Sep 9 – 13, 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
IBIC2024 Final Proceedings:


Scientific Program Committee

Tonia Batten, CLS, Canada

Willem Blokland, SNS/ORNL, USA

Lorraine Bobb, Diamond, UK

Jianshe Cao, Conference Chair,IHEP, China

Nathan Eddy, Fermilab, USA

Peter Forck, GSI, Germany

Dave Gassner, BNL, USA

Nicolas Hubert, Soleil, France

Fernando Henrique Cardoso, LNLS, Brazil

Kevin Jordan, JLAB, USA

Changbum Kim, PAL, Korea

Prapong Klysubun, SLRI, Thailand

Patrick Krejcik, SLAC, USA

Gero Kube, DESY, Germany

Thibaut Lefevre, CERN, Switzerland

Yongbin Leng, NSRL/USTC, China

Hirokazu Maesaka, SPring-8, Japan

Marco Marchetto,TRIUMF, Canada

Kenichirou Satou, J-PARC, Japan

Volker Schlott, PSI, Switzerland

Marco Veronese, Elettra, Italy

Adriana Wawrzyniak, Solaris, Poland

Carsten Welsch, UOL, UK

Junxia Wu, IMP, China

Junhui Yue, SPC Chair, IHEP, China


Local Organization Committee

Lin Bian, IHEP, Editor-in-Chief, Website Administrator

Jianshe Cao, IHEP, Conference Chair

Jun He, IHEP, Scientific Secretary, Oral and Poster Manager

Xiaoyu Liu, IHEP, Volunteer Manager

Xing Liu, IHEP, Registration and VISA Manager, Social Activity Manager

Mengyao Qi, IHEP, IT Manager (Software)

Yanfeng Sui, IHEP, LOC Chair & Conference Coordinator

Yanming Wang, IHEP, IT Manager (Network)

Taoguang Xu, IHEP, Ind. Exhibition & Sponsorship Manager


JACoW Editors

Lin Bian, IHEP, China (Editor-in-Chief)

Thakonwat Chanwattana, SLRI, Thailand

Zhichu Chen, SARI, China

Narender Kumar, UOL, UK

Lu Li, IMP, China

Volker RW Schaa, GSI (Ret.), Germany

Fancong Zeng, IHEP, China