19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Monte Carlo estimation of emittance growth during injection into the LANSCE PSR

23 May 2024, 16:00
Rock 'n Roll (MCC Exhibit Hall A)

Rock 'n Roll

MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport Thursday Poster Session


Martin Kay (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator uses charge exchange injection to accumulate a high-intensity proton beam in the Proton Storage Ring (PSR). H- ions are accelerated to 800 MeV and then stripped of their electrons when they pass through a thin foil at the ring injection site. Various parameters, such as foil thickness, density and chemical composition, effect the performance of stripper foils, and foils are engineered to maximize charge exchange efficiency and foil lifetime while minimizing beam loss and emittance growth during injection. A model of the stripper foil has been created using a Monte Carlo radiation transport code as part of the conceptual design for a PSR upgrade. The model will be used to optimize the foil and estimate parameters of the ion beam after injection. Preliminary results for the emittance growth of the injected beam are presented for a range of foil parameters.

Funding Agency


Region represented North America
Paper preparation format LaTeX

Primary author

Martin Kay (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


Anna Alexander (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Charles Taylor (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Presentation materials

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