7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

First results of the multipole injection kicker in the MAX IV 1.5 GeV ring

8 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC2.A05: Synchrotron Radiation Facilities Monday Poster Session


Marco Apollonio (MAX IV Laboratory)


A Multipole Injection Kicker (MIK) has been successfully designed, constructed, installed and commissioned with beam in the MAX IV 1.5 GeV ring. This device allowed reaching injection efficiencies as high as those obtained with the previously used conventional dipole injection kicker scheme, while at the same time providing an order of magnitude reduction in the perturbations to the stored beam resulting from the injection process. In addition, the device has had a major positive impact in allowing effective top-up injection under the strong optics perturbations generated by long-period elliptically polarizing undulators. In this paper we describe the first operations with the device and detail the process of optimisation and commissioning.

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Primary authors

Marco Apollonio (MAX IV Laboratory) Alexey Vorozhtsov (MAX IV Laboratory) Pedro Tavares (University of Lund ) Ake Andersson (MAX IV Laboratory) Jonas Breunlin (MAX IV Laboratory)

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