May 19 – 24, 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

1565 / 1565
Alexander Engeda (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D11 Code Developments and Simulation Techniques
Student Poster Presentation

Particle tracking serves as a computational technique for determining the mean field of dynamically tracked charged macroparticles of a particle beam within an accelerator. Conventional solver tend to neglect collisionality, resulting in loss of relevant information (particle and momentum redistribution). In this study, macro-particle collisions are incorporated into a 3D Poisson solver. In...

Yicheng Liao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Student Poster Presentation

As one of the state-of-the-art radiotherapy approaches, proton therapy possesses conformal dose profiles yet expensive cost. Designing a facility with a small footprint and a high treatment efficiency is the main goal for researchers to fulfill the potential of proton therapy and make it more affordable both for vendors and patients. In this contribution, the design of a light-weight proton...

Yusen Guo (ShanghaiTech University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A08 Linear Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

SSRF (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facili-ty)/SXFEL (Shanghai Soft X-ray FEL) Facility has de-veloped an advanced variable polarization transverse deflecting structure TTDS (two-mode transverse deflect-ing structure) to perform variable polarization based on the design of a dual-mode RF structure. The 15-cell prototype of the TTDS was fabricated at SSRF/SXFEL. Because the two modes operate...

Chiara Antuono (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Student Poster Presentation

The Beam Coupling Impedance (BCI) is a crucial aspect in the realm of accelerator physics, as it describes the electromagnetic interactions between charged particle beams and the accelerator structure. The measurement and quantification of BCI is an essential requirement to assess and mitigate its impact, particularly when introducing new components or addressing problems within existing...

Isabella Vojskovic (European Spallation Source ERIC)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D02 Nonlinear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Developments
Student Poster Presentation

This study explores various neural network approaches for simulating beam dynamics, with a particular focus on non-linear space charge effects. We introduce a convolutional encoder-decoder architecture that incorporates skip connections to predict transversal electric fields. The model demonstrates robust performance, achieving a root mean squared error (RMSE) of $0.5\%$ within just a few...

Weijian Lin (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Student Poster Presentation

An accurate physics simulation model is key to accelerator operation because all beam control and optimization algorithms require good understanding of the accelerator and its elements. For the AGS Booster, discrepancies between the real physical system and online simulation model have been a long-standing issue. Due to the lack of a reliable model, the current practice of beam control relies...

Kaiqing Zhang (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

Strong field Terahertz (THz) light source has been in-creasingly important for many scientific frontiers, while it is still a challenge to obtain THz radiation with high pulse energy at wide-tunable frequency. In this paper, we introduce an accelerator-based strong filed THz light source to obtain coherent THz radiation with high pulse energy and tunable frequency and X-ray pulse at the same...

Kento Muroo (Hiroshima University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.T01 Proton and Ion Sources
Student Poster Presentation

An ion cloud confined in a Paul trap eventually reaches a Coulomb crystalline state when strongly cooled toward absolute zero. The normalized emittance of the Coulomb crystal can be in the sub-femtometer range. The trap is thus usable as a unique ion source for nano-beam production, though the available beam intensity is limited. This new concept was first discussed nearly 20 years ago* and...

Patrick Krkotic (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T14 Vacuum Technology
Student Poster Presentation

This study examines Laser Engineered Surface Structures (LESS) in the context of their potential application within particle accelerators. These structures are investigated due to their efficient reduction of secondary electron yield to counteract the formation of electron clouds, a phenomenon detrimental to accelerator performance. A critical aspect of their evaluation involves understanding...

Riku Nomaru (The University of Tokyo)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A24 Accelerators and Storage Rings, Other
Student Poster Presentation

In the SuperKEKB/Belle-II experiment, a multitude of elementary particle reactions is initiated through the collision of 4 GeV positrons with 7 GeV electrons, paving the way for the exploration of new physics. The experiment includes plans for the substantial enhancement of luminosity in the future, aiming to achieve an integrated luminosity approximately 100 times the current level. However,...

Siyuan Feng (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A04 Circular Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

In this paper, we delve into the application and comparative analysis of the Accelerator Physics Emulation System Cavity-Beam Interaction (APES_CBI) module within the BEPC-II (Beijing Electron-Positron Collider) experiments. We developed the APES_CBI module as an advanced time-domain solver, specifically designed to analyze RLC circuits driven by beam and generator currents and to simulate the...

Alexander Katrusiak (TRIUMF)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Student Poster Presentation

A novel tuning approach, Model Coupled Accelerator Tuning (MCAT), has been applied to the separated function DTL at TRIUMF's Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC). A digital twin of the rare-isotope postaccelerator is used for transverse and longitudinal tune optimizations, which are then loaded directly into the control system. Beam-based testing produced accelerated beam with a 0.26%...

Mason Stobbe (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Student Poster Presentation

At the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests (FACET-II) accelerator, a pair of 10 GeV high-current electron beams is used to investigate Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (PWFA) in plasmas of different lengths. While PWFA has achieved astonishingly high accelerating gradients of tens of GeV/m, matching the electron beam into the plasma wake is necessary to achieve a beam quality...

Taryn Brown (Arizona State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Student Poster Presentation

The automation upgrade of the photoinjector for the Compact X-Ray Light Source (CXLS) at Arizona State University is described. As the accelerator vault of the CXLS is only 10 meters long, the photoinjector drive laser is located in an enclosure inside the vault. Since ionizing radiation is present in this room during operations, it necessitates remote control of all devices used to optimize...

Florian Stummer (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A25 Beyond Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

Super-NaNu is a proposed neutrino experiment as part of the SHADOWS proposal for the high intensity facility ECN3 in CERN's North Area. It aims to detect neutrino interactions downstream of a beam-dump that is penetrated with a 400 GeV high intensity proton beam from the SPS. The experiment would run in parallel to the HIKE and SHADOWS experiments, taking data with an emulsion detector....

Matthew Signorelli (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A19 Electron-Hadron Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

We present a novel method for minimizing the effects of radiative depolarization in electron storage rings by use of vertical orbit bumps in the arcs. Electron polarization is directly characterized by the RMS of the so-called spin orbit coupling function in the bends. In the Electron Storage Ring (ESR) of the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), as was the case in HERA, this function is excited by...

William Asztalos (Illinois Institute of Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC4.T20 Targetry and Dumps
Student Poster Presentation

High Power Targetry (HPT) R&D is critical in the context of increasing beam intensity and energy for next generation accelerators. Many target concepts and novel materials are being developed and tested for their ability to withstand extreme beam environments; the HPT R&D Group at Fermilab is developing an electrospun nanofiber material for this purpose.
The performance of these nanofiber...

Yimin Yang (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

The paper introduces design and optimization of a high-repetition-rate infrared terahertz free-electron laser (IR-THz FEL) facility, which leverages optical resonator-based FEL technology to achieve a higher mean power output by increasing pulse frequency. Electron beam of the facility will be generated from a photocathode RF gun injector and further accelerated with a superconducting linear...

Bethany Spear (John Adams Institute)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

A beam position monitor based on Cherenkov diffraction radiation (ChDR) is being investigated as a way to disentangle the signals generated by the electromagnetic fields of a short-pulse electron bunch from a long proton bunch co-propagating in the AWAKE plasma acceleration experiment at CERN. These ChDR BPMs have undergone renewed testing under a variety of beam conditions with proton and...

Anthony Tran (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

Beam tomography is a method to reconstruct the higher dimensional beam from its lower dimensional projections. Previous methods to reconstruct the beam required large computer memory for high resolution; others needed differential simulations, and others did not consider beam elements' coupling. This work develops a 4D reconstruction using Markov Chain Monte Carlo.

Zheng Wang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T07 Superconducting RF
Student Poster Presentation

The linear acceleration part of the SHINE project consists of two 3rd harmonic cryogenic modules which are operating at 3.9 GHz. Each of the cryomodules consists of eight 3.9 GHz 9-cell superconducting cavities. The SHINE specifications of the 3.9 GHz cavities are Qo >2.0e+9@13.1 MV/m and maximum accelerating gradient >15 MV/m. The 3.9 GHz cavities were treated with buffered chemical polishing...

Philippe Belanger (University of British Columbia & TRIUMF)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D10 Beam-Beam Effects Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Developments
Student Poster Presentation

Recent experimental measurements in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have shown a clear correlation between beam-beam resonance driving terms and beam losses, with a characteristic bunch-by-bunch signature. This observation creates interesting conditions to study diffusive processes. Over the past few decades, early chaos indicators, frequency map analysis and dynamic aperture studies have been...

Francesco Demurtas (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A08 Linear Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

We performed an optimisation study of a C-band photoinjector for high-charge electron beams. Such a device is capable of producing high brightness electron beams, with low energy spread and small transverse emittance, which are properties required by Inverse Compton Scattering radiation sources and compact light sources in general. This work aimed to carry out, via numerical simulations,...

William Delooze (Duke University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

FEL oscillators typically employ a two-mirror cavity with spherical mirrors. For storage ring FELs, a long, nearly concentric FEL cavity is utilized to achieve a reasonably small Rayleigh range, optimizing the FEL gain. A challenge for the Duke storage ring, with a 53.73 m long cavity, is the characterization of FEL mirrors with a long radius of curvature (ROC). The Duke FEL serves as the...

Travis Nichols (California Polytechnic State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T25 Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

A large challenge with Plasma Wakefield Acceleration lies in creating a plasma with a profile and length that properly match the electron beam. Using a laser-ionized plasma source provides control in creating an appropriate plasma density ramp. Additionally, using a laser-ionized plasma allows for an accelerator to run at a higher repetition rate. At the Facility for Advanced Accelerator...

Samuel Levenson (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

Photocathodes at Negative Electron Affinity (NEA), like GaAs and GaN, allow for efficient production of spin-polarized electrons. When activated to NEA with cesium and an oxidant, they are characterized by an extreme sensitivity to chemical poisoning, resulting in a short operational lifetime. In this work, we demonstrate that deposition of a cesium iodide (CsI) layer can be used to enhance...

Matthias Nabinger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

A Compact Transverse Deflecting System (Compact-TDS) designed for longitudinal electron bunch diagnostics in the femtosecond regime is presently undergoing commissioning at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). This technique, based on THz streaking using a resonator structure, demands a high level of electron beam controllability and stability at the micrometer scale. To meet these...

Rafi Hessami (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

The ongoing Plasma-driven Attosecond X-ray source experiment (PAX) at FACET-II aims to produce coherent soft X-ray pulses of attosecond duration using a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator [1]. These kinds of X-ray pulses can be used to study chemical processes where attosecond-scale electron motion is important. For this first stage of the experiment, PAX plans to demonstrate that <100 nm bunch...

Yining Yang (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

This work presents the design of a compact high-efficiency terahertz source, a collaborative effort between UCLA and RadiaBeam Technologies. The system, driven by a thermionic RF gun, features prebunching elements including alpha-magnet and electromagnetic chicane to effectively compress the long beam generated from the gun. By sending such beam into tapering enhanced waveguide oscillator, we...

Pratik Manwani (University of California, Los Angeles)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Student Poster Presentation

This paper explores the phenomenon of asymmetric blowout in plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA), where the transversely asymmetric beam creates a transversely asymmetric blowout cavity in plasma. This deviation from the traditional axisymmetric models leads to unique focusing effects in the transverse plane and accelerating gradient depending on the transverse coordinates. We extend our...

Mr Bao Nguyen (Imperial College of Science and Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D10 Beam-Beam Effects Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Developments
Student Poster Presentation

As part of the Snowmass'21 planning exercise, the Advanced Accelerator Concepts community proposed developing multi-TeV linear colliders and considered beam-beam effects for these machines [1]. Such colliders operate under a high disruption regime with an enormous number of electron-positron pairs produced from QED effects. Thus, it requires a self-consistent treatment of the fields produced...

Eiad Hamwi (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D03 Calculations of EM fields Theory and Code Developments
Student Poster Presentation

Meaningful prediction and enhancement of spin-polarization in the RHIC/EIC accelerator complex relies on accurate modeling of each sub-component. Here we describe a symplectic field approximations of both Siberian Snakes in the AGS, enabling practical long-term tracking calculations. Without such symplectic representations, particle motion destabilizes very quickly close to injection energy....

Victor Lizárraga-Rubio (Universidad de Guanajuato)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

An electron beam degrader is under development with the objective of measuring the transverse and longitudinal acceptance of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab. This project is in support of the CE+BAF positron capability. Computational simulations of beam-target interactions and particle tracking were performed integrating the GEANT4 and Elegant...

Raiza Babu (International Institute for Accelerator Applications)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC4.T19 Collimation
Student Poster Presentation

This paper details the implementation and benchmarking of crystal collimation within MERLIN++ accelerator physics library and demonstrates its application in simulating crystal collimation process for the High Luminosity(HL) upgrade of Large Hadron Collider(LHC) at CERN. Crystal collimation is one of the key technologies suggested to enhance the current collimation system according to the...

Aikaterini Rousseti (Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC8.U01 Health & Biology
Student Poster Presentation

In vivo studies support that the combination of protons and spatial fractionation, the so-called proton minibeam radiotherapy (pMBT), enhances the protection of normal tissue for a given tumor dose. A preclinical pMBT facility for small animal irradiation at the 68 MeV cyclotron of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) will improve the understanding of this method. A two-step energy-degrading system...

Eric Everett (Arizona State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T18 Radiation Monitoring and Safety
Student Poster Presentation

The Compact X-ray Light Source (CXLS) requires the acceleration of electron bunches to relativistic energies, which collide with focused IR laser pulses to produce X-rays which are then transported to the experiment hutch. A class 4 UV laser is used at the photocathode to liberate the electrons that are generated via the photoelectric effect. During electron acceleration bremsstrahlung...

Yang Jen Lin (National Tsing-Hua University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

The coherent THz facility developed at NSRRC delivers superradiant radiation with wavelengths ranging from 100 – 500 um from a gap tuneable U100 planar undulator. An S-band laser-driven photocathode rf gun has been used in its 25 MeV linac system to generate a sub-picosecond high brightness relativistic electron beam via velocity bunching for emission of coherent THz radiations. However, the...

Gaurab Rijal (Northern Illinois University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T06 Room Temperature RF
Student Poster Presentation

The attainable acceleration gradient in normal conducting RF accelerating structure is limited by RF breakdown, a major challenge in high gradient operation. Some of the recent experiments at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) facility suggest the possibility of breakdown mitigation by using short RF pulses (on the order of a few nanoseconds) to drive the accelerating structures. To...

Jia Hao Tian (ShanghaiTech University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

To generate the very high brightness beams in light sources, injectors based on radiofrequency photo-guns with very high peak electric fields on the cathode are used. However, this very high surface electric field on the surface of a radio frequency cavity leads to the generation of dark current due to the field emission effect which can damage the instrumentation and radio-activate...

Hannah Hu (University of Chicago)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T07 Superconducting RF
Student Poster Presentation

The performance of superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities is critical to enabling the next generation of efficient, high-energy particle accelerators. Recent developments have focused on altering the surface impurity profile through in-situ baking, furnace baking, and doping to introduce and diffuse beneficial impurities such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon. However, the precise role...

Chad Pennington (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

We present measurements of enhanced quantum efficiency (QE) in thin film photocathodes due to optical interference in the cathode-substrate multilayer. Modulations in the quantum efficiency of Cs$_{3}$Sb films grown on multilayer 3C-SiC substrates are observed over a range of visible wavelengths, and are shown to increase the QE by more than a factor of two at certain wavelengths. We derive a...

Ruiying Luo (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

Bunch length is an important parameter for free-electron laser (FEL). The deflecting RF cavity was used in the beam length diagnostic instrument. In this paper, we present the design of a 3-cell rectangular deflecting RF cavity for a compact terahertz (THz) free-electron laser (FEL) facility. The 3-cell deflecting cavity has a residual orbit offset of zero as compared to single-cell deflecting...

Zexin Cao (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T06 Room Temperature RF
Student Poster Presentation

As compared to conventional travelling-wave (TW) structures, parallel-coupled accelerating structures eliminate the requirement for the coupling between cells, providing greater flexibility in optimizing the shape of cells. Each cell is independently fed by a periodic feeding network for this structure. In this case, it has a significantly short filling time which allows for ultrashort pulse...

Ta-Jen Kuo (Imperial College of Science and Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
Student Poster Presentation

Capable of achieving a high repetition rate with strong focusing, Fixed Field Alternating gradient (FFA) accelerators have the potential to be used for pulsed high intensity operations. With no pulsed high intensity FFA ever built so far, a prototype machine called FETS-FFA has been proposed to study the FFA option for the next generation spallation neutron source (ISIS-II). One of the...

Brendan Leung (Northern Illinois University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A16 Advanced Concepts
Student Poster Presentation

In the field of structure wakefield acceleration there is considerable interest in radiofrequency (RF) structures capable of producing high gradients. Structures in the sub-terahertz (sub-THz) regime are of note due to their high gradient and high efficiency, allowing for a low physical footprint. In the pursuit of this goal we have designed a metallic corrugated W-band structure using the CST...

Juan Pablo Gonzalez-Aguilera (University of Chicago)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) in linear accelerators (linacs) is detrimental to applications that require highly compressed beams, such as FELs and wakefield accelerators. However, traditional measurement techniques lack the precision to fully comprehend the intricate multi-dimensional aspects of CSR, particularly the varying rotation of transverse phase space slices along the...

Beatriz Higuera Gonzalez (Cockcroft Institute)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

Minimizing the energy spread within the electron bunch is essential for an optimal performance of free electron lasers. Wakefields from corrugated and dielectric structures have been demonstrated to be effective in bunch dechirping. However, the repercussions in beam quality are not yet well understood. Here, a dielectric wakefield structure, manufactured to be included at the CLARA facility,...

Yukiya Wakita (Nagoya University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

Negative Electron Affinity (NEA) activated GaAs photocathodes are the only one capable of generating spin-polarized electron beam larger than 90%. However, the NEA layer currently made from mainstream cesium (Cs) and oxygen (O) is chemically unstable, the NEA-GaAs photocathode has a rapid QE degradation over time or electron beam. As a result, it requires an operating vacuum pressure of 1e-9...

Rehanah Razak (Imperial College London)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D11 Code Developments and Simulation Techniques
Student Poster Presentation

Radiotherapy is an effective, non-invasive, widely used treatment for cancerous tumours that uses x-ray photon, electron and ion beam sources. The Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications (LhARA) is a novel laser-driven accelerator system under development that aims to prove the principle of the laser-driven approach to Particle Beam Therapy (PBT). This study aims at the...

Yue Zong (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T07 Superconducting RF
Student Poster Presentation

A surface treatment device has been established at the Wuxi Platform, enabling chemical polishing treatment on coupon samples. Currently, several samples treated with buffered chemical polishing (BCP) have been utilized in the investigation of nitrogen doping and medium-temperature baking mechanisms. This paper presents the development process of this device along with the experimental...

William Fung (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Student Poster Presentation

Many mature methods to measure the betatron function of a lattice rely on beam position monitor (BPM) data and the model of the whole machine. In this study, specific sections of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) were analyzed, taking advantage of BPMs separated by drift spaces near interaction points (IPs) and B3/B4 magnet sections of RHIC. This (local) approach would provide a...

Liam Pocher (University of Maryland)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D13 Machine Learning
Student Poster Presentation

One of the Grand Challenges in beam physics is development of virtual particle accelerators for beam prediction. Virtual accelerators rely on efficient and effective methodologies grounded in theory, simulation, and experiment. We will address one sample methodology, extending the understanding and the control of deleterious effects, for example, emittance growth. We employ the application of...

Daria Kuzovkova (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A04 Circular Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

The Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) of the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) will be used to accelerate polarized electrons from 400 MeV to a top energy of 5, 10, or 18 GeV before injecting into the Electron Storage Ring. At 1 GeV, the RCS will perform a merge of two bunches into one, adding longitudinal dynamics that effects the dynamic aperture, depending on the merge parameters. In this paper,...

Kelly Anderson (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D02 Nonlinear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Developments
Student Poster Presentation

Crab crossings are designed to increase the luminosity of accelerators by ensuring beam interactions are closer to a head on collision. One will be implemented at the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. It is then important to examine how the crab cavity will affect beam dynamics at the EIC. Methods such as Frequency Map Analysis (FMA) have been shown to be helpful...

Tasabeeh Alabid Jafer (University of Pretoria)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC8.U02 Materials Analysis and Modification
Student Poster Presentation

The use of glassy carbon (GC) as a future nuclear waste storage material depends on its capability to retain all radioactive fission products found in spent nuclear fuels. Ruthenium (Ru) is one of the most important fission products in nuclear reactors. This work investigates the effects of implantation temperature and annealing on the structural evolution and migration of Ru implanted in GC....

Senem Ozdemir (Ege University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A02 Lepton Circular Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

DAΦNE is a a medium energy electron-positron collider operating in the National Laboratory of INFN at Frascati, Italy. The accelerator complex consists of two rings with an approximate circumference of 97 m. High-intensity electron and positron beams circulate and collide with the center of mass energy of around 1.02 GeV. The FCCee is an ongoing lepton collider project and its current injector...

Eleonora Pasino (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

The experience gained at CERN by the R&D for LINAC4 has been exported to medical and societal applications. With an innovative design of the Radio Frequecy Quadrupole (RFQ) at high frequencies, it is possible to build very com- pact structures, reproducible in industry and with the po- tential of full portability. ELISA (Experimental LInac for Surface Analysis) is a linear proton accelerator...

Andrea Fornara (The University of Manchester)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Student Poster Presentation

In the context of the HL-LHC upgrade, RF Crab Cavities (CCs) are one of the key components. Due to the increased intensity, the collider will operate with a large crossing angle scheme and these CCs will be used to counteract the geometrical reduction factor coming from the crossing angle. Amplitude and phase noise injected from the Low-Level RF, are known to induce transverse bunch emittance...

Vittorio Ferrentino (University of Naples Federico II)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A04 Circular Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) is featured with 100 C-shaped combined-function Main Units (MUs) magnets with a complicated pole shape. The operation and the modelling of the PS-MUs has been historically carried out with empirical beam-based studies. However, it would be interesting to understand whether, starting from a proper magnetic model and using the predicted harmonics as input to optics...

Alessandro Frasca (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A26 Machine Detector Interface
Student Poster Presentation

The Future Circular Collider (FCC) study foresees the construction of a 90.6 km underground ring where, as a first stage, a high-luminosity electron-positron collider (FCC-ee) is envisaged, operating at beam energies from 45.6 GeV (Z pole) to 182.5 GeV (ttbar). In the FCC-ee experimental interaction regions, various physical processes give rise to particle showers that can be detrimental to...

Ran Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T11 Power Supplies
Student Poster Presentation

As the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Phase II project upgrades beam power to 500 kW, maintaining horizontal beam orbit stability necessitates more precise output current from the main magnet power supplies. The existing control strategy, suited for 100 kW extraction power, falls short of the higher precision requirements for the output current, characterized by a quasi-sinusoidal...

Annika Gabriel (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.T25 Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

THz-frequency accelerating structures could provide the accelerating gradients needed for compact next generation particle accelerators. One of the most promising THz generation techniques for accelerator applications is optical rectification in lithium niobate using the tilted pulse front method. However, accelerator applications are limited by losses during transport and coupling of THz...

Elias Waagaard (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A01 Hadron Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

The present ion physics program in the CERN accelerator complex is mainly based on Pb ion beams. The ALICE3 detector upgrade proposal at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) requests significantly higher integrated nucleon-nucleon luminosity compared to the present Pb beams, which can potentially be achieved with lighter ion species. These lighter ion species have also been requested by the...

Francesco Demurtas (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Student Poster Presentation

Plasma wakefield acceleration is nowadays very attractive in terms of accelerating gradient, able to overcome conventional accelerators by orders of magnitude. However, this poses very demanding requirements on the accelerator stability to avoid large instabilities on the final beam energy. In this study we analyze the correlation between the driver-witness distance jitter (due to the RF...

Qianxu Xia (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T35 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components
Student Poster Presentation

To reduce the dark current and secondary electron multiplication in conventional conducting accelerator cavities, and to improve the quantum efficiency of copper photocathodes, thereby achieving higher beam quality and enhancing the acceleration gradient and operational stability of accelerators, Tsinghua University designed a 13.56 MHz internal coil-type capacitive discharge plasma...

Cassandra Phillips (Northern Illinois University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A16 Advanced Concepts
Student Poster Presentation

Dielectric-lined waveguides have been extensively studied for high-gradient acceleration in beam-driven dielectric wakefield acceleration (DWFA) and for beam manipulations, including the application of zero transverse force modes in the waveguides. In this paper, we investigate the zero transverse force modes excited by a relativistic electron bunch passing through a dielectric waveguide with...

Oliver Stringer (Cockcroft Institute)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

A minimally-invasive gas jet in-vivo dosimeter for medical treatment facilities is being developed at the Cockcroft Institute (UK), to provide full online (real time) monitoring with less frequent calibration. The monitor functions via a thin, low-density, gas jet curtain, intersecting with the beam. Online monitoring is crucial for hadron beams where acceptable dose tolerances are narrow,...

Yusen Guo (ShanghaiTech University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Student Poster Presentation

In order to miniaturize ion injectors for particle therapy, a design of ion injectors based on a 325 MHz operating frequency was completed. The LINAC was consist of a 2.0 m length RFQ and a 3.8 m length IH-DTL, which was designed to accelerate 12C4+, 3H+, 3He+ and 18O6+ beams to 7 MeV/u. The RFQ cavity and the first DTL tank was been manufactured using aluminum. This paper gives an overview of...

Ryo Shinohara (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D11 Code Developments and Simulation Techniques
Student Poster Presentation

The occurrence of breakdown events are a primary limiting factor for future accelerator applications aiming to operate under high field-gradient environments. Experimental evidence often leads to a hypothesis that breakdown events are associated with temperature and dark current spikes on the surface of RF devices. In the past decade, there has been increased interest in unveiling the...

Jan-Magnus Christmann (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T09 Room Temperature Magnets
Student Poster Presentation

Fourth-generation synchrotron radiation sources, which are currently being planned in several accelerator laboratories, require fast orbit feedback systems to correct distortions in the particle orbit in order to meet stringent stability requirements. Such feedback systems feature corrector magnets powered at frequencies up to the kilohertz range, giving rise to strong eddy currents. To...

Cristobal Miguel Garcia Jaimes (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A02 Lepton Circular Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

The Future Circular Electron-Positron Collider (FCC-ee) represents a cutting-edge particle physics facility designed to further investigate the Z, W± and Higgs boson in addition to the top quark. The implementation of Nested Magnets (NMs) in the FCC-ee arc cells would maintain high luminosity and reduce its energy consumption. The use of these special magnets induces changes in the damping...

Philipp Niedermayer (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Student Poster Presentation

Radio Frequency Knock Out (RF-KO) resonant slow extraction is commissioned at the Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) Jülich for the first time to extract the stored beam and deliver spills with constant particle rates to the experiments. Therefore, transverse RF excitation generated with a software-defined radio is applied to control the extraction rate. A built-in feedback system adjusts the...

Pratik Manwani (University of California, Los Angeles)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Student Poster Presentation

Particle beams with asymmetric transverse emittances and profiles have been utilized in facilities for driving wakefields in dielectric waveguides and to drive plasma wakefields in plasma. The asymmetric plasma structures created by the beam produce focusing forces that are transversely asymmetric. We utilize the ellipticity of the plasma ion cavity to model the beam evolution of the flat beam driver.

Marta Monikowska (Warsaw University of Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Student Poster Presentation

By using a high-energy electron beam (beam energy of several hundred MeV) strongly focused on the tumor lesion area, radiotherapy can be performed with a relatively simple beam generation and handling system while resulting in a suitable shape of the deposition energy curve in a tissue-like material. Quadrupole magnets are typically used for beam focusing, which makes the beam delivery system...

Joshua Mann (University of California, Los Angeles)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

Laser-field emission, or optical field emission, is a process that can produce electron beams with high charge density and high brightness with ultrafast response times. Using an extended nanostructure, such as a nanoblade, permits plasmonic field enhancement up to 80 V/nm with an incident ultrafast laser of wavelength 800 nm. Stronger ionizing fields lead to higher current densities, so...

Oliver Stringer (Cockcroft Institute)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

A non-invasive bidirectional beam profile monitor using beam-induced fluorescence upon a thin sheet of gas has been developed at the Cockcroft Institute in collaboration with CERN and GSI. This device is particularly suited to the Electron Beam Test Stand, and as such, a bespoke gas injection has been optimized for this specific use-case to provide diagnostics unavailable to conventional...

Lanpeng Ni (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

As an important experimental tool, the Optical Frequency Combs (OFCs) has had a profound impact on research in various fields, whereas, generating high power high repetition frequency OFCs at tunable frequencies is still a limitation for most of the existing methods. In this study, free-electron laser (FEL) is proposed to generate coherent X-ray OFC with a tunable repetition frequency and...

Yian Wang (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D09 Emittance manipulation, Bunch Compression and Cooling
Student Poster Presentation

Obtaining ultrashort electron bunches is the key to the studies of ultrafast science, yet second and higher order nonlinearities limits the bunch length to a few femtoseconds after compression. Traditional regulation methods using rf higher order harmonics have already optimized the bunch length to sub-fs scale, yet the energy loss and rf jitter are not negligible. In this paper we demonstrate...

Martin Dusek (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T17 Alignment and Survey
Student Poster Presentation

Generating layers of symmetrical optical caustic beams using a specific configuration of cylindrical lenses is an innovative idea with potential application in precision alignment and other fields. The technique allows the generation of layers of non-diffracting beams with opposite accelerating directions. This approach can be extended in two dimensions or to create rotationally symmetric...

Krzysztof Kawa (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Student Poster Presentation

The CERN Accelerator Beam Transfer group has recently launched a study to investigate the life cycles of pulsed septum magnets. The development is aiming to enhance the prediction of anomalies, leading to reduced life cycles of these beam transfer equipment. For this reason, the standard vacuum operated, direct drive septa magnet has been chosen to investigate critical design features. In the...

Gerard Lawler (University of California, Los Angeles)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

Future electron accelerator applications such as x-ray free electron lasers and ultrafast electron diffraction are dependent on significantly increasing beam brightness. We have designed and produced a new CrYogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG) for use in a new beamline at UCLA to study the brightness improvements achievable in this novel low temperature high gradient...

Madison Singleton (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

LCLS-II-HE is an energy upgrade of the LCLS-II linac from 4 GeV to 8 GeV. The X-ray FEL photon energy (Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission mode) will extend towards 12 keV (from the present 5 keV) based on the current beam emittance. To reach higher photon energy range towards 20 keV, a new injector with a much brighter electron beam will be required. Here we study an X-ray regenerative...

Christophe Lannoy (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

Schottky monitors serve as non-invasive tools for beam diagnostics, providing insights into crucial bunch characteristics such as tune, chromaticity, bunch profile, or synchrotron frequency distribution. However, octupole magnets commonly used in circular storage rings to mitigate instabilities through the Landau damping mechanism, can significantly affect the Schottky spectrum. Due to the...

Marvin Noll (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

In the upcoming compact STorage ring for Accelerator Research and Technology (cSTART), LPA-like electron bunches are only stored for about 100 ms, in which the equilibrium emittance will not be reached. Therefore, to measure parameters such as bunch profiles, arrival times and bunch current losses, bunch-resolved diagnostics are needed.
The booster synchrotron of the KARA accelerator accepts...

David Daminelli (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Student Poster Presentation

SIRIUS is a 4th generation synchrotron light source built and operated by the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). Recently, investigations of noise sources and the storage ring RF plant identification enabled a fine-tuning of the Digital Low-Level Radio Frequency (DLLRF) parameters. This paper presents the main improvements implemented, which include the mitigation of 60Hz noise...

Julius-Stephan Storch (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

The institute of applied physics (IAP), university of Frankfurt, has been working for years on the development of increasingly powerful 4-Rod RFQ accelerators for hadron acceleration. The need for such accelerators has increased significantly in the recent past, as accelerator-driven neutron sources are becoming increasingly important following the closure of various test reactors. High beam...

Rafael Yrjosmiel Legaspi (Mapúa University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Student Poster Presentation

Using hollow plasma channels is one approach to compact positron acceleration, potentially reducing the cost and footprint of future linear colliders. However, it is prone to transverse instabilities since beams misaligned from the channel axis tend to get deflected into the channel boundary. In contrast, asymmetric electron drive beams can tolerate misalignment and propagate stably after the...

Bernd Stechauner (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A09 Muon Accelerators, Neutrino Factories, Muon Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

Within the context of a design study of a LINAC for ionization cooling, this paper presents the result of incorporating a scattering model in RF-Track (v2.1) for charged particles heavier than electrons. This inclusion enables simulations for applications like ionization cooling channels for muon colliders. Within RF-Track, a novel semi-Gaussian mixture model has been introduced to describe...

Lauryn Eley (Cockcroft Institute)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Student Poster Presentation

Digital Tomosynthesis (DT) is a 3D mode of x-ray imaging. Adaptix Ltd have developed a novel mobile DT device enabled by implementing an array of R-ray emission points and a flat-panel detector. This device gives access to human and animal 3D imaging, as well as to non-destructive material evaluation. DT is not as clinically popular as Computed Tomography (CT) or radiography, and flat-panel...

Kyle Capobianco-Hogan (Stony Brook University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A09 Muon Accelerators, Neutrino Factories, Muon Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

A muon collider allows one to have a high energy reach for physics studies while having a relatively compact footprint. Ideally such a machine would accelerate muon beams to about 5 TeV. We present a preliminary lattice design for a pulsed synchrotron that will accelerate muon beams to their maximum collision energy and having a circumference of 16.5 km, which would allow it to fit just within...

Vittorio Ferrentino (University of Naples Federico II)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A01 Hadron Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

In 2023, about 2 months of the LHC operation were devoted to the Heavy Ions physics, after more than 5 years since the last ion run. In this paper, the results of the 2023 Ion optics commissioning are reported. Local corrections in Interaction Point (IP) 1 and 5 were reused from the regular proton commissioning, but the optics measurement showed the need for new local corrections in IP2. We...

Elleanor Lamb (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A01 Hadron Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

The luminosity of particle colliders depends, among other parameters, on the transverse profiles of the colliding beams. At the LHC at CERN, heavy-tailed transverse beam distributions are typically observed in routine operation. The luminosity is usually modelled with the assumption that the 𝑥-𝑦 planes are independent (i.e. statistically uncorrelated particle distributions between the planes)...

Silke Van der Schueren (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC4.A04 Circular Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

Compact synchrotrons, such as those proposed for cancer therapy, use short and highly bent dipoles. Large curvature drives non-linear effects in both body and fringe fields, which may be critical to control to obtain the desired dynamic aperture. Similarly to current practice, for straight magnet, our long-term goal is to aim at finding a parametrization of the field map that requires few...

Davide Cuneo (Naples University Federico II and INFN)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T34 Permanent Magnets
Student Poster Presentation

In the framework of the acceleration techniques, the Plasma Wake Field Acceleration (PWFA) is one of the most promising in terms of high machine compactness. For this purpose, a crucial role is played by the particle beam focusing upward and downward the plasma-beam interaction, performed by high gradient Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles (PMQs). In the framework of the INFN-LNF SPARC_LAB (Sources...

Prof. Carsten Welsch (The University of Liverpool)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

Development of an optical fiber-based beam loss monitor (OBLM) is in progress at the Cockcroft Institute (CI), UK. The novel sensor utilizes the Cherenkov radiation (CR) emitted in optical fibers by relativistic particle showers generated in beam loss or breakdown events.
Breakdowns are a problem for high-power magnetrons, such as those in medical accelerator facilities, as damage to the...

Christopher Jones (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T10 Superconducting Magnets
Student Poster Presentation

SLAC’s LCLS-II-HE upgrade will expand the energy regime of their XFEL at high repetition rates. Due to the low emittance requirement, a superconducting QWR based electron gun was proposed by SLAC and is being developed by FRIB in collaboration with ANL and HZDR. The emittance compensation solenoid consists of two main coils, along with horizontal and vertical dipoles as well as normal and skew...

Trent Thompson (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D08 High Intensity in Linear Accelerators Space Charge, Halos
Student Poster Presentation

Ongoing studies at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Beam Test Facility (BTF) seek to understand and model bunch dynamics in a high-power LINAC front-end. The BTF has recently been upgraded with a reconfiguration from a U-shaped line to a Straight line. We report the current state of model benchmarking, with a focus on RMS beam sizes within the FODO line. The beam measurement is obtained...

Mary Bossard (University of Chicago)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D06 Coherent and Incoherent Instabilities Measurements and Countermeasures
Student Poster Presentation

Nonlinear focusing elements can enhance the stability of particle beams in high-energy colliders through Landau Damping, by means of the tune spread which is introduced. Here we discuss an experiment at Fermilab's Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) which investigates the influence of nonlinear focusing elements, such as octupoles, on the beam’s transverse stability. In this experiment,...

Elleanor Lamb (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A04 Circular Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

Beam profile measurements in the LHC and its injector complex show heavy tails in both transverse planes. From standard profile measurements, it is not possible to determine
if the underlying phase space distribution is statistically independent. A measurement campaign in the CERN PSB was carried out to introduce cross-plane dependence in bunched beams in controlled conditions, in view of...

Aubrey Lokey (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

We report updates on design work* and ongoing development of a fluorescence-based molecular gas curtain which will be used to observe the 2D transverse profile of multi-charge state heavy ion beams at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). The device will produce an ultra-thin, rarefied nitrogen gas sheet and requires that the gas curtain be uniform and thin to prevent distortion of the...

Francesco Fransesini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T38 Mechanical design
Student Poster Presentation

This paper describes the mechanical design of the Future Circular Collider e+e- interaction region. The Future Circular Collider, as a forefront particle accelerator project, demands meticulous attention to the mechanical integrity and performance of its components, to the integration of the different systems and to the respect of the spatial constraint. The vacuum chamber design, the support...

Katrina Howard (University of Chicago)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T07 Superconducting RF
Student Poster Presentation

The SRF community has shown that introducing certain impurities into high-purity niobium can improve quality factors and accelerating gradients. We question why some impurities improve RF performance while others hinder it. The purpose of this study is to characterize the impurities of niobium coupons with a low residual resistance ratio (RRR) and correlate these impurities with the RF...

Onur Gilanliogullari (Illinois Institute of Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D07 High Intensity Circular Machines Space Charge, Halos
Student Poster Presentation

Space charge has been a limiting effect for low energy accelerators inducing emittance growth and tune spread. Tune shift and tune spread parameters are important for avoiding resonances, which limits intensity of the beam. Circular modes are round beams with intrinsic flatness that are generated through strong coupling, where intrinsic flatness can be transformed to real plane flatness...

Sanjeev Chauhan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D13 Machine Learning
Student Poster Presentation

Linear particle accelerators are elaborate machines that demand a thorough comprehension of their beam physics interactions to enhance performance. Traditionally, physics simulations model the physics interactions inside a machine but they are computationally intensive. A novel solution to the long runtimes of physics simulations is replacing the intensive computations with a machine learning...

John Callahan (Northern Illinois University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

GaAs-based photocathodes activated to negative electron affinity (NEA) is the only existing technology that can deliver intense and highly spin-polarized electron beams for the forthcoming Electron-Ion Collider as well as enable spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy, ultrafast spin-polarized low-energy electron diffraction, and other cutting-edge experiments. The degree of...

Mr Benjamin Sims (Michigan State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T06 Room Temperature RF
Student Poster Presentation

We present the design and initial characterization of a multi-mode cavity, a novel electromagnetic structure with potential benefits such as compactness, efficiency, and cost reduction. The 2nd Harmonic mode was chosen to linearize the fundamental mode for use as an accelerating and bunching cavity. The reduction in the number of cavities required to bunch and accelerate promises cost and...

Sarah Weatherly (Illinois Institute of Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A16 Advanced Concepts
Student Poster Presentation

A Dielectric Disk Accelerator (DDA) is a metallic accelerating structure loaded with dielectric disks to increase its shunt impedance. These structures use short RF pulses of 9 ns to achieve accelerating gradients of more than 100 MV/m. Single cell and multicell clamped structures have been designed and high power tested at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator. During testing, the single cell...

Sergei Kladov (University of Chicago)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D06 Coherent and Incoherent Instabilities Measurements and Countermeasures
Student Poster Presentation

Requirements for the noise in electron beams (NEB) have recently approached the Shot-noise level in some new applications. The density fluctuations of intense beams in the near-infrared (NIR) region are being measured at the Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology (FAST) facility. The main goal of the experiment is to accurately compare the Shot-noise model with the observations of optical...

Zexin Cao (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T06 Room Temperature RF
Student Poster Presentation

Numerical optimizations on couplers of the traveling wave accelerating structures usually require lots of calculation resources. This paper proposes a new technique for matching couplers to an accelerating structure in a more efficient way. It combines conventional Kroll method with improved Kyhl method, thereby simplifying the tuning and simulation process. We will present the detailed design...

Ting Ding (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.T19 Collimation
Student Poster Presentation

The alignment installation work of Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF) is usually carried out in tunnels. We convert the coordinates of the landmark points to the global coordinate system through coordinate transformation, and accurately adjust them to the corresponding coordinate values for alignment and installation. However, tunnels are often long and narrow, which can easily lead to...

Riccardo Negrello (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.T15 Undulators and Wigglers
Student Poster Presentation

The research is focused on finding new ways to generate high-intensity, monochromatic X and gamma-rays, surpassing the capabilities of existing methods. While Free-Electron Lasers (FEL) have limitations on photon energy, and Inverse Compton Scattering relies on powerful lasers, the search for alternatives continues. TECHNO-CLS, a PATHFINDER project funded by the European Innovation Council, is...

Sadie Seddon-Stettler (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T07 Superconducting RF
Student Poster Presentation

Bulk niobium is currently the standard material for constructing superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities for acceleration in particle accelerators. However, bulk niobium is limited, and new materials and surface treatments may allow greater performance to be reached. We present progress on novel materials and treatments for SRF cavity fabrication.

Sheng Jin (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A21 Secondary Beams
Student Poster Presentation

The Shanghai Light Source has been operated since 2009 to provide synchrotron radiation to 40 beamlines of the electron storage ring at a fixed electron energy of 3.5 GeV. The Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source (SLEGS) is approved to produce energy-tunable gamma rays in the inverse Compton slant-scattering of 100 W CO2 laser on the 3.5 GeV electrons as well as in the back-scattering. SLEGS...

Matteo Rufolo (IDSIA Dalla Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence USI-SUPSI)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A01 Hadron Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

The beam transverse emittances play a critical role in high-energy colliders. Various measurement techniques are employed to measure them. In particular, the so-called luminosity emittance scans (or Van der Meer scans) are used in order to evaluate the convoluted beam emittances. This method assumes different emittances in the two planes but identical emittances in the two beams. In this...

Ningdong Wang (Cornell University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A18 Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs)
Student Poster Presentation

The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) Hadron Storage Ring (HSR) will use strong hadron cooling to maintain the beam brightness and high luminosity during long collision experiments. An Energy Recovery Linac is used to deliver the high-current high-brightness electron beam for cooling. For the best cooling effect, the electron beam requires low emittance, small energy spread, and uniform longitudinal...

Abel Pires (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A23 Other Linac Based Photon Sources
Student Poster Presentation

ELSA LINCS (ELSA Linac INverse Compton Source) at CEA DAM DIF is an Inverse Compton Scattering X-ray source in the 5-40 keV range, through interaction between 10-30 MeV electrons with a Nd:YAG laser. The source was upgraded to increase the X-ray flux produced in the 5-40 keV range. The new experimental setup and imaging systems have been modified for compatibility with fundamental emission at...

Josh Stackhouse (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Student Poster Presentation

Laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs) can have high acceleration gradients on the order of 100 GeV/m. The high acceleration gradients of LPAs offer the possibility of powering future colliders at the TeV range and reducing the size of particle accelerators at present energy levels. LPAs need tightly focused, high intensity laser pulses and require guiding structures to maintain the laser focus over...

Juan Rodríguez Pérez (Instituto Universitario de Ciencia de los Materiales)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A16 Advanced Concepts
Student Poster Presentation

Nanostructures are currently attracting attention as a medium for obtaining ultra-high-density plasmas for beam-driven or laser-driven acceleration. This study investigates Bayesian optimization in Laser Wakefield Acceleration (LWFA) to enhance solid-state plasma parameters towards achieving extremely high gradients on the order of TV/m or beyond, specifically focusing on nanostructured...

Giacomo Broggi (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.T19 Collimation
Student Poster Presentation

The Future Circular electron-positron Collider, FCC-ee, is a design study for a 90 km circumference luminosity-frontier and highest-energy e+e- collider. It foresees four operation modes optimized for producing different particles by colliding high-brightness lepton beams. Operating such a machine presents unique challenges, including stored beam energies up to 17.5 MJ, a value about two...

Chad Pennington (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Student Poster Presentation

Ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) is a growing accelerator application that enables the study of transient material processes at sub-picosecond timescales with nanometer spatial resolution. In this proceeding, we present simulations of the Cryogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG) beamline using the General Particle Tracer (GPT) code that are optimized for the application...

Madison Howard (Michigan State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

The cathode test stand at LANL is utilized to test velvet emitters over pulse durations of up to 2.5 µs. Diode voltages range from 120 kV to 275 kV and extracted currents exceed 25 A and depend on cathode size and pulse duration. Current density measurements taken with scintillators or Cherenkov emitters produce inconsistent patterns that disagree with the anticipated beam profile. Several...

Cristhian Gonzalez-Ortiz (Michigan State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D02 Nonlinear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Developments
Student Poster Presentation

For the Recycler Ring at Fermilab, space charge tune shifts of almost 0.1 will have to be dealt with under the Proton Improvement Plan (PIP-II) framework. This will lead to the excitation of third order resonances. The minimization of Resonance Driving Terms (RDTs) allows to mitigate the harmful effect of these betatron resonances. Past work has shown that previously-installed sextupoles can...

Jiawen Kan (Institute of High Energy Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T07 Superconducting RF
Student Poster Presentation

This study primarily investigates the parameters and processes involved in depositing Nb thin films on copper cavities under DC and HIPIMS modes. For this purpose, a high-power magnetron sputtering system was designed, conducting a total of 36 experiments. Improvement and optimization of parameters such as duty cycle (under HIPIMS mode), peak current, and bias voltage were undertaken to...

Devendra Upadhyay (Tribhuvan University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC4.T01 Proton and Ion Sources
Student Poster Presentation

The study investigates the radiation attenuation performance of five ternary glass systems with varying chemical compositions: 50P$_2$O$_5$-(50-x)BaO-xEu$_2$O$_3$, where x = 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 mol%. It utilizes theoretical and Monte Carlo methods to determine shielding parameters such as attenuation coefficients, mean free path, value layers, electron densities, conductivity and neutron...

Zheng Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Student Poster Presentation

Generating beam with nC-level charge is of great significance for particle colliders. In order to achieve lower emittance and length of bunch, based on the photocathode injector, we designed a L-band gun and L-band accelerating tube. However, with many coupled parameters, it is difficult to optimize its performance to the limit when optimizing them separately. Therefore, we employed a...

Parker Landon (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T25 Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

Fermilab is currently engaged in the development of an 800 MeV superconducting RF linac, aiming to replace its existing 400 MeV normal conducting linac. PIP-II is a warm front-end producing 2 mA of 2.1 MeV H-, followed by a sequence of superconducting RF cryomodules leading to 800 MeV. To mitigate potential damage to the superconducting RF cavities, PIP-II uses laser-based monitors for beam...

Meng Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A02 Lepton Circular Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

With very small beam sizes at IP (several tens of nanometers in the vertical direction) and the presence of strong FFS quadrupoles in the CEPC, the luminosity is very sensitive to the mechanical vibrations, requiring excellent control over the two colliding beams to ensure an optimum geometrical overlap between them and thereby maximize the luminosity. Fast luminosity measurements and an IP...

Atharva Kulkarni (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC8.U08 Radiation Effects
Student Poster Presentation

Ultrafast high-energy pulsed electron beams can provide deep penetration and variable linear energy transfers by controlling the characteristics of the electron bunch, both of which currently oversubscribed heavy ion facilities cannot provide. Early experiments at the UCLA PEGASUS beamline (~3 MeV) with ~1 ps electron bunches and a 50 μm spot size yielded charge collection transients that were...

Benjamin Simons (Northern Illinois University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D09 Emittance manipulation, Bunch Compression and Cooling
Student Poster Presentation

The longitudinal compression of intense proton bunches with strong space-charge force is an essential component of a proton-based muon source for a muon collider. This paper discusses a proton-bunch compression experiment at the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) storage ring at Fermilab to explore optimal radio frequency (RF) cavity and lattice configurations. IOTA is a compact...

Stepan Mikhailov (Duke University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

For certain photonuclear experiments utilizing Compton gamma-ray beams, beam-uncorrelated background poses a significant challenge. At the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIGS), we have developed methods to generate pulsed free-electron laser (FEL) beams by transversely or longitudinally modulating the storage ring FEL. Both methods enable periods of FEL interaction: one by transversely...

Gianmarco Ricci (Sapienza University of Rome)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC4.T19 Collimation
Student Poster Presentation

At the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), bent crystals play a crucial role in efficiently redirecting beam halo particles toward secondary collimators used for absorption. This innovative crystal collimation method leverages millimeter-sized crystals to achieve deflection equivalent to a magnetic field of hundreds of Tesla, significantly enhancing the machine’s cleaning performance...

Mr Bernhard Scheible (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

Ultra-low-charge operation of free-electron lasers down to 1 pC or even lower, requires adequate diagnostics for both, the users and the operators. For the electro-optical bunch-arrival time monitor (BAM) a fundamental design update is necessary to yield single-digit fs precision with such low charges. In 2023 a vacuum sealed demonstrator for a novel pickup structure with integrated...

Shaoxiang Dong (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T09 Room Temperature Magnets
Student Poster Presentation

Research on a novel permanent quadrpole magnet (PQM) design is introduced in this paper. It can make the quadrupole magnetic field gradient continuously adjustable by modulating several permanent magnet blocks. Four poles of the magnet inform an integral whole to ensure good structural symmetry, which is essential to obtain high-quality quadrupole magnetic field permanent quadrupole magnet....

Jingya Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D09 Emittance manipulation, Bunch Compression and Cooling
Student Poster Presentation

The utilization of laser modulation techniques shows potential in producing sub-femtosecond electron beams within photoinjector electron guns. The precise spatial alignment between the modulated laser and electron beam is crucial for the stable emission of sub-femtosecond electron beams. In practical applications, inevitable lateral positional fluctuations are present in both the modulated...

Zexin Cao (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T06 Room Temperature RF
Student Poster Presentation

Pulse compressors have been widely used to generate very high peak RF power in exchange for the reduction in the RF pulse length for linear accelerators. As compared to a traditional SLAC Energy Doubler(SLED), a spherical pulse compressor is more compact while maintaining a high energy gain. A C-band spherical pulse compressor is studied in this paper, which consists of a dual-mode polarized...

Bernd Stechauner (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A09 Muon Accelerators, Neutrino Factories, Muon Colliders
Student Poster Presentation

Ionization cooling stands as the only cooling technique capable of efficiently reducing the phase space of a muon beam within a short time frame. The optimal cooling parameters of a muon collider aim to minimize transverse emittance while simultaneously limiting longitudinal emittance growth, resulting in optimal luminosities within the collider ring. This study shows that achieving efficient...

Alec Clapp (Royal Holloway, University of London)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

Diamond Light Source (DLS) is a 3 GeV synchrotron facility in the UK, which has been a part of the Cherenkov diffraction radiation (ChDR) collaboration since 2017 and is now in its second phase of experiments. The current experiment aims to produce and test a one-dimensional beam position monitor (BPM) that utilizes ChDR at visible and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. This paper will cover the...

Rohan Kamath (Imperial College London)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A11 Beam Cooling
Student Poster Presentation

Muon colliders hold promise for high luminosity multi-TeV collisions, without synchrotron radiation challenges. However, this involves investigation into novel methods of muon production, acceleration, cooling, storage, and detection. Thus, a cooling demonstrator has been proposed to investigate 6D muon ionization cooling. The MICE experiment validated ionization cooling to reduce transverse...

Evan Trommer (Stony Brook University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Student Poster Presentation

Laser wakefield accelerators (LWFAs) are capable of supporting accelerating and focusing forces on the order of 10–100 GeV/m, about three orders of magnitude greater than conventional RF accelerators. While theoretical solutions for the electromagnetic (EM) focusing fields have been developed, the field structures have yet to be verified experimentally. In this poster, we present simulation...

Javier Olivares Herrador (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Student Poster Presentation

The beam loading effect results in a gradient reduction of the accelerating structures due to the excitation of the fundamental mode when the beam travels through the cavity. A recent implementation of this process in the tracking code RF-Track allows the simulation of realistic scenarios, thus revealing the impact of this phenomenon in start-to-end accelerator designs. In this paper, we...

Jonas Christ (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D11 Code Developments and Simulation Techniques
Student Poster Presentation

In the injector section of electron linacs, both internal space charge forces and wakefield effects influence the beam dynamics. So far, existing simulation approaches can not account for both effects simultaneously. To fill this gap, we have developed a computational method to account for both effects self-consistently*. It couples a space charge solver in the rest frame of the bunch with a...

Elena Ros (Arizona State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

The CXFEL project at ASU will produce coherent soft x-ray radiation at a university-scale facility. Unlike conventional XFELs, the CXFEL will use an optical undulator in addition to nanobunching the electron beam instead of a static magnetic undulator. This reduces the undulator period from cm-scale to micron scale and lowers the requirements on the electron beam energy. CXFEL’s overtaking...

Raffael Niemczyk (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

Moving towards beam energies around 2-6 MeV in ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) experiments allows achievement of larger coherence length for better k-space resolution, while the temporal resolution is improved when shorter electron bunches are generated and the velocity mismatch between the optical pump and UED probe is reduced.
At Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), a series...

Peter Kruyt (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D09 Emittance manipulation, Bunch Compression and Cooling
Student Poster Presentation

The proof-of-principle (PoP) experiment at the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN aims at demonstrating laser cooling of high energy Li-like Pb79+ in a synchrotron. First laser cooling simulations with realistic laser and beam parameters of the Gamma Factory proof-of-principle experiment (PoP) in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN are presented. Furthermore, we investigate the...

Wenbin Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T16 Pulsed Power Technology
Student Poster Presentation

On-axis injection mode is planned to use in the Southern Advanced Photon Source (SAPS), which requires high quality to injection pulsed power supply. Gyromagnetic nonlinear transmission line (GNLTL) is introduced as a pulse compressor to meet the needs for pulse width. In this paper, 3-D finite element model is established based on Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation and Maxwell’s equations. The...

Micha Reissig (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

The Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) is an electron storage ring for accelerator research and the synchrotron of the KIT light source at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). KARA features an electro-optical (EO) in-vacuum bunch profile monitor to measure the longitudinal bunch profile in single shot on a turn-by-turn basis using electro-optical spectral decoding (EOSD). A...

Xiao-Yang Zhang (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

High quality electron bunch trains enable investigations in scientific frontiers with high resolution and efficiency and are earnestly desired by various accelerator facilities, including inverse Compton scattering (ICS), high energy computed tomography, and free electron lasers. An average beam flux can be greatly increased by using the bunch train mode. A bunch train with an average current...

Mr Keshab Kauchha (Argonne National Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A05 Synchrotron Radiation Facilities
Student Poster Presentation

A cavity-based x-ray free-electron laser (CBXFEL) is a possible future direction in the development of fully coherent hard x-ray sources of high spectral brilliance, a narrow spectral bandwidth of ~1-100 meV, and a high repetition rate of ~1 MHz. A diagnostic tool is required to measure CBXFEL spectra with a meV resolution on the shot-to-shot bases. Here we present test results of a single...

Jack Phillips (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

A pair spectrometer, designed to capture single-shot gamma spectra over a range extending from 10 MeV through 10 GeV, is being developed at UCLA for installation at SLAC’s FACET-II facility. Gammas are converted to electrons and positions via pair production in a beryllium target and are then subsequently magnetically analyzed. These charged particles are then recorded in an array of quartz...

Murilo Alves (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D05 Coherent and Incoherent Instabilities Theory, Simulations, Code Development
Student Poster Presentation

Recent studies have investigated a longitudinal instability that may develop in electron storage rings featuring higher-harmonic cavities. The instability, also referred to as periodic transient beam loading (PTBL), manifests as a slow oscillation of bunch longitudinal profiles following a coupled-bunch mode 1 pattern. In this contribution, we applied a well-established theory of longitudinal...

Monibor Rahman (Old Dominion University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.D13 Machine Learning
Student Poster Presentation

In this study, we present a deep learning-based pipeline for predicting superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavity faults in the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab. We leverage pre-fault RF signals from C100-type cavities and employ deep learning to predict faults in advance of their onset. We train a binary classifier model to distinguish between stable...

Hal Ferguson (Old Dominion University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.D13 Machine Learning
Student Poster Presentation

During the operation of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF), one or more unstable superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities often cause beam loss trips while the unstable cavities themselves do not necessarily trip off. The present RF controls for the legacy cavities report at only 1 Hz, which is too slow to detect fast transient instabilities during these trip...

David Greene (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T10 Superconducting Magnets
Student Poster Presentation

Iron-dominated superconducting magnets are one of the most popular and used design choices for superconducting magnetic quadrupoles for accelerator systems. While the iron yoke and pole tips are economic and effective in shaping the field, the large amount of iron also leads to certain drawbacks, namely, unwanted harmonics from the sextupole correctors nested inside of quadrupole iron pole...

Emre Cosgun (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

The space-charge neutralization of an ion beam by created electrons when the beam ionizes the gas is investigated using a three-dimensional electrostatic particle-in-cell code. Different kinds of injected gases are considered, and their space-charge compensation transient times are compared. The created secondary electrons by the beam collision with neutral gas along the beam trajectories are...

Dinghui Su (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T13 Cryogenics
Student Poster Presentation

In order to enhance the accelerating gradient of accelerators, cryogenic accelerating structures have been investigated. Based on material characteristics and technical conditions, a fundamental design has been accomplished. Photonic band-gap (PBG) structures employ a lattice of rods to impede the propagation of RF field through the lattice at specific frequencies while effectively damping...

Sangya Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D10 Beam-Beam Effects Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Developments
Student Poster Presentation

To achieve very high luminosity, the next generation circular colliders adopt the crab waist collision scheme with a large Piwinski angle. In this scheme, beams collide with high current, low emittances, and small beta functions at the interaction point (IP). However, several effects arising from these extreme parameters, especially the coherent X-Z instability, will significantly impact the...

Mengqi Xia (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

A new infrared Free-Electron Laser (FEL) facility FELiChEM has been established as an experimental facility at the University of Science and Technology of China. It consists of two free electron laser oscillators which produce mid-infrared and far-infrared lasers covering the spectral range of 2-200 μm at the present stage. The output power is a crucial parameter for users, and it is usually...

Xiazhen Xu (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Student Poster Presentation

Manipulation electron beam phase space technology by laser-electron interaction has been widely used in accelerator-based light sources. The energy of the electron beam can be modulated effectively under resonant conditions by using an intense external laser beam incident into the undulator together with the electron beam.
Enhancing the modulation efficiency is crucial for the performance of...

Paul Plattner (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T07 Superconducting RF
Student Poster Presentation

The Mainz Energy-Recovering Superconducting Accelerator (MESA), an energy-recovering (ER) LINAC, is currently under construction at the Institute for Nuclear physics at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany. In the ER mode continues wave (CW) beam is accelerated from 5 MeV up to 105 MeV. The energy gain of the beam is provided through 2 enhanced ELBE-type cryomodules containing two...

Zheng Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Student Poster Presentation

The importance of shaping temporal profiles in accelerator physics is highlighted by a wide range of applications, such as plasma acceleration and improved performance in free electron laser applications. In our study, we focus on controlling the dispersion in a bunch compressor and the energy chirp of the beam entering the compressor to achieve diverse temporal profiles. The transmission of...

Dillon Merenich (Northern Illinois University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A16 Advanced Concepts
Student Poster Presentation

Metamaterial accelerators driven by nanosecond-long RF pulses show promise to mitigate RF breakdown. Recent high-power tests at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) with an X-band metamaterial structure have demonstrated to achieve a gradient of 190 MV/m, while we also observed a new acceleration regime, the breakdown-insensitive acceleration regime (BIAR), where the RF breakdown may not...

Zixin Guo (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

Recent advancements in electron beam compression methods have enabled the production of ultrashort electron beams at the sub-femtosecond scale, significantly expanding their applications. However, the temporal resolution of these beams is primarily limited by the flight time jitter, especially during their generation in photocathode RF electron guns. In this paper, to mitigate the impact of...

Mr Christopher Roper (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Student Poster Presentation

Beam Plasma Interactions Experiment (Beam-PIE) is a NASA sounding rocket experiment that successfully ran in November 2023. Beam-PIE used space as a laboratory to explore wave generation from a modulated electron beam in the ionosphere. Beam-PIE electron accelerator used a 10keV electron gun and a 5-GHz RF cavity, enabling the acceleration of the electron beam to a total energy of ~25–60 keV....

Jonathan Lee (Stony Brook University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Student Poster Presentation

The proton Electric Dipole Moment (pEDM) storage ring to measure the electric dipole moment of the proton [1] is proposed to be built in the tunnel of the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) by storage ring EDM (srEDM) Collaboration. We proposed that the AGS Booster to pEDM ring transfer and injection line (BtP) would use the partial portions of the...

Peng Lv (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T10 Superconducting Magnets
Student Poster Presentation

High-brightness photoinjectors generate low emittance, ultrashort electron beams that are capable of tracking dynamical states of matter with atomic-scale spatio-temporal resolutions via ultrafast electron scattering, as well as providing precisely-shaped electron beams for advanced acceleration research and large-scale facilities such as free-electron laser and inverse Compton scattering. In...

Yuxuan Yang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Student Poster Presentation

SLEGS is a Laser Compton Scattering gamma source. The gamma energy is 0.66 to 21.7 MeV, and the gamma flux is approximately 4.8e+5 to 1.5e+7 phs/s. Gamma activation method is used in beam flux monitor, medical isotpoe production and nuclear astrophysics in SLEGS*. Gamma beam flux under different collimated apertures has been checked by gamma activation method by using various half-life nuclide...

Md Obidul Islam (Old Dominion University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC8.U02 Materials Analysis and Modification
Student Poster Presentation

The thermal diffusion and acoustic properties of Nb impacts the thermal management of devices incorporating Nb thin films such as superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities and superconducting high-speed electronic devices. The diffusion and acoustic properties of 200-800 nm thick Nb films deposited on Cu substrates were investigated using time-domain thermoreflectance (TDTR). The films...

Jie Li (Peking University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T34 Permanent Magnets
Student Poster Presentation

The precision of the proton therapy beam depends on maintaining high field quality in the magnet’s good field region. Iron yoke is employed in magnets to increase the magnetic field and reduce the fringe field. However, when providing a high magnetic field for transporting relatively high-energy particles, the saturation effect of the yoke can distort the field quality. To mitigate this...

Tariqul Hasan (Northern Illinois University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.T02 Electron Sources
Student Poster Presentation

The performance and scientific reach of advanced electron accelerator applications, such as particle colliders, x-ray free electron lasers, and ultrafast electron diffraction, are determined by beam brightness. The beam brightness is constrained by the quality of photocathodes and is associated with low Mean Transverse Energy (MTE) of photoemitted electrons. To meet the requirements for...

Dinghui Su (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D02 Nonlinear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Developments
Student Poster Presentation

Beam lengthening is an effective and commonly used method to improving the beamlife of storage rings. Based on the previously proposed design of a room temperature conducting bimodal RF cavity. we conducted relevant dynamic simulations. Tracking study on a simulated storage ring lattice with the beam energy of 2 GeV and the synchronous radiation energy of 357 KeV, the results show that, the...

Kawser Ahammed (Old Dominion University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Student Poster Presentation

The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab operates hundreds of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities in its two linear accelerators (linacs). Field emission (FE) is an ongoing operational challenge in higher gradient SRF cavities. FE generates high levels of neutron and gamma radiation leading to damaged accelerator hardware and a radiation hazard...

Jared De Chant (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.T01 Proton and Ion Sources
Student Poster Presentation

Laser-driven ion accelerators (LDIAs) are well-suited for radiobiological research on ultra-high dose rate effects due to their high intensity. For this application, a transport system is required to deliver the desired beam intensity and dose distribution while online dosimetry is required due to the inherent shot-to-shot variability of LDIAs. At the BELLA Center's iP2 beamline, we...

Mr Benjamin Sims (Michigan State University)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

This study focuses on the beam source for the LCLS-II-HE Low Emittance Injector (LEI) design: a state-of-the-art superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) gun. The LEI is intended to enable extending the LCLS-II-HE’s useful photon energy to 20 keV without additional cryomodules. We consider a robust two-slit emittance measurement optimized for the LEI SRF gun, compatible with the current LEI...

Zhuoyuan Liu (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D05 Coherent and Incoherent Instabilities Theory, Simulations, Code Development
Student Poster Presentation

We develop an alternative theory of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) wakefield using the transverse field solution of Maxwell equations in angular domain. This approach allows us to retain only the radiative interaction between particles and cure the frequently encountered divergence in retarded potentials. We analyze the classical radiation reaction force and mass renormalization induced...

Charles Zhang (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Student Poster Presentation

A critical factor in determining the limit of the brightness of an electron beam is the mean transverse energy (MTE) of its source, which describes the spread in transverse momentum of electrons at the moment of emission from the source. To increase beam brightness, there has been much work in growing novel photocathodes with low MTE and high quantum efficiency (QE) near threshold...

Daniele Francescone (Sapienza University of Rome)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Student Poster Presentation

The spontaneous emission of radiation from relativistic electrons within a plasma channel is called betatron radiation and has great potential to become a compact x-ray source in the future. We present an analysis of the performance of a broad secondary radiation source based on a high-gradient laser-plasma wakefield electron accelerator. The purpose of this study is to assess the possibility...

Joseph Devlin (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC1.A24 Accelerators and Storage Rings, Other
Student Poster Presentation

The strength of a first-order spin-orbit resonance is defined as the amplitude of the corresponding Fourier component of the spin-precession vector. However, it is possible to obtain the resonance strength without computing the Fourier integral directly. If a resonance is sufficiently strong, then to a good approximation, one can neglect all other depolarizing effects when near the resonance....

Prakash Joshi (Sokendai, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
5/19/24, 2:00 PM
MC7.T08 RF Power Sources
Student Poster Presentation

A superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cryomodule (CM) for the International Linear Collider (ILC) Technology Network (ITN) is being developed at KEK. In the scope of this, a waveguide system is being designed. Its main features are a low center of gravity, a reduced number of corners and waveguide elements, and a compact bellow for connecting it to the input power coupler. Furthermore, the...

Sarah Cousineau (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 9:30 AM
MC0: Plenary Talks
Invited Oral Presentation

The Spallation Neutron Source accelerator is the highest power proton accelerator in the world, operating with over 1.4 MW with high reliability. Commissioned in 2006, it took thirteen years to achieve the 1.4 MW design goal of the facility and required overcoming tremendous technological challenges. The SNS path to high power has significantly influenced the outlook for future of high-power...

Thomas Roser (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 11:00 AM
MC0: Plenary Talks
Invited Oral Presentation

Sustainability of accelerators construction and operation is becoming a driver for new accelerators at the high-energy and beam power frontier. The ICFA Panel on Sustainable Accelerators and Colliders assesses and promotes developments on energy efficient and sustainable accelerator concepts, technologies, and strategies for operation, and assess and promote the use of accelerators for the...

Sara Casalbuoni (European XFEL GmbH)
5/20/24, 11:30 AM
MC0: Plenary Talks
Invited Oral Presentation

Storage rings and free electron lasers use undulators to produce high-brilliant X-ray photon beams. In order to increase brilliance and photon energy tunability it is necessary to enhance the undulator magnetic peak field on axis by reducing its period without decreasing the electron beam stay clear. Undulator technologies aiming to reach this goal are presented.

Matt Poelker (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
5/20/24, 12:00 PM
MC0: Plenary Talks
Invited Oral Presentation

We will review of the current state of the advanced photocathode material development and structures necessary for production of electron beams with high brightness, high charge, and electron spin polarization.

Jonathan Jarvis (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 2:00 PM
MC5.D09 Emittance manipulation, Bunch Compression and Cooling
Invited Oral Presentation

Recently, Optical Stochastic Cooling (OSC) became the first demonstrated method for ultra-high-bandwidth stochastic cooling. The initial experiments at Fermilab’s IOTA ring explored the essential physics of the method and demonstrated cooling, heating and manipulation of beams and single particles. Having been validated in practice, with continued development, OSC carries the potential for...

Timur Shaftan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 2:00 PM
MC2.A05 Synchrotron Radiation Facilities
Invited Oral Presentation

Synchrotron light sources and free electron lasers (FELs) have established as powerful research tools in various disciplines, as physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, and medicine. During the last decade new developments and advancements, leading to construction of new facilities and upgrades to existing ones, have allowed to further extend their capabilities to drive scientific...

Sofia Johannesson (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
5/20/24, 2:30 PM
MC5.D12 Electron Cloud and Trapped Ion Effects
Invited Oral Presentation

This presentation discusses the generalization of the two-dimensional impedance model in the presence of an electron cloud. It will be discussed the implementation of a linear model of the e-cloud forces including both dipolar and quadrupolar forces to improve the modeling of the electron cloud instabilities. The linear model is included in the Vlasov equation, which allows for finding...

Simone Di Mitri (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
5/20/24, 2:30 PM
MC2.A05 Synchrotron Radiation Facilities
Invited Oral Presentation

The last decade has seen a renaissance of machine physics studies and technological advancements worldwide which aim at upgrading storage ring light sources to the diffraction limit up to few hundreds of keV photon energy. This is expected to improve the spectral brightness and the transversally coherent fraction of photons by several orders of magnitude in the X-ray wavelength range. This is...

Chao Liu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 3:20 PM

Low Level RF (LLRF) control systems of linear accelerators (LINACs) are typically implemented with heterodyne based architectures, which have complex analog RF mixers for up and down conversion. The Gen 3 RF System-on-Chip (RFSoC) device from AMD Xilinx integrates data converters with maximum RF frequency of 6 GHz. That enables direct RF sampling of C-band LLRF signal typically operated at...

Mr Benjamin Sims (Michigan State University)
5/20/24, 3:20 PM
MC7.T06 Room Temperature RF
Contributed Oral Presentation

We present the design and initial characterization of a multi-mode cavity, a novel electromagnetic structure with potential benefits such as compactness, efficiency, and cost reduction. The 2nd Harmonic mode was chosen to linearize the fundamental mode for use as an accelerating and bunching cavity. The reduction in the number of cavities required to bunch and accelerate promises cost and...

Aurora Cecilia Araujo Martinez (RadiaBeam Technologies)
5/20/24, 3:40 PM
MC6.T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Contributed Oral Presentation

Measuring longitudinal beam parameters is key for the operation and development of high-intensity linear accelerators but is notoriously difficult for ion beams at non-relativistic energies. The Bunch Shape Monitor (BSM) is a device used for measuring the longitudinal bunch distribution in a hadron linac. RadiaBeam has developed a BSM prototype with enhanced performance, integrating several...

James Maniscalco (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 3:40 PM
MC7.T07 Superconducting RF
Contributed Oral Presentation

LCLS-II-HE is an ongoing project to upgrade SLAC's superconducting linac. The upgrade will add 23 cryomodules with a total of 192 nine-cell 1.3 GHz nitrogen-doped niobium cavities. The production and qualification testing of these cavities is nearly complete. To date, they have achieved an average maximum gradient of 27.0±3.5 MV/m and an average Q0 of 3.24±0.38e+10 at the nominal operating...

Vladimir Litvinenko (Stony Brook University)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D05 Coherent and Incoherent Instabilities Theory, Simulations, Code Development
Poster Presentation

Microbunching - or short-wavelength – instabilities are well-known for drastic reduction of the beam quality, its filamentation and strong amplification of the noise in a beam. Space charge and coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) are the leading causes for such instability. In this paper we present rigorous 3D theory of such instabilities driven by the space-charge forces. We define the...

Zachary Liptak (Hiroshima University)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A09 Muon Accelerators, Neutrino Factories, Muon Colliders
Poster Presentation

The muon is a unique particle. It is an elementary particle similar to the electron, but with a mass approximately 200 times greater. Because of their high penetrating power, muons can also be used for imaging such as non-destructive inspection and muon tomography for interior surveys of large structures. Muons derived exclusively from cosmic rays have heretofore been used for these...

Rafi Hessami (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.T02 Electron Sources
Poster Presentation

In this contribution, we investigate electrostatic traps as a novel source of positron beams for accelerator physics applications. Penning-Malmberg (PM) traps are commonly employed in low-energy antimatter experiments. Positrons contained in the trap are cooled to room temperature or below. We calculate the thermal emittance of the positrons in the trap and show that it is comparable to or...

Javier Olivares Herrador (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A23 Other Linac Based Photon Sources
Poster Presentation

X-rays in the water window (2.33 nm to 4.40 nm wavelength) can be used to provide high quality images of wet biological samples. Given the limited availability of current generation light sources in this energy range, table-top water window X-ray sources have been proposed as alternatives. We present start-to-end simulations in RF-Track of a water window X-ray source based on inverse Compton...

Gustavo Perez-Segurana (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A01 Hadron Colliders
Poster Presentation

The Future Circular Collider (FCC) study includes two accelerators, a high-energy lepton collider (FCC-ee) and an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh). Both machines share the same tunnel infrastructure. We present the current design status of FCC-hh, highlighting the most recent changes, including a new layout following updated tunnel dimensions, a change from 12 to 16 dipoles per cell...

Omkar Ramachandran (Northern Illinois University)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D05 Coherent and Incoherent Instabilities Theory, Simulations, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The mitigation of collective beam effects, in particular Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR), is crucial for the development of particle accelerators with higher beam brightness. Among the strategies proposed in the literature, the use of appropriate shielding walls to curb CSR is an attractive strategy with many associated open problems. In particular, simulation methods that account for...

Muhammed Zuboraj (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

THz (1e+12 Hz) radiation is very attractive for its non-ionizing penetrative nature and unique absorption in water, metals, and other chemicals. While THz has great potential for imaging and for diagnosing chemical traces, it has not been utilized extensively due to scarcity of high-power THz sources. Currently, compact THz sources deliver power in the range of 50 μW — 0.5 W, insufficient for...

Mahindra Rautela (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D13 Machine Learning
Poster Presentation

A particle accelerator is a time-varying complex system whose various components are regularly perturbed by external disturbances. The tuning of the accelerator can be a time-consuming process involving manual adjustment of multiple components, such as RF cavities, to minimize beam loss due to time-varying drifts. The high dimensionality of the system (~100 amplitude and phase RF settings in...

Jeroen van Tilborg (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Poster Presentation

Owing to strong 10-100 GV/m accelerator gradients, Laser Plasma Accelerators (LPAs) have the capability to generate high-brightness and high-energy electron beams in compact facilities. The (sub)PW laser systems that drive LPAs are currently operating at 1-10 Hz repetition rates, while the next generation of multi-kHz technologies are being aggressively pursued at various R&D facilities...

John Cary (Colorado University at Boulder)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D03 Calculations of EM fields Theory and Code Developments
Poster Presentation

A new, rapidly converging cavity optimization tool is presented that uses adjoint methods. The tool is able to work with any cavity solver that can output and input the results of cut-cell meshing of a cavity. Because it is an adjoint method, one needs only a single forward solve for each iteration in the process of convergence. One also needs a backward solve for each optimization target or...

Frank Zimmermann (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A16 Advanced Concepts
Poster Presentation

Dielectric laser acceleration (DLA) is a promising approach to accelerate single electrons at a high repetition rate to GeV energies, for indirect dark matter searches. Relevant concepts include the integration of the dielectric structure inside the laser oscillator. To efficiently use muons for high energy physics applications, they need to be accelerated rapidly, before they decay. Plasma...

Isabella Vojskovic (European Spallation Source ERIC)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D02 Nonlinear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

This study explores various neural network approaches for simulating beam dynamics, with a particular focus on non-linear space charge effects. We introduce a convolutional encoder-decoder architecture that incorporates skip connections to predict transversal electric fields. The model demonstrates robust performance, achieving a root mean squared error (RMSE) of $0.5\%$ within just a few...

Samuel Levenson (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.T02 Electron Sources
Poster Presentation

A new growth chamber at the High ElectRon Average Current for Lifetime ExperimentS (HERACLES) beamline at Cornell has been installed enabling Negative Electron Affinity (NEA) activations of GaAs using Cs-Sb-O and Cs-Te-O recipes. These activation recipes have been shown to be more robust against vacuum poisoning when measured at low voltages and currents. In this proceeding we present charge...

Kaiqing Zhang (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

Strong field Terahertz (THz) light source has been in-creasingly important for many scientific frontiers, while it is still a challenge to obtain THz radiation with high pulse energy at wide-tunable frequency. In this paper, we introduce an accelerator-based strong filed THz light source to obtain coherent THz radiation with high pulse energy and tunable frequency and X-ray pulse at the same...

Samuel Marini (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Poster Presentation

A beam physics design has been carried out for a 200 MeV-LWFA injector to the AWAKE Run 2 experiment as an alternative to the reference RF injector. It is composed of a laser-plasma acceleration stage and a transport line. In addition to specific environment constraints that impose a dogleg configuration, the electron beam must feature unprecedented performances for a plasma-based accelerator:...

Sosoho-Abasi Udongwo (Rostock University)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D03 Calculations of EM fields Theory and Code Developments
Poster Presentation

Multipacting is a phenomenon arising from the emission and subsequent multiplication of charged particles in accelerating radiofrequency (RF) cavities, which can limit the achievable RF power. Predicting field levels at which multipacting occurs is crucial for optimizing cavity geometries. This paper presents a new open-source Python code for analyzing multipacting in 2D axisymmetric cavity...

Samuel Levenson (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.T02 Electron Sources
Poster Presentation

The development of a robust spin-polarized electron source capable of sustaining mA scale average beam currents in a photoinjector is critical for many future accelerator facilities such as the International Linear Collider (ILC). In this proceeding we overview the several efforts being carried out at Cornell towards this end, including: high current (>1 mA) gun tests of robust activation...

Kento Muroo (Hiroshima University)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.T01 Proton and Ion Sources
Poster Presentation

An ion cloud confined in a Paul trap eventually reaches a Coulomb crystalline state when strongly cooled toward absolute zero. The normalized emittance of the Coulomb crystal can be in the sub-femtometer range. The trap is thus usable as a unique ion source for nano-beam production, though the available beam intensity is limited. This new concept was first discussed nearly 20 years ago* and...

Dr Vahid Ranjbar (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A04 Circular Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) requires continuous replacement of the stored electron bunches to facilitate arbitrary spin patterns in the Electron Storage Ring (ESR). This is accomplished by a dedicated, spin transparent Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS). The dynamic range of the accelerator is from 400 MeV to 18 GeV. To maintain stability throughout the acceleration ramp, the linear and...

Mr Jiazhen Tang (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D02 Nonlinear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

In a generalized longitudinal strong focusing (GLSF) approach employed in steady-state microbunching (SSMB) storage rings, the objective is to achieve complete cancellation of modulations by ensuring that a particle's longitudinal position remains unchanged after passing through both modulators. This requires effective control over the deviation in longitudinal position, which arises from...

Derong Xu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A19 Electron-Hadron Colliders
Poster Presentation

The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) plans to utilize the local crabbing crossing scheme. This paper explores the feasibility of adopting a single crab cavity with adjusted voltage, inspired by the successful global crabbing scheme in KEKB, to restore effective head-on collisions. Using weak-strong simulations, the study assesses the potential of this global crabbing scheme for the EIC while...

Agostino Marinelli (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

Attosecond X-ray free-electron lasers can deliver isolated sub-fs pulses with a peak power that surpasses conventional table-top sources by more than six orders of magnitude in the soft X-ray region [1]. The intensity at the focus is sufficient for non-linear X-ray spectroscopy methods, and two-color configurations enable applications such as attosecond pump/attosecond probe experiments.

Mason Stobbe (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Poster Presentation

At the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests (FACET-II) accelerator, a pair of 10 GeV high-current electron beams is used to investigate Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (PWFA) in plasmas of different lengths. While PWFA has achieved astonishingly high accelerating gradients of tens of GeV/m, matching the electron beam into the plasma wake is necessary to achieve a beam quality...

Nico Madysa (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D13 Machine Learning
Poster Presentation

The complexity of the GSI/FAIR accelerator facility demands a high level of automation in order to maximize time for physics experiments. Accelerator laboratories world-wide are exploring a large variety of techniques to achieve this, from classical optimization to reinforcement learning. This paper reports on the first results of using Geoff at GSI for automatic optimization of various beam...

Timofey Zolkin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D02 Nonlinear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

In this work, we investigate the transverse dynamics of a single particle in a model integrable accelerator lattice, based on a McMillan axially symmetric electron lens. Although the McMillan e-lens has been considered as a device potentially capable of mitigating collective space charge forces, some of its fundamental properties have not been described yet. The main goal of our work is to...

Matthew Signorelli (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A19 Electron-Hadron Colliders
Poster Presentation

We present a novel method for minimizing the effects of radiative depolarization in electron storage rings by use of vertical orbit bumps in the arcs. Electron polarization is directly characterized by the RMS of the so-called spin orbit coupling function in the bends. In the Electron Storage Ring (ESR) of the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), as was the case in HERA, this function is excited by...

Alexei Blednykh (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A19 Electron-Hadron Colliders
Poster Presentation

The high-luminosity, 10e+33 — 10e+34 cm-2s-1 (e-p), Electron-Ion Collider is presently being developed at Brookhaven National Laboratory in partnership with the Jefferson Laboratory. Beam commissioning is planned right after the installation is complete and after passing all necessary reviews, including the Accelerator Readiness Reviews. Initially, the detector performance testing and...

Joshua Einstein-Curtis (RadiaSoft LLC)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D13 Machine Learning
Poster Presentation

Beam diagnostic technology is one of the foundations of large particle accelerator facilities. A challenge with operating these systems is the measurement of beam dynamics. Many methods such as beam position monitors have an inherent destructive quality to the beam and produce perturbations after the measurement. The ability to measure the beam conditions with non-destructive edge radiation...

Dr Zihan Zhu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

The LCLS-II is a high repetition rate upgrade to the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and will offer photon science users an unprecedented million pulses per second. However, the accelerating gradient on the cathode of the Very-High-Frequency photoinjector is relatively lower compared to traditional electron guns, the longitudinal beam dynamics become more complicated as required to achieve...

Yimin Yang (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

The paper introduces design and optimization of a high-repetition-rate infrared terahertz free-electron laser (IR-THz FEL) facility, which leverages optical resonator-based FEL technology to achieve a higher mean power output by increasing pulse frequency. Electron beam of the facility will be generated from a photocathode RF gun injector and further accelerated with a superconducting linear...

Yong Liu (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

Charge-exchange injection is a key to overcome the Liouville's theorem and to get over the intensity barrier. Specifically negative hydrogen linac injector for a ring is mostly used to obtain high intensity pulsed proton beam for high-energy physics or neutron application. However, different from proton linac, beam loss due to stripping can be a significant issue. For instance, the intra-beam...

Pratik Manwani (University of California, Los Angeles)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Poster Presentation

The MITHRA facility being commissioned at UCLA, will be capable of producing low emittance beams with 100s pC of charge with bunch lengths in the 100s of fs range having an energy of 60 MeV. This can be used to drive plasma wakefields and the long bunch length compared to the plasma skin depth allows us to create a beam with a broadband energy spectrum. The energy spectrum resembles the...

Xiaobiao Huang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A04 Circular Accelerators
Poster Presentation

Parallel beam-based alignment (PBBA) techniques can be used to determine the magnetic centers for multiple magnets with simultaneous measurements and are much faster than traditional methods which target one magnet at a time. The PBBA techniques are very desirable for commissioning larger machines such as the Future Circular Collider (FCC). In this study, we applied PBBA techniques on...

Nicola Carmignani (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D02 Nonlinear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

Recently exact Hamiltonian integrators have been added for drift, multipoles and dipoles in Accelerator Toolbox. This paper reports the tracking simulations benchmarks performed to compare with the results provided by MADX-PTC for four lattices: FODO, DBA, H7BA and FCC-HFD@Z. Tracking times are also reported for completeness. The agreement in 4D is complete while small discrepancies persist...

Liuyang Wu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The bunch-to-bunch energy control of the electron beam is crucial in the continuous wave XFEL facility. Recently, a delay system based on Double Bend Achromat (DBA) was proposed for the SHINE linear accelerator to achieve this goal. On this basis, we further optimize this structure to realize the bunch compression/decompression while maintaining the electron beam qualities. Here, we will...

Shaoheng Wang (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The initial design of the capture cavities for a continuous wave (CW) polarized positron beam for the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) upgrade at Jefferson Lab is presented. A chain of standing wave multi-cell copper cavities inside a solenoid tunnel are selected to bunch/capture positrons in CW mode. The capture efficiency is studied with varying cavity gradients and...

Alessandro Frasca (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A04 Circular Accelerators
Poster Presentation

In a high-energy circular electron-positron collider like the Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) at CERN, synchrotron radiation (SR) presents a significant challenge due to the radiation load on collider magnets and equipment in the tunnel like cables, optical fibers, and electronics. The efficiency of the anticipated photon absorbers in the vacuum chambers depends on the operational beam...

Shane Koscielniak (TRIUMF)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D09 Emittance manipulation, Bunch Compression and Cooling
Poster Presentation

Near-adiabatic capture into an RF bucket with rising voltage has been used since 1946 or earlier. But until the present work, there is no analytic and deterministic description of the process capable of predicting the final phase space distribution (for arbitrary voltage ramps). Recently, we have developed formulae for trajectories that cross the instantaneous separatrix, and the corresponding...

Xiao-Yang Zhang (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

A single-pass THz free-electron laser (FEL) at the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) was designed and implemented for a proof-of-principle experiment on a tunable high-power THz source for pump-probe experiments at the European XFEL. THz pulses are generated at a radiation wavelength of 100 μm within a 3.5 m long, strongly focusing planar LCLS-I undulator. High gain is...

William Delooze (Duke University)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

FEL oscillators typically employ a two-mirror cavity with spherical mirrors. For storage ring FELs, a long, nearly concentric FEL cavity is utilized to achieve a reasonably small Rayleigh range, optimizing the FEL gain. A challenge for the Duke storage ring, with a 53.73 m long cavity, is the characterization of FEL mirrors with a long radius of curvature (ROC). The Duke FEL serves as the...

Samuel Levenson (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.T02 Electron Sources
Poster Presentation

Photocathodes at Negative Electron Affinity (NEA), like GaAs and GaN, allow for efficient production of spin-polarized electrons. When activated to NEA with cesium and an oxidant, they are characterized by an extreme sensitivity to chemical poisoning, resulting in a short operational lifetime. In this work, we demonstrate that deposition of a cesium iodide (CsI) layer can be used to enhance...

Emanuele Laface (European Spallation Source ERIC)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D02 Nonlinear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

A general theory of symplectic tracking under the influence of space charge force is not yet available, even if some specific solution was proposed [1, 2]. In this paper we will first review how the pull-back of the Lie transform can be used to self-transport the beam distribution and its associated electromagnetic potential under the effect of the space-charge. We will then classify the...

Rafi Hessami (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

The ongoing Plasma-driven Attosecond X-ray source experiment (PAX) at FACET-II aims to produce coherent soft X-ray pulses of attosecond duration using a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator [1]. These kinds of X-ray pulses can be used to study chemical processes where attosecond-scale electron motion is important. For this first stage of the experiment, PAX plans to demonstrate that <100 nm bunch...

Iresha Senevirathne (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The program to upgrade CEBAF cryomodules has been implemented to enhance the energy gain of refurbished cryomodules up to 75 MeV. This strategy involves reusing the waveguide end-groups from original CEBAF cavities produced in the 1990s, and existing five elliptical cell cavities are replaced with a new optimized cell shape cavity constructed from large-grain, ingot Nb material. Following...

Davide Terzani (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A16 Advanced Concepts
Poster Presentation

We discuss a compact, laser-plasma-based scheme for the generation of positron beams suitable to be implemented in an all-optical setup. A laser-plasma-accelerated electron beam hits a solid target producing electron-positron pairs via bremsstrahlung. The back of the target serves as a plasma mirror to in-couple a laser pulse into a plasma stage located right after the mirror where the laser...

Axel Huebl (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.T01 Proton and Ion Sources
Poster Presentation

Ion beams from laser-driven plasma sources can provide ultra-short (10s of fs for 10s of MeV), ultra-low slice emittance (10s of nm), and high-charge (100s of pC) properties. Demonstrated maximum energies for laser-ion sources are just short of those needed for pivotal applications, such as proton tumor therapy. Here, a robust and energy-scalable concept is presented that could boost the...

Elias Métral (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D05 Coherent and Incoherent Instabilities Theory, Simulations, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The question of the mitigation of the Transverse Mode Coupling Instability (TMCI) by space charge has been discussed for more than two decades. Since few years, it has become clear that the ABS model, which has been often used in the past and which assumes an air-bag bunch in a square well, is not sufficient to properly describe the complexity of the interaction between impedance and space...

Bettina Kuske (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D02 Nonlinear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

HZB is currently designing the lattice for BESSY III, the successor of the 1.7 GeV electron storage ring running in Berlin since 1998. HZB follows a deterministic lattice design strategy, where the natural substructures of a non-hybrid MBA lattice are optimized separately. The substructures consist of only a few parameters, that can be derived from the strategic goals of the project. In the...

Pratik Manwani (University of California, Los Angeles)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Poster Presentation

This paper explores the phenomenon of asymmetric blowout in plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA), where the transversely asymmetric beam creates a transversely asymmetric blowout cavity in plasma. This deviation from the traditional axisymmetric models leads to unique focusing effects in the transverse plane and accelerating gradient depending on the transverse coordinates. We extend our...

Eiad Hamwi (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D03 Calculations of EM fields Theory and Code Developments
Poster Presentation

Meaningful prediction and enhancement of spin-polarization in the RHIC/EIC accelerator complex relies on accurate modeling of each sub-component. Here we describe a symplectic field approximations of both Siberian Snakes in the AGS, enabling practical long-term tracking calculations. Without such symplectic representations, particle motion destabilizes very quickly close to injection energy....

Ying Wu (Duke University)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

The linac-based single-pass FEL has been successfully operated
in the EUV and x-ray regions for about two decades. However, the oscillator FEL has been limited to operating in the longer wavelength region. This limitation arises from the challenge of obtaining short-wavelength FEL mirrors with high reflectivity, thermal stability, and radiation resistance. With the Duke storage ring FEL, we...

Victor Lizárraga-Rubio (Universidad de Guanajuato)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

An electron beam degrader is under development with the objective of measuring the transverse and longitudinal acceptance of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab. This project is in support of the CE+BAF positron capability. Computational simulations of beam-target interactions and particle tracking were performed integrating the GEANT4 and Elegant...

Alex Whitehead (Extreme Light Infrastructure)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

The conceptual design of the laser-plasma-based soft X-ray Free Electron Laser at ELI-Beamlines involves the integration of a novel high-power, high-repetition-rate laser, plasma source, compact LPA-based electron beam accelerator, dedicated electron beam line with relevant diagnostics, undulator beam line, photon beam line with required diagnostics, as well as a photon beam distribution...

Dr Ulf Lehnert (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

The ELBE radiation source at HZDR has a long success story of delivering bright and powerful infrared and THz beams to a broad user community. Following the science driven user requests we have written a conceptual design report for the Dresden Advanced Light Infrastructure (DALI) as a successor to ELBE.
The proposed DALI facility aims to increase the spectral brightness and pulse energy by...

Rohan Kamath (Imperial College London)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A09 Muon Accelerators, Neutrino Factories, Muon Colliders
Poster Presentation

The muon collider has great potential to facilitate multi-TeV lepton-antilepton collisions. Reaching a suitably high luminosity requires low-emittance high-intensity muon beams. Ionization cooling is the technique proposed to reduce the emittance of muon beams. The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) has demonstrated transverse emittance reduction through ionization cooling by passing...

Vasiliy Morozov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A19 Electron-Hadron Colliders
Poster Presentation

The Electron Ion Collider design strategy for reaching unprecedented luminosities and detection capabilities involves collision of flat bunches at a relatively large crossing angle. Effective head-on collisions are restored using crab cavities, which introduce a correlation of the particles' transverse coordinates with their longitudinal positions in the bunch, or crab dispersion. The...

Michail Zampetakis (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A01 Hadron Colliders
Poster Presentation

Power limitations are expected at injection energy for the main Radio Frequency (RF) system due to the doubled bunch intensity in the High Luminosity (HL-) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) era. One way to overcome these power limitations is to reduce the capture voltage. The smaller RF bucket, however, leads to increased beam losses at the start of the ramp. In practice, these beam losses, which...

Donish Khan (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
Poster Presentation

An upgrade to the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLAB) to extend its energy reach from 12 GeV to 22 GeV is being explored. The upgrade pushes the boundaries of the current CEBAF facilities and will require several state-of-the-art beamline components. The first of which is nonscaling Fixed Field Alternating (FFA)...

Chad Pennington (Cornell University (CLASSE))
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.T02 Electron Sources
Poster Presentation

We present measurements of quantum efficiency (QE) modulations in CsSb and Cs3Sb photocathodes that arise from optical interference of reflections from the underlying substrate that has multiple semi-transparent layers. The photocathode films are grown on a cubic silicon carbide layer (3C-SiC) which itself is grown epitaxially on Si(100) during fabrication. We find that the QE modulates by up...

Anna Alexander (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.T02 Electron Sources
Poster Presentation

This poster will discuss the design of the photocathode vacuum suitcase that we currently design and construct for the Cathodes And Radiofrequency Interactions in Extremes (CARIE) test stand. The CARIE test stand is built to test behavior of the high quantum efficiency photocathodes at strong fields. The semiconductor photocathodes must be grown and delivered to the photoinjector under...

Nathan Cook (RadiaSoft LLC)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Poster Presentation

Structured plasma channels are an essential technology for driving high-gradient, plasma-based acceleration and control of electron and positron beams for advanced concepts accelerators. Laser and gas technologies can permit the generation of long plasma columns known as hydrodynamic, optically-field-ionized (HOFI) channels, which feature low on-axis densities and steep walls. By carefully...

Fanglei Lin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

An energy-recovery-linac (ERL)-based X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) is proposed considering its three main advantages: i) shortening the linac by recirculating the electron beam by high-gradient SRF cavities, ii) saving the klystron power and reducing the beam dump power through the energy recovery in the SRFs, iii) producing a high average photon brightness with high average beam current....

Hyeon Woo Lee (Korea University Sejong Campus)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A22 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Poster Presentation

Laser Wakefield Acceleration (LWFA) can generate a high-energetic electron beam in a short accelerating distance of several cm, which is advantageous for the development of an compact accelerator. The LWFA using metal targets is highly influenced by the field ionization process of metal atoms (or ions) due to the high intensity of main laser. Titanium produces a large amount of ionized...

Zenggong Jiang (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

Shanghai HIgh repetitioN rate XFEL and Extreme light facility (SHINE) is an x-ray FEL facility, consisting of an 8 GeV CW superconducting linac and 3 FEL undulator lines, covering the spectral ranges 0.4-25 keV. Photoinjector using VHF gun is one of the key part of the facility. The installation of the electron gun section of the SHINE injector has been completed in August 2023. RF...

Zheng Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The bunching system of injector Linac in High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) includes two sub-harmonic bunchers, a pre-buncher and a traveling wave S band buncher. The buncher is a 6-cell constant impedance traveling wave structure operating in 2π/3 mode at 2998.8 MHz. In this paper, the design and test of the traveling wave buncher are presented. First, the characteristic parameters are...

Stephen Brooks (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
Poster Presentation

Capable of achieving a high repetition rate with strong focusing, Fixed Field Alternating gradient (FFA) accelerators have the potential to be used for pulsed high intensity operations. With no pulsed high intensity FFA ever built so far, a prototype machine called FETS-FFA has been proposed to study the FFA option for the next generation spallation neutron source (ISIS-II). One of the...

Mr Qingzhu Li (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

Distributed-coupling structures has been proposed as an advanced type of high-gradient accelerators, RF power flow independently into each cavity.This method has few advantages such as high shunt impedance, superior power efficiency, and low costs. And the most distributed-coupling structures typically set 0° or 180° as the phase advance which can simplify the design.In this study we...

Derong Xu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A19 Electron-Hadron Colliders
Poster Presentation

The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory will feature a 3.8-kilometer electron storage ring (ESR) that will circulate polarized beams with energies ranging from 5 to 18 GeV for collision with hadrons from a separate ring at luminosities up to 10^34 cm^{-2} s^{-1}. This contribution focuses on several recent changes to the lattice design of the ESR. Super-bend dipole...

Brendan Leung (Northern Illinois University)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A16 Advanced Concepts
Poster Presentation

In the field of structure wakefield acceleration there is considerable interest in radiofrequency (RF) structures capable of producing high gradients. Structures in the sub-terahertz (sub-THz) regime are of note due to their high gradient and high efficiency, allowing for a low physical footprint. In the pursuit of this goal we have designed a metallic corrugated W-band structure using the CST...

Thomas Dönges (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.A16 Advanced Concepts
Poster Presentation

Space charge lenses are ion-optical devices that focus an ion beam by the intrinsic electric field of confined non-neutral plasmas, for example electron clouds. This was first proposed by Dennis Gabor in the year 1947 and is therefore also known as Gabor-lenses. Previous studies have shown the strong linear focusing forces of a confined electron plasma. In this paper, the first confinement of...

Vasiliy Morozov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

A single wide-momentum-acceptance FFA beam line allows for recirculating a beam several times through a linac. Such a scheme provides an efficient path towards high-energy, high-power continuous beams. This paper describes the development of a conceptual design of an FFA RLA focusing on but not limited to a high-power hadron beam case. We present a complete optics design including arc, linac,...

Haoyu Cheng (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.T01 Proton and Ion Sources
Poster Presentation

Many of ion beams generated by the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) originate from solid-state materials and undergo a conversion process to transition from a solid to a gaseous state before being introduced into the plasma. Established techniques for thermal evaporation encompass ovens and others. The primary objective is to advance oven technology targeting increased...

Shunsuke Ikeda (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC3.T01 Proton and Ion Sources
Poster Presentation

A liquid lithium target system is being developed for laser ion sources. Existing laser ion sources are operated at the repetition rate of the order of 1 Hz. The limitation stems from the use of solid laser targets because of the craters created and the need to provide a fresh surface by either repositioning the laser beam or the target. In addition, an enormously large surface area is needed...

Xuejun Yin (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC1.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

Research on heavy ion linac was began more than ten years ago to improve the HIRFL operation. In China, the first continuous wave (CW) heavy ion linac, SSC Linac, working at 53.667 MHz was designed and constructed as the SSC injector. The ion particle can be accelerated to 1.48 MeV/u with the designed A/q=5.17. At present stage, this CW linac has been put into operation and the Uranium has...

Konstantinos Paraschou (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D05 Coherent and Incoherent Instabilities Theory, Simulations, Code Development
Poster Presentation

Intra-beam Scattering (IBS) is one of the main mechanisms of emittance blowup and performance deterioration in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator complex. It is particularly relevant since the recent upgrades across the injector complex to reach the high brightness beams of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) era have been implemented. Several studies have focused on developing an...

Dr Aliaksei Halavanau (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A23 Other Linac Based Photon Sources
Poster Presentation

The X-ray Laser Oscillator (XLO) uses LCLS pulses to pump population inversion in  solid copper and lase on the K alpha line, producing fully coherent, transform limit X-ray pulses, opening new avenues for experiments in fields such as inelastic X-ray scattering, parametric down-conversion, quantum science, X-ray interferometry, and coherent imaging. An important component of XLO is a bow-tie...

Shaoxiang Dong (University of Science and Technology of China)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers
Poster Presentation

To explore and detect novel effects and mechanisms inherent in materials, a tenable wavelength terahertz free electron laser (THz-FEL) is integrated into the terahertz near-field high-throughput material property testing system (NFTHZ). Employing a compact linear accelerator capable of adjusting electron energy within the range of 10 to 18 MeV as the injector, pre-bunching of electron bunches...

Weihang Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A23 Other Linac Based Photon Sources
Poster Presentation

Terahertz radiation sources have significant applications in non-invasive detection fields, including medical imaging, drug design, and the quantification of specific biochemical substances. Currently, accelerator-based terahertz sources play a crucial role in producing high-power terahertz radiation. To achieve high-power Terahertz output, beam manipulation is necessary. This paper presents...

Liam Pocher (University of Maryland)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC5.D13 Machine Learning
Poster Presentation

One of the Grand Challenges in beam physics is development of virtual particle accelerators for beam prediction. Virtual accelerators rely on efficient and effective methodologies grounded in theory, simulation, and experiment. We will address one sample methodology, extending the understanding and the control of deleterious effects, for example, emittance growth. We employ the application of...

Fernando Sannibale (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
5/20/24, 4:00 PM
MC2.A04 Circular Accelerators
Poster Presentation

Electron storage rings in synchrotron light sources are typically composed of 𝑁