9–13 Sept 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Registration Deadline: August 9 (23:59 UTC+8), 2024; Paper Submission Deadline: September 5 (23:59 UTC+8), 2024

Beam instrumentation performance during commissioning of LIPAc

10 Sept 2024, 11:20
China Hall 2 (Auditorium)

China Hall 2


Invited Oral Presentation MC9: Overview and Commissioning TUB: Overview and Commissioning/Transverse Profile and Emittance Monitors


Florian Benedetti (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team)


In summer 2024, LIPAc will end its commissioning of Phase B+ after several months of operations. The phase has been focused on the increase of the duty cycle in 5 MeV deuteron operation to validate the different components of the accelerator. The various beam instrumentation systems were tested in depth in order to confirm their performances and limits. The present contribution exposes the different results and feedback obtained with the beam instrumentation during the operations. These outcomes are already useful to prepare the next and challenging Phase C and will contribute to the designs of the onward accelerator-based neutron sources. A few remarks on the beam instrumentation performance during commissioning of LIPAc will be presented.

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Primary author

Florian Benedetti (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team)

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