19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone


Thursday Poster Session

23 May 2024, 16:00
Music City Center

Music City Center

201 Rep. John Lewis Way S, Nashville, TN 37203, USA

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Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (CEGELEC SA (Actemium Geneve))
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T21 Infrastructures
Poster Presentation

The 3D design of large accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) requires coordination among equipment, services, and infrastructures. As numerous systems are designed, procured, and installed, 3D integration studies are important steps at any stages of a project, starting from the conceptual phase with space reservations, envelopes and interfaces, followed by the technical design...

Mario Del Franco (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T38 Mechanical design
Poster Presentation

Starting from 2018 we have designed and created 3D printed beam correctors using two different types of FDM materials, Ultem and ASA. The design was defined based on the ergonomics of the existing machine parts, avoiding radial and longitudinal mechanical interference, and the magnetic performances to be produced. The size and configuration of the resulting windings influenced the choice of...

David Bruhwiler (RadiaSoft LLC)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

Neutron scattering experiments have undergone significant technological development through large area detectors with concurrent enhancements in neutron transport and electronic functionality. Data collected for neutron events include detector pixel location in 3D, time and associated metadata, such as sample orientation and environmental conditions. Working with single-crystal diffraction...

Alexander Smirnov (RadiaBeam)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T16 Pulsed Power Technology
Poster Presentation

Brookhaven National Laboratory has recently been selected as the site for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). The EIC will consist of two intersecting accelerators, one producing an intense beam of electrons, the other a high-energy beam of protons or heavier atomic nuclei, which are steered into head-on collisions. One of the sections of the EIC beamline will require a hadron injection fast...

Richard Fielder (Diamond Light Source Ltd)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The Diamond-II storage ring upgrade will provide users with 1-2 orders of magnitude brightness increase over the existing Diamond facility, for which a quasi-transparent top-up injection scheme will be a key performance requirement [1]. The ring was originally designed to use a single-bunch aperture sharing injection scheme [2], in which short stripline kickers are used to kick the injected...

Yicheng Liao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

As one of the state-of-the-art radiotherapy approaches, proton therapy possesses conformal dose profiles yet expensive cost. Designing a facility with a small footprint and a high treatment efficiency is the main goal for researchers to fulfill the potential of proton therapy and make it more affordable both for vendors and patients. In this contribution, the design of a light-weight proton...

Pavana Kallakuri (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T05 Beam Feedback Systems
Poster Presentation

Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APS-U) Fast Orbit Feedback (FOFB) system uses 160 fast and 160 slow corrector magnets to stabilize orbit measured at 560 Beam Position Monitors (BPM). We plan to operate both fast and slow correctors in a unified feedback algorithm at 22 kHz correction rate. Mid-ranging control is a proven approach for feedback systems with two manipulated inputs each exerting...

Dr Armen Grigoryan (CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U08 Radiation Effects
Poster Presentation

An exact solution for the radiation field of a particle in a helical undulator, valid for an arbitrary point in space and an arbitrary particle energy, was obtained by the partial domain method, generalized for the case of spiral motion of a particle. The interface between the regions is a cylindrical surface containing the spiral trajectory of the particle. A comparison is made with the...

Stefan Schäfer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T15 Undulators and Wigglers
Poster Presentation

We discuss the design and properties of a proposed planar cryogenic permanent magnet undulator with 20 mm period length called CPMU-20. The undulator is set to use (Pr,Nd)2Fe14B as permanent magnet material and Permendur poles and is set to be part of the planned SoTeXS beamline at the BESSY-II upgrade which will offer a unique working environment for research into energy-materials –...

Boyuan Feng (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T16 Pulsed Power Technology
Poster Presentation

A compact pulse compressor with dielectric assistance structure is proposed and simulated. The novel pulse compressor adopts a spherical resonant cavity design with dual-mode polarization mode. A dielectric sphere added at the centre of the spherical cavity can reduce the volume and weight of the pulse compressor and improve the unloaded quality factor of the cavity. A C-band compact storage...

Brahim Mustapha (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

In order for the new ATLAS Materials Irradiation Station (AMIS) to take advantage of the future multi-user capabilities at ATLAS, a pulsed kicker is needed to switch 1 MeV/u heavy-ion beams. At this energy and due to space limitations, a pulsed electric kicker is very challenging due to very high voltage requirement, and a magnetic kicker is also very challenging due to the high magnetic field...

Feng-lei Shang (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T16 Pulsed Power Technology
Poster Presentation

Pulse power supply for kicker needs high di/dt. In old way, the thyristor, IGBT, SCR are chosen as the switch. We have found the photoconductive switches has nice parameters.

Chiara Antuono (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The Beam Coupling Impedance (BCI) is a crucial aspect in the realm of accelerator physics, as it describes the electromagnetic interactions between charged particle beams and the accelerator structure. The measurement and quantification of BCI is an essential requirement to assess and mitigate its impact, particularly when introducing new components or addressing problems within existing...

Eric Westbrook (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

The LANSCE accelerator is an 800 MeV linear accelerator delivering beams for more than fifty years. As it has aged, maintenance and upgrades to its control system software components have become challenging and often deferred due to operational and schedule constraints. As a result, we have a wide variety of new and old software, difficult to re-use, with a large staff burden. Data is stored...

Tom Antonsen (University of Maryland)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The design of accelerator lattices involves evaluating and optimizing Figures of Merit (FoMs) that characterize a beam's properties. These properties (hence the FoMs) depend on the many parameters that describe a lattice, including the strengths, locations, and possible misalignments of focusing elements. We have developed efficient algorithms to determine the multi-parameter dependence of an...

Ji Qiang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D10 Beam-Beam Effects Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

High energy colliders provide a critical tool in nuclear physics study by probing the fundamental structure and dynamics of matter. Optimizing the collider’s machine parameters is both computationally and experimentally expensive. A fast and robust optimization framework that includes both beam-beam and the detailed machine lattice will be crucial to attaining the best performance of the...

Weijian Lin (Cornell University (CLASSE))
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

An accurate physics simulation model is key to accelerator operation because all beam control and optimization algorithms require good understanding of the accelerator and its elements. For the AGS Booster, discrepancies between the real physical system and online simulation model have been a long-standing issue. Due to the lack of a reliable model, the current practice of beam control relies...

Joseph Ricks (Osprey DCS LLC)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

Transitioning from the aging ALS Geo MACRO motor controller, this paper details the meticulous selection process for a new, cost-effective standard to fulfill the diverse motion requirements of the upcoming ALS-U project. Targeting primarily simple stepper motors with varying current demands, the chosen solution seamlessly integrates into the existing ALS-U EPICS environment while preserving...

Najm Us Saqib (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

This paper presents the design and status of Accumulator Ring (AR) RF Equipment Protection System (EPS) of Advanced Light Source Upgrade project at LBNL. The key components of AR RF EPS include a Master Interlock PLC subsystem handling supervisory control and slow interlocks in ms scale, an FPGA-based LLRF Controller managing fast interlocks in µs scale, a 60 kW high-power amplifier with...

Chunguang Jing (Euclid Beamlabs LLC)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Poster Presentation

High energy gamma-ray generators have the potential to be used in place of radioisotope sources, thus eliminating the security risk posed by radioisotopic sources. Euclid Techlabs design of nonradioisotopic gamma-ray source is based on ultra-compact linear accelerator with affordable magnetron RF power feeding. Wide aperture 15 cell X-band linac with embedded field emission cathode operates...

Yujie Lu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The on-axis swap-out scheme is a potential injection scheme to be adopted in the diffraction-limited storage ring light source, since it only need a rather small dynamic aperture. An accumulator is added between the booster and storage ring to allow for off-axis injection from the booster and extracting low emittance beam into the storage ring. In this paper, an accumulator ring is designed...

Douglas McNanney (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

The folded Linear Accelerator (linac) at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) presents many challenges to effectively utilizing beam loss monitors (BLMs) for machine protection. Dozens of ion chambers and neutron detectors are installed at various locations in the linac tunnel to monitor radiation from beam losses. Each device must be configured with thresholds to meet machine protection...

Weijian Lin (Cornell University (CLASSE))
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

Beam emittance plays the crucial role in a Beam transportation system. At a fixed-target beamline off the AGS Booster Synchrotron, beam emittance is determined through measuring the beam width via a segmented multi-wire ion chamber (SWIC) and varying quadrupole strength. The width of the beam signal (as Full Width Half Max) on the SWIC passes through a minimum value and the resulting dataset...

Nathan Cook (RadiaSoft LLC)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

The design, execution, and analysis of light source experiments requires the use of sophisticated simulation, controls and data management tools. Existing workflows require significant specialization to accommodate specific beamline operations and data pre-processing steps necessary for more intensive analysis. Recent efforts to address these needs at the National Synchrotron Light Source II...

Wei-Yang Lai (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T15 Undulators and Wigglers
Poster Presentation

The 100 mm periodic permanent magnet Wiggler (W100) was installed in the 31st straight section of the TPS storage ring in September 2020, during a prolonged shutdown of the TPS. It provides photon energy ranging from 5 to 50 keV for user experimental applications. The mechanical structure of this facility involves assembling and connecting it to the upper and lower magnetic arrays, each...

Yu-Chi Lin (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T18 Radiation Monitoring and Safety
Poster Presentation

Radiation in the injection section of a synchrotron radiation facility is primarily the result of injection beam loss, which occurs each time the current is replenished, and storage beam loss, which accounts for the lifetime during routine operations. This study conducted neutron measurements by using high-sensitivity neutron detectors and obtained the total electron loss during the unfolding...

Lorenzo Giacomel (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The impedance of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a source of instabilities and has to be monitored closely. It is usually assessed by measuring the tune-shift vs intensity, in particular at top energy where it is the most critical, as the collimators are the closest to the beam. However, to get information on the real part of the impedance, growth rate measurements are required. These are...

Alexander Katrusiak (TRIUMF)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

A novel tuning approach, Model Coupled Accelerator Tuning (MCAT), has been applied to the separated function DTL at TRIUMF's Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC). A digital twin of the rare-isotope postaccelerator is used for transverse and longitudinal tune optimizations, which are then loaded directly into the control system. Beam-based testing produced accelerated beam with a 0.26%...

Antonin Sulc (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fuer Materialien und Energie GmbH)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T22 Reliability, Operability
Poster Presentation

High-power multi-beam klystrons represent a key component to amplify RF to generate the accelerating field of the superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities at European XFEL. Exchanging these high-power components takes time and effort, thus it is necessary to minimize maintenance and downtime and at the same time maximize the device's operation. In an attempt to explore the behavior of...

Taryn Brown (Arizona State University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

The automation upgrade of the photoinjector for the Compact X-Ray Light Source (CXLS) at Arizona State University is described. As the accelerator vault of the CXLS is only 10 meters long, the photoinjector drive laser is located in an enclosure inside the vault. Since ionizing radiation is present in this room during operations, it necessitates remote control of all devices used to optimize...

Dr Armen Grigoryan (CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T35 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components
Poster Presentation

In this paper, the widely used RF measurement bead-pull technique for the S-band accelerating structure pre-tuning of the AREAL linear accelerator is presented. Bead-pull measurements were conducted before brazing with various group sets of accelerating cells to evaluate the effectiveness of “smart combinations” for AREAL accelerating structures. The “smart combination” technique represents...

Aamna Khan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

We summarize recent experimental studies of the impedance and beam-induced heating of titanium-coated ceramic vacuum chambers used in the NSLS-II injection kickers. We installed a spare chamber (SN003) in test section C01, demonstrating that beam-induced power is effectively dissipated in the titanium coating. Equipped with 12 temperature detectors, we measured temperatures and beam currents...

Eliott Johnson (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

Testing of space-bound microelectronics plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability of electronics exposed to the challenging radiation environment of outer space. This contribution describes the beam optics studies carried out for the run held in November 2023 in the context of the CERN High-Energy Accelerators for Radiation Testing and Shielding (HEARTS) experiment. It also delves into...

Weijian Lin (Cornell University (CLASSE))
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The AGS Booster synchrotron at Brookhaven National Laboratory delivers resonant slow extracted beams to a fixed target beamline called the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). Experimenters at the NSRL require uniformly distributed radiation fields over large area to simulate the cosmic ray space radiation environment. The facility generates the uniform distribution using a pair of octupole...

Dr Armen Grigoryan (CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

In this paper the beam-based alignment for solenoid and quadrupole magnets in the AREAL linear accelerator is presented. The AREAL accelerator, at this stage, operates with one solenoid, one quadrupole, corrector, and dipole magnets. The adjustment of solenoid and quadrupole magnets is crucial for the stable operation of the accelerator and for forming the desired beam required for the AREAL...

Mathieu Taquet (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The 40 MHz and 80 MHz Radio Frequency (RF) systems in the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) are required to perform non-adiabatic bunch shortening before beam ejection. This manipulation allows to fit the bunches into the short RF buckets of the 200 MHz Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). Although the impedance of the cavities is strongly reduced by feedback, the detailed understanding of the...

Scott Cogan (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T05 Beam Feedback Systems
Poster Presentation

Charge stripping is inherent for high power ion accelerators such as the FRIB LINAC. However, at high power, strippers require motion to prolong the operational life of the stripping media, or by flowing a liquid Lithium film. The charge stripping process introduces energy losses that vary with the actual Lithium film thickness, which can result in observable beam losses along the tuned...

Murilo Alves (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

SIRIUS, a brazilian 4th generation synchrotron light source, currently operates in top-up mode at 100mA in uniform fill. The main limiting factor for reaching higher currents is the temporary RF system in use. It is comprised of one PETRA 7-Cell cavity and two solid state amplifier towers that combined provide at most 120kW of power. By mid 2024, two superconducting RF cavities will replace...

Philippe Belanger (University of British Columbia & TRIUMF)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D10 Beam-Beam Effects Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

Recent experimental measurements in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have shown a clear correlation between beam-beam resonance driving terms and beam losses, with a characteristic bunch-by-bunch signature. This observation creates interesting conditions to study diffusive processes. Over the past few decades, early chaos indicators, frequency map analysis and dynamic aperture studies have been...

Denis Beauregard (Canadian Light Source Inc.)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

Located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, the Canadian Light Source (CLS) has been operation since 2003. CLS is a 3rd generation Synchrotron Light Source operating at 2.9GeV. The CLS Booster RF system uses a 100 kW, 500 MHz solid-state power amplifier to power two 5-cell “PETRA” cavities. Recently ALBA and CLS collaborated to commission a CLS-constructed version of the ALBA Digital...

Philippe Schoofs (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T20 Targetry and Dumps
Poster Presentation

Bent crystals are a mature technology used in several applications at CERN, such as the crystal-assisted collimation system for LHC ion operation and reduction of losses during the slow extraction from the SPS by shadowing the electrostatic septum. In the future, it is planned to measure electric and magnetic dipole moments of short-lived particles with a double-crystal experiment in the LHC....

Yugang Tan (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T11 Power Supplies
Poster Presentation

The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) employed over 200 cold plates in its Injection Kicker and quadrupole power supplies for semiconductor cooling. Each cold plate consisted of an aluminum base with interconnected copper tubes that were brazed together. Unfortunately, the durability of these plates was compromised over time due to corrosion of the copper tubes by de-ionized water. This...

Ji Qiang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D10 Beam-Beam Effects Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

Collective wakefield and beam-beam effects play an important role in accelerator design and operation. These effects can cause beam instability, emittance growth, and luminosity degradation, and warrant careful study during accelerator design. In this paper, we report on the development of a computational capability that combines both short and long range wakefield models and a strong-strong...

Daichi Naito (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

In 2023, the KEK-PF 2.5 GeV ring LLRF system was replaced from a conventional analog to an FPGA-based digital system. The hardware and software of our digital LLRF system were developed by customizing the LLRF technologies established at the SPring-8 and J-PARC. In our system, we adopted the non-IQ direct sampling method for RF detection. We set the sampling frequency at 8/13 (307.75 MHz) of...

Alexander Romanov (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The Proton Injector for the IOTA storage ring (IPI) has been constructed at the Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology facility (FAST). It is a machine capable of delivering 20 mA pulses of protons at 2.5 MeV. IPI will operate alongside the existing electron injector beamline to facilitate further beam physics research and the continued development of novel accelerator technologies at the...

Yong Joong Lee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T20 Targetry and Dumps
Poster Presentation

In designing a high-power tungsten target, decay heat driven temperature rise in the spallation volume is a safety concern during maintenance and in loss of coolant accidents. As tungsten hydrates and becomes volatile in steam at above 800 ◦C, it is important to keep the target temperature below this threshold when active cooling is unavailable. Decay heat in a target is calculated with...

Aamna Khan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The impedance of in-vacuum undulators (IVU) is a significant part of the total broadband impedance determining collective effects of beam dynamics in synchrotrons. It is computationally difficult to simulate the full few-meter-long 3D structure, which includes bellows, flanges, and taper transitions with a variable gap. So, the impedance is usually calculated separately for a simplified...

Wesley Hall (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) front-end injection scheme requires an upgrade to a Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) in order to replace the obsolete Cockroft-Waltons used in present operation. A test stand using a rod-style RFQ is under development in support of this upgrade, and conditioning of the RFQ to the expected peak and average power levels was completed to ensure its...

Jasmin Burke (Rapiscan Systems Ltd)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U05 Security
Poster Presentation

For cargo and vehicle inspection, where high energy linear accelerators are used, materials within radio-graphic images can be classified using their atomic number (Z). The identification and classification of materials and objects within cargo containers can be difficult, due to the nature of energy spectra and their impact on the discrimination of materials. This can also be impacted by...

Juergen Gutekunst (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T17 Alignment and Survey
Poster Presentation

The Full Remote Alignment System (FRAS) is an alignment system remotely controlled and monitored that comprises almost one thousand permanent sensors distributed along the 200 meters of equipment that will be installed in the frame of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project on either side of the ATLAS and CMS detectors. The sensors, along with their electronics and a system of motorized...

Jin Tong (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

This control system had been designed for the injection and extraction system of Shanghai Advanced Proton Therapy(SAPT). Interface of the SPELLMAN 100 kV high voltage power supply for septum magnets and Capacitor Charing Power Supply(CCPS) of the pulser for bumper magnets are including in the control design based on Programble Logic Contrllor (PLC) s7-1200. The control system realizes the...

Xiaobiao Huang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

We propose to correct nonlinear lattice optics with the closed-orbit modulation technique. Closed orbit modulation with large amplitude samples the nonlinear optics. Fitting such data measured on the machine to the lattice model with appropriate lattice parameters would reveal the nonlinear errors and provide a means for correction. The method is tested in simulation and is shown to work in...

Jeong Han Lee (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

This paper presents a cost-effective asset management system (AMS) designed to optimize the workflow of the accelerator control system for the Advanced Light Source Upgrade (ALS-U) project at LBNL. The AMS stores all essential information about equipment, including location, owner, hardware details, and firmware versions. Its user-friendly interface provides consistent access throughout the...

Austin Dick (Northern Illinois University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

We present a method for coupling particle dynamics, particle-matter interaction, and hydrodynamics codes to model the effects of high-intensity electron beams in Fourth Generation Storage Rings for the purpose of machine protection. The coupled codes determine if high-energy-density conditions (>100 J/mm^3) are present in beam-intercepting components. Elegant is used to simulate the dynamics...

Kirsten Drees (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D07 High Intensity Circular Machines Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

The Resonance Island Jump (RIJ) scheme for transition crossing in the Hadron Storage Ring of the Electron-Ion Collider is radically new, and untested. Beam experiments in RHIC will be necessary if it becomes necessary to consider the RIJ scheme as a serious alternative to upgrading the first order linear jump scheme currently implemented in RHIC. This paper outlines the theoretical foundations...

Jui-Che Huang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T15 Undulators and Wigglers
Poster Presentation

Cryogenic permanent-magnet undulators (CPMUs) have become a point of interest in the development of short-period undulators. However, electron beam-induced heating presents a significant challenge to CPMU devel-opment. The CU15, using a conduction-cooled cooling mechanism, demonstrates exceptional spectral and opera-tional performance, even when operating at small gaps with a beam current of...

Aikaterini Rousseti (Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U01 Health & Biology
Poster Presentation

In vivo studies support that the combination of protons and spatial fractionation, the so-called proton minibeam radiotherapy (pMBT), enhances the protection of normal tissue for a given tumor dose. A preclinical pMBT facility for small animal irradiation at the 68 MeV cyclotron of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) will improve the understanding of this method. A two-step energy-degrading system...

Mark Holl (Arizona State University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T21 Infrastructures
Poster Presentation

The Compact X-ray Free-Electron Laser Labs (CXFEL Labs) encompass facility infrastructure that supports the operation of two beamlines, the Compact X-ray Light Source (CXLS) beamline (6-10 keV, <500 fs X-ray pulses @ 1 kHz), and the Compact X ray Free-Electron Laser (CXFEL) beamline (0.25-2.5 keV, <10 fs X-ray pulses @ 1 kHz). We present an overview of the science instrumentation and its...

Eric Everett (Arizona State University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T18 Radiation Monitoring and Safety
Poster Presentation

The Compact X-ray Light Source (CXLS) requires the acceleration of electron bunches to relativistic energies, which collide with focused IR laser pulses to produce X-rays which are then transported to the experiment hutch. A class 4 UV laser is used at the photocathode to liberate the electrons that are generated via the photoelectric effect. During electron acceleration bremsstrahlung...

Bang Nguyen (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T16 Pulsed Power Technology
Poster Presentation

The contemporary advancement in particle accelerator technology necessitates precise control over beam manipulation for various experimental and industrial applications. One pivotal aspect of this control resides in the generation and modulation of high-voltage pulse to manipulate the trajectory and behavior of particle beams within the accelerator systems. This extensive study delves into the...

Jean-Michel Bruneau (Centre Antoine Lacassagne)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

MEDICYC (MEDical CYClotron) is an isochronous cyclotron dedicated to radiotherapy which was built and commissioned in Nice, France, in 1990 by a local team aided by experts from CERN. The cyclotron accelerates H- to a maximum energy of 65 MeV and uses stripping to extract a proton beam. Its primary purpose is treating ocular melanoma by protontherapy but a significant research activity is also...

Wei-Yang Lai (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T38 Mechanical design
Poster Presentation

The end station for TLS beamline 07A (BL07A) primarily serves industrial applications, catering to various sample inspection requirements within the industry in multiple modes. In the past, manual switching of modes for different experiments was time-consuming, requiring the re-installment a lot components and taking long time to readjust the gas proportion for different samples. To enhance...

Huang-Hsiu Tsai (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T13 Cryogenics
Poster Presentation

At Taiwan Photon Source (TPS), the main liquid-nitrogen (LN2) transfer line of length 600 m for beamline endstations was installed in 2015. It formerly supplied LN2 to maximum 24 beamline endstations. Beamline endstation 15A (TPS 15A), of which the aim is to determine 3D crystal structures from micro-scale single crystals and non-ambient conditions. We designed and self-manufactured one LN2...

Ryan Bodenstein (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T34 Permanent Magnets
Poster Presentation

This work is part of a larger program to study the effects of radiation on permanent magnets in an accelerator environment. In order to be sure that the permanent magnet samples are accurately placed, measured, and catalogued we have developed a system of sample racks, holders and measuring apparatuses. We have combined these holders and measurement racks with electronics to allow a single...

Wei Bo Hu (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

By designing a C-type nonlinear magnet, low emittance beam injection is realized on HALF

Xing Rao (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A21 Secondary Beams
Poster Presentation

At the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) unique pre-separator wedges are required for each experiment. As the number of experiments and wedges needed increases every year, reduction in design time and increase in accuracy is critical (FY23 utilized 40 unique wedges, FY24 approx. 60 are planned, and eventually 100 annually).
Design automation is achieved by DriveWorksXpress, which...

Dr Iker Rodriguez (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A09 Muon Accelerators, Neutrino Factories, Muon Colliders
Poster Presentation

The spin rotators (SR) are DC electromagnetic devices that produce a homogeneous magnetic field to rotate the spin of the muons in flight, which is counterbalanced by a matched perpendicular electric field to avoid the bending of the muon beam trajectory. Two identical SR will be used in the new Super-MuSR beamline to rotate the muon spin by up to 34º per device relative to the beam direction,...

Kritsada Kittimanapun (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U02 Materials Analysis and Modification
Poster Presentation

A new cyclotron facility has been constructed at Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology to provide proton beams with energy of 15-30 MeV for radioisotope production and material analysis. Due to requirements of particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and particle induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE) techniques that need a low-energy and low-intensity proton beam in range of 2-15 MeV and...

Hiromasa Yasuda (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

In recent years, plans for cancer treatment using medical RI have been progressing worldwide. The stable supply is difficult due to the aging of small nuclear reactors and dependence on imports from abroad. Manufacturing using accelerators could realize a stable supply in Japan. To give an example of Astatine-211, the production of an alpha-ray drug requires helium nuclei of 7 MeV/u or more....

Dr Salvador Sosa Guitron (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator produces high intensity H+ and H- beams for multiple experiments in fundamental and national security science. The proposed LANSCE Modernization Project (LAMP) is evaluating necessary upgrades to enable continuous LANSCE operations in years to come. LAMP seeks to upgrade the H+ and H- 750 kV Cockcroft-Walton (CW) generators with a...

Minghao Song (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The demands of a higher brightness photon beam push the electron beam emittance of storage rings towards a diffraction-limited level. The concept of multi-bend achromat (MBA) structure and its variations, containing multiple dipoles in a cell, has been widely employed in the fourth-generation storage ring light sources. Recently, a novel concept of lattice structure, called complex bend...

Yixing Lu (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

A new proton injector based on the 425-MHz radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) and interdigital H-mode drift tube linac (IH-DTL) has been designed. The injector is ~7 m long and comprises an electron-cyclotron-resonance (ECR) ion source, a low-energy beam transport, an RFQ, an IH-DTL, two triplets, a medium-energy beam transport, and a debuncher. The IH-DTL is specially designed with two tanks...

Andreas Grau (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T15 Undulators and Wigglers
Poster Presentation

Undulators are X-ray sources which are widely used in synchrotron storage rings or in future light sources such as free-electron lasers. Due to sustainability and energy efficiency the development envisages small-scale high-field and compact undulators with short period lengths (<10 mm) and narrow magnetic gaps (<4 mm). Therefore, high-temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes, which can provide...

Dr David Carrillo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

The novel Coupling-Loss-Induced-Quench (CLIQ) concept will be part of the quench protection system of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) Inner Triplet superconducting magnets at CERN. Several units of two distinct CLIQ prototype variants were produced to validate the CLIQ novel protection concept and define the system parameters for the required performance. Subsequently, these...

Osvaldo Chimalpopoca (RadiaBeam Technologies)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T15 Undulators and Wigglers
Poster Presentation

RadiaBeam is designing and manufacturing a 15-mm period, 1.15 T field superconducting undulator. Realizing these parameters require a small gap, on the order of 5 mm. This small gap imparts a thermal management challenge due to heating from resistive walls, wakefields, upstream dipoles, and particle losses which is challenging to overcome with NbTi or NbSn3 wires without the use of liquid...

Chin-Kang Yang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The TPS storage ring adopts a standard four kickers bump off-axis injection. This scheme is known to disturb stored beam during injections. The non-linear kicker injection concept provides a possible solution to facilitate top off injection with minimizing the oscillation of the stored beam. This non-linear kicker has zero Bx and By field in the center and an off-axis By displaced by 15 mm for...

Zong-Kai Liu (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Poster Presentation

To rule out Solid-State Power Amplifier (SSPA) modules with defects due to handmade and reduce time cost of maintenance for deployed modules, it is essential to establish a comprehensive testing platform that includes a complete quality control system. In this study, we developed a platform with function of manipulating driving power and shutting down when failures are detected.

Samuel Bolton (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

The Safe Machine Parameter (SMP) system is an electronic hardware-based system which has been an integral part of the LHC’s machine protection strategy since it started operation. Its primary objective is to provide several parameters and interlock signals to critical machine protection users across the LHC and SPS accelerators, whilst prioritizing high reliability and availability. After...

Sadiq Setiniyaz (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is currently under development to be built at Brookhaven National Lab and requires cooling during collisions in order to preserve the quality of the hadron beam despite degradation due to intra-beam scattering and beam-beam effect. An Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) is being designed to deliver the necessary electron beam for Coherent electron Cooling (CeC) of the...

Bao-Sheng Wang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T11 Power Supplies
Poster Presentation

In this paper, the focus is on the development of a bipolar high-current correction magnet power supply for the future TPS-II permanent magnet corrector coil. The maximum output current of the prototype is speci-fied as 20 A, operating at a voltage of 48 V. This con-figuration enhances the amplitude of the trim magnetic core correction magnetic field, thereby providing greater flexibility in...

Bao-Sheng Wang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T11 Power Supplies
Poster Presentation

This paper investigates the design and implementation of a TPS correction magnet power supply using a combination of a linear power operational amplifier (PA05) and a pre-regulator voltage controller. The PA05 linear power operational amplifier features bipolar output, high internal power dissipation, and wide bandwidth. Utilizing a DCCT sensor as a current feedback element integrated with the...

Shaoxiang Dong (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

The Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF) is a diffraction-limited storage ring-based light source consists of a 180 m linear accelerator and a 480 m storage ring. The RF reference signal included 499.8 MHz and 2856 MHz are generated from two phase-locked master oscillators and transmitted to the RF system, beam position monitor system, timing system and beamline station by the phase stabled...

Xiaohan Lu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

To meet the beam commissioning requirements of the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), a brand-new framework called Pyapas has been developed based on pure Python. All high-level applications (HLAs) for the HEPS will be developed using Pyapas. The beam commissioning of the Linac started on March 9, 2023, and the HLAs performed excellently, helping the Linac meet its design specifications...

Dr Iker Rodriguez (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The electrostatic chopper for the new ISIS MEBT is a fast deflecting device to create gaps in the beam coming out of the RFQ, which will improve the trapping efficiency when injecting the beam into the ISIS synchrotron. The electromagnetic design of the chopper was initially developed to define its functional specifications, shape and dimensions, and it was presented elsewhere. A dimensional...

William Fung (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

Many mature methods to measure the betatron function of a lattice rely on beam position monitor (BPM) data and the model of the whole machine. In this study, specific sections of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) were analyzed, taking advantage of BPMs separated by drift spaces near interaction points (IPs) and B3/B4 magnet sections of RHIC. This (local) approach would provide a...

Boyuan Feng (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D08 High Intensity in Linear Accelerators Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

In an electron linear accelerator, the continuous beam emitted by an electron gun will become an equally spaced beam train after passing through the bunching section. If the current of the beam is large, its expansion may be more intense than the case where only a single bunch is considered, resulting from the space charge forces between different bunches. In this article, using an algorithm...

Fanglei Lin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

A Laser Assisted Charge Exchange (LACE) injection in the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is under development. By utilizing powerful lasers and magnetic fields, electrons are stripped out of the H- beam without foils. Such a process avoids any foil-based charge exchange injection problems, such as foil degradation and beam loss, especially for future multi-megawatt power beams....

Nikolai Yampolsky (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T22 Reliability, Operability
Poster Presentation

Particle accelerators are among the largest and most expensive scientific facilities. Constant monitoring of data from a diverse array of diagnostics is imperative to ensure proper operational parameters—such as beam parameters, power sources, cooling systems, etc. Detecting equipment failure within this data stream is challenging due to the accelerator parameters gradually shifting over time...

Tasabeeh Alabid Jafer (University of Pretoria)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U02 Materials Analysis and Modification
Poster Presentation

The use of glassy carbon (GC) as a future nuclear waste storage material depends on its capability to retain all radioactive fission products found in spent nuclear fuels. Ruthenium (Ru) is one of the most important fission products in nuclear reactors. This work investigates the effects of implantation temperature and annealing on the structural evolution and migration of Ru implanted in GC....

Alexei Blednykh (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

A new high-luminosity Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is being developed at BNL. Beam collisions occur at IP-6, involving two rings: the Electron Storage Ring (ESR) and the Hadron Storage Ring (HSR). The vacuum system of both rings is newly developed and impedance optimization is progressing. Beam-induced heating and thermal analysis are performed for both rings to manage and control thermal...

Po-Jiun Wen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Poster Presentation

The synchrotron facility and experimental station in the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) uses many electrical appliances, the improper use of which can cause fires, resulting in property damage and personal injury. Therefore, the usage of these electri-cal appliances must be assessed.
This study conducted a comprehensive inspection and evaluation of the electrical...

Ben Freemire (Euclid Beamlabs LLC)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

The replacement of radionuclides used for cancer therapy with accelerators offers several advantages for both patients and medical staff. These include the elimination of: unwanted dose, specialized storage and transportation, and isotope production/replacement. Several electronic brachytherapy devices exist, and typically utilize an x-ray tube around 50 keV. These have primarily been used for...

Eleonora Pasino (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The experience gained at CERN by the R&D for LINAC4 has been exported to medical and societal applications. With an innovative design of the Radio Frequecy Quadrupole (RFQ) at high frequencies, it is possible to build very com- pact structures, reproducible in industry and with the po- tential of full portability. ELISA (Experimental LInac for Surface Analysis) is a linear proton accelerator...

Yongfang Liu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T16 Pulsed Power Technology
Poster Presentation

The purpose of this paper is to estimate the conducted and radiated Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) for subsystems in the SXFEL LINAC. A spectrum analyzer system with a wide frequency range of 9 kHz to 3 GHz was conducted to measure the EMI spectrum of pulse modulator and klystron system. The radiated EMI was tested by electric and magnetic field probe. A stray current was tested by wide...

Andrea Fornara (The University of Manchester)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

In the context of the HL-LHC upgrade, RF Crab Cavities (CCs) are one of the key components. Due to the increased intensity, the collider will operate with a large crossing angle scheme and these CCs will be used to counteract the geometrical reduction factor coming from the crossing angle. Amplitude and phase noise injected from the Low-Level RF, are known to induce transverse bunch emittance...

Kritsada Kittimanapun (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The SLRI Beam Test Facility (SLRI-BTF) is able to produce electron test beam with maximum energy of 1.2 GeV and various intensities from a few to millions of electrons per repetition. The main components of the SLRI-BTF are the Siam Photon Source (SPS) injector consisting of a 40-MeV linear accelerator, a low-energy transport beamline, a synchrotron booster increasing electron energy to 1.2...

Ran Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T11 Power Supplies
Poster Presentation

As the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Phase II project upgrades beam power to 500 kW, maintaining horizontal beam orbit stability necessitates more precise output current from the main magnet power supplies. The existing control strategy, suited for 100 kW extraction power, falls short of the higher precision requirements for the output current, characterized by a quasi-sinusoidal...

Dr Hannah Wakeling (John Adams Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U07 Sustainability
Poster Presentation

The High Energy Physics, Cosmology, Astroparticle Physics, and Hadron and Nuclear Physics (HECAP+) communities make use of common and similar experimental infrastructure, such as accelerators and observatories, and rely similarly on the processing of big data. Our communities therefore face immense challenges to improving the sustainability of our research. This poster presents the grassroots...

ChongYue Li (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

In the radio frequency system of a synchrotron accelerator, precise modulation of signals in the radio frequency cavity is crucial for achieving a stable acceleration electric field. The National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center's (NSRRC) Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) underwent a significant upgrade in 2019, transitioning from analog to digital control for the low-level radio frequency...

Masahito Yoshii (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

The J-PARC MR synchrotron began high repetition operation with shortened accelerator cycles in 2022. So far, FX has been supplying a 2x10e+14 proton per pulse (ppp) beam to the Neutrino Experimental Facility with a repetition rate of 1.36 seconds, and SX has been supplying a 0.6x10e+14 ppp beam to the Hadron Experimental Facility with a 5.20 seconds repetition. The amount of heat per...

Vladimir Litvinenko (Stony Brook University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Poster Presentation

Ernest Courant Traineeship is a consortium of Stony Brook University, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory with goal of workforce development in Accelerator Science and Engineering at the Center for Accelerator Science and Education (CASE, SBU). We present the curriculum of the traineeship and advantages provided by access to large and medium accelerators,...

Michael Borland (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The Advanced Photon Source (APS) has recently installed and begun commissioning of a hybrid seven-bend-achromat design to replace the original storage ring. As in many recent storage ring designs, the APS Upgrade* (APS-U) magnets are closely spaced compared to those in third-generation storage rings. Calculation of "cross-talk" effects for such closely-spaced magnets can be time-consuming if...

Jimin Seok (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

Due to the small vacuum apertures, impedance serves as a significant cause of beam instabilities in the 4th generation storage ring. These instabilities are directly affected by the bunch charge, thereby placing a limit on the maximum achievable beam current within the storage ring. The Korea-4th generation storage ring (Korea-4GSR) is currently under construction with the aim of reaching a...

Ilias Efthymiopoulos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U11 Outreach and Communications
Poster Presentation

European Laboratories for Accelerator Based Sciences (EURO-LABS), a program for research infrastructures services advancing the frontiers of knowledge, aims to provide unified transnational access (TNA) to leading Research Infrastructures (RI) across Europe. Taking over from previously running independent TNA programs, the new program brings the nuclear physics, the high-energy accelerator,...

Hao-Wen Luo (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The Nonlinear Injection Kicker (NIK) scheme for the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) has been under study as a potential replacement for the current bump-based injection scheme. The evaluation encompasses three phases of the NIK scheme. In phases I and II, the orig-inal Booster to Storage Ring Transfer Line (BTS) is utilized to assess the performance of a prototype NIK. Phase III involves the...

Qianxu Xia (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T35 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components
Poster Presentation

To reduce the dark current and secondary electron multiplication in conventional conducting accelerator cavities, and to improve the quantum efficiency of copper photocathodes, thereby achieving higher beam quality and enhancing the acceleration gradient and operational stability of accelerators, Tsinghua University designed a 13.56 MHz internal coil-type capacitive discharge plasma...

Kai Shih (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

In this paper, we present a concise measurement of the Second-Order Transit Time Factor(TTF) of the relativistic electron beams within the bunching cavity of the Coherent Electron Cooling (CeC) Pop Experiment. Our study outlines a specialized measurement methodology that tackles the unique challenges posed by the CeC accelerator environment. The results not only provide significant insights...

John Wieland (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

Nonlinear integrable optics are a promising alternative approach to lattice design. The integrable optics test accelerator (IOTA) at Fermilab has been constructed for dedicated studies of magnetostatic elliptical elements as described by Danilov and Nagaitsev. The most compelling verification of correct implementation of the NIO lattice is direct observation of the analytically expected...

Dieter Lens (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T05 Beam Feedback Systems
Poster Presentation

In the SIS18 heavy-ion synchrotron at GSI, RF beam phase feedback systems are developed and tested with beam for the damping of coherent longitudinal bunch oscillations. In particular, a beam phase control system is currently commissioned for the damping of longitudinal dipole oscillations. The feedback system has to cope with both, a large RF frequency span (400 kHz to 5.4 MHz) and...

Donish Khan (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

An upgrade to the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLAB) is anticipated to provide an electron beam of over 20 GeV using the existing superconducting-RF linear accelerator and new fixed-field alternating (FFA) gradient recirculation arcs made up of Halbach-style permanent magnets. In the current design, the FFA arcs...

Yusen Guo (ShanghaiTech University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

In order to miniaturize ion injectors for particle therapy, a design of ion injectors based on a 325 MHz operating frequency was completed. The LINAC was consist of a 2.0 m length RFQ and a 3.8 m length IH-DTL, which was designed to accelerate 12C4+, 3H+, 3He+ and 18O6+ beams to 7 MeV/u. The RFQ cavity and the first DTL tank was been manufactured using aluminum. This paper gives an overview of...

Aurora Cecilia Araujo Martinez (RadiaBeam Technologies)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U10 Technology Transfer and Lab Industry Relations
Poster Presentation

Niobium cavities are key elements in superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) accelerators. Despite increasing worldwide demand, global commercial production capacity is limited to a small number of vendors with virtually no US-based turn-key suppliers. As SRF technology expands across scientific research, industry, and technology sectors, the demand for their production is expected to rise even...

Donish Khan (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
Poster Presentation

The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) is a 12 GeV recirculating electron accelerator at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLAB). Major upgrades to the accelerator are being investigated which include a new 650 MeV injection beamline and state-of-the-art fixed-field alternating (FFA) gradient recirculation arcs. The upgrade will extend the energy of the...

Tianzhe Xu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T34 Permanent Magnets
Poster Presentation

Permanent magnets are attractive options for nano focusing and $q$-magnification in MeV ultrafast electron diffraction (MeV-UED) due to their high field strengths and compact footprints. In this work, we present field characterization of axially and radially magnetized neodymium rings. Such rings can produce strong axisymmetric focusing and naturally fulfill the requirement of stigmatic...

Vera Korchevnyuk (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U04 Isotope Production
Poster Presentation

The Targeted Alpha Tumor Therapy and Other Oncological Solutions (TATTOOS) project at the Paul Scherrer Institute aims to produce large quantities of radioisotopes (in the range of GBq), mainly Terbium-149, for the promising Targeted Alpha-particle Therapy (TAT) against metastasized cancer. To facilitate this, a new electromagnetic separator is currently being designed. Comprising two...

Philipp Niedermayer (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

Radio Frequency Knock Out (RF-KO) resonant slow extraction is commissioned at the Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) Jülich for the first time to extract the stored beam and deliver spills with constant particle rates to the experiments. Therefore, transverse RF excitation generated with a software-defined radio is applied to control the extraction rate. A built-in feedback system adjusts the...

Frank Zimmermann (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T05 Beam Feedback Systems
Poster Presentation

During operation, the Future Circular electron-positron Collider (FCC-ee) will be subject to vibrations from mechanical sources and ground motion, resulting in errors with respect to the closed orbit. To achieve physics performance, luminosity and beam lifetime must be kept to design specifications. To correct for errors at the IPs, a fast feedback system is required. In this paper, we present...

Dejan Trbojevic (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

We present a design of the proton FLASH radiation therapy facility using the Brag peak to be built at Stony Brook University Hospital at the Radiation Oncology Department. It includes an injector using a commercially available injector cyclotron (10-30 MeV), fixed field alternating (FFA) gradient beam lines, permanent magnet Fixed Field Alternating Gradient non-scaling variable transverse...

Christopher Richard (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY at Zeuthen)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

At the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ), an R&D platform for electron FLASH cancer radiation therapy and radiation biology is being prepared: FLASHlab@PITZ. The design of the full beamline with optimized beam properties was finished; the setup is currently being finalized and the mechanical design and manufacturing is underway. The beamline runs in parallel to the SASE...

Marta Monikowska (Warsaw University of Technology)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

By using a high-energy electron beam (beam energy of several hundred MeV) strongly focused on the tumor lesion area, radiotherapy can be performed with a relatively simple beam generation and handling system while resulting in a suitable shape of the deposition energy curve in a tissue-like material. Quadrupole magnets are typically used for beam focusing, which makes the beam delivery system...

ZhiYong Li (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

In FRIB we use chopper in the low energy beam line for beam power controls. As appropriate functioning of chopper is critical for both beam operation and machine protection, an FPGA-based chopper monitoring system was developed to monitor its operation for fixed duty cycle operation and has been in use to support operation. The chopper monitor shuts off beam promptly at detection of a...

Douglas McNanney (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

The FRIB carbon disc target receives the primary beam at high power and produces rare isotope fragments. To avoid damaging the carbon disc target, it is rotated at 500 RPM and cooled. If these thermal management mechanisms fail, local temperatures on the target can increase to the point of material sublimation and structural failure. A thermal imaging camera was temperature calibrated and...

Jean-Francois Ostiguy (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D07 High Intensity Circular Machines Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

The PIP-II project currently under construction at FNAL will replace the existing 400 MeV normal conducting linac with a 800 MeV superconducting linac. The beam power in the downstream rapid-cycling Booster synchrotron will be doubled by raising the machine cycle frequency from 15 to 20 Hz and by increasing the injected beam intensity by a factor 1.5. This has to be accomplished without...

Ji Qiang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D08 High Intensity in Linear Accelerators Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

Laser plasma accelerators have a great potential to accelerate a charged particle beam to high energy within a short distance due to their extraordinarily high accelerating gradient. However, in order to effectively use the laser plasma accelerator, the input beam has to be moving at relativistic velocities, with a duration 100 femtoseconds or less. In this study, we propose a scheme to...

Roman Kostin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Poster Presentation

Compact SRF industrial linacs can provide unique parameters of the beam (>1 MW and >1-10 MeV) hardly achievable by normal conducting linacs within limited space. SRF technology was prohibitively expensive until the development of conduction cooling which opened the way for compact stand alone SRF systems suitable for industrial and research applications. Limited cooling capacity puts strict...

Martin Dusek (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T17 Alignment and Survey
Poster Presentation

Generating layers of symmetrical optical caustic beams using a specific configuration of cylindrical lenses is an innovative idea with potential application in precision alignment and other fields. The technique allows the generation of layers of non-diffracting beams with opposite accelerating directions. This approach can be extended in two dimensions or to create rotationally symmetric...

Markus Kirk (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D07 High Intensity Circular Machines Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

The electron lens for space charge compensation is an R&D project to increase the primary beam intensity and thus the accelerator efficiency of SIS18 and eventually SIS100 for FAIR operation. As a first step, the principle of space charge compensation will be demonstrated in SIS18 with a single lens, aiming at a tune shift of 0.1 for several ion species. However, the design should also be...

Samer Yammine (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T21 Infrastructures
Poster Presentation

The goal of the High Luminosity-Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) Inner Triplet (IT) String test, is to validate the assembly and connection procedures and tools required for its construction, to assess the collective behavior of the superconducting magnet chain in conditions as close as possible to those of their operation in the HL-LHC and to provide a training opportunity for the equipment...

Krzysztof Kawa (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The CERN Accelerator Beam Transfer group has recently launched a study to investigate the life cycles of pulsed septum magnets. The development is aiming to enhance the prediction of anomalies, leading to reduced life cycles of these beam transfer equipment. For this reason, the standard vacuum operated, direct drive septa magnet has been chosen to investigate critical design features. In the...

Dr Hendrik Hähnel (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

We report the successful high power RF conditioning of the revised 175 MHz FRANZ RFQ up to 80 kW CW, as well as successful beam commissioning up to 700 keV in pulsed operation. After a revision of the RFQ electrodes, the RFQ accelerates protons from 60 keV to 700 keV. The Frankfurt Neutron Source FRANZ will be a compact accelerator driven neutron source utilizing the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction with...

Chunyu Xu (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T16 Pulsed Power Technology
Poster Presentation

The high-voltage nanosecond power supply is required to power the kicker in the injection system of the Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF). The amplitude of this power supply is ≥ ±10 kV and its pulse width is about 2 ns. The feasibility of the actual project is theoretically verified by simulation in this paper.

Ryan Bodenstein (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) is currently studying the feasibility of an energy upgrade based upon Fixed-Field Alternating Gradient (FFA) permanent magnet technology. The current plan is to replace the highest-energy recirculation arcs with FFA arcs, increasing the total number of beam recirculations, thus the energy. In order to accommodate multiple passes in...

En-Chuan Huang (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

The linac at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) provides beam to five user facilities with various beam energy and timing patterns. While the other four facilities have the same 201.25-MHz micro-bunch structure created by a pre-buncher and main-buncher pair, the Weapon Neutron Research (WNR) requires significantly higher charge per micro-bunch. This is achieved via adding a low...

John Wieland (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The integrable optics test accelerator (IOTA) at Fermilab was designed to operate a nonlinear magnet satisfying the Danilov-Nagaitsev integrable potential. At large excitations of this nonlinear magnet the small amplitude vertical tune crosses the integer resonance. At this point the beam splits vertically into two separate beamlets whose separation distance depends on the nonlinear strength....

Liyuan Tan (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility upgrade (SSRF-U) lattice is a 4th generation, 3 GeV, upgrade plan for SSRF. It aims to reach the diffraction limit while keeping the existing beam lines and spaces. The majority of insertion devices (IDs) in operation of current SSRF will be considered as the ID scheme in SSRF-U. The kick-map method has been used to build ID models, including the...

Liu Lin (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T15 Undulators and Wigglers
Poster Presentation

SIRIUS is the Brazilian 4th generation synchrotron light source. Currently, SIRIUS is in its Phase 1 stage of the project, with 14 beamlines proposed, some of which are already used by external users. Recently, the SABIÁ beamline underwent a transition where its commissioning insertion device (ID) was replaced by the beamline’s titular ID, an in-house developed DELTA undulator. This device...

Kai Shih (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

This paper presents the results of the IMPACT-T simulation conducted for the latest iteration of the Coherent Electron Cooling (CeC) Pop Experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The CeC experiment aims to demonstrate the principles of CeC, a rapid cooling technique designed for high-energy hadron beams. In addition to presenting simulation results for the current lattice parameters,...

Dr Wenbin Song (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

An eddy-current design is used for the septum in HALF (Hefei Advanced Light Facility), with the whole cores located in a vacuum chamber. The stored beam passes through a copper vacuum pipe which set in the vacuum chamber. Two types of connections between the copper pipe and the flanges at both ends of the chamber were considered. The impedance calculations were done, and the wake-field, heat...

Gang Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

ECHO3D has been used for calculating the geometric impedance for several beamline vacuum components in the hadron storage ring (HSR) of the EIC (Electron-Ion Collider) in the past few years. In this paper, we present the geometric impedances calculated from ECHO3D for the beam screen with pump slots, the polarimeter and the bellow with pump ports in the HSR. We also discuss some findings while...

Herbert De Gersem (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The beam coupling impedance is a key design parameter for all accelerator structures. Recently, we have introduced a novel simulation approach for impedance calculations in 3D-geometry. Unlike conventional methods, this approach is based on the solution of Maxwell’s equations in the frequency domain using a high-order finite element technique. The main challenge for all impedance simulations,...

Richard Fielder (Diamond Light Source Ltd)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

Boosters in synchrotron injector systems have traditionally had more relaxed designs than storage rings, and consequently impedance has not been considered an important factor in their designs. In 4th generation light sources like Diamond-II, it is desirable to increase the extracted charge per shot to reduce filling times and enable advanced injection schemes. As such, the vacuum chamber...

Mary Duncan (University of Chicago)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

We present an impedance model of the Fermilab Recycler ring using PyHEADTAIL. The model is constructed by incorporating analytical expressions for the wakefields of beamline components that contribute significantly to impedance. The effects of indirect space charge are included as an inductive impedance. Benchmarking against measured coherent Betatron tune shifts, the impedance model is found...

Hikmet Bursali (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The beam gas ionization monitors (BGIs) are non-destructive instruments to measure the transverse beam profiles. With the goal to double the beam intensity in the injector chain for the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), any element contributing to the overall beam coupling impedance requires an in-depth impedance evaluation from the design stage. This paper presents the beam...

Jin-Kun Liao (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

The elliptically polarized undulator with a period length of 56 mm, called EPU56, is part of the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) phase-III beamline project. Its control system is built within the EPICS framework using motion controllers and EtherCAT. The control systems of EPU56 include a safety interlock system, which automatically stops movement based on limit switches, torque limit...

Jibong Hyun (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The hard-edge model for a quad field distribution is widely assumed in particle simulations at the early design phase of beam transport lines or circular accelerator rings to quickly evaluate their beam optics. However, the model assuming a rectangular field distribution even with an effective length is not an appropriate approximation for low-energy beams (<50 MeV). This approximation is...

Jayendrika Tiskumara (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

Identifying the source of beam loss events in the CEBAF accelerator can be a challenging task. Determining whether an RF cavity with an unannounced gradient or phase transient is the culprit would be a valuable tool for operations staff in addressing recurring beam loss incidents. A prototype offline system was developed in the fall of 2022, utilizing a dispersive beam position monitor (BPM)...

Andrea Calia (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T05 Beam Feedback Systems
Poster Presentation

During the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2 2019-2021) of the LHC, the orbit feedback correction software (OFB) of the LHC was redesigned to satisfy new requirements for LHC Run 3 (2022-2025) and to clean up legacy functionalities. The OFB is an essential component of LHC high intensity operation since the orbit must be stabilized to a fraction of the beam size during the entire LHC machine cycle....

David Daminelli (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

SIRIUS is a 4th generation synchrotron light source built and operated by the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). Recently, investigations of noise sources and the storage ring RF plant identification enabled a fine-tuning of the Digital Low-Level Radio Frequency (DLLRF) parameters. This paper presents the main improvements implemented, which include the mitigation of 60Hz noise...

Julius-Stephan Storch (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The institute of applied physics (IAP), university of Frankfurt, has been working for years on the development of increasingly powerful 4-Rod RFQ accelerators for hadron acceleration. The need for such accelerators has increased significantly in the recent past, as accelerator-driven neutron sources are becoming increasingly important following the closure of various test reactors. High beam...

Wei-Yang Lai (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T35 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components
Poster Presentation

The design and manufacturing of the Nonlinear Injection Kicker is one of the upgrade project for the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS). In accordance with the requirements of the developed ceramic vacuum chamber, it is necessary to apply a uniform titanium coating on the inner surface of the ceramic substrate to reduce the impedance and image current observed by the stored electron beam. Therefore,...

Po-Jiun Wen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Poster Presentation

The National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center houses two accelerators, namely the Taiwan Light Source and the Taiwan Photon Source. It also includes approxi-mately 40 end stations.
The center has an information display board system that integrates information from the Instrumentation and Control Group, Experimental Facilities Division, Scien-tific Research Division, Radiation and...

Fernando Dos Santos Pedrosa (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T21 Infrastructures
Poster Presentation

During the LHC Intensity Upgrade (LIU) implementation, it became evident that an injector de-cabling project was needed to increase infrastructure resilience. Several difficulties in the setup of the project, originating from the 50 years history of some of the machines concerned, enforced the need of a meticulous and careful step-by-step approach to structure the project and defined its...

Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (CEGELEC SA (Actemium Geneve))
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T21 Infrastructures
Poster Presentation

Following the study progress on the FCC-ee radiofrequency systems (i.e. length of the cryomodules), general services infrastructure (i.e. electrical, cooling, ventilation), transport and handling volumes, and alignment requirements, the 3D integration evolved with a new configuration scenario. This paper describes the new proposal to locate the collider RF elements (400 MHz and 800 MHz...

Karim Laihem (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

The SIS100 heavy ion synchrotron is the central machine of the FAIR (Facility for Antiprotons and Ions Research) project at GSI. It presents complex challenges due to its features handling high-intensity ion beams from protons up to uranium. It demands sensitive beam diagnostics with robust Machine Protection Systems (MPS). Due to anticipated extreme conditions, one safety subsystem includes...

Liam Pocher (University of Maryland)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

We present simulations compared to an experiment based on Derbenev’s flat-to-round (FTR) transformation designed to match an electron beam from a high energy storage ring into a solenoidal cooling channel. Our experiment transports a large-aspect-ratio electron beam through a skew quadrupole system and a long solenoid. We focus on examining the complex dynamics of FTR systems in low-energy...

Lauryn Eley (Cockcroft Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

Digital Tomosynthesis (DT) is a 3D mode of x-ray imaging. Adaptix Ltd have developed a novel mobile DT device enabled by implementing an array of R-ray emission points and a flat-panel detector. This device gives access to human and animal 3D imaging, as well as to non-destructive material evaluation. DT is not as clinically popular as Computed Tomography (CT) or radiography, and flat-panel...

Thomas Margreiter (EBG MedAustron GmbH)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

MedAustron is a state-of-the-art synchrotron-based accelerator complex that provides irradiation with proton and carbon ion beams. The implemented DCCT feedback based control of the current provides good results for magnets of the accelerator in terms of precision and accuracy. However, since the B-Field of the main ring dipoles is not directly controlled, parasitic, time consuming effects...

Frederic Braun (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T37 Innovation Processes
Poster Presentation

Current superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities are predominantly constructed from high purity niobium which is pushed to its theoretical limit. To enhance future cavity performance by minimizing operational power losses and increasing accelerating field strength, the focus of research must shift to alternative cavity materials. An effective strategy involves depositing superconducting...

Yudong Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The transverse narrow-band impedance makes a major contribution to the transverse coupled-bunch instability, which may deteriorate the beam quality in multi-bunch, high-intensity circular accelerators. Thus, strict restriction on the transverse narrow-band impedance are implemented during the initial accelerator design phase. However, slight component structure deviations during the...

Sandra Biedron (University of New Mexico)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T38 Mechanical design
Poster Presentation

Electromagnetic choppers are a critical subsystem that slices particles at specific intervals and precisely directs them to a target or experiment. This simulation study was carried out to determine the correct operating parameters of the Electromagnetic Chopper, optimize it and increase its overall performance. At the same time, beam dynamics simulations aim to model in detail the movement of...

Sudarshan Harave (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T11 Power Supplies
Poster Presentation

The Linac Coherent Light Source II (LCLS-II) at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory represents a groundbreaking advancement in the realm of Free Electron X-Ray Laser (XFEL) science. This 1.3 GHz continuous-wave superconducting RF LINAC is designed to generate 4 GeV electron bunches up to one MHz, propelling the capabilities of XFEL sources. Achieving a significant milestone, the LCLS-II...

Dr David Carrillo (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T22 Reliability, Operability
Poster Presentation

In the architecture of the protection of the superconducting magnets of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), systems such as Quench Heater Discharge Power Supplies (HDS), Local Protection Interface Module (LIM), Linear Redundant Power Supplies (LPR), and Power Packs (LPUS) are crucial. Thousands of these devices, some in operation since 2007, directly impact LHC’s availability and...

Xu Wu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The SSRF storage ring has been upgraded to an asymmetric lattice containing two super-bend cells, two double-mini-βy optics (DMB) cells and a superconducting wiggler (SCW) in 2019. Due to the destruction in structural symmetry, the restoration of linear optics becomes an essential issue in commissioning and routine beam dynamics maintenance. During the initial commissioning, the linear optics...

Dr Monika Yadav (University of California, Los Angeles)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

This study focuses on developing beam-matching optics for the transport of the MITHRA beam into plasma to study long range plasma effects. To ensure successful injection into the plasma chamber, matching conditions are crucial at the entrance. A dedicated focusing system, comprising beam-matching optics, is designed to transport the beam from the 1.5-meter linear accelerator (linac) and align...

Zihan Zhu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

The LCLS-II is a high repetition rate upgrade to the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The emittance and dark current are both critical parameters to optimize for ideal system performance. Here we summarize the role these tools played in the commissioning period and are playing in the current operational stage of the LCLS-II injector, which provides an example of how other accelerator...

Giulia Latini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

In the context of LATINO (Laboratory in Advanced Technologies for INnOvation) and Rome Technopole Projects founded by Regione Lazio and NextGenerationEu, and directly involved in the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_Lab flagship project, a testing facility for X-band (TEX) has been established at the Frascati National Laboratories of INFN. TEX is dedicated to the examination of radiofrequency X/C-band, aiming...

Timofey Zolkin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

Integrable systems possess a hidden symmetry associated with the existence of conserved quantities known as integrals of motion. These systems play an important role in understanding general dynamics in accelerators and have potential for future designs. This work will cover two automated methods for finding integrable symplectic maps of the plane. The first algorithm is based on the...

Tsun Him Chong (Osaka University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A13 Cyclotrons
Poster Presentation

Skeleton cyclotron is a compact size air-cored cyclotron with a high temperature superconducting (HTS) coil system. HTS coils’ high critical current density and high heat stability allow magnetic field induction without using any iron core. With this advantage, the magnetic field configuration can be adjusted quickly without consideration for the hysteresis from iron. The purpose of skeleton...

Antonio Trigilio (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T34 Permanent Magnets
Poster Presentation

In the framework of the acceleration techniques, the Plasma Wake Field Acceleration (PWFA) is one of the most promising in terms of high machine compactness. For this purpose, a crucial role is played by the particle beam focusing upward and downward the plasma-beam interaction, performed by high gradient Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles (PMQs). In the framework of the INFN-LNF SPARC_LAB (Sources...

John Wieland (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

One of the most promising advantages of nonlinear integrable optics is strong amplitude dependent tune shift without degrading the dynamic aperture. The integrable optics test accelerator (IOTA) at Fermilab is constructed around nonlinear lattice elements of the elliptical type as described by Danilov and Nagaitsev. Detuning and dynamic aperture scans in IOTA were performed using a fast dipole...

Po-Jiun Wen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T13 Cryogenics
Poster Presentation

The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) BL-02A beamline at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center is a curved magnet beamline designed for white light mi-crotomography experiments, wherein biological samples are irradiated with high-energy white light for structural analysis. Experimenters frequently complain of odors when entering the end-station Hutch to change samples, which may be...

Jonathan Cawley (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The Quarter Wave Resonator (QWR) is a longitudinal bunching cavity for the MEBT section of the Pre-injector Upgrade project at ISIS. Four cavities are required with at least one functional spare. The production of a full scale prototype is discussed here. Three main manufacturing challenges were encountered as follows: the tight manufacturing tolerances of the stainless steel tank, most...

Francesco Fransesini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T38 Mechanical design
Poster Presentation

This paper describes the mechanical design of the Future Circular Collider e+e- interaction region. The Future Circular Collider, as a forefront particle accelerator project, demands meticulous attention to the mechanical integrity and performance of its components, to the integration of the different systems and to the respect of the spatial constraint. The vacuum chamber design, the support...

Michael Nasse (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

Radiation therapy is an important oncological treatment method in which the tumor is irradiated with ionizing radiation. In recent years, the study of the beneficial effects of short intense radiation pulses (FLASH effect) or spatially fractionated radiation (MicroBeam/MiniBeam) have become an important research field. Systematic studies of this type often require research accelerators that...

Nicola Carmignani (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) presently operates with the Hybrid Multi-Bend Achromat (HMBA) lattice that features 𝛽-functions of 6.9 m and 2.7 m in the horizontal and vertical planes at the center of the straight sections. New optics were designed to increase the brilliance of beam lines with a single undulator placed at the center of the straight section. The reduction...

Onur Gilanliogullari (Illinois Institute of Technology)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D07 High Intensity Circular Machines Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

Space charge has been a limiting effect for low energy accelerators inducing emittance growth and tune spread. Tune shift and tune spread parameters are important for avoiding resonances, which limits intensity of the beam. Circular modes are round beams with intrinsic flatness that are generated through strong coupling, where intrinsic flatness can be transformed to real plane flatness...

Christine Vollinger (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The beam wire scanners of the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) experienced multiple failures of their carbon wires caused by the high-intensity beam during a very short period in April 2023. Different modifications of the existing instrument were therefore studied to reduce the beam-induced power without compromising its functionality nor negatively affecting the beam coupling impedance....

James Maslow (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

The Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility (DARHT) uses a spinning wheel debris blocker as a crucial machine protection system to prevent target debris from the electron to X-ray conversion process from traveling upstream and damaging the accelerator. The spinning wheel in use on DARHT Axis-I consists of two spinning disks normal to the beamline, each with an open slit that crosses...

Akira Mochihashi (Karlsruhe Instutute of Technology)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T11 Power Supplies
Poster Presentation

This paper presents a study on the upgrade and modernization of the magnet power supplies of the KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator) storage ring. The existing power supplies, which have been in operation for more than two decades, were facing obsolescence and operational limitations. To ensure the continued availability and reliability of the facility for the next decade and beyond, a...

Martin Kay (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator uses charge exchange injection to accumulate a high-intensity proton beam in the Proton Storage Ring (PSR). H- ions are accelerated to 800 MeV and then stripped of their electrons by a thin foil at the ring injection site. The Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) radiation transport code has been used to estimate the effect foil thickness has...

Piotr Putek (Rostock University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T38 Mechanical design
Poster Presentation

Exploring the fundamental properties of materials such as niobium, NbTiN, multilayers or Nb3Sn, in high-precision surface resistance measurements is highly relevant to superconducting radio-frequency (RF) technology. Typically, for a precise determination of the RF properties of superconducting samples, the calorimetric measurement is carried out with a quadrupole resonator (QPR). Still, one...

Jintao Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a fourth-generation synchrotron radiation facility with design beam emittance of less than 60 pm. Impedance modelling is an important subject due to the adopted small beam pipe as well as the tight requirements from beam collective effects. Narrowband impedances can be generated by the discontinuity of the vacuum chamber or the finite conductivity of the...

Tessa Charles (Australian Synchrotron - ANSTO)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T15 Undulators and Wigglers
Poster Presentation

In 2016 the Australian Synchrotron embarked on the BRIGHT program to build four new insertion device beamlines: Biological Small Angle X-ray Scattering (BioSAX), High Performance Macromolecular Crystallography, Advanced Diffraction and Scattering and Nanoprobe beamlines. To maximize the flux for these very demanding beamlines, cryogenic and short period devices have been selected. In...

Jin-Kun Liao (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

The TPS (Taiwan Photon Source) is a third generation 3 GeV synchrotron light source. Some beamlines use synchrotron pulses in conjunction with laser pulses for pump-probe experiments, which is a time-resolved experiment method for capturing the temporal evolution of the pumped process. Periodic X-ray pulses are provided by the synchrotron light source as detecting light (Probe), and laser...

Georgios Kourkafas (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

An increasing number of accelerators are pursuing FLASH radiotherapy, which promises to mitigate unwanted damage to healthy tissues by applying ultra-high dose rates. To reach this extreme intensity regime, it is necessary to maximize the transmission through the exit nozzle, apart from increasing the accelerator’s output beam current. Simultaneously, the delivered beam properties must satisfy...

Wen Shuo Chan (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T21 Infrastructures
Poster Presentation

It has been seven years since the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) started to serve users in 2016. Sixteen beamlines had been installed in the first and second phases of TPS beamline project. The third phase project was also launched in 2021. Considering the experimental hall is more compact and power saving issue, our research aimed to analyze a modified air conditioning system with better cooling...

Xing Rao (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A21 Secondary Beams
Poster Presentation

At the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Advanced Rare Isotope Separator (ARIS), wedges are critical devices to achieve rare isotope beam production. Different ions experience a different amount of slowing down by the wedges, which leads to a spatial separation of ion species and enables separation/purification of the secondary isotope beam.
As of December 2023, wedge systems have...

Meghan McAteer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The BESSY II Booster has been reliably delivering beam to the storage ring for several decades. As part of an effort to better understand and control beam dynamics in the Booster, new instrumentation, including Libera Spark ERXR beam position processors, has recently been installed and commissioned. These instrumentation upgrades have enabled measurements and corrections of optics parameters...

Tirsi Prebibaj (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The design of a helium synchrotron for cancer therapy is being studied and optimized in the context of the Next Ion Medical Machine Study (NIMMS) at CERN. In particular, the effects of combined-function magnets and their geometry on the optics functions and hence on the beam size are evaluated. Moreover, the introduction of defocusing quadrupoles in the lattice is investigated as a means of...

Chad Pennington (Cornell University (CLASSE))
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

Ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) is a growing accelerator application that enables the study of transient material processes at sub-picosecond timescales with nanometer spatial resolution. In this proceeding, we present simulations of the Cryogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun (CYBORG) beamline using the General Particle Tracer (GPT) code that are optimized for the application...

Meghan McAteer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

Synchrotron light source storage rings aim to maintain a continuous beam current without observable beam motion during injection. One element that paves the way to this target is the non-linear kicker (NLK). The field distribution it generates poses challenges for optimizing the topping-up operation. Within this study, a reinforcement learning agent was developed and trained to optimize the...

Xiaobiao Huang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T17 Alignment and Survey
Poster Presentation

A method to simultaneously determine the magnetic centers of multiple magnets with beam-based measurements is proposed. Similar to the quadrupole modulation system (QMS) method that is widely used for beam-based alignment measurement, the strengths of the group of selected magnets are modulated. The orbit shifts induced by the modulation are used to deduce the kicks applied at the magnet...

Dr Armen Grigoryan (CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U08 Radiation Effects
Poster Presentation

The features of particle radiation in two-layer and three-layer cylindrical waveguides are studied in the presence of a frequency dependence of conductivity in metal layers and dielectric and magnetic permeability in dielectric layers. A comparison is made with the results obtained at constant values of the electromagnetic parameters of the layers.

Tirsi Prebibaj (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D07 High Intensity Circular Machines Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

Within the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project, the LHC injectors received major upgrades that resulted in an unprecedented brightness performance. In the framework of the Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) study, the full potential of the upgraded injectors is being explored for the improvement of the Fixed Target (FT) beams as well. This contribution details the recent studies on the beam...

Zheng Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

Generating beam with nC-level charge is of great significance for particle colliders. In order to achieve lower emittance and length of bunch, based on the photocathode injector, we designed a L-band gun and L-band accelerating tube. However, with many coupled parameters, it is difficult to optimize its performance to the limit when optimizing them separately. Therefore, we employed a...

Ryan Bodenstein (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T34 Permanent Magnets
Poster Presentation

As the FFA@CEBAF energy upgrade study progresses, it is important to investigate the impact of radiation exposure on the permanent magnet materials to be used in the upgraded fixed field alternating gradient (FFA) arcs. To address this, Jefferson Lab has awarded a Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) grant to study the resiliency of several permanent magnet materials placed in a...

Prof. Toms Torims (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T35 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components
Poster Presentation

This paper reports the exploratory studies on advanced accelerator technologies performed within the I.FAST (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology) EU project, and in particular the key results of the additive manufacturing Task 10.2 – “Additive Manufacturing – applications and potential developments” and Task 10.3 – “Repair of damaged accelerator components by AM...

Ayla Borglund (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T37 Innovation Processes
Poster Presentation

Designed as an internal tool at CERN, PLAN has a pivotal role in the centralization and macroscopic aggregation of technical intervention and enhancement activities planned within the accelerator complex. As part of a broader strategy to enhance tool utilization and extract valuable insights, a substantial endeavor during RUN3 aimed to develop and disseminate analytics derived from...

Alexander Plastun (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The Facility for Rare Isotopes Beams started operation nearly two years ago and ramped up beam power by a factor of 10 from 1 kW to 10 kW. The main contributions to the beam losses are due to the beam halo generated in the ion source and low energy beam transport, the effect of the stripper, and multiple charge state acceleration. The linac tuning procedure includes setting both RF cavity...

Akanay Avaroglu (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The electrostatic chopper for the new ISIS MEBT is a fast deflecting device which will create gaps in the beam coming out of the RFQ, which will improve the trapping efficiency when injecting the beam into the ISIS synchrotron. The fundamental design (including electromagnetic and thermal calculations, and sensitivity studies) are presented elsewhere. The practical aspects of the mechanical...

Robert Keane (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T11 Power Supplies
Poster Presentation

The APS Upgrade (APS-U) multi-bend acromat storage ring requires 1000 high-stability unipolar magnet power supplies. A precision current measurement and calibration system has been developed to independently measure the power supply output current to ensure the accuracy and repeatability of the supplies. The measurement system uses custom commercial DCCT current transducers along with...

Peter Braun (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The Institute for Applied Physics (IAP) installed a permanent test setup for up to \SI{60}{\kilo\watt} of RF power in cw mode for conditioning. The goal is to establish a time efficient test procedure for the future MYRRHA CH-cavities. Three test stands were designed to accommodate up to three cavities simultaneously.
All stations are curently tested via the \SI{175}{\mega\hertz} MAX RFQ...

Stefano Krecic (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The low emittance ( 4th generation) light source Elettra 2.0, that will replace Elettra the 3rd generation light source in Trieste Italy, will be commissioned in 2026. However the injector complex will be conserved but improvements will be done in order to be ready before of the storage ring commissioning. Optics modification, hardware upgrade and software development will be undertaken to...

Abhishek Deshpande (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T20 Targetry and Dumps
Poster Presentation

The LBNF Absorber consists of thirteen 6061-T6 aluminum core blocks. The core blocks are water cooled with de-ionized (DI) water which becomes radioactive during beam operations. The cooling water flows through gun-drilled channels in the core blocks. The cooling water is supplied by the LBNF Absorber Radioactive Water (RAW) cooling system which is designed as per ASME B31.3 Normal Fluid...

Atharva Kulkarni (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL))
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U08 Radiation Effects
Poster Presentation

Ultrafast high-energy pulsed electron beams can provide deep penetration and variable linear energy transfers for testing microelectronics for radiation-induced single-event effects. Early experiments at the UCLA PEGASUS beamline (3 MeV) with 1 ps electron bunches and a 50 $\mu$m spot size yielded charge collection transients that are compared with reference heavy ion data. Sub-micron focusing...

Nilanjan Banerjee (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D07 High Intensity Circular Machines Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

We are commissioning a 2.5~MeV proton beam for the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator at Fermilab, allowing experiments in the strong space-charge regime with incoherent betatron tune shifts nearing 0.5. Accurate modelling of space-charge dynamics is vital for understanding planned experiments. We compare anticipated emittance growth and beam loss in the bare IOTA configuration using...

Yong Joong Lee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T20 Targetry and Dumps
Poster Presentation

The proton beam power limit for a solid-tungsten spallation target is largely determined by beam induced thermomechanical structural loads and decay heat power deposition, while its lifetime is limited by radiation damage and fatigue life of the target materials. In this paper, we studied the power limits of a stationary water-cooled solid tungsten target concept. Tantalum clad tungsten was...

Matevz Skobe (Jozef Stefan Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

At the tandem ion accelerator laboratory of the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) in Ljubljana, Slovenia we are developing a control system for the Low Energy Branch (LEB) ion beamline. This activity is ongoing simultaneously with the hardware construction of the ion beamline branch dedicated to the research with low-energy ion beams with energies up to 30 keV.
The LEB instrumentation is...

Jinfu Zhu (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

S-band deflectors are generally operated on pulsed mode for beam diagnosis. We plan to deploy 5 S-band (2997 MHz) deflectors to accurately measure the longitudinal time distribution of ultra-short electron beam pulses in Shenzhen Superconducting Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (S3FEL). A microwave system of one deflector consists of a low-level RF system (LLRF), a solid-state amplifier,...

Vardan Khachatryan (Cornell University (CLASSE))
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

Beam motion during injections could be a serious problem to x-ray users and jeopardize their experiments. In the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) the particles are injected with pulsed elements such as pulsed bumpers and septum which could cause transient motion of the stored beam. By analyzing the turn-by-turn position data of the stored beam acquired during injection, we identify the...

Miguel Diaz Zumel (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T35 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components
Poster Presentation

LHC injection kickers (MKI) are pulsed at high voltage to achieve magnetic field pulses with fast rise time. The MKIs contain a beam screen to help shield their ferrite yoke from beam induced heating. However, additional means of mitigating beam induced heating, for the high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) era, are required. To achieve this, the MKIs are sequentially being upgraded to low impedance...

Matthias Fuchs (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The compact storage ring project for accelerator research and technology (cSTART) is realized at the Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Flexible lattice of a ring benefits variety of operation modes. Different physical experiments are planned at cSTART. In particular, deep variation of momentum compaction factor with simultaneous...

Bamunuvita Gamage (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T34 Permanent Magnets
Poster Presentation

In late 2023, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) funded a Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) grant dedicated to investigating the impact of radiation on permanent magnet materials. This research initiative is specifically geared towards assessing materials slated for use in the CEBAF energy upgrade. The experimental approach involves strategically...

Daniel Prelipcean (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

A prototype Beam Gas Curtain (BGC) monitor was installed at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN to provide 2D images of the transverse beam profile during the ongoing Run 3 (2022 to date) and in view of the High Luminosity LHC upgrade (HL-LHC). By design, the BGC operation generates collisions between the beam particles and an injected gas jet proportionally to the beam intensity and the...

Samuel Niang (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T18 Radiation Monitoring and Safety
Poster Presentation

The 2023 operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN included a one-month-long run with fully stripped Pb ion beams, marking the first heavy-ion run since 2018, and delivering Pb ion collisions at an unprecedented center-of-mass energy of 5.36 TeV per nucleon pair. During this period, the radiation fields in the LHC tunnel have been measured by means of different radiation monitors,...

Radoslaw Rybaniec (Paul Scherrer Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

Data acquisition (DAQ) is an ubiquitous feature in modern particle accelerator measurement and control systems. At the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), a next generation of electronic devices is being designed to meet the demands of upcoming renewal of facilities. The new developments utilize the CompactPCI Serial (CPCI-S.0) platform, and will cover a diverse set of applications, including Low...

Yulian Tan (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T11 Power Supplies
Poster Presentation

Nowadays, the real-time control is more and more popular in the particle accelerator field because it is a powerful tool for stable operation and beam loss suppression in the particle accelerator. However, in the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) Main Ring (MR), real-time control has not been widely used in magnet power supplies yet. Magnet power supplies are very easily...

Christine Vollinger (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

During the last long shutdown of the accelerators at CERN (LS2), the main radio frequency system of the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) was upgraded. A wideband
system with Finemet magnetic alloy cavities driven by solid-state amplifiers replaced several different ferrite-loaded cavities. In measurements post-LS2, the longitudinal beam stability did not match predictions, which triggered a...

Jared Horkley (Idaho National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U04 Isotope Production
Poster Presentation

Neptunium-236g is a rare radionuclide used for nuclear material analyses. The availability of 236gNp is limited and the viable production routes are costly, time consuming, and only produce trace quantities of the desired product. For this work, two known production methods were tested to determine product recovery, purity, and viability for use as a tracer. The first method utilizes a...

Michael Bates (Sandia National Laboratories)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T17 Alignment and Survey
Poster Presentation

The stretched-wire alignment technique is one method of magnet alignment for linear induction accelerators. The applications of the Stretched-Wire Alignment Technique (SWAT) have been implemented for aligning magnets/solenoids on the Scorpius linear induction accelerator which will be sited at the Nevada National Security Site and the Flash X-Ray (FXR) linear induction accelerator at Lawrence...

Rolland Johnson (MuPlus, Inc.)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U03 Transmutation and Energy Production
Poster Presentation

We describe how the Mu*STAR system uses a superconducting proton accelerator produces a proton beam powerful enough to drive several subcritical small modular reactors (SMRs). Each SMR is a graphite-moderated molten salt (MS) fueled reactor with an internal spallation target to generate source neutrons. These source neutrons initiate fission chains that die out, producing energy in a...

Hiroaki Umezawa (Sokendai, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T35 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components
Poster Presentation

The standard fabrication method for superconducting cavities is to press high RRR niobium sheets to form half cells, which are then joined by EBW (electron beam welding) to form cavities. If the anisotropy of the niobium sheet is too large, gaps will form when the half-cells are joined, so a sheet with low anisotropy is required. To reduce the anisotropy of the sheet, it is essential to apply...

Shaoxiang Dong (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T16 Pulsed Power Technology
Poster Presentation

To enhance the intensity of X-ray emission through bremsstrahlung radiation, a light source was designed based on an electron cyclotron and a compact electron storage ring. The compact structure and limited space posed challenges to the injection system. In this paper, we introduce the key component, the "perturbator," along with its matching pulse power supply. These were de-signed based on...

Shaoxiang Dong (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T18 Radiation Monitoring and Safety
Poster Presentation

Hefei Light Source (HLS) is the first dedicated synchrotron radiation facility in China. HLS-II operates in the TOP-OFF constant-current mode. For the safety of personnel, it is crucial to analyze the radiation fields applying Monte Carlo. The radiation source directly affects the results. The paper discusses the impact of three radiation source models on the radiation field results. In the...

Dennis Proft (Bonn University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

Ultra-high energy electrons (UHEE) are used to investigate their effect on tumor cells and healthy tissue in short pulses of microseconds at the electron accelerator facility ELSA. This may enable highly efficient treatment of deep-seated tumors due to the FLASH effect. In a preliminary setting electrons with an energy of 1.2 GeV are used to irradiate cell samples which are located inside a...

Bamunuvita Gamage (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) currently studies the feasibility of upgrading its energy to 22GeV. It considers addition of six more linac passes. The highest energy passes will share two new arcs designed using the Fixed-Field Alternating Gradient (FFA) technology. The FFA arcs are built using permanent combined-function magnets. They will be connected to the...

Bang Nguyen (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The following paper embarks on an in-depth exploration of extraction kickers employed at some of the most renowned particle physics and neutron science facilities worldwide. Specifically, we delve into the extraction kickers utilized at the Spallation Neutron Source, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, and delve into the novel inductive adder structures....

Sofia Johannesson (European Spallation Source ERIC)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The normal-conducting injector of the superconducting proton linac of the European Spallation Source (ESS) was commissioned in 2023. Commissioning of the superconducting linac is planned by end of 2024, followed by first beam on the spallation target in 2025. One of the prominent challenges in commissioning and operation of high power accelerators, such as the linac of the ESS, is to minimize...

Haoran Xu (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

At Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), we developed a 1.6-cell C-band RF photoinjector for the Cathodes And Radiofrequency Interactions in Extremes (CARIE) project. The injector will be used to study the behavior of advanced photocathode materials under very high RF gradients. The photocathodes will be prepared with an INFN-style photocathode plug, compatible with the plugs used by other...

Dr Hendrik Hähnel (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

Additive manufacturing ("AM") has become a powerful tool for rapid prototyping and manufacturing of complex geometries. A 433 MHz IH-DTL cavity has been constructed to act as a proof of concept for direct additive manufacturing of linac components. In this case, the internal drift tube structure has been produced from 1.4404 stainless steel, as well as pure copper using AM. We present the most...

Enrica Chiadroni (Sapienza University of Rome)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

FLASH Therapy, an innovative cancer treatment, minimizes radiation damage to healthy tissue while maintaining the same efficacy in tumor cure as conventional radiotherapy. Successful integration of FLASH therapy into clinical practice, specifically for treating deep-seated tumors with electrons, relies on achieving Very High Electron Energy (VHEE) within the 50-150 MeV range.
In collaboration...

Arun Saini (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The Proton Improvement Plan-II Injector Test (PIP2IT) Facility had been fully constructed and commissioned at Fermilab during 2020-21. The PIP2IT beamline includes a H- ion source capable of delivering 15 mA, 30 keV DC or pulsed beam, a Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT), a 162.5 MHz,continuous wave (CW) Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) that accelerates the beam to 2.1 MeV, a 10-m Medium Energy...

Jinhyuk Choi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

Even though the strengths are weaker, different from quadrupole offsets, sextupole offsets are causing more complicated disturbances on the storage ring optics. They are making orbit distortion and quadrupole kicks as well as couplings. The offsets in chromatic sextupoles can affect the correction of chromaticity too. The closed orbit corrections in modern storage rings are fast and reliable,...

Dr Aliaksei Halavanau (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

We discuss the result of calculation and measurement of the transverse kick in the SLAC accelerating section in a single bunch and multi-bunch regimes. We present a simple estimate, which can be used in practical situations.

Javier Olivares Herrador (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

The beam loading effect results in a gradient reduction of the accelerating structures due to the excitation of the fundamental mode when the beam travels through the cavity. A recent implementation of this process in the tracking code RF-Track allows the simulation of realistic scenarios, thus revealing the impact of this phenomenon in start-to-end accelerator designs. In this paper, we...

Julian McKenzie (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The RUEDI (Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction & Imaging) ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) beamline aims to provide electron bunches to diffraction samples with an at-sample temporal resolution of sub-10 fs. Electron bunches of such short duration prove non-trivial to measure at electron beam kinetic energies of 4 MeV. A diagnostic beamline design is presented to enable...

Dr Salvador Sosa (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator delivers high intensity proton beams for fundamental science and national security experiments since 1972. The Proton Storage Ring (PSR) accumulates a full 625-us macro-pulse of proton beam and compresses it into a 290-ns long pulse, delivering an intense beam pulse to the Lujan Neutron Science target. The proposed LANSCE Modernization...

Vasiliy Morozov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D10 Beam-Beam Effects Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

Crab crossing in the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is planned to provide head-on beam collisions and maximize luminosity for beams with a 25 mrad crossing angle. This crab crossing requires superconducting RF crab cavities for both EIC electron and hadron beams. Phase and amplitude errors of these transverse crab cavities can cause emittance growth, of particular concern for hadron beams and the...

Wenbin Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T16 Pulsed Power Technology
Poster Presentation

On-axis injection mode is planned to use in the Southern Advanced Photon Source (SAPS), which requires high quality to injection pulsed power supply. Gyromagnetic nonlinear transmission line (GNLTL) is introduced as a pulse compressor to meet the needs for pulse width. In this paper, 3-D finite element model is established based on Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation and Maxwell’s equations. The...

Yuri Batygin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

We present the 100 MeV injector design for the LANSCE Accelerator Facility, which is designed to replace the existing 750-keV Cockcroft-Walton-columns-based injector. This new Front End includes two independent low-energy transports for H+ and H- beams merging at the entrance of a single RFQ, with the subsequent acceleration of particles in the new Drift Tube Linac. The challenge of this...

Patrick Schreiber (Synchrotron Soleil)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

For the injection into the SOLEIL II storage ring a beam with small transverse and longitudinal sizes is necessary, which requires the booster synchrotron to be upgraded. The new booster is designed as a multi-bend 16BA Higher-Order Achromat lattice with a small emittance of 5 nm∙rad at 2.75 GeV. Robustness of the lattice has been studied with realistic errors in magnet alignment and...

Ankur Dhar (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Poster Presentation

Current transmission electron microscopes (TEM) accelerate electrons to 200-300 keV using DC electron guns with a nanoamp of current and very low emittance. However at higher voltages these DC sources rapidly grow in size, oftentimes several meters tall for 1 MeV microscopes. Replacing these electron guns with a compact linac powered by solid-state sources could dramatically lower cost while...

Thomas Pugnat (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

In a circular collider, precise control of the linear optics in the vicinity of the interaction points plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal operational performance and satisfying the machine protection constraints. Superconducting magnets are affected by unavoidable field errors that impact machine performance, and mitigation strategies are usually put in place to improve the situation....

Abhishek Pathak (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The upcoming Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II), designated for enhancements to the Fermilab accelerator complex, features a Beam Transfer Line (BTL) that channels the beam from the linac exit to the booster. In the absence of longitudinal focusing beyond the superconducting linac, the beam experiences an elevated momentum spread, primarily due to nonlinear space-charge forces, surpassing the...

Tianya Meng (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T15 Undulators and Wigglers
Poster Presentation

The SSRF (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility) superconducting wiggler consists of three parts: a superconducting multipole magnet, a cryostat system and magnet power & control system. Superconducting multipole magnets can generate a strong magnetic field with a peak of 4.2 T, and the generated magnetic field alternates positively and negatively along the direction of electron motion in...

Luca Piersanti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The installation of the STAR High-Energy Linac, the energy upgrade of the Southern European Thomson Back-Scattering Source for Applied Research (STAR) project at the University of Calabria, was conducted by INFN by the end of 2023. This paper presents the testing procedures aimed at confirming the consistency, completeness, and quality of the STAR accelerator upgrade installation (electron...

Dr Salvador Sosa (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator delivers high intensity proton beams for fundamental science and national security applications since 1972. LANSCE is capable of simultaneous H+ and H- beam operations to multiple experiments requiring different time structures. This is achieved upstream in the facility with a combination of two 750 kV Cockcroft-Walton (CW) generators,...

Hiroaki Umezawa (Sokendai, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T35 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components
Poster Presentation

Tokyo Denkai has been producing niobium for superconducting cavities since 1985. We have also produced niobium for L-band cavities since the beginning of their development, and have a large number of production records. In particular, more than 20,000 pieces have been delivered to TESLA based on the XFEL-007 specifications for the European XFEL, LCLS-II, LCLS-II HE, and SHINE projects. In this...

Dr Andrey Mishin (Varex Imaging)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U05 Security
Poster Presentation

During past 7 years at Varex Imaging Corporation, we have created a pilot production line for Accelerator Beam Centerlines (ABC), replacing supply of Beam Centerlines (BCL) by Varian after the Component Division separated from Varian in 2017, becoming an independent public company. Our ABC production growth rate seems to double every year, and in last quarter of 2023 Fiscal Year, we delivered...

Ilias Efthymiopoulos (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D10 Beam-Beam Effects Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

Optimizing the configuration of an operational cycle of a collider such as the LHC is a complex process, requiring various simulation studies. In particular, Dynamic Aperture (DA) simulations, based on particle tracking, serve as indispensable tools for achieving this goal. In the framework of the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) studies, our primary focus lies in performing parametric beam-beam...

Michele Carlà (ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

Due to the constrains imposed by the tight geometry of the ALBA storage ring, the initial 6BA lattice envisioned for the ALBA-II upgrade was reconsidered in favor of a more relaxed 5BA configuration. The first engineering studies of magnets and vacuum chambers made evident many short comings of the 6BA optics. The here proposed 5BA optics allows for an easier integration at cost of a small...

Dennis Sauerland (Universitaet Bonn)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A13 Cyclotrons
Poster Presentation

The Bonn Isochronous Cyclotron provides proton, deuteron, alpha and other light ion beams with a charge-to-mass ratio Q/A >= 1/2 and kinetic energies ranging from 7 to 14 MeV per nucleon. The beam is guided through a high-energy beam line (HEBL) to one of five experimental sites. The installation of the irradiation site for high-uniformity radiation hardness tests of Si detectors is now...

Juan Fernández (Safran Electronics & Defense Spain S.L.)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

One of the crucial control systems of any synchrotron is the Low-Level Radio Frequency (LLRF).  The main purpose of an LLRF is to generate and maintain a stable electric field within the accelerator cavities by controlling its amplitude and phase. SAFRAN Electronic & Defense Spain S.L.U. is currently developing the new digital LLRF to update the system in the ALBA Synchrotron Light facility...

Kiersten Ruisard (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D08 High Intensity in Linear Accelerators Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Beam Test Facility (BTF) supports the study of beam dynamics in the front end of a high power LINAC. The BTF combines a replica of the SNS front end, including nearly-identical ion source, RFQ and MEBT, with extensive phase space diagnostics and a FODO transport line. Diagnostic capabilities include direct measurement of 6D phase space distribution and...

Weixing Cheng (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T05 Beam Feedback Systems
Poster Presentation

Transverse bunch-by-bunch (BxB) feedback system has been designed, fabricated, installed, and tested with beam at the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APS-U) storage ring. The transverse feedback system (TFB) is designed to suppress coupled bunch instabilities and single bunch instabilities. It adapted a stripline kicker design which has the same profile as the APS-U injection/extraction...

Ilaria Balossino (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T15 Undulators and Wigglers
Poster Presentation

The SABINA project will add a user facility to SPARC_LAB at INFN in Frascati (Rome). For the THz line, an electron beam is transported to the APPLE-X undulators to produce photon pulses in the ps range, with energy of tens of µJ, with linear or elliptical polarization. Each undulator has four magnetic arrays that can be moved radially simultaneously to set the operating gap. Two arrays can...

Chiara Antuono (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

Previous studies have identified turbulent mode coupling instability (TMCI) as one of the most severe single-bunch instabilities in the FCC-ee collider, potentially limiting its performance. Its threshold is influenced by both transverse and longitudinal wakefields arising from vacuum chamber resistive wall effects, discontinuities, and beam-beam interactions, the latter of which can be seen...

Yusen Guo (ShanghaiTech University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T13 Cryogenics
Poster Presentation

In order to enhance the accelerating gradient of accelerators, cryogenic accelerating structures have been investigated. Based on material characteristics and technical conditions, a fundamental design has been accomplished. Photonic band-gap (PBG) structures employ a lattice of rods to impede the propagation of RF field through the lattice at specific frequencies while effectively damping...

Patrick O'Shea (University Maryland)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

We describe experimental, theoretical, and simulation activities testing Derbenev’s 1998 proposal for using flat-to-round-to-flat (FTRTF) transformations to enable electron synchrotrons for ion beam cooling. FTRTF systems have also been proposed for storage-ring and single-pass light sources (FELs), beam sources, and microwave tubes. The experiment—based on a low-energy (5–10 keV) linear...

Timofey Gorlov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T32 Ion Beam Stripping
Poster Presentation

We study possibility of laser assisted charge exchange injection at the SNS. The realistic injection of LACE injection and accumulation into the Ring of SNS is considered. The design of stripping magnets at the injection area is one of the most challenging problems toward operational scheme of LACE at the SNS. Basic requirements and needed parameters of stripping magnets are studied. Based on...

Sangya Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D10 Beam-Beam Effects Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

To achieve very high luminosity, the next generation circular colliders adopt the crab waist collision scheme with a large Piwinski angle. In this scheme, beams collide with high current, low emittances, and small beta functions at the interaction point (IP). However, several effects arising from these extreme parameters, especially the coherent X-Z instability, will significantly impact the...

Stefano Redaelli (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The LHC Injectors Upgrade project at CERN optimized the injection accelerator chain to deliver proton intensities per bunch of 2.3e+11 ppb. Throughout 2023, the LHC was filled with up to 2464 bunches per beam using a hybrid injection scheme, involving up to 236 bunches per injection, with a maximum intensity per bunch of 1.6e+11 ppb. These beam parameters already revealed significant beam...

Hiroaki Umezawa (Sokendai, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T35 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components
Poster Presentation

Large grain niobium has a higher production yield than fine grain niobium, the price can be lowered. On the other hand, it has a significant reduction in mechanical strength. In this study, tensile tests were conducted on different RRR (RRR185 and RRR495) of large grain sliced discs and two tensile speeds (5 mm/min, 2 mm/min) with more than 50 samples under each condition. In general quality...

Yue Yuan (Institute of High Energy Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T22 Reliability, Operability
Poster Presentation

China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is a large-scale scientific research facility located in Dongguan, China. It is a pulsed neutron source that uses a proton accelerator to produce neutrons, which are then used to study the structure and properties of materials at the atomic and molecular level. Since its opening, CSNS has steadily improved its operation efficiency and beam power year by...

Michael Mayerhofer (Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T35 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components
Poster Presentation

The enormous potential of additive manufacturing (AM), in particular laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), for the manufacturing of normal-conducting radio frequency cavities (cavities) has already been demonstrated. However, the required geometrical accuracy for GHz TM010 cavities is currently only achieved using: a) co-printed support structures, which are however difficult to remove for small...

Tirsi Prebibaj (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D07 High Intensity Circular Machines Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

The beam quality in terms of the transverse beam profiles from the CERN injectors plays a crucial role for the luminosity production at the LHC. Transverse tails beyond a Gaussian distribution have been observed in all the LHC injectors and efforts to optimize them are ongoing, as they can perturb operations due to large losses at LHC injection. At the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS),...

Zheng Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

Our research focuses on the design of a beamline. Due to the numerous beamline components involved, without strict optimization of each component's parameters, the transmitted temporal profile of beam may distort, failing to meet the expected requirements. Additionally, different initial temporal profile of the beam will undergo longitudinal shaping during transmission through the beamline....

Minghao Song (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T17 Alignment and Survey
Poster Presentation

Misalignment of magnets in the storage rings causes trajectory deviation when the beam traverses through magnets, resulting in the degraded performance of linear optics and nonlinear dynamics. The beam-based alignment (BBA) technique is commonly used to steer the beam passing through the centers of magnets. Recently, a new method has been developed to determine the centers of multiple magnets...

Antoine Colinet (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

The Beam Interlock System (BIS) is the backbone of the machine protection system throughout the accelerator complex at CERN, from LINAC4 to the LHC. After 15 years of flawless operation, a new version of the BIS is currently being produced and will be installed in the LHC, SPS and North Area during CERN’s Long Shutdown 3, planned to start in 2026. Overall, more than 3,000 Printed Circuit...

Mr Christopher Roper (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Poster Presentation

Beam Plasma Interactions Experiment (Beam-PIE) is a NASA sounding rocket experiment that successfully ran in November 2023. Beam-PIE used space as a laboratory to explore wave generation from a modulated electron beam in the ionosphere. Beam-PIE electron accelerator used a 10keV electron gun and a 5-GHz RF cavity, enabling the acceleration of the electron beam to a total energy of ~25–60 keV....

Jonathan Lee (Stony Brook University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The proton Electric Dipole Moment (pEDM) storage ring to measure the electric dipole moment of the proton [1] is proposed to be built in the tunnel of the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) by storage ring EDM (srEDM) Collaboration. We proposed that the AGS Booster to pEDM ring transfer and injection line (BtP) would use the partial portions of the...

Yuxuan Yang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U09 Other Applications
Poster Presentation

SLEGS is a Laser Compton Scattering gamma source. The gamma energy is 0.66 to 21.7 MeV, and the gamma flux is approximately 4.8e+5 to 1.5e+7 phs/s. Gamma activation method is used in beam flux monitor, medical isotpoe production and nuclear astrophysics in SLEGS*. Gamma beam flux under different collimated apertures has been checked by gamma activation method by using various half-life nuclide...

Hairong Shang (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T23 Machine Protection
Poster Presentation

A new Machine Protection System (MPS) and the Beam Position Limits Detector (BPLD) system are being developed for APS Upgrade (APS-U) accelerator storage ring. The MPS/BPLD system consists of one main MPS and 20 local MPS/BPLD controllers distributed around the ring, each local controller is located on every odd double sector. Each LMPS handles one double sector. Each double sector can be...

William Shields (Royal Holloway, University of London)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.A28 Medical Applications
Poster Presentation

LhARA, the Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications, is a proposed facility designed to advance radiobiological research by delivering high-intensity beams of protons and ions in unprecedented ways. Designed to serve the Ion Therapy Research Facility (ITRF), LhARA will be a two-stage facility that will employ laser-target acceleration in the first stage, generating proton...

John Dusatko (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T18 Radiation Monitoring and Safety
Poster Presentation

The Linac Coherent Light Source II (LCLS-II) is a new addition to the SLAC accelerator complex. It is a 4 GeV, 120 kW superconducting Linac operating in continuous RF mode at 1.3 GHz with a beam repetition rate of up to 1 MHz. The prior generation of protection system beam loss monitors, whose operation is based on ion collection principles, are not suitable for operation in LCLS-II due to...

Klaus Kümpel (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The IAP (Institute for Applied Physics) of the Goethe University Frankfurt has a long experience in the development of 4-Rod RFQs. In the course of a project funded by the HessenAgentur as part of LOEWE funding line 3, the basic design of the 4-rod RFQs is now to be further developed. The aim is to investigate whether an improvement in Q-Value and vacuum can be achieved through new production...

Shaoxiang Dong (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T18 Radiation Monitoring and Safety
Poster Presentation

An advanced online monitoring system with dual systems is being developing for Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF). One is based on the C language, which integrates data acquisition, storage and interface display. The other is based on EPICS system, which developed Input/Output Controller (IOC) and Operator Interface (OPI) for data acquisition and display. The two systems are based on...

Wei Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T17 Alignment and Survey
Poster Presentation

As a fourth-generation diffraction-limited light source, Hefei Advanced Light facility has high requirements on the alignment accuracy and installation efficiency of key components of the storage ring. We plan to use four laser trackers to build a high-precision pre-alignment system based on the principle of polygonal to achieve a pre-alignment accuracy of 30μm within the magnet unit...

Chengcheng Xiao (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

A new proton CT(pCT) facility will be built in Shanghai Ruijin Hospital. The main structure of the proton CT includes a high gradient proton LINAC, a compact 360-degree gantry, and a proton imaging platform. In the proton LINAC, a 16 S-band proton accelerating tube increased the energy from 230 MeV to 350 MeV. To provide a more accurate and stable Radio-Frequency(RF) control, a CPCI-based...

Michael Jenkins (Rapiscan Systems Ltd)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U05 Security
Poster Presentation

The X-ray Imaging Laboratory is a radiation test facility developed by Rapiscan systems at their facility in Stoke-On-Trent, UK. The X-ray Imaging Laboratory comprises two areas: the Test Facility and the Linac Development Area. The Test Facility is a state-of-the-art facility designed for subsystem and system level testing of x-ray imaging hardware utilizing normal conducting electron linacs...

Mohit Patil (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T20 Targetry and Dumps
Poster Presentation

The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) is a high power heavy ion accelerator facility at Michigan State University completed in 2022. Its driver linac is designed to accelerate all stable ions to energies above 200 MeV/u with beam power of up to 400 kW. Currently FRIB is operating at 10 kW delivering various primary beams. The target absorbs roughly 25% of the primary beam power and the...

Md Obidul Islam (Old Dominion University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U02 Materials Analysis and Modification
Poster Presentation

The thermal diffusion and acoustic properties of Nb impacts the thermal management of devices incorporating Nb thin films such as superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities and superconducting high-speed electronic devices. The diffusion and acoustic properties of 200-800 nm thick Nb films deposited on Cu substrates were investigated using time-domain thermoreflectance (TDTR). The films...

Raul Quispe-Abad (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T20 Targetry and Dumps
Poster Presentation

The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams is a high power heavy ion accelerator completed in April 2022. The FRIB accelerator was commissioned with acceleration of heavy ions to energies above 200 MeV/nucleon (MeV/u) that collide onto a rotating single-disk graphite target. The remaining beam is absorbed by a water-cooled static beam dump that is oriented at a 6 degrees angle with respect to the...

Jeffrey Dooling (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T18 Radiation Monitoring and Safety
Poster Presentation

We present initial results from the booster-to-storage-ring beam-loss monitor (BTSBLM) employing time-of-fight analysis to localize and minimize losses along the BTS line. The BTSBLM utilizes a pair of high-purity, fused silica fiber optic cables running in parallel along the 65-m BTS transport line. Photomultipliers located at both upstream and downsteam ends of each fiber monitor Cherenkov...

Jie Li (Peking University)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T34 Permanent Magnets
Poster Presentation

The precision of the proton therapy beam depends on maintaining high field quality in the magnet’s good field region. Iron yoke is employed in magnets to increase the magnetic field and reduce the fringe field. However, when providing a high magnetic field for transporting relatively high-energy particles, the saturation effect of the yoke can distort the field quality. To mitigate this...

Wei-Yu Lin (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

The TPS is a latest generation high-brightness synchro-tron light source scheduled to be commissioned in 2014. Its booster is designed to ramp electron beams from 150 MeV to 3 GeV at a frequency of 3 Hz. There are 54 dipole magnets, powered by one power supply unit, and 84 quadrupole magnets, powered by 4 power supply units according to their respective functions. During routine user time, a...

Jiapeng Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The high gradient of the photocathode radio-frequency electron gun (RF gun) increases the potential for field emission from the metal surface. Consequently, emitted electrons escaping from the RF gun result in the generation of a dark current, thereby degrading the gun's performance. A thorough investigation into the dark current phenomenon within the accelerator structure plays a crucial role...

Hao-Wen Luo (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

The paper outlines the successful implementation of a global tune feedback system at the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) to compensate the tune variation resulting from adjustments in the gap and phase of the insertion devices. The global tune feedback system deployed in the TPS employs two families of quadrupole magnets to sustain betatron tunes at the desired working point. The adjustment...

Alexander Smirnov (RadiaBeam)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC7.T16 Pulsed Power Technology
Poster Presentation

Ionization scattering of electron beams with residual gas molecules causes ion trapping in electron rings, both in a collider and electron cooling system. These trapped ions may cause emittance growth, tune shift, halo formation, and coherent coupled bunch instabilities. In order to clear the ions and prevent them from accumulating turn after turn, the gaps in a temporal structure of the beam...

Klaus Kümpel (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.A08 Linear Accelerators
Poster Presentation

The conditioning of room temperature cavities is an exhausting process. To prevent damage to the cavity and auxiliary equipment, this potentially long process needs constant supervision or extensive safety precautions. Additionally, the unpredictability of every new conditioning makes the development of effective classical algorithms difficult. To reduce the workload for everyone involved and...

Milica Rakic (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D07 High Intensity Circular Machines Space Charge, Halos
Poster Presentation

Measurements of the transverse beam halo in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) provide crucial input for the performance evaluation of the collimation configuration in the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) era. Such measurements are carried out in various phases of the LHC operational cycle by scraping the beam with movable collimators. Understanding the halo population and halo formation mechanisms...

Richard Fielder (Diamond Light Source Ltd)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D04 Beam Coupling Impedance Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Development
Poster Presentation

Impedance is a significant concern in modern storage rings like Diamond-II, due to instabilities limiting maximum bunch charge and other potential effects such as emittance dilution. Significant changes have been made to the Diamond-II impedance database, partly driven by progress in engineering design work, and partly by the requirements of particle tracking simulations and increase in...

Ryan Roussel (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

The recent development of advanced black box optimization algorithms has promised order of magnitude improvements in optimization speed when solving accelerator physics problems. These algorithms have been implemented in the python package Xopt, which has been used to solve online and offline accelerator optimization problems at a wide number of facilities, including at SLAC, Argonne, BNL,...

Yubing Shen (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T04 Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Poster Presentation

This study presents a refined model of radio frequency (RF) systems by the transfer function perspective of the Pedersen model on the basis of microwave RLC circuit model. While the former concentrates on the signal variation or error analysis, focusing on the cavity-beam interaction. the latter emphasizes the signal's properties within the system, allowing for seamless integration with...

Shaoxiang Dong (University of Science and Technology of China)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

Hefei Infrared Free-Electron Laser device (IR-FEL) is a user experimental device dedicated to energy chemistry research that can generate high brightness mid/far infrared lasers. It is driven by an S-band linear accelerator with a maximum electron energy of 60 MeV. The stability of the final output laser is determined by the energy stability and spread of the electron beam, and the Low-Level...

Matthew Fraser (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport
Poster Presentation

Following the successful completion of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project, since 2021 the Proton Synchrotron (PS) Booster has served the LHC injector chain with protons at an increased kinetic energy of 2 GeV. An upgrade of the ISOLDE (Isotope Separator On-Line DEvice) facility has long been considered to produce radioactive ion beams with a higher energy proton driver beam. A...

Luca Piersanti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T27 Low Level RF
Poster Presentation

SPARC_LAB facility was born in 2004 as an R&D activity to develop a high brightness electron photo-injector dedicated to FEL experiments and exploration of advanced acceleration techniques. The electron source consists in a brazefree 1.6-cell S-band RF gun with a peak electric field of 120 MV/m and a metallic copper photocathode. The gun injects particles into two S-band sections, the initial...

Rolland Johnson (MuPlus, Inc.)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC8.U03 Transmutation and Energy Production
Poster Presentation

Over the last 13 years, Muons has also worked with other companies (ADNA, Niowave) and institutions (Virginia Tech, Jefferson Lab, ORNL, INL, SRNL) on accelerator-driven subcritical reactors (ADSR), to take advantage of large advances in superconducting RF (SRF) accelerators. In the last decade, SRF proton accelerators have been demonstrated to have the power and efficiency to produce...

Michael Borland (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport
Poster Presentation

The Advanced Photon Source (APS) has recently installed and begun commissioning of a hybrid seven-bend-achromat design to replace the original storage ring. The APS Upgrade lattice includes two types of longitudinal-gradient dipoles, five types of transverse-gradient dipoles, and five types of high-strength quadrupoles. All of these magnets were designed** using three-dimensional magnetic...

Brandon Cathey (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC6.T33 Online Modelling and Software Tools
Poster Presentation

Many accelerator control rooms rely on envelope models to simulate beam dynamics because they are fast and accurate at tracking the beam core. Particle-in-Cell (PIC) models, however, can track particles inside and outside the core and, with the improvements of computers, are now fast enough to be used in control rooms. The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is...

Yi-Kai Kan (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
23/05/2024, 16:00
MC5.D10 Beam-Beam Effects Theory, Simulations, Measurements, Code Developments
Poster Presentation

The slice model is the theoretical foundation for various beam-beam simulation methods. In the formulation of the slice model, some approximations have been made based on the assumption of particle beams with an extremely high Lorentz factor. However, this assumption might not always be valid for the particle colliders applied in the nuclear physics study because of the usage of heavy-ion...