9–13 Sept 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
IBIC2024 Final Proceedings: https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/ibic2024/

Information for Oral Speakers

Please make sure that you finish your remarks within the time allocated for your presentation so that there is time for questions and discussion.  Please upload your presentation following the instructions below. Use of individual laptops for displaying slides in the oral sessions cannot be accommodated.

Talk Timing

  • Tutorials: 40 mins + 10 mins (for Q&A)
  • Invited: 25 mins + 5 mins (for Q&A)
  • Contributed: 15 mins + 5 mins (for Q&A)

Slide Size, Format, and Display

The projector's aspect ratio will be 16:9, but slides with a different aspect ratio such as 4:3 can be accommodated.  Slides will be displayed via hardware running Microsoft Windows.  There will be no provision for authors to use their personal computers under any circumstances.

If you have special needs concerning display formats, display software, or visual aids, please contact us at IBIC2024@ihep.ac.cn as soon as possible.

Upload your Presentation before the Conference

Speakers are required to upload their presentation in exactly the same way as their paper contributions, please refer to Paper Submission. 

The files of the presentations should be uploaded to Indico as early as possible, but at the latest by 3:00 p.m. on the day before your presentation. Accepted formats are Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe PDF.

Files must be named with the program code followed by “_talk”, for example: 

  • TUAI1_talk.pptx 
  • TUAI1_talk.pdf 

Documents are then uploaded through the IBIC2024 Indico “My Contributions” area. 

Be sure to select “Slides” in the “Submit files” button under the Editing are of your contribution: 

At the Conference

Speakers who have not uploaded their files in advance, please upload them as described above or deliver them to the conference organizers at least one day in advance (Please note that we do not accept USB disc copies, you may try to download the file from your mailbox, etc.). At that time, please visit the presentation Quality Assurance desk (Speaker Ready Room) to ensure that your presentation has been properly loaded and can be displayed correctly. Slides that have been successfully submitted and presented will be published in the web version of the proceedings without further action on the part of the speaker. If you have any special needs, please visit the Speaker Ready Room

The Speaker Ready Room is at Tang Hall. The day before presentations, all speakers are required to check that their slides are working correctly on the computers located in this room that are the same as those used in the auditorium.  

Speaker Ready Room hours 

  • Monday, Sep. 9 / 13:30 - 20:00 
  • Tuesday, Sep. 10 / 08:00 - 17:30
  • Wednesday, Sep. 11 / 08:00 - 16:30
  • Thursday, Sep. 12 / 08:00 -17:30 
  • Friday, Sep. 13 / 08:00 - 13:00 

During Your Presentation

The organizers will ensure that your slides are ready prior to your scheduled time slot.  A pointer, slide controller, microphone, and timer will be provided.

The session chair assistant will help speakers with their presentations and any minor issues. Please contact IBIC2024@ihep.ac.cn if you need any further information or assistance.