHINE facility
- Co-author in Wakefield and skin depth issues in the kicker at the SHINE
Xiujie Deng
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Exploring the necessary conditions for steady-state microbunching at the Metrology Light Source
- Author in Laser-electron phase-locking in a steady-state microbunching storage ring
- Author in Statistical Parameter Fluctuation of Random Processes
- Co-author in Generalized longitudinal strong focusing in a storage ring for coherent EUV radiation
- Paul Denham (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
- Willem Mijndert den Hertog (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
Laurent Deniau
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in MAD-NG for final focus design
- Co-author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Co-author in Progress on Thor SCSI development
- Co-author in Status of MAD-X V5.09
- Marin Deniaud (John Adams Institute)
Giovanni De Ninno
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Sensitivity studies of a seeded FEL operating at 2 nm
- Co-author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
- Louis Denis (University of Liège)
- Andrea Denker (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Matthew Denney (Varex Imaging (United States))
- Reiner Denz (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Henrique de Oliveira Caiafa Duarte (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Frank DePaola (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Sebastien Deprez (Ion Beam Applications (Belgium))
Tim de Raadt
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Co-author in Ultrafast and ultracold electron source
- Clement Derrez (European Spallation Source)
- Luca de Ruvo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Fernando de Sá
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Online optimization of SIRIUS nonlinear optics
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
- Davide De Salvador (Univ. degli Studi di Padova)
- Antonio De Santis (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Stefano De Santis
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostics beamline development for ALS-U
- Leonard DeSanto (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Klaus Desch
(University of Bonn)
- Co-author in Design of a new photo and thermionic hybrid mode 50 kV pulsed electron gun for ELSA
- Co-author in Dose Simulation of Ultra-High Energy Electron Beams for Novel FLASH Radiation Therapy Applications
- Co-author in Feasibility investigation of a low energy laser driven plasma injector for ELSA
- Matthieu Deschamps (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Subashini De Silva
(Old Dominion University)
- Author in SRF cavities for crabbing at the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in EIC crab cavity multipole effects on dynamic aperture
- Co-author in HOM power in the EIC crab cavity system
Gabriel Desmarchelier
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Guillaume Devanz (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
Wilfried Devauchelle
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
Arnaud Devred
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Hideki Dewa (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
Kay Dewhurst
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Performance of a double-crystal setup for LHC fixed-target experiments
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
Getnet Deyu
(Universität Hamburg)
- Author in Successful Al2O3 coating of superconducting niobium cavities by thermal ALD
- Co-author in Surface characterization of mid-T heat treated Nb samples to investigate the origin of residual resistance
- Co-author in XRR Analysis of Al2O3 coated and mid-T heat treated niobium for future implementation in SIS-based SRF cavities
- Chatchabhumi Dhammatong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Ankur Dhar (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Bhawin Dhital (Old Dominion University)
- Yin Di (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Javier Díaz (Universidad de Granada)
- Jorge Diaz Cruz (University of New Mexico)
- Miguel Diaz Zumel (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Vincenzo Di Capua (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Mario Di Castro
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Robotic solutions for the remote inspection and maintenance of particle accelerators
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Demonstration of non-local crystal shadowing at the CERN SPS
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
Austin Dick
(Northern Illinois University)
- Author in Electron microbunching using amplified optical stochastic cooling
- Author in Electron Microbunching using the Amplified Optical Stochastic Cooling Mechanism
- Author in Modeling of the amplified optical stochastic cooling experiment at IOTA
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Davide Di Croce (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Severin Diederichs (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Jürgen Diefenbach
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Co-author in Beam diagnostics and instrumentation for MESA
- Alexander Dietrich (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Massimiliano Di Felice
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Diego Di Francesca (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Massimo Di Francesco (Sordina IORT Technologies)
- Marco Di Giacomo (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
Gian Piero Di Giovanni
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Co-author in First operational results of new real-time magnetic measurement systems for accelerator control
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
- Co-author in Tailoring transverse beam characteristics with the new CERN PS booster charge-exchange injection system
Domenico Di Giovenale
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Beniamino Di Girolamo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Claudio Di Giulio
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC modulator upgrade
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Philipp Dijkstal (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Joschua Dilly
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in First measurement of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Co-author in Measurement and modelling of decapole errors in the LHC from beam-based studies
- Co-author in Status of MAD-X V5.09
- Francesco Di Lorenzo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Razvan Dima
(INFN- Sez. di Padova)
- Co-author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Additively manufactured tantalum cathode for FEBIAD type ion sources: production, geometric measurements, and high temperature test
- Co-author in Implementation of the Additive Manufacturing for metals approach: the production of the acceleration grids for DTT NBI project
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of CuCrZr for nuclear fusion acceleration components
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of pure niobium for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Predictive capabilities in CFD simulations of additively manufactured extraction grid cooling channels for the DTT NBI system
- Fabio Di Martino (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Simone Di Mitri
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Transverse deflecting cavities for short X-ray pulses at Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in High Energy & High Luminosity Gamma Gamma Colliders
- Co-author in The effect of insertion devices on beam dynamics for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Towards Elettra 2.0: Beam diagnostics overview
- Co-author in Transient beam loading studies in view of the Elettra 2.0 upgrade project
Dimitre Dimitrov
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Modeling optical interference effects for optimization of electron emission properties from thin film semiconductor photocathodes
- Author in Update on the status of the C-band high gradient program at LANL
- Co-author in LANSCE Accelerator Modernisation Project Studies at LANL
- Co-author in Novel multi-beam front end for LANSCE accelerator facility
- Co-author in Transport model and Monte-Carlo simulations for photoemission from thin film semiconductors under high fields
- Christina Dimopoulou (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Xinghao Ding (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Hongli Ding (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Ting Ding (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Francesco Dinh (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
Hannes Dinter
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in Beam based alignment of focusing solenoids at ARES
- Marco Diomede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Massamba Diop
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the RF system for the ThomX storage ring
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
Enrico Di Pasquale
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Giampiero Di Pirro (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Roberto Di Raddo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Gianluca Di Raddo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Marc Dirsat (Berliner Elektronenspeichering-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H.)
- Alina Dittwald (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Bruno Diviacco
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Insertion device developments for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Impact of insertion devices on the SLS 2.0 dynamic aperture
- Co-author in The effect of insertion devices on beam dynamics for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Transverse deflecting cavities for short X-ray pulses at Elettra 2.0
- Adam Dixon (University of Liverpool)
- Heejin Do (Institute for Basic Science)
Steffen Doebert
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam characterization and optimisation for AWAKE 18 MeV electron line
- Co-author in Design, testing, and validating the CLIC module pre-alignment and alignment systems
- Co-author in RF design of the waveguide network for the klystron-based CLIC module
- Co-author in Use of a superconducting solenoid as a matching device for the compact linear collider positron source
- Takeshi Dohmae (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Miha Dolenc (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Irena Dolenc Kittelmann (European Spallation Source)
- Valery Dolgashev (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Guenther Dollinger (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
- Agnès Dominjon (Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules)
Martin Dommach
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Takahide Domoto (Kyushu University)
- Elena Donegani (European Spallation Source)
Evgeny Donets
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Zhichao Dong (Tsinghua University)
- Hai Dong (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Shaoxiang Dong (University of Science and Technology of China)
- zixuan Dong (Tsinghua University)
Dong Dong
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Design of a S band high power klystron for BEPCII
- Thomas Dönges (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Rodrigo Donolato (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Mathieu Donze (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jeffrey Dooling (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Lewis Doom (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Darrell Doran
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in A w-band corrugated waveguide for wakefield acceleration at the AWA emittance exchange beamline
- Co-author in Design and test of a metamaterial accelerating structure for Wakefield acceleration
- Co-author in Multicell dielectric disk accelerating structure design and low power results
- Co-author in Round-to-flat and flat-to-round beam transformations at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility
- Co-author in Simulations and experimental studies for an X-band short-pulse ultra-high gradient photoinjector
Ulrich Dorda
(Belgian Nuclear Research Centre)
- Author in Implementation status of MYRRHA phase 1 (MINERVA)
- Co-author in Detailed design studies of the high energy beam transport line of the Minerva Project at SCK CEN
- Co-author in Double achromat solution with a dedicated collimation system for the MEBT-3 section of MYRRHA
- Co-author in Orbit correction studies for the MINERVA 100 MeV proton accelerator
- Co-author in Quantitative availability modelling for the MYRRHA accelerator driven system
- Sladana Dordevic (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Alexandre Dorsival (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Manjit Dosanjh
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in A Novel Fibre Optic Monitor for VHEE UHDR Beam Monitoring: First Tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in A novel fibre optic monitor for VHEE UHDR beam monitoring: first tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
- Co-author in VHEE and ultra high dose rate radiotherapy studies in the CLEAR user facility
- Christopher Doss (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Fernando Dos Santos Pedrosa (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Weiping Dou (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- David Douglas (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Denis Douillet
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Levon Dovlatyan (University of Maryland, College Park)
- Rohan Dowd (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
- Margaret Doyle (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Marcos Dracos
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
- Co-author in The ESSvSB+ project
- Ilija Draganic (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Alessandro Drago
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Mike Draisbach (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Illya Drebot
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Author in Non-destructive definition of emittance using the compton back-scattering and AI machine learning
- Author in Optimizing the beam intensity control by Compton back-scattering in e+/e- Future Circular Collider
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in First simulations for the EuAPS betatron radiation source
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in Increasing the flux of a Thomson source while maintaining a narrow bandwidth by using large energy spread primary particles
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Philipp Drechsel (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Kirsten Drees
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Design and simulation of EIC IR orbit control system
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in Electron Storage Ring Collimation and Abort System design for the Electron Ion Collider
- Co-author in Lattice optimization for Electron Ion Collider Hadron storage ring injection
- Co-author in Local and global betatron coupling correction based on beam position measurements in RHIC
- Co-author in Prediction of superconducting magnet quenches with machine learning
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Status of the second interaction region design for Electron-Ion Collider
- Jörg Dreikorn (Vacuumschmelze GmbH & Co. KG)
- Matthias Dreimann (University of Münster)
Karsten Dreyer
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
- Taran Driver (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Martin Droba
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Author in Simulation Studies of the Particle Dynamic in Beam: Internal Target and Beam-Beam Interactions in the Figure-8 Storage Ring(F8SR)
- Co-author in Current Status of the Beam Dynamics Simulations for the HBS Drift Tube Linac
- Co-author in Focusing of highly charged ion beams using Gabor-lenses
- Co-author in Improvement of beam transport in high energy transfer lines using Gabor-lenses
- Co-author in Mutual interaction of 2m long electron plasma ensembles with an ion beam in MeV range
- Co-author in RF-acceleration studies for the HBS-linac applying alternating phase focusing concepts
- Co-author in Status of the electron lens for space charge compensation in SIS18
Pierre Drobniak
(Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie)
- Author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
Antoine Drouart
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in Superconducting multipole triplet field measurements
Yingchao Du
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in A high brightness electron beam research and application beamline at Tsinghua University
- Co-author in Design and commissioning of a 200-kV photocathode electron gun
- Co-author in Thermal and structural analyses of a VHF gun at Tsinghua University
- Co-author in Ultrahigh vacuum S-band gun and advanced photocathode studies at Tsinghua University
- Co-author in Understanding the beam quality requirement for high energy electron microscopy
- Baiting Du (University of Science and Technology of China)
Xiaonan Du
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in The New Intense Heavy Ion Alvarez 2.0 DTL at GSI
Changtong Du
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Assembly, alignment and tuning of the XiPAF DTL
- Yu Du (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Chongchong Du (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Xiaoji Du (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
Zhe Duan
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Beam polarization studies at the CEPC
- Co-author in A booster free from spin resonances for future 100 km-scale circular e+e- colliders
- Co-author in A pulser R&D for the HEPS booster bumper magnet
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Characteristic study of the pulse bump magnet in HEPS
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Co-author in Simulation studies of beam commissioning for the HEPS high-energy transfer line
- Hannah Duan (Cornell University (CLASSE))
Delio Duarte Ramos
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Jonas Dube (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Marc Dubrulle
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Charlotte Duchemin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Patricia Duchesne (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Laurent Ducimetière
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam-induced heating mitigation of the SPS kickers: a crucial upgrade to move towards HL-LHC beam intensities
- Co-author in Characterization of the longitudinal beam coupling impedance and mitigation strategy for the fast extraction kicker KFA79 in the CERN PS
- Co-author in Design of a new CERN SPS injection system via numerical optimisation
- Co-author in New pulse forming line and transmission cables for the CERN PS booster extraction and transfer kickers
- Co-author in Operational experience of a low beam coupling impedance injection kicker magnet for the CERN SPS ring
Sebastien Ducourtieux
(Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
Michal Duda
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Alan Dudas (Muons (United States))
- Vadim Dudnikov (Muons (United States))
- Galina Dudnikova (Muons (United States))
- Volker Duerr (Berliner Elektronenspeichering-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H.)
Alessandro D'Uffizi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Patrick Duffy (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Gerald Dugan
(Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Co-author in Plasma-accelerator-based linear beam cooling systems
- Daniel Duglue (Fusion For Energy)
- Hans Thomas Duhme (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Steve Duigou
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Jonathan Dumas (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Jean-Charles Dumont (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Pierre-Olivier Dumont
(Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
- Co-author in SEISM: 60 GHz ECR ion source for future accelerator
- Cameron Duncan (Cornell University (CLASSE))
Bruce Dunham
(Mission Support and Test Services)
- Author in Methods to Discover New Photocathode Materials using Machine Learning and Data-Driven Screening
- Author in The Scorpius Linear Induction Accelerator
- Co-author in Design and optimization of an ERL for cooling EIC hadron beams
- Co-author in Machine learning and Bayesian optimization for pulse shaping on a linear induction accelerator
- Kai Dunkel (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
- Gavin Dunn (Argonne National Laboratory)
- David Dunning (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Pierre-Andre Duperrex (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Kevin Dupraz (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Eric Dupuy
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
Michel Duraffourg
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in CERN-MEDICIS: Operational indicators to support the production of new medical radionuclides by mass separation
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Teddy Durand (Cyclotron ARRONAX)
- Joseph Duris (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Hermann Durr (Berliner Elektronenspeichering-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H.)
- Volker Dürr (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Burak Dursun (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Martin Dusek (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Yann Dutheil
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam performance and operational efficiency at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Benchmarking simulations of slow extraction driven by RF transverse excitation at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Damping ring and transfer lines of FCC-𝑒+𝑒− injector complex
- Co-author in Energy deposition challenges for the HL-LHC beam dump
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
- Co-author in Protection of extraction septa during asynchronous beam dumps in HL-LHC operation
- Patxi Duthil (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Thomas Dutilleul (Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre)
- Manuel Dutine (Technical University of Darmstadt)
Luke Dyks
(University of Oxford)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Experimental generation of the transversely uniform electron bunches at the CLEAR facility at CERN
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Daniel Dzenitis (Nevada National Security Site)
- Hervé Dzitko (Fusion For Energy)
- Florian Dziuba (Helmholtz Institute Mainz)
- Sandy Easton (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Mohammed Ebbeni (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Takashi Ebisawa (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
Pablo Echevarria
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Initial experimental test of a modified ADRC algorithm for microphonics reduction
- Author in LLRF control upgrade at BESSY-II with mTCA.4 platforms
- Co-author in Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab
- Co-author in Design and testing of the VSR blade tuner and actuators
- Co-author in RF system on a chip: a compact controller for SRF cavity field and detuning control
Elena Echeverria
(Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Author in Correlation between the stoichiometry of $Cs_xSb_y$ and its photoemission properties and oxidation response
- Co-author in CsSb atomically smooth thin films as novel visible light photocathodes
- Co-author in Ultra Thin $Cs_3Sb$ Photocathodes With Anomalously High Quantum Efficiency
- Co-author in Ultra thin Cs3Sb photocathodes with anomalously high quantum efficiency
- Elena Echeverria (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Hans-Joerg Eckoldt (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Nathan Eddy
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Electron cloud measurements in Fermilab booster
Jonathan Edelen
(RadiaSoft (United States))
- Author in Surrogate Model Development for a Photoinjector
- Co-author in Integrating hysteresis models into the Radia software
- Co-author in Long short-term memory networks for anomaly detection in storage ring power supplies
- Co-author in Longitudinal bunch shaping and optimization of the FAST injector
- Co-author in Prediction of superconducting magnet quenches with machine learning
Auralee Edelen
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Detailed Phase Space Reconstruction from Accelerator Beam Measurements Using Differentiable Simulations
- Author in Efficient tuning of particle accelerator emittance via Bayesian algorithm execution and virtual objectives
- Author in Towards fully differentiable accelerator modeling
- Author in Xopt: A simplified framework for optimization of accelerator problems using advanced algorithms
- Co-author in Efficient computation of two-dimensional coherent synchrotron radiation with neural networks
- Co-author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
Dean Edstrom
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in IOTA Proton Injector Beamline Installation
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Tobias Eggert (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Julien Egli (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Hiroyasu Ego
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Upgrades of S-band Accelerating Structures and Pulse Compressors in the Electron and Positron Injector Linac of KEK
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in High-power tests of the compactly HOM-damped TM020-cavities for a next generation light source
- Co-author in In-Situ Pulse-to-Pulse Evaluation Method on Cavity Parameters of the RF Pulse Compressor
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
- Christian Ehrlich (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Mohammad Ehsanizadeh (Iranian Light Source Facility)
- Ralf Eichhorn (Xelera Research (United States))
- Robert Eichler (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Annika Eichler (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Yury Eidelman (Eidelman's Scientific Consulting)
Alexander Einarsson
(University of Maryland, College Park)
- Co-author in Adjoint optimization of circular lattices
- Joshua Einstein-Curtis (RadiaSoft (United States))
- Thomas Eisel (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Tord Ekelöf (Uppsala University)
- Henrik Ekerfelt (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Staffan Ekström
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Torben Ekvall (Mark & Wedell A/S)
- Jeffrey Eldred (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Ander Elejaga (University of the Basque Country)
- Marwan Elfleet (University of Glasgow)
Nuno Elias
(European Spallation Source)
- Author in Results of the elliptical cryomodule qualification at the ESS TS2
- Co-author in RF CM Test Program at ESS TS2
- Mohamed El Khaldi (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Dima El Khechen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Amanda Elliott (Institute for Modeling Plasma, Atmospheres, and Cosmic Dust)
- Mike Ellis (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Jennifer Ellsworth
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
Hani Elsayed-Ali
(Old Dominion University)
- Co-author in Characterization of elliptical single-cell Nb thin-film cavity at low temperatures
- Co-author in Quantum efficiency and lifetime study for negative electron affinity GaAs nanopillar array photocathode
- Co-author in Quantum efficiency and lifetime study for negative electron affinity GaAs nanopillar array photocathode
- Daniel Elsner (University of Bonn)
- Louis Emery (Argonne National Laboratory)
Claudio Emma
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Few cycle radiation pulses from strongly compressed electron beams
- Co-author in Efficient tuning of particle accelerator emittance via Bayesian algorithm execution and virtual objectives
- Co-author in Multi-color operation via coherent harmonic generation in a plasma driven attosecond X-ray source
- Co-author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
- Co-author in Preliminary commissioning results for the plasma-driven attosecond X-ray source (PAX) experiment at FACET-II
- Natalia Emriskova (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jimy Encomendero (Cornell University)
- Joachim Enders (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Markus Engart (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Alexander Engeda (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Robert England (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Uwe Englisch (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Yoshinori Enomoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Rafael Enparantza (Fundación TEKNIKER)
- Rolf Ent (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Grigory Eremeev
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in A Booster Replacement Linac for the Future of High Energy Physics at Fermilab
- Co-author in Characterization of elliptical single-cell Nb thin-film cavity at low temperatures
- Co-author in Flux expulsion and material properties of Nb explored in ~650 MHz cavities
- Co-author in Flux expulsion and material properties of Niobium explored in 644-650 MHz cavities
- Vera Erends (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Ezgi Ergenlik (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Mark Erickson (Poole Ventura, Inc.)
- Mattias Eriksson (European Spallation Source)
- Stefano Ermon (Stanford University)
Eric Esarey
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Plasma-accelerator-based linear beam cooling systems
Seyma Esen
(Istanbul University)
- Co-author in Beam Measurements from Proton Testbeam At KAHVE-Lab
- Co-author in Manufacturing and Testing of the 800 MHz RFQ at KAHVE-Lab
- Co-author in Manufacturing and testing of the 800 MHz RFQ at KAHVELab
- Mohammad Eshraqi (European Spallation Source)
Franck Esnault
(Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Co-author in Superconducting multipole triplet field measurements
- Alexandre Esper (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
Daniel Esperante
(Instituto de Física Corpuscular)
- Co-author in Beam loading effects in standing-wave linacs and their implementation into the particle tracking code RF-Track
- Co-author in Beam Loading Effects in Standing-Wave LINACs and their Implementation into the Particle Tracking Code RF-Track
- Co-author in Dielectric Assist Accelerating structures for compact linear accelerators of low energy particles in hadrontherapy treatments
Francisco Espinosa Loza
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
- Everett Espinoza (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Luigi Salvatore Esposito
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Assessment of beam-intercepting device robustness for intensity increase in CERN’s North Area
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Demonstration of non-local crystal shadowing at the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Design development and technological R&D for niobium-cladded beam production targets
- Co-author in Development of bent crystal manipulation systems for beam collimation and extraction at CERN
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Power deposition studies for betatron halo losses in HL-LHC
- Co-author in Progresses and design development for the CERN ISOLDE beam dumps exchange
- Co-author in Simulations and measurements of collisional losses with Pb beams at the LHC
- Co-author in Target systems design for a high intensity facility in the CERN's ECN3 area
- Adolfo Esposito (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Frank Esser (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Juan Esteban Muller (European Spallation Source)
- John Etheridge (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Ozgur Etisken (Kirikkale University)
- Victor Etxebarria (University of the Basque Country)
- Clement Evain (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules)
- Nicholas Evans (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Friederike Ewald
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
Siara Fabbri
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Magnets for a muon collider
Adrian Fabich
- Co-author in Implementation status of MYRRHA phase 1 (MINERVA)
- Alessandro Fabris (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Riccardo Fabris
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Alberto Facco (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Abigail Fagan (Cornell University (CLASSE))
Enrico Fagotti
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Beam transfer lines design study for 30-40 mA proton beam for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy facility
- Author in Construction, assembly and measurements of the SPES RFQ
- Author in Design optimization for the construction of a linear accelerator driven BNCT facility
- Author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in RF conditioning towards continuous wave of the RFQ of the linear IFMIF prototype accelerator
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in Upgrade of the ALPI low and medium beta RF control system
- Co-author in Upgrades and developments related to stable ion beams injectors at INFN-LNL
- Mike Fahey (ibss Group Inc)
Luigi Faillace
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Author in Design, fabrication and mechanical tests of TIG-welded Ka-band accelerating structures for ultra-high gradient applications
- Author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in A Space Charge Forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in A space charge forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in RF design of a compact C-band RF pulse compressor for a VHEE linac for flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Dan Faircloth (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Moein Fakhari
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Broad range single-shot electron energy spectrometer for THz driven booster accelerator using an in-vacuum tunable dipole magnet
- Co-author in Compact electron beam transport system of AXSIS THz-driven electron accelerator employing adjustable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole
- Co-author in Compact Single-Side-Pumped Terahertz-Driven Booster Accelerator
- Co-author in Coupler design for THz DLW LINACs
- Co-author in Development of a compact half-cell RF photocathode gun for single-shot keV ultrafast electron diffraction with femtosecond resolution
- Steven Falabella (University of California, Berkeley)
- Philippe Falaise (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Luciano Falbo (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Nicholas Falls (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Antonio Falone
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Kuanjun Fan
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Author in Characteristics of focused very high energy electron (VHEE) beams in radiotherapy
- Author in Phase-space reconstruction based on severe undersampling for ultrafast electron beam
- Co-author in Longitudinal phase space mapping of low energy electron beams using an rf deflector and a bend
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Co-author in Russian quadruplet based electron optics for ultrafast electron microscopy
- Le Fan (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Danlei Fan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Gongtao Fan (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yongshan Fan
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Assembly, alignment and tuning of the XiPAF DTL
Wencheng Fang
(Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Bimodal design of 500 MHz and 1.5 GHz normal conducting RF cavity for advanced synchrotron radiation facilities
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and cold-test of an x-band accelerating structure for linearizer
- Co-author in High-power experiment of a C-band photocathode gun
- Co-author in Low-level radio-frequency system integrated with feed-forward control and vector modulation
- Co-author in Study and simulation of cryogenic bi-periodic accelerating structure with TM02 mode
- Jianwei Fang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Zhigao Fang (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Chyi-Shyan Fann
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Sextupole injection at TPS
- Timo Fanselow (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Wilfrid Farabolini
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in A Novel Fibre Optic Monitor for VHEE UHDR Beam Monitoring: First Tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in A novel fibre optic monitor for VHEE UHDR beam monitoring: first tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in Application of beam-based alignment to the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Development of reliable VHEE/FLASH passive dosimetry methods and procedures at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Electron beam studies on a beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation
- Co-author in Experimental generation of the transversely uniform electron bunches at the CLEAR facility at CERN
- Co-author in The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
- Co-author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in VHEE and ultra high dose rate radiotherapy studies in the CLEAR user facility
- Ruy Farias (Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials)
Edoardo Farina
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Energy deposition challenges for the HL-LHC beam dump
- Author in Protection of extraction septa during asynchronous beam dumps in HL-LHC operation
- Co-author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Co-author in Design development and R&D for CERN’s HL-LHC external beam dump
- Co-author in Power deposition studies for betatron halo losses in HL-LHC
- Stefania Farinon (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare)
- John Farmer (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
- Aaron Farricker (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Afshin Farshidfar (European Spallation Source)
- Stephane Fartoukh (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Laurent Farvacque (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Andrea Fasolato (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Samira Fatehi
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in A short-length transport line for laser-plasma accelerators using HTS periodic magnets
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and measurement of a normal conducting quadrupole for a laser-plasma-accelerator-based beam transport line
- Co-author in Scaling fixed-field alternating gradient-type magnets for transportation of laser-plasma accelerator electron beams
Angeles Faus-Golfe
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
- Co-author in Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
- Co-author in Multipactor studies for the FCC–ee superconducting swell cavities
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
Giacomo Favero
(INFN- Sez. di Padova)
- Author in Predictive capabilities in CFD simulations of additively manufactured extraction grid cooling channels for the DTT NBI system
- Co-author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Implementation of the Additive Manufacturing for metals approach: the production of the acceleration grids for DTT NBI project
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of CuCrZr for nuclear fusion acceleration components
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of pure niobium for particle accelerator applications
- Giorgia Favia (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Mathieu Favre (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
William Fawley
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Alberto Fazzi (Politecnico di Milano)
- Gabriel Fedal (European Spallation Source)
- Luca Fedeli (Laboratoire Interactions, Dynamiques et Lasers)
- Valentin Fedosseev (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Alexei Fedotov (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Svetlana Fedotova (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Mikhail Fedurin
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Operation the Accelerator Test Facility linac transport beamline by using Artificial Intelegence and Machine Learning Methods
- Co-author in Cyclotron resonance accelerator for electron beams
- Co-author in Data analysis and control of an MeV ultrafast electron diffraction system and a photocathode laser and gun system using machine learning
- Sandor Feher (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Leon Feigin (Ariel University)
- Joerg Feikes (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Enrico Felcini (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Olaf Felden (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Eike Feldmeier (Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum)
- Giuseppe Felici (Sordina IORT Technologies)
- Luis Feliciano (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Barry Fell (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Brian Fellenz
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Electron cloud measurements in Fermilab booster
- Lukas Felsberger (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Guangyao Feng
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Analyzing and optimizing dynamic aperture based on minimizing the fluctuation of resonance driving terms
- Author in Design of a permanent quadrupole magnet with adjustable magnetic field gradient
- Co-author in Design of magnets for Hefei advanced light facility
- Co-author in High-Order-Modes Damping in Superconducting Harmonic Cavity for HALF storage ring
- Co-author in On-resonance round beam experiment in the HLS-II storage ring
- Co-author in Preliminary design on the accelerator of an infrared free electron laser oscillator
- Co-author in Progress on the storage ring physics design of Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF)
- Co-author in Project progress of LLRF for the Superconducting RF system of Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF)
Chao Feng
(Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Author in A Compact Accelerator-based Light Source for High-power, Full-bandwidth Tunable Coherent THz Generation
- Author in Fully coherent soft X-ray pulse generation based on ERL
- Author in Fully Coherent Soft X-ray Pulse Generation Based on ERL
- Author in Improving the performance of the SXFEL through Proximal Policy Optimization
- Co-author in A modified round to flat beam transformation lattice for angular dispersion induced microbunching technique
- Co-author in A novel scheme based on angular dispersion-induced microbunching mechanism for harmonic generation in storage ring
- Co-author in Feasibility verification of ultrafast FEL generation experimental scheme based on SXFEL
- Co-author in High-gain free-electron laser with orbital angular momentum seeded by an x-ray regenerative amplifier
- Co-author in Improving the performance of the SXFEL through Proximal Policy Optimization
- Co-author in Intelligent online optimization in X-ray free-electron lasers
- Co-author in Multi-color FEL generation through a chirped electron beam bunch train
- Co-author in Orbital Stability Analysis of Three Beamlines in Beam Distribution System of SHINE Facility
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
- Co-author in Recent progress of THz source at the SXFEL
- Michael Fenner (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Bruno Feral (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Mario Ferianis (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Gerard Ferlin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Benjamin Fernandes Neres (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Ferran Fernandez
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Juan Fernández (Seven Solutions (Spain))
- Paolo Ferracin (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Jose Ferradas Troitino
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Rafael Ferragut (Politecnico di Milano)
Guillaume Ferrand
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Author in Status of the uTCA Digital LLRF integration for SARAF Phase II
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Ángel Ferran Pousa (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Alessandro Ferrara (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
- Alberto Ferrara (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Eugenio Ferrari
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Author in Sensitivity of the optical-klystron-based high-gain harmonic generation on the electron beam energy profile
- Author in Simulation Studies on an XUV High-Gain FEL Oscillator at FLASH
- Author in Simulation studies on an XUV high-gain FEL oscillator at FLASH
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Co-author in Seeding studies at FLASH
- Co-author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
- Luigi Ferrari (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Massimo Ferrario
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in EuPRAXIA and its italian construction site
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in First simulations for the EuAPS betatron radiation source
- Co-author in Numerical studies for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB plasma beam driven working point
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Plasma acceleration-induced betatron radiation: a potential seed for Free Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Jose Ferreira Somoza (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Vittorio Ferrentino
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Co-author in Measurement and modelling of decapole errors in the LHC from beam-based studies
- Alvaro Ferrero Colomo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Paolo Fessia (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jorge Feuchtwanger (Ikerbasque)
Luca Ficcadenti
(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
Frank Fichtner
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Co-author in Beam diagnostics and instrumentation for MESA
Richard Fielder
(Diamond Light Source)
- Author in Testing of a ZEPTO tuneable permanent magnet quadrupole at Diamond Light Source
- Co-author in Analysis of single-bunch instabilities for Diamond-II
- Co-author in Development of fast BBA for Diamond Light Source
- Co-author in Ion effects studies for Diamond-II with a simplified model
- Co-author in RF feedback simulation for Diamond-II using ELEGANT
- Co-author in Updates to Diamond-II storage ring error specifications and commissioning procedures
Gregory FIfe
(Jacobs Engineering)
- Author in Jacobs remote leak sealing
- Daniele Filippetto (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Christian Finck (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
- Alan Findlay (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Fabrizio Fiorina
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
- Lucio Fiscarelli (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Wolfram Fischer (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Devon Fischer (Varex Imaging (United States))
- Marco Fischer (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Lorenz Fischl (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Andrew Fisher (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
- Jesse Fite (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Frederico Fiuza (Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear)
- Roland Fleischhauer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Klaus Floettmann
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Development of a compact half-cell RF photocathode gun for single-shot keV ultrafast electron diffraction with femtosecond resolution
- Co-author in Dispersion relations for a cylindrical waveguide with multilayer walls
- Co-author in Helical undulator combined with a multilayer cylindrical waveguide.
- Bud Fogal (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
Luca Foggetta
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC modulator upgrade
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Elena Fol (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Fabio Follin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Benjamin Folsom (European Spallation Source)
- Charles Folz (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Alex Fomin
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in Lattice design of 250 MeV version of Perle
- Co-author in Magnetic Design of the Commutational Magnet and Quadrupoles for PERLE Accelerator
- Co-author in Magnetic design of the commutational magnet and quadrupoles for PERLE accelerator
- Co-author in Modeling of standing wave RF cavities for tracking through multi-pass energy recovery linac
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Ken Fong (TRIUMF)
- Dorothea Fonnesu (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Dorothea Fonnesu (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Andrea Fontanet
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Co-author in Characterization of in-vacuum wiggler for FAXTOR beamline at alba
- Watanyu Foosang (Synchrotron soleil)
- Maurizio Foppa Pedretti (Rösler Italiana s.r.l.)
- Katy Foraz (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Peter Forck
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Author in Study on spill quality and transit times for slow extraction from SIS18
- Author in Study on spill quality and transit times for slow extraction from SIS18
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Co-author in RF-acceleration studies for the HBS-linac applying alternating phase focusing concepts
- Co-author in SIS18 operation and recent development
Davide Ford
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Nb3Sn on Cu Coating By Magnetron Sputtering From Target Synthesized via Liquid Tin Diffusion
- Co-author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of pure niobium for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Progress of application and surface enhancement by Plasma Electrolytic Polishing as a new treatment for SRF substrates and accelerator components preparation
- Frederick Forest (SIGMAPHI S.A.)
Manuel Formela
(Universität Hamburg)
- Author in Status of hydrodynamic simulations of a tapered plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Author in Status of plasma diagnostics on the prototype plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Co-author in Status Of Plasma Diagnostics On The Prototype Plasma Lens For Optical Matching At The ILC e+ Source
- Arianna Formenti (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Alice Formento (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Andrea Fornara (University of Manchester)
- Reza Foroozan (European Spallation Source)
- Fabio Fortini (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- Reto Fortunati (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Brian Foster (University of Oxford)
- Olivier Fournier (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Amelie Fournier (Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan)
- Arnaud Foussat (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Andre Frahm (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Emily Frame (Northern Illinois University)
- Paolo Francescon (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Daniele Francescone
(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
Giuliano Franchetti
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in Impact of the neutral molecule trapping on beam lifetime and beam profile
- Author in Investigation of micro spill in RF KO extraction using tailored excitation signals
- Co-author in Dark sector searches based on dielectric laser acceleration
- Co-author in Macroparticle collisionality in PIC solver
- Co-author in Study of high-intensity bunch merging and its experimental application on rapid cycling synchrotrons
- Andrea Franchi (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Gaia Franciosini (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Fernanda Francisco (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
Rui Franqueira Ximenes
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Target systems design for a high intensity facility in the CERN's ECN3 area
- Co-author in Assessment of beam-intercepting device robustness for intensity increase in CERN’s North Area
- Co-author in Design development and technological R&D for niobium-cladded beam production targets
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Protection of extraction septa during asynchronous beam dumps in HL-LHC operation
- Francesco Fransesini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Paris Franz (Stanford University)
Giovanni Franzini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Alessandro Frasca
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Optimizing Pb beam losses at the LHCb for maximum luminosity
- Author in Simulations and measurements of collisional losses with Pb beams at the LHC
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
Matthew Fraser
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Assessment of beam-intercepting device robustness for intensity increase in CERN’s North Area
- Co-author in Beam delivery of high-energy ion beams for irradiation experiments at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Beam performance and operational efficiency at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Benchmarking simulations of slow extraction driven by RF transverse excitation at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Demonstration of non-local crystal shadowing at the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Development of bent crystal manipulation systems for beam collimation and extraction at CERN
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Investigating alternative extraction methods at MedAustron
- Co-author in Production of slow extracted beams for CERN's East Area at the Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in Slow extraction with octupoles at CERN proton synchrotron to improve extraction efficiency
- Co-author in Target systems design for a high intensity facility in the CERN's ECN3 area
- Alexandre Frassier (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Andrea Frazzitta (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Matthew Freeman (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Patrick Freeman (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Ben Freemire (Euclid Beamlabs LLC)
- Vitor Freire (Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials)
- Wolfgang Freund (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
Matthias Frey
(University of St Andrews)
- Co-author in OPAL and Future Directions Towards the Exascale Area
Florian Frick
(Universität Stuttgart - Institut für Steuerungstechnik der Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungseinrichtungen)
- Co-author in Using TSN for accelerator control systems
- Simon Friederich (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Aharon Friedman (Ariel University)
Bertram Friedrich
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Thilo Friedrich (European Spallation Source)
- Per-Olof Friman (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Guglielmo Frisella (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Alessandro Friso (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Yuliya Fritzsche (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Robert Froeschl (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Nils-Oliver Fröhlich (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Emmanuel Froidefond (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
- Xiaoxi Fu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Yoshiaki Fujii (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Masaki Fujimoto
(UVSOR Facility)
- Co-author in Light source developments at UVSOR BL1U
- Takahiro Fujita (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Kenji Fukami (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
Atsushi Fukasawa
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Author in Beam transport and diagnostics for the space plasma experiment at Samurai
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Studying the basics of plasma physics using long range plasma
- Co-author in Temperature stability in CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG)
- Mitsuhiro Fukuda (Osaka University)
- Masafumi Fukuda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Satoshi Fukui (Niigata University)
- Yuji Fukui (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Toru Fukui (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
Hitoshi Fukuma
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Observation of sudden beam loss in SuperKEKB
- Chikara Fukushima (Waseda University)
- Kei Fukushima (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Lorenzo Fulgentini (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica)
Douglas Fuller
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
Yoshihiro Funakoshi
- Co-author in Beam injection issues at SuperKEKB
- Co-author in Bunch lifetime analysis based on the injection interval at SuperKEKB
- Co-author in Observation of sudden beam loss in SuperKEKB
Stefan Funkner
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in Enhancing the sensitivity of the electro-optical far-field experiment for measuring CSR at KARA
- Co-author in First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
- Kazuro Furukawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Fumio Furuta (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Keith Furutani (Mayo Clinic in Florida)
Nuria Fuster
(Instituto de Física Corpuscular)
- Co-author in Beam loading effects in standing-wave linacs and their implementation into the particle tracking code RF-Track
- Co-author in Beam Loading Effects in Standing-Wave LINACs and their Implementation into the Particle Tracking Code RF-Track
- Co-author in Dielectric Assist Accelerating structures for compact linear accelerators of low energy particles in hadrontherapy treatments
- Juan Fuster (Instituto de Física Corpuscular)
- Kenta Futatsukawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Yasuhiro Fuwa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Gregory Fystro
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Robust adaptive bayesian optimization
- Annika Gabriel (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Thomas Gadner (Management Center Innsbruck)
Simon Gaebel
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
Alexis Gaget
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Vanessa Gahier (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Nazareno Gaiffi
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A new NEG coating setup with travelling thin solenoids for the SLS 2.0 complex vacuum chambers
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 vacuum components design
Giulio Gaio
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in A new class of fast power converters for the Elettra 2.0 storage ring
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0 eBPM: Complete System Overview
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Wawrzyniec Gaj (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Alessio Galatà
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Upgrades and developments related to stable ion beams injectors at INFN-LNL
- Co-author in Demonstration of Beam Emittance Optimization using Reinforcement Learning
- Co-author in Metallic neutral vapours diffusion in electron cyclotron resonance ion sources : fluid dynamics and particle tracing simulations
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in Optimizations of a combined RFQ cooler prototype for exotic ion beams
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Alice Galdi (University of Salerno)
Marc-Antoine Galilée
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Data acquisition and supervision for the HL-LHC quench protection system – Part II the software stack
- Co-author in A public data service for the Beam Interlock Systems at CERN - current status and future plans
- Co-author in Data acquisition and supervision systems for the HL-LHC quench protection system - part I the hardware
Artem Galimov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Thomas Gallagher (University of Liverpool)
- Frederic Galleazzi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Mario Galletti
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Plasma acceleration-induced betatron radiation: a potential seed for Free Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Adrià Gallifa Terricabras (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Alessandro Gallo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Carmelo Sebastiano Gallo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Björn Gålnander (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Michael Galonska
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Beam properties beyond the therapeutic range at HIT
- Gianluca Galzerano (Politecnico di Milano)
Bamunuvita Gamage
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Lattice design for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Status of the second interaction region design for Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Synchronizing the timing of the electron and Hadron storage rings in the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Beam optics update for EIC HSR-IR2
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Large-aperture high-field NB3SN magnets for the 2nd EIC interaction region
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
- Davide Gamba (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Umberto Gambardella (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Richard Gambella (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Nadia Gambino (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
Alexis Gamelin
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Beam-ion Instabilities and Their Mitigation for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in Resistive-wall instability evaluation along the ramp in the SOLEIL II booster
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Co-author in Stability survey of a double RF system with RF feedback loops for bunch lengthening in a low-emittance synchrotron ring
- Co-author in TDR baseline lattice for SOLEIL II upgrade project
- Santo Gammino (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Ravi Gampa
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in A Pulsed Wien Filter as a Low-Energy Kicker
David Gancarcik
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Damage Experiment with Superconducting Sample Coils - Experimental Setup and Observations during Beam Impact
- Author in Damage experiment with superconducting sample coils - experimental setup and observations during beam impact
- Author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Investigations on NbTi superconducting racetrack coils under pulsed-current excitations
- Michal Gandor (S2Innovation Sp z o. o. [Ltd.])
- Fabrizio Gangini (SAES RIAL Vacuum)
Romain Ganter
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Author in SLS 2.0 storage ring components overview before installation
- Author in SLS 2.0 vacuum components design
- Co-author in A new NEG coating setup with travelling thin solenoids for the SLS 2.0 complex vacuum chambers
- Co-author in Corrugated wakefield structures at SwissFEL
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
Jie Gao
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in An introduction to future accelerator based projects and the technological trends in Asia/Australia
- Co-author in Beam polarization studies at the CEPC
- Co-author in CEPC circumference optimization
- Co-author in CEPC damping ring design in TDR stage
- Co-author in Nonlinearity optimization for the 125 TeV SPPC collider ring lattice
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
Yuan Gao
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Bayesian optimization calibration of ionization profile monitor at the AGS complex
- Author in Initial results of applying an autoencoder to detect anomalies in the air conditioning systems of the Brookhaven accelerator complex
- Co-author in AGS booster beam-based main quadrupole transfer function measurements
- Meng Gao (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Zhangfeng Gao (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Qiang Gao
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Compression of relativistic electron bunch train
Jian Gao
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Design of an S-band buncher for KeV UED
- Co-author in Development of an X-band RF gun with four-feed coupler
- Zihe Gao (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Mengjia Gaowei (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Raul Garcia (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Mario García (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- José Ramón García (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
Ruben Garcia Alia
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam delivery of high-energy ion beams for irradiation experiments at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Comparison between Run 2 SEU measurements and FLUKA simulations in the CERN LHC tunnel and shielded alcoves around IP1/5
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Co-author in Overview of the radiation levels in the CERN accelerator complex after LS2
- Co-author in Overview of total ionizing dose levels in the Large Hadron Collider during 2022 restart
- Co-author in Production of slow extracted beams for CERN's East Area at the Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
- Co-author in Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
- Vanessa Garcia Diaz (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Hector Garcia Gavela (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- CRISTOBAL GARCIA JAIMES (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Henrique Garcia Rodrigues
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
Alejandro Garcia Sosa
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
Riccardo Gargana
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Cedric Garion
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Evaluation of green laser source additive manufacturing technology for accelerator applications with ultra-high vacuum requirements
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Impedance analysis of deformable RF contact bridges for high luminosity LHC
- Co-author in Preliminary design of the FCC-ee vacuum chamber absorbers
- James Garland (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Marco Garlasché (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jean-Christophe Garnier (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Luca Garolfi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jacqueline Garrahan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Marco Garten (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
David Garzella
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Accurate control of seed and free-electron laser chirp with bunching spectral analysis
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Sensitivity studies of a seeded FEL operating at 2 nm
- Marek Gasior (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- David Gaskell (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Bartosz Gasowski (Warsaw University of Technology)
Dennis Gaßmann
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in The Personnel Access System for FAIR
David Gassner
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in Beam Instrumentation Hardware Architecture for Upgrades at the BNL Collider-Accelerator Complex and the Future Electron Ion Collider
- Co-author in Design Study of button BPMs for the EIC Hadron Storage Ring
Laurent Gatignon
(Lancaster University)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
Corrado Gatto
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Beam options for the REDTOP experiment
Stefan Gatzmaga
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Co-author in Experimental investigations and Simulations of Dark Current in ELBE SRF gun-II
- Co-author in Impact of Surface Cleaning on the Quantum Efficiency of Mg Photocathodes
- Co-author in Low-emittance SRF photo-injector prototype cryomodule for the LCLS-II high-energy upgrade: design and fabrication
- Marcel Gaudreau (Diversified Technologies (United States))
Martin Gaughran
(Diamond Light Source)
- Co-author in Development of fast BBA for Diamond Light Source
- Philippe Gauron (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Henry Gaus (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Randeer Pratap Gautam (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Fabrice Gautheron (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Emma Gautheron (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Clement GAUTIER (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen)
Georges Gautier
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
Daniel Gavela
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Co-author in H11(0) end cells for a 750 MHz IH structure
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in Preparations for beam commissioning of the carbon RFQ at CERN
- Co-author in Thermal and deformation analysis of a 750 MHz IH-DTL prototype for medical applications
- Yury Gavrikov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
- Dmitriy Gavryushkin (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
- Jean-Christophe Gayde (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Nikolaos Gazis
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Non-Destructive Testing and Mechanical Measurements at the European Spallation Source
- Co-author in The ESSvSB+ project
- Lixin Ge (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Xiaoqin Ge
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Finite element analysis for NEG coated vacuum chamber based on ANSYS Workbench
- Author in Finite element analysis for NEG coated vacuum chamber based on ANSYS Workbench
- Author in Study on the vacuum properties of laser-etched oxygen-free copper
- Author in Study on the vacuum properties of laser-etched oxygen-free copper
- Xiaoqin Ge (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Ralf Gebel (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Cameron Geddes (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Mona Gehlot (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Tim Gehrke (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Oksana Geithner (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Wolfgang Geithner (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Fabio Gelain
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Demonstration of Beam Emittance Optimization using Reinforcement Learning
- Co-author in First installation of the upgraded vacuum control system for ALPI accelerator
- Co-author in Functional Architecture of SPES Safety System
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in Status of the commissioning of Beam Cooler for SPES project
- Co-author in Upgrade of the ALPI low and medium beta RF control system
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Federico Gelmetti (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Gianluca Geloni
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Author in Bayesian optimization for high-power X-ray vortex generation
- Author in Investigation of multi-modes in Hard X-ray Self-seeding operation at the European XFEL
- Author in Revision of optical klystron enhancement effects in self-amplified spontaneous emission free-electron lasers
- Author in Simulating Partially Coherent Undulator Radiation with Gaussian Random Fields
- Author in THz Undulator Source and Radiation Transport Through an Iris Line for Pump-Probe Experiments at FELs
- Author in User delivery experience of Hard X-ray Self-seeding at the European XFEL
- Author in Virtual photon pulse characterisation using machine learning methods
- Co-author in CSR-induced projected emittance growth study for the beam switchyard at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Effect of SCU long range errors on the FEL performance
- Co-author in Numerical studies of electron beam dynamics for the generation of attosecond pulses at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Simulation study on a virtual diagnostics concept for X-ray pulse characterisation
- Co-author in Studies of distributed optical klystron at european XFEL
- Culley Gemma (John Adams Institute)
- Huiping Geng (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Rong-Li Geng (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Luca Gentini (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Raffaella Geometrante (Kyma S.p.A.)
Angela George
(Diamond Light Source)
- Co-author in An in-vacuum measurement system for CPMUs at Diamond Light Source
- Co-author in CPMU development at diamond light source
Georgi Georgiev
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Romain Louis Gerard (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Alexander Gerbershagen
(Particle Therapy Research Center)
- Author in Establishment of the new particle therapy Research Center (PARTREC) at UMCG Groningen
- Co-author in A Novel Fibre Optic Monitor for VHEE UHDR Beam Monitoring: First Tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in A novel fibre optic monitor for VHEE UHDR beam monitoring: first tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in Development of a New Electromagnetic Extraction channel for the AGOR Cyclotron
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Peter Gerhard (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Frank Gerigk (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Xavier German (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- eduard Gershkevitsh (Estonian Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics)
- Elias Gerstmayr (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Christopher Gerth (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Isaac Gertz
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Spencer Gessner (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Julian Gethmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Viktor Gettmann (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Christophe Geuzaine (University of Liège)
- Artur Gevorgyan (European Spallation Source)
- Gevork Gevorkyan (Arizona State University)
- Dominique Gex (Fusion For Energy)
- Omair Ghafur (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Rezvan Ghanbari (Universität Hamburg)
- Hossein Ghasem (Diamond Light Source)
Andrea Ghigo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Plasma acceleration-induced betatron radiation: a potential seed for Free Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Probir Ghoshal (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Mauro Giacchini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Bianca Giaccone (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Augusto Giachero
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
- Lorenzo Giacomel (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Fabio Giacuzzo
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Marco Giammarchi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Eliana Gianfelice-Wendt
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Spin-polarization simulations for the Future Circular Collider e+e- using Bmad
- Co-author in Spin-polarization simulations for the Future Circular Collider e+e- using Bmad
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
Luca Giannessi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in Fabrication, conditioning, installation and commissioning with the beam of the first High Gradient (HG) module for the FERMI linac upgrade
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Sensitivity studies of a seeded FEL operating at 2 nm
- Co-author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
- Giacomo Giannetti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Dario Giannotti
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Paul Giansiracusa (The University of Melbourne)
Stephen Gibson
(Royal Holloway University of London)
- Author in High-bandwidth Electro-Optic BPMs and an optical time-stretch technique
- Co-author in BDSIM v1.7.0 developments for the modelling of accelerators and their environment
- Co-author in Benchmarking simulations of slow extraction driven by RF transverse excitation at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Detector parametrisation for the front end test stand laserwire diagnostic using GEANT4
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Pilar Gil (Orolia Spain)
- Danhye Gil (Institute for Basic Science)
- Onur Gilanliogullari (Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Simone Gilardoni (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Abigail Giles (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Anthony Gilfellon
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Co-author in Bead-pull analysis of HOM in X-band linearizer linac on CLARA, with update on HOM measurement system
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the low dark charge photocathode RF gun for Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Imaging (RUEDI) facility
- Co-author in Copper photocathodes for the modified 10 Hz gun on the CLARA accelerator
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Max Gilljohann (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée)
- David Giloteaux (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Benito Gimeno-Martinez
(Val Space Consortium)
- Co-author in Beam loading effects in standing-wave linacs and their implementation into the particle tracking code RF-Track
- Co-author in Beam Loading Effects in Standing-Wave LINACs and their Implementation into the Particle Tracking Code RF-Track
- Co-author in Dielectric Assist Accelerating structures for compact linear accelerators of low energy particles in hadrontherapy treatments
- Jorge Giner Navarro (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Sergio Gioia (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Enrico Giolo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Diego Giora (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Maria Carmen Giordano (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Massimo Giovannozzi
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Accelerating dynamic aperture evaluation using deep neural networks
- Author in Analysis of a double-resonance crossing for beam splitting
- Author in Collimation system for the updated FCC-hh design baseline
- Author in Combined-function optics for the lattice of the CERN hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider ring
- Author in Dynamic aperture predictions with echo state networks
- Author in Modelling the experimental data for long-range beam-beam wire compensators at the CERN LHC with diffusive models
- Author in Numerical simulations of transverse nonlinear beam manipulations at the CERN PS
- Author in Recent measurements and analyses of the beam-halo dynamics at the CERN LHC using collimator scans
- Author in Recent updates of the layout of the lattice of the CERN hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider
- Author in The adiabatic theory of the nonlinear coupling resonance crossing in circular accelerators
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Commissioning strategies of hollow electron lens residual kick compensation
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in Optimizing the filling factor in high energy colliders
Dario Giove
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Author in Dosimetry and first radiobiological assay of multi-Gy, multi-MeV TNSA proton beam with ultrahigh dose-rate
- Co-author in Achromatic low energy merger for energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in Status of a low-energy electron TRAnsverse Momentum Measurement device (TRAMM) at INFN LASA
- Sylvain Girard (Univ-Lyon Laboratoire H. Curien)
Anna Giribono
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Numerical studies for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB plasma beam driven working point
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Transfer line design for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB
- Alberto Girotto (Università di Brescia)
Lucia Giuliano
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in A Space Charge Forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in A space charge forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and mechanical tests of TIG-welded Ka-band accelerating structures for ultra-high gradient applications
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in RF design of a compact C-band RF pulse compressor for a VHEE linac for flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Leonida Gizzi (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica)
- Alessio Gizzi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Erion Gjonaj (Technical University of Darmstadt)
Peter Gladkikh
(National Science Centre)
- Co-author in Accelerator operation performance during the NSC KIPT SCA neutron source physical start up
- Co-author in Modernization of the laser-optical system of the X-ray generator NESTOR
- Co-author in Modernization of the NSC KIPT hard X-ray source facility
- Co-author in Reactivity measurements for the NSC KIPT subcritical neutron source facility
- Co-author in The results of the NSC KIPT subcritical assembly neutron source facility physical start up
Nicole Glamann
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in A THz superconducting undulator for flute - Design parameters and layout
- Co-author in Commissioning of a 1.6 m long 16mm period superconducting undulator at the Australian Synchrotron
- Co-author in Damage Experiment with Superconducting Sample Coils - Experimental Setup and Observations during Beam Impact
- Co-author in Damage experiment with superconducting sample coils - experimental setup and observations during beam impact
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Investigations on NbTi superconducting racetrack coils under pulsed-current excitations
- Co-author in Prospects for photon science and beam dynamics studies of a THz undulator at FLUTE
- Co-author in Thermal and mechanical analyses on a vacuum chamber in a compact superconducting undulator with HTS tapes
- Holger Glass (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Thomas Gläßle
(University of Tübingen)
- Co-author in Status of MAD-X V5.09
- Didier Glaude (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Sergei Glukhov (Technical University of Darmstadt)
Eustache Gnacadja
(Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- Author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- Co-author in BDSIM v1.7.0 developments for the modelling of accelerators and their environment
- Co-author in Conceptual lattice design for vertical fixed field medical accelerators
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for vertical fixed field accelerators
- Co-author in Dynamic Aperture Studies for Vertical Fixed Field Accelerators
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Gantry design using achromatic scaling fixed-field magnets
- Brennan Goddard (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Marc-Jan Goethem (University Medical Center Groningen)
Christian Goffing
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Towards fiber optics-guided synchrotron radiation-based longitudinal beam diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
Francis Gohier
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
Nadav Goldberger
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Nicholas Goldring (STATE33 Inc.)
- Sebastian Göller (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Jessica Golm
(Helmholtz Institute Jena)
- Co-author in REBCO sample testing for a HTS high Q cavity
- Nina Golubeva (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Edgar Gomez (Euclid Techlabs (United States))
- Yolanda Gómez Martínez (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
- Lingyun Gong (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Alexandre Gonnin
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Development and Tests of a Full-Size Additive Manufactured Radio Frequency Quadrupole Module
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in TWAC : EIC Pathfinder Open European project on Novel dielectric acceleration
- Juan Pablo Gonzalez-Aguilera (University of Chicago)
- Manuel Gonzalez-Berges (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Pau Gonzalez-Caminal (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Isabel González Díaz-Palacio (Universität Hamburg)
- Daniel Gonzalez-Iglesias (Instituto de Física Corpuscular)
- Cristhian Gonzalez-Ortiz (Michigan State University)
- James Good (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Raja Gopal
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
- Sandesh Gopinath (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Anny Gora (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Evgeny Gorbachev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Oleksii Gorda (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Matthew Gordon (University of Chicago)
- Dmitry Gorelov (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Shahnam Gorgi Zadeh (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Timofey Gorlov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Vitaliy Goryashko (Uppsala University)
- Piotr Goryl (S2Innovation Sp z o. o. [Ltd.])
Paul Goslawski
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Author in Robust design of modern Chasman-Green lattices – a geometric control theory approach
- Author in Update on the lattice design process of BESSY III: towards a baseline lattice
- Co-author in Further aspects of the deterministic lattice design approach for BESSY III
- Co-author in Further investigations of TRIBs in BESSY III design MBA lattices
- Co-author in Lattice options for MLS II
- Co-author in Withdrawn; see below.
- Kevin Gott (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Stefan Gottschlich
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
Alexander Gottstein
(Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics)
- Co-author in A novel fiber-optic beam monitor
- Philippe Goudket (European Spallation Source)
- Christopher Gough (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Francoise Gougnaud
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Emmanuel Goutierre (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Stanislas Grabon (Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules)
- Darren Graham (The University of Manchester)
Joseph Grames
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Co-author in A 5 MeV Compton transmission polarimeter designed for a SRF photogun
- Co-author in A Compton transmission polarimeter for DC and SRF electron photo-injectors
- Co-author in CEBAF Injector Model for K-Long bunch charge at 200 kV
- Co-author in Degrader beamline design at the CEBAF injector for machine acceptance studies
- Co-author in Evaluation of a high-power target design for positron production at CEBAF
- Co-author in Polarized electron injector for positron production at CEBAF
Eduardo Granados
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam characterization and optimisation for AWAKE 18 MeV electron line
- Co-author in Copper surface treatment with deep UV ultrafast laser for improved photocathode photoemissive properties
- Co-author in Prformance of laser patterned copper plasmonic photocathodes
- Co-author in Simulation of plasmonic effects in nanostructured copper surfaces for field-assisted photoemission
- Alexander Grannan (Argonne National Laboratory)
Anna Grassellino
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Quantum computing and accelerator technology
- Author in Review of SRF technology developed for accelerators applied to searches for dark matter and other beyond the standard model physics
- Co-author in Characterization of elliptical single-cell Nb thin-film cavity at low temperatures
- Co-author in Helen: Traveling wave SRF Linear Collider Higgs factory
- Co-author in The Collaborative Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Impurities in Low RRR SRF Cavities
- Co-author in The collaborative effects of intrinsic and extrinsic impurities in low RRR SRF cavities
- Vanessa Grattoni (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
Andreas Grau
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in A THz superconducting undulator for flute - Design parameters and layout
- Co-author in Commissioning of a 1.6 m long 16mm period superconducting undulator at the Australian Synchrotron
- Co-author in Damage Experiment with Superconducting Sample Coils - Experimental Setup and Observations during Beam Impact
- Co-author in Damage experiment with superconducting sample coils - experimental setup and observations during beam impact
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Investigations on NbTi superconducting racetrack coils under pulsed-current excitations
- Co-author in Prospects for photon science and beam dynamics studies of a THz undulator at FLUTE
- Co-author in Status update on SUNADAE2 magnetic field test facility at European XFEL
- Co-author in Thermal and mechanical analyses on a vacuum chamber in a compact superconducting undulator with HTS tapes
- Carlo Graziani (Argonne National Laboratory)
Anna Grebinyk
(Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Christian Grech (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- James Green (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Tyler Green (ELI Beamlines Czech Republic)
- Benjamin Green (Lancaster University)
- David Greene (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Devon Gregoire (TRIUMF)
Maxime Gregorio
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in Beam size measurement developments at SLS
Jean-Louis Grenard
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Assessment of beam-intercepting device robustness for intensity increase in CERN’s North Area
- Co-author in CERN-MEDICIS: Operational indicators to support the production of new medical radionuclides by mass separation
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Target systems design for a high intensity facility in the CERN's ECN3 area
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Edouard Grenier-Boley (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Francesco Grespan
(European Spallation Source)
- Author in Design optimization for the construction of a linear accelerator driven BNCT facility
- Author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Author in The IFMIF RFQ as a resonant combiner: equivalent circuit and operational scenarios
- Co-author in Design of the ESS DTL mechanical supports
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in RF conditioning towards continuous wave of the RFQ of the linear IFMIF prototype accelerator
- Co-author in Status of the ESS normal conducting linac including beam commissioning to DTL4
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Ralf Greven (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Marc Grewe (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
- Ruben Grewe (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Tina Griesemer (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Tobias Griesemer
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
Armen Grigoryan
(Yerevan State University)
- Co-author in Application of low-energy, tunable-delay ultrashort electron bunch pairs for irradiation experiments
- Co-author in Dispersion relations for a cylindrical waveguide with multilayer walls
- Co-author in Helical undulator combined with a multilayer cylindrical waveguide.
- Co-author in S-Band Accelerating Cells Geometry RF Measurements Technique for Pre-Tuning and Smart Combination
- Bagrat Grigoryan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
- Kirill Grigoryev (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Serge Grillot (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Aldo Grimaldi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
- L. L. Grimm (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Stefan Grimmer
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
- Viatcheslav Grishin (European Spallation Source)
- Leonhard Gro¿ (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Roelof Groenewald (TAE Technologies)
Lars Groening
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in The New Intense Heavy Ion Alvarez 2.0 DTL at GSI
- Steffen Grohmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Matthias Gross
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of an electron beam for magnetic bunch compressor commissioning at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Kerstin Gross (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Björn Grossenbacher
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
- David Grote (University of California, Berkeley)
- Baptiste Groussin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Samira Gruber (Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology)
Alexej Grudiev
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Dielectric Assist Accelerating structures for compact linear accelerators of low energy particles in hadrontherapy treatments
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics and RF requirements for a chain of muon RCSs
- Co-author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Co-author in RF design of the waveguide network for the klystron-based CLIC module
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons
Sandi Grulja
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Towards Elettra 2.0: Beam diagnostics overview
- Jan Grünert (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Kelly Grunwald (University of Bonn)
- Maciej Grzegrzolka (Warsaw University of Technology)
- Edda Gschwendtner (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Weihang Gu
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Development of an ultrahigh dose rate radiation platform for X-ray FLASH radiotherapy research
- Author in X-band electron linear accelerator design for intraoperative radiotherapy
- Co-author in Compression of relativistic electron bunch train
- Co-author in Development of an X-band RF gun with four-feed coupler
- Junmin Gu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Xiaofeng Gu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Duan Gu
(Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Author in Stability analysis of double-harmonic cavity system in heavy beam loading with its feedback loops by a mathematical method based on Pedersen model
- Author in Start to End Beam dynamics optimization for the SHINE accelerator
- Author in Suppression of microbunching instability based on optimized velocity bunching in linac-driven FELs
- Co-author in Stability analysis of double-harmonic cavity system in heavy beam loading with its feedback loops by a mathematical method based on Pedersen model
- Co-author in Terahertz radiation and Joule heating of corrugated structure at SHINE facility
- Co-author in Upgrades of High Level Applications on Shanghai Soft X-ray FEL facility
- Shaohong Gu (Tsinghua University)
Qiang Gu
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Author in Stability analysis of double-harmonic cavity system in heavy beam loading with its feedback loops by a mathematical method based on Pedersen model
- Co-author in Stability analysis of double-harmonic cavity system in heavy beam loading with its feedback loops by a mathematical method based on Pedersen model
- Co-author in Terahertz radiation and Joule heating of corrugated structure at SHINE facility
- Ming Gu (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
Pengda Gu
(Diamond Light Source)
- Co-author in RF feedback simulation for Diamond-II using ELEGANT
- Xialing Guan (Tsinghua University)
- jiabao guan (Wuhan University)
- Jorge Guardia (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Elena Guardincerri (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Mariacristina Guarrera (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Josep Guasch-Martinez (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Susanna Guatelli (University of Wollongong)
- Vadim Gubaidulin (Synchrotron soleil)
Joseph Gubeli
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
Alessandro Gubertini
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Magnetic measurement systems for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Superbend magnet for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in The new Elettra 2.0 magnets
- Helene Guerin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Giorgio Guerini Rocco (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Tiziano Guerini Rocco (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
- Ana Guerrero (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Trey Guest (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
Marc Guetg
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Investigation of multi-modes in Hard X-ray Self-seeding operation at the European XFEL
- Author in User delivery experience of Hard X-ray Self-seeding at the European XFEL
- Author in Virtual photon pulse characterisation using machine learning methods
- Co-author in Numerical studies of electron beam dynamics for the generation of attosecond pulses at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Revision of optical klystron enhancement effects in self-amplified spontaneous emission free-electron lasers
- Co-author in Simulation study on a virtual diagnostics concept for X-ray pulse characterisation
Vincenzo Guidi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Techniques for fabrication of crystalline undulators as an innovative intense source of 𝛾-rays
- Co-author in The Design of the Electron and Positron Source for CERN External Beam Lines
- Greta Guidoboni (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Teresa Guillen Hernandez (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Victor Guillen Humbria (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Franck Guillot-Vignot
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Co-author in Improvements on the LHC Interlock BPM system
Michael Guinchard
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam-beam long range compensator mechanical demonstrator
- Co-author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Impact of Vibration to HL-LHC Performance During the FPF Facility Construction
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Hayg Guler
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Co-author in Online spatio-temporal couplings monitoring diagnostics for laser-plasma accelerator driver
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Co-author in Surrogate Model for Linear Accelerator: A fast Neural Network approximation of ThomX's simulator
- Co-author in TWAC : EIC Pathfinder Open European project on Novel dielectric acceleration
Mark Gulley
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Operations Overview of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE)
- Author in Study on Switching from H- to H+ Beam Delivery to the Proton Radiography and Ultra Cold Neutron Facilities at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE)
- Co-author in Future Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) Directions and Enabling R&D Studies
- Colwyn Gulliford (Xelera Research (United States))
- Jens Gumm (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Cagil Gumus (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Thomas Günzel
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Author in Quadrupolar multibunch detuning in the ALBA storage ring
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Co-author in Evaluation of the Impact of REBCO Coated Conductors on the Resistive Wall Impedance of the FCC-hh
- Co-author in Evaluation of the impact of REBCO-coated conductors on the resistive wall impedance of the FCC-hh
Jiquan Guo
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in HOM power in the EIC crab cavity system
- Co-author in Study of an ERL-based X-ray FEL
Yuan Guo
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Simulation study of the fringe field effects in the HEPS storage ring
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Characteristic study of the pulse bump magnet in HEPS
- Co-author in Magnetic measurement of the magnets with trim coils in the HEPS storage ring
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Co-author in Simulation studies of beam commissioning for the HEPS high-energy transfer line
- Jun-Jie Guo (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
Lei Guo
(Nagoya University)
- Author in Photoelectron spectroscopy of CsK2Sb photocathode at Synchrotron Radiation Facility using vacuum transport system
- Co-author in An experimental study of X-Y emittance repartitioning in KEK-STF
- Co-author in GaAs cathode activation with Cs-K-Sb thin film
- Co-author in Operation pressure and lifetime improvement of bialkali photocathodes via graphene protection
- Zhaoheng Guo (Stanford University)
- Chenglin Guo (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
Lin Guo
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Frequency pre-tuning of the 166.6 MHz hom-damped srf cavities for HEPS
- Author in Vertical tests of the 166.6 MHz HOM-damped Prototype SRF Cavities for HEPS
- Co-author in Removal of BCP defects for the 166.6 MHz HOM-damped quarter-wave srf cavities
- Co-author in Status and progress of the RF system for high energy photon source
- Runbing Guo (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Ramesh Gupta (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Naveen Gupta (Lovely Professional University)
- Divya Gupta (Kurukshetra University)
Eloïse Guran
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in AWAKE from Run 2a to Run 2b
- Thomas Gutberlet (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Joffre Gutierrez
(Institut de Ciència de Materials - CSIC)
- Co-author in REBCO sample testing for a HTS high Q cavity
- Javier Gutiérrez (Empresarios Agrupados)
- Victor Gutiérrez (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
Coline Guyot
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Author in Modeling of standing wave RF cavities for tracking through multi-pass energy recovery linac
- Author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Lattice design of 250 MeV version of Perle
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Andrey Gvozd (National Science Centre)
Gwanghui Ha
(Northern Illinois University)
- Author in Arbitrary transverse and longitudinal correlation generation using transverse wiggler and wakefield structures
- Author in Bead-Pull of 0.2 THz Strucutre and Technical Issues
- Author in Emittance exchange with periphery cut for high-brightness beam
- Author in Feasibility study on multi-channel power extraction tube
- Author in Preliminary study on THz-TBA based X-ray source
Taekyun Ha
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Beam Dynamics Optimization of an Electron Linac Using the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
- Co-author in Impedance modeling for Korea’s fourth-generation storage ring
- Co-author in Korea-4GSR Lattice Update
- Co-author in Prototype girder systems for Korea 4GSR
- Co-author in Study on transverse beam size measurement using Cherenkov diffraction radiation in low-energy electron accelerator
- Kiman Ha (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Andrew Haase (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Junji Haba (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Irving Haber
(University of Maryland, College Park)
- Author in Optimizing the discovery of underlying nonlinear beam dynamics and moment evolution
- Author in Optimizing the discovery of underlying nonlinear beam dynamics and moment evolution
- Co-author in Adjoint optimization of circular lattices
- Co-author in Demonstration of Flat/Round Transformations of Angular Momentum and Space Charge Dominated Electron Beams
Thomas Haberer
(Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum)
- Co-author in Advancements in the scintillation fibre beam monitor for low-intensity ion beams at HIT
- Co-author in Beam properties beyond the therapeutic range at HIT
- Co-author in Investigation of micro spill in RF KO extraction using tailored excitation signals
- Co-author in Towards multiple energy extraction operation in ion beam therapy
Sami Habet
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in Evaluation of a high-power target design for positron production at CEBAF
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Ferid Haddad (Laboratoire SUBATECH UMR 6457)
- P. Haenisch (University of Bonn)
Bastian Haerer
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in CERN’s beam instrumentation R&D study for FCC-ee
- Co-author in First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics for different initial distributions at cSTART
- Co-author in Prospects for photon science and beam dynamics studies of a THz undulator at FLUTE
- Co-author in Split-ring resonator experiments and data analysis at FLUTE
- SYED Hafeez (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Aric Hagberg (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Gregoire Hagmann
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in The CERN SPS Low Level RF feedback with amplitude and frequency modulation
- Co-author in Beam loading compensation in the CERN SPS 200 MHz cavities. Measurements and comparison with expectations
- Co-author in SPS fixed target spill quality improvements in the longitudinal plane
- Co-author in The CERN SPS Low Level RF: embedded acquisition system for the Cavity-Controller and Beam-Control commissioning and diagnostics
Garam Hahn
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in A Simulation Study on Residual Gas Chamber Based Photon Beam Position Monitor
- Author in Design study of rebuncher system for KoBRA at RAON
- Co-author in Development of beam position monitor for korea 4GSR project
- Co-author in Study on transverse beam size measurement using Cherenkov diffraction radiation in low-energy electron accelerator
- Seungyong Hahn (Seoul National University)
- Hendrik Hähnel (BEVATECH)
- David Haider (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Ryoichi Hajima (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Malek Haj Tahar (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Adnan Haj Yahya (Ariel University Center of Samaria)
Aliaksei Halavanau
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Design and construction of a population inversion x-ray laser at LCLS
- Author in Optimization of the optical design of cavity-based x-ray lasers
- Co-author in Inferring nonlinear phase space from spectral correlations in free-electron laser radiation
- Co-author in Measurement of LCLS Hard X-ray Undulator gain under CBXFEL-like conditions
- Co-author in Steering to a wakefield reduced trajectory using RF kick data in the SLAC linac
- Pawel Halczynski (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Stephen Hale
(Diamond Light Source)
- Co-author in An in-vacuum measurement system for CPMUs at Diamond Light Source
- Co-author in CPMU development at diamond light source
- Duygu Halis (Yıldız Technical University)
- Christopher Hall (RadiaSoft (United States))
- Wes hall (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Timothy Hall (Faraday Technology (United States))
- Gowrishankar Hallilingaiah (University of Rostock)
Cheolmin Ham
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Design study of rebuncher system for KoBRA at RAON
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
- Hiroyuki Hama (Tohoku University)
Niclas Hamann
(Universität Hamburg)
- Author in Status Of Plasma Diagnostics On The Prototype Plasma Lens For Optical Matching At The ILC e+ Source
- Co-author in Status of hydrodynamic simulations of a tapered plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Co-author in Status of plasma diagnostics on the prototype plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Karim Hamdi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Pierrick Hamel
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Author in Reverse engineering on IPHI RFQ
- Eiad Hamwi (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Salun Hamzic (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
- JangMin Han (Institute for Basic Science)
- Junho Han (Kiswire Advanced Technology Ltd.)
Yanliang Han
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Design of a 250 linac injector for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Author in Longitudinal injection for SAPS based on a double-frequency RF system
- Author in Recent Progress of the Design and Relevant Research Activities for Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Booster conceptual design of the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Kazunori Hanagaki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Xu Hang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Klaus Hanke (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Thomas Hanley (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Adrian Hannah (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Volker Hannen (University of Münster)
- Oliver Hans (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Claire Hansel (University of Colorado Boulder)
Yue Hao
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Haissinski distribution of electron beam in Electron-Ion Collider and its impact on the Hadron beam
- Author in Validation and countermeasures of vertical emittance growth due to crab cavity noise in a horizontal crab-crossing scheme
- Co-author in Beam tomography with coupling using maximum entropy technique
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Multibunch Instabilities with Stepped Airbag Bunches
- Co-author in Quantifying effects of crab cavity RF phase noise on transverse emittance in EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Zirui Hao (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
Xuerui Hao
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Harmonic RF cavity design for 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Sources
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
- Christophe Haquin (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Keigo Hara (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Toru Hara (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
Kentaro Harada
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Development of an octupole ceramics chamber with integrated pulsed magnet for beam injection
- Co-author in Modification of beam transport line design for simultaneous top-up injection to PF and PF-AR
- Hiroyuki Harada (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Vincent Harahap (European Spallation Source)
- Aiden Harbick (Brigham Young University)
- Vincent Hardion (MAX IV Laboratory)
Laurent Hardy
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Jonathan Hares (Kentech Instruments (United Kingdom))
- Katherine Harkay (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Elvin Harms (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Emma Harris (The Joint Department of Physics, Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust)
- Beau Harrison (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Ingmar Hartl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Marco Hartmann
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in Development of the TATTOOS target
- Walter Hartung (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
- Jens Hartung (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Samuel Hartwell
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Co-author in Seeding studies at FLASH
- Melissa Harvey (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Katsushi Hasegawa
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Estimation of the anode power supply current of the J-PARC MR RF system for 1.36 s cycle operation
- Co-author in Improvement of the longitudinal phase space tomography at the J-PARC synchrotrons
- Co-author in Irradiation tests of a cavity core material and GaN devices in J-PARC Main Ring
- Co-author in Vacuum tube operation analysis under a positive grid biasing in J-PARC RCS
- Kazuo Hasegawa (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Majid Hashemi (Iranian Light Source Facility)
- Takashi Hashimoto (Institute for Basic Science)
- Hooman Hassanzadegan (European Spallation Source)
- Carsten Hast (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Shuichiro Hatakeyama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Christopher Hatch (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Axel Hauberg (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Dominique Hauenstein
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Volker Hauer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Viktar Haurylavets
(Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University)
- Co-author in New Geant4 Simulation Model of Electromagnetic Processes in Oriented Crystals and its Applications in Accelerator Physics
- Co-author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Co-author in The Design of the Electron and Positron Source for CERN External Beam Lines
- Sarah Hawkins (William & Mary)
- kikuo hayaga (SPring-8 Service Co. Ltd.)
- Takehito Hayakawa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Hitoshi Hayano (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Kenji Hayashi
(UVSOR Facility)
- Co-author in Light source developments at UVSOR BL1U
- Naoki Hayashi (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
Noriyosu Hayashizaki
(Research Laboratory for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Beam delivery system for BNCT at Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Co-author in Development of a backside laser-heated toroidal electron gun using a lanthanum hexaboride emitter.
- Co-author in Development of He2+ 10GHz ECR Ion Source for astatine generation accelerator
- Co-author in Development of He2+ 10GHz ECR ion source for astatine generation accelerator
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Thomas Hayes (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Tim Hayler (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Brian Haynes (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Kyle Hazelwood (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Jianhua He
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Harmonic RF cavity design for 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Sources
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
- Xiaoye He (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Yuan He (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Ping He (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Yongzhou He (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
Tianlong He
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Instability consideration in the presence of passive superconducting harmonic cavities
- Co-author in Error study on Hefei Advanced Light Facility storage ring
- Co-author in High-Order-Modes Damping in Superconducting Harmonic Cavity for HALF storage ring
- Co-author in Progress on the storage ring physics design of Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF)
- Zhigang He (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Zhigang He (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- János Hebling (University of Pecs)
- Wolfgang Hees (European Spallation Source)
- Roland Heilig (TRUMPF Huettinger GmbH)
- Manuel Heilmann (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Peter Heimgartner
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in Corrugated wakefield structures at SwissFEL
- Marcel Heine (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
Robert Heine
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Co-author in Beam diagnostics and instrumentation for MESA
Beate Heinemann
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Accelerators for particle physics
- Reinhard Heinke (KU Leuven)
- Arne Held (TU Dortmund University)
- Thorsten Hellert (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Erik Hemsing (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
James Henderson
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Stabilised timing links for the CLARA test facility
- Co-author in An introduction to the UK XFEL conceptual design and options analysis
- Co-author in Developing a Two-Colour All-Fibre Balanced Optical Cross-Correlator for Sub-Femtosecond Synchronisation
- Co-author in Developing a two-colour all-fibre balanced optical cross-correlator for sub-femtosecond synchronisation
- Morgan Henderson (RadiaSoft (United States))
- Matthew Hendricks (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Isabel Hendriks (Lund University)
Enrique Henestroza
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Co-author in LANSCE Accelerator Modernisation Project Studies at LANL
- Co-author in Novel multi-beam front end for LANSCE accelerator facility
- Co-author in Short pulse enhancement at the Proton storage ring via double stacking for the Lujan Center at LANSCE
- Co-author in Test facility supporting modernization of the LANSCE front end
- Bernard Henrist (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- James Henry (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Ryan Hensley (University of California, Davis)
- Hoon Heo (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Jeong Il Heo (Institute for Basic Science)
- Seongjin Heo (Institute for Basic Science)
Christian Herbeaux
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Maximilian Herbert (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Frank Herfurth (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Richard Hermann (Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum)
Pascal Hermes
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Author in Recent measurements and analyses of the beam-halo dynamics at the CERN LHC using collimator scans
- Author in Update on the High Luminosity LHC collimation performance with proton beams
- Co-author in Beam lifetime monitoring using beam loss monitors during LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in Commissioning strategies of hollow electron lens residual kick compensation
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Development of bent crystal manipulation systems for beam collimation and extraction at CERN
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in Investigations of losses on the CERN SPS flat bottom with HL-LHC type beams
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Performance of a double-crystal setup for LHC fixed-target experiments
- Co-author in Power deposition studies for betatron halo losses in HL-LHC
Cédric Hernalsteens
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Automated evaluation of LHC proton losses during high-energy beam dumps for the Post-Mortem System
- Co-author in BDSIM v1.7.0 developments for the modelling of accelerators and their environment
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Conceptual lattice design for vertical fixed field medical accelerators
- Co-author in Damage Experiment with Superconducting Sample Coils - Experimental Setup and Observations during Beam Impact
- Co-author in Damage experiment with superconducting sample coils - experimental setup and observations during beam impact
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for vertical fixed field accelerators
- Co-author in Dynamic Aperture Studies for Vertical Fixed Field Accelerators
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Gantry design using achromatic scaling fixed-field magnets
- Co-author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- Co-author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- Co-author in Machine protection perspective on the restart of the large hadron collider after long shutdown 2
Carlos Hernandez-Garcia
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Degrader beamline design at the CEBAF injector for machine acceptance studies
- Co-author in Polarized electron injector for positron production at CEBAF
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Ady Hershcovitch (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Ali Abdelbagi Hesham Abdelbagi (University of Pretoria)
- Regina Hess (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Rafi Hessami
(Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
- Author in Few cycle radiation pulses from strongly compressed electron beams
- Author in Multi-color operation via coherent harmonic generation in a plasma driven attosecond X-ray source
- Co-author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
- Co-author in Preliminary commissioning results for the plasma-driven attosecond X-ray source (PAX) experiment at FACET-II
- Christoph Hessler (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Rainer Hettrich (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Charles Hetzel
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in Design Study of button BPMs for the EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Electron Storage Ring Collimation and Abort System design for the Electron Ion Collider
- Co-author in FELICIA – A probe to survey the RHIC magnet beampipe diameter for EIC beam screen insertion
- Jan Hetzel (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Jens Heufelder (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
- Morgan Hibberd (University of Manchester)
Yoshiteru Hidaka
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Commissioning of orbit feedforward system for HEX superconducting wiggler at NSLS-II
- Author in Impact of dipole component change on quadrupole beam-based alignment accuracy for circular accelerators
- Co-author in Complex bend prototype beamline design and commissioning
- Co-author in Linear optics compensation for the HEX superconducting wiggler at NSLS-II
- Co-author in Study of NSLS-II storage ring sextupole BBA measurement
- Bernhard Hidding (Cockcroft Institute)
Nao Higashi
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Modification of beam transport line design for simultaneous top-up injection to PF and PF-AR
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Current Status of Beam Operation at Compact ERL toward Free-Electron Laser with CW Mode
- Yasuo Higashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Toshiyasu Higo (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Clive Hill (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Wolfgang Hillert
(Universität Hamburg)
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Author in Simulation Studies on an XUV High-Gain FEL Oscillator at FLASH
- Author in Simulation studies on an XUV high-gain FEL oscillator at FLASH
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Author in Successful Al2O3 coating of superconducting niobium cavities by thermal ALD
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in A compact dielectric grating-based charged particle bunch length diagnostic device at ARES
- Co-author in A Compact Dielectric Grating-Based Charged Particle Bunch Length Diagnostic Device at ARES
- Co-author in Accurate control of seed and free-electron laser chirp with bunching spectral analysis
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Co-author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Numerical design of a compact TE11-to-TM01 mode converter for THz-driven electron acceleration
- Co-author in Seeding studies at FLASH
- Co-author in Surface characterization of mid-T heat treated Nb samples to investigate the origin of residual resistance
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Co-author in XRR Analysis of Al2O3 coated and mid-T heat treated niobium for future implementation in SIS-based SRF cavities
- Marcel Himmerlich (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Melissa Hines (Cornell University)
- Alex Hinton (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Tetsuya Hirade (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC))
- Toshihiko Hiraiwa (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
- Koichiro Hirano (Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute)
- Takashi Hirayama (Sumitomo Heavy Industries (Japan))
- Simon Hirlaender (University of Salzburg)
- Kouki Hirosawa (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
Jay Hirshfield
(Omega-P, Inc.)
- Co-author in Cyclotron resonance accelerator for electron beams
- H.C. Ho (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Achim Hobl (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Kiel Hock (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Tara Hodgetts (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
- Arne Hoehl (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt Institut Berlin)
Cornelia Hoehr
- Co-author in A novel fiber-optic beam monitor
- Stefan Hoell (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Michael Hofer
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Impact of two-dimensional decoherence on the measurement of resonance driving terms
- Author in Studies of layout and cleaning performance for the FCC-ee collimation system
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Co-author in Optimizing the beam intensity control by Compton back-scattering in e+/e- Future Circular Collider
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Simulating Tilted Solenoids
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
Mark Hoffbauer
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Optical optimization of Cs2Te photocathodes
Andreas Hoffmann
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Christina Hoffmann (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Mark Hoffmann Wallner (Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials)
Georg Hoffstaetter
(Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in AGS booster beam-based main quadrupole transfer function measurements
- Co-author in Bayesian optimization calibration of ionization profile monitor at the AGS complex
- Co-author in Beam-based alignment of individual members of sextupole families
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Design of a High-Power Linac for the industrial production of Isotopes
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in EIC cooler injector space charge benchmark
- Co-author in Electron polarization preservation in the EIC
- Co-author in Electron Polarization Preservation in the EIC
- Co-author in Generalized gradient map tracking in the Siberian snakes of the AGS and RHIC
- Co-author in Higher-order spin depolarization analysis
- Co-author in Interaction region effects on the EIC’s electron storage ring's dynamic aperture
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Co-author in Longitudinal laser shaping at the EIC cooler injector
- Co-author in Machine learning applications for orbit and optics correction at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron
- Co-author in Nonlinear coupling resonances in the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Study of the systematic error contributions to the measurement of beam size using sextupole magnets
- Co-author in Test of a DC-photogun Injector for the Lighthouse facility
Alicia Hofler
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Modeling for the phased injector upgrade for 12 GeV CEBAF
- Co-author in CEBAF Injector Model for K-Long bunch charge at 200 kV
- Co-author in Polarized electron injector for positron production at CEBAF
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
Mark Hogan
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Advanced accelerators for high energy physics and Snowmass AF06
- Co-author in Modeling of Plasma Accelerators with the Exascale Code WarpX
- Co-author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
- Peter Holgersson (European Spallation Source)
- Adam Holic (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Robert Holland (European Scientific Institute)
Karsten Holldack
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Detlev Hollmann (TRUMPF Huettinger GmbH)
- Adam Hollos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Douglas Holmes
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Progress of High Power FPC development for ERI SRF Cavities
- Co-author in Beam optics update for EIC HSR-IR2
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in FELICIA – A probe to survey the RHIC magnet beampipe diameter for EIC beam screen insertion
- Co-author in Lattice optimization for Electron Ion Collider Hadron storage ring injection
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Robert Holtzapple (California Polytechnic State University)
- Michael Holz (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Bernhard Holzer (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Katrin Holzfeind (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
Yosuke Honda
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Development of build-up optical cavity for broad-band THz pulse train
- Author in Development of cold atom electron source in KEK
- Author in Radiation transport line for Terahertz Coherent Diffraction Radiation at ERL Test Accelerator in KEK
- Co-author in Beam dynamics study of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Current Status of Beam Operation at Compact ERL toward Free-Electron Laser with CW Mode
- Co-author in EUV-FEL light source for future lithography
- Co-author in Study on a self-resonating optical cavity for high-brightness Laser-Compton Scattering X-ray sources
- Tohru Honda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- In-Seok Hong (Institute for Basic Science)
- Yuanzhi Hong (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Bo Hong (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Seung-Woo Hong
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
Gwang-Wook Hong
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Prototype girder systems for Korea 4GSR
- Katja Honkavaara (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Austin Hoover
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in Detailed characterization of a five-dimensional phase space distribution
- Co-author in Calibration of the 2-phase bubble tracking model for liquid mercury target simulation with machine learning surrogate models
- Co-author in Measurements at peak operational beam current in the SNS beam test facility
- Co-author in Phase space painting of a self-consistent Danilov distribution in the SNS ring
- Mihaly Horanyi (University of Colorado Boulder)
Koki Horino
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Co-author in New SiC kicker power supply for J-PARC
- Philip Hornickel (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Masahito Hosaka (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Yuji Hosaka (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Felipe Koji Godinho Hoshino (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Tomonao Hosokai (Osaka University)
- Michi Hostettler (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Hideaki Hotchi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Houssameddine Hoteit (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Johannes Hottenbacher (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
Timothy Houck
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
Lina Hoummi
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Author in Off-energy operation of a HMBA lattice
- Author in Sustainability in storage ring based light sources
- Author in Towards a true diffraction limited light source
- Co-author in Commissioning simulations tools based on python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Extremum seeking for accelerator optimisation
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Co-author in Scaling of hybrid multi bend lattice cells
Benjamin Hounsell
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Beam dynamics of the RUEDI diffraction beamline
- Co-author in Beam dynamics for the RUEDI microscopy beamline
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the low dark charge photocathode RF gun for Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Imaging (RUEDI) facility
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Katrina Howard (University of Chicago)
- Calvin Howell (Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory)
Tino Höwler
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
Emily Howling
(Royal Holloway University of London)
- Co-author in CERN’s beam instrumentation R&D study for FCC-ee
- John Hoyt (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Rok Hrovatin (Cosylab)
- Feng-Zone Hsiao (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Gao-Yu Hsiung (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Kuo-Tung Hsu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Bunch-by-bunch transverse position measurement during injection
- Co-author in Development of a new control interface for the electron gun pulser of TLS LINAC
- Co-author in Implementation and performance estimation of new archive system for the TLS control system
- Co-author in New controls for white circuits power supplies for the booster synchrotron of Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in New digital low-level rf controls based on the red pitaya STEMlab for the tls linac system
- Co-author in New event based timing system for the taiwan light source
- Co-author in New injection controls environment for the Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
- Co-author in TLS orbit feedback upgrade
- Co-author in TPS fast orbit feedback upgrade
- Keng-Hao Hsu (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Ting-Wei Hsu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
San-Yuang Hsu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
Yang-Yang Hsu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Pre-study of permanent dipole magnet at NSRRC
- Hsin-Pai Hsueh (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Hannah Hu (University of Chicago)
Kuo Hwa Hu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Bunch-by-bunch transverse position measurement during injection
- Co-author in Development of a new control interface for the electron gun pulser of TLS LINAC
- Co-author in Implementation and performance estimation of new archive system for the TLS control system
- Co-author in New controls for white circuits power supplies for the booster synchrotron of Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in New digital low-level rf controls based on the red pitaya STEMlab for the tls linac system
- Co-author in New event based timing system for the taiwan light source
- Co-author in New injection controls environment for the Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
- Co-author in TPS fast orbit feedback upgrade
- Fangjun Hu (Tsinghua University)
- Yong Hu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Cheng Hu (Cornell University)
- Lianfa Hua (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Alvaro Huanay de Dios (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
Xiaobiao Huang
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in An improved method for linear optics and coupling correction based on closed orbit modulation
- Author in Obtaining picosecond x-ray pulses on fourth generation synchrotron light sources
- Co-author in Accurate prediction of mega-electron-volt electron beam properties from UED using machine learning
- Co-author in Design of the pseudo single bunch mode in SPEAR3
- Co-author in Online optimization of SIRIUS nonlinear optics
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
Liangsheng Huang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Booster conceptual design of the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Author in Recent Progress of the Design and Relevant Research Activities for Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Author in Simulation and measurement of beam loading effects in magnetic alloy RF cavity of CSNS RCS
- Author in Upgrade the impedance model in RCS of CSNS
- Co-author in Design of a 250 linac injector for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Sextupole optimization at rapid cycling synchrotron in China Spallation Neutron Source
Haixin Huang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Non-destructive spin tune measurement of polarized protons in a storage ring
- Author in Spin transparency experiment test in RHIC
- Author in Strategy for proton polarization in the Electron Ion Collider
- Co-author in Polarized proton operation at RHIC with partial snakes
- Co-author in Stable spin direction measurements at RHIC with polarized proton beams
- Guirong Huang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jhao-Cyuan Huang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Senlin Huang (Peking University)
- Jung Yun Huang (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- En-Chuan Huang (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Peng-Wei Huang (Tsinghua University)
Wenhui Huang
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in A high brightness electron beam research and application beamline at Tsinghua University
- Co-author in Cavity mirror development for optical enhancement cavity of steady-state microbunching light source
- Co-author in Parallel prediction of beam spot with neural networks and PCA at TTX
- Co-author in Preliminary electron injector design for a steady-state microbunching light source
- Co-author in Study and simulation of cavity bunch length monitor based on monopole mode
- Co-author in Ultrahigh vacuum S-band gun and advanced photocathode studies at Tsinghua University
- Jui-Che Huang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Weiling Huang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Chih-Hsien Huang
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Bunch-by-bunch transverse position measurement during injection
- Co-author in TLS orbit feedback upgrade
- Co-author in TPS fast orbit feedback upgrade
- Yuan Huang (Dongguan Neutron Science Center)
- Ming-Yang Huang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Szu-Jung Huang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Tong-Ming Huang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Xiyang Huang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Characterization of the fast corrector dynamic response at the HEPS
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Co-author in The investigation of cavity frequency instability induced by vibrations
- Chun-Shien Huang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Zhirong Huang
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in DFCSR: A Fast Calculation of 2D/3D Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in Relativistic Beams
- Co-author in An Active Q-switched X-ray Regenerative Amplifier Free-Electron Laser
- Co-author in Attosecond pulse shaping of X-ray free-electron lasers and applications to coherent control in quantum systems
- Co-author in Attosecond pulse shaping of X-ray free-electron lasers and applications to coherent control in quantum systems
- Co-author in Development of Two-Color Sub-Femtosecond Pump/Probe Techniques with X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Measurement of LCLS Hard X-ray Undulator gain under CBXFEL-like conditions
- Co-author in Noise in intense electron bunches
Chengkun Huang
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Symplectic neural surrogate models for beam dynamics
- Author in Transport model and Monte-Carlo simulations for photoemission from thin film semiconductors under high fields
- Co-author in Modeling optical interference effects for optimization of electron emission properties from thin film semiconductor photocathodes
- Co-author in Multiscale material design of robust semiconductor photocathodes under strong fields
- Din-Gao Huang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Bo Huang (Tsinghua University)
He Huang
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Analytic and numerical calculation of collider luminosity with CRAB dynamics
- Author in Quantifying effects of crab cavity RF phase noise on transverse emittance in EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Validation and countermeasures of vertical emittance growth due to crab cavity noise in a horizontal crab-crossing scheme
- Ruixuan Huang (University of Science and Technology of China)
Ping-Yuan Huang
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
Bohong Huang
(Stony Brook University)
- Co-author in AGS booster beam-based main quadrupole transfer function measurements
- Co-author in Initial results of applying an autoencoder to detect anomalies in the air conditioning systems of the Brookhaven accelerator complex
- Co-author in Machine learning applications for orbit and optics correction at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron
- Qizhang Huang (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- Nanshun Huang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Xiaoxia Huang (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Yulu Huang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in 750 MHz IH-DTL for a proton therpy linac
- Peter Huber (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Nicolas Hubert
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Axel Huebl (LBNL)
- Florian Hug (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Francisco Huhn (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Fredrik Hülphers (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Robert Hulsart (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Peter Hülsmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Barbara Humann (TU Wien)
Chih-Yu Hung
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
- Lihua Huo (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Uwe Hurdelbrink (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Alexander Huschauer
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Beam performance and operational efficiency at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Co-author in First operational results of new real-time magnetic measurement systems for accelerator control
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
- Co-author in Multi-objective extremum seeking to control drifts in the transverse beam splitting efficiency of the multi-turn extraction at the CERN proton synchrotron
- Co-author in Production of slow extracted beams for CERN's East Area at the Proton Synchrotron
- Sabine Hüser (TU Dortmund University)
- Ji-Gwang Hwang (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH)
- Kilean Hwang (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Ching-Shiang Hwang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Soonwook Hwang (Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information)
- Wonjoo Hwang (Institute for Basic Science)
- Jibong Hyun (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI)
- Myung Ook Hyun (Institute for Basic Science)
- Giuseppe Iaccarino (Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri)
Giovanni Iadarola
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in A generalized tool to compute wake potential and impedance from electromagnetic time domain simulations
- Co-author in Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
- Co-author in Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
- Co-author in Bhabha scattering model for multi-turn tracking simulations at the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the first run of High Luminosity LHC
- Co-author in Electron cloud build-up studies for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Electron cloud observations and mitigation for the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in Study of LHC e-cloud instabilities using the linearised Vlasov method
- Co-author in Study of LHC e-cloud instabilities using the linearised Vlasov method
- Co-author in Tools for integrated simulation of collimation processes in Xsuite
- Co-author in Updates on Accelerator Code Comparison Studies
Grégory Iaquaniello
(Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie)
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
Yuka Ibaraki
(Nagoya University)
- Author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
Angel Ibarra
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Co-author in Configuration and engineering integration in the IFMIF-DONES project
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) Prototype for the IFMIF-DONES Linear Accelerator
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) prototype for the IFMIF-DONES linear accelerator
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Susumu Igarashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Naoko Iida (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Toru Iijima (Nagoya University)
Hiromi Iinuma
(Ibaraki University)
- Author in Precise control of a strong X-Y coupling beam transportation for J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Demonstration of three-dimensional spiral injection for the J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment
- Hitomi Ikeda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Nobuo Ikeda (Kyushu University)
- Yoichi Ikegami (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Naoya Ikoma
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
- Co-author in New SiC kicker power supply for J-PARC
Taha Ilhan
(Yıldız Technical University)
- Co-author in Beam Measurements from Proton Testbeam At KAHVE-Lab
- Artur Iluk (Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
Gil Imesch
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam delivery of high-energy ion beams for irradiation experiments at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Beam performance and operational efficiency at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Production of slow extracted beams for CERN's East Area at the Proton Synchrotron
- Patrick Inacker (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Takahiro Inagaki
(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Author in High-power tests of the compactly HOM-damped TM020-cavities for a next generation light source
- Co-author in Elongation of LED lighting lifetime under X-ray dominant radiation environment
- Co-author in Green-oriented upgrade of accelerator complex at the SPring-8 campus
- Co-author in Novel iron lamination for fast kicker magnets with high flux density
- Kenji Inami (Nagoya University)
Simona Incremona
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Maurizio Incurvati (Management Center Innsbruck)
- Maria Inman (Faraday Technology (United States))
- Leandro Intelisano (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Pasqualina Iovine
(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Munawar Iqbal (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Ubaldo Iriso
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Author in AC excitation studies for full coupling operation
- Author in Progress on the 6BA lattice for ALBA-II
- Co-author in ALBA beam lifetime optimization using RCDS
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Co-author in ALBA-II first tolerance studies
- Co-author in CERN’s beam instrumentation R&D study for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Two-dimensional electron beam size measurements with X-ray Heterodyne Near Field Speckles
Herzel Isakov
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Lennart Isaksson (MAX IV Laboratory)
Rasmus Ischebeck
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Co-author in Beam size measurement developments at SLS
- Co-author in Dark sector searches based on dielectric laser acceleration
- Co-author in Dielectric laser acceleration for dark sector studies
- Co-author in Dielectric laser acceleration for dark sector studies
- Co-author in Non-invasive bunch length reconstruction in linacs
- Yoshihiro Ishi (Kyoto University)
- Takuya Ishibashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Isshin Ishibashi (Kyushu University)
- Koji Ishii (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Tetsuya Ishikawa (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
- Atshushi Ishiyama (Waseda University)
Erisa Ismaili
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Lorenzo Isolan (Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale)
- Valeriia Istokskaia (ELI Beamlines Czech Republic)
- Tomonobu Itagaki (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Hayato Ito (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Takeyasu Ito (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Toshiro Itoga (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Emilian Iuciuc (Horia Hulubei National Institute for R and D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
- Francesco Iungo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Vladimir Ivanchenko (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Aleksandar Ivanov (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Yury Ivanov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named B.P. Konstantinov of National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute")
Michael Ivanyan
(Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
- Author in Dispersion relations for a cylindrical waveguide with multilayer walls
- Author in Helical undulator combined with a multilayer cylindrical waveguide.
- Co-author in Application of low-energy, tunable-delay ultrashort electron bunch pairs for irradiation experiments
- Co-author in S-Band Accelerating Cells Geometry RF Measurements Technique for Pre-Tuning and Smart Combination
- Yoshitaka Iwasaki (SAGA Light Source)
- Yoshihisa Iwashita (Kyoto University)
- Taiki Iwashita (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Yoshiyuki Iwata (National Institute of Radiological Sciences)
- Soma Iwata (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Susana Izquierdo Bermudez
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Christopher Izzo (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Grzegorz Jablonski (Lodz University of Technology)
- Szymon Jablonski (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Frank Jackson
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the low dark charge photocathode RF gun for Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Imaging (RUEDI) facility
- Co-author in Copper photocathodes for the modified 10 Hz gun on the CLARA accelerator
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
Jörn Jacob
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Beam loading simulations in PyAT for the ESRF
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Richard Jacobsson (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Delphine Jacquet
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in The LHC run 2022
- Co-author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Co-author in Operational beta* levelling at the LHC in 2022 and beyond
- Co-author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
- Co-author in Towards optics measurements with a new LEIR BPM system
Bertrand Jacquot
(Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Co-author in Magnetic design of the commutational magnet and quadrupoles for PERLE accelerator
- Co-author in Magnetic Design of the Commutational Magnet and Quadrupoles for PERLE Accelerator
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Co-author in Superconducting multipole triplet field measurements
- Co-author in Upgrade of the medium energy dump geometry for the SPIRAL2 single bunch selector
- Farzad Jafarinia (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Heinz Jagdfeld (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Eric Jägle (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
- Milan Jain (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- Wojciech Jalmuzna (Lodz University of Technology)
- Revathi Jambunathan (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Christophe Jamet (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- James Jamilkowski (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Steven Jamison (Lancaster University)
- Jyh-Chyuan Jan (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Wen-Shuo Jan (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Sung-Duck Jang (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Gyeongsu Jang
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Current status of the storage ring design of Korea-4GSR
- Author in Korea-4GSR Lattice Update
- Co-author in Arbitrary bunch shaping via wake potential tailoring
- Co-author in Study of the ramping process for Korea-4GSR
- Si-Won Jang (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Ji-Ho Jang (Institute for Basic Science)
- Hyojae Jang (Institute for Basic Science)
- Matthias Janke (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Andreas Jankowiak
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Co-author in Development of the first permanent bending magnet at BESSY II
- Co-author in Reconstruction of the transverse electron beam profile using an interferometric beam size monitor
- Co-author in Update on the lattice design process of BESSY III: towards a baseline lattice
- Patrick Janot (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- William Jansma (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Andreas Jansson (European Spallation Source)
- Nicolas Jaouen (Synchrotron soleil)
- Carl Järmyr Eriksson (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Jonathan Jarvis
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Co-author in Improved measurements of nonlinear integrable optics at IOTA
- Co-author in Noise in intense electron bunches
Sonja Jaster-Merz
(Universität Hamburg)
- Author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in Beam based alignment of focusing solenoids at ARES
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
- Michael Jaussi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Michael Jaworski (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Seyed Masoud Jazayeri (Iran University of Science and Technology)
- Antoine Jeandet (THALES LAS France)
- Debdeep Jena (Cornell University)
- Conor Jenkins (Cockcroft Institute)
- Michael Jenkins (Rapiscan Systems Ltd)
Morten Jensen
(European Spallation Source)
- Author in Application of High Precision RF Measurement for ESS Cavities
- Author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Co-author in Calibration of LLRF Systems at ESS
- Co-author in Estimation of Hot S-parameters of Power Amplifiers at ESS
- Co-author in Results of the elliptical cryomodule qualification at the ESS TS2
- Steen Jensen (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Kevin Jensen (Naval Research Laboratory)
- Lars Jensen (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Alexander Jentsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Stéphane Jenzer (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Sungmin Jeon (Kyungpook National University)
- Dong-O Jeon (Institute for Basic Science)
- Jae-Won Jeong (Institute for Basic Science)
- Seong-Hun Jeong (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Daheng Ji
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Simulation studies of first-turn commissioning for the HEPS storage ring
- Co-author in A booster free from spin resonances for future 100 km-scale circular e+e- colliders
- Co-author in Beam polarization studies at the CEPC
- Co-author in CEPC damping ring design in TDR stage
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Nonlinearity optimization for the 125 TeV SPPC collider ring lattice
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
Hongfei Ji
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Magnetic measurement of the magnets with trim coils in the HEPS storage ring
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Co-author in Simulation study of the fringe field effects in the HEPS storage ring
- Fuhao Ji (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Qika Jia (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Yongzhi Jia (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Duanyang Jia (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yanqing Jia (Tsinghua University)
- Dachun Jia (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Zehua Jia (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Huan Jia (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Haoyan Jia (Peking University)
Zenggong Jiang
(Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Author in Stability analysis of double-harmonic cavity system in heavy beam loading with its feedback loops by a mathematical method based on Pedersen model
- Co-author in Stability analysis of double-harmonic cavity system in heavy beam loading with its feedback loops by a mathematical method based on Pedersen model
Shimin Jiang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Multi-object optimization based on high gradient C-band photoinjector
- Co-author in A C-band test platform for the development of RF photo cathode and high gradient accelerating structures
- Co-author in A consecutive double-slit emittance meter for high-brightness electron source
- Co-author in Start-to-end simulation of the full energy linac injector for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Ruitao Jiang (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Hongping Jiang
(Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie)
- Author in Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
- Co-author in Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Guodong Jiang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yuliang Jiang (Tsinghua University)
- Bocheng Jiang (Chongqing University)
Yong Jiang
(Yale University)
- Co-author in Cyclotron resonance accelerator for electron beams
- Guangze Jiang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yi Jiao
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Longitudinal injection for SAPS based on a double-frequency RF system
- Author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Author in Recent Progress of the Design and Relevant Research Activities for Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Characterization of the fast corrector dynamic response at the HEPS
- Co-author in Design of a 250 linac injector for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Feasibility study of fast beam-based alignment using ac excitations in the HEPS
- Co-author in Four-rows APPLE-Knot undulator on HEPS
- Co-author in Impedance measurements of key elements in the HEPS
- Co-author in Latest lattice design and optimization for Southern Advanced Photon Source storage ring
- Co-author in Magnetic error corrections of the storage ring for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Magnetic measurement of the magnets with trim coils in the HEPS storage ring
- Co-author in Simulation studies of beam commissioning for the HEPS high-energy transfer line
- Co-author in Simulation study of the fringe field effects in the HEPS storage ring
- Co-author in Sorting of sextupole and octupole magnets in the HEPS storage ring
- Co-author in Studies on beam instabilities in the storage ring of SAPS
David Jimenez-Rey
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) Prototype for the IFMIF-DONES Linear Accelerator
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) prototype for the IFMIF-DONES linear accelerator
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Xiuguang Jin (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Shen Jin (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Kean Jin (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Qianyu Jin
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development of a spin filter polarimeter for polarization measurement of pulsed H+/D+ ion beam at IMP
- Author in Development of a Spin Filter Polarimeter for Polarization Measurement of Pulsed H+/D+ Ion Beams at IMP
- Author in Development of polarized H and D atomic beam source at IMP
- Hyunchang Jin (Institute for Basic Science)
Chao Jin
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Linear accelerator simulation code AVAS
- Sergo Jindariani (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Chunguang Jing
(Euclid Beamlabs LLC)
- Co-author in Bead-Pull of 0.2 THz Strucutre and Technical Issues
- Co-author in Electron gun for sheet electron probe for beam tomography
- Co-author in Multicell dielectric disk accelerating structure design and low power results
- Co-author in Nb3Sb conduction cooled SRF photogun for UEM/UED status update
- Chunguang Jing (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Petko Jivkov (SIGMAPHI S.A.)
Tom Joannem
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Haimo Joehri (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Sofia Johannesson (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Rohit Johari (Lovely Professional University)
- David Johnson (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Mark Johnson (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Erik Johnson
(Old Dominion University)
- Author in Simulations of Radiation Reaction in Inverse Compton Sources
- Co-author in Numerical simulations of radiation reaction using Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac formalism
- Co-author in Scattered spectra from inverse Compton sources operating at high laser fields and high electron energies
- Co-author in Simulations of radiation reaction in inverse Compton scattering
Eliott Johnson
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Beam delivery of high-energy ion beams for irradiation experiments at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Benchmarking simulations of slow extraction driven by RF transverse excitation at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Co-author in Production of slow extracted beams for CERN's East Area at the Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Slow extraction with octupoles at CERN proton synchrotron to improve extraction efficiency
- Rolland Johnson (MuPlus, Inc.)
Steve Johnson
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
Kristine Johnson
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
- Simon Johnson (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Carol Johnstone
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in A new center for heavy ion research
- Co-author in Heavy Ion CW RFQ Test Stand Development
- Co-author in Low-Energy Muon Beam Production Studies from Tungsten Using the 400-MeV Fermilab Linac
- Co-author in Muonium R&D at Fermilab
- Co-author in Target Optimization Studies for Future High-Intensity Facilities
- Antti Jokinen (Fusion For Energy)
- Sven Jollet (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Laurent Jolly
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
Carl Jolly
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Co-author in Adiabatic capture in the FETS-FFA ring
- Co-author in FFA magnet prototype for high intensity pulsed proton driver
- Co-author in OPAL and Future Directions Towards the Exascale Area
Sébastien Joly
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Author in Overview of transverse instabilities in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Brian Jones (Particle Therapy Research Center)
Daniel Jones
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Ion Beam Distribution in the FNAL LEBT
- Co-author in Study of beam evolution along the Fermilab 400 MeV linac
- Harry Jones (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Lee Jones (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
James Jones
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Beam dynamics for the RUEDI microscopy beamline
- Author in Design of a broadband modular permanent magnet electron energy spectrometer for FEBE
- Author in Design of an electron energy spectrometer and energy selector for laser-plasma driven beams at EPAC
- Co-author in Copper photocathodes for the modified 10 Hz gun on the CLARA accelerator
- Co-author in Electron beam test facilities for novel applications
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in Jitter tolerance for the FEBE beamline on CLARA
- Co-author in Qualitative measurements of bunch length at CLARA using coherent transition radiation
- Co-author in RUEDI microscopy: solenoids or quadrupoles?
- Co-author in The EPAC electron transport beamline - physics considerations and design
Bryan Jones
(European Spallation Source)
- Author in Application of High Precision RF Measurement for ESS Cavities
- Author in Status of the ESS normal conducting linac including beam commissioning to DTL4
- Co-author in Future ESS upgrade to medium pulse length: what are the technical challenges for the accelerator and the target?
- Co-author in Installation and integrated testing of magnets for the ESS linac
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Harry Jones (Cockcroft Institute)
- Erik Jongewaard (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Youngdo Joo (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Frank Jordan (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Francisco JOSA (JOSA)
Nirav Joshi
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Bead-pull analysis of HOM in X-band linearizer linac on CLARA, with update on HOM measurement system
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in Recent experimental results from the dielectric wakefield acceleration program at CLARA facility
- Co-author in Stabilised timing links for the CLARA test facility
- Chan Joshi (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Ivan JOSIFOVIC (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- John Jowett (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- David Juarez-Lopez (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Lars Juergensen (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Josu Jugo (University of the Basque Country)
- Siriwan Jummunt (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Hoechun Jung (Institute for Basic Science)
YoungGyu Jung
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Dipole quadrupole magnet design for Korea-4GSR
- Co-author in Prototype girder systems for Korea 4GSR
- Co-author in Simulation studies for attosecond soft X-ray FEL pulse generation at PAL-XFEL
- Co-author in Status of magnet systems for Korea 4GSR
- Yoochul Jung (Institute for Basic Science)
Marcelo Juni Ferreira
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Installation and integrated testing of magnets for the ESS linac
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) prototype for the IFMIF-DONES linear accelerator
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) Prototype for the IFMIF-DONES Linear Accelerator
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Nawin Juntong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
Pavle Juranic
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Co-author in Dielectric laser acceleration for dark sector studies
- Co-author in Dielectric laser acceleration for dark sector studies
Matthias Justus
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Co-author in Advancements of ELBE timing system upgrade
Walid Kaabi
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Co-author in First coaxial HOM coupler prototypes and RF measurements on a copper cavity for the PERLE project
- Co-author in Modeling of standing wave RF cavities for tracking through multi-pass energy recovery linac
- Alimohammed Kachwala (Arizona State University)
- Yacine Kadi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Kotomi Kadowaki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Michael Kaemingk (Cornell University (CLASSE))
Franz Kaertner
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Broad range single-shot electron energy spectrometer for THz driven booster accelerator using an in-vacuum tunable dipole magnet
- Co-author in Compact electron beam transport system of AXSIS THz-driven electron accelerator employing adjustable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole
- Co-author in Compact Single-Side-Pumped Terahertz-Driven Booster Accelerator
- Co-author in Coupler design for THz DLW LINACs
- Co-author in Development of a compact half-cell RF photocathode gun for single-shot keV ultrafast electron diffraction with femtosecond resolution
- Co-author in High-energy single-cycle terahertz sources for compact particle accelerators and manipulators
- Florian Kaether (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Stephen Kahn (Muons (United States))
Verena Kain
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Demonstration of non-local crystal shadowing at the CERN SPS
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Investigations of losses on the CERN SPS flat bottom with HL-LHC type beams
- Co-author in Multi-objective extremum seeking to control drifts in the transverse beam splitting efficiency of the multi-turn extraction at the CERN proton synchrotron
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in Ultra fast reinforcement learning demonstrated at CERN AWAKE
Michael Kaiser
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in The New Intense Heavy Ion Alvarez 2.0 DTL at GSI
- Jan Kaiser (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Boaz Kaizer
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Hiroshi Kaji (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Daniel Kakizaki (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
Eiji Kako
(The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI)
- Co-author in Fabrication progress of the prototype spoke cavity for the JAEA-ADS linac
- Co-author in Investigation of the fabrication method for the 3rd harmonic superconducting double-cell cavity
- Co-author in RF Measurements of the 3rd Harmonic Superconducting Cavity for a Bunch Lengthening
- Co-author in Surface treatment experience of the all superconducting gun cavities
- Marko Kalafatic (European Spallation Source)
- Anatolii Kalamaiko (Institut für Kernphysik)
Michal Kalinowski
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in The consolidation of the interlock systems for the CERN North Area
- Co-author in The Personnel Access System for FAIR
Jonas Kallestrup
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Author in Feasibility of round beams in SLS 2.0
- Author in TRIBs simulations for SLS 2.0
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 machine protection
- Co-author in Transverse Resonant Island Buckets at the SLS
- marika kalnina (Latvian Association of Radiologists)
- Dobrin Kaltchev (TRIUMF)
- Omar Kamalou (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Norihiko Kamikubota (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
Takuya Kamitani
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Beam injection issues at SuperKEKB
- Yukihide Kamiya (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Junichiro Kamiya (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Christina Kamma-Lorger (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
Thorsten Kamps
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Author in Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab
- Co-author in Electron optics based on quadrupole multiplets for dark field imaging and diffraction with MeV electron beams
- Co-author in Electron optics based on quadrupole multiplets for dark field imaging and diffraction with MeV electron beams
- Co-author in Evaluation of the in-situ photocathode handling for SRF photoinjector of SEALab
- Co-author in Instrumentation and operation modes for the commissioning phase of the SEALab SRF photoinjector
- Co-author in Superconducting RF systems for the SEALab facility, status and commissioning
- takahiro kanayama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hiroki Kanda (Osaka University)
Gueladio Kane
(Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie)
- Author in Online spatio-temporal couplings monitoring diagnostics for laser-plasma accelerator driver
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Advait Kanekar (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Kenichi Kaneta (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
Tatsuo Kaneyasu
(SAGA Light Source)
- Co-author in Light source developments at UVSOR BL1U
- Co-author in Slow orbit feedback correction using extra-windings at the SAGA-LS
Yoon Kang
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Design and fabrication of the waveguide Iris couplers for the Spallation Neutron Source drift tube linac
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design of 402 MHz Normal Conducting Coaxial Window for SNS Facility
- Co-author in High Power Radiofrequency Operation of the Radiofrequency Quadrupoles in the Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in Multipacting analysis of the SNS drift tube linac (DTL) RF vacuum window using Spark3d
- Co-author in RF Tuning for the SNS LINAC RFQ
- Yin Kang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Heung-Sik Kang (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yunbo Kang (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
Sheau-Ping Kao
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Cryogenic oxygen deficiency hazard assessment at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
- Co-author in Dose rate and accumulated dose around the Taiwan Photon Source in various scenarios
- Co-author in Respiratory protective equipment fit tests for researchers at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
Rehan Kapadia
(University of Southern California)
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
Valery Kapin
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Ion Beam Distribution in the FNAL LEBT
- Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Suren Karabekyan
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
Christos Karagiannis
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Vacuum design of the Super-FRS at FAIR
Emanuel Karantzoulis
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Elettra 2.0 – Italy’s lightsource for science and outreach
- Co-author in Beam coupling impedance contribution of flange aperture gaps: a numerical study for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Broad band impedance effects on Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Operation improvements of the actual booster-injector for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Study on transverse multi-bunch instability in Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Superbend magnet for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in The effect of insertion devices on beam dynamics for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in The new Elettra 2.0 magnets
- Co-author in Transverse deflecting cavities for short X-ray pulses at Elettra 2.0
- Pavel Karataev (John Adams Institute)
- Anil Karatay (Izmir Institute of Technology)
- Simon Karau (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Kiarash Karimi
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
Siddharth Karkare
(Arizona State University)
- Co-author in Phase Space Measurements of an Electron Beam Using The ASU Cryocooled 200 kV DC Electron Gun
- Co-author in Phase space measurements of an electron beam using the ASU cryocooled 200 kV DC electron gun
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
- Co-author in Study of nano-structured electron sources using photoemission electron microscope
- Co-author in Ultra Thin $Cs_3Sb$ Photocathodes With Anomalously High Quantum Efficiency
- Co-author in Ultra thin Cs3Sb photocathodes with anomalously high quantum efficiency
- Birk Emil Karlsen-Bæck (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Mithun Karmakar (Institute for Plasma Research)
Ivan Karnaukhov
(National Science Centre)
- Co-author in A tungsten neutron-generating target of a neutron source based on a subcritical assembly driven with an electron accelerator
- Co-author in Accelerator operation performance during the NSC KIPT SCA neutron source physical start up
- Co-author in Modernization of the NSC KIPT hard X-ray source facility
- Co-author in Reactivity measurements for the NSC KIPT subcritical neutron source facility
- Co-author in The results of the NSC KIPT subcritical assembly neutron source facility physical start up
Ivan Karpov
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Experimental confirmation of the impedance reduction campaign in the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Investigations of losses on the CERN SPS flat bottom with HL-LHC type beams
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics and RF requirements for a chain of muon RCSs
- Co-author in Longitudinal loss of Landau damping in the CERN super proton synchrotron at 200 GeV
- Co-author in Longitudinal loss of Landau damping in the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron at 200 GeV
- Co-author in Measurements of longitudinal Loss of Landau damping in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Co-author in SPS fixed target spill quality improvements in the longitudinal plane
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons
- Co-author in Validation of control loop modeling for power limitation studies with beams for HL-LHC
- Mikko Karppinen (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Gabriel Karras (Diamond Light Source)
- Shigeru Kashiwagi (Tohoku University)
- Atsushi Kasugai (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Ryukou Kato (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Masahiro Katoh (Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center)
- Anni Kauniskangas (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Marion Kauschke (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Matthias Kausel (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Naritoshi Kawamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Keigo Kawase (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Hiroshi Kawata
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in EUV-FEL light source for future lithography
- Holger Kay (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Umit Kaya (Türkiye Enerji Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu)
- Toshinori Kaya (Waseda University)
- Dmitry Kayran (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Grigory Kazakevich (Muons (United States))
Sophie Kazamias
(Université Paris-Saclay)
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Online spatio-temporal couplings monitoring diagnostics for laser-plasma accelerator driver
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Erika Kazantseva (Technical University of Darmstadt)
Reza Kazimi
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Polarized electron injector for positron production at CEBAF
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in CEBAF Injector Model for K-Long bunch charge at 200 kV
- Co-author in Modeling for the phased injector upgrade for 12 GeV CEBAF
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Marcel Kebekus (TU Dortmund University)
Joachim Keil
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Cross-talk between magnets in the H6BA-cell of PETRA IV
- Co-author in Commissioning simulations tools based on python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Extremum seeking for accelerator optimisation
- Co-author in First results of automated startup and commissioning procedures at the Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Motorized girder realignment test in the PETRA III storage ring
- Co-author in Neural networks for ID gap orbit distortion compensation in PETRA III
- Co-author in PETRA III operation and studies in 2022
- Boris Keil (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Michael Keilman (RadiaSoft (United States))
Jacqueline Keintzel
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in 60° phase advance optics measurements in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Christoph Keitel (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
Vladimir Kekelidze
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Tyler Kelehan (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Mitja Kelemen (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Spencer Kelham (Northern Illinois University)
- Thomas Keller (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Max Joseph Kellermeier
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Numerical design of a compact TE11-to-TM01 mode converter for THz-driven electron acceleration
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in Beam based alignment of focusing solenoids at ARES
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
- Co-author in TWAC : EIC Pathfinder Open European project on Novel dielectric acceleration
- David Kelliher (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Michael Kelly (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Michael Kempkes (Diversified Technologies (United States))
- Lorynne Kennel (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Giorgio Keppel
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Nb3Sn on Cu Coating By Magnetron Sputtering From Target Synthesized via Liquid Tin Diffusion
- Co-author in Progress of application and surface enhancement by Plasma Electrolytic Polishing as a new treatment for SRF substrates and accelerator components preparation
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
Roberto Kersevan
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Preliminary design of the FCC-ee vacuum chamber absorbers
- Co-author in Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
- Co-author in Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Jochen Ketter (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Bernhard Ketzer
(University of Bonn)
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
Björn Keune
(RI Research Instruments GmbH)
- Author in Design of a High-Power Linac for the industrial production of Isotopes
- Co-author in High-efficiency industrial 130 kW cw solid-state RF amplifier for 1.3 GHz
- Co-author in Study of a bunch train total energy spread in a Linac using SLED
- Co-author in Test of a DC-photogun Injector for the Lighthouse facility
Jorg Kewisch
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Co-author in Non-destructive spin tune measurement of polarized protons in a storage ring
Vitali Khachatryan
(Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Application of low-energy, tunable-delay ultrashort electron bunch pairs for irradiation experiments
- Co-author in Helical undulator combined with a multilayer cylindrical waveguide.
- Vardan Khachatryan (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Surawadee Khammee (Chiang Mai University)
- Saif Khan (Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya)
Donish Khan
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Donish Khan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Shaukat Khan
(TU Dortmund University)
- Author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
- Author in SPEED: Worldwide first EEHG implementation at a storage ring
- Author in Studies of radiation background at the synchrotron light source DELTA
- Co-author in Machine learning-based optimization of storage ring injection efficiency
- Co-author in Observation of coherent Terahertz bursts during low-energy operation of DELTA
- Mayur Khan (Inter-University Accelerator Centre)
- Aamna Khan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Kim Siang Khaw (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Habeeb Khayat (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Payam Khodadoost (Iranian Light Source Facility)
Hamlet Khodzhibagiyan
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Majid Khorsandi (Shahid Beheshti University)
- Nafiseh Khosravi (Iranian Light Source Facility)
- Roma Khullar (Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya)
- Taekyung KI (Institute for Basic Science)
- Riley Kibbee (University of California, Davis)
- Peter Kicsiny (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Klaus Kiefer
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Rafal Kielbik (Lodz University of Technology)
- Toshiteru Kii (Kyoto University)
- Sosuke Kikuchi (Research Laboratory for Nuclear Research)
Mitsuo Kikuchi
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Beam injection issues at SuperKEKB
- Co-author in Field quality improvement of septum magnets for SuperKEKB injection system
- Co-author in Incoherent and coherent synchrotron radiation effects in the SuperKEKB electron beam transport
- Co-author in Vertical bump orbit study on emittance of injection beam in transport line for the SuperKEKB main ring
- Akihiro Kikuchi (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Atacan Kilicgedik (Marmara University)
- Matthew Kilpatrick (RadiaSoft (United States))
Hyunik Kim
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Co-author in HPRF SSPA System for RAON SRF cavities
- Kukhee Kim (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Jae Cheon Kim
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
Young-Kee Kim
(University of Chicago)
- Author in Towards fully differentiable accelerator modeling
- Co-author in Commissioning of the low energy electron gun test stand at the University of Chicago
- Co-author in Incoherent dynamics of intense proton beams under electron cooling
- Co-author in Noise in intense electron bunches
- Co-author in Origins of Quench in Buffered Chemical Polished and Low Temperature Baked SRF Cavities
- Co-author in Origins of quench in buffered chemical polished and low temperature baked SRF cavities
- Co-author in The collaborative effects of intrinsic and extrinsic impurities in low RRR SRF cavities
- Co-author in The Collaborative Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Impurities in Low RRR SRF Cavities
- Co-author in Thermionic sources for electron cooling at IOTA
- Co-author in Thermionic Sources for electron cooling at IOTA
- Yonghak Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
Sang-Hoon Kim
(Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
- Co-author in Flux expulsion and material properties of Nb explored in ~650 MHz cavities
- Co-author in Flux expulsion and material properties of Niobium explored in 644-650 MHz cavities
- Co-author in Low-emittance SRF photo-injector prototype cryomodule for the LCLS-II high-energy upgrade: design and fabrication
Eun-San Kim
(Korea University Sejong Campus)
- Author in Progress in Accelerator Research and Education at Korea University, Sejong
- Co-author in Beam Dynamics Optimization of an Electron Linac Using the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
- Co-author in Investigation of the fabrication method for the 3rd harmonic superconducting double-cell cavity
- Co-author in RF Measurements of the 3rd Harmonic Superconducting Cavity for a Bunch Lengthening
- Co-author in Study of the ramping process for Korea-4GSR
Dong-Hwan Kim
(Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex)
- Author in Reinforcement learning-based beam orbit correction for the KOMAC linac
- Co-author in Feasibility Study of the Real-time Proton Flux Monitoring System for Space Radiation Environment Test By Using a 100 MeV Proton Irradiation Facility
- Co-author in Prototyping of permanent magnet based drift tube for KOMAC 100-MeV DTL
- Co-author in Transverse characterization of 1 MeV/n RFQ output beam at Komac
- Co-author in Upgrade plan of the 3 MeV RFQ at KOMAC
Han-Sung Kim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
- Author in Prototyping of permanent magnet based drift tube for KOMAC 100-MeV DTL
- Co-author in Feasibility Study of the Real-time Proton Flux Monitoring System for Space Radiation Environment Test By Using a 100 MeV Proton Irradiation Facility
- Co-author in Integrated control system for space radiation environment test based on 100 MeV proton accelerator
- Co-author in Reinforcement learning-based beam orbit correction for the KOMAC linac
- Co-author in Transverse characterization of 1 MeV/n RFQ output beam at Komac
- Co-author in Upgrade plan of the 3 MeV RFQ at KOMAC
- Jong-Won Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
Dong Eon Kim
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Status of magnet systems for Korea 4GSR
- Co-author in Dipole quadrupole magnet design for Korea-4GSR
- Co-author in Korea-4GSR Lattice Update
- Co-author in Prototype girder systems for Korea 4GSR
Anastasiia Kim
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Symplectic neural surrogate models for beam dynamics
Seongyeol Kim
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Author in Detailed Phase Space Reconstruction from Accelerator Beam Measurements Using Differentiable Simulations
- Author in Round-to-flat and flat-to-round beam transformations at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility
- Co-author in An experimental study of X-Y emittance repartitioning in KEK-STF
- Co-author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Co-author in Eom-based bunch arrival monitor development at the Argonne wakefield accelerator facility
- Co-author in Simulations and experimental studies for an X-band short-pulse ultra-high gradient photoinjector
- Moo Sang Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
- Hyung Jin Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
- Seojeong Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
Mijung Kim
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
Dong Geon Kim
(Hanyang University)
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
- Dongsung Kim (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Sang-Ho Kim
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Co-author in High Power Radiofrequency Operation of the Radiofrequency Quadrupoles in the Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in Multipacting analysis of the SNS drift tube linac (DTL) RF vacuum window using Spark3d
- Co-author in Reliability analysis of SNS SRF linac and perspective for future high-power proton SRF linacs
- Heetae Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
- Junghoon KIM (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Gi Dong Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
- Youngkwon Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
Jaehyun Kim
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Current status of the storage ring design of Korea-4GSR
- Author in Korea-4GSR Lattice Update
- Co-author in Study of the ramping process for Korea-4GSR
- Dotae Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Changbum Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Seung Hwan Kim
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Bead-Pull of 0.2 THz Strucutre and Technical Issues
- Juwan Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
- Gyujin Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Chanmi Kim (Korea University Sejong Campus)
- Min-Jae Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Takuro Kimura
(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Co-author in Development of a pulse current monitoring device for the Eddy septum magnets in J-PARC main ring
- Co-author in Impact of slow-extracted beam by main power supply trip in J-PARC main ring
- Co-author in Simulation study on the slow extraction for the improvement of the beam spill structure at J-PARC main ring
- Matthew King (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Michikazu Kinsho (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Glyn Kirby (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Natalia Kirchgeorg (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Angus Kirkland (Rosalind Franklin Institute)
- Daniela Kiselev (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Kim Kisslinger (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Lucas Kistulentz
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostics beamline development for ALS-U
- Hideo Kitamura (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
Ryo Kitamura
(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Author in Beam profile measurement using the highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite
- Author in Ionization of the muonium using the electron
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
Charles Kitegi
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Kritsada Kittimanapun (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Sergei Kladov (University of Chicago)
- Sebastian Klammes (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Stephan Klaproth (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
- Sascha Klauke (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Willem Kleeven (Ion Beam Applications (Belgium))
- Franz Klehr (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Max Klein (University of Liverpool)
- Roman Klein (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt Institut Berlin)
- Guido Klemz (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Budimir Klicek
(Rudjer Boskovic Institute)
- Co-author in The ESSvSB+ project
- Harald Klingbeil (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Daniel Klinke (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Supat Klinkhieo (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Hannah Klion (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Jens Klute (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Kacper Klys (Lodz University of Technology)
- Andreas Knecht (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Alexander Knetsch (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée)
- Klaus Knie (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Ernest Knight (Euclid Techlabs (United States))
Jens Knobloch
(University of Siegen)
- Co-author in Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab
- Co-author in Commissioning of SupraLab: SRF cavity processing and testing facility at HZB
- Co-author in Design and testing of the VSR blade tuner and actuators
- Co-author in Electrodeposition of copper on Niobium for cryocooler application
- Co-author in LLRF control upgrade at BESSY-II with mTCA.4 platforms
- Co-author in Production of the 1.5 GHz fundamental power couplers for VSR demo
- Co-author in Superconducting RF systems for the SEALab facility, status and commissioning
- Logan Knudson (Crocker Nuclear Lab)
- Jinjoo Ko (Korea University Sejong Campus)
- Reichiro Kobana (R&K Company Limited.)
- Kazuo Kobayashi (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Yukinori Kobayashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hinko Kocevar (European Spallation Source)
Andreas Koch
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Vitali Kocharyan (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Andreas Kock (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Shigeru Koda (Saga Synchrotron Light Source)
- Kota Kodama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Petra Koester (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica)
- Stephan Koetter (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Laurent Koffel (Ion Beam Applications (Belgium))
Taichiro Koga
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Observation of sudden beam loss in SuperKEKB
- James Kohl (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Jörg Kolbe (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Bernadette Kolbinger (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Antti Kolehmainen
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Alexandros Koliatos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Holger Kollmus (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Sergey Kolokolchikov
(International Union of Pure and Applied Physics)
- Author in A feasibility study into the Quasi-Frozen Spin regime of operation of the NICA storage ring
- Author in ByPass optics design in NICA storage ring for experiment with polarized beams for EDM search
- Author in Spin coherence and betatron chromaticity of deuteron beam in NICA storage ring
- Author in The effect of spin oscillations in a ring with a quasi-frozen spin and its influence on the procedure for searching for the deuteron EDM
- Co-author in Studies of the spin coherence time of protons at COSY
Yasuhiro Kondo
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Design and optimization of a proton source extraction system for the JAEA-ADS linac
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Fabrication progress of the prototype spoke cavity for the JAEA-ADS linac
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
- Chikara Kondo (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Keitaro Kondo (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Hyung-sup Kong (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Ekkachai Kongmon (Chiang Mai University)
- Sukho Kongtawong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Taro Konomi (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- George Kontogiorgos (European Spallation Source)
- Ivan Koop (Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Marten Koopmans (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Andreas Kopmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Can Koral (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Michael Koratzinos (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Lena Korkeila (University of California, Davis)
- Vladimir Kornilov (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- erika korobeinikova (Lithuanian Society for Radiation Therapy)
Pierre Korysko
(University of Oxford)
- Author in The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
- Author in VHEE and ultra high dose rate radiotherapy studies in the CLEAR user facility
- Co-author in A Novel Fibre Optic Monitor for VHEE UHDR Beam Monitoring: First Tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in A novel fibre optic monitor for VHEE UHDR beam monitoring: first tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in Application of beam-based alignment to the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Development of reliable VHEE/FLASH passive dosimetry methods and procedures at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Electron beam studies on a beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation
- Co-author in Experimental generation of the transversely uniform electron bunches at the CLEAR facility at CERN
- Co-author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Hendrik Kos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Satoshi Kosaka (Nippon Advanced Technology Co., Ltd.)
- Shane Koscielniak (TRIUMF)
- Bernard Kosciuk (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Tadashi Koseki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Yuya Koshiba (Waseda University)
- Antoine Kosmicki (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Jaap Kosse
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Roman Kostin (Euclid Beamlabs LLC)
Sofia Kostoglou
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Dynamic aperture studies for the first run of High Luminosity LHC
- Author in Harmonics of 50 Hz on the beam spectrum of the Large Hadron Collider
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Co-author in Prospect of operating with limited skew quadrupole corrector availability in the LHC interaction regions
- Co-author in Status of the beam-based measurement of the skew-sextupolar component of the radio frequency field of a HL-LHC-type crab-cavity
Sergey Kostromin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Vaclav Kostroun (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Gerd Kotzian (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Georgios Kourkafas (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- athina kourkoumeli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Jakub Kowalczyk (S2Innovation Sp z o. o. [Ltd.])
- Piotr Kowina (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Witold Kozanecki (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Derek Kozel (The GNU Radio Project)
- Kamil Kozlowski (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Joshua Kraan (University of British Columbia & TRIUMF)
- Jakob Kraemer (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
Andreas Kraemer
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Vacuum design of the Super-FRS at FAIR
Geoffrey Krafft
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Simulations of Radiation Reaction in Inverse Compton Sources
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in CEBAF Injector Model for K-Long bunch charge at 200 kV
- Co-author in Numerical simulations of radiation reaction using Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac formalism
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Scattered spectra from inverse Compton sources operating at high laser fields and high electron energies
- Co-author in Simulations of radiation reaction in inverse Compton scattering
- Patrick Kramer (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Thomas Kramer
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in New pulse forming line and transmission cables for the CERN PS booster extraction and transfer kickers
- Co-author in Design of a new CERN SPS injection system via numerical optimisation
- Co-author in Measurement and characterization of a toroidal tape wound nano-crystalline core for the 40kV Inductive adder development at CERN
- Co-author in Operational experience of a low beam coupling impedance injection kicker magnet for the CERN SPS ring
- Co-author in Ultra-fast generator for impact ionization triggering
Patrick Kramer
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Patrick Kramer (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Claude Krantz (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Bennet Krasch
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in A THz superconducting undulator for flute - Design parameters and layout
- Co-author in Prospects for photon science and beam dynamics studies of a THz undulator at FLUTE
- Co-author in Thermal and mechanical analyses on a vacuum chamber in a compact superconducting undulator with HTS tapes
Mikhail Krasilnikov
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of an electron beam for magnetic bunch compressor commissioning at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Photocathode activities at INFN LASA
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Anatoly Krasnykh (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Ingrid Kraus (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Bernward Krause
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Status of the PETRA IV electromagnets
- Maksim Kravchenko (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
Pawel Krawczyk
(National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Magnetic lattice of PolFEL linac
- Artur Krawczyk (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Stefano Krecic
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Emittance reduction of the actual Booster for Elettra2.0
- Co-author in Broad band impedance effects on Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Operation improvements of the actual booster-injector for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Study on transverse multi-bunch instability in Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in The effect of insertion devices on beam dynamics for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Transverse deflecting cavities for short X-ray pulses at Elettra 2.0
Arik Kreisel
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Herman Kremers (University of Groningen)
- Matthias Kretz (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Alexander Krimm (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Gergo Krizsan (University of Pecs)
Patrick Krkotic
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Impedance analysis of deformable RF contact bridges for high luminosity LHC
- Author in RF characterisation of laser treated copper surfaces for the mitigation of electron cloud in accelerators
- Co-author in Evaluation of the impact of REBCO-coated conductors on the resistive wall impedance of the FCC-hh
- Co-author in REBCO sample testing for a HTS high Q cavity
Luka Krmpotic
- Co-author in Advancements of ELBE timing system upgrade
Tobias Kroh
(Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) and Center for Free Electron Science (CFEL))
- Author in Compact Single-Side-Pumped Terahertz-Driven Booster Accelerator
- Author in High-energy single-cycle terahertz sources for compact particle accelerators and manipulators
- Co-author in Broad range single-shot electron energy spectrometer for THz driven booster accelerator using an in-vacuum tunable dipole magnet
- Kamil Krol (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Wojciech Królas (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Samuel Kronenberg (University of Bonn)
- Leon Kronshorst (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Nicholas Krumpa (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Michal Krupa
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Electron beam studies on a beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation
- Co-author in HL-LHC BPM electronics development as a case study for direct digitization and integrated processing techniques in accelerator instrumentation
- Co-author in Recording two-beam LHC BPM signals to validate a technique for extracting individual beam positions
- Anthony Krupa (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Arnold Kruschinski (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Spela Krusic (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Peter Kruyt (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Lukasz Krzkempek (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Chien-Kuang Kuan (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Takayuki Kubo (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Viacheslav Kubytskyi
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in The ThomX diagnostics in the machine commissioning phase
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Online spatio-temporal couplings monitoring diagnostics for laser-plasma accelerator driver
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
Viacheslav Kubytskyi
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in Commissioning of the ThomX Storage Ring
Kikuo Kudo
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in SuperKEKB Personnel Protection System
- Thomas Kuehl (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Julius Kuehn (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Florian Kuehteubl (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Thorsten Kuerzeder (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Oliver Kugeler (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Thorsten Kuhl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Marion Kuhlmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Alexander Kuhn (Nvidia (United States))
Carsten Kuhn
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
- Naresh Kujala (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Nikita Kuklev (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Kohki Kumagai (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Manish Kumar (European Spallation Source)
- Narender Kumar (Cockcroft Institute)
- Onish Kumar (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Bhupesh Kumar (University of Lucknow)
- Prabhat Kumar (Stony Brook University)
- Klaus Kümpel (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Verena Kümper (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
- Bernhard Kuner (Berliner Elektronenspeichering-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H.)
Michael Kuntzsch
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Co-author in Advancements of ELBE timing system upgrade
- Rotem Kupfer (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Ramachandra Kuravi
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Magnetic measurements of the ALS-U magnets
Jörg Kurdal
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Vacuum design of the Super-FRS at FAIR
Gabor Kurdi
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
Sergey Kurennoy
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Additive manufacturing of copper RF structures for particle accelerator applications
- Author in Electromagnetic and beam dynamics modeling of the LANSCE coupled-cavity linac with CST studio
- Author in High-gradient accelerating structures for proton radiography booster linac
- Co-author in Electromagnetic simulation of LANSCE chopper structure
- Co-author in LANSCE Accelerator Modernisation Project Studies at LANL
- Co-author in Novel multi-beam front end for LANSCE accelerator facility
- Co-author in Symplectic neural surrogate models for beam dynamics
- Christoph Kurfuerst (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
Neeraj Kurichiyanil
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in Vacuum design of the Super-FRS at FAIR
- Masao Kuriki (Hiroshima University)
- Yasutoshi Kuriyama (Kyoto University)
- Alma Kurmanova (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Willi Kuropka
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in A compact dielectric grating-based charged particle bunch length diagnostic device at ARES
- Co-author in A Compact Dielectric Grating-Based Charged Particle Bunch Length Diagnostic Device at ARES
- Co-author in Beam based alignment of focusing solenoids at ARES
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
Adnan Kurtulus
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Overview of material choices for HL-LHC collimators
- Karl Kusche (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Peter Kuske (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Bettina Kuske
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Further aspects of the deterministic lattice design approach for BESSY III
- Author in Model-independent determination of solenoid offsets in the Sealab Injector
- Co-author in Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Co-author in Update on the lattice design process of BESSY III: towards a baseline lattice
Sergey Kutsaev
(RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design of 402 MHz Normal Conducting Coaxial Window for SNS Facility
- Co-author in Engineering, Manufacturing and Validation of Microwave Thermionic Electron Gun for Advanced Photon Source Upgrade*
- Co-author in Evaluation of low-loss alumina material for high-power RF windows
- Co-author in Hellweg improvements for 3D traveling wave linac design with beam loading
- Sergey Kuzikov (Euclid Techlabs (United States))
Minsik Kwag
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
Donghyun Kwak
(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
- Author in Design study of rebuncher system for KoBRA at RAON
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
Thomas Kwan
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Symplectic neural surrogate models for beam dynamics
- Apichai Kwankasem (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Roch Kwiatkowski (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Saerom Kwon (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
Hyeok-Jung Kwon
(Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex)
- Author in Upgrade plan of the 3 MeV RFQ at KOMAC
- Co-author in Feasibility Study of the Real-time Proton Flux Monitoring System for Space Radiation Environment Test By Using a 100 MeV Proton Irradiation Facility
- Co-author in Integrated control system for space radiation environment test based on 100 MeV proton accelerator
- Co-author in Prototyping of permanent magnet based drift tube for KOMAC 100-MeV DTL
- Co-author in Reinforcement learning-based beam orbit correction for the KOMAC linac
- Co-author in Transverse characterization of 1 MeV/n RFQ output beam at Komac
- Jangwon Kwon (Institute for Basic Science)
- Sungil Kwon (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Seong-Hoon Kwon (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- William Kyffin (Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre)
- Bernhard Laatsch (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Marie Labat
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Luca Labate (Consorzio Pisa Ricerche)
Etienne Labussière
(Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
- Co-author in SEISM: 60 GHz ECR ion source for future accelerator
- Gil Lacerda (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Viesturs Lacis (Riga Technical University)
- Daniele La Civita (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Friedrich Lackner (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jean-Michel Lacroix (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Vladimir Ladygin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Author in A feasibility study into the Quasi-Frozen Spin regime of operation of the NICA storage ring
- Author in ByPass optics design in NICA storage ring for experiment with polarized beams for EDM search
- Co-author in The effect of spin oscillations in a ring with a quasi-frozen spin and its influence on the procedure for searching for the deuteron EDM
- Emanuele Laface (European Spallation Source)
- Antonio Lafuente (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- S. Lagarde (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Jean-Michel Lagniel
(Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Co-author in Commissioning and operation of the SPIRAL2 SC linac
- Co-author in Strategies for SPIRAL2 linac heavy-ion beam tuning
Bruno Lagoguez
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Jean-Baptiste Lagrange (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Wei-Yang Lai (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Longwei Lai
(Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Co-author in BAM system and machine stability at SXFEL
- Co-author in Direct RF sampling processor for cavity BPM system
- Co-author in Optimization and development of the CBPM system for the SHINE
- Daniel Lake (University of Manchester)
- Joakim Laksman (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
Jean-Francois Lamarre
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Laura Lambert (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Robert Lambiase (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Lukas Lamminger (University of Salzburg)
Emily Lamour
(Institut des NanoSciences de Paris)
- Co-author in Latest PANTECHNIK’s ECR ion sources performances
- Sarah Lamprecht (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Anne-Laure Lamure (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
- Jinkai Lan (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Davide Lanaia (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Gaia Lanfranchi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Tino Lang
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Co-author in Seeding studies at FLASH
- Ralf Lang (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Georg Langenberg (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Benedikt Langfeld (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Agostino Lanza (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Rodrigo Lanza Herrero (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
- Lorenzo Lanzavecchia (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Luca Lanzoni (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Kirk Larsen
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Few cycle radiation pulses from strongly compressed electron beams
- Author in Preliminary commissioning results for the plasma-driven attosecond X-ray source (PAX) experiment at FACET-II
- Co-author in Attosecond pulse shaping of X-ray free-electron lasers and applications to coherent control in quantum systems
- Co-author in Development of Two-Color Sub-Femtosecond Pump/Probe Techniques with X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Multi-color operation via coherent harmonic generation in a plasma driven attosecond X-ray source
- Co-author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
Alexandre Lasheen
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Investigations of losses on the CERN SPS flat bottom with HL-LHC type beams
- Co-author in Beam performance and operational efficiency at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Characterization of the longitudinal beam coupling impedance and mitigation strategy for the fast extraction kicker KFA79 in the CERN PS
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Co-author in Experimental confirmation of the impedance reduction campaign in the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
- Co-author in Longitudinal microwave instability with long bunches in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Overview of transverse instabilities in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Production of slow extracted beams for CERN's East Area at the Proton Synchrotron
- Kacper Lasocha (Jagiellonian University)
- Charly Lassalle (Cyclotron ARRONAX)
- Jessica Lastow (European Spallation Source)
Andrea Latina
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Beam Loading Effects in Standing-Wave LINACs and their Implementation into the Particle Tracking Code RF-Track
- Author in Update of the RF-Track particle tracking code
- Co-author in A Python API for the particle tracking code PLACET
- Co-author in A start-to-end optimisation of CLEAR for an inverse Compton scattering experiment, using RF-Track
- Co-author in Application of beam-based alignment to the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Beam loading effects in standing-wave linacs and their implementation into the particle tracking code RF-Track
- Co-author in Benchmarking the FCC-ee positron source simulation tools using the SuperKEKB results
- Co-author in Comparison of tracking codes for beam-matter interaction
- Co-author in Coupling between transverse and longitudinal beam dynamics in the first-stage CLIC decelerator
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Experimental generation of the transversely uniform electron bunches at the CLEAR facility at CERN
- Co-author in PLACET3: 6D tracking through PETS and accelerating structures wakefields
- Co-author in PLACET3: 6D tracking through PETS’ and accelerating structures’ wakefields
- Co-author in Status of MAD-X V5.09
- Co-author in Strongly curved super-conducting magnets: beam optics modeling and field quality
- Co-author in Strongly Curved Super-Conducting Magnets: Beam Optics Modeling and Field Quality
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Co-author in Use of a superconducting solenoid as a matching device for the compact linear collider positron source
Giulia Latini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Leonardo La Torre (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Stefano Latorre (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Wai Lau
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Properties of superradiant spontaneous THz undulator radiation by an RF compressed electron beam
- Co-author in Calculation for a compact laser plasma undulator beamline based on the experimental beam parameters at NCU
- Co-author in Calculation for a compact laser plasma undulator beamline based on the experimental electron parameters at NCU
- Co-author in Simulation study of a planar dielectric-lined waveguide structure for manipulation of femtosecond high brightness electron beam in longitudinal phase space
- Hin Tung Lau (Imperial College London)
- Marcus Lau (TRUMPF Huettinger GmbH)
- Daniel Laube (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Florian Laube
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
- Simon Lauber (Helmholtz Institute Mainz)
- Stefano Lauciani (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Gerard Lawler
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Author in Beam transport and diagnostics for the space plasma experiment at Samurai
- Author in Cryogenic Testing Infrastucture at UCLA
- Author in Effects of bulk material properties on RF surface resistivity
- Author in Temperature stability in CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG)
- Co-author in Novel Fabrication Methods and Geometries of Nanoblade Cathodes
- Scott Lawrie (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Michael Lazzaroni (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Line Le (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Esther Leal-Cidoncha (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Gaël Le Bec (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Valeri Lebedev
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Valeri Lebedev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Anton Lechner
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam absorbing material candidates for primary collimators for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Design development and R&D for CERN’s HL-LHC external beam dump
- Co-author in Energy deposition challenges for the HL-LHC beam dump
- Co-author in Lattice and detector studies for the MDI of a 10 TeV muon collider
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Neutrino generated radiation from a high energy muon collider
- Co-author in Power deposition studies for betatron halo losses in HL-LHC
- Co-author in Protection of extraction septa during asynchronous beam dumps in HL-LHC operation
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Christoph Lechner (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
Nicolas Leclercq
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in XH Detector integration with LImA
Isabelle Leconte
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
Sven Lederer
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in The Transverse Energy and Momentum Analyser system
- Co-author in NEG Coating for PETRA IV: Resistivity and Sticking Probability Measurements
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
- Co-author in Photocathodes for the electron sources at FLASH and European XFEL
- Co-author in Status update on SUNADAE2 magnetic field test facility at European XFEL
- Jean-Christophe Ledouarin (SIGMAPHI S.A.)
Seunghyun Lee
(Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex)
- Author in Transverse characterization of 1 MeV/n RFQ output beam at Komac
- Co-author in Feasibility Study of the Real-time Proton Flux Monitoring System for Space Radiation Environment Test By Using a 100 MeV Proton Irradiation Facility
- Co-author in Prototyping of permanent magnet based drift tube for KOMAC 100-MeV DTL
- Co-author in Reinforcement learning-based beam orbit correction for the KOMAC linac
- Co-author in Upgrade plan of the 3 MeV RFQ at KOMAC
Jaeyu Lee
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Current status of the storage ring design of Korea-4GSR
- Co-author in Arbitrary bunch shaping via wake potential tailoring
- Co-author in Beam Dynamics Optimization of an Electron Linac Using the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
- Co-author in Impedance modeling for Korea’s fourth-generation storage ring
- Co-author in Korea-4GSR Lattice Update
- Co-author in Status of magnet systems for Korea 4GSR
- Co-author in Study of the ramping process for Korea-4GSR
Sung-Woo Lee
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in Design and fabrication of the waveguide Iris couplers for the Spallation Neutron Source drift tube linac
- Author in High Power Radiofrequency Operation of the Radiofrequency Quadrupoles in the Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in Conceptual frequency analysis-based predictive maintenance
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design of 402 MHz Normal Conducting Coaxial Window for SNS Facility
- Co-author in Multipacting analysis of the SNS drift tube linac (DTL) RF vacuum window using Spark3d
- Co-author in RF Tuning for the SNS LINAC RFQ
- Chih-Hao Lee (National Tsing Hua University)
- An-ping Lee (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Jin-Ho Lee (Institute for Basic Science)
Shu-Hwa Lee
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Development of a new control interface for the electron gun pulser of TLS LINAC
- Co-author in New controls for white circuits power supplies for the booster synchrotron of Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in New digital low-level rf controls based on the red pitaya STEMlab for the tls linac system
- Co-author in New event based timing system for the taiwan light source
- Co-author in New injection controls environment for the Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
- Hyeon Woo Lee (Korea University Sejong Campus)
Elizabeth Lee
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
- Yumi Lee (Korea University Sejong Campus)
- Min Ki Lee (Institute for Basic Science)
Tsung-Yu Lee
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
- MUJIN LEE (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yong-Seok Lee (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Hong-Gi Lee
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Prototype girder systems for Korea 4GSR
- Co-author in Dipole quadrupole magnet design for Korea-4GSR
- Co-author in Status of magnet systems for Korea 4GSR
- Tae-Yeon Lee (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Youngjun Lee (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Dongwook Lee (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Valentina Lee (University of Colorado Boulder)
Sangjin Lee
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
Kwang Bok Lee
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
Do Yoon Lee
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Co-author in HPRF SSPA System for RAON SRF cavities
- Ramona Leewe (TRIUMF)
- Helena Lefebvre (John Adams Institute)
Thibaut Lefevre
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in CERN’s beam instrumentation R&D study for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Electron beam studies on a beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation
- Co-author in High-bandwidth Electro-Optic BPMs and an optical time-stretch technique
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Review of CERN beam instrumentation for fixed target experiments
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Two-dimensional electron beam size measurements with X-ray Heterodyne Near Field Speckles
Alexis Lefevre
(Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Co-author in Superconducting multipole triplet field measurements
- Heather Leffler (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Vincent Le Flanchec (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Christine Le Galliard (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Mael Le Garrec
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in 60° phase advance optics measurements in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
- Author in First measurement of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Author in First measurements of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Author in Measurement and modelling of decapole errors in the LHC from beam-based studies
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
Uro Legat
- Co-author in Advancements of ELBE timing system upgrade
- Gilles Le Godec (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Remi Lehe (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Andreas Lehrach (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Ge Lei (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Congrui Lei (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
Yu Lei
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Assembly, alignment and tuning of the XiPAF DTL
- Nathan Leicester (Cockcroft Institute)
- Stewart Leith (University of Siegen)
- Daniela Leitner (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Andres Leiva Genre (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Antoine Le Jollec
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Sebastien Leloir (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Francois Lemery (DESY)
- Cristina Lenardi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Yongbin Leng (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Paolo Lenisa (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Dieter Lens (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Ornella Leonardi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Miguel Leon Lopez (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Marc Le Parquier (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille)
- Pierre Lepercq (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Frederic Le Pimpec (Canadian Light Source Inc.)
- Brendan Lepore (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Giuseppe Lerner
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam absorbing material candidates for primary collimators for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Comparison between Run 2 SEU measurements and FLUKA simulations in the CERN LHC tunnel and shielded alcoves around IP1/5
- Co-author in Neutrino generated radiation from a high energy muon collider
- Co-author in Overview of the radiation levels in the CERN accelerator complex after LS2
- Co-author in Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
- Co-author in Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
Vincent Leroux
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
Gregory Le Sage
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in REBCO sample testing for a HTS high Q cavity
- Werner Lesmeister (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Michael Lestinsky (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Eric Letcher
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in Automated Faraday cup readings at ATLAS
- Co-author in AI-ML developments for Heavy Ion Linac operations
- Alan Letchford (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Brendan Leung (Northern Illinois University)
Thomas Levens
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in High-bandwidth Electro-Optic BPMs and an optical time-stretch technique
- Co-author in Review of CERN beam instrumentation for fixed target experiments
- Co-author in Towards optics measurements with a new LEIR BPM system
- Samuel Levenson (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Blake Leverington (University Hospital Heidelberg)
- Evgeny Levichev (Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Eitan Levine (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Baruch Levush (Naval Research Laboratory)
- John Lewellen (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Wayne Lewis (Osprey DCS LLC)
- Giulia Lezzani (Università dell'Insubria & INFN Milano Bicocca)
- Yong Li (Dongguan Neutron Science Center)
Nan Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Magnetic measurement of the magnets with trim coils in the HEPS storage ring
- Author in Sorting of sextupole and octupole magnets in the HEPS storage ring
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Co-author in Simulation study of the fringe field effects in the HEPS storage ring
Yan Li
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Design of synchrotron for proton flash radiotherapy
- Author in Longitudinal splitting of bunches with variable energies in synchrotron
- Author in Research on longitudinal dynamics and design of RF parameters of synchrotron for XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Closed-orbit distortion study of XiPAF upgrading project synchrotron
- Co-author in Differential equation model of tune ripple effect on beam spill ripple in RFKO slow extraction
- Co-author in Lattice considerations for synchrotron of XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Multiturn injection design and optimization for XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron
- Co-author in Optimization of low-energy slow extraction efficiency of XiPAF
- Co-author in Study on XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron beam loss
Qingzhu Li
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Design of an S-band buncher for KeV UED
- Co-author in Development of an X-band RF gun with four-feed coupler
- Xueming Li (Tsinghua University)
Xiao Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in 166.6 MHz HOM damped copper cavity designed for 4th generation synchrotron radiation sources
- Author in Longitudinal injection for SAPS based on a double-frequency RF system
- Author in Recent Progress of the Design and Relevant Research Activities for Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in A C-band test platform for the development of RF photo cathode and high gradient accelerating structures
- Co-author in Latest lattice design and optimization for Southern Advanced Photon Source storage ring
- Co-author in Magnetic alloy core loaded 2nd harmonic cavity design and testing for CSNS-II RCS
- Co-author in Magnetic error corrections of the storage ring for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Simulation study of an adaptive feedforward control for CSNS RCS LLRF system
Renkai Li
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in A high brightness electron beam research and application beamline at Tsinghua University
- Co-author in Cavity mirror development for optical enhancement cavity of steady-state microbunching light source
- Co-author in Design and commissioning of a 200-kV photocathode electron gun
- Co-author in Preliminary electron injector design for a steady-state microbunching light source
- Co-author in Ultrahigh vacuum S-band gun and advanced photocathode studies at Tsinghua University
- Co-author in Understanding the beam quality requirement for high energy electron microscopy
Yongjun Li
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Linear optics compensation for the HEX superconducting wiggler at NSLS-II
- Author in Nonlinear optics from hybrid dispersive orbits
- Co-author in Commissioning of orbit feedforward system for HEX superconducting wiggler at NSLS-II
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
Zenghai Li
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Distributed coupling linac for efficient acceleration of high charge electron bunches
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in EIC crab cavity multipole effects on dynamic aperture
- Co-author in HOM power in the EIC crab cavity system
- Co-author in Study of HOM couplers for the c-band accelerating structure
- Co-author in Temperature stability in CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG)
- Xiao Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Ahong Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Jintao Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Impedance measurements of key elements in the HEPS
Xiangkun Li
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Electron beam test facilities for novel applications
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of an electron beam for magnetic bunch compressor commissioning at PITZ
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Chao Li (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Meng Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Xiaoping Li
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Beam polarization studies at the CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Yuhui Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- William Li (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Gang Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Siqi Li (Stanford University)
- Haoqing Li (Tsinghua University)
Jian Li
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Beam transfer line of Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Author in Design and Thermomechanical Calculation of High-heat-load Absorber in WALS Storage Ring
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
- Mingtao Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- JUN LI (Dongguan Neutron Science Center)
Heting Li
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Preliminary design of insertion devices at Hefei Advanced Light Facility
- Author in Theoretical studies on polarization control of segmental undulator system
- Co-author in Preliminary design on the accelerator of an infrared free electron laser oscillator
- Co-author in Waveguide FEL oscillator simulation with toroidal mirror
- Chuan Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
- An Li (Tsinghua University)
- Lu Li (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Zongbin Li (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Zhiping Li (Dongguan Neutron Science Center)
Dongbing Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Data acquisition and archiving system for HEPS RF system based on Archiver Appliance
- Author in Development of a new digital LLRF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in Development and progress of the high-power solid-state amplifiers for HEPS
- Co-author in Normal-conducting 5-cell cavities for HEPS booster RF system
- Co-author in Status and progress of the RF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in The high-power test of CW 250 kW fundamental power couplers for HEPS 166.6 MHz superconducting quarter-wave beta=1 cavity
HaoHu Li
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Beam transfer line of Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Author in Harmonic RF cavity design for 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Sources
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
Yi-Ta Li
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
- Co-author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
- Hui Li (Wuhan University)
Xinmeng Li
(Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Author in Commissioning of the S-band RF Transverse Deflecting Cavity at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Commissioning Results of Phase Shifters at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Longitudinal Feedback System for Suppression of FEL Lasing Drift at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Multi-bunch operation mode for simultaneously serving SASE and seeding FEL beamlines
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
- Weimin Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Weiwei Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Ji Li (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Xiao Yu Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jingyi Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Qinming Li (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Zizheng Li (Tsinghua University)
Wei Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Bing Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Kevin Li (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Jian Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Development of a new digital LLRF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in Data acquisition and archiving system for HEPS RF system based on Archiver Appliance
- Co-author in Development and progress of the high-power solid-state amplifiers for HEPS
- Co-author in Status and progress of the RF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in The high-power test of CW 250 kW fundamental power couplers for HEPS 166.6 MHz superconducting quarter-wave beta=1 cavity
Derun Li
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Snowmass’21 Perspective on Future Muon Colliders
- Kenan Li (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Biaobin Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Xiangjun Li (China Electric Power Research Institute)
- Junjie Li (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Zehua Liang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Design of the gradient dipole magnet for LLICTF
- Co-author in Design of the Gradient Dipole Magnet for LLICTF
- Pengfei Liang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Mengning Liang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Yifan Liang
(Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- Author in High-power and femtosecond free-electron laser pulse generation with chirped pulse amplification in EEHG
- Author in Multi-bunch operation mode for simultaneously serving SASE and seeding FEL beamlines
- Author in Physical design for EEHG beamlines of S3FEL
- Author in Physical Design for SASE Beamlines of S3FEL
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
Jin-Kun Liao
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Development of a new control interface for the electron gun pulser of TLS LINAC
- Author in Implementation and performance estimation of new archive system for the TLS control system
- Co-author in Bunch-by-bunch transverse position measurement during injection
- Co-author in New digital low-level rf controls based on the red pitaya STEMlab for the tls linac system
Chih-Yu Liao
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in New controls for white circuits power supplies for the booster synchrotron of Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in Bunch-by-bunch transverse position measurement during injection
- Co-author in New digital low-level rf controls based on the red pitaya STEMlab for the tls linac system
- Co-author in New event based timing system for the taiwan light source
- Co-author in New injection controls environment for the Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in TPS fast orbit feedback upgrade
- Daniele Lideo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Andrea Liedl
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Matthias Liepe (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Lutz Lilje (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Giordano Lilli (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Eunhoon Lim (Korea University Sejong Campus)
- William Limestall (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Fu-Yuan Lin (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Fanglei Lin
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Generation of Vertical Emittance through Transverse Coupling and its Impact on the Polarization in the EIC ESR
- Author in Study of an ERL-based X-ray FEL
- Co-author in Analytic and numerical calculation of collider luminosity with CRAB dynamics
- Co-author in Latest updates on JSPEC – an IBS and electron cooling simulation program
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Co-author in Progress on the electron ion collider’s RCS RF ramp development
- Co-author in The impact of magnetic errors on the electron ion collider rapid cycling synchrotron
Weijian Lin
(Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Author in AGS booster beam-based main quadrupole transfer function measurements
- Author in Generalized gradient map tracking in the Siberian snakes of the AGS and RHIC
- Author in Machine learning applications for orbit and optics correction at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron
- Co-author in Bayesian optimization calibration of ionization profile monitor at the AGS complex
- Lianshan Lin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Haiying Lin
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Development of a new digital LLRF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in Data acquisition and archiving system for HEPS RF system based on Archiver Appliance
- Co-author in Development and progress of the high-power solid-state amplifiers for HEPS
- Co-author in Normal-conducting 5-cell cavities for HEPS booster RF system
- Co-author in Status and progress of the RF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in The high-power test of CW 250 kW fundamental power couplers for HEPS 166.6 MHz superconducting quarter-wave beta=1 cavity
- Co-author in Vertical tests of the 166.6 MHz HOM-damped Prototype SRF Cavities for HEPS
- Sy-Yu Lin (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Ming-Chyuan Lin
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Co-author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
- Co-author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
- Chia-Jui Lin (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Yu-Chi Lin
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Dose rate and accumulated dose around the Taiwan Photon Source in various scenarios
- Co-author in Cryogenic oxygen deficiency hazard assessment at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
- Co-author in Respiratory protective equipment fit tests for researchers at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
Wei-Yu Lin
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
Ke-Kang Lin
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
- Linda Lin (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
- Yu-Wei Lin (Instrument Technology Research Center)
- Frank Lincoln (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Ryan Lindberg
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in Coupled-bunch longitudinal instabilities with a harmonic cavity
- Author in Predicting collective dynamics and instabilities in storage ring light sources
- Co-author in Microwave instability threshold from coherent wiggler radiation impedance in storage rings
- Co-author in Testing of a fan-out kicker to protect collimators from low-emittance whole-beam aborts in the Advanced Photon Source storage ring
- Mats Lindroos (European Spallation Source)
Bjorn Lindstrom
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Analysis of orbit measurements with the new High Luminosity LHC collimator beam position monitors in the LHC run 3
- Author in Update on the High Luminosity LHC collimation performance with proton beams
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in Power deposition studies for betatron halo losses in HL-LHC
- Co-author in Simulations and measurements of collisional losses with Pb beams at the LHC
- Carl Lindstrøm (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- HSU LIN-PIN (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Andrzej Lipka (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Dirk Lipka
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Hendrik Lippek (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Zachary Liptak
(Hiroshima University)
- Author in Modeling SuperKEKB backgrounds with the Belle II electromagnetic calorimeter
- Author in Toward a new era of spin-polarized electron beams at SuperKEKB
- Co-author in An experimental study of X-Y emittance repartitioning in KEK-STF
- Co-author in Beam loading compensation of traveling wave LINAC to a multi-bunch pulse with gaps
- Co-author in GaAs cathode activation with Cs-K-Sb thin film
- Julian List (Helmholtz Institute Mainz)
Benno List
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Sustainability studies for future linear colliders
- Michael Litos (University of Colorado Boulder)
Sean Littleton
(Stanford University)
- Author in Analysis of Linear Induction Accelerator Physics with Field-Adapted Coordinate Transformations
- Author in Dark current in the LCLS-II-HE superconducting injector
- Author in Field-adapted coordinate transformations for rotating and accelerating beams
- Author in Wakefield effects on dark current bunches for LESA
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
- Co-author in The Design of the Emittance Diagnostic for the Scorpius Accelerator
- Xiaoyu Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Xiaoyu Liu
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Lattice considerations for synchrotron of XiPAF-upgrading project
- Author in Multiturn injection design and optimization for XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron
- Author in Study on XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron beam loss
- Co-author in Closed-orbit distortion study of XiPAF upgrading project synchrotron
- Co-author in Design of synchrotron for proton flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Differential equation model of tune ripple effect on beam spill ripple in RFKO slow extraction
- Co-author in Optimization of low-energy slow extraction efficiency of XiPAF
- Co-author in Research on longitudinal dynamics and design of RF parameters of synchrotron for XiPAF-upgrading project
- Zhengzheng Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Chuyu Liu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design and simulation of EIC IR orbit control system
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Lattice design for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Local and global betatron coupling correction based on beam position measurements in RHIC
- Co-author in Beam optics update for EIC HSR-IR2
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in Design Study of button BPMs for the EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Lattice optimization for Electron Ion Collider Hadron storage ring injection
- Co-author in Non-destructive spin tune measurement of polarized protons in a storage ring
- Co-author in Polarized proton operation at RHIC with partial snakes
- Co-author in Spin transparency experiment test in RHIC
- Fangze Liu (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- He Liu (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Tao Liu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Yuxin Liu
(Sokendai, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai))
- Co-author in Observation of sudden beam loss in SuperKEKB
- Tao Liu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Yixuan Liu (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
Kuo-Bin Liu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Analysis of the bi-bridge topology and power device circuit of the TPS booster dipole power supply
- Co-author in Development of a GaN FETs based fully digital correction magnet power supply platform for taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Realization of temperature compensated TPS correction magnet power supply
- Gangwen Liu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Bo Liu
(Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Co-author in Feasibility verification of ultrafast FEL generation experimental scheme based on SXFEL
- Co-author in High-gain free-electron laser with orbital angular momentum seeded by an x-ray regenerative amplifier
- Co-author in Orbital Stability Analysis of Three Beamlines in Beam Distribution System of SHINE Facility
Zong-Kai Liu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Co-author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
- Co-author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
- Hanyang Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Lin Liu
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
- Co-author in Online optimization of SIRIUS nonlinear optics
- Co-author in Study of insertion devices effects in SIRIUS
Weihang Liu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Longitudinal injection for SAPS based on a double-frequency RF system
- Author in Recent Progress of the Design and Relevant Research Activities for Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Booster conceptual design of the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Latest lattice design and optimization for Southern Advanced Photon Source storage ring
- Co-author in Magnetic error corrections of the storage ring for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Start-to-end simulation of the full energy linac injector for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
Xingguang Liu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in A C-band test platform for the development of RF photo cathode and high gradient accelerating structures
- Author in Longitudinal injection for SAPS based on a double-frequency RF system
- Author in Recent Progress of the Design and Relevant Research Activities for Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Author in Start-to-end simulation of the full energy linac injector for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Booster conceptual design of the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Design of a 250 linac injector for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Latest lattice design and optimization for Southern Advanced Photon Source storage ring
- Co-author in Magnetic error corrections of the storage ring for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Measurement and analysis of the intensity-dependent effects on the CSNS medium energy beam transport line
- Co-author in Multi-object optimization based on high gradient C-band photoinjector
- Yuntao Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Yudong Liu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in CEPC circumference optimization
- Co-author in CEPC damping ring design in TDR stage
- Co-author in Experimental measurements on impedance and beam instability in BEPCII
Wanming Liu
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Eom-based bunch arrival monitor development at the Argonne wakefield accelerator facility
- Co-author in Round-to-flat and flat-to-round beam transformations at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility
- Co-author in Simulations and experimental studies for an X-band short-pulse ultra-high gradient photoinjector
- Shan Liu (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- chihkai liu (National Central Univeristy)
- Yun Liu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Ching-Yuarn Liu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Retrofit study of compressed air systems in NSRRC
Kun Liu
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Assembly, alignment and tuning of the XiPAF DTL
baohou liu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Co-author in Design of magnets for Hefei advanced light facility
- Renhong Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Huachang Liu (Dongguan Neutron Science Center)
- Shengjin Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Wei Liu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in The high voltage DC gun design progress for EIC strong hadron cooling
- Co-author in High voltage DC gun using distributed Bragg reflector super lattice GaAs photocathode for EIC polarized electron sources
- Co-author in The design progress of a high charge, low energy spread polarized pre injector for electron ion collider
- Wolong Liu (State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect)
Chen-Yao Liu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Analysis of the bi-bridge topology and power device circuit of the TPS booster dipole power supply
- Co-author in Development of a GaN FETs based fully digital correction magnet power supply platform for taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Realization of temperature compensated TPS correction magnet power supply
- Yang Liu (Dongguan Neutron Science Center)
- Focheng Liu (Tsinghua University)
- Shenghua Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Longxiang Liu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Zhi Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Peng Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Gongfa Liu (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Guimin Liu (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- Xing Liu (Tsinghua University)
- Jia Liu (European XFEL GmbH)
Baiqi Liu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Residual Gas Lifetime in the HEPS Storage Ring
- Ming Liu (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
Simone Liuzzo
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Author in Analytic derivative of orbit response matrix and dispersion with thick error sources and thick steerers implemented in python
- Author in Commissioning simulations tools based on python Accelerator Toolbox
- Author in Mini-beta optics for the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Author in Scaling of hybrid multi bend lattice cells
- Author in Status and recent developments of python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Extremum seeking for accelerator optimisation
- Co-author in Off-energy operation of a HMBA lattice
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Towards a true diffraction limited light source
Victor Lizárraga-Rubio
(Universidad de Guanajuato)
- Co-author in Degrader beamline design at the CEBAF injector for machine acceptance studies
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Silvano Lizzit (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Gustav Ljungquist (European Spallation Source)
Chih-Hung Lo
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Co-author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
- Co-author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
Ihar Lobach
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in Application for Anomaly Detection in the Storage Ring Power Supplies of APS-U
- Author in Long short-term memory networks for anomaly detection in storage ring power supplies
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Co-author in Two-photon undulator radiation
- Co-author in Upgrades to logging and ml analytics architecture at APS
Julio Lobo
(Muons (United States))
- Co-author in Mu*star: A new paradigm for nuclear reactors
- Nils Lockmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Giorgio Loda (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Andrew Lodge
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
Trevor Loe
(California Polytechnic State University)
- Co-author in EIC crab cavity LLRF specifications
- Tobias Loewner (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Gregor Loisch
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Achieving competitive overall energy-transfer efficiency in a plasma accelerator
- Author in FLASHForward: experimental progress towards an idealised plasma-based energy booster
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Status of hydrodynamic simulations of a tapered plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Co-author in Status of plasma diagnostics on the prototype plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Co-author in Status Of Plasma Diagnostics On The Prototype Plasma Lens For Optical Matching At The ILC e+ Source
Valerio Lollo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Antony Lomax (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Cedric Lombard (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Alessandra Lombardi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Ryan Loney (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Tianyun Long (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Wei Long (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Kenneth Long
(Imperial College London)
- Co-author in LhARA, the laser-hybrid accelerator for radiobiological applications
- Co-author in Three-stage simulation for the development of an ion-acoustic dose-deposition mapping system for LhARA
- Co-author in Three-Stage Simulation for the Development of an Ion-Acoustic Dose-Deposition Mapping System for LhARA
- Fengli Long (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- David Longuevergne (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Marco Lonza
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Transient beam loading studies in view of the Elettra 2.0 upgrade project
- Co-author in Fast kickers for bunch by bunch feedbacks at SLS 2.0 and ELETTRA
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Transverse deflecting cavities for short X-ray pulses at Elettra 2.0
Robert Lopes
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the RF system for the ThomX storage ring
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Nelson Lopes (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Elena Lopez (Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology)
- Christoph Lorey (Institut für Kernphysik)
- Roberto Losito (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- William Lou (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Alexandre Loulergue
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Author in TDR baseline lattice for SOLEIL II upgrade project
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ThomX Storage Ring
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Co-author in Status of the SOLEIL II robustness studies
Henry Lovelace III
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Lattice design for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Lattice optimization for Electron Ion Collider Hadron storage ring injection
- Author in Synchronizing the timing of the electron and Hadron storage rings in the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in The impact of magnetic errors on the electron ion collider rapid cycling synchrotron
- Author in Transition jump system of the hadron storage ring of the electron ion collider
- Co-author in Beam optics update for EIC HSR-IR2
- Co-author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Progress on the electron ion collider’s RCS RF ramp development
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
Xiaohan Lu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in BPM offset measurements at rapid cycling synchrotron in China Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Co-author in Study for space charge effect in tune space at CSNS-II/RCS
- Yujie Lu (ShanghaiTech University)
- Ming Lu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yao Lu (Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center)
Xueying Lu
(Northern Illinois University)
- Co-author in A w-band corrugated waveguide for wakefield acceleration at the AWA emittance exchange beamline
- Co-author in Bead-Pull of 0.2 THz Strucutre and Technical Issues
- Co-author in Design and test of a metamaterial accelerating structure for Wakefield acceleration
- Co-author in Simulations and experimental studies for an X-band short-pulse ultra-high gradient photoinjector
Huihua Lu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Four-rows APPLE-Knot undulator on HEPS
- Xinyi Lu (Tsinghua University)
- Zhijun Lu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Bruno Lucas
(Université Paris-Saclay)
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Online spatio-temporal couplings monitoring diagnostics for laser-plasma accelerator driver
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Thomas Lucas (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Donatella Lucchesi (INFN- Sez. di Padova)
- Kai Ludwig (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Frank Ludwig (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Anusorn Lueangaramwong
(Diamond Light Source)
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Author in Study of aperture sharing injection scheme for Diamond-II
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of an electron beam for magnetic bunch compressor commissioning at PITZ
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
Jom Luiten
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Co-author in Smart*Light: A high brilliance ICS X-ray Source
- Co-author in Smart*Light: Building a compact ICS source
- Co-author in Ultrafast and ultracold electron source
- Gianluca Luminati (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Alex Lumpkin (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Asbjørn Lund (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Christopher Lund (McGill University)
- Johan Lundquist (European Spallation Source)
Joseph Luner
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
Yun Luo
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Author in Effect of electron orbit ripple on proton emittance growth in EIC
- Author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Revisit the effects of 10 Hz orbit oscillation in the relativistic heavy ion collider
- Author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in EIC crab cavity multipole effects on dynamic aperture
- Co-author in Haissinski distribution of electron beam in Electron-Ion Collider and its impact on the Hadron beam
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Co-author in Local and global betatron coupling correction based on beam position measurements in RHIC
- Co-author in Quantifying effects of crab cavity RF phase noise on transverse emittance in EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Validation and countermeasures of vertical emittance growth due to crab cavity noise in a horizontal crab-crossing scheme
Didi Luo
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Study on the Laser Treatment of Nb Thin Films on Copper Substrate with a kW nanosecond fiber laser
- Co-author in Study on the laser treatment of NB and Nb3Sn thin films on copper substrate with a kW nanosecond fiber laser
- Co-author in The optimization of the bronze-method Nb3Sn coatings on Cu substrates
- Hao-Wen Luo (National Tsing Hua University)
- Xibao Luo (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Yuanli Luo (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Hang Luo (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Ruiying Luo (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Qing Luo (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Maria Luque (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Nicholas Lusa
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Alberto Lutman (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Peng Lv (Tsinghua University)
- Yongjia Lv (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Meng Lv (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
John Lyles
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Additive manufacturing of copper RF structures for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Novel multi-beam front end for LANSCE accelerator facility
- Co-author in Short pulse enhancement at the Proton storage ring via double stacking for the Lujan Center at LANSCE
- Co-author in Test facility supporting modernization of the LANSCE front end
Kevin Lynch
(York University)
- Co-author in Muonium R&D at Fermilab
- Walter Lynn (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Shuai Ma (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Qiang Ma
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Normal-conducting 5-cell cavities for HEPS booster RF system
- Co-author in Status and progress of the RF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in The high-power test of CW 250 kW fundamental power couplers for HEPS 166.6 MHz superconducting quarter-wave beta=1 cavity
- Co-author in The investigation of cavity frequency instability induced by vibrations
- Ande Ma (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Tenghao Ma (Peking University)
Wenjing Ma
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Finite element analysis for NEG coated vacuum chamber based on ANSYS Workbench
- Author in Finite element analysis for NEG coated vacuum chamber based on ANSYS Workbench
- Author in Study on the vacuum properties of laser-etched oxygen-free copper
- Author in Study on the vacuum properties of laser-etched oxygen-free copper
- Huizhou Ma (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Pengfei Ma
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Assembly, alignment and tuning of the XiPAF DTL
- Xinwen Ma (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- James MacArthur (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Enrico Maccallini (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
Stéphane Macé
(Institut des NanoSciences de Paris)
- Co-author in Latest PANTECHNIK’s ECR ion sources performances
Shinji Machida
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in FFA design study for a high intensity proton driver
- Co-author in Adiabatic capture in the FETS-FFA ring
- Co-author in FFA magnet prototype for high intensity pulsed proton driver
- Co-author in Future ESS upgrade to medium pulse length: what are the technical challenges for the accelerator and the target?
- Co-author in Nonlinear Dynamics of Scaling FFAs
- Llorenç Macià (Catalonia Institute for Energy Research)
- Anthea MacIntosh-LaRocque (Imperial College London)
- Daniel MacLean (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Ewen Maclean
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in First measurement of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Co-author in First measurements of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Co-author in Measurement and modelling of decapole errors in the LHC from beam-based studies
- Co-author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Craig Macwaters (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Clemens Maderböck (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
Nico Madysa
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Advancements in injection efficiency modelling for the Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) at CERN
- Co-author in Multi-objective extremum seeking to control drifts in the transverse beam splitting efficiency of the multi-turn extraction at the CERN proton synchrotron
- Co-author in Performance of the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with lead ions in 2022
- Co-author in Towards optics measurements with a new LEIR BPM system
- Akane Maeda (Nagoya University)
- Jyunpei Maeda (Kobe University)
- Fujio Maekawa (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Giancarlo Maero (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Hirokazu Maesaka (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
- Jorge Maestre (Universidad de Granada)
- Stefano Maffezzoli Felis (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Anastasiya Magazinik
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
Mario Maggiore
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Status of 70 MeV Cyclotron at Laboratori Nazionali of Legnaro
- Co-author in Beam loss monitors characterization for SPES proton beam line
- Co-author in Optimizations of a combined RFQ cooler prototype for exotic ion beams
- Co-author in Status of the commissioning of Beam Cooler for SPES project
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
Marco Magi
(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Marijo Magjar (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Tamotsu Magome (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Eyal Magori (Ariel University)
- Morgan Maher (McGill University)
- George Mahler (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Christoph Mahnke
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
Paul Mahvi
(California Polytechnic State University)
- Co-author in EIC crab cavity LLRF specifications
Carsten Mai
(TU Dortmund University)
- Author in Observation of coherent Terahertz bursts during low-energy operation of DELTA
- Co-author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in SPEED: Worldwide first EEHG implementation at a storage ring
- Co-author in Studies of radiation background at the synchrotron light source DELTA
Bjoern Mai
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Vacuum design of the Super-FRS at FAIR
- Dong Du Mai (ELI Beamlines Czech Republic)
- Cecilia Maiano (European Spallation Source)
Sebastian Maier
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Amplitude dependent tune shift measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Towards fiber optics-guided synchrotron radiation-based longitudinal beam diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
- Michael Maier (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Rodolphe Maillet (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Fabio Maimone (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Helene Mainaud Durand (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- REMI MAISONNY (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
Nathan Majernik
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Author in Beam transport and diagnostics for the space plasma experiment at Samurai
- Author in Construction of and experiments with a compact plasma source
- Author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Co-author in Design and construction of a population inversion x-ray laser at LCLS
- Co-author in Novel Fabrication Methods and Geometries of Nanoblade Cathodes
- Co-author in Plasma wakefields produced by transversely asymmetric beams
- Co-author in Studying the basics of plasma physics using long range plasma
- Co-author in Temperature stability in CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG)
- Muneyoshi Maki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Davide Malacalza (ASG Superconductors)
- Johan Malherbe (University of Pretoria)
Lukas Malina
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Commissioning simulations tools based on python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Extremum seeking for accelerator optimisation
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Victor Malka (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Robert Malone (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Ines Maltusch (Fachhochschule Aachen)
Marco Malvestuto
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Anton Malygin (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Oleg Malyshev
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in The effect of small bends in thin non-evaporable getter coated tubes on the partial pressure ratio as a function of sticking probability
- Co-author in Characterisation facilities for evaluating superconducting thin films for SRF cavities
- Co-author in Deposition of NbTiN and NbN on 6 GHz seamless copper cavity
- Co-author in Split 6GHz SRF thin film cavities
- Co-author in V3Si Thin Films for SRF Applications
Alexander Malyzhenkov
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Experimental generation of the transversely uniform electron bunches at the CLEAR facility at CERN
- Co-author in A Novel Fibre Optic Monitor for VHEE UHDR Beam Monitoring: First Tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in A novel fibre optic monitor for VHEE UHDR beam monitoring: first tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in A start-to-end optimisation of CLEAR for an inverse Compton scattering experiment, using RF-Track
- Co-author in Application of beam-based alignment to the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Corrugated wakefield structures at SwissFEL
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Electron beam studies on a beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation
- Co-author in The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
- Co-author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Update of the RF-Track particle tracking code
- Co-author in VHEE and ultra high dose rate radiotherapy studies in the CLEAR user facility
- Aristeidis Mamaras (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Md Abdullah Mamun (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Grace Manahan (University of Strathclyde)
- Ralitsa Mancheva (KU Leuven)
- Jerome Mandrillon (Ion Beam Applications (Belgium))
Michele Manfredda
(Universita' degli Studi di Milano & INFN)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Sofia Mangiacavalli (Università dell'Insubria & INFN Milano Bicocca)
Franco Mangiarotti
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Paolo Manini (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
- Joshua Mann (University of California, Los Angeles)
Atsushi Mano
(Nagoya University)
- Co-author in Light source developments at UVSOR BL1U
Enrico Manosperti
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in CLIC BDS 7 TeV design
- Author in Design of CLIC beam delivery system at 7 TeV
- Author in MAD-NG for final focus design
- Morteza Mansouri (Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East)
- Erik Mansten (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Arnaud Mantoux (Université Grenoble Alpes)
- Koryun Manukyan (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Pratik Manwani
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Author in Beam transport and diagnostics for the space plasma experiment at Samurai
- Author in Construction of and experiments with a compact plasma source
- Author in Plasma wakefields produced by transversely asymmetric beams
- Co-author in Design and construction of a population inversion x-ray laser at LCLS
- Co-author in Temperature stability in CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG)
- Marco Manzini (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Mattia Manzolaro
- Vivek Maradia (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Luca Maran (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Jonathan Marangos (Imperial College London)
- Simone Marasso (ChiLab ¿ Materials and Microsystems Laboratory)
Davide Marcato
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Demonstration of Beam Emittance Optimization using Reinforcement Learning
- Author in Upgrade of the ALPI low and medium beta RF control system
- Co-author in First installation of the upgraded vacuum control system for ALPI accelerator
- Co-author in Functional Architecture of SPES Safety System
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in Status of the commissioning of Beam Cooler for SPES project
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Fabio Marcellini (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Patrick Marchand (Synchrotron soleil)
- Álvaro Marchena (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Rodolphe Marchesin (Thales Electron Devices)
- Barbara Marchetti (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Marco Marchetto (TRIUMF)
- Giovanni Marconato (Università degli studi di Padova)
- Jordi Marcos (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Olivier Marcouillé (Synchrotron soleil)
- Gabriel Marcus (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Israel Mardor
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Rachel Margraf (Stanford University)
- Thomas Margreiter (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Fesseha Mariam (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Cristina Mariani (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Stephane maridor (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Eduardo Marin (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
Agostino Marinelli
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Few cycle radiation pulses from strongly compressed electron beams
- Co-author in Attosecond pulse shaping of X-ray free-electron lasers and applications to coherent control in quantum systems
- Co-author in Attosecond pulse shaping of X-ray free-electron lasers and applications to coherent control in quantum systems
- Co-author in Development of Two-Color Sub-Femtosecond Pump/Probe Techniques with X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Multi-color operation via coherent harmonic generation in a plasma driven attosecond X-ray source
- Co-author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
- Co-author in Preliminary commissioning results for the plasma-driven attosecond X-ray source (PAX) experiment at FACET-II
- Samuel Marini (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
Samuele Mariotto
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Energy saving magnets for beam lines
- Co-author in Magnets for a muon collider
- Tadevos Markosyan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
- Harry Marks (Cockcroft Institute)
Steve Marks
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Magnetic measurements of the ALS-U magnets
- Salvatore Marletta (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Ole Marqversen (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Chiara Marrelli
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Estimation of Hot S-parameters of Power Amplifiers at ESS
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Jacques Marroncle (Université Paris-Saclay, CEA)
- Kenneth Marsh (University of California, Los Angeles)
Bruce Marsh
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in CERN-MEDICIS: Operational indicators to support the production of new medical radionuclides by mass separation
- Co-author in Copper surface treatment with deep UV ultrafast laser for improved photocathode photoemissive properties
- Co-author in Prformance of laser patterned copper plasmonic photocathodes
- Co-author in Simulation of plasmonic effects in nanostructured copper surfaces for field-assisted photoemission
- George Marshall (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Eleni Marshall (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Sylvain Marsillac (Old Dominion University)
Cianfrini Marta
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Fabrice Marteau
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Ismael Martel (Universidad de Huelva)
- Stefano Martelli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Aurélien Martens (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Zeus Martí
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Author in AC excitation studies for full coupling operation
- Author in ALBA beam lifetime optimization using RCDS
- Author in ALBA-II first tolerance studies
- Author in Progress on the 6BA lattice for ALBA-II
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Co-author in Analytic derivative of orbit response matrix and dispersion with thick error sources and thick steerers implemented in python
Ian Martin
(Diamond Light Source)
- Author in Alternative Diamond-II storage ring optics with high beta section for improved injection
- Author in Analysis of the Diamond-II booster dipole magnets
- Co-author in Investigations into operating Pulse Picking by Resonant Excitation (PPRE) in the vertical plane
- Co-author in Ion effects studies for Diamond-II with a simplified model
- Co-author in RF feedback simulation for Diamond-II using ELEGANT
- Co-author in Study of aperture sharing injection scheme for Diamond-II
- Co-author in Testing of a ZEPTO tuneable permanent magnet quadrupole at Diamond Light Source
- Co-author in Updates to Diamond-II storage ring error specifications and commissioning procedures
- Roman Martin (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Christophe Martin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Valentina Martinelli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Martina Martinello (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Guillaume Martinet (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Miguel Martinez Calderon
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Prformance of laser patterned copper plasmonic photocathodes
- Co-author in Copper surface treatment with deep UV ultrafast laser for improved photocathode photoemissive properties
- Co-author in Simulation of plasmonic effects in nanostructured copper surfaces for field-assisted photoemission
- Eduardo Martínez López (Instituto de Física Corpuscular)
- Jose Martinez Marin (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Manel Martinez-Ramon (University of New Mexico)
- Pablo Martinez-Reviriego (Instituto de Física Corpuscular)
- Javier Martinez Samblas (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Francisco Martin-Fuertes
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) Prototype for the IFMIF-DONES Linear Accelerator
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) prototype for the IFMIF-DONES linear accelerator
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Guzman Martin Garcia (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Denis Martini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Marco Martini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Rémi Martinie (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Pablo Martín-Luna
(Instituto de Física Corpuscular)
- Author in Hydrodynamic model for particle beam-driven wakefield in carbon nanotubes
- Author in Hydrodynamic Model for Particle Beam-Driven Wakefield in Carbon Nanotubes
- Co-author in Dielectric Assist Accelerating structures for compact linear accelerators of low energy particles in hadrontherapy treatments
- Co-author in Driver-witness configuration in CNT array-based acceleration
- Co-author in Driver-Witness Configuration in CNT Array-Based Acceleration
- Jose Maria Martin Ruiz (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Carlos Martins (European Spallation Source ERIC)
- Laura Martins Rocha De Almeina Carlos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Norayr Martirosyan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
Pavel Martyshkin
(Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Vasily Marusov (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Tomofumi Maruta (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
Daniel Marx
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Effect of electron orbit ripple on proton emittance growth in EIC
- Author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Author in Synchronizing the timing of the electron and Hadron storage rings in the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Interaction region effects on the EIC’s electron storage ring's dynamic aperture
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Revisit the effects of 10 Hz orbit oscillation in the relativistic heavy ion collider
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Status of the second interaction region design for Electron-Ion Collider
- Arnaud Mary (Synchrotron soleil)
- Stefano Marzari (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Marco Marziani
(University of Cape Town)
- Co-author in An in-vacuum measurement system for CPMUs at Diamond Light Source
- Co-author in CPMU development at diamond light source
- Mitsuhiro Masaki (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Valerio Mascagna (INGV Sezione di Milano)
David Mascali
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Simulation of tapered co-propagating structures for dielectric laser accelerator
- Co-author in Metallic neutral vapours diffusion in electron cyclotron resonance ion sources : fluid dynamics and particle tracing simulations
- Co-author in MeV-scale simulations and fabrication tests of woodpile-based waveguide for dielectric laser accelerators
- Claudio Masciovecchio (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Ingrid Mases (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Alessandro Masi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Valentí Massana
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Co-author in Characterization of in-vacuum wiggler for FAXTOR beamline at alba
- Francesco Massimo (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet)
- Thierry Masson (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Themis Mastoridis (California Polytechnic State University)
- Kai Masuda (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team)
Maria Rosaria Masullo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Gender and STEM: it is time to change the narrative
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Mika Masuzawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Nanda Gopal Matavalam (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
Christoph Matejcek
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Author in 5 MeV Beam Transport System for MESA
Isidre Mateu
(Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics)
- Co-author in A novel fiber-optic beam monitor
- Diana Mateus (Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes)
- Aimé Matheron (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée)
Eloise Matheson
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Demonstration of non-local crystal shadowing at the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Development of bent crystal manipulation systems for beam collimation and extraction at CERN
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
- Co-author in Robotic solutions for the remote inspection and maintenance of particle accelerators
- John Matheson (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Storm Mathisen
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Qualitative measurements of bunch length at CLARA using coherent transition radiation
- Co-author in An introduction to the UK XFEL conceptual design and options analysis
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in Recent experimental results from the dielectric wakefield acceleration program at CLARA facility
- Serge Mathot (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Nicholas Matlis
(Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) and Center for Free Electron Science (CFEL))
- Co-author in Broad range single-shot electron energy spectrometer for THz driven booster accelerator using an in-vacuum tunable dipole magnet
- Co-author in Compact electron beam transport system of AXSIS THz-driven electron accelerator employing adjustable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole
- Co-author in Compact Single-Side-Pumped Terahertz-Driven Booster Accelerator
- Co-author in Coupler design for THz DLW LINACs
- Co-author in Development of a compact half-cell RF photocathode gun for single-shot keV ultrafast electron diffraction with femtosecond resolution
- Co-author in High-energy single-cycle terahertz sources for compact particle accelerators and manipulators
- Yuji Matsubara (Sumitomo Heavy Industies, Ltd.)
- Noriyuki Matsumoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hiroshi Matsumoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Akihiko Matsumura (Nihon Advanced Technology Co., Ltd)
- Ryota Matsushita (The University of Tokyo)
- Barnaby Matthews (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Claudio Maugeri (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Olivier Maulat (SIGMAPHI S.A.)
- Laurent Maunoury (Normandy Hadrontherapy)
- Pierre Maurin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Giorgio Sebastiano Mauro
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in MeV-scale simulations and fabrication tests of woodpile-based waveguide for dielectric laser accelerators
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Metallic neutral vapours diffusion in electron cyclotron resonance ion sources : fluid dynamics and particle tracing simulations
- Co-author in RF design of a compact C-band RF pulse compressor for a VHEE linac for flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in Simulation of tapered co-propagating structures for dielectric laser accelerator
- Maria Maxouti (Imperial College London)
Jared Maxson
(Cornell University)
- Co-author in A UV Pump laser System for micro-UED at Cornell
- Co-author in Alkali-antimonide photocathode transport in a vacuum-sealed canister
- Co-author in Correlation between the stoichiometry of $Cs_xSb_y$ and its photoemission properties and oxidation response
- Co-author in CsSb atomically smooth thin films as novel visible light photocathodes
- Co-author in First demonstration of spin-polarized electrons from gallium nitride photocathodes
- Co-author in First demonstration of spin-polarized electrons from gallium nitride photocathodes
- Co-author in High angular magnification for accessing structural information in Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
- Co-author in Reconstructing 4D source momentum space via aperture scans
- Co-author in Study of nano-structured electron sources using photoemission electron microscope
- Co-author in Ultra Thin $Cs_3Sb$ Photocathodes With Anomalously High Quantum Efficiency
- Co-author in Ultra thin Cs3Sb photocathodes with anomalously high quantum efficiency
- Timothy Maxwell (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Michael Mayerhofer (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Christopher Mayes
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Detailed Phase Space Reconstruction from Accelerator Beam Measurements Using Differentiable Simulations
- Author in PyTao: the Python interface to Tao
- Author in Towards fully differentiable accelerator modeling
- Author in Xopt: A simplified framework for optimization of accelerator problems using advanced algorithms
- Co-author in Dark current in the LCLS-II-HE superconducting injector
- Co-author in Design and optimization of an ERL for cooling EIC hadron beams
- Co-author in Efficient computation of two-dimensional coherent synchrotron radiation with neural networks
- Co-author in Efficient tuning of particle accelerator emittance via Bayesian algorithm execution and virtual objectives
- Co-author in EIC cooler injector space charge benchmark
- Co-author in Two Dimensional Transient CSR Simulation in Julia
Frank Mayet
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in Beam based alignment of focusing solenoids at ARES
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
- jean-baptiste mayolini (CEGELEC SA (Actemium Geneve))
- Alexandre Mayor (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Zahra Mazaheri (University of Naples Federico II)
- Anna Mazzacane (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Giuseppe Mazzola
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Assessment of beam-intercepting device robustness for intensity increase in CERN’s North Area
- Co-author in Design development and technological R&D for niobium-cladded beam production targets
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Target systems design for a high intensity facility in the CERN's ECN3 area
Andrea Mazzolari
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Techniques for fabrication of crystalline undulators as an innovative intense source of 𝛾-rays
- Co-author in The Design of the Electron and Positron Source for CERN External Beam Lines
Stefano Mazzoni
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in CERN’s beam instrumentation R&D study for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Electron beam studies on a beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Co-author in Two-dimensional electron beam size measurements with X-ray Heterodyne Near Field Speckles
Benvenuto Mazzucco
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Logistics strategies for Elettra 2.0
Kyle McCombs
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostics beamline development for ALS-U
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
- Josie McGarrigle (Imperial College London)
- Kellen McGee (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Dana McKenzie (European Spallation Source)
Julian McKenzie
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Beam dynamics of the RUEDI diffraction beamline
- Author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in Beam dynamics for the RUEDI microscopy beamline
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the low dark charge photocathode RF gun for Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Imaging (RUEDI) facility
- Russell Mclean (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Gerard McMonagle (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Malika Meddahi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jacob Medina (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- David Meer (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Beata Mehdi (University of Liverpool)
- Jan Meier (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Maximilian Meier (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Shin-ichiro Meigo (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Paolo Meliga (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- David Melkumyan (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Aleksei Melnikov (Russian Academy of Sciences)
Aleksei Melnikov
(Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Author in A feasibility study into the Quasi-Frozen Spin regime of operation of the NICA storage ring
- Author in ByPass optics design in NICA storage ring for experiment with polarized beams for EDM search
- Author in Spin coherence and betatron chromaticity of deuteron beam in NICA storage ring
- Author in The effect of spin oscillations in a ring with a quasi-frozen spin and its influence on the procedure for searching for the deuteron EDM
- Oleksandr Melnychuk (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Charles Melton
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
- Nabil MENAA (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Ramiro Mena Andrade (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Purificación Méndez (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Abraham Menéndez (Instituto de Física Corpuscular)
- Fanbo Meng (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Rong Meng (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
Cai Meng
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in CEPC damping ring design in TDR stage
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Alexander Menshov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Jörg Mensmann (Nvidia (United States))
Francois Meot
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Non-destructive spin tune measurement of polarized protons in a storage ring
- Co-author in Polarized proton operation at RHIC with partial snakes
- Co-author in Progress on the electron ion collider’s RCS RF ramp development
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Spin transparency experiment test in RHIC
- Co-author in Stable spin direction measurements at RHIC with polarized proton beams
- Co-author in Strategy for proton polarization in the Electron Ion Collider
Ronaldo Mercado
(Diamond Light Source)
- Co-author in CPMU development at diamond light source
Bruno Mercier
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Co-author in DYVACS (DYnamic VACuum Simulation) code: gas density profiles for dynamic conditions in particle accelerators - simulations for the LHC and the FCCee
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Co-author in Thin films for the mitigation of electron multipacting
- Alessio Mereghetti (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Dillon Merenich (Northern Illinois University)
- Paolo Mereu (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Dirk Mergelkuhl (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Yvan Merrer (École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Caen)
- Julian Merrick (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Phani Deep Meruga (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Atoosa Meseck
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Co-author in Loss simulations on shielding foil slit errors
- Co-author in Numerical studies of Thomson backscattering at MESA
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
Igor Meshkov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Esteban Messina (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Peter Messmer (Nvidia (United States))
Lotta Mether
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Electron cloud observations and mitigation for the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Electron cloud build-up studies for FCC-ee
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
Elias Métral
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Challenging students into developing accelerator-based innovations to protect the environment
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics and RF requirements for a chain of muon RCSs
- Co-author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
- Giovanni Mettivier (University of Naples Federico II)
Fabian Metzger
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Sebastian Meuren (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Oliver Meusel
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Co-author in Current Status of the Beam Dynamics Simulations for the HBS Drift Tube Linac
- Co-author in Focusing of highly charged ion beams using Gabor-lenses
- Co-author in Improvement of beam transport in high energy transfer lines using Gabor-lenses
- Co-author in Mutual interaction of 2m long electron plasma ensembles with an ion beam in MeV range
- Co-author in Simulation Studies of the Particle Dynamic in Beam: Internal Target and Beam-Beam Interactions in the Figure-8 Storage Ring(F8SR)
- Co-author in Status of the electron lens for space charge compensation in SIS18
- Steven Mewes (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Manon MEYER (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
- Zheng Mi (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Tsutomu Mibe
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Demonstration of three-dimensional spiral injection for the J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Precise control of a strong X-Y coupling beam transportation for J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
- Gioacchino Micciché (ENEA Brasimone Research Centre)
- Tim Michalski (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Julien Michaud
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Co-author in Beam loss monitoring through emittance growth control and feedback with design
- Co-author in Lattice design of 250 MeV version of Perle
- Co-author in Magnetic design of the commutational magnet and quadrupoles for PERLE accelerator
- Co-author in Magnetic Design of the Commutational Magnet and Quadrupoles for PERLE Accelerator
- Co-author in Modeling of standing wave RF cavities for tracking through multi-pass energy recovery linac
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Matthieu Michel (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Andre Michel (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Peter Michel (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Paolo Michelato (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Andrea Michelotti
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Yurina Michine (University of Electro-Communications)
shinichiro michizono
- Co-author in Sustainability studies for future linear colliders
- Robert Michnoff (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Slavisa Micic
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
Sascha Mickat
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in The New Intense Heavy Ion Alvarez 2.0 DTL at GSI
- Frederic Micolon (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Keith Middleman (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Marco Miglioranza (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Mauro Migliorati
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Studies of FCC-ee single bunch instabilities with an updated impedance model
- Author in Transverse beam coupling impedance studies at the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster after the LHC Injectors Upgrade
- Co-author in A space charge forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in A Space Charge Forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and mechanical tests of TIG-welded Ka-band accelerating structures for ultra-high gradient applications
- Co-author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Overview of transverse instabilities in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in RF design of a compact C-band RF pulse compressor for a VHEE linac for flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in Study of beam-beam interaction in FCC-ee including updated transverse and longitudinal impedances
- Co-author in Transverse coupled-bunch instability driven by the resistive wall impedance at SuperKEKB
- Yukio Mikami (Sumitomo Heavy Industries (Japan))
Bettina Mikulec
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam performance and operational efficiency at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
- Co-author in Overview of transverse instabilities in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Tailoring transverse beam characteristics with the new CERN PS booster charge-exchange injection system
- Attilio Milanese (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Marco MIlani
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0: Activities in the experimental Hall
- Co-author in Logistics strategies for Elettra 2.0
- Catia Milardi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Natalia Milas (European Spallation Source)
Boris Militsyn
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Conceptual design of the low dark charge photocathode RF gun for Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Imaging (RUEDI) facility
- Co-author in An introduction to the UK XFEL conceptual design and options analysis
- Co-author in Copper photocathodes for the modified 10 Hz gun on the CLARA accelerator
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in Transverse phase space tomography using machine learning at the CLARA accelerator test facility
- Samuel Miller (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
Daniele Millo
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Insertion device developments for Elettra 2.0
- Massimo Milloch (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Giuliana Milluzzo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Andrea Milocco (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Velizar Miltchev (Universität Hamburg)
- Stephen Milward (Diamond Light Source)
- Toshihiro Mimashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Chang-Ki Min (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Alessandro Minarello (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Enrique Minaya Ramirez (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Nicolas Mine (Ion Beam Applications (Belgium))
Damien Minenna
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Author in Design of a laser wakefield relativistic electron source
- Author in EARLI: design of a laser wakefield accelerator for AWAKE
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
Carlo Mingioni
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Design of the ESS DTL mechanical supports
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Michiko Minty (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Andrea Miraglia (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Daniele Mirarchi
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Development of bent crystal manipulation systems for beam collimation and extraction at CERN
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Co-author in Performance of a double-crystal setup for LHC fixed-target experiments
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
- Najmeh Mirian (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Sajjad Hussain Mirza (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Andrey Mishin (Varex Imaging (United States))
- Ishaan Mishra (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
- Ganeswar Mishra (Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya)
- Dinkar Mishra (University of Lucknow)
- Bharat Mishra (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Shreya Mishra
(Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya)
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurement of Tapered Gap U50 Undulator
- Maksym Miski-Oglu (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Sara Miskovich (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Eric Mistretta (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Sonal Mistry (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Chad Mitchell (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Christophe Mitifiot (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Chikaori Mitsuda
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Construction and beam commissioning of the GeV-range test beamline at KEK PF-AR
- Co-author in Development of a Prototype Pulsed Power Supply using SiC-MOSFETs for a Fast Kicker System in KEK-PF
- Co-author in Development of an octupole ceramics chamber with integrated pulsed magnet for beam injection
- Co-author in Modification of beam transport line design for simultaneous top-up injection to PF and PF-AR
- Gaku Mitsuka (KEK)
- Johannes Mitteneder (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
- Kazuki Miura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Fusashi Miyahara (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Tsukasa Miyajima (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Ryosuke Miyakoshi (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Ryoichi Miyamoto (European Spallation Source)
- Tomoaki Miyao (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Satoshi Mizobata (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Akihiko Mizuno (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
Akira Mochihashi
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in Application of three families of sextupoles at the KARA ring of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Co-author in First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Michael Mocko (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Paolo Modanese (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Michele Modena (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
marco modica
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Superbend magnet for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Magnetic measurement systems for Elettra 2.0
Mansoure Moeini Rizi
(Arizona State University)
- Co-author in Phase Space Measurements of an Electron Beam Using The ASU Cryocooled 200 kV DC Electron Gun
- Co-author in Phase space measurements of an electron beam using the ASU cryocooled 200 kV DC electron gun
- Co-author in Study of nano-structured electron sources using photoemission electron microscope
- Paul Moeller (RadiaSoft (United States))
- B. Moffit (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Mehdi Mohammad Kazemi
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Co-author in Seeding studies at FLASH
- Mahshid Mohammad Zadeh (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Sandeep Mohanty
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Photocathode activities at INFN LASA
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Osama Mohsen (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- David Moir (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- M. Francesca Moisio (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Joaquin Molla (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Alexander Molodozhentsev (ELI Beamlines Czech Republic)
- Richard Mompo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Laura Monaco
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Photocathode activities at INFN LASA
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
- Co-author in Photocathodes for the electron sources at FLASH and European XFEL
- Co-author in Status of a low-energy electron TRAnsverse Momentum Measurement device (TRAMM) at INFN LASA
- Alberto Monetti
- Riccardo Monferrato (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- riccardo monferrato (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Marta Monikowska (Warsaw University of Technology)
- Hideaki Monjushiro (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Christoph Montag
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Effect of electron orbit ripple on proton emittance growth in EIC
- Author in Synchronizing the timing of the electron and Hadron storage rings in the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Design and simulation of EIC IR orbit control system
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Revisit the effects of 10 Hz orbit oscillation in the relativistic heavy ion collider
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in The impact of magnetic errors on the electron ion collider rapid cycling synchrotron
Carlo Emilio Montanari
(University of Bologna)
- Author in Modelling the experimental data for long-range beam-beam wire compensators at the CERN LHC with diffusive models
- Author in Recent measurements and analyses of the beam-halo dynamics at the CERN LHC using collimator scans
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Nathan Montanez (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Nathan Montanez (University of California, Los Angeles)
Rafael Montano
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Eva Montbarbon (Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules)
- Jason Monteiro (ibss Group Inc)
- Pietro Monti-Guarnieri (Università dell'Insubria & INFN Milano Bicocca)
- Maurizio Montis (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Nathan A. Moody
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Operations Overview of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE)
- Co-author in Future Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) Directions and Enabling R&D Studies
- Co-author in Modeling optical interference effects for optimization of electron emission properties from thin film semiconductor photocathodes
- Co-author in Operation pressure and lifetime improvement of bialkali photocathodes via graphene protection
- Seok Ho Moon (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Gudrid Moortgat-Pick
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Status of hydrodynamic simulations of a tapered plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Co-author in Status of plasma diagnostics on the prototype plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Co-author in Status Of Plasma Diagnostics On The Prototype Plasma Lens For Optical Matching At The ILC e+ Source
- Vahid Moradi (Iranian Light Source Facility)
- Pedro Morales Sanchez (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Sara Morales Vigo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Ambra Morana (PANTECHNIK)
- Sophie Morard (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Gabriela Moreno (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Antonio Moreno (Universidad de Granada)
- Luca Moreschini (Cornell University)
- James Morgan (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Jenny Morgan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Zachary Morgan (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Alun Morgan (Diamond Light Source)
- Yoshiharu Mori (Kyoto University)
Takashi Mori
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Field quality improvement of septum magnets for SuperKEKB injection system
- Author in Vertical bump orbit study on emittance of injection beam in transport line for the SuperKEKB main ring
- Co-author in Beam injection issues at SuperKEKB
- Co-author in Construction and beam commissioning of the GeV-range test beamline at KEK PF-AR
- Yu Morikawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Takatoshi Morishita
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Beam profile measurement using the highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Yuichi Morita (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Katsuhiro Moriya (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
Gustav Mörk
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Josh Morman (The GNU Radio Project)
- Alice Moros (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
Vasiliy Morozov
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Analytic and numerical calculation of collider luminosity with CRAB dynamics
- Co-author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Generation of Vertical Emittance through Transverse Coupling and its Impact on the Polarization in the EIC ESR
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Phase space painting of a self-consistent Danilov distribution in the SNS ring
- Co-author in Quantifying effects of crab cavity RF phase noise on transverse emittance in EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
- Co-author in Status of the second interaction region design for Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Study of an ERL-based X-ray FEL
- Co-author in Validation and countermeasures of vertical emittance growth due to crab cavity noise in a horizontal crab-crossing scheme
Vasiliy Morozov
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Spin transparency experiment test in RHIC
- Co-author in Strategy for proton polarization in the Electron Ion Collider
- Thomas Morris (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Denton Morris
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in The ionization profile monitors in the recycler ring
- John Morris (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Alex Morris
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in Tunable monochromatic gamma ray source design using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
- Author in Tunable Monochromatic Gamma Ray Source Design Using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
- Co-author in Acceleration of electrons from a linear accelerator by a laser driven plasma wave at CLARA
- Dan Morris (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Dean Morris (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Marco Morrone (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Katherine Morrow (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- M.H. Moscatello (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
Daniel Moser
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in Beam study on low dispersion CEBAF arcs
John Moss
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in Conceptual frequency analysis-based predictive maintenance
- Co-author in Design and fabrication of the waveguide Iris couplers for the Spallation Neutron Source drift tube linac
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design of 402 MHz Normal Conducting Coaxial Window for SNS Facility
- Co-author in High Power Radiofrequency Operation of the Radiofrequency Quadrupoles in the Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in Multipacting analysis of the SNS drift tube linac (DTL) RF vacuum window using Spark3d
- Co-author in Reliability analysis of SNS SRF linac and perspective for future high-power proton SRF linacs
- Co-author in RF Tuning for the SNS LINAC RFQ
- Andrew Moss (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Andrea Mostacci
(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Co-author in A space charge forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in A Space Charge Forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Characterization of the longitudinal beam coupling impedance and mitigation strategy for the fast extraction kicker KFA79 in the CERN PS
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and mechanical tests of TIG-welded Ka-band accelerating structures for ultra-high gradient applications
- Co-author in Effects of bulk material properties on RF surface resistivity
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in RF design of a compact C-band RF pulse compressor for a VHEE linac for flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
Jörg Mosthaf
(Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum)
- Co-author in Using TSN for accelerator control systems
- Fritz Motschmann (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Peter Mouche (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Ioaquin Moulanier (Université Paris-Saclay)
Nicolas Mounet
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Overview of material choices for HL-LHC collimators
- Co-author in Overview of transverse instabilities in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Alexandre Moutardier (Synchrotron soleil)
- Iván Moya (Fusion For Energy)
- Nickolai Muchnoi (Novosibirsk State University)
- philip muehldorfer (Berliner Hochschule fuer Technik)
Anke-Susanne Mueller
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Realization of an Energy System-Informed Digital Twin of the KARA Accelerator at KIT in a Real-Time Simulation Environment: the ACCESS Project
- Co-author in A low-latency feedback system for the control of horizontal betatron oscillations
- Co-author in A short-length transport line for laser-plasma accelerators using HTS periodic magnets
- Co-author in Amplitude dependent tune shift measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Application of three families of sextupoles at the KARA ring of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Co-author in Bayesian Optimization for SASE Tuning at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Beam trajectory control with lattice-agnostic reinforcement learning
- Co-author in Beam Trajectory Control with Lattice-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning
- Co-author in CERN’s beam instrumentation R&D study for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
- Co-author in Damage Experiment with Superconducting Sample Coils - Experimental Setup and Observations during Beam Impact
- Co-author in Damage experiment with superconducting sample coils - experimental setup and observations during beam impact
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and measurement of a normal conducting quadrupole for a laser-plasma-accelerator-based beam transport line
- Co-author in Electron beam test facilities for novel applications
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Enhancing the sensitivity of the electro-optical far-field experiment for measuring CSR at KARA
- Co-author in First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
- Co-author in Investigations on NbTi superconducting racetrack coils under pulsed-current excitations
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics for different initial distributions at cSTART
- Co-author in Magnetic field measurements and radiation simulation for a superconducting transverse-gradient undulator
- Co-author in Online fit of an analytical response matrix model for orbit correction and optical function measurement
- Co-author in Prospects for photon science and beam dynamics studies of a THz undulator at FLUTE
- Co-author in Scaling fixed-field alternating gradient-type magnets for transportation of laser-plasma accelerator electron beams
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Simulations of the compact transverse-deflecting system for ultra-short electron bunch diagnostic
- Co-author in Split-ring resonator experiments and data analysis at FLUTE
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Status of the FLUTE RF system commissioning
- Co-author in Systematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
- Co-author in Thermal and mechanical analyses on a vacuum chamber in a compact superconducting undulator with HTS tapes
- Co-author in Towards fiber optics-guided synchrotron radiation-based longitudinal beam diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
- Co-author in Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
- Frieder Mueller (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Roland Mueller
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Hans Mueller (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Patric Muggli
(Max Planck Institute for Physics)
- Author in AWAKE: driving plasma wakefields with a proton bunch and accelerating electrons for particle phyics applications
- Author in Self-modulation and current filamentation instabilities of long and wide proton bunches in plasma
- Co-author in AWAKE from Run 2a to Run 2b
- Co-author in Dark sector searches based on dielectric laser acceleration
- Co-author in EARLI: design of a laser wakefield accelerator for AWAKE
- Co-author in Techniques to seed the self-modulation instability of a long proton bunch in plasma
- Enrico Munaron (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Justine Munich (Dehnel - Particle Accelerator Components & Engineering, Inc.)
- Maxime Munos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Raquel Muñoz Horta
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Author in Beam Simulations of the ALBA and BESSY II Electron Guns
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Co-author in Flexi-Gun research and development project at BESSY II
- Michele Mura (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
Sriramkrishnan Muralikrishnan
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in OPAL and Future Directions Towards the Exascale Area
- Shigeru Murasugi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Haris Muratagic
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostics beamline development for ALS-U
Bruno Muratori
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in RUEDI microscopy: solenoids or quadrupoles?
- Author in The EPAC electron transport beamline - physics considerations and design
- Co-author in A machine learning approach to shaping magnetic fringe fields for beam dynamics control
- Co-author in Beam dynamics for the RUEDI microscopy beamline
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in Recent experimental results from the dielectric wakefield acceleration program at CLARA facility
- Co-author in Tunable monochromatic gamma ray source design using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
Petr Murcek
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Co-author in Experimental investigations and Simulations of Dark Current in ELBE SRF gun-II
- Co-author in Impact of Surface Cleaning on the Quantum Efficiency of Mg Photocathodes
- Co-author in Low-emittance SRF photo-injector prototype cryomodule for the LCLS-II high-energy upgrade: design and fabrication
- Maria Murillo Moya (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Alex Murokh (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
- Yoshie Murooka (Osaka University)
Robert Murphy
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Matthew Murphy (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Elaf Musa (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Vlad Musat (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Riccardo Musenich (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Carlo Alberto Mussolini
(University of Oxford)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
Brahim Mustapha
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in A Pulsed Wien Filter as a Low-Energy Kicker
- Author in AI-ML developments for Heavy Ion Linac operations
- Author in Development and commissioning of a new materials irradiation station at ATLAS
- Co-author in High-rate radiation damage studies of materials with heavy ion beams
- Co-author in Real-time Bayesian Optimization with Deep Kernel Learning and NN-Prior Mean for Accelerator Operations*
- Co-author in Rotational invariance and IBS in circular modes
Pietro Musumeci
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Author in Advanced accelerators for high energy physics and Snowmass AF06
- Author in Developments and Characterization of a Gas Jet Ionization Imaging Optical Column
- Co-author in Developments and characterization of a gas jet ionization imaging optical column
- Co-author in Longitudinal bunch shaping and optimization of the FAST injector
- Co-author in Strongly tapered helical undulator system for FAST-GREENS installation
- Mario Musumeci (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Thibaut Mutin (Synchrotron soleil)
- Christophe Mutin (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Ryotaro Muto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Peter Mutsaers
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Author in Smart*Light: A high brilliance ICS X-ray Source
- Author in Smart*Light: Building a compact ICS source
- Co-author in Ultrafast and ultracold electron source
- Matilda Mwaniki (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Szymon Myalski (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Cory Myers (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Andrew Myers (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Viktor Mytrochenko
(National Science Centre)
- Author in On positron beam dynamics an initial part of a large aperture FCC-ee capture linac
- Co-author in Benchmarking the FCC-ee positron source simulation tools using the SuperKEKB results
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ThomX Storage Ring
- Co-author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
- Andriy Mytsykov (National Science Centre)
- Dong Hyun Na (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Matthias Nabinger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Mateusz Nabywaniec (S2Innovation Sp z o. o. [Ltd.])
Amor Nadji
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Co-author in TDR baseline lattice for SOLEIL II upgrade project
Laurent Nadolski
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in Status of the SOLEIL II robustness studies
- Co-author in TDR baseline lattice for SOLEIL II upgrade project
Victor Nadot
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Sakdinan Naeosuphap (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Daisuke Nagae (RIKEN Nishina Center)
- Shinya Nagahashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Sergei Nagaitsev
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Noise in intense electron bunches
- Author in Two-photon undulator radiation
- Co-author in Commissioning of the low energy electron gun test stand at the University of Chicago
- Co-author in Helen: Traveling wave SRF Linear Collider Higgs factory
- Co-author in Improved measurements of nonlinear integrable optics at IOTA
- Co-author in Incoherent dynamics of intense proton beams under electron cooling
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Co-author in Thermionic Sources for electron cooling at IOTA
- Co-author in Thermionic sources for electron cooling at IOTA
Ryutaro Nagaoka
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Beam-ion Instabilities and Their Mitigation for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Co-author in Stability survey of a double RF system with RF feedback loops for bunch lengthening in a low-emittance synchrotron ring
- Co-author in Status of the SOLEIL II robustness studies
- Co-author in Study on transverse multi-bunch instability in Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in TDR baseline lattice for SOLEIL II upgrade project
- Vladimir Nagaslaev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Robert Nagler
(RadiaSoft (United States))
- Co-author in An online analysis platform for improving X-ray light source operations
- Co-author in Hellweg improvements for 3D traveling wave linac design with beam loading
- Co-author in Interactive automated Bragg peak identification with 3D neutron scattering data
- Co-author in Linear Canonical Transform Library for Fast Coherent X-Ray Wavefront Propagation
Daichi Naito
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Low-power model tests of the wide-band cavity to compensate the transient beam loading in the next generation light sources
- Co-author in Basic high-power design of a 1.5-GHz TM020-type harmonic cavity for the KEK future light source
- Co-author in Construction and beam commissioning of the GeV-range test beamline at KEK PF-AR
- Co-author in Development of a Prototype Pulsed Power Supply using SiC-MOSFETs for a Fast Kicker System in KEK-PF
- Takashi Naito (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Takashi Nakamura (NexFi Technology Inc.)
Norio Nakamura
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in EUV-FEL light source for future lithography
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Construction and beam commissioning of the GeV-range test beamline at KEK PF-AR
- Co-author in Current Status of Beam Operation at Compact ERL toward Free-Electron Laser with CW Mode
- Co-author in Modification of beam transport line design for simultaneous top-up injection to PF and PF-AR
- Isamu Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Takeshi Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hajime Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hodaka Nakanishi (SPring-8 Service Co. Ltd.)
- Takamitsu Nakanoya (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
Hiroyuki Nakayama
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Observation of sudden beam loss in SuperKEKB
- Hisayoshi Nakayama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Yuga Nakazawa
(Ibaraki University)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
- Shingo Nakazawa (SPring-8 Service Co. Ltd.)
Inhyuk Nam
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Electron beam test to the multi-stripline-based non-destructive energy spread monitor for the PAL-XFEL
- Author in Terawatt hard X-ray pulses using a single current spike and self-seeded FEL
- Co-author in Simulation studies for attosecond soft X-ray FEL pulse generation at PAL-XFEL
- Co-author in Study on transverse beam size measurement using Cherenkov diffraction radiation in low-energy electron accelerator
- Kamil Namyslak (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
Emilio Nanni
- Author in Design and Testing of a High-Gradient mm-Wave Accelerator Prototype
- Author in Distributed coupling linac for efficient acceleration of high charge electron bunches
- Author in The Cool Copper Collider (C3) concept for a Higgs factory
- Co-author in Compact High Power RF Sources for Integrated Linear Accelerator Systems
- Co-author in REBCO sample testing for a HTS high Q cavity
- Co-author in Terahertz Time Stamping Tool Development for SLAC MeV-UED
- Co-author in The need for Nb3Sn coated Cu cavities for future accelerators
- Christopher Nantista (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Brian Naranjo
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Author in Beam transport and diagnostics for the space plasma experiment at Samurai
- Co-author in Design and construction of a population inversion x-ray laser at LCLS
- Co-author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Co-author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Co-author in Simulation study of betatron radiation for perturbed beams in plasma
Amith Narayan
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in RF Tuning for the SNS LINAC RFQ
- Co-author in High Power Radiofrequency Operation of the Radiofrequency Quadrupoles in the Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in Multipacting analysis of the SNS drift tube linac (DTL) RF vacuum window using Spark3d
- Co-author in Reliability analysis of SNS SRF linac and perspective for future high-power proton SRF linacs
- Daigo Narita (Research Laboratory for Nuclear Research)
- Eugenia Naselli (University of Catania)
- Boaz Nash (RadiaSoft (United States))
- Mamdouh Nasr (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Michael Nasse
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Simulations of the compact transverse-deflecting system for ultra-short electron bunch diagnostic
- Co-author in Split-ring resonator experiments and data analysis at FLUTE
Ruggero Nassim
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Ali Nassiri (Argonne National Laboratory)
Takuya Natsui
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Beam injection issues at SuperKEKB
- Ariel Nause (Ariel University)
- Gary Navrotski (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Sumanta Nayak (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Mirco Nedos (Cryoelectra GmbH)
- Riccardo Negrello (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Willie Neiswanger (Stanford University)
- Yasuo Nemoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Marco Nenni
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Design of the ESS DTL mechanical supports
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Paolo Nenzi (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- Lorenzo Neri (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Michela Neroni (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Franco Nerva (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Alexandr Netepenko (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Isurumali Neththikumara
(Old Dominion University)
- Author in Beam study on low dispersion CEBAF arcs
- Author in Re-design of CEBAF optics for ER@CEBAF
- Jessica Neubauer (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
- Michael Neubauer (Muons (United States))
- David Neuffer (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Levi Neukirch (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Axel Neumann
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Experimental and simulated dark current and beam loss studies for a SRF photo-injector of an ERL injector
- Author in Superconducting RF systems for the SEALab facility, status and commissioning
- Co-author in Commissioning of SupraLab: SRF cavity processing and testing facility at HZB
- Co-author in Initial experimental test of a modified ADRC algorithm for microphonics reduction
- Co-author in Instrumentation and operation modes for the commissioning phase of the SEALab SRF photoinjector
- Co-author in LLRF control upgrade at BESSY-II with mTCA.4 platforms
- Co-author in RF system on a chip: a compact controller for SRF cavity field and detuning control
- Holger Neupert (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Laurence Nevay
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in BDSIM v1.7.0 developments for the modelling of accelerators and their environment
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Co-author in Start-to-end tracking of therapeutic ion beams in BDSIM
Nicole Neveu
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in OPAL and Future Directions Towards the Exascale Area
- Olivier Neveu (Université Paris-Saclay)
Elliot Newman
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
- Cho-Kuen Ng (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Phu Anh Phi Nghiem
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Author in Design of a laser wakefield relativistic electron source
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in EARLI: design of a laser wakefield accelerator for AWAKE
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Patrick N'gotta (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Alexander Nguyen (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Linh Nguyen (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Federico Nguyen (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- Thi Nguyen Trung (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Samuel Niang (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Marco Niccolini (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Enrico Nichelatti (ENEA Casaccia Research Centre)
Ben Nicholson
(Diamond Light Source)
- Co-author in Analysis of the Diamond-II booster dipole magnets
Edoardo Nicoletti
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Design of the ESS DTL mechanical supports
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Domenic Nicosia (European Spallation Source)
- Bertrand Nicquevert (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Xiaojun Nie (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Yuancun Nie
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Beam transfer line of Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Author in Harmonic RF cavity design for 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Sources
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
- Zan Nie (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Uwe Niedermayer (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt)
- Philipp Niedermayer (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Gudrun Niehues
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Enhancing the sensitivity of the electro-optical far-field experiment for measuring CSR at KARA
- Co-author in CERN’s beam instrumentation R&D study for FCC-ee
- Co-author in First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
Raffael Niemczyk
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in Experimental investigations and Simulations of Dark Current in ELBE SRF gun-II
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Marc Nienhaus (Nvidia (United States))
- Robert Nietubyc (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Witold Niewiem (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
Daniel Nijhof
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Author in Smart*Light: Building a compact ICS source
- Author in Ultrafast and ultracold electron source
- Co-author in Smart*Light: A high brilliance ICS X-ray Source
- Sergei Nikitin (Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Lazar Nikitovic (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Pardis Niknejadi
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Co-author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in Seeding studies at FLASH
- Ivan Nikolaev (Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Ivaylo Nikolov (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Bo Nilsson
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Romain Ninet (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Maisui Ning
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Design, fabrication and measurement of a normal conducting quadrupole for a laser-plasma-accelerator-based beam transport line
- Author in Scaling fixed-field alternating gradient-type magnets for transportation of laser-plasma accelerator electron beams
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
David Nisbet
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
- Patrice Nishikawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Nobuyuki Nishimori
(National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Co-author in Elongation of LED lighting lifetime under X-ray dominant radiation environment
- Co-author in High precision digital control magnet power supplies
- Co-author in High-power tests of the compactly HOM-damped TM020-cavities for a next generation light source
- Co-author in Novel iron lamination for fast kicker magnets with high flux density
- Edith Nissen (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Francesco Saverio Nitti (ENEA Brasimone Research Centre)
Jiani Niu
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
- Laurence Nix (Cockcroft Institute)
Tim Noakes
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Copper photocathodes for the modified 10 Hz gun on the CLARA accelerator
- Co-author in Characterisation of a Cs-implanted Cu photocathode
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the low dark charge photocathode RF gun for Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Imaging (RUEDI) facility
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in Mean Transverse Energy and Degradation Measurements on a Caesium Telluride Photocathode
- Cecile Noels (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Takashi Nogami
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Construction and beam commissioning of the GeV-range test beamline at KEK PF-AR
- Co-author in Development of an octupole ceramics chamber with integrated pulsed magnet for beam injection
- Co-author in Modification of beam transport line design for simultaneous top-up injection to PF and PF-AR
- So Noguchi (Hokkaido University)
- Jerry Nolen (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Marvin Noll (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Daniel Noll (European Spallation Source)
- Oriol Nomen (Catalonia Institute for Energy Research)
- Masahiro Nomura (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Jean-Michel Nonglaton (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Kowthar Noori
(Iran University of Science and Technology)
- Author in Employing octupole magnets for nonlinear optimization of Iranian Light Source Facility storage ring
- Author in Employing octupole magnets for nonlinear optimization of Iranian Light Source Facility storage ring
- Co-author in Conceptual design of a super bend dipole magnet as a high-field radiation source for the ILSF storage ring
- Co-author in Conceptual design of multipole injection kicker magnets for the ILSF storage ring
- Annika Nordt (European Spallation Source)
Hannah Norman
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in Impacts of strongly curved magnetic multipoles on compact synchrotron dynamics
- Co-author in Progress toward TURBO: a novel beam delivery system for charged particle therapy
- Co-author in Strongly curved super-conducting magnets: beam optics modeling and field quality
- Co-author in Strongly Curved Super-Conducting Magnets: Beam Optics Modeling and Field Quality
- Guillaume Normand (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Nora Norvell (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Yuri Nosochkov (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Andriy Nosych (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
Mohamed Nouna
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
David Novak
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Automated Faraday cup readings at ATLAS
- Luka Novinec (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Igor Novitski (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Alexander Novokhatski (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Elzbieta Nowak (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Heinz-Dieter Nuhn (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Francois-Xavier Nuiry (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Kazunori Numai (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Daniele Nutarelli (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Vincent Nuttens (Ion Beam Applications (Belgium))
- Razib Obaid (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Frank Obier (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Takashi Obina (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Roberto Oboe (Università degli Studi di Padova)
- Juan O'Callaghan Castella (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Jesus Ocampo
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Co-author in DLLRF for the active harmonic RF system of ALBA-II
- Tim O'Connell (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Kodai Oda (Ibaraki University)
- Takahiro Odagawa (Kyoto University)
- Peter Oddo (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Brunel Odegard (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Adrian Oeftiger
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in Active deep learning for nonlinear optics design of a vertical FFA accelerator
- Co-author in Identification of Magnetic Field Errors in Synchrotrons based on Deep Lie Map Networks
- Co-author in Identification of magnetic field errors in synchrotrons based on deep lie map networks
- Co-author in Space-charge limit in hadron synchrotrons induced by a gradient error
Eiichiro Ogawa
(Cyber Techno (Limited Company))
- Co-author in SuperKEKB Personnel Protection System
- Shinji Ogawa (Kyushu University)
- Bernard Ogier (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Salim Ogur
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Co-author in Beam Measurements from Proton Testbeam At KAHVE-Lab
Hidetomo Oguri
(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Co-author in New SiC kicker power supply for J-PARC
- Abdurahim Oguz (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- BongHoon Oh (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- James O'Hara (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Hideaki Ohgaki
(Kyoto University)
- Author in Commissioning of new photocathode RF gun for oscillator-type mid-infrared free-electron laser at Kyoto University
- Author in Generation and NRF application of Flat-Laser Compton Scattering gamma-ray beam in UVSOR
- Author in Improvement of extraction efficiencty of oscillator-type mid-infrared free-electron laser at Kyoto University
- Author in Present status of Kyoto University Free-Electron Laser facility, KU-FEL
- Co-author in Carrier-envelope phase stabilization in FEL oscillators
- Markus Ohlig (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Chihiro Ohmori
(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Author in Irradiation tests of a cavity core material and GaN devices in J-PARC Main Ring
- Co-author in Estimation of the anode power supply current of the J-PARC MR RF system for 1.36 s cycle operation
- Co-author in Improvement of the longitudinal phase space tomography at the J-PARC synchrotrons
- Co-author in Vacuum tube operation analysis under a positive grid biasing in J-PARC RCS
Yukiyoshi Ohnishi
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Recent progress of SuperKEKB project and future prospect
- Co-author in Beam injection issues at SuperKEKB
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Satoshi Ohsawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Takashi Ohshima (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
Katsunobu Oide
(University of Geneva)
- Author in Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
- Co-author in Beam injection issues at SuperKEKB
- Co-author in Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
Katsunobu Oide
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Accelerator researchers who have helped me
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Kota Okabe (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
Katsuya Okamura
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Multi-megahertz induction cell driver for the next generation compact hadron therapy system
- Co-author in Impact of slow-extracted beam by main power supply trip in J-PARC main ring
- Co-author in Simulation study on the slow extraction for the improvement of the beam spill structure at J-PARC main ring
- Yasuaki Okano (Institute for Molecular Science (Area B))
- Yuichi Okayasu (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- William Okell (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Hidefumi Okita
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Improvement of the longitudinal phase space tomography at the J-PARC synchrotrons
- Co-author in Estimation of the anode power supply current of the J-PARC MR RF system for 1.36 s cycle operation
- Co-author in High intensity beam operation of J-PARC RCS with minimum beam loss
- Co-author in Irradiation tests of a cavity core material and GaN devices in J-PARC Main Ring
- Co-author in Vacuum tube operation analysis under a positive grid biasing in J-PARC RCS
- Thomas OKSENHENDLER (iteox)
- Takafumi Okuda (NexFi Technology Inc.)
- Andrey Oleinik (Russian Academy of Sciences)
Javier Olivares Herrador
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Beam Loading Effects in Standing-Wave LINACs and their Implementation into the Particle Tracking Code RF-Track
- Author in Beam loading effects in standing-wave linacs and their implementation into the particle tracking code RF-Track
- Co-author in Update of the RF-Track particle tracking code
- Co-author in Use of a superconducting solenoid as a matching device for the compact linear collider positron source
- Eric Olivas (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Joao Oliveira (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Felipe Oliveira
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
Ana Clara Oliveira
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
Concepcion Oliver
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Co-author in H11(0) end cells for a 750 MHz IH structure
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in Preparations for beam commissioning of the carbon RFQ at CERN
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Co-author in Thermal and deformation analysis of a 750 MHz IH-DTL prototype for medical applications
- Gilles Olivier (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- James Ollier (Rapiscan Systems Ltd)
- Zoltan Ollmann (University of Bern)
- Guillaume Olry (Accelerators and Cryogenic Systems)
Tomas Olsson
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Calibration of LLRF Systems at ESS
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- David Olsson (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Teresia Olsson (Diamond Light Source)
- David Olsson (MAX IV Laboratory)
Maja Olvegaard
(Uppsala University)
- Co-author in Coupling between transverse and longitudinal beam dynamics in the first-stage CLIC decelerator
- Co-author in Future ESS upgrade to medium pulse length: what are the technical challenges for the accelerator and the target?
- Co-author in PLACET3: 6D tracking through PETS and accelerating structures wakefields
- Co-author in PLACET3: 6D tracking through PETS’ and accelerating structures’ wakefields
- Co-author in The ESSvSB+ project
- Maher Omeich (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Mathieu Omet (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Tsunehiko Omori (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
David Ondreka
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Analysis of losses and protection of the electrostatic septum anode wires in SIS18
- Co-author in Challenges for the SIS100 emergency beam dump system
- Co-author in Opendigitizer: digitizer modernisation using openCMW and GNU radio 4.0 for FAIR
- Co-author in SIS18 operation and recent development
- Co-author in Status of SIS100 slow extraction design including effects of measured magnetic field errors
- Co-author in Status of the electron lens for space charge compensation in SIS18
- Co-author in Status of thermomechanical studies of the SIS100 emergency beam dump system
- Co-author in Technological features and status of the new heavy ions synchrotron SIS100 at FAIR
- Jordan O'Neal (SRI International)
- Ysabella Kassandra Ong (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Masaaki Ono
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in SuperKEKB Personnel Protection System
Ayato Ono
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Co-author in New SiC kicker power supply for J-PARC
- Anatoliy Opanasenko (National Science Centre)
- Yuliya Oparina (Ariel University)
- Ewa Oponowicz (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Anne Oppelt
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of an electron beam for magnetic bunch compressor commissioning at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Photocathode activities at INFN LASA
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
Michele Opromolla
(Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Increasing the flux of a Thomson source while maintaining a narrow bandwidth by using large energy spread primary particles
- Co-author in Plasma acceleration-induced betatron radiation: a potential seed for Free Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Transfer line design for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB
- Jorge Luis Ordóñez Carrasco (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
- Angie Orduz (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Asato Orii (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Gian Luca Orlandi
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Co-author in Non-invasive bunch length reconstruction in linacs
- Raven O'Rourke (RadiaSoft (United States))
- Inaki Ortega Ruiz (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Sebastian Orth (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Dennis Ortiz (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Alberto Ortiz Delgado (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Maanas Oruganti (University of California, Los Angeles)
- John Osborne (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Brendan O'Shea (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Patrick O'Shea
(University of Maryland, College Park)
- Author in Demonstration of Flat/Round Transformations of Angular Momentum and Space Charge Dominated Electron Beams
- Author in Optimizing the discovery of underlying nonlinear beam dynamics and moment evolution
- Author in Optimizing the discovery of underlying nonlinear beam dynamics and moment evolution
- Co-author in Adjoint optimization of circular lattices
- Akihiro Oshima (Osaka University)
- Michael Ossendorf (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research)
- Francis Osswald (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
Nils Öst
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Frank Osterfeld (KDAB, Germany)
Jens Osterhoff
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Achieving competitive overall energy-transfer efficiency in a plasma accelerator
- Author in FLASHForward: experimental progress towards an idealised plasma-based energy booster
- Co-author in Status of hydrodynamic simulations of a tapered plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Co-author in Status of plasma diagnostics on the prototype plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Co-author in Status Of Plasma Diagnostics On The Prototype Plasma Lens For Optical Matching At The ILC e+ Source
Peter Ostroumov
(Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Author in Accelerator and beam physics challenges in support of FRIB experiments
- Author in Linear accelerator for a next generation rare isotope facility
- Author in Simultaneous Compensation of Third-Order Resonances at the FNAL Recycler Ring
- Co-author in Flux expulsion and material properties of Nb explored in ~650 MHz cavities
- Co-author in Flux expulsion and material properties of Niobium explored in 644-650 MHz cavities
Hiroshi Ota
(UVSOR Facility)
- Co-author in Light source developments at UVSOR BL1U
Masashi Otani
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
Mohamed Othman
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Design and Testing of a High-Gradient mm-Wave Accelerator Prototype
- Author in Development of Nonlinear Optics Simulation Using the Accelerator Code ACE3P
- Author in Distributed coupling linac for efficient acceleration of high charge electron bunches
- Author in Progress of High-Efficiency L-Band IOT Design for Accelerator Applications at SLAC
- Author in Terahertz Time Stamping Tool Development for SLAC MeV-UED
- Sean OTool (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
- Driss Oumbarek Espinos (Osaka University)
- Ziga Oven (Cosylab)
- Sarah Overstreet (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Toby Overton (Cockcroft Institute)
Hywel Owen
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Design of a broadband modular permanent magnet electron energy spectrometer for FEBE
- Author in Design of an electron energy spectrometer and energy selector for laser-plasma driven beams at EPAC
- Co-author in The EPAC electron transport beamline - physics considerations and design
- Co-author in Tunable monochromatic gamma ray source design using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
- Co-author in Tunable Monochromatic Gamma Ray Source Design Using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
Sinan Oz
(Istanbul University)
- Co-author in Beam Measurements from Proton Testbeam At KAHVE-Lab
Erkcan Ozcan
(Boğaziçi University)
- Co-author in Beam Measurements from Proton Testbeam At KAHVE-Lab
- Co-author in Manufacturing and Testing of the 800 MHz RFQ at KAHVE-Lab
- Co-author in Manufacturing and testing of the 800 MHz RFQ at KAHVELab
- Ceren Ozkal (Izmir Institute of Technology)
- Cigdem Ozkan Loch (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Hagai Paami
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Marco Pacchiega (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Thomas Pacey
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Design of a broadband modular permanent magnet electron energy spectrometer for FEBE
- Author in Design of an electron energy spectrometer and energy selector for laser-plasma driven beams at EPAC
- Author in Recent experimental results from the dielectric wakefield acceleration program at CLARA facility
- Co-author in Acceleration of electrons from a linear accelerator by a laser driven plasma wave at CLARA
- Co-author in Demonstration of an electro-optic spectral interferometry longitudinal profile monitor at Clara
- Co-author in Electron beam test facilities for novel applications
- Co-author in Electron-bunch manipulation at 400GHz for compression, de-chirping, acceleration and synchronisation of femtosecond bunches.
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in Optical pepper-pots: developing single-shot emittance diagnostics
- Co-author in Qualitative measurements of bunch length at CLARA using coherent transition radiation
- Co-author in The EPAC electron transport beamline - physics considerations and design
- Drew Packard (General Atomics (United States))
- Hasan Padamsee (Cornell University)
- Diego Paderno (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Danny Padrazo Jr (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Carlo Pagani (Università degli Studi di Milano & INFN)
- Peter Paglovec (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia))
- Hannes Pahl (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Hanjong Paik (Cornell University)
- CEDRIC PAIN (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen)
- Collette Pakuza (University of Oxford)
- Kincso Pal (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Gabriel Palacios Serrano (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Laszlo Palfalvi (University of Pecs)
- Daniele Palla (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica)
- Fabrizio Palla (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Robert Palmer (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Mark Palmer
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Cyclotron resonance accelerator for electron beams
- Co-author in Data analysis and control of an MeV ultrafast electron diffraction system and a photocathode laser and gun system using machine learning
- Co-author in Multi-terawatt, sub-picosecond long-wave infrared laser for next-generation particle accelerators
- Co-author in Operation the Accelerator Test Facility linac transport beamline by using Artificial Intelegence and Machine Learning Methods
- Roberta Palmeri (Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente)
Antonio Palmieri
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Construction, assembly and measurements of the SPES RFQ
- Author in Design optimization for the construction of a linear accelerator driven BNCT facility
- Author in The IFMIF RFQ as a resonant combiner: equivalent circuit and operational scenarios
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in RF conditioning towards continuous wave of the RFQ of the linear IFMIF prototype accelerator
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Sean Palmore (Kentech Instruments (United Kingdom))
- Kristaps Palskis (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Luigi Palumbo
(Sapienza University of Rome)
- Author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in A Space Charge Forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in A space charge forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and mechanical tests of TIG-welded Ka-band accelerating structures for ultra-high gradient applications
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in RF design of a compact C-band RF pulse compressor for a VHEE linac for flash radiotherapy
JunTong PAN
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Study on magnets sorting for the HEPS booster
- Zhilong Pan (Tsinghua University)
- Weimin Pan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Roman Panas (SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre)
- Matteo Pancaldi (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Ratnesh Pandey (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies)
- Luciano Pandola (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Riccardo Panero
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Design of the ESS DTL mechanical supports
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
Jian Pang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Development of an S-band accelerating structure for Hefei Advanced Light Source facility
- Co-author in High-Order-Modes Damping in Superconducting Harmonic Cavity for HALF storage ring
- Co-author in Project progress of LLRF for the Superconducting RF system of Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF)
- Gianpiero Pangon (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Matthew Paniccia
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Beam Instrumentation Hardware Architecture for Upgrades at the BNL Collider-Accelerator Complex and the Future Electron Ion Collider
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in High voltage DC gun using distributed Bragg reflector super lattice GaAs photocathode for EIC polarized electron sources
Riccardo Panizzolo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Fabian Pannek (Universität Hamburg)
- Mauro Paoluzzi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Thomas Papaevangelou (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Yannis Papaphilippou (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Rocco Paparella
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Design and testing of the VSR blade tuner and actuators
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
- Co-author in Status of a low-energy electron TRAnsverse Momentum Measurement device (TRAMM) at INFN LASA
- G.P. Papari (University of Naples Federico II)
- Domenico Paparo (Consiglio Nazionale dele Ricerche)
- Alexander Papash (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Giulia Papotti
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in An improved procedure for energy matching between PS and SPS at CERN
- Author in SPS fixed target spill quality improvements in the longitudinal plane
- Co-author in Experimental confirmation of the impedance reduction campaign in the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Investigations of losses on the CERN SPS flat bottom with HL-LHC type beams
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Yves Paradis (Ion Beam Applications (Belgium))
Martin Paraliev
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 machine protection
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 storage ring components overview before installation
- Konstantinos Paraschou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Georgia Paraskaki
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Author in Sensitivity of the optical-klystron-based high-gain harmonic generation on the electron beam energy profile
- Author in Simulation studies on an XUV high-gain FEL oscillator at FLASH
- Author in Simulation Studies on an XUV High-Gain FEL Oscillator at FLASH
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
Ans Pardons
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in AWAKE from Run 2a to Run 2b
- Michelangelo Pari (Univ. degli Studi di Padova)
- Gianmarco Parise (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Ricardo Parise
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
Seong Hee Park
(Korea University Sejong Campus)
- Author in Progress in Accelerator Research and Education at Korea University, Sejong
- Co-author in Control of Electron Injection in LWFA with a Laser-ablated Aluminum Plasma by inserting a thin-layer of different metal.
- Co-author in Control of Electron Injection in LWFA with a Laser-ablated Aluminum Plasma by inserting a thin-layer of different metal.
- Co-author in Study of the ramping process for Korea-4GSR
- HeeSu Park (Kiswire Advanced Technology Ltd.)
- Gunn-Tae Park (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Chong Shik Park
(Korea University Sejong Campus)
- Author in A Study on Differentiable Space Charge Model Based on the Green’s Function Solver
- Author in Beam Dynamics Optimization of an Electron Linac Using the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
- Author in Compact Accelerator-Based EUV Source Development Using Laser Compton Scattering
- Author in Progress in Accelerator Research and Education at Korea University, Sejong
- Sehwan Park (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- In Soo Park (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Sung-Ju Park (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Dong-Joon Park (Institute for Basic Science)
- Bum-Sik Park (Institute for Basic Science)
- MiJeong Park (Institute for Basic Science)
- Heecheol Park (Institute for Basic Science)
- Youna Park (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
- HyangKyu Park (Korea University Sejong Campus)
- Marcellus Parker (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Brett Parker (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Bruno Paroli (Universita' degli Studi di Milano e INFN)
Elisabetta Parozzi
(University of Milano-Bicocca)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Anna Parravicini (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
Nicholas Parry
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Design of the pseudo single bunch mode in SPEAR3
- Jake Parsons (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Luana Parsons França (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Christopher Parzyck (Cornell University)
- Eleonora Pasino (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Andrea Passarelli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Beam coupling impedance contribution of flange aperture gaps: a numerical study for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Button Type Beam Position Monitor Design for the Elettra 2.0 Storage Ring
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Donato Passarelli (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Santi Passarello (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Jaroslaw Pasternak (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Nadia Pastrone (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Andrii Pastushenko
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in A Python API for the particle tracking code PLACET
- Author in Emittance tuning bumps for the main linac of CLIC 380 GeV
- Co-author in CLIC BDS 7 TeV design
- Co-author in Design of CLIC beam delivery system at 7 TeV
- Co-author in MAD-NG for final focus design
Marcin Patecki
(Warsaw University of Technology)
- Co-author in Focusing of high energy electron beam using crystal lenses for applications in radiotherapy - feasibility study
- Co-author in Investigations of losses on the CERN SPS flat bottom with HL-LHC type beams
- Co-author in Optimizing Pb beam losses at the LHCb for maximum luminosity
- Co-author in Performance of a double-crystal setup for LHC fixed-target experiments
- Co-author in Simulations and measurements of collisional losses with Pb beams at the LHC
- Zena Patel (Diamond Light Source)
- Maulik Patel (University of Liverpool)
- Niral Patel (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Lukasz Pater (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Vincenzo Patera (Sapienza University of Rome)
Gianfranco Paternò
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Techniques for fabrication of crystalline undulators as an innovative intense source of 𝛾-rays
- Giovanni Paternoster (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Meghana Patil
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Enhancing the sensitivity of the electro-optical far-field experiment for measuring CSR at KARA
- Co-author in First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
- Co-author in Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
- Abhijeet Patil (Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology)
- Mohit Patil (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Denis Paulic (European Spallation Source)
Nicolas Pauly
(Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Co-author in Conceptual lattice design for vertical fixed field medical accelerators
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for vertical fixed field accelerators
- Co-author in Dynamic Aperture Studies for Vertical Fixed Field Accelerators
- Co-author in Gantry design using achromatic scaling fixed-field magnets
- Co-author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- Co-author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- Lise Pauwels (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Vitaly Pavlenko (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Michael Pawelzik (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Ruth Peacock (Cockcroft Institute)
- Christophe Peaucelle (Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lyon)
- Franck Peauger (CERN)
- Emanuele Pedersoli (Università Cattolica-Brescia)
Marco Pedrozzi
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
Steve Peggs
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Beam optics update for EIC HSR-IR2
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Lattice design for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Synchronizing the timing of the electron and Hadron storage rings in the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Transition jump system of the hadron storage ring of the electron ion collider
Guoxi Pei
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Design of a S band high power klystron for BEPCII
Yann Peinaud
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Burst mode compact optical cavity for Inverse Compton scattering sources
- Co-author in High Finesse Fabry-Perot Cavity for ThomX ICS as an X-ray Source
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Michael Pekeler (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
- Primoz Pelicon (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Donato Pellegrini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Claudio Pellegrini (University of California, Los Angeles)
Luigi Pellegrino
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in Estimated heat load and proposed cooling system in the FCC-ee Interaction region beam pipe
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Sebastien Pelletier (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Michel Pellicioli (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
- William Pellico (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Felipe Peña (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Giuseppe Penco (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Liviu Penescu (Abstract Landscapes)
Yuemei Peng
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Studies of coupled-bunch instabilities in the HEPS booster
- Author in Study on magnets sorting for the HEPS booster
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Characteristic study of the pulse bump magnet in HEPS
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- ShiXiang Peng (Peking University)
- Jun Peng (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Marco Pengo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Andreas Penirschke (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
- Gregory Penn (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Chad Pennington
(Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Author in Ultra Thin $Cs_3Sb$ Photocathodes With Anomalously High Quantum Efficiency
- Author in Ultra thin Cs3Sb photocathodes with anomalously high quantum efficiency
- Co-author in Alkali-antimonide photocathode transport in a vacuum-sealed canister
- Co-author in Correlation between the stoichiometry of $Cs_xSb_y$ and its photoemission properties and oxidation response
- Co-author in CsSb atomically smooth thin films as novel visible light photocathodes
- Co-author in Reconstructing 4D source momentum space via aperture scans
Adriano Pepato
(Univ. degli Studi di Padova)
- Author in Implementation of the Additive Manufacturing for metals approach: the production of the acceleration grids for DTT NBI project
- Co-author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Additively manufactured tantalum cathode for FEBIAD type ion sources: production, geometric measurements, and high temperature test
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of CuCrZr for nuclear fusion acceleration components
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of pure niobium for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Predictive capabilities in CFD simulations of additively manufactured extraction grid cooling channels for the DTT NBI system
- Kevin Pepitone (Uppsala University)
- Suzanna Percival (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Carlota Pereira Carlos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Francis Perez
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
- Author in Progress on the 6BA lattice for ALBA-II
- Co-author in Beam Simulations of the ALBA and BESSY II Electron Guns
- Co-author in Characterization of in-vacuum wiggler for FAXTOR beamline at alba
- Co-author in DLLRF for the active harmonic RF system of ALBA-II
- Co-author in Flexi-Gun research and development project at BESSY II
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics studies with a third harmonic RF system for ALBA-II
- Danny Perez (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Ana Teresa Perez Fontenla
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Development and characterisation of advanced coatings for high energy physics applications
- Co-author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Co-author in Design development and technological R&D for niobium-cladded beam production targets
- Co-author in RF characterisation of laser treated copper surfaces for the mitigation of electron cloud in accelerators
- Jose Perez Morales (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Gustavo Perez-Segurana (Cockcroft Institute)
- Mikhail Pergament (European XFEL GmbH)
Antonio Perillo Marcone
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Beam absorbing material candidates for primary collimators for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Co-author in Overview of material choices for HL-LHC collimators
- Co-author in Progresses and design development for the CERN ISOLDE beam dumps exchange
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
Diego Perini
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Goran Perinic (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Giovanni Perosa
(University of Trieste)
- Author in Coherence in High Gain FELs: from electron intrabeam scattering to quantum effects
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
Thomas Perron
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Commissioning simulations tools based on python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Off-energy operation of a HMBA lattice
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Co-author in Scaling of hybrid multi bend lattice cells
- Co-author in Towards a true diffraction limited light source
Luc Perrot
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Author in Detailed design studies of the high energy beam transport line of the Minerva Project at SCK CEN
- Author in Studies and results of electrostatic devices for the SPIRAL2-DESIR project at GANIL Caen France
- Co-author in Double achromat solution with a dedicated collimation system for the MEBT-3 section of MYRRHA
- Co-author in Lattice design of 250 MeV version of Perle
- Co-author in Magnetic Design of the Commutational Magnet and Quadrupoles for PERLE Accelerator
- Co-author in Magnetic design of the commutational magnet and quadrupoles for PERLE accelerator
- Co-author in Modeling of standing wave RF cavities for tracking through multi-pass energy recovery linac
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Co-author in Transport studies of low energy radioactive ion beams produced by photofission at ALTO-LEB
- Anne-Laure Perrot (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Amichay Perry
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Author in Status of the uTCA Digital LLRF integration for SARAF Phase II
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
Tobias Persson
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in 60° phase advance optics measurements in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in First measurement of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Co-author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Prospect of operating with limited skew quadrupole corrector availability in the LHC interaction regions
- Co-author in Simulating Tilted Solenoids
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Updates on Accelerator Code Comparison Studies
Luka Peru¿ko
- Co-author in Advancements of ELBE timing system upgrade
- Claudius Peschke (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Eduardo Peter (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
Andreas Peters
(Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum)
- Author in Using TSN for accelerator control systems
- Co-author in Advancements in the scintillation fibre beam monitor for low-intensity ion beams at HIT
- Co-author in Beam properties beyond the therapeutic range at HIT
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Towards multiple energy extraction operation in ion beam therapy
Christopher Peters
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in ATLAS operations shift log software upgrade and implementation
- Co-author in Automated Faraday cup readings at ATLAS
Charles Peters
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Comparison of design and production RF settings at SNS normal temperature linac
- Co-author in High Power Radiofrequency Operation of the Radiofrequency Quadrupoles in the Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in Reliability analysis of SNS SRF linac and perspective for future high-power proton SRF linacs
- Troy Petersen (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Thomas Peterson (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Stefania Petracca (University of Sannio)
Vittoria Petrillo
(University of Milano-Bicocca)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in First simulations for the EuAPS betatron radiation source
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in Increasing the flux of a Thomson source while maintaining a narrow bandwidth by using large energy spread primary particles
- Co-author in Non-destructive definition of emittance using the compton back-scattering and AI machine learning
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Plasma acceleration-induced betatron radiation: a potential seed for Free Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Transfer line design for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB
Giada Petringa
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in PRAGUE (Proton Range Measurement Using Silicon Carbide): a detector to measure online the proton beam range with laser-driven proton beams
- Co-author in Dosimetry and first radiobiological assay of multi-Gy, multi-MeV TNSA proton beam with ultrahigh dose-rate
- Co-author in Ion acceleration by laser-matter interaction: status and perspective with the upcoming I-LUCE facility at INFN-LNS
Carlo Petrone
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Alexander Petrov
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Status of the PETRA IV electromagnets
- Artem Petrushenko (European Spallation Source)
- Irina Petrushina (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
- Nils Petry (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Marc Petryk (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Valerio Pettinacci (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Isfried Petzenhauser (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Marco Pezzetta (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Giuseppe Pezzullo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Sven Pfeiffer (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Stephan Pfeiffer (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
- Fabian Pflocksch (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Wiwek Phacheerak (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Sarin Philip (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Sebastian Philipp
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Florent PHILIPPON (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Cassandra Phillips (Northern Illinois University)
- Guy Phillips (Fusion For Energy)
- Thanapong Phimsen (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Roberto Piandani (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Luigi Picardi (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- B. Piccirillo (Naples University Federico II and INFN)
- Anna Piccoli (University of Ferrara)
Nicolas Pichoff
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Angelo Pidatella (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Martin Pieck (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Henryk Piekarz (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Christian Piel (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
Tatiana Pieloni
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Accelerating dynamic aperture evaluation using deep neural networks
- Co-author in Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
- Co-author in Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
- Co-author in Bhabha scattering model for multi-turn tracking simulations at the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Electron cloud build-up studies for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Exploring FCC-ee optics designs with combined function magnets
- Co-author in Impact of dipole quadrupolar errors in FCC-ee
- Co-author in Impact of multiple beam-beam encounters on LHC absolute-luminosity calibrations by the van der Meer method
- Co-author in Impact of multiple beam-beam encounters on LHC absolute-luminosity calibrations by the van der Meer method
- Co-author in Insertion Region Optics Correction Strategies for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Simulating Tilted Solenoids
- Co-author in Spin-polarization simulations for the Future Circular Collider e+e- using Bmad
- Co-author in Spin-polarization simulations for the Future Circular Collider e+e- using Bmad
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
- Co-author in Updates on Accelerator Code Comparison Studies
- Christopher Pierce (Cornell University (CLASSE))
Paolo Pierini
(European Spallation Source)
- Author in Application of High Precision RF Measurement for ESS Cavities
- Co-author in ESS ellyptical cryomodules field emission campaign measurements
- Co-author in Magnet technology and design of superconducting magnets for heavy ion gantry for hadron therapy
- Co-author in Results of the elliptical cryomodule qualification at the ESS TS2
- Graziano Piermarini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Luca Piersanti
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Norbert Pietralla (Technical University of Darmstadt)
Guntis Pikurs
(Riga Technical University)
- Co-author in Development and Tests of a Full-Size Additive Manufactured Radio Frequency Quadrupole Module
- Co-author in Evaluation of green laser source additive manufacturing technology for accelerator applications with ultra-high vacuum requirements
- Co-author in Initial high electric field – vacuum arc breakdown test results for additively manufactured pure copper electrodes
- Fulvia Pilat (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Konstantin Piletskiy (TRIUMF)
- Igor Pinayev (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Tonio Pinna (ENEA Brasimone Research Centre)
Innocenzo Pinto
(LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration)
- Co-author in Particle accelerators to meet gravitational waves
Stefano Pioli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Philippe Piot
(Northern Illinois University)
- Author in Electron microbunching using amplified optical stochastic cooling
- Author in Electron Microbunching using the Amplified Optical Stochastic Cooling Mechanism
- Author in Experimental demonstration of a straight-merger beamline
- Author in Modeling of the amplified optical stochastic cooling experiment at IOTA
- Co-author in A w-band corrugated waveguide for wakefield acceleration at the AWA emittance exchange beamline
- Co-author in An experimental study of X-Y emittance repartitioning in KEK-STF
- Co-author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Co-author in Low-emittance SRF photo-injector prototype cryomodule for the LCLS-II high-energy upgrade: design and fabrication
- Co-author in Round-to-flat and flat-to-round beam transformations at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility
- Co-author in Simulations and experimental studies for an X-band short-pulse ultra-high gradient photoinjector
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
Olivier Piquet
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Author in Gamma diagnostic development for ESS cryomodule prototypes in CEA Saclay
- Co-author in ESS ellyptical cryomodules field emission campaign measurements
- Co-author in NEWGAIN project at GANIL-SPIRAL2 : design of the new heavy ion injector for the superconducting linac
- Co-author in Reverse engineering on IPHI RFQ
Cristian Pira
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Nb3Sn on Cu Coating By Magnetron Sputtering From Target Synthesized via Liquid Tin Diffusion
- Author in Progress of application and surface enhancement by Plasma Electrolytic Polishing as a new treatment for SRF substrates and accelerator components preparation
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of pure niobium for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Split 6GHz SRF thin film cavities
- Yann Pira (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Abel Pires (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
Andrea Pisent
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Beam transfer lines design study for 30-40 mA proton beam for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy facility
- Author in Construction, assembly and measurements of the SPES RFQ
- Author in Design optimization for the construction of a linear accelerator driven BNCT facility
- Author in European collaboration for the realization of ESS
- Author in The IFMIF RFQ as a resonant combiner: equivalent circuit and operational scenarios
- Co-author in Design of the ESS DTL mechanical supports
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in Optimizations of a combined RFQ cooler prototype for exotic ion beams
- Co-author in RF conditioning towards continuous wave of the RFQ of the linear IFMIF prototype accelerator
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Yanis Pisi (Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie)
- Nathan Pittet (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Moana Pittman
(Centre Laser de l'Univ. Paris-Sud)
- Co-author in Benchmarking for CODAL beam dynamics code: laser-plasma accelerator case study
- Co-author in Online spatio-temporal couplings monitoring diagnostics for laser-plasma accelerator driver
- Co-author in Optimization of 200 MeV laser-plasma electron injector target using massive particle-in-cell simulation combined with fluid simulation
- Co-author in PALLAS, a laser-plasma injector test facility, development status
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in Transport Line for Laser-Plasma Acceleration Electron Beam
- Co-author in TWAC : EIC Pathfinder Open European project on Novel dielectric acceleration
Lorenzo Pivetta
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Mauro Pivi (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Adrien Plaçais (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
Thomas Plaisant
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Nils Plambeck (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Thomas Planche (TRIUMF)
- Fabien Plassard (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Alexander Plastun (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Paul Plattner (Institut für Kernphysik)
- Henry Ploetz (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Ciprian Plostinar (European Spallation Source ERIC)
- Dmitrii Plotnikov (European Spallation Source)
- Reinder Plug (ASML (Netherlands))
- Valentin Plyusnin (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Liam Pocher
(University of Maryland, College Park)
- Author in Optimizing the discovery of underlying nonlinear beam dynamics and moment evolution
- Author in Optimizing the discovery of underlying nonlinear beam dynamics and moment evolution
- Co-author in Demonstration of Flat/Round Transformations of Angular Momentum and Space Charge Dominated Electron Beams
Ivan Podadera
(Consorcio IFMIF-DONES España)
- Author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Co-author in Configuration and engineering integration in the IFMIF-DONES project
- Co-author in LIPAc (linear IFMIF prototype accelerator) beam commissioning & future plans
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) prototype for the IFMIF-DONES linear accelerator
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) Prototype for the IFMIF-DONES Linear Accelerator
Holger Podlech
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Co-author in Advanced basic layout of the Helmholtz LInear Accelerator for cw heavy ion beams at GSI
- Co-author in Automated RF-conditioning utilizing machine learning
- Co-author in Beam dynamics studies for the target beamlines of the high brilliance neutron source
- Co-author in Commissioning status of the Frankfurt Neutron Source FRANZ LEBT and RFQ
- Co-author in Current Status of the Beam Dynamics Simulations for the HBS Drift Tube Linac
- Co-author in Development of a 704.4 MHz CH cavity using additive manufacturing
- Co-author in Focusing of highly charged ion beams using Gabor-lenses
- Co-author in Improvement of beam transport in high energy transfer lines using Gabor-lenses
- Co-author in Optimisation of the stem cooling design of the normally conducting Myrrha-CH structures using the example of CH 3
- Co-author in RF-acceleration studies for the HBS-linac applying alternating phase focusing concepts
- Co-author in Simulation Studies of the Particle Dynamic in Beam: Internal Target and Beam-Beam Interactions in the Figure-8 Storage Ring(F8SR)
- Co-author in Status of the electron lens for space charge compensation in SIS18
- Boris Podobedov (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Tomasz Podzorny
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Data acquisition and supervision systems for the HL-LHC quench protection system - part I the hardware
- Co-author in Data acquisition and supervision for the HL-LHC quench protection system – Part II the software stack
- Co-author in Design considerations for CERN´s second-generation Beam Interlock System
- Matt Poelker (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Marco Poggi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Ilya Pogorelov (RadiaSoft (United States))
- Igor Pogorelsky (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Nathaniel Pogue (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Freddy Poirier (Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules)
- Freddy Poirier (Cyclotron ARRONAX)
- Sunil Pokharel (Old Dominion University)
- Krystof Polak (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Ilya Polikarpov
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Salvatore Polizzo (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Amelia Pollard
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Machine learning for laser pulse shaping
Jean-Pierre Pollina
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Mikhail Polyanskiy (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- John Pomaro (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Riccardo Pompili
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Electron beam test facilities for novel applications
- Co-author in Plasma acceleration-induced betatron radiation: a potential seed for Free Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
Laurette Ponce
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
- R. Ponchia (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Montserrat Pont (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- André Pontes Barbosa Lima (Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials)
- Henry Poole (Poole Ventura, Inc.)
- Laura Popielarski (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
Konstantin Popov
(The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI)
- Author in Digital LLRF feedbacks development, implementation and test at KEK LUCX facility
- Author in KEK LUCX facility new FPGA based LLRF phase and amplitude feedback performance report
- Co-author in Study on a self-resonating optical cavity for high-brightness Laser-Compton Scattering X-ray sources
- Milorad Popovic (Muons (United States))
- Branko Popovic (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Tommaso Porcelli (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
- Sina Porsa (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
- Joaquin Portilla (University of the Basque Country)
Sam Posen
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in A Booster Replacement Linac for the Future of High Energy Physics at Fermilab
- Author in Review of SRF technology developed for accelerators applied to searches for dark matter and other beyond the standard model physics
- Co-author in Helen: Traveling wave SRF Linear Collider Higgs factory
- Co-author in Mechanical Polishing of Nb3Sn Thin-Film Cavities
- Co-author in Mechanical Polishing of Nb3Sn Thin-Film Cavities
- Marco Potenza (Universita' degli Studi di Milano & INFN)
- Angela Potet (Synchrotron soleil)
- Jean-Baptiste Potoine (Institut d'Électronique et des Systèmes)
- David Potterveld (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Anju Poudel (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Frédéric Poulet (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Mantas Povilaitis (Lithuanian Energy Institute)
John Power
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Author in Detailed Phase Space Reconstruction from Accelerator Beam Measurements Using Differentiable Simulations
- Co-author in A w-band corrugated waveguide for wakefield acceleration at the AWA emittance exchange beamline
- Co-author in An experimental study of X-Y emittance repartitioning in KEK-STF
- Co-author in Bead-Pull of 0.2 THz Strucutre and Technical Issues
- Co-author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Co-author in Design and test of a metamaterial accelerating structure for Wakefield acceleration
- Co-author in Eom-based bunch arrival monitor development at the Argonne wakefield accelerator facility
- Co-author in Experimental demonstration of a straight-merger beamline
- Co-author in Multicell dielectric disk accelerating structure design and low power results
- Co-author in Round-to-flat and flat-to-round beam transformations at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility
- Co-author in Simulations and experimental studies for an X-band short-pulse ultra-high gradient photoinjector
- Axel Poyet (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Eduard Pozdeyev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Mateo Pozzi
(Rosler Italian)
- Co-author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Development and Tests of a Full-Size Additive Manufactured Radio Frequency Quadrupole Module
- Co-author in Initial high electric field – vacuum arc breakdown test results for additively manufactured pure copper electrodes
- Fabio Pozzi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Adam Pramberger (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Lorenzo Pranovi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Eduard Prat
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in Corrugated wakefield structures at SwissFEL
- Supachai Prawanta (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
Tirsi Prebibaj
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Tailoring transverse beam characteristics with the new CERN PS booster charge-exchange injection system
Eric Prebys
(University of California, Davis)
- Author in Experimental design for beam motion measurements in the Crocker Nuclear Laboratory cyclotron at UC Davis
- Author in GUI control system for the Mu2e electrostatic septum high voltage at Fermilab
- Co-author in Low energy nuclear cross section measurement facility at Crocker Nuclear Laboratory at the UC Davis
- Co-author in Study of the beam losses and the radiation levels in the electrostatic septum for slow extraction at 8 GeV
- Co-author in Synchronization and phase locking of resonant magnet power supplies for Mu2e experiment at Fermilab
- Chaiyut Preecha (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
Daniel Prelipcean
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Comparison between Run 2 SEU measurements and FLUKA simulations in the CERN LHC tunnel and shielded alcoves around IP1/5
- Author in Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
- Author in Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Co-author in Overview of the radiation levels in the CERN accelerator complex after LS2
- Francesco Prelz (Universita' degli Studi di Milano & INFN)
- Michela Prest (Università dell'Insubria & INFN Milano Bicocca)
- Isabel Prestes (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Jörg Pretz
(RWTH Aachen University)
- Co-author in Beam Dynamics for Concurrent Operation of the LHeC and the HL-LHC
- Co-author in Beam dynamics for concurrent operation of the LHeC and the HL-LHC
- Co-author in Determination of the invariant spin axis in a COSY model using Bmad
- Co-author in Injection optimization via reinforcement learning at the cooler synchrotron COSY
- Co-author in Simulations of beam dynamics and beam lifetime for the prototype EDM ring
- Cristiana Priano (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Milan Prica (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Katheryne Price
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
- Tetiana Pridii (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Gunnar Priebe (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Cayetano Prieto (Empresarios Agrupados)
- Peter Prieto (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Christophe Prigent
(Institut des NanoSciences de Paris)
- Co-author in Latest PANTECHNIK’s ECR ion sources performances
Herve Prin
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Kevin Prince
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
Rosario Principe
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Emiliano Principi
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Marco Prioli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Christopher Prior (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Mark Procter (Rapiscan Systems Ltd)
- Dennis Proft (University of Bonn)
- Mark Prokop (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Dale Prokopovich (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Alexey Pronikov (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
- Stanislav Proskin (Varex Imaging (United States))
- Vladamir Protasenko (Cornell University)
- Alena Prudnikava (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Slavka Prvakova (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Heinrich Pryschelski (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Henry Przybilski (European Spallation Source)
- Ina Pschorn (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Serena Psoroulas (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Vadim Ptitsyn
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Accelerator physics challenges for EIC
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Synchronizing the timing of the electron and Hadron storage rings in the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in Design Study of button BPMs for the EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Electron Polarization Preservation in the EIC
- Co-author in Electron polarization preservation in the EIC
- Co-author in FELICIA – A probe to survey the RHIC magnet beampipe diameter for EIC beam screen insertion
- Co-author in Generation of Vertical Emittance through Transverse Coupling and its Impact on the Polarization in the EIC ESR
- Co-author in Lattice optimization for Electron Ion Collider Hadron storage ring injection
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Co-author in Non-destructive spin tune measurement of polarized protons in a storage ring
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Polarized proton operation at RHIC with partial snakes
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Spin transparency experiment test in RHIC
- Co-author in Stable spin direction measurements at RHIC with polarized proton beams
- Co-author in Strategy for proton polarization in the Electron Ion Collider
- Co-author in Transition jump system of the hadron storage ring of the electron ion collider
- Thapakron Pulampong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
Marco Pullia
(National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Installation of a new low energy line (LEBTO3) at CNAO
- Co-author in Magnet technology and design of superconducting magnets for heavy ion gantry for hadron therapy
- Co-author in Strongly Curved Super-Conducting Magnets: Beam Optics Modeling and Field Quality
- Co-author in Strongly curved super-conducting magnets: beam optics modeling and field quality
- Nico Pupeter (Cryoelectra GmbH)
- Ezio Puppin (Politecnico di Milano)
- Marco Puro (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
Sivaji Purushotaman
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Vacuum design of the Super-FRS at FAIR
- Paarangat Pushkarna (The University of Melbourne)
- Piotr Putek (University of Rostock)
- Patrick Puzo (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Seong Jae Pyeun
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
- Niels Pyka (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Xin Qi
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Recent Progress of the Design and Relevant Research Activities for Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Program Design of Timing Signal Detection and Protection for CSNS/RCS Resonant Power Supply
- Co-author in Reliability analysis of digital controller for magnet power supply based on optocoupler failure
- Xin Qi (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Zheng Qi (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
Houjun Qian
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Maofei Qian (Argonne National Laboratory)
Ji Qiang
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Author in Simulation of shot noise effects in the EIC strong hadron cooling accelerator using real number of electrons
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Haissinski distribution of electron beam in Electron-Ion Collider and its impact on the Hadron beam
- Co-author in Hybrid beamline element ML-training for surrogates in the impactX beam-dynamics code
- Co-author in Properties of superradiant spontaneous THz undulator radiation by an RF compressed electron beam
Weilun Qin
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in General method of short-range wakefield calculation for corrugated structures of arbitrary shape
- Author in Investigation of multi-modes in Hard X-ray Self-seeding operation at the European XFEL
- Author in User delivery experience of Hard X-ray Self-seeding at the European XFEL
- Co-author in CSR-induced projected emittance growth study for the beam switchyard at the European XFEL
Qing Qin
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Yuefeng Qiu (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Mengtong Qiu (State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect)
- Feng Qiu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Pei Hua Qu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Huamin Qu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Lorcan Quain Solis (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Danilo Quartullo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Penelope Matilde Quassolo
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- cunyang que (Wuhan University)
- Frederik Quetscher (Technical University of Darmstadt)
Lionel Quettier
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in Magnets for a muon collider
- Peter Quigley (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Kathleen Quinlan (Diversified Technologies (United States))
Marty Quiogue
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
Marcos Quispe
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Author in Thermal mechanical simulations of a new germanium detector developed in the European project LEAPS-INNOV for X-ray spectroscopy applications at synchrotron facilities
- Co-author in CFD studies and experimental validation of the convective heat transfer coefficient in non-fully developed flows applied to conventional geometries used in particle accelerators
- Christoph Quitmann (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
- Mariona Rabasa (The School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audivisual Engineering of Terrassa)
Thomas Rabedeau
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Design of the pseudo single bunch mode in SPEAR3
- Dmitrii Rabusov (Diamond Light Source)
- Bryan Rachmilowitz (Radiation Monitoring Devices (United States))
- Majdi Radaideh (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Miles Radford (University of Liverpool)
- Arjun Radha Krishnan (TU Dortmund University)
- Rajeswaran Radhakrishnan (Faraday Technology (United States))
- Petra Radomi (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Bastien Rae
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Quentin RAFFY (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
Yan Rahier
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Md Aziz Ar Rahman (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Omer Rahman (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Deepak Rai (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Pantaleo Raimondi
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Author in Scaling of hybrid multi bend lattice cells
- Co-author in Considerations for a new damping ring design of the FCC-ee pre-injector complex
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in First design of a 10 TeV centre of mass energy muon collider
- Co-author in Mini-beta optics for the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Co-author in Off-energy operation of a HMBA lattice
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Stefano Raimondi (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
- Lorenzo Raimondi (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Robert Rainer
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Nonlinear optics from hybrid dispersive orbits
Diego Rainone
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0 - the girder support design
- Co-author in The new Elettra 2.0 magnets
- Ali Rajabi (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Renuka Rajput-Ghoshal (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Milica Rakic (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Maksim Rakitin (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Hoby Rakotoarivelo
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Symplectic neural surrogate models for beam dynamics
- Iandrimalala Rakotobe Andriamaro (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Harald Ramarijaona (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- David Ramauge (SIGMAPHI S.A.)
- Luc Rambaud (SIGMAPHI S.A.)
- Ali Ramezani Moghaddam (Diamond Light Source)
Gabriel Ramirez
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
Rebecca Ramjiawan
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Assessment of beam-intercepting device robustness for intensity increase in CERN’s North Area
- Co-author in Damping ring and transfer lines of FCC-𝑒+𝑒− injector complex
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Target systems design for a high intensity facility in the CERN's ECN3 area
- Torsten Ramm (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Eliott Ramoisiaux
(Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Co-author in BDSIM v1.7.0 developments for the modelling of accelerators and their environment
- Co-author in Conceptual lattice design for vertical fixed field medical accelerators
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for vertical fixed field accelerators
- Co-author in Dynamic Aperture Studies for Vertical Fixed Field Accelerators
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Gantry design using achromatic scaling fixed-field magnets
- Co-author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- Co-author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- ricardo Ramos (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Beatriz Ramos (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
Vahid Ranjbar
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Progress on the electron ion collider’s RCS RF ramp development
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in High voltage DC gun using distributed Bragg reflector super lattice GaAs photocathode for EIC polarized electron sources
- Co-author in Non-destructive spin tune measurement of polarized protons in a storage ring
- Co-author in Polarized proton operation at RHIC with partial snakes
- Co-author in Spin transparency experiment test in RHIC
- Co-author in Stable spin direction measurements at RHIC with polarized proton beams
- Co-author in Strategy for proton polarization in the Electron Ion Collider
- Co-author in The design progress of a high charge, low energy spread polarized pre injector for electron ion collider
- Co-author in The impact of magnetic errors on the electron ion collider rapid cycling synchrotron
Li Rao
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Upgrade the impedance model in RCS of CSNS
- Mark Raphaelian (Nevada National Security Site)
- Roger Rassool (The University of Melbourne)
Andris Ratkus
(Riga Technical University)
- Author in Evaluation of green laser source additive manufacturing technology for accelerator applications with ultra-high vacuum requirements
- Author in Initial high electric field – vacuum arc breakdown test results for additively manufactured pure copper electrodes
- Co-author in Development and Tests of a Full-Size Additive Manufactured Radio Frequency Quadrupole Module
- Daniel Ratner (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Ulrich Ratzinger
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Co-author in Commissioning status of the Frankfurt Neutron Source FRANZ LEBT and RFQ
- Co-author in Operation of copper cavities at cryogenic temperatures
- Co-author in Pure copper and stainless steel additive manufacturing of an IH-type linac structure
- Co-author in Raspberry Pi cameras as beam induced fluorescence monitors for low and high energy beams
- Co-author in The Double Drift Harmonic Buncher (DDHB) and Acceptance Investigations at Linac and Cyclotron Injections
- Co-author in The double drift harmonic buncher (DDHB) and acceptance investigations at linac and cyclotron injections
- Patrick Rauer (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Julian Rausch (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Gustavo Raush (The School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audivisual Engineering of Terrassa)
Emmanuele Ravaioli
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Federico Ravotti
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Absolute Calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Laura Rayón Ropero (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Andrew Reader (King's College London)
Primoz Rebernik Ribic
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Sensitivity studies of a seeded FEL operating at 2 nm
- Co-author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
Pietro Rebesan
(INFN- Sez. di Padova)
- Co-author in Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations
- Co-author in Additively manufactured tantalum cathode for FEBIAD type ion sources: production, geometric measurements, and high temperature test
- Co-author in Implementation of the Additive Manufacturing for metals approach: the production of the acceleration grids for DTT NBI project
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of CuCrZr for nuclear fusion acceleration components
- Co-author in Laser powder bed fusion of pure niobium for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Predictive capabilities in CFD simulations of additively manufactured extraction grid cooling channels for the DTT NBI system
Stefano Redaelli
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Analysis of orbit measurements with the new High Luminosity LHC collimator beam position monitors in the LHC run 3
- Author in Collimation system for the updated FCC-hh design baseline
- Author in Recent measurements and analyses of the beam-halo dynamics at the CERN LHC using collimator scans
- Author in Studies of layout and cleaning performance for the FCC-ee collimation system
- Author in Update on the High Luminosity LHC collimation performance with proton beams
- Co-author in Beam absorbing material candidates for primary collimators for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Beam lifetime monitoring using beam loss monitors during LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Co-author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Commissioning strategies of hollow electron lens residual kick compensation
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Development of bent crystal manipulation systems for beam collimation and extraction at CERN
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Co-author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
- Co-author in Overview of material choices for HL-LHC collimators
- Co-author in Performance of a double-crystal setup for LHC fixed-target experiments
- Co-author in Power deposition studies for betatron halo losses in HL-LHC
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
Martin Reeves
(Diamond Light Source)
- Co-author in An in-vacuum measurement system for CPMUs at Diamond Light Source
- Co-author in CPMU development at diamond light source
- Davide Reggiani (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- David Regidor (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Guenther Rehm (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Muhammad Abdul Rehman (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Sven Reiche
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Co-author in Corrugated wakefield structures at SwissFEL
- Lewis Reid (Cockcroft Institute)
- Lars Reifferscheidt (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
- Stephan Reimann (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Judith Reindl (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Eyal Reinfeld
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- David Reis (University of Michigan–Ann Arbor)
- Micha Reissig (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Andreas Reiter (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Haitao Ren
(Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Co-author in RF Tuning for the SNS LINAC RFQ
- Haitao Ren (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Zhiliang Ren (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Bertrand Renard (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Elisabeth Renner (TU Wien)
- Matjaz Repovz (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Detlef Reschke (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Ximenes Resende
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Online optimization of SIRIUS nonlinear optics
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
- Co-author in Study of insertion devices effects in SIRIUS
Javier Resta-Lopez
(Instituto Universitario de Ciencia de los Materiales)
- Author in Design of a compact superconducting recoil separator for HIE-ISOLDE
- Co-author in Driver-Witness Configuration in CNT Array-Based Acceleration
- Co-author in Driver-witness configuration in CNT array-based acceleration
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic model for particle beam-driven wakefield in carbon nanotubes
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic Model for Particle Beam-Driven Wakefield in Carbon Nanotubes
- Co-author in TeV/m acceleration in laser-graphene interactions
- Markus Retzlaff (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Tor Reubenheimer
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Dark current in the LCLS-II-HE superconducting injector
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Wakefield effects on dark current bunches for LESA
- Jean-Luc Revol (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- FABIEN REY (European Spallation Source)
- Anthony Rey (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Denis Reynet (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Ed Rial
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Undulators for BESSY III
Fernand Ribeiro
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the RF system for the ThomX storage ring
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
Llibert Ribo
(ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Co-author in ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status
Ruggero Ricci
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Gianmarco Ricci (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Daniel Ricci (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Christopher Richard
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of an electron beam for magnetic bunch compressor commissioning at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Sean Riedel (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Vilde Rieker
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Author in Development of reliable VHEE/FLASH passive dosimetry methods and procedures at CLEAR
- Author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in A Novel Fibre Optic Monitor for VHEE UHDR Beam Monitoring: First Tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in A novel fibre optic monitor for VHEE UHDR beam monitoring: first tests at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
- Co-author in VHEE and ultra high dose rate radiotherapy studies in the CLEAR user facility
- Bernard Riemann (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Felix Riemer
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
Markus Ries
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Beam-based characterization of a non-linear injection kicker at BESSY II
- Co-author in Development of the first permanent bending magnet at BESSY II
- Co-author in Exploring the necessary conditions for steady-state microbunching at the Metrology Light Source
- Co-author in Lattice options for MLS II
- Co-author in Progress on Thor SCSI development
- Co-author in Status of online model developments for BESSY II
- Emilien Rigutto (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Patrick Riley (Zap Surgical Inc)
- Sakhorn Rimjaem (Chiang Mai University)
Robert Rimmer
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Progress of High Power FPC development for ERI SRF Cavities
- Co-author in First coaxial HOM coupler prototypes and RF measurements on a copper cavity for the PERLE project
- Co-author in HOM power in the EIC crab cavity system
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Co-author in The need for Nb3Sn coated Cu cavities for future accelerators
- Louis Rinolfi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Brendan Riordan
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
- Julien rioult (Cyclotron ARRONAX)
- Thys Risselada (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Leonardo Ristori (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Felipe Rizzato (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
- Daniele Rizzo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Valeria Rizzoglio (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Valeria Rizzoglio (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Rita Rizzoli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Youri Robert (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Thomas Robertazzi (Stony Brook University)
Guillaume Robert-Demolaize
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Lattice design for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Synchronizing the timing of the electron and Hadron storage rings in the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Beam optics update for EIC HSR-IR2
- Co-author in Electron Storage Ring Collimation and Abort System design for the Electron Ion Collider
- Co-author in Polarized proton operation at RHIC with partial snakes
- Co-author in Spin transparency experiment test in RHIC
- Co-author in Transition jump system of the hadron storage ring of the electron ion collider
Thomas Roberts
(Muons (United States))
- Co-author in Mu*star: A new paradigm for nuclear reactors
- Co-author in Muonium R&D at Fermilab
Cameron Robertson
(John Adams Institute)
- Author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Development of reliable VHEE/FLASH passive dosimetry methods and procedures at CLEAR
- Co-author in Experimental generation of the transversely uniform electron bunches at the CLEAR facility at CERN
- Co-author in The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
- Co-author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in VHEE and ultra high dose rate radiotherapy studies in the CLEAR user facility
- Philippe Robillard (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
David Robin
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
River Robles
(Stanford University)
- Author in Attosecond pulse shaping of X-ray free-electron lasers and applications to coherent control in quantum systems
- Author in Attosecond pulse shaping of X-ray free-electron lasers and applications to coherent control in quantum systems
- Author in Efficient computation of two-dimensional coherent synchrotron radiation with neural networks
- Author in Few cycle radiation pulses from strongly compressed electron beams
- Author in Inferring nonlinear phase space from spectral correlations in free-electron laser radiation
- Author in Optimization of the optical design of cavity-based x-ray lasers
- Co-author in Design and construction of a population inversion x-ray laser at LCLS
- Co-author in Development of Two-Color Sub-Femtosecond Pump/Probe Techniques with X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
- Co-author in Measurement of LCLS Hard X-ray Undulator gain under CBXFEL-like conditions
- Co-author in Multi-color operation via coherent harmonic generation in a plasma driven attosecond X-ray source
- Co-author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
- Co-author in Preliminary commissioning results for the plasma-driven attosecond X-ray source (PAX) experiment at FACET-II
Yves Roblin
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in Analytic and numerical calculation of collider luminosity with CRAB dynamics
- Co-author in Beam study on low dispersion CEBAF arcs
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Degrader beamline design at the CEBAF injector for machine acceptance studies
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
Benoit Roche
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
Volodymyr Rodin
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Power deposition studies for betatron halo losses in HL-LHC
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Design of a compact superconducting recoil separator for HIE-ISOLDE
- Co-author in Driver-witness configuration in CNT array-based acceleration
- Co-author in Driver-Witness Configuration in CNT Array-Based Acceleration
Jacob Rodnizki
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Iker Rodriguez (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Jose Rodriguez (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Daniel Rodríguez (Universidad de Granada)
- Enrique Rodriguez-Castro (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Angel Rodriguez Paramo (ESS Bilbao)
- Marta Rodriguez Perez (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Steffen Roemer (Nvidia (United States))
- Juliane Roensch-Schulenburg (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Stefan Roesler (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Marco Roetta (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Piotr Rogacki
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Emerson Rogers
(Old Dominion University)
- Author in Numerical simulations of radiation reaction using Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac formalism
- Author in Simulations of Radiation Reaction in Inverse Compton Sources
- Co-author in Scattered spectra from inverse Compton sources operating at high laser fields and high electron energies
- Co-author in Simulations of radiation reaction in inverse Compton scattering
Chris Rogers
- Co-author in Adiabatic capture in the FETS-FFA ring
- Co-author in Comparison of tracking codes for beam-matter interaction
- Co-author in FFA magnet prototype for high intensity pulsed proton driver
- Co-author in Thermodynamic characteristics of hydrogen in an ionization cooling channel for muon colliders
Annette Rogosch-Opolka
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
- Nina Rohringer (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
- Urban Rohrmann (Vacuumschmelze GmbH & Co. KG)
Timm Rohwer
(Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) and Center for Free Electron Science (CFEL))
- Co-author in Broad range single-shot electron energy spectrometer for THz driven booster accelerator using an in-vacuum tunable dipole magnet
- Co-author in Compact electron beam transport system of AXSIS THz-driven electron accelerator employing adjustable high gradient permanent magnet quadrupole
- Co-author in Compact Single-Side-Pumped Terahertz-Driven Booster Accelerator
- Co-author in Development of a compact half-cell RF photocathode gun for single-shot keV ultrafast electron diffraction with femtosecond resolution
- Eva Roiková (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Ursa Rojec
- Co-author in Advancements of ELBE timing system upgrade
Érico Rolim
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
- Giulia Romagnoli (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Marco Romagnoni (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Marco Romagnoni (University of Milano-Bicocca)
- Marco Romanato (INFN- Sez. di Padova)
Alexander Romanenko
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Review of SRF technology developed for accelerators applied to searches for dark matter and other beyond the standard model physics
- Co-author in Characterization of elliptical single-cell Nb thin-film cavity at low temperatures
- Co-author in Helen: Traveling wave SRF Linear Collider Higgs factory
- Francesco Romano (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Tobia Romano (Politecnico di Milano)
- Paul Romano (Argonne National Laboratory)
Aleksandr Romanov
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Experimental 4D tracking of a single electron in IOTA
- Co-author in Improved measurements of nonlinear integrable optics at IOTA
- Co-author in IOTA Proton Injector Beamline Installation
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Co-author in Two-photon undulator radiation
- Massimiliano Romé (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Stefano Romeo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Numerical studies for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB plasma beam driven working point
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge Capillaries for Plasma-based Particle Acceleration
- Co-author in Characterization of plasma-discharge capillaries for plasma-based particle acceleration
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
Iván Romera
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Design considerations for CERN´s second-generation Beam Interlock System
- Author in Reliability studies for CERN’s new safe machine parameter system
- Author in The consolidation of the interlock systems for the CERN North Area
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Alvaro Romero Francia (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Federico Roncarolo
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Review of CERN beam instrumentation for fixed target experiments
- Co-author in Absolute Calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Heavy ion beam characterization for radiation effects testing at CERN using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental benchmarking
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Carlo Roncolato (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Victor Ronfaut (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Beat Ronner (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Concetta Ronsivalle
(Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- Author in A compact and mobile system for breast irradiation in prone position
- Author in The new proton beam delivery line of the TOP-IMPLART accelerator
- Co-author in An iterative algorithm to estimate the energy spectrum of an electron beam from PDD curves
- Co-author in Electron beam qualification at ENEA Frascati particle accelerators laboratory
Mark Roper
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Co-author in An introduction to the UK XFEL conceptual design and options analysis
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the low dark charge photocathode RF gun for Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Imaging (RUEDI) facility
- Co-author in Copper photocathodes for the modified 10 Hz gun on the CLARA accelerator
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
Samuel Rorison
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Evaluation of green laser source additive manufacturing technology for accelerator applications with ultra-high vacuum requirements
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Preliminary design of the FCC-ee vacuum chamber absorbers
- Alfonso Ros (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Guillaume Rosaz (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Colette Rosenberg (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Anatoly Rosenfeld (University of Wollongong)
James Rosenzweig
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Author in Construction of and experiments with a compact plasma source
- Author in Cryogenic Testing Infrastucture at UCLA
- Author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Co-author in A Space Charge Forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in A space charge forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Demonstration of transverse stability in an alternating symmetry planar dielectric structure
- Co-author in Design and construction of a population inversion x-ray laser at LCLS
- Co-author in Effects of bulk material properties on RF surface resistivity
- Co-author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Co-author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Co-author in Novel Fabrication Methods and Geometries of Nanoblade Cathodes
- Co-author in Plasma wakefields produced by transversely asymmetric beams
- Co-author in Simulation study of betatron radiation for perturbed beams in plasma
- Co-author in Studying the basics of plasma physics using long range plasma
- Co-author in Temperature stability in CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG)
- Co-author in Theoretical investigation of real supply current distributions for metallic field emission
- Co-author in Thermodynamic study of ultrafast laser-field emission at nanostructured cathodes
- Thomas Roser (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Samuel Roset (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Emmanuel Rosi (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Katarina Roskar (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia))
- Linus Roslund (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Marc Ross (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Jörg Rossbach
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Jon Roßbach (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Ralf Rossel
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in CERN-MEDICIS: Operational indicators to support the production of new medical radionuclides by mass separation
- Co-author in Copper surface treatment with deep UV ultrafast laser for improved photocathode photoemissive properties
- Co-author in Prformance of laser patterned copper plasmonic photocathodes
Marcello Rossetti Conti
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Achromatic low energy merger for energy recovery linacs
- Author in Transfer line design for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in Increasing the flux of a Thomson source while maintaining a narrow bandwidth by using large energy spread primary particles
- Co-author in MeV-scale simulations and fabrication tests of woodpile-based waveguide for dielectric laser accelerators
- Co-author in On positron beam dynamics an initial part of a large aperture FCC-ee capture linac
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Simulation of tapered co-propagating structures for dielectric laser accelerator
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
Andrea Rossi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in First simulations for the EuAPS betatron radiation source
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in Increasing the flux of a Thomson source while maintaining a narrow bandwidth by using large energy spread primary particles
- Co-author in Numerical studies for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB plasma beam driven working point
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Transfer line design for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB
Adriana Rossi
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Co-author in Beam-beam long range compensator mechanical demonstrator
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Co-author in Potential and constraints of a beam-beam wire compensator in the HL-LHC era
- Co-author in Specifications for a new electron cooler of the antiproton decelerator at CERN
Luis Antonio Rossi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Lucio Rossi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Carlo Rossi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Fabio Rossi
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Massimo Rossignoli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Robert Rossmanith (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Sebastian Rothe (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Stefan Rotterdam (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Peter Rottländer (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Ugo Rotundo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Gary Rouleau (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Vasileios Rousis (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Marc Rousseau
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
- Co-author in RF kicker at the Cyrcé facility in Strasbourg
- Eléonore Roussel (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules)
Ryan Roussel
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Detailed Phase Space Reconstruction from Accelerator Beam Measurements Using Differentiable Simulations
- Author in Efficient tuning of particle accelerator emittance via Bayesian algorithm execution and virtual objectives
- Author in Towards fully differentiable accelerator modeling
- Author in Xopt: A simplified framework for optimization of accelerator problems using advanced algorithms
- Co-author in Efficient computation of two-dimensional coherent synchrotron radiation with neural networks
- Co-author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
- Aikaterini Rousseti (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
- Christian Roux (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
William Roybal
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Study on Switching from H- to H+ Beam Delivery to the Proton Radiography and Ultra Cold Neutron Facilities at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE)
- Co-author in Development of the digital low level RF system for the LANSCE proton storage ring
- Co-author in Los Alamos National Laboratory Fast Kicker Upgrade 2022
- John Roylance (Varex Imaging (United States))
Jinhao Ruan
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Noise in intense electron bunches
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- A. Rubano (Naples University Federico II and INFN)
Anna Rubin
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in The New Intense Heavy Ion Alvarez 2.0 DTL at GSI
- Sergi Rubio-Manrique (ALBA Synchrotron Light Source)
- Larry Ruckman (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Vadym Rudenko (National Science Centre)
- Marcos Ruelas (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
Christophe Ruescas
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
- Co-author in RF kicker at the Cyrcé facility in Strasbourg
- Johannes Ruf (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Marcel Ruijter
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Increasing the flux of a Thomson source while maintaining a narrow bandwidth by using large energy spread primary particles
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in First simulations for the EuAPS betatron radiation source
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Kiersten Ruisard (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Luca Rumiz (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Giovanni Rumolo
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Transverse beam coupling impedance studies at the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster after the LHC Injectors Upgrade
- Co-author in Beam-induced heating mitigation of the SPS kickers: a crucial upgrade to move towards HL-LHC beam intensities
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Co-author in Electron cloud observations and mitigation for the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Performance with the upgraded LHC injectors
- Co-author in Transverse instabilities at injection energy in the CERN-SPS: lessons learned during high intensity studies
Robert Ruprecht
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in Amplitude dependent tune shift measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Application of three families of sextupoles at the KARA ring of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Co-author in Split-ring resonator experiments and data analysis at FLUTE
- Co-author in Status of the FLUTE RF system commissioning
- Steven Russell (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Stephan Russenschuck (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Giulia Russo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Filippo Russo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Paolo Russo (University of Naples Federico II)
- Igor Rutkowski (Warsaw University of Technology)
- Sergej Ruzin (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Alberto Ruzzon (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Lawrence Rybarcyk
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Benchmarking HPSim with the LANSCE Linac
- Tomasz Ryncarz (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Anton Ryzhov (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Shervin Saadat (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
- Marta Sabate-Gilarte (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Luca Sabato (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Lucia Sabbatini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Anderson Sabogal (Universidad de Granada)
- Maurizio Sacchi (Laboratoire de Chimie Physique - Matière et Rayonnement)
- Martin Sack (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Oscar Sacristan De Frutos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Mohammadhadi Sadeghzadeh (European Spallation Source)
Sergey Sadovich
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Farhad Saeidi (Iranian Light Source Facility)
Takayuki Saeki
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Sustainability studies for future linear colliders
Andrea Saewert
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Noise in intense electron bunches
David Saez de Jauregui
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in A THz superconducting undulator for flute - Design parameters and layout
- Co-author in Damage experiment with superconducting sample coils - experimental setup and observations during beam impact
- Co-author in Damage Experiment with Superconducting Sample Coils - Experimental Setup and Observations during Beam Impact
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Investigations on NbTi superconducting racetrack coils under pulsed-current excitations
- Co-author in Prospects for photon science and beam dynamics studies of a THz undulator at FLUTE
- Co-author in Thermal and mechanical analyses on a vacuum chamber in a compact superconducting undulator with HTS tapes
- James Safranek (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
David Sagan
(Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Generalized Gradient Field Description Using the Bmad and PTC Toolkits
- Author in PyTao: the Python interface to Tao
- Co-author in AGS booster beam-based main quadrupole transfer function measurements
- Co-author in Beam-based alignment of individual members of sextupole families
- Co-author in EIC cooler injector space charge benchmark
- Co-author in Generalized gradient map tracking in the Siberian snakes of the AGS and RHIC
- Co-author in Longitudinal laser shaping at the EIC cooler injector
- Co-author in Machine learning applications for orbit and optics correction at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron
- Co-author in Nonlinear coupling resonances in the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Study of the systematic error contributions to the measurement of beam size using sextupole magnets
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Ryu Sagawa (Universal Engineering)
- Hidenori Sagehashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Luca Sagliano (European Spallation Source)
Pallavi Saha
(Arizona State University)
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
- Co-author in Photonics-Integrated Photocathodes
- Co-author in Ultra Thin $Cs_3Sb$ Photocathodes With Anomalously High Quantum Efficiency
- Co-author in Ultra thin Cs3Sb photocathodes with anomalously high quantum efficiency
Pranab Saha
(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Author in High intensity beam operation of J-PARC RCS with minimum beam loss
- Author in Status of the laser manipulations of H- beam at J-PARC
- Co-author in Development of new synchronized data system for J-PARC RCS
- Co-author in Improvement of the longitudinal phase space tomography at the J-PARC synchrotrons
Yakup Emre Sahin
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Yusuf Sahin (University of New Mexico)
Gajendra Sahoo
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Motorized girder realignment test in the PETRA III storage ring
- Co-author in PETRA III operation and studies in 2022
- Arun Saini (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Sara Sainz Perez (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Naohito Saito
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Demonstration of three-dimensional spiral injection for the J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
- Kenji Saito (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
Vadim Sajaev
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in Improvements to the commissioning simulations of the APS Upgrade storage ring
- Author in Measurement and simulations of the energy variation-induced orbit motion in a low momentum compaction APS lattice
- Co-author in Testing of a fan-out kicker to protect collimators from low-emittance whole-beam aborts in the Advanced Photon Source storage ring
- Yusuke Sakai (University of California, Los Angeles)
Hiroshi Sakai
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Conceptual design of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Beam dynamics study of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Current Status of Beam Operation at Compact ERL toward Free-Electron Laser with CW Mode
- Co-author in EUV-FEL light source for future lithography
- Co-author in Fabrication progress of the prototype spoke cavity for the JAEA-ADS linac
- Yutaka Sakamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Fumito Sakamoto
(National Institute of Technology Akita College)
- Co-author in Light source developments at UVSOR BL1U
Shogo Sakanaka
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Basic high-power design of a 1.5-GHz TM020-type harmonic cavity for the KEK future light source
- Co-author in Construction and beam commissioning of the GeV-range test beamline at KEK PF-AR
- Co-author in Low-power model tests of the wide-band cavity to compensate the transient beam loading in the next generation light sources
- Kazuyuki Sakaue (The University of Tokyo)
- Anne Sakdinawat (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Moenir Sakieldien (iThemba LABS)
- Wael Salah (The Hashemite University)
- Evgeny Saldin (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Elham Salehi (UVSOR Facility)
- Mohammed Salem (Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East)
- Peter Salen (Uppsala University)
Matias Salinas
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in The Personnel Access System for FAIR
- Alessandro Salmaso (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Francesco Salomone
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in Non-invasive bunch length reconstruction in linacs
Belen Salvachua
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam lifetime monitoring using beam loss monitors during LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Calibration of the LHC Diamond Beam Loss Monitors for LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Calibration of the LHC Diamond beam loss monitors for LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Martina Salvadori (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica)
Benoit Salvant
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam performance and operational efficiency at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Co-author in Development of bent crystal manipulation systems for beam collimation and extraction at CERN
- Co-author in Impedance analysis of deformable RF contact bridges for high luminosity LHC
- Co-author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Impedance-induced beam observables in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Overview of transverse instabilities in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Tudisco Salvatore (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- John Salvesen (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- JULIEN SALVIA (Synchrotron soleil)
Nazanin Samadi
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in Beam size measurement developments at SLS
Muhammed Sameed
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
- Author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Suresh Saminathan (TRIUMF)
Dmitrii Samoilenko
(Universität Hamburg)
- Author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Co-author in Seeding studies at FLASH
Liubov Samoylova
(European XFEL GmbH)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Dimitrios Sampsonidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Sanae Samsam
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in Achromatic low energy merger for energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Increasing the flux of a Thomson source while maintaining a narrow bandwidth by using large energy spread primary particles
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Marc Sanchez (ALBA Synchrotron Light Source)
- Maria Sanchez Barrueta (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Francisco Sanchez Galan (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Daniel Sánchez-Herranz (Universidad de Granada)
- Ryan Sandberg (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Stephane Sanfilippo (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Medani Sangroula (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Manel Sanmarti (Catalonia Institute for Energy Research)
- Pablo San Miguel Claveria (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée)
- Alexandre Sannibale (Argonne National Laboratory)
Andrea Santamaria Garcia
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Systematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
- Co-author in A low-latency feedback system for the control of horizontal betatron oscillations
- Co-author in Active deep learning for nonlinear optics design of a vertical FFA accelerator
- Co-author in Bayesian Optimization for SASE Tuning at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Beam Trajectory Control with Lattice-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning
- Co-author in Beam trajectory control with lattice-agnostic reinforcement learning
- Co-author in Online fit of an analytical response matrix model for orbit correction and optical function measurement
- Carlo Santini (SAES RIAL Vacuum)
- Valentina Santoro (ESS)
- James Santucci (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Mariusz Sapinski
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Author in About the damage mechanisms of thin targets exposed to high-power particle beams
- Author in Exploration of beamline configuration space for identifying robust quadrupole configurations
- Co-author in Conceptual design of a compact synchrotron-based facility for cancer therapy and biomedical research with helium and proton beams
- Co-author in Dealing with thermionic emission in wire scanners based on secondary electron emission
- Carlos Sarabia Cardenas (Arizona State University)
- Francesco Sardone (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Maxim Sargsyan (Yerevan State University)
- Bagrat Sargsyan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
Tiago Sarmento
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Co-author in Status of the H- pre-injector test stand at ISIS
- Alessio Sarti (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Hiroyuki Sasaki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Shigemi Sasaki (Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center)
Yoichi Sato
(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Co-author in Development of a pulse current monitoring device for the Eddy septum magnets in J-PARC main ring
- Co-author in High accuracy optics measurement in J-PARC MR for 1.3 MW upgrade plan
- Co-author in Numerical simulation study towards 1.3-MW beam operation at J-PARC MR
- Co-author in The leakage field of the new high-field septum magnets for fast extraction in Main Ring of J-PARC
- Kenichi Sato (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Takahiro Sato (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
- Yutaro Sato (Ibaraki University)
- Yoshikatsu Sato (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Todd Satogata
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Analytic and numerical calculation of collider luminosity with CRAB dynamics
- Co-author in Beam study on low dispersion CEBAF arcs
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Progress on the electron ion collider’s RCS RF ramp development
- Co-author in Quantifying effects of crab cavity RF phase noise on transverse emittance in EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Re-design of CEBAF optics for ER@CEBAF
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in SRF cavities for crabbing at the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Status of the second interaction region design for Electron-Ion Collider
- Masanori Satoh (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Daisuke Satoh (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
- Kotaro Satoh (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Kenichirou Satou (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Gaël Sattonnay (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Markus Sauerborn
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
Roberto Sauro
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
Hervé Savajols
(Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Co-author in Superconducting multipole triplet field measurements
Alain Savalle
(Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Co-author in Commissioning and operation of the SPIRAL2 SC linac
- Nicolas Savard (Columbia College)
Guy Savard
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in A Pulsed Wien Filter as a Low-Energy Kicker
Giovanni Savarese
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in First installation of the upgraded vacuum control system for ALPI accelerator
- Co-author in Demonstration of Beam Emittance Optimization using Reinforcement Learning
- Co-author in New techniques for the LNL superconductive linac ALPI beam dynamics simulations and commissioning
- Co-author in Upgrade of the ALPI low and medium beta RF control system
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Simone Savazzi (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
Yuri Saveliev
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Design of a broadband modular permanent magnet electron energy spectrometer for FEBE
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in Recent experimental results from the dielectric wakefield acceleration program at CLARA facility
- Andrei Savici (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Andrey Savilov (Institute of Applied Physics)
- Yuki Sawabe (Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co., Ltd)
- Alex Sayalero (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Salvatorangelo Sbarra
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Towards Elettra 2.0: Beam diagnostics overview
Claudio Scafuri
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Claudio scagliotti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Graziano Scalamera (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Michele Scampati
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Francesco Scantamburlo (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team)
Daniele Scarpa
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Giorgio Scarselletta (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Jana Schaber (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Jens Schaefer
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Split-ring resonator experiments and data analysis at FLUTE
- Co-author in Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics for different initial distributions at cSTART
- Co-author in Prospects for photon science and beam dynamics studies of a THz undulator at FLUTE
- Co-author in Simulations of the compact transverse-deflecting system for ultra-short electron bunch diagnostic
Mattia Schaer
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Co-author in Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
Gilbert Schaguene
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Martin Schanz (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Lucas Schaper
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in A bright future for new innovative and excellent opportunities for science at FLASH
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Author in Sensitivity of the optical-klystron-based high-gain harmonic generation on the electron beam energy profile
- Author in Status of the free-electron laser user facility FLASH
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Co-author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in Seeding studies at FLASH
- Oliver Schappeit (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Michaela Schaumann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Uwe Scheeler (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Michael Scheer
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in UNDUMAG - WAVE recent developments
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
- Frank Scheiba (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Bernhard Scheible (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
Kees Scheidt
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
Alexander Scheinker
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Physics-constrained 3D convolutional neural networks for electrodynamics of relativistic charged particle beams
- Co-author in Novel diagnostics for measuring 4D beam matrix
- Co-author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
Stefan Scheloske
(Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum)
- Co-author in Beam properties beyond the therapeutic range at HIT
- Steffen Schendler (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Michael Schenk (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Jochen Schieck (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
- Francesco Schillaci (ELI Beamlines Czech Republic)
- Jacobus Schippers (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Detlev Schirmer (TU Dortmund University)
- Gregor Schiwietz (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Holger Schlarb
- Co-author in Finite element simulation of fast corrector magnets for Petra IV
- Co-author in Lattice-based simulations for the fast orbit feedback system of PETRA IV
- Co-author in MTCA.4-based clock and timing distribution for PETRA IV
- Co-author in Tolerance analysis of a bunch arrival-time monitor design with rod-shaped pickups on a printed circuit board for the European XFEL and FELBE
- Felix Schliessmann (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Andreas Schloegelhofer (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Markus Schloesser (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Volker Schlott (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Matthias Schmelz (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology)
- Thiemo Schmelzer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- William Schmidke (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Frank Schmidl (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
- Ruediger Schmidt (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Thomas Schmidt (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Frank Schmidt
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MAD-X V5.09
- Janet Schmidt (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- André Schmidt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Gerald Schmidt (TU Dortmund University)
- Michael Schmitz (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Claus Schmitzer
(EBG MedAustron GmbH)
- Co-author in Expansion of the µTCA based direct sampling LLRF at MedAustron for hadron synchrotron applications
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Injector and synchrotron commissioning of helium ion beams at the MedAustron Ion Therapy Center
- Co-author in Investigating alternative extraction methods at MedAustron
- Manuela Schmoekel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Mitchell Schneider (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Dominic Schneider (Technical University of Darmstadt)
Gerhard Schneider
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Herbert Schneider (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Evgeny Schneidmiller
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Experimental test of a new method of generation of ultrashort pulses in X-ray FELs
- Author in Sensitivity of the optical-klystron-based high-gain harmonic generation on the electron beam energy profile
- Co-author in Effect of SCU long range errors on the FEL performance
- Co-author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in Numerical studies of electron beam dynamics for the generation of attosecond pulses at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in Revision of optical klystron enhancement effects in self-amplified spontaneous emission free-electron lasers
- Co-author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
- Co-author in Studies of distributed optical klystron at european XFEL
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
Pierre Schnizer
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Describing curved magnetic fields
- Author in Progress on Thor SCSI development
- Co-author in Status of online model developments for BESSY II
Vincent Schoefer
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Polarized proton operation at RHIC with partial snakes
- Author in Stable spin direction measurements at RHIC with polarized proton beams
- Co-author in AGS booster beam-based main quadrupole transfer function measurements
- Co-author in Bayesian optimization calibration of ionization profile monitor at the AGS complex
- Co-author in Generalized gradient map tracking in the Siberian snakes of the AGS and RHIC
- Co-author in Initial results of applying an autoencoder to detect anomalies in the air conditioning systems of the Brookhaven accelerator complex
- Co-author in Machine learning applications for orbit and optics correction at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron
- Co-author in Spin transparency experiment test in RHIC
- Co-author in Strategy for proton polarization in the Electron Ion Collider
- Christian Schoemers (Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum)
- Matthias Scholz (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Frank Scholze
(Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt Institut Berlin)
- Co-author in Lattice options for MLS II
- Andreas Schöps (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Ulrich Schramm (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Siegfried Schreiber
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in FLASHForward: experimental progress towards an idealised plasma-based energy booster
- Author in Realistic modeling of fully coherent light sources
- Author in Recommissioning of the FLASH injector and linac
- Author in Status of the free-electron laser user facility FLASH
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in A bright future for new innovative and excellent opportunities for science at FLASH
- Co-author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in Photocathodes for the electron sources at FLASH and European XFEL
- Co-author in Seeding studies at FLASH
Patrick Schreiber
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Amplitude dependent tune shift measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Systematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
- Co-author in Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
- Carl Schroeder (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Sarah Schroeder (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Marco Schroeder (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Claus Schroeder (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Maurizio Schubert (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Dirk Schueler (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Petra Schuett (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Maximilian Schuett (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Marcel Schuh
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in Amplitude dependent tune shift measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Application of three families of sextupoles at the KARA ring of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Co-author in Electron beam test facilities for novel applications
- Co-author in First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
- Co-author in Online fit of an analytical response matrix model for orbit correction and optical function measurement
- Co-author in Status of the FLUTE RF system commissioning
Silvia Schuh-Erhard
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
Jacky Schuler
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
- Co-author in RF kicker at the Cyrcé facility in Strasbourg
- Holger Schult (L-3 Electron Devices)
Daniel Schulte
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in A Python API for the particle tracking code PLACET
- Co-author in Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
- Co-author in Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
- Co-author in Bhabha scattering model for multi-turn tracking simulations at the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Comparison of tracking codes for beam-matter interaction
- Co-author in Emittance tuning bumps for the main linac of CLIC 380 GeV
- Co-author in First design of a 10 TeV centre of mass energy muon collider
- Co-author in Lattice and detector studies for the MDI of a 10 TeV muon collider
- Co-author in Longitudinal beam dynamics and RF requirements for a chain of muon RCSs
- Co-author in Neutrino generated radiation from a high energy muon collider
- Co-author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Co-author in Thermodynamic characteristics of hydrogen in an ionization cooling channel for muon colliders
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
- Kathrin Schulte-Urlichs (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Lothar Schulz
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 vacuum components design
- Katharina Schulz (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Julian Schulze (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Torben Schüngel (TU Dortmund University)
- Brian Schupbach (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Michael Schuster (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Markus Schwarz
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Author in Longitudinal beam dynamics for different initial distributions at cSTART
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Co-author in Simulation studies on longitudinal beam dynamics manipulated by corrugated structures under different bunch length conditions at KARA
- Philip Schwarz (CERN)
- Malte Schwarz (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Andreas Schwarz
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Co-author in Advancements of ELBE timing system upgrade
Olaf Schwarzkopf
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Werner Schweika (European Spallation Source)
- Marcus Schwickert (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Gerd Schyns (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Karol Scibor (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Luca Scomparin (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Evan Scott (Nevada National Security Site)
- Giulio Scrimali (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Richard Scrivens (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Daniel Seal (Cockcroft Institute)
- Jose Mari Seara Eizaguirre (Fundación TEKNIKER)
- James Sears (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Michèle Sebag (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique)
- Marc Sebban (Univ-Lyon Laboratoire H. Curien)
James Sebek
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Design of the pseudo single bunch mode in SPEAR3
- Scott Seberg (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Raffaello Secondo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Ondrej Sedlacek
(University of Liverpool)
- Author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Laura Segui (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
Mike Seidel
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Author in Accelerating dynamic aperture evaluation using deep neural networks
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Co-author in Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
- Co-author in Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
- Co-author in Bhabha scattering model for multi-turn tracking simulations at the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Dielectric laser acceleration for dark sector studies
- Co-author in Dielectric laser acceleration for dark sector studies
- Co-author in Impact of dipole quadrupolar errors in FCC-ee
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
Regis Seidenbinder
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Demonstration of non-local crystal shadowing at the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Development of bent crystal manipulation systems for beam collimation and extraction at CERN
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
David Seidman
(Northwestern University)
- Co-author in Mechanical Polishing of Nb3Sn Thin-Film Cavities
- Co-author in Mechanical Polishing of Nb3Sn Thin-Film Cavities
Eugen Seiler
(Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in V3Si Thin Films for SRF Applications
- Yuji Seimiya (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Kiyomi Seiya
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Study of beam evolution along the Fermilab 400 MeV linac
- Co-author in Artificial Intelligence for improved facilities operation in the FNAL LINAC
- Co-author in Beam loss monitoring with fixed and translating scintillation detectors along the Fermilab drift-tube linac
- Co-author in Ion Beam Distribution in the FNAL LEBT
- Co-author in Measurement of beam energy in the Fermilab's Linac taken at the transfer line
- Co-author in Time-drift aware RF optimization with machine learning techniques
- Jacek Sekutowicz (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Sergei Seletskiy (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Alessia Selmi (Università dell'Insubria & INFN Milano Bicocca)
- Anna Selva (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Larisa Semke (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
- Viliam Senaj (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Carmine Senatore (University of Geneva)
- Pierre senecal (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
Franck Senee
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Eugenio Senes (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Sudip Sengupta (Institute for Plasma Research)
Yury Senichev
(Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Author in A feasibility study into the Quasi-Frozen Spin regime of operation of the NICA storage ring
- Author in ByPass optics design in NICA storage ring for experiment with polarized beams for EDM search
- Author in Spin coherence and betatron chromaticity of deuteron beam in NICA storage ring
- Author in The effect of spin oscillations in a ring with a quasi-frozen spin and its influence on the procedure for searching for the deuteron EDM
- Co-author in Studies of the spin coherence time of protons at COSY
- Toshio Seno (SPring-8 Service Co. Ltd.)
Jimin Seok
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Impedance modeling for Korea’s fourth-generation storage ring
- Co-author in Korea-4GSR Lattice Update
- Co-author in Study of the ramping process for Korea-4GSR
Kyungtae Seol
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in HPRF SSPA System for RAON SRF cavities
Cristina Sequeiro
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
Luca Serafini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Achromatic low energy merger for energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in Increasing the flux of a Thomson source while maintaining a narrow bandwidth by using large energy spread primary particles
- Co-author in Non-destructive definition of emittance using the compton back-scattering and AI machine learning
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
Beatrice Serenellini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Nicholas Sereno (Argonne National Laboratory)
Svitozar Serkez
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Author in Simulating Partially Coherent Undulator Radiation with Gaussian Random Fields
- Author in THz Undulator Source and Radiation Transport Through an Iris Line for Pump-Probe Experiments at FELs
- Author in User delivery experience of Hard X-ray Self-seeding at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Revision of optical klystron enhancement effects in self-amplified spontaneous emission free-electron lasers
- Maurizio Serluca (European Spallation Source)
Vincent Serriere
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Beam loading simulations in PyAT for the ESRF
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
Daniele Sertore
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Author in Status of a low-energy electron TRAnsverse Momentum Measurement device (TRAMM) at INFN LASA
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Achromatic low energy merger for energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in Brixsino high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in High order mode analysis in energy recovery linac based on an energy budget model
- Co-author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
- Co-author in Photocathode activities at INFN LASA
- Co-author in Photocathodes for the electron sources at FLASH and European XFEL
Andrei Seryi
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Large-aperture high-field NB3SN magnets for the 2nd EIC interaction region
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
- Co-author in Status of the second interaction region design for Electron-Ion Collider
- Jan Seuntjens (University of Toronto)
- Francesco Sgarbossa (Univ. degli Studi di Padova)
Stefano Sgobba
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Nuaman Shafqat
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Fabrication, conditioning, installation and commissioning with the beam of the first High Gradient (HG) module for the FERMI linac upgrade
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Transverse deflecting cavities for short X-ray pulses at Elettra 2.0
Timur Shaftan
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Accurate prediction of mega-electron-volt electron beam properties from UED using machine learning
- Co-author in Complex bend prototype beamline design and commissioning
- Co-author in Linear optics compensation for the HEX superconducting wiggler at NSLS-II
- Co-author in Optimization of Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation toward coherent soft X-ray free-electron laser in current and future synchrotron light sources
- Ariel Shaked (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Seyd Hamed Shaker (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
- Robert Shalloo (John Adams Institute)
- Georgii Shamuilov (Uppsala University)
Mikhail Shandov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
Lei Shang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in A novel dual-channel kicker for the Hefei Advanced Light Facility
- Co-author in A nanosecond power supply for grid-controlled electron gun used in HALF
- Co-author in A nanosecond power supply for grid-controlled electron guns
- Co-author in Longitudinal impedance of nonlinear kicker for Hefei advanced light facility
Feng-lei Shang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in A novel dual-channel kicker for the Hefei Advanced Light Facility
- Co-author in A nanosecond power supply for grid-controlled electron gun used in HALF
- Co-author in A nanosecond power supply for grid-controlled electron guns
- Co-author in Longitudinal impedance of nonlinear kicker for Hefei advanced light facility
- Hairong Shang (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Rahul Shankar (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Jiahang Shao
(Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- Author in Design and Layout of TDS System for DALS-pre
- Author in Design of a parallel-feeding deflecting cavity with variable polarization
- Co-author in Bead-Pull of 0.2 THz Strucutre and Technical Issues
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
- ZhuoXia Shao (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Olga Shapoval (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Ralitsa Sharankova
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Time-drift aware RF optimization with machine learning techniques
- Co-author in Beam loss monitoring with fixed and translating scintillation detectors along the Fermilab drift-tube linac
- Co-author in Electron cloud measurements in Fermilab booster
- Co-author in Ion Beam Distribution in the FNAL LEBT
- Co-author in Measurement of beam energy in the Fermilab's Linac taken at the transfer line
- Co-author in Study of beam evolution along the Fermilab 400 MeV linac
- Geetanjali Sharma (Diamond Light Source)
- Annu Sharma (Kurukshetra University)
- Sushil Sharma (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Calum Sharp (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Emmy Sharples-Milne (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Dmitry Shatilov (Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Zach Shaw (Nevada National Security Site)
- Thomas Shea (European Spallation Source)
Suzanne Sheehy
(Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
- Author in Evaluation of a compact electron preinjector using a low beta acceptance X-band accelerating structure
- Co-author in A novel large energy acceptance beamline for hadron therapy
- Co-author in A Novel Large Energy Acceptance Beamline for Hadron Therapy
- Co-author in Commissioning of X-LAB: a very high-capacity X-band RF test stand facility at the University of Melbourne
- Co-author in Impacts of strongly curved magnetic multipoles on compact synchrotron dynamics
- Co-author in Nonlinear Dynamics of Scaling FFAs
- Co-author in Progress toward TURBO: a novel beam delivery system for charged particle therapy
- Co-author in Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
- Co-author in Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
Mahmoodi Sheida
(Universität Hamburg)
- Co-author in Seeding studies at FLASH
- Valery Shemelin (Cornell University)
Alexander Shemyakin
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in IOTA Proton Injector Beamline Installation
- Co-author in Two-photon undulator radiation
- Xiaofeng Shen (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
Yubing Shen
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Author in Stability analysis of double-harmonic cavity system in heavy beam loading with its feedback loops by a mathematical method based on Pedersen model
- Author in Stability analysis of double-harmonic cavity system in heavy beam loading with its feedback loops by a mathematical method based on Pedersen model
- Xiaozhe Shen (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Kyle Shen (Cornell University)
Ben Shepherd
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Design of a broadband modular permanent magnet electron energy spectrometer for FEBE
- Author in Design of an electron energy spectrometer and energy selector for laser-plasma driven beams at EPAC
- Co-author in Establishing a relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction & imaging (RUEDI) UK national facility
- Co-author in First test results of a short period superconducting helical undulator
- Co-author in Testing of a ZEPTO tuneable permanent magnet quadrupole at Diamond Light Source
- Areso Sherjan (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Xiaolei Shi
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in A pulser R&D for the HEPS booster bumper magnet
- Longbo Shi (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Haoyu Shi
(Insititute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Beam background study at BEPCII
- Author in Beam backgrounds at the CEPC
Hua Shi
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in A pulser R&D for the HEPS booster bumper magnet
- Co-author in CEPC damping ring design in TDR stage
Jiaru Shi
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Design of a parallel-feeding deflecting cavity with variable polarization
- Author in Design of an S-band buncher for KeV UED
- Author in Development of an ultrahigh dose rate radiation platform for X-ray FLASH radiotherapy research
- Author in X-band electron linear accelerator design for intraoperative radiotherapy
- Co-author in Compression of relativistic electron bunch train
- Co-author in Development of an X-band RF gun with four-feed coupler
- Co-author in Preliminary electron injector design for a steady-state microbunching light source
- Co-author in Ultrahigh vacuum S-band gun and advanced photocathode studies at Tsinghua University
- Lei Shi (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
Takanori Shibata
(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Co-author in Ionization of the muonium using the electron
- Co-author in Status of the laser manipulations of H- beam at J-PARC
- Tatsunobu Shibata (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
William Shields
(Royal Holloway University of London)
- Author in Progress on the conceptual design of the laser-hybrid accelerator for radiobiological applications (LhARA)
- Author in Start-to-end tracking of therapeutic ion beams in BDSIM
- Co-author in BDSIM v1.7.0 developments for the modelling of accelerators and their environment
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Vladimir Shiltsev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Chi Hyun Shim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Taihei Shimada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Miho Shimada (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hirotaka Shimizu (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Tetsushi Shimogawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Yoshito Shimosaki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Sang Yun Shin (Chung-Ang University)
Seunghwan Shin
(Korea University Sejong Campus)
- Author in Bead-Pull of 0.2 THz Strucutre and Technical Issues
- Author in Progress in Accelerator Research and Education at Korea University, Sejong
- Co-author in Arbitrary bunch shaping via wake potential tailoring
- Co-author in Beam Dynamics Optimization of an Electron Linac Using the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
- Co-author in Study of the ramping process for Korea-4GSR
- Co-author in Thermal Load Analysis and Benchmark Study for Beamline of Low Emittance Storage Ring
Taeksu Shin
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Design study of rebuncher system for KoBRA at RAON
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
- Bokkyun Shin (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
- Ryo Shinohara (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Satoshi Shinohara (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Shinichi Shinozaki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Keisuke SHIOHARA (Nagoya University)
- Mami Shiozawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Yoshihisa Shirakabe (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Masashi Shirakata (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Bradley Shirley (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Andrei Shishlo (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Siddhanth Shishodia (Lovely Professional University)
- Toshiyuki Shizuma (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Irma Shmidt (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Ilan Shmuely
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Yoshihiro Shobuda (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Jordan Shoemaker (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Asher Shor
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
Vladimir Shpakov
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Travis Shrey (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Patrick Shriwise (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Chin Shueh (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Muhammed Shumail (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Serhii Siaber (Cockcroft Institute)
- Bhagat-Taaj Sian (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Mirko Siano (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Saad Siddique (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Anatoly Sidorin
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
Krystian Sidorowski
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
René Sieber
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 vacuum components design
- Thomas Sieber (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Mathias Siebold (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Michal Sienkiewicz (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Sven Sievers (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Vincent Sigalo (SIGMAPHI S.A.)
Paolo Sigalotti
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
Matthew Signorelli
(Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Electron Polarization Preservation in the EIC
- Author in Electron polarization preservation in the EIC
- Author in Nonlinear coupling resonances in the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Interaction region effects on the EIC’s electron storage ring's dynamic aperture
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Davide Siliato (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Henrique Silva (European Spallation Source)
Gilles Jacopo Silvi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Numerical studies for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB plasma beam driven working point
- Co-author in On the Betatron radiation in cylindrically symmetric plasma-ion channels
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
Evgenya Simakov
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Design of the photocathode plug for the CARIE RF photoinjector
- Author in Update on the status of the C-band high gradient program at LANL
- Co-author in C-band photoinjector radiofrequency cavity design for enhanced beam generation
- Co-author in Effects of bulk material properties on RF surface resistivity
- Co-author in Emittance compensation in a high charge TOPGUN photoinjector
- Co-author in Future Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) Directions and Enabling R&D Studies
- Co-author in High-gradient accelerating structures for proton radiography booster linac
- Co-author in Modeling optical interference effects for optimization of electron emission properties from thin film semiconductor photocathodes
- Co-author in Multiscale material design of robust semiconductor photocathodes under strong fields
- Co-author in Optical optimization of Cs2Te photocathodes
- Co-author in Status of CARIE facility design and construction
- Co-author in Study of HOM couplers for the c-band accelerating structure
- Co-author in Study of nano-structured electron sources using photoemission electron microscope
- Co-author in Transport model and Monte-Carlo simulations for photoemission from thin film semiconductors under high fields
- Jure Simcic (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Guillaume Simon
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Damien Simon (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
Pascal Simon
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Haik Simon (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Christophe Simon-Boisson (THALES LAS France)
Alberto Simoncig
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
Giovanni Simonetti
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0 - the girder support design
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0: Activities in the experimental Hall
- Rebecca Simpson (Diversified Technologies (United States))
Rahul Singh
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in Investigation of micro spill in RF KO extraction using tailored excitation signals
- Author in Study on spill quality and transit times for slow extraction from SIS18
- Author in Study on spill quality and transit times for slow extraction from SIS18
- Co-author in Absolute charge measurements with pick-ups
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in SIS18 operation and recent development
- Beni Singh (Diamond Light Source)
- Theo Sinkovits (SAES RIAL Vacuum)
Harald Sinn
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Alexander Sinn (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Simon Sirca (University of Ljubljana)
- Stefano Sironi (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Ruta Sirvinskaite (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Leonardo Sito (University of Naples Federico II)
Kyrre Sjobak
(University of Oslo)
- Co-author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
- Co-author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Magnus Sjöström (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Matjaz Skabar (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia))
- Filip Skalka (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Tobias Skarhed (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
John Skaritka
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in High voltage DC gun using distributed Bragg reflector super lattice GaAs photocathode for EIC polarized electron sources
- Co-author in The design progress of a high charge, low energy spread polarized pre injector for electron ion collider
- Co-author in The high voltage DC gun design progress for EIC strong hadron cooling
- Marek Skiba (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Matevz Skobe (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Andrzej Skoczen (AGH University of Krakow)
Kyriacos Skoufaris
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in First design of a 10 TeV centre of mass energy muon collider
- Co-author in Derivation and interpretation of parameters describing betatron mismatch and chromaticity
- Co-author in Lattice and detector studies for the MDI of a 10 TeV muon collider
- Co-author in Neutrino generated radiation from a high energy muon collider
- Co-author in Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
- Co-author in Transverse impedance and beam stability studies for the muon collider ring
- Piotr Skowronski (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Andrius Slavickas (Lithuanian Energy Institute)
Hugo Slepicka
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in PyTao: the Python interface to Tao
Nigel Smale
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in Split-ring resonator experiments and data analysis at FLUTE
- Co-author in Status of the FLUTE RF system commissioning
Victor Smaluk
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Study of the combined effect of intrabeam scattering and impedance in a low-emittance ring
- Co-author in Accurate prediction of mega-electron-volt electron beam properties from UED using machine learning
- Co-author in Complex bend prototype beamline design and commissioning
- Co-author in Feasibility study of a hard x-ray FEL oscillator at 3 GeV based on harmonic lasing and transverse gradient undulator
- Co-author in First correction to elastic scattering of electrons for microscopy
- Co-author in Linear optics compensation for the HEX superconducting wiggler at NSLS-II
- Co-author in Nonlinear optics from hybrid dispersive orbits
- Co-author in Optimization of Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation toward coherent soft X-ray free-electron laser in current and future synchrotron light sources
John Smedley
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Low-emittance SRF photo-injector prototype cryomodule for the LCLS-II high-energy upgrade: design and fabrication
- Co-author in Modeling optical interference effects for optimization of electron emission properties from thin film semiconductor photocathodes
- Co-author in Ultra Thin $Cs_3Sb$ Photocathodes With Anomalously High Quantum Efficiency
- Co-author in Ultra thin Cs3Sb photocathodes with anomalously high quantum efficiency
- Alexander Smirnov (RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
Victor Smirnov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Henk Smit (Particle Therapy Research Center)
- Liam Smith (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Kevin Smith (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Matthew Smith (University of Liverpool)
- Samuel Smith (Cockcroft Institute)
- Robert Smith (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Karl Smolenski (Xelera Research (United States))
Edward Snedden
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Co-author in An introduction to the UK XFEL conceptual design and options analysis
- Co-author in Demonstration of an electro-optic spectral interferometry longitudinal profile monitor at Clara
- Co-author in Developing a Two-Colour All-Fibre Balanced Optical Cross-Correlator for Sub-Femtosecond Synchronisation
- Co-author in Developing a two-colour all-fibre balanced optical cross-correlator for sub-femtosecond synchronisation
- Co-author in Electron-bunch manipulation at 400GHz for compression, de-chirping, acceleration and synchronisation of femtosecond bunches.
- Co-author in Machine learning for laser pulse shaping
- Co-author in Stabilised timing links for the CLARA test facility
- Emma Snively (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Pavel Snopok
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in Rotational invariance and IBS in circular modes
- Co-author in The ionization profile monitors in the recycler ring
- Jochem Snuverink (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Joseph Snyder (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Raffaello Sobbia (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Martin Soderen
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Commissioning strategies of hollow electron lens residual kick compensation
- Co-author in Harmonics of 50 Hz on the beam spectrum of the Large Hadron Collider
- Co-author in Operation and New Capabilities of CERN's Digital LLRF Family for Injectors
- Younguk Sohn (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Eduardo Solano (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Pol Solans (ALBA Synchrotron Light Source)
- Mattia Soldani (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Patrick Sole
(Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
- Co-author in SEISM: 60 GHz ECR ion source for future accelerator
Nicolas Solenne
(Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
Matteo Solfaroli
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in 60° phase advance optics measurements in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in Machine protection perspective on the restart of the large hadron collider after long shutdown 2
- Co-author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
- Robert Soliday (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Nicola Solieri (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Santiago Solis Paiva
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Demonstration of non-local crystal shadowing at the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Development of bent crystal manipulation systems for beam collimation and extraction at CERN
- Co-author in LHC crystal collimation tests with 6.8 Z TeV Pb beams
- Co-author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
Yahel Solomon
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Nikolay Solyak (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yoon-Gyu Son (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Changwook Son
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in The RAON integrated control system
Ki Taek Son
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Co-author in HPRF SSPA System for RAON SRF cavities
- Co-author in RF preparation of QWR cavities for beam commissioning
- Chuangye Song (Tsinghua University)
- Minghao Song (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Wen Song
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in A novel dual-channel kicker for the Hefei Advanced Light Facility
- Author in Longitudinal impedance of nonlinear kicker for Hefei advanced light facility
- Co-author in A nanosecond power supply for grid-controlled electron gun used in HALF
- Co-author in A nanosecond power supply for grid-controlled electron guns
- Woojin Song (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
- Donghyun Song (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Young-Gi Song (Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex)
- Visitchai Sooksrimuang (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
Liam Soomary
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Co-author in Characterisation of a Cs-implanted Cu photocathode
Gino Sorbello
(University of Catania)
- Co-author in MeV-scale simulations and fabrication tests of woodpile-based waveguide for dielectric laser accelerators
- Co-author in RF design of a compact C-band RF pulse compressor for a VHEE linac for flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in Simulation of tapered co-propagating structures for dielectric laser accelerator
- Stefan Sorge (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Antonella Soriani (Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri)
- Stefano Sorti (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Marc Sos (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
- Salvador Sosa Guitron (University of New Mexico)
- V. Soskov (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Filippo Sottocorona
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Sensitivity studies of a seeded FEL operating at 2 nm
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
- Felix Soubelet (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- philippe soubirou (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
Thomas Souske
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
Matthew Southerby
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in Fast RF tracking functions
- Kouichi Soutome (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
- Giampietro Spada (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Simone Spampinati
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Damping ring and transfer lines of FCC-𝑒+𝑒− injector complex
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
- Jelena Spasic (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Michael Spata
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
Bruno Spataro
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A space charge forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in A Space Charge Forces analytical model for emittance compensation
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in Design and test of C-band linac prototypes for electron flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and mechanical tests of TIG-welded Ka-band accelerating structures for ultra-high gradient applications
- Co-author in RF design of a compact C-band RF pulse compressor for a VHEE linac for flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Bethany Spear (John Adams Institute)
- Arnd Specka (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet)
Jonathan Speed
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Co-author in Design of an electrostatic chopper for the new ISIS MEBT
- Co-author in FFA magnet prototype for high intensity pulsed proton driver
- Co-author in Status of the H- pre-injector test stand at ISIS
- Carlo Spezzani (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Arthur Spierer
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in An improved procedure for energy matching between PS and SPS at CERN
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in SPS bunch-by-bunch phase measurement in the CERn SPS low level RF
- Co-author in SPS fixed target spill quality improvements in the longitudinal plane
- Co-author in The CERN SPS Low Level RF feedback with amplitude and frequency modulation
- Co-author in The CERN SPS Low Level RF: embedded acquisition system for the Cavity-Controller and Beam-Control commissioning and diagnostics
Sean Spillane
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
Peter Spiller
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in Technological features and status of the new heavy ions synchrotron SIS100 at FAIR
- Co-author in Analysis of losses and protection of the electrostatic septum anode wires in SIS18
- Co-author in Cryogenic surfaces in a room temperature SIS18 ion catcher
- Co-author in FAIR completion of construction works, towards commissioning and first science
- Co-author in Laser cooling taken to the extreme: cold relativistic intense beams of highly-charged heavy ions
- Co-author in Room temperature vacuum chamber with cryogenic installations
- Co-author in SIS18 operation and recent development
- Co-author in Status of SIS100 slow extraction design including effects of measured magnetic field errors
- Co-author in Status of the electron lens for space charge compensation in SIS18
- Co-author in Superconducting magnets for SIS100 at FAIR – status update
- Rajesh Sreedharan (Synchrotron soleil)
Blae Stacey
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in A Compact Dielectric Grating-Based Charged Particle Bunch Length Diagnostic Device at ARES
- Author in A compact dielectric grating-based charged particle bunch length diagnostic device at ARES
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
Tobias Stadlbauer
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Design of a new CERN SPS injection system via numerical optimisation
- Co-author in New pulse forming line and transmission cables for the CERN PS booster extraction and transfer kickers
- Co-author in Operational experience of a low beam coupling impedance injection kicker magnet for the CERN SPS ring
Jens Stadlmann
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in SIS18 operation and recent development
- Andrzej Stafiniak (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Jonathan Stampe (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
Giulio Stancari
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the low energy electron gun test stand at the University of Chicago
- Co-author in Experimental 4D tracking of a single electron in IOTA
- Co-author in Improved measurements of nonlinear integrable optics at IOTA
- Co-author in Incoherent dynamics of intense proton beams under electron cooling
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Co-author in Thermionic Sources for electron cooling at IOTA
- Co-author in Thermionic sources for electron cooling at IOTA
- Co-author in Two-photon undulator radiation
- Dylan Standen (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Marcel Stanitzki
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Gediminas Stank¿nas (Lithuanian Energy Institute)
- John Stanton (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Daniel Stanton
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in AI-ML developments for Heavy Ion Linac operations
- Co-author in Automated Faraday cup readings at ATLAS
Steinar Stapnes
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Sustainability studies for future linear colliders
- Valeriia Starovoitova (International Atomic Energy Agency)
- Rolf Stassen (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Marcin Staszczak
(National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Magnetic lattice of PolFEL linac
Marco Statera
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in IRIS - the Italian research infrastructure on Applied Superconductivity for Particle Accelerators and Societal Applications
- Co-author in Magnetic-field measurements and preliminary modelling for the operation of the high-order corrector magnets for HL-LHC
- Co-author in Magnets for a muon collider
Alessandro Stecchi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Bernd Stechauner (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jens Steckert (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Lea Steder (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Christoph Steier (Advanced Light Source)
- Hannes Stein (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
Adam Steinberg
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in A Novel Large Energy Acceptance Beamline for Hadron Therapy
- Author in A novel large energy acceptance beamline for hadron therapy
- Author in Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
- Co-author in Progress toward TURBO: a novel beam delivery system for charged particle therapy
- Co-author in Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
- René Steinbrügge (Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum)
- Ralph Steinhagen (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Nicolai Steinhau-Kuehl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Johannes Steinmann
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in A low-latency feedback system for the control of horizontal betatron oscillations
- Co-author in Application of three families of sextupoles at the KARA ring of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Co-author in Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
- Co-author in Enhancing the sensitivity of the electro-optical far-field experiment for measuring CSR at KARA
- Co-author in First two-bunch measurements using the electro-optical near-field monitor at KARA
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Systematic study of longitudinal excitations to influence the microbunching instability at KARA
- Co-author in Towards fiber optics-guided synchrotron radiation-based longitudinal beam diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
- Co-author in Turn-by-turn measurements of the energy spread at negative momentum compaction factor at KARA
- Angelo Stella (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- William Stem (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Timo Stengler (Institut für Kernphysik)
Gavin Stenning
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Co-author in V3Si Thin Films for SRF Applications
Frank Stephan
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in An beam line setup for flash radiation therapy with focused electron beams at the Pitz facility at DESY in Zeuthen: basic concept and dosimetry simulations
- Co-author in Electron beam test facilities for novel applications
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of an electron beam for magnetic bunch compressor commissioning at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Photocathode activities at INFN LASA
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
David Stephan
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A new NEG coating setup with travelling thin solenoids for the SLS 2.0 complex vacuum chambers
- Co-author in Machine impedance calculation and impedance optimization of vacuum components in SLS 2.0
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 storage ring components overview before installation
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 vacuum components design
- Lukas Stepien (Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology)
Guido Sterbini
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Modelling the experimental data for long-range beam-beam wire compensators at the CERN LHC with diffusive models
- Author in Potential and constraints of a beam-beam wire compensator in the HL-LHC era
- Co-author in Analytic calculations of RDT and detuning generated by beam-beam collisions and wire correctors
- Co-author in Beam-beam long range compensator mechanical demonstrator
- Co-author in Beam-beam long-range wire compensators in LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the first run of High Luminosity LHC
- Co-author in Harmonics of 50 Hz on the beam spectrum of the Large Hadron Collider
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in Impact of Crab Cavity RF noise on the transverse beam profiles in the HL-LHC
Vasiliki Stergiou
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- James Stevens (Argonne National Laboratory)
Sebastien Steydli
(Sorbonne Université)
- Co-author in Latest PANTECHNIK’s ECR ion sources performances
- David Stickland (Princeton University)
- Andreas Stierle (Universität Hamburg)
- Neil Stilin (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Lukas Stingelin (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Rachel Stitt
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
Fabrizio Stivanello
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Nb3Sn on Cu Coating By Magnetron Sputtering From Target Synthesized via Liquid Tin Diffusion
- Co-author in Progress of application and surface enhancement by Plasma Electrolytic Polishing as a new treatment for SRF substrates and accelerator components preparation
- Co-author in Upgrade of the heavy ion accelerator complex at INFN-LNL
- Jason St. John (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Achille Stocchi
(Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Co-author in Magnetic Design of the Commutational Magnet and Quadrupoles for PERLE Accelerator
- Co-author in Magnetic design of the commutational magnet and quadrupoles for PERLE accelerator
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
Marc-Hervé Stodel
(Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Co-author in Superconducting multipole triplet field measurements
- Thomas Stoehlker (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Ronny Stolz (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology)
- Thierry Stora (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- James Storey (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Douglas Storey
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Simulating Beam-Beam Collisions in Linear Colliders Using Particle-in-Cell Methods
- Author in Status and first results from FACET-II towards the demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, coherent radiation generation, and probing strong-field QED
- Author in Wakefield Acceleration in Structured Solids : E336 Experiment at FACET-II
Serena Strabioli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Xavier Stragier (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
- Ivan Strasik (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Diktys Stratakis (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Thomas Strauss
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Branislav Streicher (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Oliver Stringer
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Co-author in Development and testing of quantum gas jet beam profile scanner
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Jan Strube (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- Grzegorz Strzelecki (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- David Stuart (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Alexander Stuhl (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Frank Stulle (Bergoz Instrumentation (France))
Florian Stummer
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
Gennady Stupakov
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in DFCSR: A Fast Calculation of 2D/3D Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in Relativistic Beams
- Co-author in Inferring nonlinear phase space from spectral correlations in free-electron laser radiation
- Co-author in Noise in intense electron bunches
Luca Sturari
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Dinghui Su (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Jinliu Su (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Chunguang Su (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Alban Sublet (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Nicholas Sudar (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
- Porntip Sudmuang (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
Yuki Sue
(Nagoya University)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
- Edoardo Suerra (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Yusuke Suetsugu
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Observation of sudden beam loss in SuperKEKB
- Garret Sugarbaker (RadiaSoft (United States))
- Takuya Sugimoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Masayoshi Sugimoto (Nippon Advanced Technology Co., Ltd.)
- Kei Sugita (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Moe Sugita
(Ibaraki University)
- Co-author in New SiC kicker power supply for J-PARC
Yasuyuki Sugiyama
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Estimation of the anode power supply current of the J-PARC MR RF system for 1.36 s cycle operation
- Co-author in Improvement of the longitudinal phase space tomography at the J-PARC synchrotrons
- Co-author in Irradiation tests of a cavity core material and GaN devices in J-PARC Main Ring
- Co-author in Vacuum tube operation analysis under a positive grid biasing in J-PARC RCS
Hyung Suh
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Dipole quadrupole magnet design for Korea-4GSR
- Co-author in Prototype girder systems for Korea 4GSR
- Co-author in Simulation studies for attosecond soft X-ray FEL pulse generation at PAL-XFEL
- Co-author in Status of magnet systems for Korea 4GSR
YoungJin Suh
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Prototype girder systems for Korea 4GSR
- Yanfeng Sui (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Minas Sukiasyan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
Waheedullah Sulaiman Khail
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Status of online model developments for BESSY II
- Co-author in Describing curved magnetic fields
- Co-author in Progress on Thor SCSI development
- Miroslav Sulc (Technical University of Liberec)
- Riad Suleiman (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Michael Sullivan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Kazumichi Sumi
(Nagoya University)
- Author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Construction and beam commissioning of the GeV-range test beamline at KEK PF-AR
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Marco Sumini (Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale)
- Maciej Suminski (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Bao-gen Sun (University of Science and Technology of China)
Jitao Sun
(Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Author in Commissioning of the S-band RF Transverse Deflecting Cavity at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Commissioning Results of Phase Shifters at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Longitudinal Feedback System for Suppression of FEL Lasing Drift at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Multi-bunch operation mode for simultaneously serving SASE and seeding FEL beamlines
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
Liangting Sun
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Design of a 10.156 MHz pre-buncher for a heavy ion RFQ
- Author in Design of a 10.156 MHz Pre-buncher for a heavy ion RFQ
- Author in Development of a spin filter polarimeter for polarization measurement of pulsed H+/D+ ion beam at IMP
- Author in Development of a Spin Filter Polarimeter for Polarization Measurement of Pulsed H+/D+ Ion Beams at IMP
- Author in Development of polarized H and D atomic beam source at IMP
- Co-author in Design of a CW RFQ as axial injector of high intensity cyclotron
Hao Sun
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Author in High-gain free-electron laser with orbital angular momentum seeded by an x-ray regenerative amplifier
- Co-author in A modified round to flat beam transformation lattice for angular dispersion induced microbunching technique
- Co-author in Feasibility verification of ultrafast FEL generation experimental scheme based on SXFEL
- Co-author in Recent progress of THz source at the SXFEL
- Zhen-Biao Sun (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- Xianjing Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Yine Sun (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Jilei Sun (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- XianJing Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Liepeng Sun (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Kunxiang sun
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Design of the gradient dipole magnet for LLICTF
- Co-author in Design of the Gradient Dipole Magnet for LLICTF
- Yipeng Sun (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Tian Hao Sun (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Changchun Sun (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Ezgi Sunar (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Anders Sunesson (European Spallation Source)
- Chang-Kyu Sung (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
- Prapaiwan Sunwong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Natthawut Suradet (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
- Kenneth Surles-Law (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Vincenzo Surrenti (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- Rainer Susen (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Gian Antonio Susto (Univ. degli Studi di Padova)
- Andrew Sutherland (University of Strathclyde)
- David Sutter (University of Maryland, College Park)
- Ronaldus Suykerbuyk (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Michele Svandrlik (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Robin Svärd (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Fredrik Svensson (European Spallation Source)
Linus Svensson
(European Spallation Source)
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
Anders Svensson
(European Spallation Source)
- Author in Application of High Precision RF Measurement for ESS Cavities
- Co-author in Calibration of LLRF Systems at ESS
- Co-author in Overview and status of ESS RF systems
- Co-author in Results of the elliptical cryomodule qualification at the ESS TS2
- Josef Svoboda (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Catherine Swain
(University of Liverpool)
- Author in Synchrotron radiation simulations for the development of a coherent synchrotron radiation bunch length monitor
- Co-author in Characterisation and analysis of supersonic gas jets using interferometric measurement methods
- Co-author in Optical pepper-pots: developing single-shot emittance diagnostics
- Christine Sweeney (University of New Mexico)
- Jacek Swierblewski (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Michael Switka (University of Bonn)
- Ann Sy (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Amy Sy (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Daniel Symes (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Michael Syphers
(Michael J Syphers)
- Author in Compact Carbon Ion Therapy Gantry Design
- Igor Syratchev (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Evgeny Syresin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Author in A feasibility study into the Quasi-Frozen Spin regime of operation of the NICA storage ring
- Author in ByPass optics design in NICA storage ring for experiment with polarized beams for EDM search
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Co-author in The effect of spin oscillations in a ring with a quasi-frozen spin and its influence on the procedure for searching for the deuteron EDM
Alexei Sytov
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in New Geant4 Simulation Model of Electromagnetic Processes in Oriented Crystals and its Applications in Accelerator Physics
- Author in The Design of the Electron and Positron Source for CERN External Beam Lines
- Author in Wakefield Acceleration in Structured Solids : E336 Experiment at FACET-II
- Co-author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Techniques for fabrication of crystalline undulators as an innovative intense source of 𝛾-rays
- Sebastian Szustkowski (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Christophe Szwaj (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules)
- Piotr Szwangruber (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Anna Szwangruber (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Krzysztof Szymanski (University of Bialystok)
- Levan Tabatadze (European Spallation Source)
- Peter Taborek (University of California, Irvine)
- Mauro Taborelli (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Tonci Tadic (Rudjer Boskovic Institute)
- Azar Tafrihi (sepideh)
- Nikki Tagdulang (ALBA Synchrotron Light Source)
- Joseph Tagg (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Angelo Taibi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Yoshitaka Taira (UVSOR Facility)
- Toshi Tajima (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Tsuyoshi Tajima (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Hiroki Tajino (Hiroshima University)
- Yuichi Takabayashi (Saga Synchrotron Light Source)
- Christopher Takacs (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Naoki Takada (Waseda University)
- Tohru Takahashi (Hiroshima University)
- Takeshi Takahashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hiroki Takahashi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Ryota Takai (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hiroyuki Takaki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Koki Takamatsu (Kyushu University)
- Shiro Takano (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Junpei Takano (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Masaru Takao (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Yoshifumi Takashima (Aichi Synchrotron Radiation Center)
- Ken Takayama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Tomohiro Takayanagi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Yasuhiro Takemura (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
Yusuke Takeuchi
(Kyushu University)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
- Yaser Takzare (European Spallation Source)
- Vadim Talanov (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Claire Talbott (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Yegor Tamashevich
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Commissioning of SupraLab: SRF cavity processing and testing facility at HZB
- Co-author in Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab
- Co-author in Electrodeposition of copper on Niobium for cryocooler application
- Co-author in Experimental and simulated dark current and beam loss studies for a SRF photo-injector of an ERL injector
- Matteo Tamburini (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
Noam Tamim
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Melissa Tamisari (University of Ferrara)
Fumihiko Tamura
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Co-author in Estimation of the anode power supply current of the J-PARC MR RF system for 1.36 s cycle operation
- Co-author in High intensity beam operation of J-PARC RCS with minimum beam loss
- Co-author in Improvement of the longitudinal phase space tomography at the J-PARC synchrotrons
- Co-author in Irradiation tests of a cavity core material and GaN devices in J-PARC Main Ring
- Co-author in Vacuum tube operation analysis under a positive grid biasing in J-PARC RCS
- Kazuhiro Tamura (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Jun Tamura (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Teng Tan
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Study on the Laser Treatment of Nb Thin Films on Copper Substrate with a kW nanosecond fiber laser
- Co-author in Study on the laser treatment of NB and Nb3Sn thin films on copper substrate with a kW nanosecond fiber laser
- Co-author in The optimization of the bronze-method Nb3Sn coatings on Cu substrates
Jianhao Tan
(Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Bimodal design of 500 MHz and 1.5 GHz normal conducting RF cavity for advanced synchrotron radiation facilities
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and cold-test of an x-band accelerating structure for linearizer
- Co-author in High-power experiment of a C-band photocathode gun
- Co-author in Low-level radio-frequency system integrated with feed-forward control and vector modulation
Cheng-Yang Tan
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Electron cloud measurements in Fermilab booster
- ChengJun Tan (Tsinghua University)
- Jocelyn Tan (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Yuemei Tan (Tsinghua University)
- Jiajie Tan (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Yaw-Ren Tan (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
- Toshiya Tanabe (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Olga Tanaka
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Beam dynamics study of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Current Status of Beam Operation at Compact ERL toward Free-Electron Laser with CW Mode
- Co-author in EUV-FEL light source for future lithography
- Kotaro Tanaka (Kyoto University)
Hitoshi Tanaka
(RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
- Author in Green-oriented upgrade of accelerator complex at the SPring-8 campus
- Co-author in A novel method to suppress the emittance variation in extremely low emittance light source storage rings
- Co-author in Bunch Cleaning in a Multi-GeV Electron Storage Ring for High Bunch Purity Operations
- Co-author in Elongation of LED lighting lifetime under X-ray dominant radiation environment
- Co-author in High precision digital control magnet power supplies
- Co-author in High-power tests of the compactly HOM-damped TM020-cavities for a next generation light source
- Co-author in Novel iron lamination for fast kicker magnets with high flux density
- Co-author in Work function measurement by means of photoelectron yield spectroscopy using a tunable pulsed laser to investigate short lifetime of the CeB6 thermionic cathode at SACLA
- Shinichiro Tanaka (SPring-8 Service Co. Ltd.)
Naoki Tanaka
(Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co., Ltd)
- Co-author in SuperKEKB Personnel Protection System
Mikio Tanaka
(Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co., Ltd)
- Co-author in SuperKEKB Personnel Protection System
Chuanxiang Tang
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in A high brightness electron beam research and application beamline at Tsinghua University
- Co-author in Cavity mirror development for optical enhancement cavity of steady-state microbunching light source
- Co-author in Generalized longitudinal strong focusing in a storage ring for coherent EUV radiation
- Co-author in Preliminary electron injector design for a steady-state microbunching light source
- Co-author in Thermal and structural analyses of a VHF gun at Tsinghua University
- Co-author in Ultrahigh vacuum S-band gun and advanced photocathode studies at Tsinghua University
- Jingyu Tang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Jingyi Tang (Stanford University)
- Yu Tang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yungai Tang (University of Science and Technology of China)
Qi Tang
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Symplectic neural surrogate models for beam dynamics
- Takanori Tanikawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Yasunori Tanimoto
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in EUV-FEL light source for future lithography
- Tsutomu Taniuchi (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
Sami Tantawi
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Distributed coupling linac for efficient acceleration of high charge electron bunches
- Co-author in Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider
- Co-author in Compact High Power RF Sources for Integrated Linear Accelerator Systems
- Co-author in Effects of bulk material properties on RF surface resistivity
- Co-author in Temperature stability in CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG)
- Co-author in The need for Nb3Sn coated Cu cavities for future accelerators
- Kai Tao (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Dmytro Tarasov (National Science Centre)
- Hamed Tarawneh (MAX IV Laboratory)
- David Tarazona (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Roxana Tarkeshian (European Spallation Source)
- Olli Tarvainen (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Kelin Tasca
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
- Sheroy Tata (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Dragos Tatulea (Nvidia (United States))
- Keihan Tavakoli (Synchrotron soleil)
Daniel Tavares
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
Pedro Tavares
(University of Lund )
- Author in A report on a lower emittance lattice at MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring
- Author in First results of the multipole injection kicker in the MAX IV 1.5 GeV ring
- Co-author in HOM dampers design for the MAX IV 100 MHz RF cavities
- Co-author in Time-resolved measurement and simulation of a longitudinal single-bunch instability at the MAX IV 3 GeV ring
- Laurent Tavian (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Masafumi Tawada (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Rebecca Taylor
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
- Author in Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
- Author in Slow extraction with octupoles at CERN proton synchrotron to improve extraction efficiency
- Co-author in Conceptual design of a compact synchrotron-based facility for cancer therapy and biomedical research with helium and proton beams
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Charles Taylor (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Kelyan Taylor (Institute for Modeling Plasma, Atmospheres, and Cosmic Dust)
- Geoffrey Taylor (The University of Melbourne)
- Nicholas Taylor (Xelera Research (United States))
Jochen Teichert
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Co-author in Experimental investigations and Simulations of Dark Current in ELBE SRF gun-II
- Co-author in Impact of Surface Cleaning on the Quantum Efficiency of Mg Photocathodes
- Co-author in Low-emittance SRF photo-injector prototype cryomodule for the LCLS-II high-energy upgrade: design and fabrication
- Rui Teixeira (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
Shan-You Teng
(National Central Univeristy)
- Author in Calculation for a compact laser plasma undulator beamline based on the experimental beam parameters at NCU
- Author in Calculation for a compact laser plasma undulator beamline based on the experimental electron parameters at NCU
- Co-author in Properties of superradiant spontaneous THz undulator radiation by an RF compressed electron beam
Steven Tepikian
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Natsu Teramura (Kobe University)
- Rachel Terheide (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Marcin Terka
(National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Bunch length measurement based on Cherenkov radiation spectrum at PolFEL
- Co-author in Magnetic lattice of PolFEL linac
Francesco Terranova
(University of Milano-Bicocca)
- Co-author in The ESSvSB+ project
Shinji Terui
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Observation of sudden beam loss in SuperKEKB
Nobuhiro Terunuma
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Digital LLRF feedbacks development, implementation and test at KEK LUCX facility
- Co-author in KEK LUCX facility new FPGA based LLRF phase and amplitude feedback performance report
- Co-author in Study on a self-resonating optical cavity for high-brightness Laser-Compton Scattering X-ray sources
Davide Terzani
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Plasma-accelerator-based linear beam cooling systems
Balsa Terzic
(Old Dominion University)
- Author in Scattered spectra from inverse Compton sources operating at high laser fields and high electron energies
- Author in Simulations of Radiation Reaction in Inverse Compton Sources
- Co-author in Numerical simulations of radiation reaction using Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac formalism
- Co-author in Simulations of radiation reaction in inverse Compton scattering
Robin Tesse
(Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Author in Gantry design using achromatic scaling fixed-field magnets
- Co-author in BDSIM v1.7.0 developments for the modelling of accelerators and their environment
- Co-author in Conceptual lattice design for vertical fixed field medical accelerators
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for vertical fixed field accelerators
- Co-author in Dynamic Aperture Studies for Vertical Fixed Field Accelerators
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- Co-author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- Emanuel Thaller (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Roberto Than (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Cedric Thaury (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée)
- Nicolas Thaus (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Matthias Thede
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Cross-talk between magnets in the H6BA-cell of PETRA IV
- Co-author in Status of the PETRA IV electromagnets
Maxence Thévenet
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Achieving competitive overall energy-transfer efficiency in a plasma accelerator
- Author in FLASHForward: experimental progress towards an idealised plasma-based energy booster
- Co-author in Efficient simulation of multistage plasma accelerators
- Co-author in Modeling of Plasma Accelerators with the Exascale Code WarpX
- Co-author in Status of hydrodynamic simulations of a tapered plasma lens for optical matching at the ILC e+ source
- Jan-Hendrik Thie (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Peter Thieberger (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Seiji Thielk
(RadiaBeam Technologies (United States))
- Author in Evaluation of low-loss alumina material for high-power RF windows
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design of 402 MHz Normal Conducting Coaxial Window for SNS Facility
- Co-author in Engineering, Manufacturing and Validation of Microwave Thermionic Electron Gun for Advanced Photon Source Upgrade*
- Michael Thielmann (TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH)
Katrin Thoma
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Author in Improvement of beam transport in high energy transfer lines using Gabor-lenses
- Author in Mutual interaction of 2m long electron plasma ensembles with an ion beam in MeV range
- Co-author in Focusing of highly charged ion beams using Gabor-lenses
- Co-author in Simulation Studies of the Particle Dynamic in Beam: Internal Target and Beam-Beam Interactions in the Figure-8 Storage Ring(F8SR)
- Co-author in Status of the electron lens for space charge compensation in SIS18
- Cyrille Thomas (European Spallation Source)
- Jean Charles Thomas (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Leonardo Thome (University of Bonn)
Neil Thompson
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in High gradient hybrid halbach quadrupoles with a novel 3-Bit gradient tuning system
- Author in Taper-enhanced high-brightness SASE for stable temporally coherent HXR FEL pulses
- Co-author in An introduction to the UK XFEL conceptual design and options analysis
- Co-author in First test results of a short period superconducting helical undulator
- Co-author in Investigation of attosecond pulse generation schemes for UK XFEL
- Co-author in Recent experimental results from the dielectric wakefield acceleration program at CLARA facility
- Trent Thompson (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Stefan Thomsen
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Damage experiment with superconducting sample coils - experimental setup and observations during beam impact
- Co-author in Damage Experiment with Superconducting Sample Coils - Experimental Setup and Observations during Beam Impact
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Pierre-Alexandre Thonet (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Serge Thoraud
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Co-author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Sara Thorin (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Remington Thornton (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Thomas Thuillier (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
Randy Thurman-Keup
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Noise in intense electron bunches
Saike Tian
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Residual Gas Lifetime in the HEPS Storage Ring
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Four-rows APPLE-Knot undulator on HEPS
- Co-author in Impedance measurements of key elements in the HEPS
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Co-author in Sorting of sextupole and octupole magnets in the HEPS storage ring
- Yuke Tian (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Kai Tian (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yuhuan Tian (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Zoltan Tibai (University of Pecs)
- Rudolf Tiede (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Henrik Tiessen (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Victor Tikhomirov
(Belarusian Russian University)
- Co-author in New Geant4 Simulation Model of Electromagnetic Processes in Oriented Crystals and its Applications in Accelerator Physics
- Co-author in Study and optimization of an hybrid crystal-based positron source for the FCC-ee
- Co-author in The Design of the Electron and Positron Source for CERN External Beam Lines
- Helga Timko (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Marc Timmins (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Markus Tischer (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Maxim Titov (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique)
- Malte Titze (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Ganesh Tiwari (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Makoto Tobiyama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
George Toby
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in Multipacting analysis of the SNS drift tube linac (DTL) RF vacuum window using Spark3d
- Co-author in Conceptual frequency analysis-based predictive maintenance
- Co-author in High Power Radiofrequency Operation of the Radiofrequency Quadrupoles in the Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in RF Tuning for the SNS LINAC RFQ
- Simone Tocci (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Jean-Philippe Tock
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in PLAN - from LS2 to RUN3-LS3 and outcomes from the first RUN3-LS3 PLAN exercise
- Co-author in Scheduling tools development to manage CERN accelerators programmed stops and facilities installations
- Robert Todd (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Ezio Todesco
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in 60° phase advance optics measurements in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
- Author in Combined-function optics for the lattice of the CERN hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider ring
- Author in Optimizing the filling factor in high energy colliders
- Co-author in Magnetic-field measurements and preliminary modelling for the operation of the high-order corrector magnets for HL-LHC
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
Kazuaki Togawa
(RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
- Author in Lifetime improvement of the CeB6 thermionic cathode at the X-ray free-electron laser facility SACLA by avoiding backward-accelerated electrons
- Co-author in Work function measurement by means of photoelectron yield spectroscopy using a tunable pulsed laser to investigate short lifetime of the CeB6 thermionic cathode at SACLA
- Manabu Togawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Benjaminas Togobickij (Lithuanian Energy Institute)
Matti Toivola
(California Polytechnic State University)
- Co-author in EIC crab cavity LLRF specifications
Akira Tokuchi
(Pulsed Power Japan Laboratory Ltd.)
- Co-author in New SiC kicker power supply for J-PARC
Tamer Tolba
(Universität Hamburg)
- Author in The ESSvSB+ project
- Raimund Tölle (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Calum Tollervey (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Takato Tomai (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
Rogelio Tomas
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in 60° phase advance optics measurements in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
- Author in Impact of two-dimensional decoherence on the measurement of resonance driving terms
- Author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in CLIC BDS 7 TeV design
- Co-author in Design of CLIC beam delivery system at 7 TeV
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the first run of High Luminosity LHC
- Co-author in Exploring FCC-ee optics designs with combined function magnets
- Co-author in First measurement of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Co-author in First measurements of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Co-author in High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
- Co-author in Impact of dipole quadrupolar errors in FCC-ee
- Co-author in Insertion Region Optics Correction Strategies for FCC-ee
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Co-author in MAD-NG for final focus design
- Co-author in Measurement and modelling of decapole errors in the LHC from beam-based studies
- Co-author in Prospect of operating with limited skew quadrupole corrector availability in the LHC interaction regions
- Co-author in Simulating Tilted Solenoids
- Co-author in Status of the beam-based measurement of the skew-sextupolar component of the radio frequency field of a HL-LHC-type crab-cavity
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Updates on Accelerator Code Comparison Studies
Sergey Tomin
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Wakefield energy losses in the undulator section of the European XFEL
- Co-author in Bayesian Optimization for SASE Tuning at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Machine learning for combined scalar and spectral longitudinal phase space reconstruction
- Co-author in Slice energy spread measurements in the european XFEL injector
- Masahito Tomizawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Davide Tommasini (CERN)
- Hiromu Tongu (Kyoto University)
- Athanasios Topaloudis (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Max Topp-Mugglestone
(John Adams Institute)
- Author in Nonlinear Dynamics of Scaling FFAs
- Luca Torassa (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Marie-Agnès Tordeux
(Synchrotron soleil)
- Author in Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
- Co-author in Pulsed Magnets and Power Supplies for Injection & Extraction in the SOLEIL II Project
- Co-author in Resistive-wall instability evaluation along the ramp in the SOLEIL II booster
- Co-author in SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project
- Co-author in Status of the SOLEIL II robustness studies
- Co-author in TDR baseline lattice for SOLEIL II upgrade project
Toms Torims
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Development and Tests of a Full-Size Additive Manufactured Radio Frequency Quadrupole Module
- Co-author in Comparison of 352 MHz LINAC structures for injection into an ion therapy accelerator
- Co-author in Comparison of 352 MHz LINAC structures for injection into an ion therapy accelerator
- Co-author in Conceptual design of a compact synchrotron-based facility for cancer therapy and biomedical research with helium and proton beams
- Co-author in Evaluation of green laser source additive manufacturing technology for accelerator applications with ultra-high vacuum requirements
- Co-author in Initial high electric field – vacuum arc breakdown test results for additively manufactured pure copper electrodes
- Laura Torino (ALBA Synchrotron (Spain))
Claudio Torregrosa
(Universidad de Granada)
- Co-author in Configuration and engineering integration in the IFMIF-DONES project
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) prototype for the IFMIF-DONES linear accelerator
- Co-author in Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) Prototype for the IFMIF-DONES Linear Accelerator
- Co-author in The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
- Alberto Torresin (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Phillip Torrez (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Verardo Torri (Universita' degli Studi di Milano e INFN)
Giuseppe Torrisi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in RF design of a compact C-band RF pulse compressor for a VHEE linac for flash radiotherapy
- Author in Simulation of tapered co-propagating structures for dielectric laser accelerator
- Co-author in Metallic neutral vapours diffusion in electron cyclotron resonance ion sources : fluid dynamics and particle tracing simulations
- Co-author in MeV-scale simulations and fabrication tests of woodpile-based waveguide for dielectric laser accelerators
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
Maxime Toscan du Plantier
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- György Tóth (MTA-PTE High-Field Terahertz Research Group)
- Etienne Touzain (Bergoz Instrumentation (France))
- Takeshi Toyama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Emmanouil Trachanas (European Spallation Source)
- Piotr Tracz (Horia Hulubei National Institute for R and D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
Georges Trad
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in CERN’s beam instrumentation R&D study for FCC-ee
- Co-author in Review of CERN beam instrumentation for fixed target experiments
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
- Co-author in Two-dimensional electron beam size measurements with X-ray Heterodyne Near Field Speckles
- Anthony Tran (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Larry Tran (ibss Group Inc)
- Hoang Tran (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Gerard Tranquille (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Mark Transtrum (Brigham Young University)
Emil Traykov
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
- Author in Beam dynamics in the NEWGAIN project at GANIL-SPIRAL2
- Author in Double achromat solution with a dedicated collimation system for the MEBT-3 section of MYRRHA
- Author in Production of short-lived neutron-rich beams for hadron therapy
- Co-author in Beam loss monitoring through emittance growth control and feedback with design
- Co-author in Detailed design studies of the high energy beam transport line of the Minerva Project at SCK CEN
Dejan Trbojevic
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
- Co-author in Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
- Co-author in Proton and electron RLA optics design
- Co-author in Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
- Andrei Trebushinin (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Yoann trehudic (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds)
- Rolf Treusch (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Natalia Triantafyllou (University of Liverpool)
- Emiliano Trinca (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energie e l'Ambiente)
- Trang Trinh (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
- Francesco Tripaldi (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Sumit Tripathi
(Diamond Light Source)
- Co-author in An in-vacuum measurement system for CPMUs at Diamond Light Source
- Co-author in CPMU development at diamond light source
- Ambuj Tripathi (Inter-University Accelerator Centre)
- Sridhar Tripathy (Crocker Nuclear Lab)
- Daniel Trompetter (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
- Anton Tropp (Diamond Light Source)
- Sergiy Trotsenko (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Mauro Trovo
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Coherent free-electron laser light with circular polarization at Fe L edge
- Co-author in Fabrication, conditioning, installation and commissioning with the beam of the first High Gradient (HG) module for the FERMI linac upgrade
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces
Pavlina Trubacova
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam-induced heating mitigation of the SPS kickers: a crucial upgrade to move towards HL-LHC beam intensities
- Co-author in Characterization of the longitudinal beam coupling impedance and mitigation strategy for the fast extraction kicker KFA79 in the CERN PS
- Co-author in Design of a new CERN SPS injection system via numerical optimisation
- Co-author in New pulse forming line and transmission cables for the CERN PS booster extraction and transfer kickers
- Co-author in Operational experience of a low beam coupling impedance injection kicker magnet for the CERN SPS ring
Grigoriy Trubnikov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Cheng-Ying Tsai (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Andranik Tsakanian (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Tse-Chuan Tseng (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Kyoungho Tshoo
(Institute for Basic Science)
- Author in Design study of rebuncher system for KoBRA at RAON
- Author in Fast neutron TOF facility at RAON
- Nicholaos Tsoupas (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Kimichika Tsuchiya
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in EUV-FEL light source for future lithography
- Matthew Tucker (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Joseph Tuozzolo (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Dale Tupa (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Katarzyna Turaj (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jessica Turco (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Gorkem Turemen (Türkiye Enerji Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu)
- Szabolcs Turnár (University of Pecs)
Dennis Turner
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in Beam study on low dispersion CEBAF arcs
- Co-author in Degrader beamline design at the CEBAF injector for machine acceptance studies
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Daniel Turner (Lancaster University)
Paolo Tuscano
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Alexey Tuzikov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
- Volker Tympel (Helmholtz Institute Jena)
Takashi Uchiyama
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Construction and beam commissioning of the GeV-range test beamline at KEK PF-AR
- Co-author in Development of an octupole ceramics chamber with integrated pulsed magnet for beam injection
- Co-author in Modification of beam transport line design for simultaneous top-up injection to PF and PF-AR
- Cédric Uden (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Sosoho-Abasi Udongwo (University of Rostock)
Serban Udrea
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Ken Ueberholz (University of Münster)
- Hiroshi Ueda (Osaka University)
- Takeshi Ueda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Sadaharu Uehara (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Tomoaki Ueno
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Co-author in New SiC kicker power supply for J-PARC
- Yuuki Uesugi (Tohoku University)
- Tomonori Uesugi (Kyoto University)
- Jan Ullrich (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Kensei Umemori (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Gokhan Unel
(University of California, Irvine)
- Co-author in Beam Measurements from Proton Testbeam At KAHVE-Lab
- Co-author in Manufacturing and Testing of the 800 MHz RFQ at KAHVE-Lab
- Co-author in Manufacturing and testing of the 800 MHz RFQ at KAHVELab
- Jonathan Unger (Cornell University (CLASSE))
Janardan Upadhyay
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Additive manufacturing of copper RF structures for particle accelerator applications
- Co-author in Electromagnetic simulation of LANSCE chopper structure
- Co-author in Short pulse enhancement at the Proton storage ring via double stacking for the Lujan Center at LANSCE
- Co-author in Test facility supporting modernization of the LANSCE front end
Junji Urakawa
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Beam loading compensation of traveling wave LINAC to a multi-bunch pulse with gaps
- Co-author in Digital LLRF feedbacks development, implementation and test at KEK LUCX facility
- Co-author in KEK LUCX facility new FPGA based LLRF phase and amplitude feedback performance report
- Co-author in Study on a self-resonating optical cavity for high-brightness Laser-Compton Scattering X-ray sources
- Maciej Urbanski (Warsaw University of Technology)
Didier Uriot
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Co-author in Commissioning and operation of the SPIRAL2 SC linac
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Zohair Usfoor (TU Dortmund University)
- Andriy Ushakov (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Igor Ushakov (National Science Centre)
Andriy Ushakov
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in RF system on a chip: a compact controller for SRF cavity field and detuning control
- Co-author in Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab
- Co-author in Experimental and simulated dark current and beam loss studies for a SRF photo-injector of an ERL injector
- Co-author in Initial experimental test of a modified ADRC algorithm for microphonics reduction
- Co-author in LLRF control upgrade at BESSY-II with mTCA.4 platforms
- Co-author in Superconducting RF systems for the SEALab facility, status and commissioning
Samuel Usherovich
- Author in A novel fiber-optic beam monitor
- Shinji Ushimoto (Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co., Ltd)
Jan Uythoven
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Reliability studies for CERN’s new safe machine parameter system
- Co-author in Automated evaluation of LHC proton losses during high-energy beam dumps for the Post-Mortem System
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Design considerations for CERN´s second-generation Beam Interlock System
- Co-author in Machine protection perspective on the restart of the large hadron collider after long shutdown 2
- Co-author in Quantitative availability modelling for the MYRRHA accelerator driven system
- Co-author in The consolidation of the interlock systems for the CERN North Area
- Co-author in The Personnel Access System for FAIR
- Bogdan Vacaliuc (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Cristina Vaccarezza
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Advanced studies for the dynamics of high brightness electron beams with the code MILES
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization for high gradient beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC-Lab
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF photoinjector
- Co-author in Electron beam analysis and sensitivity studies for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB RF injector
- Co-author in First simulations for the EuAPS betatron radiation source
- Co-author in Numerical studies for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB plasma beam driven working point
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in Recent experimental results on the particle driven acceleration at the SPARC_LAB test facility
- Co-author in Study of the Transfer and Matching Line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Study of the transfer and matching line for a PWFA-driven FEL
- Co-author in Transfer line design for EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB
Mihaly Vadai
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam performance and operational efficiency at the CERN Proton Synchrotron
- Co-author in Investigations of losses on the CERN SPS flat bottom with HL-LHC type beams
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Monia Vadrucci (ENEA)
- Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi (Stony Brook University)
- Pavel Vagin (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Mostafa Vahdani
(Center for Free-Electron Laser Science)
- Author in Coupler design for THz DLW LINACs
- Co-author in Compact Single-Side-Pumped Terahertz-Driven Booster Accelerator
- Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (Foselev Suisse SA)
- Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Yury Valdau (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- James Valdez (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Pierre VALENTIN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Vincenzo Valentino (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Raul Valera Teruel (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Cristhian Valerio-Lizárraga
(Facultad de Ciencias Fisica-Matematicas,)
- Co-author in Degrader beamline design at the CEBAF injector for machine acceptance studies
- Co-author in Positron beams at Ce+BAF
- Matthieu Valette (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Alexander Valishev
- Co-author in Helen: Traveling wave SRF Linear Collider Higgs factory
- Co-author in Improved measurements of nonlinear integrable optics at IOTA
- Co-author in IOTA Proton Injector Beamline Installation
- Co-author in The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab
- Co-author in Two-photon undulator radiation
Reza Valizadeh
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Deposition of NbTiN and NbN on 6 GHz seamless copper cavity
- Author in The effect of small bends in thin non-evaporable getter coated tubes on the partial pressure ratio as a function of sticking probability
- Author in Ultra-thin film yttria enhanced gold photocathodes
- Author in Using HiPIMS to Deposit V3Si Super Conducting Thin Films of Single Target Deposition
- Co-author in Characterisation facilities for evaluating superconducting thin films for SRF cavities
- Co-author in Characterisation of a Cs-implanted Cu photocathode
- Co-author in Copper photocathodes for the modified 10 Hz gun on the CLARA accelerator
- Co-author in Measurement of the Photoelectron Yield from the Synchrotron Radiation for the NEG-coated Tubes
- Co-author in Split 6GHz SRF thin film cavities
- Co-author in V3Si Thin Films for SRF Applications
- Erik Vallazza (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Nicolas Vallis (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Daniel Valuch (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Nuria Valverde Alonso (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Giovanni Maria Vanacore (University of Milano-Bicocca)
- Christophe VANDAMME (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen)
Rick van den Berg
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Co-author in Smart*Light: A high brilliance ICS X-ray Source
- Co-author in Smart*Light: Building a compact ICS source
- Dirk Vandeplassche (Ion Beam Applications (Belgium))
- Emiel Van Der Graaf (Particle Therapy Research Center)
- Benoit Vanderheyden (University of Liège)
- Birte van der Horst (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Frederik Van der Veken
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Accelerating dynamic aperture evaluation using deep neural networks
- Author in Collimation performance of the 400MJ LHC beam at 6.8 TeV
- Co-author in Investigations of losses on the CERN SPS flat bottom with HL-LHC type beams
- Co-author in Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
- Co-author in Simulations and measurements of collisional losses with Pb beams at the LHC
- Co-author in Tools for integrated simulation of collimation processes in Xsuite
Jarno van de Walle
(Belgian Nuclear Research Centre)
- Co-author in Detailed design studies of the high energy beam transport line of the Minerva Project at SCK CEN
- Co-author in Double achromat solution with a dedicated collimation system for the MEBT-3 section of MYRRHA
- Co-author in Orbit correction studies for the MINERVA 100 MeV proton accelerator
- Co-author in Quantitative availability modelling for the MYRRHA accelerator driven system
- Richard van de Water (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Maarten Van Dijk
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Absolute Calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the magnetised iron block system for the SHADOWS experiment
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Kaon beam simulations employing conventional hadron beam concepts and the RF separation technique at the CERN M2 beamline for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts and the RF-separation technique at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment
- Co-author in Muon background minimisation using the second achromat of the NA62-BD experiment
- Giovanna Vandoni (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Ids van Elk
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Co-author in Smart*Light: A high brilliance ICS X-ray Source
- Co-author in Smart*Light: Building a compact ICS source
- Peter Van Luijk (Particle Therapy Research Center)
Maurizio Vannoni
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Co-author in A CBXFEL demonstrator setup at the European XFEL
Alessandro Vannozzi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Author in Delivery status of the magnet system for the STAR high energy linac
- Co-author in Beam dynamics optimization of a modular and versatile linear accelerator-based system exploiting C-Band technology for VHEE FLASH Applications
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in Planning, installation and testing of the RF system for the upgrade of the Star facility
- Co-author in Progress on the new high gradient C Band standing wave RF photo-gun
- Co-author in SAFEST: a compact C-band linear accelerator for VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
- Ursula van Rienen (University of Rostock)
Léon van Riesen-Haupt
(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Author in Insertion Region Optics Correction Strategies for FCC-ee
- Author in Simulating Tilted Solenoids
- Author in Updates on Accelerator Code Comparison Studies
- Co-author in Exploring FCC-ee optics designs with combined function magnets
- Co-author in Impact of dipole quadrupolar errors in FCC-ee
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Léon van Riesen-Haupt (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Paula Van Rooy (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Marie Vanstalle (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
Marion Vanwelde
(Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Author in Conceptual lattice design for vertical fixed field medical accelerators
- Author in Dynamic Aperture Studies for Vertical Fixed Field Accelerators
- Author in Dynamic aperture studies for vertical fixed field accelerators
- Co-author in Gantry design using achromatic scaling fixed-field magnets
- Co-author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- Co-author in Increased dose rate for a proton therapy eye treatment nozzle on a medical gantry system using a diamond degrader
- A. Vanzulli (University of Milano-Bicocca)
- Ashot Vardanyan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
- Philip Varghese (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Vincenzo Variale (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Grygorii Vashchenko
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Comparison of measurements and simulation results of dose for the FLASH radiation therapy beamline at PITZ
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in 4D Transverse Phase Space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
- Co-author in Improvements in longitudinal phase space tomography at PITZ
- Co-author in Numerical simulation of an electron beam for magnetic bunch compressor commissioning at PITZ
- Co-author in Overview of FLASHlab@PITZ: the new R&D platform for FLASH radiation therapy and radiation biology
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Tamas Vaszary (HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
- Jean-Luc Vay (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Theodore Vecchione (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Maurizio Vedani
(Politecnico di Milano)
- Co-author in Development and Tests of a Full-Size Additive Manufactured Radio Frequency Quadrupole Module
- Co-author in Evaluation of green laser source additive manufacturing technology for accelerator applications with ultra-high vacuum requirements
- Co-author in Initial high electric field – vacuum arc breakdown test results for additively manufactured pure copper electrodes
- Bianca Veglia (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Adolfo Velez (TU Dortmund University)
- Matheus Velloso (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Vasileios Velonas (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Francesco Velotti
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Demonstration of non-local crystal shadowing at the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Automating beam dump failure detection using computer vision
- Co-author in Beam characterization and optimisation for AWAKE 18 MeV electron line
- Co-author in Design of a new CERN SPS injection system via numerical optimisation
- Co-author in Design of the new 18 MeV electron injection line for AWAKE Run2c
- Co-author in IFAST-REX: An initiative for the mitigation of beam current fluctuations in slow extraction
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
- Co-author in Operational experience of a low beam coupling impedance injection kicker magnet for the CERN SPS ring
- Co-author in Performance of the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with lead ions in 2022
- Co-author in Review of CERN beam instrumentation for fixed target experiments
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in RF techniques for spill quality improvement in the SPS
- Co-author in Tailoring transverse beam characteristics with the new CERN PS booster charge-exchange injection system
- Philippe Velten (Normandy Hadrontherapy)
- Matjaz Vencelj (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Giuseppe Venchi (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Camille Vendeuvre (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Raymond Veness
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- John Vennekate (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Filippo vercellati (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Valerio Vercesi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Silvia Verdu-Andres
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Effect of oxygen and other impurities on copper coating conductivity at cryogenic temperatures
- Co-author in FELICIA – A probe to survey the RHIC magnet beampipe diameter for EIC beam screen insertion
- Co-author in HOM power in the EIC crab cavity system
- Dora Veres (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Estrella Vergara Fernandez (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Gianluca Verona Rinati (INGV Sezione di Roma 1)
Marco Veronese
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Co-author in Towards Elettra 2.0: Beam diagnostics overview
- Livio Verra (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Reine Versteegen
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Author in Impact of the insertion devices operation on the ESRF-EBS equilibrium emittance
- Author in Protection of insertion devices against radiation damage at ESRF-EBS
- Co-author in Mini-beta optics for the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Co-author in Off-energy operation of a HMBA lattice
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Sandro Vescovi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Isabelle Viarouge (Electrotechnologies Selem Inc)
- Philippe Viarouge (Université Laval)
- Andrew Vick (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Caterina Vidoli
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
Jens Viefhaus
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Thorsten Vielitz (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Lorenzo Vigna (ChiLab ¿ Materials and Microsystems Laboratory)
- aldo vigoni (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
- Vivek Vijayan (TU Dortmund University)
- Eric Viklund (Northwestern University)
Joan Vila Comamala
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in Beam size measurement developments at SLS
- Fabio Villa (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Valerio Villa (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Víctor Villamayor (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Thiago Villar de Carvalho (Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials)
- Dominik Vilsmeier (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Thomas Vinatier
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in 5D phase-space reconstruction of an electron beam
- Co-author in A compact dielectric grating-based charged particle bunch length diagnostic device at ARES
- Co-author in A Compact Dielectric Grating-Based Charged Particle Bunch Length Diagnostic Device at ARES
- Co-author in Beam based alignment of focusing solenoids at ARES
- Co-author in Numerical design of a compact TE11-to-TM01 mode converter for THz-driven electron acceleration
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
- Co-author in TWAC : EIC Pathfinder Open European project on Novel dielectric acceleration
- Henri Vincenti (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Helmut Vincke (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Evin Vinten (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Roberto Visintini
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Author in Elettra 2.0: Activities in the experimental Hall
- Author in Logistics strategies for Elettra 2.0
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0: Magnet Power Converters strategy
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Maximilian Vitz (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Claudio Viviani (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
Davide Vivoda
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- ALEXANDER VLASOV (Naval Research Laboratory)
Jens Voelker
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Development of the first permanent bending magnet at BESSY II
- Co-author in Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab
- Co-author in BESSY III - status and overview
- Co-author in Instrumentation and operation modes for the commissioning phase of the SEALab SRF photoinjector
- Co-author in Update on the lattice design process of BESSY III: towards a baseline lattice
- Elmar Vogel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Vladimir Vogel (Fogel) (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Mathias Vogt (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Johannes Vogt (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
- Klaus Volk (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Joachim Vollaire (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Wil Vollenberg (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Christine Vollinger (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Matteo Volpi (The University of Melbourne)
Paul Volz
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Author in Loss simulations on shielding foil slit errors
- Co-author in Undulators for BESSY III
- Peter vom Stein (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
- Luke von Freeden (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Vedran Vonk (DESY Nanolab)
- Moritz von Tresckow (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Tiziana von Witzleben (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Gleb Vorobjev (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Alexey Vorozhtsov (MAX IV Laboratory)
Antonios Vouris
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Eric Voutier (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
Maurizio Vretenar
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Conceptual design of a compact synchrotron-based facility for cancer therapy and biomedical research with helium and proton beams
- Author in Introduction by the Chair
- Co-author in Alvarez drift tube linac for medical applications in the framework of HITRIplus project
- Co-author in Challenging students into developing accelerator-based innovations to protect the environment
- Co-author in Comparison of 352 MHz LINAC structures for injection into an ion therapy accelerator
- Co-author in Comparison of 352 MHz LINAC structures for injection into an ion therapy accelerator
- Co-author in Development and Tests of a Full-Size Additive Manufactured Radio Frequency Quadrupole Module
- Co-author in Initial high electric field – vacuum arc breakdown test results for additively manufactured pure copper electrodes
- Co-author in Innovations in the Next Generation Medical Accelerators for Therapy with Ion Beams
- Elias Waagaard (Uppsala University)
- Stefan Wackerow (University of Dundee)
- Andreas Waets (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Philipp Wagenblast (TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH)
- Stephan Wagner (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Christopher Wagner (Goethe University Frankfurt)
William Waldron
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of the ALS-U accumulator ring installation
- Geoff Waldschmidt (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Andreas Waldt (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Nicholas Walker (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Stuart Walker (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Erik Wallén (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Sandry Wallon (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
David Walsh
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Author in Demonstration of an electro-optic spectral interferometry longitudinal profile monitor at Clara
- Co-author in Acceleration of electrons from a linear accelerator by a laser driven plasma wave at CLARA
- Co-author in An introduction to the UK XFEL conceptual design and options analysis
- Co-author in Electron-bunch manipulation at 400GHz for compression, de-chirping, acceleration and synchronisation of femtosecond bunches.
- Wolfgang Walter (Babcock Noell GmbH)
- Franz Walter (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Thomas Walther (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Yang Wan (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Jinyu Wan (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Joanna Wanczyk (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Chuhan Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Di Wang (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Huai-San Wang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Sheng Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Longitudinal injection for SAPS based on a double-frequency RF system
- Author in Recent Progress of the Design and Relevant Research Activities for Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Author in Simulation and measurement of beam loading effects in magnetic alloy RF cavity of CSNS RCS
- Co-author in A consecutive double-slit emittance meter for high-brightness electron source
- Co-author in A scheme to extract the beam in advance and transverse beam distribution measurement for the CSNS RCS
- Co-author in Design of a 250 linac injector for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Latest lattice design and optimization for Southern Advanced Photon Source storage ring
- Co-author in Magnetic error corrections of the storage ring for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Sextupole optimization at rapid cycling synchrotron in China Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in Studies on beam instabilities in the storage ring of SAPS
- Co-author in Study for space charge effect in tune space at CSNS-II/RCS
- Co-author in Study of high-intensity bunch merging and its experimental application on rapid cycling synchrotrons
Xuewu Wang
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Assembly, alignment and tuning of the XiPAF DTL
- Co-author in Closed-orbit distortion study of XiPAF upgrading project synchrotron
- Co-author in Design of synchrotron for proton flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Differential equation model of tune ripple effect on beam spill ripple in RFKO slow extraction
- Co-author in Lattice considerations for synchrotron of XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Longitudinal splitting of bunches with variable energies in synchrotron
- Co-author in Multiturn injection design and optimization for XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron
- Co-author in Optimization of low-energy slow extraction efficiency of XiPAF
- Co-author in Research on longitudinal dynamics and design of RF parameters of synchrotron for XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Study on XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron beam loss
- Shuai Wang (Tsinghua University)
Zejiang Wang
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Differential equation model of tune ripple effect on beam spill ripple in RFKO slow extraction
- Author in Optimization of low-energy slow extraction efficiency of XiPAF
- Co-author in Closed-orbit distortion study of XiPAF upgrading project synchrotron
- Co-author in Design of synchrotron for proton flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Lattice considerations for synchrotron of XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Multiturn injection design and optimization for XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron
- Co-author in Research on longitudinal dynamics and design of RF parameters of synchrotron for XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Simulation and experiment of low-energy slow extraction at XiPAF
- Co-author in Study on XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron beam loss
- Jiangtao Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Chaoen Wang
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Co-author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
- Co-author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
- Guanliang Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Ningdong Wang (Cornell University)
Bao-sheng Wang
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Development of a GaN FETs based fully digital correction magnet power supply platform for taiwan photon source
- Author in Realization of temperature compensated TPS correction magnet power supply
- Co-author in Analysis of the bi-bridge topology and power device circuit of the TPS booster dipole power supply
Zhen Wang
(Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Author in Fully Coherent Soft X-ray Pulse Generation Based on ERL
- Author in Fully coherent soft X-ray pulse generation based on ERL
- Author in Generating isolated attosecond soft x-ray free electron laser with optical beat lasers
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
- Zhe Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
Jike Wang
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Beam transfer line of Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Author in Combining multi-objective genetic algorithm and neural network dynamically for the complex optimization problems in accelerator physics
- Author in Design and optimization of diffraction-limited storage ring lattices based on many-objective evolutionary algorithms
- Author in Flash Radiotherapy with the CEPC(Circular Electron-Positron Collider) Synchrotron Radiation
- Author in Harmonic RF cavity design for 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Sources
- Author in Multi-objective genetic algorithm for synchrotron radiation beamline optimization
- Author in Optimizing AWAKE Run2 Simulations Using Invertible Neural Networks
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
Sihui Wang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Design and experimental research of UHV flanges for the Hefei Advanced Light Facility
- Author in Finite element analysis for NEG coated vacuum chamber based on ANSYS Workbench
- Author in Finite element analysis for NEG coated vacuum chamber based on ANSYS Workbench
- Author in Study on the vacuum properties of laser-etched oxygen-free copper
- Author in Study on the vacuum properties of laser-etched oxygen-free copper
Zhijun Wang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in A 100 mA RFQ Beam Dynamics Design with Small Output Beam Emittance
- Author in An Analysis of Methods to Generate a 4D Transverse Phase Space Distribution with Angular Momentum
- Author in Design of the Gradient Dipole Magnet for LLICTF
- Author in Linear accelerator simulation code AVAS
- Author in Reinforcement Control for LEBT and RFQ of Linear Accelerators
- Author in The beam commissioning of 10mA, 100 kW CW proton beam at CAFe
- Co-author in Accelerator driven system – a solution to multiple problems of society
- Co-author in Design of an E x B chopper based on permanent magnets
- Co-author in Design of the gradient dipole magnet for LLICTF
- Co-author in Reinforcement control for LEBT and RFQ of linear accelerators
- Zhongming Wang (State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect)
- Ping Wang (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Erdong Wang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Beam optics update for EIC HSR-IR2
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in High voltage DC gun using distributed Bragg reflector super lattice GaAs photocathode for EIC polarized electron sources
- Author in The design progress of a high charge, low energy spread polarized pre injector for electron ion collider
- Co-author in Design and optimization of an ERL for cooling EIC hadron beams
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in Simulation of shot noise effects in the EIC strong hadron cooling accelerator using real number of electrons
- Co-author in The high voltage DC gun design progress for EIC strong hadron cooling
Guimei Wang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Complex bend prototype beamline design and commissioning
- Co-author in Commissioning of orbit feedforward system for HEX superconducting wiggler at NSLS-II
- Co-author in Impact of dipole component change on quadrupole beam-based alignment accuracy for circular accelerators
- Co-author in Linear optics compensation for the HEX superconducting wiggler at NSLS-II
- Co-author in Path to high current 500 mA at NSLS-II
- Co-author in Study of NSLS-II storage ring sextupole BBA measurement
ChangLin Wang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Study on the laser treatment of NB and Nb3Sn thin films on copper substrate with a kW nanosecond fiber laser
- Author in Study on the Laser Treatment of Nb Thin Films on Copper Substrate with a kW nanosecond fiber laser
- Co-author in The optimization of the bronze-method Nb3Sn coatings on Cu substrates
Lei Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in A pulser R&D for the HEPS booster bumper magnet
- Co-author in Characteristic study of the pulse bump magnet in HEPS
- Guanwen Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Baichuan Wang
(State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect)
- Co-author in Assembly, alignment and tuning of the XiPAF DTL
Qunyao Wang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development of a new digital LLRF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in Data acquisition and archiving system for HEPS RF system based on Archiver Appliance
- Co-author in Development and progress of the high-power solid-state amplifiers for HEPS
- Co-author in Normal-conducting 5-cell cavities for HEPS booster RF system
- Co-author in Status and progress of the RF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in The high-power test of CW 250 kW fundamental power couplers for HEPS 166.6 MHz superconducting quarter-wave beta=1 cavity
- Co-author in The investigation of cavity frequency instability induced by vibrations
Cheng Wang
(Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Author in High-power experiment of a C-band photocathode gun
- Co-author in Bimodal design of 500 MHz and 1.5 GHz normal conducting RF cavity for advanced synchrotron radiation facilities
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Design, fabrication and cold-test of an x-band accelerating structure for linearizer
- Co-author in Low-level radio-frequency system integrated with feed-forward control and vector modulation
- Co-author in Study and simulation of cryogenic bi-periodic accelerating structure with TM02 mode
- Xu Wang (Institute for Modeling Plasma, Atmospheres, and Cosmic Dust)
- Muyuan Wang (European Spallation Source)
- Haipeng Wang (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Dou Wang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in CEPC circumference optimization
- Author in CEPC damping ring design in TDR stage
- Author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in A booster free from spin resonances for future 100 km-scale circular e+e- colliders
- Co-author in Beam polarization studies at the CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Transient beam loading study in the storage ring of CEPC
Yiwei Wang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Beam polarization studies at the CEPC
- Co-author in CEPC circumference optimization
- Co-author in Error correction for the high luminosity lattice of the CEPC
- Co-author in Nonlinearity optimization for the 125 TeV SPPC collider ring lattice
- Peilin Wang (Wuhan University)
Shaoheng Wang
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in HOM power in the EIC crab cavity system
Gaoxue Wang
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Modeling optical interference effects for optimization of electron emission properties from thin film semiconductor photocathodes
- Co-author in Multiscale material design of robust semiconductor photocathodes under strong fields
- Co-author in Operation pressure and lifetime improvement of bialkali photocathodes via graphene protection
- Co-author in Transport model and Monte-Carlo simulations for photoemission from thin film semiconductors under high fields
- Yan Wang (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Siwei Wang (Diamond Light Source)
- Wei Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Benjamin Wang (University of California, Los Angeles)
Xiaofan Wang
(Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- Author in High-power and femtosecond free-electron laser pulse generation with chirped pulse amplification in EEHG
- Author in Mathematica expression of Gaussian lasers with temporal or spatial chirp
- Author in Multi-bunch operation mode for simultaneously serving SASE and seeding FEL beamlines
- Author in Physical design for EEHG beamlines of S3FEL
- Author in Physical Design for SASE Beamlines of S3FEL
- Author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
- Jian Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Hongwei Wang (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Guicai Wang (Xi'an Juneng Medical Technologies Co., Ltd.)
- Jia Wang (Tsinghua University)
- Yian Wang (Tsinghua University)
Xinyu Wang
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 vacuum components design
- Huifang Wang (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Lin Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Ju Wang (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Junzhi Wang (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)
Na Wang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Impedance measurements of key elements in the HEPS
- Author in Residual Gas Lifetime in the HEPS Storage Ring
- Author in Studies of coupled-bunch instabilities in the HEPS booster
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Jiuqing Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Lin Wang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Co-author in Beam injection with an anti-septum into the HALF storage ring
- Co-author in DDBA-H6ba lattice for the nanometer-emittance design of Hefei Light Source
- Co-author in Design of a hybrid seven-bend-achromat-based lattice for a super tau charm facility
- Co-author in Progress on the storage ring physics design of Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF)
- Suntao Wang (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- James Wang (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Yong Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Dong Wang (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Faya Wang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Hong Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Zhiyuan Wang (Tsinghua University)
Bin Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Beam background study at BEPCII
- Author in Error correction for the high luminosity lattice of the CEPC
- Author in Simulation studies of first-turn commissioning for the HEPS storage ring
- Co-author in Beam polarization studies at the CEPC
- Co-author in Nonlinearity optimization for the 125 TeV SPPC collider ring lattice
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Chen Wang (University of Siegen)
- Yuting Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Huan Wang (Tsinghua University)
- Qianhan Wang (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Qian Wang (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Wei Wang (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Xijie Wang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Hongjuan Wang (Wuhan University)
- Yong Wang (Wuhan University)
- Xiangqi Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Chunguang Wang (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- wangjianye wangjianye (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Rainer Wanzenberg (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Mark Warren (Diamond Light Source)
Abbie Warrick
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Diagnostic Suite for High Power Electron Beams
- Marcin Wartak (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Masakazu Washio (Waseda University)
- Alexander Wastl (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
Takahiro Watanabe
(RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
- Co-author in Bunch Cleaning in a Multi-GeV Electron Storage Ring for High Bunch Purity Operations
- Co-author in DC septum magnet with low current density for the synchrotron light source
- Co-author in Elongation of LED lighting lifetime under X-ray dominant radiation environment
- Co-author in Green-oriented upgrade of accelerator complex at the SPring-8 campus
- Co-author in High precision digital control magnet power supplies
- Co-author in Novel iron lamination for fast kicker magnets with high flux density
Heath Watkins
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Study on Switching from H- to H+ Beam Delivery to the Proton Radiography and Ultra Cold Neutron Facilities at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE)
- Co-author in Improving the phase stability of the 201.25 MHz BPPM reference for the LANSCE 805 MHz LINAC
- Co-author in LANSCE's instrumentation and controls system modernization
- Leonard Watrelot (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Robbie Watt (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Adriana Wawrzyniak (SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre)
- Brandon Weatherford (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Sarah Weatherly (Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Matthew Weaver (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Alexander Webber-Date
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in Characterisation and analysis of supersonic gas jets using interferometric measurement methods
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
André Weber
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
- Moisés Weber (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)
- Andreas Weber (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
- Jens Weber (TRUMPF Huettinger GmbH)
- Marc Weber (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Damien Charles Weber (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Franz Weber (Nevada National Security Site)
- Christoph Julien Wegmann (Technical University of Darmstadt)
Andreas Wegscheider
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
- Co-author in First measurement of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
- Co-author in LHC Run 3 optics corrections
- George Wehner (Stanford University)
- Bingfeng Wei (University of Science and Technology of China)
Yuanyuan Wei
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Simulation studies of beam commissioning for the HEPS high-energy transfer line
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Characterization of the fast corrector dynamic response at the HEPS
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Error correction for the high luminosity lattice of the CEPC
- Jie Wei (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
Geng Wei
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Beam transfer line of Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Author in Harmonic RF cavity design for 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Sources
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Design and Thermomechanical Calculation of High-heat-load Absorber in WALS Storage Ring
- Co-author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
- Jianya Wei (Anhui University)
- Linlin Wei (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- Yelong Wei (University of Science and Technology of China)
Helmut Weick
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Vacuum design of the Super-FRS at FAIR
- Michael Weickhmann (Vacuumschmelze GmbH & Co. KG)
Tobias Weilbach
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Author in Optimization of the THz SASE FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
- Co-author in THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of 100µm
- Amir Weinberg (Ariel University)
- Timo Weinhausen (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Christian Weinheimer (Institut für Kernphysik)
- Hans Weise (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Daniel Weiss (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Ruth Weiss-Babai
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
Leonid Weissman
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
- Co-author in The SARAF-linac project status
- Paul Welander (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Noah Welke (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Ulrich Wellenkamp
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in Development of the TATTOOS target
- Michael Weller (Nevada National Security Site)
Carsten Welsch
(University of Liverpool)
- Author in Data intensive science and particle accelerators: driving science and innovation
- Author in EuPRAXIA doctoral network
- Author in How and why setting up a company in Europe working on the particles accelerator field
- Author in Physics of Star Wars
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Absolute Calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Beam lifetime monitoring using beam loss monitors during LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Calibration of the LHC Diamond beam loss monitors for LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Calibration of the LHC Diamond Beam Loss Monitors for LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Characterisation and analysis of supersonic gas jets using interferometric measurement methods
- Co-author in Characterisation of a Cs-implanted Cu photocathode
- Co-author in Design of a compact superconducting recoil separator for HIE-ISOLDE
- Co-author in Development and testing of quantum gas jet beam profile scanner
- Co-author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Co-author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Co-author in Optical pepper-pots: developing single-shot emittance diagnostics
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
- Co-author in Prospect of operating with limited skew quadrupole corrector availability in the LHC interaction regions
- Co-author in Simulation study of betatron radiation for perturbed beams in plasma
- Co-author in Studying the basics of plasma physics using long range plasma
- Co-author in Synchrotron radiation simulations for the development of a coherent synchrotron radiation bunch length monitor
- Co-author in TeV/m acceleration in laser-graphene interactions
Po-Jiun Wen
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in Respiratory protective equipment fit tests for researchers at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
- Co-author in Cryogenic oxygen deficiency hazard assessment at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
- Co-author in Dose rate and accumulated dose around the Taiwan Photon Source in various scenarios
- Weiqiang Wen (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Fredrik Wenander (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Vincent Wende (Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Stephen Wender (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Manfred Wendt
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Cherenkov diffraction radiation dielectric button characterization via a slab-line
- Co-author in CERN’s beam instrumentation R&D study for FCC-ee
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Co-author in Electron beam studies on a beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation
- Co-author in Improvements on the LHC Interlock BPM system
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
Jorg Wenninger
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in 60° phase advance optics measurements in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
- Co-author in First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
- Co-author in Impact of Vibration to HL-LHC Performance During the FPF Facility Construction
- Co-author in Machine protection perspective on the restart of the large hadron collider after long shutdown 2
- Co-author in Operational beta* levelling at the LHC in 2022 and beyond
- Co-author in Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
- Co-author in The LHC run 2022
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
Marc Wenskat
(Universität Hamburg)
- Author in Successful Al2O3 coating of superconducting niobium cavities by thermal ALD
- Co-author in Multi-physics simulation of quadrupole resonators in the time domain under uncertainties
- Co-author in Surface characterization of mid-T heat treated Nb samples to investigate the origin of residual resistance
- Co-author in XRR Analysis of Al2O3 coated and mid-T heat treated niobium for future implementation in SIS-based SRF cavities
- Sverker Werin (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Stephan Wesch (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Michael Wesley (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Jerry Wessel (Richardson Electronics Ltd)
- Eric Westbrook (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Harry Westfahl Jr.
(Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
- Co-author in Status of SIRIUS operation with users
- Chris Wetton (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Alan Wheelhouse (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Simon White
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Author in Mini-beta optics for the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Author in Status and recent developments of python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Beam loading simulations in PyAT for the ESRF
- Co-author in Commissioning simulations tools based on python Accelerator Toolbox
- Co-author in Extremum seeking for accelerator optimisation
- Co-author in Off-energy operation of a HMBA lattice
- Co-author in Operation of the ESRF-EBS light source
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Scaling of hybrid multi bend lattice cells
- Co-author in Towards a true diffraction limited light source
- Glen White (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Charles Whiteford
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Design and test of a metamaterial accelerating structure for Wakefield acceleration
- Co-author in Experimental demonstration of a straight-merger beamline
- Co-author in Round-to-flat and flat-to-round beam transformations at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility
- Co-author in Simulations and experimental studies for an X-band short-pulse ultra-high gradient photoinjector
- Evan Whitlock (University of Waterloo)
- Colin Whyte (University of Strathclyde)
- Colin Whyte (University of Strathclyde)
- Francois Wicek (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Riko Wichmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Johan Wickström (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- David Widegren (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Christina Widmann
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in Characterization and optimization of laser-generated THz beam for THz based streaking
- Co-author in Enhancing the sensitivity of the electro-optical far-field experiment for measuring CSR at KARA
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of the visible light diagnostics port for energy spread measurements at KARA
- Co-author in Towards fiber optics-guided synchrotron radiation-based longitudinal beam diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
- Markus Widorski (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Kacper Widuch (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Jaroslaw Wiechecki (SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre)
- Veronika Wied (Cryoelectra GmbH)
- Lutz Wiegart (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- John Wieland (Michigan State University)
Christoph Wiesner
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Automated evaluation of LHC proton losses during high-energy beam dumps for the Post-Mortem System
- Author in Machine protection perspective on the restart of the large hadron collider after long shutdown 2
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Damage Experiment with Superconducting Sample Coils - Experimental Setup and Observations during Beam Impact
- Co-author in Damage experiment with superconducting sample coils - experimental setup and observations during beam impact
- Co-author in Electrostatic dust lofting: a possible cause for beam losses at CERN’s LHC
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Piotr Wiewior (Nevada National Security Site)
- Sajini Wijethunga (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Stefan Wilfert (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Seb Wilkes (University of Oxford)
- Guy Wilkinson (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Tim Wilksen (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Christina Will (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Ferdinand Willeke
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Design Status of the Electron-Ion Collider Beam Instrumentation
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
Gerard Willering
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC
- Scott Williams (The University of Melbourne)
Peter Williams
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in Prospects for future facilities based on energy recovery linacs
- Co-author in An introduction to the UK XFEL conceptual design and options analysis
- Co-author in Jitter tolerance for the FEBE beamline on CLARA
- Co-author in PERLE: a novel facility for ERL development and applications in multi-turn configuration and high-power regime
- Co-author in The MAX-IV linac with variable bunch compressors
- Co-author in Transverse phase space tomography using machine learning at the CLARA accelerator test facility
- Co-author in Tunable monochromatic gamma ray source design using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
- Co-author in Tunable Monochromatic Gamma Ray Source Design Using Inverse Compton Scattering at Daresbury Laboratory
- Oliver Williams (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Drew Winder (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Matthew Wing (University College London)
Lutz Winkelmann
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Co-author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in Photocathode charge map measurements at ARES
Daniel Winklehner
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in OPAL and Future Directions Towards the Exascale Area
- Tiemo Winkler (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Martin Winkler
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in Status of superconducting magnets for super-FRS at FAIR
- Co-author in Vacuum design of the Super-FRS at FAIR
- Danyal Winters (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Natalya Winters (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Mark Wiseman (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Eric Wisniewski
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Author in Detailed Phase Space Reconstruction from Accelerator Beam Measurements Using Differentiable Simulations
- Co-author in Design and test of a metamaterial accelerating structure for Wakefield acceleration
- Co-author in Experimental demonstration of a straight-merger beamline
- Co-author in Multicell dielectric disk accelerating structure design and low power results
- Co-author in Round-to-flat and flat-to-round beam transformations at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility
- Co-author in Simulations and experimental studies for an X-band short-pulse ultra-high gradient photoinjector
Holger Witte
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Design and simulation of EIC IR orbit control system
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture studies for the EIC electron storage ring
- Co-author in Lattice design for the interaction region of the electron-ion collider
- Co-author in Lattice design of the EIC electron storage ring for energies down to 5 GeV
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Status of the second interaction region design for Electron-Ion Collider
- Cedric Wittig (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
- Walter Wittmer (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Torsten Wohlenberg (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Marek Wójtowicz
(National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Magnetic lattice of PolFEL linac
- Markus Wolf (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
Joseph Wolfenden
(University of Liverpool)
- Author in Optical pepper-pots: developing single-shot emittance diagnostics
- Co-author in Beam lifetime monitoring using beam loss monitors during LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Calibration of the LHC Diamond beam loss monitors for LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Calibration of the LHC Diamond Beam Loss Monitors for LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Characterisation and analysis of supersonic gas jets using interferometric measurement methods
- Co-author in Development and testing of quantum gas jet beam profile scanner
- Co-author in Synchrotron radiation simulations for the development of a coherent synchrotron radiation bunch length monitor
- Kathryn Wolfinger (University of Colorado Boulder)
Daniel Wollmann
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Reliability studies for CERN’s new safe machine parameter system
- Co-author in A public data service for the Beam Interlock Systems at CERN - current status and future plans
- Co-author in Automated evaluation of LHC proton losses during high-energy beam dumps for the Post-Mortem System
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Damage Experiment with Superconducting Sample Coils - Experimental Setup and Observations during Beam Impact
- Co-author in Damage experiment with superconducting sample coils - experimental setup and observations during beam impact
- Co-author in Electrostatic dust lofting: a possible cause for beam losses at CERN’s LHC
- Co-author in Energy deposition simulations for a damage experiment with superconducting sample coils
- Co-author in Machine protection perspective on the restart of the large hadron collider after long shutdown 2
- Andrzej Wolski (University of Liverpool)
Yong Seng Wong
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Analysis of the bi-bridge topology and power device circuit of the TPS booster dipole power supply
- Co-author in Development of a GaN FETs based fully digital correction magnet power supply platform for taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Realization of temperature compensated TPS correction magnet power supply
Chun Yan Jonathan Wong
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in An Analysis of Methods to Generate a 4D Transverse Phase Space Distribution with Angular Momentum
- Co-author in Accelerator driven system – a solution to multiple problems of society
- Co-author in Design of the gradient dipole magnet for LLICTF
- Co-author in Design of the Gradient Dipole Magnet for LLICTF
- Jordan Wong (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Jonathan Wood (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Trevor Wood (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
- Benjamin Woolley (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Kent Wootton (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Steven Worm (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Laurence Wroe
(University of Oxford)
- Co-author in Beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Co-author in Development of reliable VHEE/FLASH passive dosimetry methods and procedures at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-scattering foil installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in Dual-Scattering Foil Installation at CLEAR
- Co-author in The use of beam instrumentation for real time FLASH dosimetry: experimental studies in the CLEAR facility
- Jiacheng Wu (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Cong-Feng Wu (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Shuai Wu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Jian Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Chunyi Wu
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Author in New event based timing system for the taiwan light source
- Co-author in Development of a new control interface for the electron gun pulser of TLS LINAC
- Co-author in New controls for white circuits power supplies for the booster synchrotron of Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in New digital low-level rf controls based on the red pitaya STEMlab for the tls linac system
- Co-author in New injection controls environment for the Taiwan Light Source
- Co-author in Sextupole injection at TPS
- Co-author in TLS orbit feedback upgrade
- Co-author in TPS fast orbit feedback upgrade
Guanjian Wu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in A pulser R&D for the HEPS booster bumper magnet
- Co-author in Characteristic study of the pulse bump magnet in HEPS
- Yi Wu (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Bin Wu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Fangfang Wu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Qiong Wu
(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility)
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in EIC crab cavity multipole effects on dynamic aperture
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in HOM power in the EIC crab cavity system
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Shuai Wu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Lijun Wu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Enchen Wu (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Wenbin Wu (Peking University)
- Qingbiao Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- zhengrong wu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Guorong Wu (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Xueting Wu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- yfeng Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yu Wu
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Improved antiproton production beam at CERN
- Hong Wu (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- JIanqiang Wu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Walter Wuensch (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Nora Wunderer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
- Stefan Wunderlich (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Maximilian Wurm (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Sebastien Wurth (Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie)
- Ward Wurtz (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
- Kevin Wyatt (Canadian Light Source (Canada))
- Tony Wynn (Muons (United States))
Guoxing Xia
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Co-author in Driver-Witness Configuration in CNT Array-Based Acceleration
- Co-author in Driver-witness configuration in CNT array-based acceleration
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic model for particle beam-driven wakefield in carbon nanotubes
- Co-author in Hydrodynamic Model for Particle Beam-Driven Wakefield in Carbon Nanotubes
- Co-author in Recent experimental results from the dielectric wakefield acceleration program at CLARA facility
- Co-author in TeV/m acceleration in laser-graphene interactions
Wenhao Xia
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Beam polarization studies at the CEPC
Rong Xiang
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Author in Experimental investigations and Simulations of Dark Current in ELBE SRF gun-II
- Co-author in Impact of Surface Cleaning on the Quantum Efficiency of Mg Photocathodes
- Co-author in Low-emittance SRF photo-injector prototype cryomodule for the LCLS-II high-energy upgrade: design and fabrication
Pai Xiang
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Beam transfer line of Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Author in Harmonic RF cavity design for 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Sources
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
- Dao Xiang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Ouzheng Xiao (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Binping Xiao
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in HOM power in the EIC crab cavity system
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in EIC crab cavity multipole effects on dynamic aperture
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Chengcheng Xiao (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Liling Xiao (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yongchuan Xiao (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Chen Xiao
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Co-author in The New Intense Heavy Ion Alvarez 2.0 DTL at GSI
- Yaozong Xiao (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
Tianmu Xin
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Transient beam loading and power analysis in the booster ring of CEPC
- Author in Transient beam loading study in the storage ring of CEPC
- Co-author in Impedance measurements of key elements in the HEPS
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Huili Xing (Cornell University)
Qingzi Xing
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Assembly, alignment and tuning of the XiPAF DTL
- Co-author in Design of synchrotron for proton flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Longitudinal splitting of bunches with variable energies in synchrotron
- Co-author in Research on longitudinal dynamics and design of RF parameters of synchrotron for XiPAF-upgrading project
Yang Xiong
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Closed-orbit distortion study of XiPAF upgrading project synchrotron
- Co-author in Design of synchrotron for proton flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Differential equation model of tune ripple effect on beam spill ripple in RFKO slow extraction
- Co-author in Lattice considerations for synchrotron of XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Multiturn injection design and optimization for XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron
- Co-author in Optimization of low-energy slow extraction efficiency of XiPAF
- Co-author in Research on longitudinal dynamics and design of RF parameters of synchrotron for XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Study on XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron beam loss
- Pingran Xiong (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Haoran Xu
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in C-band photoinjector radiofrequency cavity design for enhanced beam generation
- Author in Update on the status of the C-band high gradient program at LANL
- Co-author in Emittance compensation in a high charge TOPGUN photoinjector
- Co-author in High-gradient accelerating structures for proton radiography booster linac
- Co-author in Short pulse enhancement at the Proton storage ring via double stacking for the Lujan Center at LANSCE
Derong Xu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Beam optics update for EIC HSR-IR2
- Author in Closing crab dispersion by dispersive RF cavity in Electron-Ion Collider Hadron Storage Ring
- Author in Design status of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Effect of electron orbit ripple on proton emittance growth in EIC
- Author in Lattice design for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Author in Synchronizing the timing of the electron and Hadron storage rings in the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Dynamic aperture evaluation for the EIC Hadron storage ring with two interaction regions
- Co-author in Haissinski distribution of electron beam in Electron-Ion Collider and its impact on the Hadron beam
- Co-author in Local and global betatron coupling correction based on beam position measurements in RHIC
- Co-author in Nonlinear optics from hybrid dispersive orbits
- Co-author in Optimizing the design tunes of the electron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Quantifying effects of crab cavity RF phase noise on transverse emittance in EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Revisit the effects of 10 Hz orbit oscillation in the relativistic heavy ion collider
- Co-author in Simulation test of various crab dispersion closure bumps for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Status of the second interaction region design for Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Validation and countermeasures of vertical emittance growth due to crab cavity noise in a horizontal crab-crossing scheme
- Wencan Xu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Chenran Xu (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Haocheng Xu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Xingchen Xu (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Wei Xu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Beam backgrounds at the CEPC
Shou Xu
(Dongguan Neutron Science Center)
- Author in Simulation and measurement of beam loading effects in magnetic alloy RF cavity of CSNS RCS
- Co-author in A scheme to extract the beam in advance and transverse beam distribution measurement for the CSNS RCS
- Co-author in BPM offset measurements at rapid cycling synchrotron in China Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in Experimental measuremnet of quadrupole beam oscillating frequency at CSNS RCS
- Co-author in Sextupole optimization at rapid cycling synchrotron in China Spallation Neutron Source
- Co-author in Study for space charge effect in tune space at CSNS-II/RCS
- Co-author in Upgrade the impedance model in RCS of CSNS
- Yuanfang Xu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Wei Xu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Beam Based Alignment Using a Neural Network
- Co-author in Beam injection using a nonlinear kicker for the HLS-II storage ring
- Co-author in Initial application of machine learning for beam parameter optimization at the Hefei Light Source II
- Co-author in On-resonance round beam experiment in the HLS-II storage ring
Zhenyu Xu
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Design of an E x B chopper based on permanent magnets
- Co-author in Design of the gradient dipole magnet for LLICTF
- Co-author in Design of the Gradient Dipole Magnet for LLICTF
- Joseph Xu (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Ting Xu (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Zhi Hong Xu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Chengcheng Xu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Xiaopeng Xu (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Hanghua Xu (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Tianzhe Xu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Chunyu Xu (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Hong-liang Xu (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Haisheng Xu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Bo Xu (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Gang Xu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Yuhai Xu (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Taoguang Xu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Yang Xu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Chengye Xu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Ke Xuan (University of Science and Technology of China)
Ran Xue
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in Non-invasive bunch length reconstruction in linacs
- Kangjia Xue (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Abdellatif Yacout (Argonne National Laboratory)
Monika Yadav
(University of Liverpool)
- Author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Author in Machine learning-based reconstruction of electron radiation spectra
- Author in Simulation study of betatron radiation for perturbed beams in plasma
- Author in Studying the basics of plasma physics using long range plasma
- Co-author in Design and construction of a population inversion x-ray laser at LCLS
- Co-author in TeV/m acceleration in laser-graphene interactions
- Vitaly Yakimenko (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Mikhail Yakopov (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Grigory Yakopov (Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Vyacheslav Yakovlev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Ippei Yamada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Shuei Yamada (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Tomohiro Yamada (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Takaaki Yamaguchi
(The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI)
- Author in Basic high-power design of a 1.5-GHz TM020-type harmonic cavity for the KEK future light source
- Co-author in Low-power model tests of the wide-band cavity to compensate the transient beam loading in the next generation light sources
- Co-author in Stability survey of a double RF system with RF feedback loops for bunch lengthening in a low-emittance synchrotron ring
Hisato Yamaguchi
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Operation pressure and lifetime improvement of bialkali photocathodes via graphene protection
- Co-author in Modeling optical interference effects for optimization of electron emission properties from thin film semiconductor photocathodes
- Co-author in Photoelectron spectroscopy of CsK2Sb photocathode at Synchrotron Radiation Facility using vacuum transport system
- Hiroshi Yamaguchi (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- Masanobu Yamamoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Naoto Yamamoto
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Stability survey of a double RF system with RF feedback loops for bunch lengthening in a low-emittance synchrotron ring
- Co-author in An experimental study of X-Y emittance repartitioning in KEK-STF
- Co-author in Basic high-power design of a 1.5-GHz TM020-type harmonic cavity for the KEK future light source
- Co-author in Construction and beam commissioning of the GeV-range test beamline at KEK PF-AR
- Co-author in GaAs cathode activation with Cs-K-Sb thin film
- Co-author in Low-power model tests of the wide-band cavity to compensate the transient beam loading in the next generation light sources
Masahiro Yamamoto
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Beam dynamics study of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the high-power electron beam irradiator using niobium-tin superconducting cavity
- Co-author in Current Status of Beam Operation at Compact ERL toward Free-Electron Laser with CW Mode
- Co-author in Operation pressure and lifetime improvement of bialkali photocathodes via graphene protection
Kazami Yamamoto
(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
- Author in Recent status of J-PARC 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron
- Co-author in New SiC kicker power supply for J-PARC
- Yasuchika Yamamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Fatih Yaman (Izmir Institute of Technology)
- Takashi Yamanaka (Kyushu University)
- Hiroshi Yamaoka (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Koki Yamashita (Waseda University)
- Takayuki Yamazaki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Jun-ichiro Yamazaki
(UVSOR Facility)
- Co-author in Light source developments at UVSOR BL1U
- Sumera Yamin (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Nikolai Yampolsky (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Jiawei Yan
(European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Author in Bayesian optimization for high-power X-ray vortex generation
- Author in Investigation of multi-modes in Hard X-ray Self-seeding operation at the European XFEL
- Author in User delivery experience of Hard X-ray Self-seeding at the European XFEL
- Co-author in A proposal for generating fully coherent X-ray FEL with femtosecond pulse based on fresh-slice
- Co-author in Enhanced harmonic generation for high-repetition-rate soft X-ray free-electron laser
- Co-author in Numerical studies of electron beam dynamics for the generation of attosecond pulses at the European XFEL
- Co-author in Wakefield and skin depth issues in the kicker at the SHINE
Yingbing Yan
(Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Co-author in Direct RF sampling processor for cavity BPM system
- Fang Yan (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Lixin Yan (Tsinghua University)
- Bingyang Yan (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Eiichi Yanaoka (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Renjun Yang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Jiayue Yang
(Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Author in Commissioning of the S-band RF Transverse Deflecting Cavity at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Commissioning Results of Phase Shifters at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Design and Layout of TDS System for DALS-pre
- Author in Design of a parallel-feeding deflecting cavity with variable polarization
- Author in Longitudinal Feedback System for Suppression of FEL Lasing Drift at Dalian Coherent Light Source
Xi Yang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Accurate prediction of mega-electron-volt electron beam properties from UED using machine learning
- Author in Feasibility study of a hard x-ray FEL oscillator at 3 GeV based on harmonic lasing and transverse gradient undulator
- Author in Optimization of Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation toward coherent soft X-ray free-electron laser in current and future synchrotron light sources
- Co-author in An improved method for linear optics and coupling correction based on closed orbit modulation
- Co-author in Complex bend prototype beamline design and commissioning
- Co-author in First correction to elastic scattering of electrons for microscopy
- Co-author in Linear optics compensation for the HEX superconducting wiggler at NSLS-II
- Tao Yang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Ziqin Yang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Ye Yang (Tsinghua University)
- Jiangyan Yang (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Yao Yang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Chin-Kang Yang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Yuxuan Yang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Chih-Sheng Yang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Xueming Yang
(Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Author in Commissioning Results of Phase Shifters at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in High-power and femtosecond free-electron laser pulse generation with chirped pulse amplification in EEHG
- Author in Mathematica expression of Gaussian lasers with temporal or spatial chirp
- Author in Multi-bunch operation mode for simultaneously serving SASE and seeding FEL beamlines
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
- Zhiyong Yang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Penghui Yang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in DDBA-H6ba lattice for the nanometer-emittance design of Hefei Light Source
- Author in Error study on Hefei Advanced Light Facility storage ring
- Co-author in Beam injection with an anti-septum into the HALF storage ring
- Co-author in Progress on the storage ring physics design of Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF)
- Haeryong Yang (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yao Yang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yawei Yang (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Jinfeng Yang (Osaka University)
- Yining Yang (Tsinghua University)
- Jie Yang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- NanRui Yang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Mei Yang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Hanxiang Yang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
Wei Yang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Four-rows APPLE-Knot undulator on HEPS
Hongjuan Yao
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Closed-orbit distortion study of XiPAF upgrading project synchrotron
- Co-author in Design of synchrotron for proton flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Differential equation model of tune ripple effect on beam spill ripple in RFKO slow extraction
- Co-author in Lattice considerations for synchrotron of XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Longitudinal splitting of bunches with variable energies in synchrotron
- Co-author in Multiturn injection design and optimization for XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron
- Co-author in Optimization of low-energy slow extraction efficiency of XiPAF
- Co-author in Research on longitudinal dynamics and design of RF parameters of synchrotron for XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Simulation and experiment of low-energy slow extraction at XiPAF
- Co-author in Study on XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron beam loss
- Jacinta Yap (The University of Melbourne)
- Stepan Yaramyshev (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Alexander Yaroslavtsev (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser)
- Hiromasa Yasuda (Tokyo City University)
Takaaki Yasui
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in J-PARC operation with the high repetition rate upgrade
- Co-author in High accuracy optics measurement in J-PARC MR for 1.3 MW upgrade plan
- Co-author in Numerical simulation study towards 1.3-MW beam operation at J-PARC MR
- Co-author in The leakage field of the new high-field septum magnets for fast extraction in Main Ring of J-PARC
- Stephen Yates (Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory)
- Milena Yazichyan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
- Yang Ye (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Wenbo Ye (Tsinghua University)
- Qiang Ye (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Bruce Yee-Rendon
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Author in Design and optimization of a proton source extraction system for the JAEA-ADS linac
- Co-author in Development of a Tool for Cavity Failure Compensation in Superconducting Linacs: Progress and Comparative Study
- Co-author in Fabrication progress of the prototype spoke cavity for the JAEA-ADS linac
Meng-Shu Yeh
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Co-author in Design and integration on the test station for PSM of a 300 kW transmitter
- Co-author in High-beam current operation with a digital low-level radio frequency system
- Co-author in Status and upgrade of radio frequency system at Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in Study of the active disturbance rejection control for the low level radio frequency system at the Taiwan photon source
- Co-author in The design of DC power bus bar for solid state power amplifier in NSRRC
- Co-author in The record of RF transmitter power supply module maintenance in NSRRC
- Co-author in Tuner loop based on FPGA for Petra cavity at TPS booster ring
- Yeong Heum Yeon (Institute for Basic Science)
- Arsham Yeremyan (Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission)
Huaiqian Yi
(Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- Author in High-power and femtosecond free-electron laser pulse generation with chirped pulse amplification in EEHG
- Author in Multi-bunch operation mode for simultaneously serving SASE and seeding FEL beamlines
- Author in Physical design for EEHG beamlines of S3FEL
- Author in Physical Design for SASE Beamlines of S3FEL
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
- Onder Yilmaz (Izmir Institute of Technology)
- Hee-Joong Yim (Institute for Basic Science)
- Hexing Yin (Wuhan University)
- Ziye Yin (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Feiyang Yin (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Gerald Yocky (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Rutambhara Yogi (European Spallation Source)
- Kaoru Yokoya (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hitoki Yoneda (University of Electro-Communications)
- Yujiro Yonemura (Kyushu University)
- Kyoung-Hun Yoo (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
- Junyoung Yoon (Korea University Sejong Campus)
- Yeo dong Yoon (Kiswire Advanced Technology Ltd.)
- Yong-Dae Yoon (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Tetsuhiko Yorita (Osaka University)
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
- Jun Yoshida (Sumitomo Heavy Industries (Japan))
Keisuke Yoshihara
(Nagoya University)
- Co-author in Observation of sudden beam loss in SuperKEKB
Masahito Yoshii
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Co-author in Estimation of the anode power supply current of the J-PARC MR RF system for 1.36 s cycle operation
- Co-author in Impact of slow-extracted beam by main power supply trip in J-PARC main ring
- Co-author in Improvement of the longitudinal phase space tomography at the J-PARC synchrotrons
- Co-author in Irradiation tests of a cavity core material and GaN devices in J-PARC Main Ring
- Co-author in Upgrading magnet power supply system in J-PARC main ring
- Co-author in Vacuum tube operation analysis under a positive grid biasing in J-PARC RCS
Takashi Yoshimoto
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Incoherent and coherent synchrotron radiation effects in the SuperKEKB electron beam transport
- Co-author in Beam injection issues at SuperKEKB
- Co-author in In-Situ Pulse-to-Pulse Evaluation Method on Cavity Parameters of the RF Pulse Compressor
- Co-author in Upgrades of S-band Accelerating Structures and Pulse Compressors in the Electron and Positron Injector Linac of KEK
- Co-author in Vertical bump orbit study on emittance of injection beam in transport line for the SuperKEKB main ring
- Masahiro Yoshimoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Masaki Yoshinari (Nihon Advanced Technology Co., Ltd)
Mai Yotsuzuka
(Nagoya University)
- Co-author in An advanced digital feedback control system design for the muon linear accelerator
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
- Co-author in Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
- maxime Younes Cronnier (UniLaSalle Amiens)
Ehsan Yousefi
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0: Magnet Power Converters strategy
- Jiebing Yu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Li Hua Yu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Chenghui Yu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Beam background study at BEPCII
- Co-author in Error correction for the high luminosity lattice of the CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Yongbo Yu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Yong Yu
(Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Author in Commissioning of the S-band RF Transverse Deflecting Cavity at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Commissioning Results of Phase Shifters at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Longitudinal Feedback System for Suppression of FEL Lasing Drift at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Multi-bunch operation mode for simultaneously serving SASE and seeding FEL beamlines
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
- Renxian Yuan (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Yi Yuan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Zongwei Yuan (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yaoshuo Yuan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yue Yuan (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Yaoshuo Yuan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Canbin Yue
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Assembly, alignment and tuning of the XiPAF DTL
- Sen Yue (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Junhui Yue (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Gunsu Yun (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
Sang-Pil Yun
(Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex)
- Author in Feasibility Study of the Real-time Proton Flux Monitoring System for Space Radiation Environment Test By Using a 100 MeV Proton Irradiation Facility
- Co-author in Integrated control system for space radiation environment test based on 100 MeV proton accelerator
- Co-author in Prototyping of permanent magnet based drift tube for KOMAC 100-MeV DTL
- Co-author in Reinforcement learning-based beam orbit correction for the KOMAC linac
- Co-author in Transverse characterization of 1 MeV/n RFQ output beam at Komac
- Co-author in Upgrade plan of the 3 MeV RFQ at KOMAC
- Mikhail Yurkov (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Maurizio Zaccaria
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in Elettra 2.0: Magnet Power Converters strategy
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
Giuliano Zaggia
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in A high brightness beam test facility for ERL applications
- Co-author in Activities at INFN LASA on ESS Medium Beta Cavities
- Co-author in INFN-LASA R&D on high-Q cavities for the PIP-II project
- Igor Zagorodnov (DESY)
- Przemyslaw Zagrajek (Military University of Technology in Warsaw)
- Artem Zaidman (Universität Hamburg)
- Paul Zakalek (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Vyacheslav Zakosarenko (Supracon AG)
- Alex Zaltsman (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Christos Zamantzas
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Co-author in Beam lifetime monitoring using beam loss monitors during LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Calibration of the LHC Diamond beam loss monitors for LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Calibration of the LHC Diamond Beam Loss Monitors for LHC Run 3
- Co-author in Collimation quench test at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
- Co-author in Investigating the feasibility of delivering higher intensity proton beams to ECN3 at the CERN SPS North Area
Marco Zangrando
(Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
- Co-author in FERMI status and perspectives
- Co-author in FERMI upgrade to Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation
- Luca Zanini (European Spallation Source)
Carlo Zannini
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Beam-induced heating mitigation of the SPS kickers: a crucial upgrade to move towards HL-LHC beam intensities
- Author in Transverse beam coupling impedance studies at the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster after the LHC Injectors Upgrade
- Author in Transverse instabilities at injection energy in the CERN-SPS: lessons learned during high intensity studies
- Co-author in A generalized tool to compute wake potential and impedance from electromagnetic time domain simulations
- Co-author in Characterization of transverse profiles along the LHC injector chain at CERN
- Co-author in Head-tail mode zero instability growth rate studies in the CERN SPS
- Co-author in Operational experience of a low beam coupling impedance injection kicker magnet for the CERN SPS ring
- Francesco Zanoli (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy)
David Zanuttini
- Co-author in Latest PANTECHNIK’s ECR ion sources performances
- Emilio Zappalà (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Raffaele Zarlenga
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in The Frascati DAFNE LINAC low level radio frequency status
- Co-author in X-band activities at INFN-LNF
Tamir Zchut
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives)
- Co-author in SARAF beam commissioning results: injector, MEBT
Andrey Zelinsky
(National Science Centre)
- Author in A tungsten neutron-generating target of a neutron source based on a subcritical assembly driven with an electron accelerator
- Author in Accelerator operation performance during the NSC KIPT SCA neutron source physical start up
- Author in Modernization of the laser-optical system of the X-ray generator NESTOR
- Author in Modernization of the NSC KIPT hard X-ray source facility
- Author in Reactivity measurements for the NSC KIPT subcritical neutron source facility
- Author in The results of the NSC KIPT subcritical assembly neutron source facility physical start up
- Stefan Zeller (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
Johann Zemella
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Author in Recommissioning of the FLASH injector and linac
- Author in Status of the free-electron laser user facility FLASH
- Author in Status of the seeding upgrade for FLASH2020+ project
- Co-author in First Beam Heating Studies with the Laser Heater for FLASH2020+
- Co-author in First beam heating with the laser heater for FLASH2020+
Heishun Zen
(Kyoto University)
- Author in Commissioning of new photocathode RF gun for oscillator-type mid-infrared free-electron laser at Kyoto University
- Author in Improvement of extraction efficiencty of oscillator-type mid-infrared free-electron laser at Kyoto University
- Author in Present status of Kyoto University Free-Electron Laser facility, KU-FEL
- Co-author in Carrier-envelope phase stabilization in FEL oscillators
- Co-author in Generation and NRF application of Flat-Laser Compton Scattering gamma-ray beam in UVSOR
- Co-author in Light source developments at UVSOR BL1U
Rihua Zeng
(European Spallation Source)
- Author in Application of High Precision RF Measurement for ESS Cavities
- Co-author in Results of the elliptical cryomodule qualification at the ESS TS2
- Co-author in RF CM Test Program at ESS TS2
- Co-author in Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
Li Zeng
(Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- Author in High-power and femtosecond free-electron laser pulse generation with chirped pulse amplification in EEHG
- Author in Multi-bunch operation mode for simultaneously serving SASE and seeding FEL beamlines
- Author in Physical design for EEHG beamlines of S3FEL
- Author in Physical Design for SASE Beamlines of S3FEL
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
Klaus Zenker
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Co-author in Advancements of ELBE timing system upgrade
- Riccardo Zennaro (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Keith Zeno
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Adiabatic capture of longitudinal phase space
- Hans-Wilhelm Zens (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Markus Zerlauth (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Giovanni Zevi Della Porta (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Rafal Zgadzaj (The University of Texas at Austin)
Hao Zha
(Tsinghua University)
- Author in Design of a parallel-feeding deflecting cavity with variable polarization
- Author in Design of an S-band buncher for KeV UED
- Author in Development of an ultrahigh dose rate radiation platform for X-ray FLASH radiotherapy research
- Author in X-band electron linear accelerator design for intraoperative radiotherapy
- Co-author in Compression of relativistic electron bunch train
- Co-author in Development of an X-band RF gun with four-feed coupler
- Alina Zhadan (National Science Centre)
Yaojie Zhai
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development of a spin filter polarimeter for polarization measurement of pulsed H+/D+ ion beam at IMP
- Author in Development of a Spin Filter Polarimeter for Polarization Measurement of Pulsed H+/D+ Ion Beams at IMP
- Author in Development of polarized H and D atomic beam source at IMP
- Yuhan Zhai (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Jiyuan Zhai
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in CEPC circumference optimization
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Transient beam loading study in the storage ring of CEPC
Xinzhe Zhai
(Insititute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in A pulser R&D for the HEPS booster bumper magnet
- Co-author in Characteristic study of the pulse bump magnet in HEPS
Sheng Zhang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development of a spin filter polarimeter for polarization measurement of pulsed H+/D+ ion beam at IMP
- Author in Development of a Spin Filter Polarimeter for Polarization Measurement of Pulsed H+/D+ Ion Beams at IMP
- Author in Development of polarized H and D atomic beam source at IMP
- Xiaoyang Zhang (Tsinghua University)
Hao Zhang
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Author in Imaging a high-power hollow electron beam non-invasively with a gas-jet-based beam profile monitor
- Co-author in Absolute Calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN
- Co-author in Characterisation and analysis of supersonic gas jets using interferometric measurement methods
- Co-author in DC and pulsed electron beam test facility at CERN
- Co-author in Development and testing of quantum gas jet beam profile scanner
- Co-author in Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of a High Intensity Low Energy Hollow Electron Beam on Electron Beam Test Facility
- Co-author in Optical transition radiation measurements of a high intensity low energy hollow electron beam on electron beam test facility
- Co-author in Optimisation of a gas jet-based beam profile monitor for high intensity electron beams
Pei Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Development of a new digital LLRF system for high energy photon source
- Author in Status and progress of the RF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in Data acquisition and archiving system for HEPS RF system based on Archiver Appliance
- Co-author in Development and progress of the high-power solid-state amplifiers for HEPS
- Co-author in Frequency pre-tuning of the 166.6 MHz hom-damped srf cavities for HEPS
- Co-author in Normal-conducting 5-cell cavities for HEPS booster RF system
- Co-author in Removal of BCP defects for the 166.6 MHz HOM-damped quarter-wave srf cavities
- Co-author in The high-power test of CW 250 kW fundamental power couplers for HEPS 166.6 MHz superconducting quarter-wave beta=1 cavity
- Co-author in The investigation of cavity frequency instability induced by vibrations
- Co-author in Vertical tests of the 166.6 MHz HOM-damped Prototype SRF Cavities for HEPS
- Chunlin Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Xinying Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Removal of BCP defects for the 166.6 MHz HOM-damped quarter-wave srf cavities
- Co-author in Frequency pre-tuning of the 166.6 MHz hom-damped srf cavities for HEPS
- Co-author in Status and progress of the RF system for high energy photon source
- Co-author in Vertical tests of the 166.6 MHz HOM-damped Prototype SRF Cavities for HEPS
Yuan Zhang
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Study of beam-beam interaction in FCC-ee including updated transverse and longitudinal impedances
- Co-author in CEPC circumference optimization
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Studies of FCC-ee single bunch instabilities with an updated impedance model
Xuezhen Zhang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development of a spin filter polarimeter for polarization measurement of pulsed H+/D+ ion beam at IMP
- Author in Development of a Spin Filter Polarimeter for Polarization Measurement of Pulsed H+/D+ Ion Beams at IMP
- Author in Development of polarized H and D atomic beam source at IMP
Yuhong Zhang
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in Analytic and numerical calculation of collider luminosity with CRAB dynamics
- Co-author in Latest updates on JSPEC – an IBS and electron cooling simulation program
- Co-author in Quantifying effects of crab cavity RF phase noise on transverse emittance in EIC Hadron Storage Ring
- Co-author in Status of the second interaction region design for Electron-Ion Collider
- Co-author in Study of an ERL-based X-ray FEL
- Zhen Zhang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Liang Zhang (Nuctech (China))
- Xiaotong Zhang (Nuctech (China))
- Chaojie Zhang (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Yue Zhang (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
Weiqing Zhang
(Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Author in Commissioning of the S-band RF Transverse Deflecting Cavity at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Commissioning Results of Phase Shifters at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Design and Layout of TDS System for DALS-pre
- Author in Design of a parallel-feeding deflecting cavity with variable polarization
- Author in High-power and femtosecond free-electron laser pulse generation with chirped pulse amplification in EEHG
- Author in Longitudinal Feedback System for Suppression of FEL Lasing Drift at Dalian Coherent Light Source
- Author in Mathematica expression of Gaussian lasers with temporal or spatial chirp
- Author in Multi-bunch operation mode for simultaneously serving SASE and seeding FEL beamlines
- Author in Physical design for EEHG beamlines of S3FEL
- Author in Physical Design for SASE Beamlines of S3FEL
- Co-author in Physical design for Shenzhen superconducting soft X-Ray free-electron laser (S3FEL)
Shukui Zhang
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Co-author in A 5 MeV Compton transmission polarimeter designed for a SRF photogun
- Co-author in A Compton transmission polarimeter for DC and SRF electron photo-injectors
- Co-author in CEBAF Injector Model for K-Long bunch charge at 200 kV
- Co-author in Quantum efficiency and lifetime study for negative electron affinity GaAs nanopillar array photocathode
- Co-author in Quantum efficiency and lifetime study for negative electron affinity GaAs nanopillar array photocathode
- Ailin Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)
Zi-Jing Zhang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Co-author in Design of magnets for Hefei advanced light facility
- Weiqun Zhang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- He Zhang (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Wenqing Zhang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development of Nanosecond Pulser for The Southern Advanced Photon Source Injection System
- Co-author in Program Design of Timing Signal Detection and Protection for CSNS/RCS Resonant Power Supply
- Co-author in Reliability analysis of digital controller for magnet power supply based on optocoupler failure
- Junqiang Zhang (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Yao Zhang (Chongqing University)
- Kaiqing Zhang (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Jingmin Zhang
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Beam transfer line of Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
Zhandong Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
- Author in Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Design of a S band high power klystron for BEPCII
- Co-author in Design Progress on 50MW Pulsed Power C-band Klystron Gun and Magnet
- Co-author in Physical design of a 10 MeV electron linac for industrial application and material irradiation effect research
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
Yu Xin Zhang
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
- Zhe Zhang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Sarah Zhang (University of California, Los Angeles)
Shancai Zhang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Co-author in Development of an S-band accelerating structure for Hefei Advanced Light Source facility
- Co-author in High-Order-Modes Damping in Superconducting Harmonic Cavity for HALF storage ring
- Co-author in Preliminary design on the accelerator of an infrared free electron laser oscillator
- Co-author in Progress on the storage ring physics design of Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF)
- Co-author in Project progress of LLRF for the Superconducting RF system of Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF)
- Co-author in Study of the laser manipulation on relativistic electron beam for terahertz emission
- Shu Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Chun Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Tong Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- qiuyu zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)
Chuan Zhang
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Author in A 1-2 GHz stochastic cooling system for antiprotons and rare isotopes
- Author in Development of a 704.4 MHz CH cavity using additive manufacturing
- Co-author in Commissioning status of the Frankfurt Neutron Source FRANZ LEBT and RFQ
- Co-author in Current Status of the Beam Dynamics Simulations for the HBS Drift Tube Linac
- Linhao Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Tong Zhang (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
- Haoran Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Dongfang Zhang (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science)
- Junyu Zhang (Wuhan University)
- Bingshun Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- bo2 zhang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Xiang Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Meng Zhang (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Jingru Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Meng Zhang (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Jidong Zhang (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Wenli Zhang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Design and experimental research of UHV flanges for the Hefei Advanced Light Facility
- Author in Finite element analysis for NEG coated vacuum chamber based on ANSYS Workbench
- Author in Finite element analysis for NEG coated vacuum chamber based on ANSYS Workbench
- Author in Study on the vacuum properties of laser-etched oxygen-free copper
- Author in Study on the vacuum properties of laser-etched oxygen-free copper
- Shenghu Zhang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Kai Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Ning Zhang (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Charles Zhang (Cornell University (CLASSE))
- Wan Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Minghua Zhao (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Shuai Zhao (Old Dominion University)
- Zhentang Zhao (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Facheng Zhao (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Yongke Zhao (Shandong University)
Zhouyu Zhao
(University of Science and Technology of China)
- Author in Preliminary design of insertion devices at Hefei Advanced Light Facility
- Author in Theoretical studies on polarization control of segmental undulator system
- Co-author in Preliminary design on the accelerator of an infrared free electron laser oscillator
- Co-author in Waveguide FEL oscillator simulation with toroidal mirror
- Qiang Zhao (Michigan State University)
- Jingxia Zhao (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Hongwei Zhao (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yu Zhao
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Latest lattice design and optimization for Southern Advanced Photon Source storage ring
- Author in Longitudinal injection for SAPS based on a double-frequency RF system
- Author in Recent Progress of the Design and Relevant Research Activities for Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Magnetic error corrections of the storage ring for the Southern Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in Studies on beam instabilities in the storage ring of SAPS
- Mingtong Zhao (State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect)
- zhentang zhao (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
- Guodong Zhao (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Yuhao Zhao (Kyoto University)
Yaliang Zhao
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Beam commissioning of the HEPS Linac
- Co-author in Development progress of high-level applications for the HEPS
- Co-author in Feasibility study of fast beam-based alignment using ac excitations in the HEPS
- Co-author in Progress of physics studies and commissioning preparations for the High Energy Photon Source
- Sheng Zhao (Peking University)
- Feng Zhao (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
Shu-xin Zheng
(Tsinghua University)
- Co-author in Assembly, alignment and tuning of the XiPAF DTL
- Co-author in Closed-orbit distortion study of XiPAF upgrading project synchrotron
- Co-author in Design of synchrotron for proton flash radiotherapy
- Co-author in Differential equation model of tune ripple effect on beam spill ripple in RFKO slow extraction
- Co-author in Lattice considerations for synchrotron of XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Longitudinal splitting of bunches with variable energies in synchrotron
- Co-author in Multiturn injection design and optimization for XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron
- Co-author in Optimization of low-energy slow extraction efficiency of XiPAF
- Co-author in Research on longitudinal dynamics and design of RF parameters of synchrotron for XiPAF-upgrading project
- Co-author in Simulation and experiment of low-energy slow extraction at XiPAF
- Co-author in Study on XiPAF-upgrading synchrotron beam loss
- Jiaan Zheng (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Lianmin Zheng (Tsinghua University)
- Hongjuan Zheng (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Alexei Zhidkov (Osaka University)
Alexander Zholents
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in A force-neutral adjustable phase undulator for a compact X-ray FEL
- Author in Fabrication and testing of corrugated waveguides for a collinear wakefield accelerator
- Author in Obtaining picosecond x-ray pulses on fourth generation synchrotron light sources
- Co-author in Strongly tapered helical undulator system for FAST-GREENS installation
- Yimei Zhou (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
- Zize Zhou (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)
- Tianyu Zhou (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Qiaogen Zhou (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
Demin Zhou
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Transverse coupled-bunch instability driven by the resistive wall impedance at SuperKEKB
- Co-author in Incoherent and coherent synchrotron radiation effects in the SuperKEKB electron beam transport
- Co-author in Microwave instability threshold from coherent wiggler radiation impedance in storage rings
- Co-author in Vertical bump orbit study on emittance of injection beam in transport line for the SuperKEKB main ring
- Zeran Zhou (University of Science and Technology of China)
Zusheng Zhou
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Design Progress on 50MW Pulsed Power C-band Klystron Gun and Magnet
- Co-author in CEPC circumference optimization
- Co-author in Design of a S band high power klystron for BEPCII
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
- Co-author in Problems and Considerations about the Injection Philosophy and Timing Structure for CEPC
Jian Xin Zhou
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Study on magnets sorting for the HEPS booster
- Feng Zhou (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Jiami Zhou (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Ningchuang Zhou (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Tianyu Zhou (University of Science and Technology of China)
Weiwei Zhou
(Wuhan University)
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
Zihan Zhu
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Author in Improving the performance of the SXFEL through Proximal Policy Optimization
- Author in Intelligent online optimization in X-ray free-electron lasers
- Author in Stability analysis of double-harmonic cavity system in heavy beam loading with its feedback loops by a mathematical method based on Pedersen model
- Author in Suppression of microbunching instability based on optimized velocity bunching in linac-driven FELs
- Co-author in Improving the performance of the SXFEL through Proximal Policy Optimization
- Co-author in Machine learning for combined scalar and spectral longitudinal phase space reconstruction
- Co-author in Stability analysis of double-harmonic cavity system in heavy beam loading with its feedback loops by a mathematical method based on Pedersen model
- Yimei Zhu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Diling Zhu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Hongbo Zhu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Beam backgrounds at the CEPC
- Peng Zhu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Dechong Zhu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- JianBin Zhu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Qingyuan Zhu (Cornell University)
- Dajun Zhu (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
- Yingshun Zhu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Junyu Zhu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Alexander Zhukov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Thomas Zickler (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Joerg Ziegler (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Philipp Ziegler (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Dariusz Zielinski (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Robert Zierold (Universität Hamburg)
- Filippo Ziliotto (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Alessandro Zimmaro (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Petr Zimmermann (ELI Beamlines Czech Republic)
Frank Zimmermann
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Dark sector searches based on dielectric laser acceleration
- Author in Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
- Co-author in Dielectric laser acceleration for dark sector studies
- Co-author in Dielectric laser acceleration for dark sector studies
- Co-author in FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
- Co-author in Impact of the neutral molecule trapping on beam lifetime and beam profile
- Co-author in Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
- Co-author in Optimizing the beam intensity control by Compton back-scattering in e+/e- Future Circular Collider
- Co-author in Progress of the FCC-ee optics tuning working group
- Co-author in Recent updates of the layout of the lattice of the CERN hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider
- Co-author in The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in The status of the Interaction region design and machine detector interface of the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Using the LHeC ERL to generate high-energy photons
Olivier Zimmermann
(Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie)
- Co-author in SEISM: 60 GHz ECR ion source for future accelerator
- Rene Zimmermann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Karl Zingre (Australian Synchrotron Company)
- Pawel Ziolkowski (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Bernhard Zipfel (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
- Alexander Zlobin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Mikhail Zobov
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Capacitive BPM electromagnetic design optimisation
- Co-author in DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
- Co-author in Studies of FCC-ee single bunch instabilities with an updated impedance model
- Co-author in Study of beam-beam interaction in FCC-ee including updated transverse and longitudinal impedances
- Fabian Zomer (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)
- Edoardo Zoni (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Ye Zou
(Wuhan University)
- Author in Beam transfer line of Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Author in Harmonic RF cavity design for 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Sources
- Author in Studies on beam injection system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Author in Vacuum system for Wuhan Advanced Light Source storage ring
- Co-author in Coaxial Input Coupler Design For Wuhan Advanced Light Source
- Co-author in Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS
- Co-author in Status of magnets for WALS ring
- András Zsákai (HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research)
- Muhammed Zuboraj (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Damien Zurmuehle (University of Geneva)
- Vladimir Zvyagintsev (TRIUMF)
- Paul Zwartek (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Agnieszka Zwozniak (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Mariia Zykova
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in A positron source demonstrator for future colliders
- Lukasz Zytniak (S2Innovation Sp z o. o. [Ltd.])