19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

AGS Booster model calibration and digital-twin development

23 May 2024, 16:00
Bluegrass (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools Thursday Poster Session


Weijian Lin (Cornell University (CLASSE))


An accurate physics simulation model is key to accelerator operation because all beam control and optimization algorithms require good understanding of the accelerator and its elements. For the AGS Booster, major discrepancy between the real physical system and online simulation model mainly comes from magnet misalignments, which also lead to beam degradation and prevent the beam from reaching the desired specifications (e.g., polarization). In this work, we propose a Bayesian optimal experimental design (BOED)-based approach for identifying the magnet misalignments using a Bmad model of the AGS Booster. This approach can find magnet control variables (i.e., currents) which are expected to lead to beam position data that most reduces uncertainty in the magnet misalignment parameters. The misalignment values can then be used to calibrate the physical model of the Booster, leading to a more accurate simulation model for future polarization optimizations, and to the development of a fully functional digital-twin.

Funding Agency

Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy, No. DE SC-0024287, and by NSF under Award PHY-1549132.

Region represented North America
Paper preparation format LaTeX

Primary author

Weijian Lin (Cornell University (CLASSE))


Bohong Huang (Stony Brook University) David Sagan (Cornell University (CLASSE)) Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell University (CLASSE)) Kevin Brown (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Kiel Hock (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Natalie Isenberg (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Nathan Urban (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Vincent Schoefer (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Yinan Wang (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

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