9–13 Sept 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
IBIC2024 Final Proceedings: https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/ibic2024/


WEB: Transverse Profile and Emittance Monitors

11 Sept 2024, 10:50
China Hall 2 (Auditorium)

China Hall 2



WEB: Transverse Profile and Emittance Monitors: WEBI (Invited Oral)

  • Fernando Cardoso (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)

WEB: Transverse Profile and Emittance Monitors: WEBC (Contributed Oral)

  • Fernando Cardoso (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)

Presentation materials

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Renjun Yang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
11/09/2024, 10:50
MC4: Transverse Profile and Emittance Monitors
Invited Oral Presentation

Achieving sustainable beam operation in high-power accelerators requires careful control and minimization of halo-particle-induced beam loss. To accomplish this, it is important to have a clear understanding of the halo-particle distribution. While state-of-the-art instruments can achieve a dynamic range of ~10^6 with counting readout schemes, a novel fluorescence wire scanner combined with a...

Ji-Gwang Hwang (Gangneung-Wonju National University)
11/09/2024, 11:20
MC4: Transverse Profile and Emittance Monitors
Invited Oral Presentation

A pepper-pot diagnostic device was developed to accurately and robustly retrieve particle distribution in horizontal and vertical phase spaces by single-shot emittance measurements. Two masks that differ in both composition and manufacturing method were fabricated: one made of phosphor bronze by an optical lithography process and another made of stainless steel (SUS) by laser cutting. Scanning...

Dr Narender Kumar (Cockcroft Institute)
11/09/2024, 11:50
MC4: Transverse Profile and Emittance Monitors
Contributed Oral Presentation

To ensure patient safety, treatment efficacy, and facility efficiency, a full online characterisation of the charged particle beam is required for every ion beam therapy facility. Current dosimetry methods offer limited information or are invasive to the beam, asking for the development of in-vivo dosimetry solutions.
The QUASAR Group, based at Cockcroft Institute in the UK, has been...

Yu Du (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
11/09/2024, 12:10
MC4: Transverse Profile and Emittance Monitors
Contributed Oral Presentation

Quantifying the difference between two beam distributions in high-dimensional phase space is crucial for interpreting experimental or simulation results. This study aims to analyze and compare several common statistical divergences that quantify the differences in high-dimensional distributions, and to determine which of them are suitable for beam physics applications. We tested these...

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