4:30 PM
Orbit correction studies for the MINERVA 100 MeV proton accelerator
Lennert De Keukeleere
4:30 PM
Nonlinearity optimization for the 125 TeV SPPC collider ring lattice
Jie Gao
4:30 PM
Generation of Vertical Emittance through Transverse Coupling and its Impact on the Polarization in the EIC ESR
Fanglei Lin
Vadim Ptitsyn
Vasiliy Morozov
4:30 PM
Status of the beam-based measurement of the skew-sextupolar component of the radio frequency field of a HL-LHC-type crab-cavity
Michele Carlà
4:30 PM
Design of final focus system for a super tau charm facility
4:30 PM
Design optimization for the construction of a linear accelerator driven BNCT facility
Andrea Pisent
4:30 PM
Dark sector searches based on dielectric laser acceleration
Frank Zimmermann
4:30 PM
AC excitation studies for full coupling operation
Gabriele Benedetti
4:30 PM
Operational beta* levelling at the LHC in 2022 and beyond
Michi Hostettler
4:30 PM
The design progress of a high charge, low energy spread polarized pre injector for electron ion collider
Erdong Wang
4:30 PM
Recent updates of the layout of the lattice of the CERN hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider
Massimo Giovannozzi
4:30 PM
Transient beam loading study in the storage ring of CEPC
Tianmu Xin
4:30 PM
Spin-polarization simulations for the Future Circular Collider e+e- using Bmad
Yi Wu
4:30 PM
GaAs cathode activation with Cs-K-Sb thin film
Masao Kuriki
Zachary Liptak
4:30 PM
Benchmark and performance of beam-beam interaction models for XSUITE
Peter Kicsiny
4:30 PM
A Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Lattice Design for Acceleration to energies as high as 5 TeV
J. Berg
4:30 PM
LANSCE Accelerator Modernisation Project Studies at LANL
Dmitry Gorelov
4:30 PM
Lattice design for the hadron storage ring of the Electron-Ion Collider
J. Berg
4:30 PM
Machine learning and Bayesian optimization for pulse shaping on a linear induction accelerator
Evan Scott
4:30 PM
Bunch lifetime analysis based on the injection interval at SuperKEKB
Hiroshi Kaji
4:30 PM
Calibration of the Main Linac Cryomodule Cavities for the CBETA Energy Recovery Linac
J. Berg
4:30 PM
Automated RF-conditioning utilizing machine learning
Stephan Wagner
4:30 PM
Beam polarization studies at the CEPC
Zhe Duan
4:30 PM
Toward a new era of spin-polarized electron beams at SuperKEKB
Zachary Liptak
4:30 PM
Benchmarking the FCC-ee positron source simulation tools using the SuperKEKB results
Fahad Alharthi
4:30 PM
CEPC damping ring design in TDR stage
Dou Wang
4:30 PM
Ultra-thin film yttria enhanced gold photocathodes
Reza Valizadeh
Gavin Bell
Tim Noakes
4:30 PM
A conceptual design of FFA ring for super heavy element production adopting the ERIT mechanism.
Yoshihiro Ishi
4:30 PM
Automated evaluation of LHC proton losses during high-energy beam dumps for the Post-Mortem System
Jan Uythoven
4:30 PM
Bead-Pull of 0.2 THz Strucutre and Technical Issues
Gwanghui Ha
Hyung-sup Kong
Seunghwan Shin
4:30 PM
750 MHz IH-DTL for a proton therpy linac
Yulu Huang
4:30 PM
Design of a 10.156 MHz pre-buncher for a heavy ion RFQ
Yu Tang
4:30 PM
Harmonics of 50 Hz on the beam spectrum of the Large Hadron Collider
Guido Sterbini
4:30 PM
Helen: Traveling wave SRF Linear Collider Higgs factory
Sergey Belomestnykh
4:30 PM
Design and optimisation of an 800 MHz 5-cell elliptical SRF cavity for T¯t working point of the future circular Electron-Positron Collider
Ursula van Rienen
4:30 PM
Advanced accelerators for high energy physics and Snowmass AF06
Cameron Geddes
4:30 PM
First measurement of fourth and fifth order chromaticity in the LHC
Mael Le Garrec
4:30 PM
Status and plans for the high energy booster of the future electron-positron collider FCC-ee
Barbara Dalena
Adnan Ghribi
4:30 PM
Design of CLIC beam delivery system at 7 TeV
Enrico Manosperti
4:30 PM
Design of a CW RFQ as axial injector of high intensity cyclotron
Yao Yang
4:30 PM
Analytic derivative of orbit response matrix and dispersion with thick error sources and thick steerers implemented in python
Andrea Franchi
Simone Liuzzo
4:30 PM
Test Lab Klystron-Modulator System for RF Components Performance Test of PLS-II Linac
Sung-Duck Jang
4:30 PM
Using HiPIMS to Deposit V3Si Super Conducting Thin Films of Single Target Deposition
Reza Valizadeh
4:30 PM
Design of a S band high power klystron for BEPCII
Zhandong Zhang
4:30 PM
Proton and electron RLA optics design
Kirsten Deitrick
4:30 PM
Simulating Tilted Solenoids
Léon van Riesen-Haupt
4:30 PM
Combined-function optics for the lattice of the CERN hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider ring
Massimo Giovannozzi
4:30 PM
Non-destructive spin tune measurement of polarized protons in a storage ring
Haixin Huang
Vadim Ptitsyn
4:30 PM
Design Progress for Accelerators of a Super Tau Charm Facility in China
Qing Luo
4:30 PM
Electromagnetic simulation of LANSCE chopper structure
4:30 PM
Coupling between transverse and longitudinal beam dynamics in the first-stage CLIC decelerator
Raul Costa
4:30 PM
EIC crab cavity multipole effects on dynamic aperture
Qiong Wu
4:30 PM
The CLEAR user facility: a review of the experimental methods and future plans
Pierre Korysko
4:30 PM
Magnetic lattice of PolFEL linac
Robert Nietubyc
4:30 PM
Use of a superconducting solenoid as a matching device for the compact linear collider positron source
Javier Olivares Herrador
4:30 PM
Neutrino generated radiation from a high energy muon collider
Christian Carli
4:30 PM
Status of the hydrogen gas stripper at the UNILAC at GSI
Michael Maier
4:30 PM
Measurement and modelling of decapole errors in the LHC from beam-based studies
Mael Le Garrec
4:30 PM
Machine protection perspective on the restart of the large hadron collider after long shutdown 2
Jan Uythoven
4:30 PM
The New Intense Heavy Ion Alvarez 2.0 DTL at GSI
Manuel Heilmann
4:30 PM
Thermodynamic characteristics of hydrogen in an ionization cooling channel for muon colliders
Bernd Stechauner
4:30 PM
A Booster Replacement Linac for the Future of High Energy Physics at Fermilab
Sam Posen
4:30 PM
Snowmass’21 Perspective on Future Muon Colliders
Diktys Stratakis
4:30 PM
Advancements in injection efficiency modelling for the Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) at CERN
Michele Bozzolan
Nicolo Biancacci
4:30 PM
Insertion Region Optics Correction Strategies for FCC-ee
Léon van Riesen-Haupt
4:30 PM
Updates on Accelerator Code Comparison Studies
Léon van Riesen-Haupt
4:30 PM
Comparison of tracking codes for beam-matter interaction
Bernd Stechauner
4:30 PM
Power deposition studies for betatron halo losses in HL-LHC
Edoardo Farina
4:30 PM
Prospect of operating with limited skew quadrupole corrector availability in the LHC interaction regions
Michi Hostettler
4:30 PM
Crystal collimation performance at the LHC with a 6.8 TeV proton beam
Daniele Mirarchi
4:30 PM
LHC Run 3 optics corrections
Felix Carlier
4:30 PM
First design of a 10 TeV centre of mass energy muon collider
Kyriacos Skoufaris
4:30 PM
Polarized proton operation at RHIC with partial snakes
Vincent Schoefer
4:30 PM
The IFMIF RFQ as a resonant combiner: equivalent circuit and operational scenarios
Antonio Palmieri
4:30 PM
Short pulsed beam extraction from Kurns FFAG
Tomonori Uesugi
4:30 PM
High Luminosity LHC optics scenarios for Run 4
Riccardo De Maria
4:30 PM
Electron Acceleration by Self Focused q-Gaussian Laser Pulse in Plasma
Siddhanth Shishodia
4:30 PM
Error correction for the high luminosity lattice of the CEPC
Bin Wang
4:30 PM
Status of error correction studies in support of FFA@CEBAF
Kirsten Deitrick
4:30 PM
Slow Extraction Techniques from Fixed Field Accelerators
Rebecca Taylor
4:30 PM
Development of the diagnostic beamline for muon acceleration test with APF IH-DTL
Yuka Ibaraki
4:30 PM
Application of a modified feedforward control algorithm for superconducting cavity
Chengye Xu
4:30 PM
An iterative algorithm to estimate the energy spectrum of an electron beam from PDD curves
Enrico Nichelatti
Maria Denise Astorino
4:30 PM
Machine Learning based SRF cavity active resonance control
Faya Wang
4:30 PM
Beam loading compensation of traveling wave LINAC to a multi-bunch pulse with gaps
Masao Kuriki
4:30 PM
Configuration management of the CERN accelerators complex on the road to long shutdown 3
Sonia Bartolome-Jimenez
4:30 PM
Bhabha scattering model for multi-turn tracking simulations at the FCC-ee
Peter Kicsiny
4:30 PM
Simulating Beam-Beam Collisions in Linear Colliders Using Particle-in-Cell Methods
Douglas Storey
4:30 PM
Radiation field characterization for present LHC and future HL-LHC forward physics experiments
4:30 PM
Considerations for a new damping ring design of the FCC-ee pre-injector complex
Ozgur Etisken
Pantaleo Raimondi
4:30 PM
Beam absorbing material candidates for primary collimators for FCC-ee
Antonio Perillo Marcone
4:30 PM
Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee
Zhandong Zhang
4:30 PM
MAD-NG for final focus design
Enrico Manosperti
4:30 PM
Designing the spreaders and splitters for the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade
Ryan Bodenstein
4:30 PM
Prototyping of a disk-loaded structure for muon acceleration
Kazumichi Sumi
4:30 PM
Choosing Cavity Voltages and Phases for the CBETA Multi-Pass Energy Recovery Linac
J. Berg
4:30 PM
Lattice optimization for Electron Ion Collider Hadron storage ring injection
Henry Lovelace III
J. Berg
Kirsten Drees
Chuyu Liu
Vadim Ptitsyn
Nicholaos Tsoupas
4:30 PM
The ESSvSB+ project
Tamer Tolba
4:30 PM
A Double Bend Achromat Hybrid Pulsed Synchrotron Lattice for Accelerating Muons to 5 TeV
J. Berg
4:30 PM
Design modelling of RF injector for ICS gamma-ray source system
Piotr Tracz
4:30 PM
Lattice design for the interaction region of the electron-ion collider
J. Berg
4:30 PM
Design of a hybrid seven-bend-achromat-based lattice for a super tau charm facility
Tao Liu
4:30 PM
Mitigation of losses at injection protection devices in the CERN LHC
Rogelio Tomas
4:30 PM
Synchronizing the timing of the electron and Hadron storage rings in the Electron-Ion Collider
J. Berg
4:30 PM
Beam background study at BEPCII
Bin Wang
4:30 PM
Commissioning strategies of hollow electron lens residual kick compensation
Massimo Giovannozzi
4:30 PM
Design and fabrication of the waveguide Iris couplers for the Spallation Neutron Source drift tube linac
John Moss
4:30 PM
On positron beam dynamics an initial part of a large aperture FCC-ee capture linac
Fahad Alharthi
Iryna Chaikovska
4:30 PM
Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs
Francesco Grespan
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
4:30 PM
Design and simulation of EIC IR orbit control system
Chuyu Liu
4:30 PM
Observation of sudden beam loss in SuperKEKB
Hitomi Ikeda
4:30 PM
60° phase advance optics measurements in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
Mael Le Garrec
4:30 PM
Transient beam loading and power analysis in the booster ring of CEPC
Tianmu Xin
4:30 PM
High Power Radiofrequency Operation of the Radiofrequency Quadrupoles in the Spallation Neutron Source
John Moss
4:30 PM
First results of running the LHC with lead ions at a beam energy of 6.8 Z TeV
Daniele Mirarchi
4:30 PM
Local and global betatron coupling correction based on beam position measurements in RHIC
Chuyu Liu
4:30 PM
Simulations and measurements of collisional losses with Pb beams at the LHC
Marcin Patecki
4:30 PM
The Frascati DAFNE LINAC modulator upgrade
Alberto Cecchinelli
Bruno Buonomo
Claudio Di Giulio
Domenico Di Giovenale
Fabio Cardelli
Graziano Piermarini
Luca Foggetta
Luis Antonio Rossi
Matteo Ceccarelli
Maurizio Belli
Raffaele Zarlenga
Renato Clementi
Riccardo Ceccarelli
Serena Strabioli
4:30 PM
Strategy for proton polarization in the Electron Ion Collider
Haixin Huang
4:30 PM
Beam injection issues at SuperKEKB
Naoko Iida
4:30 PM
Positron beams at Ce+BAF
Joseph Grames
4:30 PM
Challenges of K-modulation measurements in the LHC Run 3
Felix Carlier
4:30 PM
Study of a bunch train total energy spread in a Linac using SLED
Mark Boland
4:30 PM
NICA ion collider and its acceleration complex
Valeri Lebedev
4:30 PM
Steering to a wakefield reduced trajectory using RF kick data in the SLAC linac
Aliaksei Halavanau
4:30 PM
Impact of dipole quadrupolar errors in FCC-ee
Tatiana Pieloni
4:30 PM
FCC-ee arc half-cell: preliminary design & integration studies, with ideas for a mock-up
4:30 PM
Exploring FCC-ee optics designs with combined function magnets
Rogelio Tomas
4:30 PM
Optimizing Pb beam losses at the LHCb for maximum luminosity
Marcin Patecki
4:30 PM
Radio frequency system, power converters and cryomodule installation and tests as a Polish in-kind contribution to the European Spallation Source (ESS)
Agnieszka Zwozniak
4:30 PM
CEBAF 22 GeV FFA energy upgrade
Kirsten Deitrick
4:30 PM
Performance of a double-crystal setup for LHC fixed-target experiments
Marcin Patecki
4:30 PM
A booster free from spin resonances for future 100 km-scale circular e+e- colliders
Tao Chen
4:30 PM
Study and simulation of cryogenic bi-periodic accelerating structure with TM02 mode
Wencheng Fang
4:30 PM
Experience from the US contribution to HL-LHC: Nb3Sn focusing quadrupoles and SRF crab cavities
Giorgio Apollinari
4:30 PM
Thermionic sources for electron cooling at IOTA
Mary Bossard
Nilanjan Banerjee
Sergei Nagaitsev
4:30 PM
DAFNE run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
Antonio De Santis
4:30 PM
Deposition of NbTiN and NbN on 6 GHz seamless copper cavity
Reza Valizadeh
4:30 PM
Low-level radio-frequency system integrated with feed-forward control and vector modulation
4:30 PM
CEPC circumference optimization
Dou Wang
4:30 PM
Stable spin direction measurements at RHIC with polarized proton beams
Vincent Schoefer
4:30 PM
High beam energy recovery simulations for space charged based collector in Neutral beam injection application
Vincenzo Variale
4:30 PM
Parameter ranges for a chain of rapid cycling synchrotrons for a muon collider complex
Fabian Batsch
4:30 PM
Multicell dielectric disk accelerating structure design and low power results
Sarah Weatherly
4:30 PM
First installation of the upgraded vacuum control system for ALPI accelerator
Giovanni Savarese
4:30 PM
Design, testing, and validating the CLIC module pre-alignment and alignment systems
Matthew Capstick
4:30 PM
Beam backgrounds at the CEPC
Haoyu Shi
4:30 PM
Manufacturing and testing of the 800 MHz RFQ at KAHVELab
Atacan Kilicgedik
4:30 PM
Modeling SuperKEKB backgrounds with the Belle II electromagnetic calorimeter
Zachary Liptak
4:30 PM
The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee
Jacqueline Keintzel
Tatiana Pieloni
4:30 PM
Operational handling of Crystal collimation at the LHC
Daniele Mirarchi
4:30 PM
Update on the FCC-ee positron source design studies
Iryna Chaikovska
4:30 PM
First studies of final focus quadrupoles vibrations of the z lattice of FCC-ee
Eva Montbarbon
Freddy Poirier
4:30 PM
Definition of tolerances and corrector strengths for the orbit control of the High-Energy Booster ring of the future electron-positron collider
Barbara Dalena
4:30 PM
Wakefield effects on dark current bunches for LESA
Sean Littleton
4:30 PM
The LHC run 2022
Delphine Jacquet