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9–13 Sept 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
IBIC2024 Final Proceedings:

FWK - an open-source FPGA framework by DESY for large scientific projects

11 Sept 2024, 09:00
China Hall 2 (Auditorium)

China Hall 2


Invited Oral Presentation MC7: Data Acquisition and Processing Platforms WEA: Data Acquisition and Processing Platforms


Michael Büchler (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)


In recent years, DESY has dedicated significant effort to the development of an open-source FPGA framework named FWK. This initiative is geared towards expediting FPGA development within the scientific community, with a particular focus on experimental physics applications. The framework functions as an abstraction layer, streamlining the utilization of diverse FPGA vendor tools, facilitating IP integration, simplifying register and documentation creation, and offering a host of additional advantages. In conjunction with FWK, DESY is committed to providing numerous IPs as open-source resources that seamlessly integrate with the framework. This presentation is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the framework, accompanied by concrete examples drawn from real-world applications.

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Michael Büchler (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)

Presentation materials