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14–18 Sept 2020
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Author Information

The Scientific Program for IBIC 2020 will consist of invited oral and poster presentations. Abstract submission is handled via JACoW's Scientific Program Management System (SPMS) at


NOTE: The program of invited talks will be set by the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) in the first week of March 2020. Abstracts that are submitted before March 3rd will be available to the Committee when deciding on invited speakers, and could be considered for an invited talk. We therefore encourage authors to submit abstracts early.

Since no contributions are accepted for publication only, any work accepted for presentation which is not presented at the conference will be excluded from the proceedings. Furthermore, the SPC reserves the right to refuse for publication any work not properly presented in the poster sessions.

Exceptionally for IBIC 2020, which will be held virtually in unprecedented circumstances, the publication of presented work as a proceeding paper is optional. For those authors that do opt to publish, the proceedings for IBIC 2020 will be managed by JACoW with the same high standards as for the previous conferences of the series.