7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

The need for Nb3Sn coated Cu cavities for future accelerators

10 May 2023, 15:30
Sala Grande

Sala Grande

Contributed Oral Presentation MC1.A03: Linear Lepton Colliders MC01.2 - Colliders and other Particle Physics Accelerators (Contributed)


Emanuela Barzi (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


Based on current efforts in the U.S. on the novel concept of parallel-feed RF accelerator structures, and in the U.S. and abroad in producing Nb3Sn films on either Cu or bronze, we rec-ommend that the Particle Physics community foster R&D in Superconducting Nb3Sn coated Cu RF Cavities instead of costly bulk Nb. The paper includes methods to process the coated cavi-ties at temperatures consistent with Cu retaining its shape. A devoted global effort in develop-ing Cu cavity structures coated with Nb3Sn would make the ILC or Higgs factories more afforda-ble and more likely to be built. Not only do parallel-feed RF structures enable both higher ac-celerating gradients and higher efficiencies, but they would be applicable to both Cu and Nb3Sn coated Cu cells. Increased effort on these two techniques would synergize expenditures to-wards progress, which will converge on the choice of technology for the RF of an ILC or any fu-ture accelerator. The current methods of Nb3Sn coatings on Cu or bronze can be geared also towards standard cavity cells. In conclusion, the use of distributed coupling structure topology within improved performance parameters together with Nb3Sn coating technology can lead to a paradigm shift for superconducting linacs, with higher gradient, higher temperature of opera-tion, and reduced overall costs for any future collider.

Funding Agency

US Department of Energy

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Primary author

Emanuela Barzi (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


Akihiro Kikuchi (National Institute for Materials Science) Barry Barish (California Institute of Technology) Dr Emilio Nanni (SLAC) Hayato Ito (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Hideaki Monjushiro (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Hiroyuki Hama (Tohoku University) Hitoshi Hayano (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Mamdouh Nasr (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Marc Ross (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Maria Inman (Faraday Technology, Inc.) Dr Mitchell Schneider (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Paul Carriere (RadiaBeam Technologies) Paul Welander (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Rajeswaran Radhakrishnan (Faraday Technology, Inc.) Robert Rimmer (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility) Sami Tantawi (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Shigeru Kashiwagi (Tohoku University) Takayuki Kubo (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Timothy Hall (Faraday Technology, Inc.) William Barletta (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

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