2:00 PM
Slow longitudinal mode 1 instability in electron storage rings with harmonic cavities
Murilo Alves
2:00 PM
Near-infrared noise in intense electron beams
Sergei Kladov
2:00 PM
Real time crystal collimation monitoring at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
Gianmarco Ricci
2:00 PM
Measuring uniformity and gas density of gas sheet profile monitor for use with heavy-ion accelerators
Aubrey Lokey
2:00 PM
Comparison of WarpX and GUINEA-PIG for electron positron collisions
Bao Nguyen
2:00 PM
Generation of attosecond electron bunches through terahertz regulation
Yian Wang
2:00 PM
A large momentum acceptance gantry for light-weight proton therapy facility: its beam lattice, magnets design and clinical advantages
Yicheng Liao
2:00 PM
Impact of octupoles on the Schottky spectra of bunched beams
Christophe Lannoy
2:00 PM
SRF cavity instability detection with machine learning at CEBAF
Hal Ferguson
2:00 PM
SRF cavity fault prediction using deep learning at Jefferson Lab
Monibor Rahman
2:00 PM
Exploring high gradient limit with cryogenic experiments at FREIA laboratory
Mircea Coman
2:00 PM
Measurement and modeling of beam transport in the FODO line of the Spallation Neutron Source Beam Test Facility
Trent Thompson
2:00 PM
Topology optimization of a dipole magnet using normalized gaussian network
Jie Li
2:00 PM
Simulations of simultaneous measurement of GHz bunches using a fast kicker
Xiao-Yang Zhang
2:00 PM
Focusing of high-energy electron beam using silicon crystals for application in radiotherapy
Marta Monikowska
2:00 PM
Beam studies using a Cherenkov diffraction based beam position monitor for AWAKE
Bethany Spear
2:00 PM
Optimizing current density measurements for intense low beta electron beams
Madison Howard
2:00 PM
Comprehensive modeling of Siberian Snakes in BNL’s AGS: symplectic tracking and optical compensation
Eiad Hamwi
2:00 PM
RF design of a C-band spherical pulse compressor for Super Tau-Charm linac
Zexin Cao
2:00 PM
New design techniques on matching couplers for travelling wave accelerating structures
Zexin Cao
2:00 PM
Research on spatial alignment of laser and electron beam in the generation of ultra-short electron pulses by laser modulation
Jingya Li
2:00 PM
Devices and preparation methods for niobium coupon samples used to investigate high-Q mechanism
Yue Zong
2:00 PM
Minimizing space charge tune spread and increasing beam quality parameters with circular modes
Onur Gilanliogullari
2:00 PM
Real-time measurements of the RF-path of an electro-optical bunch arrival-time monitor with integrated planar pickup structure with low-charge electron beams at ELBE
Bernhard Scheible
2:00 PM
Second generation Cherenkov diffraction radiation studies at Diamond Light Source
Alec Clapp
2:00 PM
Gas jet-based beam profile monitor for the electron beam test stand at CERN
Oliver Stringer
2:00 PM
Magnetic measurements for Halbach-type permanent quadrupoles using a single-stretched wire system
Davide Cuneo
2:00 PM
Bayesian optimization for beam centroid correction at ISAC
Emma Ghelfi
2:00 PM
CXLS ionizing and laser radiation safety interlock systems
Eric Everett
2:00 PM
Parameters and process study of copper chamber coating with niobium thin films in DC and HIPIMS modes
Jiawen Kan
2:00 PM
Improvements of longitudinal stability with LLRF optimization at SIRIUS
David Daminelli
2:00 PM
Mapping of an SRF electron gun focusing solenoid assembly
Christopher Jones
2:00 PM
Automation upgrade of the CXLS photoinjector
Taryn Brown
2:00 PM
Simulation studies of laser cooling for the Gamma Factory proof-of-principle experiment at the CERN SPS
Peter Kruyt
2:00 PM
Dynamics study of the crab crossing at the electron ion collider using square matrix and iterative methods
Kelly Anderson
2:00 PM
3D beam tracking studies including intrabeam scattering
Alexander Engeda
2:00 PM
The FORTRESS beamline at Tsinghua university
Peng Lv
2:00 PM
Tracking study of the bimodal RF cavity for storage ring light source
Dinghui Su
2:00 PM
Study of the beam-beam interaction in an electron-positron collider with large Piwinski angle and crabbed waist
Sangya Li
2:00 PM
Measurement of stability diagrams in the IOTA ring at Fermilab
Mary Bossard
2:00 PM
Magnetron diagnostics with a novel optical fibre-Cherenkov detector
Carsten Welsch
2:00 PM
Research on design of a novel permanent quadrupole magnet
Shaoxiang Dong
2:00 PM
Bunch-by-bunch simulations of beam-beam driven particle losses in the LHC
Philippe Belanger
2:00 PM
Current status of MINIBEE: minibeam beamline for preclinical experiments on spatial fractionation in the FLASH regime
Aikaterini Rousseti
2:00 PM
Progress on pulsed electron beams for radiation effects characterization of electronics
Atharva Kulkarni
2:00 PM
Findings of simulation studies for the fast corrector magnets of PETRA IV
Jan-Magnus Christmann
2:00 PM
Microscopic understanding of the effects of impurities in low RRR SRF cavities
Katrina Howard
2:00 PM
Detailed simulation study of wakefield induced beam dynamics in the dielectric dechirper at CLARA
Beatriz Higuera Gonzalez
2:00 PM
Modeling and optimization of the FACET-II injector with machine learning algorithms
Sanjeev Chauhan
2:00 PM
Dark current simulations in accelerating structures operating with short RF pulses
Gaurab Rijal
2:00 PM
Beam tomography using MCMC
Anthony Tran
2:00 PM
Status of coil-dominated discrete-cosine-theta quadrupole prototype for high rigidity isotope beams
David Greene
2:00 PM
Superconducting thin films on higher order mode antennas to increase the CW performance of SRF cavities at MESA
Paul Plattner
2:00 PM
The gamma activation measurements at Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source
Yuxuan Yang
2:00 PM
Implementing bunch-by-bunch diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
Marvin Noll
2:00 PM
Investigating X-ray detector systems using Monte Carlo techniques
Lauryn Eley
2:00 PM
Updates on the Cornell cryo-MTE-meter beamline
Charles Zhang
2:00 PM
Optimizing the sextupole configuration for simultaneous correction of third order resonances at the recycler ring
Cristhian Gonzalez-Ortiz
2:00 PM
Design of an X-band parallel-coupled travelling-wave accelerating structure for future linacs
Zexin Cao
2:00 PM
Discovering transient models of emittance growth via mode interaction of phase space nonuniformities
Liam Pocher
2:00 PM
Mechanical design, structural requirements and optimization of the FCC e+e- interaction region components
Francesco Fransesini
2:00 PM
The design of a rocket based RF electron accelerator for space applications
Christopher Roper
2:00 PM
Emittance growth studies due to Crab Cavity induced amplitude noise in the SPS
Andrea Fornara
2:00 PM
Novel materials for beam acceleration
Sadie Seddon-Stettler
2:00 PM
Analysis of laser engineered surface structures’ roughness and surface impedance
Patrick Krkotic
2:00 PM
Field emission assisted heating of Cs2Te photocathode: implication toward RF breakdown
Ryo Shinohara
2:00 PM
Autofocusing accelerator beams
Alexander Katrusiak
2:00 PM
Unifying coherent synchrotron radiation wakefield and classical radiation reaction
Zhuoyuan Liu
2:00 PM
Simulations of an electro-optical in-vacuum bunch profile monitor and measurements at KARA for use in the FCC-ee
Micha Reissig
2:00 PM
Simulation study of nanosecond pulse power based on gyromagnetic nonlinear transmission line
Wenbin Zhang
2:00 PM
A wireless method for beam coupling impedance bench measurement of resonant structures
Chiara Antuono
2:00 PM
Study and simulation of cryogenic photonic-band-gap disk-loaded structure
Dinghui Su
2:00 PM
Multi-mode cavity design and characterization
Benjamin Sims
2:00 PM
PIP-II laser beam profile monitor laser system
Parker Landon
2:00 PM
Development of novel magnetically-focussed minibeams for in vivo and in vitro end stations for Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications
Rehanah Razak
2:00 PM
Commissioning and experiments with a compact transverse deflecting system at FLUTE
Matthias Nabinger
2:00 PM
Detailed characterization of coherent synchrotron radiation effects using generative phase space reconstruction
Juan Pablo Gonzalez-Aguilera
2:00 PM
Generation of symmetrical optical caustic beams for precise alignment
Martin Dusek
2:00 PM
Experimental design for validating the feasibility of in-situ plasma cleaning of normal conducting copper cavities
Qianxu Xia
2:00 PM
Buffered chemical polishing process for SHINE 3.9 GHz cavities
Zheng Wang
2:00 PM
SiPM integration testing for FACET-II pair spectrometer
Jack Phillips
2:00 PM
Direct measurements of RHIC BPM data at the IP using linear regression
William Fung
2:00 PM
Design of a 3-cell rectangular deflecting cavity for a compact THz-FEL
Ruiying Luo
2:00 PM
Simulation of beam loading compensation with RF-Track
Javier Olivares Herrador
2:00 PM
Advancing non-linear space charge simulations: neural networks and analytical approaches
Isabella Vojskovic
2:00 PM
Proposal for a proton-bunch compression experiment at IOTA in the strong space-charge regime
Benjamin Simons
2:00 PM
Investigation of hot-spots due to local trapped flux in niobium superconducting radiofrequency cavities
Bashu Khanal
2:00 PM
AGS Booster model calibration and digital-twin development
Weijian Lin
2:00 PM
Effects of implantation temperature and annealing on structural evolution and migration of ruthenium in glassy carbon
Tasabeeh Alabid Jafer
2:00 PM
Fabrication and tuning of a 325 MHz ion-injector prototype for particle therapy facility
Yusen Guo
2:00 PM
Experimental study into the invasiveness of a gas jet beam profile monitor for charged particle beams
Oliver Stringer
2:00 PM
Thermal diffusivity and acoustic properties of Nb thin films studied by time-domain thermoreflectance
Md Obidul Islam
2:00 PM
Two slit emittance measurement with thermal emittance isolation for an SRF injector
Benjamin Sims
2:00 PM
Enhanced harmonic stability in magnet resonant power supplies via multi-harmonic closed-loop control and current feedforward
Ran Li
2:00 PM
Waveguide system for an SRF cryomodule in KEK
Prakash Joshi
2:00 PM
Characterization of meter-scale Bessel beams for plasma formation in a plasma wakefield accelerator
Travis Nichols
2:00 PM
Decoupling of nitrogen and oxygen impurities in nitrogen doped SRF cavities
Hannah Hu
2:00 PM
Bayesian optimization scheme for the design of a nanofibrous high power target
William Asztalos