Quanru Liu
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Weiling Huang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Bunch shape monitors based on the transverse modulation of low energy secondary emission elec-trons, will be used in the measurement of longitudinal beam density distribution in the upgrade of CSNS-II linac. A test bench for commissioning the 324MHz RF deflectors used in BSM has been built in the laborato-ry, which consists of a Kimball E-gun, a vacuum chamber for electron optics, an RF stimulator, a 324MHz RF power source, HV power supplies, a bending magnet and a set of MCP+Screen+camera+DAQ. This paper gives the design consideration, some results of the test bench and the continuing CST design of a λ/2 RF deflector.
Funding Agency
Work supported by Natural Science Foundation 12275294, and Mega Science Project Operation Fund of CSNS
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Quanru Liu
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Weiling Huang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Biao Tan
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
Fang Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Jing Liang
(Dongguan Neutron Science Center)
Junhao Wei
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Lei Zeng
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Mengyu Liu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Muhammad Abdul Rehman
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Renjun Yang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Ruiyang Qiu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Xiaojun Nie
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Xiaoyu Liu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Zhihong Xu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)