9–13 Sept 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
IBIC2024 Final Proceedings: https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/ibic2024/

Achieve a record dynamic range of halo diagnostics with a novel fluorescence wire scanner

11 Sept 2024, 10:50
China Hall 2 (Auditorium)

China Hall 2


Invited Oral Presentation MC4: Transverse Profile and Emittance Monitors WEB: Transverse Profile and Emittance Monitors


Renjun Yang (Institute of High Energy Physics)


Achieving sustainable beam operation in high-power accelerators requires careful control and minimization of halo-particle-induced beam loss. To accomplish this, it is important to have a clear understanding of the halo-particle distribution. While state-of-the-art instruments can achieve a dynamic range of ~10^6 with counting readout schemes, a novel fluorescence wire scanner combined with a conventional metal wire has recently been proposed and demonstrated at CSNS. This new approach has achieved a sensitivity at the single-particle level and a dynamic range of over 10^8. A 100x1x0.15 mm^3 Chromox fluorescence wire has been prepared at CSNS, which has demonstrated excellent light yield and radiation hardness. By capturing fluorescence images with a CMOS camera in a dark environment, a new record dynamic range of about 6x10^8 has been achieved. Continue efforts on optimizing the fluorescence wire, observation system, and sensor hold promise for further improvements in dynamic range and sensitivity.

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Renjun Yang (Institute of High Energy Physics)

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