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14–18 Sept 2020
UTC timezone


Update 05-01-2021:

We are pleased to announce the publication of the proceedings and pre-recorded talks of the 9th edition of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC 2020.

Amid uncertainties brought by the Covid-19 pandemic the beam instrumentation community stood tight to give continuity to the IBIC conference series and share the latest advancements of the field with the peers. We thank all the participants and authors for keeping the ball rolling in 2020!

IBIC 2020 Organizing Committees
IBIC 2020 Scientific Program Committee

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Update 18-09-2020: we have uploaded the talks of the closing session. We thank all delegates, students, exhibitors and invited speakers for participating in IBIC 2020!

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We are glad to announce that the 9th edition of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC 2020, will be held as a virtual event. The live sessions will take place on September 14-18, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the original event, to be held in Santos, Brazil, will be postponed to 2023.

IBIC brings together the world community of experts in beam instrumentation and diagnostics for particle accelerators to explore the physics and engineering challenges of the field and share innovation.

The program consists of prerecorded talks, live panels with speakers and virtual poster sessions.

An interactive virtual platform is prepared and allows participants to watch prerecorded talks and live sessions as well as freely interact with each other through chats, video meet-ups and theme-oriented discussions. Virtual booths are available for exhibitors to reach out the community and get in touch with the delegates.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we warmly welcome you to make part of IBIC 2020 and look forward to seeing you online!


Sergio Marques
Conference Chair

Daniel Tavares
Scientific Program Committee Chair