May 7 – 12, 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

First demonstration of spin-polarized electrons from gallium nitride photocathodes

May 7, 2023, 2:00 PM
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC3.T02: Electron Sources Student Poster Session


Samuel Levenson (Cornell University (CLASSE))


For the first time, photoemission of spin-polarized electron beams from gallium nitride (GaN) photocathodes are observed and characterized. The spin polarizations of the emitted electrons from epitaxially grown hexagonal and cubic GaN photocathodes activated to Negative Electron Affinity (NEA) via cesium deposition are measured in a retarding-field Mott polarimeter.

Funding Agency

This work is supported by DOE grant DOE-DESC0021002.

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Primary author

Samuel Levenson (Cornell University (CLASSE))


Debdeep Jena (Cornell University) Huili Xing (Cornell University) Ivan Bazarov (Cornell University (CLASSE)) Jared Maxson (Cornell University) Jimy Encomendero (Cornell University) Matthew Andorf (Cornell University (CLASSE)) Vladamir Protasenko (Cornell University)

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