19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
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Investigation of pulsed slow extraction schemes at the MedAustron synchrotron

23 May 2024, 16:00
Rock 'n Roll (MCC Exhibit Hall A)

Rock 'n Roll

MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC8.A28 Medical Applications Thursday Poster Session


Elisabeth Renner (TU Wien)


MedAustron, a synchrotron-based center for ion beam therapy and research located in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, extracts proton and carbon ion beams with third-order resonant slow extraction. In addition to clinical operation, the center hosts a diverse user community for non-clinical research studies, which may require experimental, non-clinical beam parameters. Within this context, different extraction mechanisms are investigated concerning their suitability for delivering the beam not in a continuous spill but rather in a series of short pulses (sub-millisecond to millisecond length) with customizable separation and intensity. Such a beam may offer new opportunities for non-clinical research users, for example, studying the impact of different time structures when delivering beams with FLASH-compatible dose rates.

This contribution explores the suitability of phase displacement and radio frequency knockout extraction for such an application based on Xsuite simulations and measurements. The measurement setup employs a silicon carbide detector in conjunction with a 20MHz bandwidth amplifier, enabling intensity measurements with a resolution exceeding the revolution time.

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX

Primary author

Elisabeth Renner (TU Wien)


Andreas Gsponer (Austrian Academy of Sciences) Claus Schmitzer (EBG MedAustron GmbH) Dale Prokopovich (EBG MedAustron GmbH) Fabien Plassard (EBG MedAustron GmbH) Florian Kuehteubl (EBG MedAustron GmbH) Katharina Knoll (Atominstitut) Simon Waid (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

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