9–13 Sept 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
IBIC2024 Final Proceedings: https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/ibic2024/

Design of a stripline BPM for CSNS-II injection upgrade

10 Sept 2024, 16:00
1h 30m
China Hall 3

China Hall 3

Poster Presentation MC3: Beam Position Monitors TUP: Tuesday Poster Session


Biao Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics)


The CSNS accelerator complex is upgrading the injection area to improve the beam-loss control during beam injection and acceleration in the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron. At CSNS, the linac beam energy will be increased from 80MeV to 300MeV employing a new superconducting accelerating section, and the beam power at the spallation target will be 500kW. To accomplish these requirements, a stripline-type BPM has been designed with a large aperture and 50 Ω stripline electrodes. This BPM has an inner diameter of 52 mm and is used to detect the beam with a current of 10-30 mA and a pulse width of 100-500us. Several geometrical and electrical parameters have been optimized with numerical simulation. This paper will describe the design and optimization of the stripline-type BPM in detail, and simulation results are discussed.

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Biao Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics)


Muhammad Abdul Rehman (Institute of High Energy Physics) Renjun Yang (Institute of High Energy Physics) Sheng Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS) Xiao Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)

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