9–13 Sept 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Early Registration Deadline: July 1, 2024(Monday)

The beam diagnostics of 300MeV proton and heavy ion accelerator for SESRI project

10 Sept 2024, 16:00
1h 30m
China Hall 3

China Hall 3

Poster Presentation MC9: Overview and Commissioning TUP: Tuesday Poster Session


Tiecheng Zhao (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


The beam diagnostics of 300MeV proton and heavy ion accelerator for SESRI project

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Primary author

Tiecheng Zhao (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


RuiShi Mao XinCai Kang Mr kai tang (Institute of Modern physics, Chinese Academy of Science) Mr kai zhou (Institute of Modern physics, Chinese Academy of Science) Ms min li (Institute of Modern physics, Chinese Academy of Science) Mr weilong li (Institute of Modern physics, Chinese Academy of Science) Mr yongchun feng (Institute of Modern physics, Chinese Academy of Science) Mr yucong chen (Institute of Modern physics, Chinese Academy of Science) Mr zhiguo xu (Institute of Modern physics, Chinese Academy of Science)

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