9–13 Sept 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
IBIC2024 Final Proceedings: https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/ibic2024/

Research and diagnosis of beam parameters in the SKIF linear accelerator

12 Sept 2024, 16:00
1h 30m
China Hall 3

China Hall 3

Poster Presentation MC8: Machine Parameter Measurements THP: Thursday Poster Session


Dr Xiaochao Ma (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)


The fourth-generation synchrotron light source Siberian Ring Photon Source (SKIF), located in Novosibirsk, Russia, underwent the tuning of its linear accelerator segment successfully. By deploying a designed beam diagnostic system, crucial parameters of the beam including beam transverse and longitudinal dimensions, energy spread, emittance, and current, were accurately measured. To achieve these measurements, the system was equipped with several fluorescent screens, Cherenkov radiation detectors, a dipole energy spectrometer, and a Faraday cup. This paper elaborates on the design, mode of operation, and practical applications of these diagnostic devices during the accelerator's tuning process. Further, potential areas of optimization for these diagnostic methods are explored to provide feasible directions for enhancing the performance of the linear accelerator. These precise diagnostic tools have been pivotal in the successful tuning of the SKIF linear accelerator. The results thus gathered will form a significant reference point for the development and refinement of similar accelerators in the future.

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Oleg Meshkov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)


Dr Xiaochao Ma (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Alexey Levichev (Russian Academy of Sciences) Danila Nikiforov (Russian Academy of Sciences) Mariya Arsentyeva (Russian Academy of Sciences) Victor Dorokhov (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials