9–13 Sept 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Registration Deadline: August 9 (23:59 UTC+8), 2024; Paper Submission Deadline: September 5 (23:59 UTC+8), 2024

Registration Fee and Payment

Registration Fee

Options Period Registration Fee
Full Delegate - Early March 29 - July 1, 2024 $650 USD / ¥4200 CNY
Full Delegate - Regular July 2 - August 9, 2024 $975USD / ¥6300 CNY
Student March 29 - August 9, 2024 $465 USD / ¥3000 CNY

Students working toward a diploma could register as Student.
Post-doctoral students, fellows, and exhibitors should register as Full Delegate.

Registration Fee includes:

  • Entry to all sessions
  • Morning and afternoon coffee breaks
  • Lunches (Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday)
  • Attendance at Welcome Reception (September 9 - Monday)
  • Attendance at Conference Banquet Dinner (September 12 - Thursday)
  • Delegate Bag and materials
  • Entry to Industrial Exhibition
  • Facility Tour (September 13 - Friday)

Methods of Payment

For delegates and students, the registration payment is appreciated upon registering. IBIC2024 also accepts bank transfers. Payment is expected within 15 days after registering either via PayEase , via bank transfer or via payment code. 

1. For Payment in USD

(1)Via PayEase when register (for non-domestic participants only)  

Please click this link: https://meeting.yizhifubj.com/web/main.action?meetingId=617 to pay for the registration fee via PayEase in USD.(This link is the same as you can find when click "checkout" in your registration form.)

(2)Via Bank Transfer to IHEP

Important: If you prefer Bank Transfer, please indicate “IBIC2024+ your name” while making the transfer, and please keep the proof of payment and send the proof to IBIC2024@ihep.ac.cn.

Please note that if you choose bank transfer, the bank transaction fee should be covered by your side only.

Foreign exchange account information (for non-domestic participants only)

A/C Name: Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences

Account Number: 0200 0049 0901 4451 557

Beneficiary's Address19B Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing, P. R. China

Swift code:  I C B K C N B J B J M

Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Branch,Beijing, P. R. China

Bank Address:  NO.27 Taiping Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China

2. For Payment in CNY

(1) For Registration Fee Payment in CNY——Please scan the following code:

(2) 高能所银行账号信息 (for domestic participants only)——若国内代表选择汇款方式缴纳注册费,请汇至如下账户,并请在汇款时一定要注明参会人员姓名及会议名称,例如:李小明-IBIC24,并且请妥善保存汇款凭证,以方便查询。




Cancellation and Refund Policy

Any changes and cancellations must be communicated in writing to the IBIC2024 Local Organizing Committee at IBIC2024@ihep.ac.cn.

  Cancellation before 24:00 UTC+8 on 25 August 2024: Full refund with deduction of $100 USD or ¥700 RMB for administrative costs.

  Cancellation after 25 August 2024:  No refund.

Refunds will be made by credit card or bank transfer, depending on the original payment method. This policy also applies to extra tickets for outings and social functions.

This website respects and protects the personal privacy of all users who use the service.  ln order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, this website will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.  This website will not disclose or provide this information to third parties without your prior permission.

Receipt & Chinese Fapiao

Receipt (for International Participants)

After completing your registration for IBIC2024 if you need the receipt of your payment, please send your registration reference number and full name to us via IBIC2024@ihep.ac.cn.

The staff will send you the receipt after August 25, 2024. This receipt will include your affiliation, address, name, registration number, conference date, registration category and the amount you have paid for it. If you need us to list other information, please include it in your request email.

Chinese Fapiao (for domestic Participants)



Contact Information


Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

19B Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, BEIJING 100049, P. R. CHINA

Email: IBIC2024@ihep.ac.cn