There are different types accelerators have been operating, constructing and planning.This paper provides a review and the present status of the accelerators in China Which includes collider, FEL, synchrotron light sources, spallation neutron sources, heavy ion accelerator and so on.
The talk shall present an overview of the FCC beam instrumentation needs, the corresponding main challenges. This will review the different R&D activities being currently pursued, including Beam position and loss monitoring, Transverse and longitudinal monitoring systems as well as polarimetry and luminosity monitoring.
NanoTerasu is a 4th generation 3 GeV light source newly constructed in Sendai, Japan. The circumference is 349 m and the natural emittance is 1.1 nm rad, which is realized by a double-double-bend lattice. The commissioning of the storage ring started in June 2023 and the stored current reached 300 mA in November. The beam diagnostic system for NanoTerasu mainly consists of button BPMs to...
HEPS is a fourth generation light source which has horizontal emittance around 34pm.rad and high brilliance photon beam, this ultra-low emittance brings many engineering challenges for beam instrumentation. Self-developed digital BPM electronics and scintillate BLMs contributed more in first turn and day one commissioning. The gird designed by combining carbon fiber and invar alloy have...
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) facility began operation in 2018. By 2020, its accelerator achieved the design power of 100kW and currently operates at a power of 160kW. This year, the power upgrade project (CSNS-Ⅱ) has been launched to meet the growing scientific demands. Our goal is to enhance the accelerator power to 500kW primarily by increasing the beam current. A...
The vertical beam size measurement was carried out at BEPCII using a phase grating and an absorption grating based on the Talbot effect. Due to the partial coherence of the source, coherence length can be calculated by measuring the visibility decay of interferograms recorded at different distances behind gratings. The vertical beam size of 68.19±2μm was obtained based on the relationship...
A new infrared free-electron laser FEL facility named FELiChEM has been built at University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei. It is a user facility dedicated for energy chemistry research and can deliver the infrared laser in the spectral range of 2.5-200 μm to five research stations. FELiChEM consists of mid-infrared MIR and far-infrared FIR free-electron laser oscillators driven...
Photon Beam Position Monitor (PBPM) is an effective monitor for the synchrotron radiation position in a beamline of PLS-II and has been used for the insertion device beamline as well as the bending beamline. In this study, we report the operational status of PBPMs for PLS-II. The PBPM feedback system combined with the orbital feedback system maintains the same position of synchrotron radiation...
The common beamline of the AWAKE experiment at CERN involves the co-propagation of two particle beams: protons with 48 nC bunch charge and 250 ps bunch length, and electrons with up to 600 pC bunch charge and approximately 4 ps bunch length. The existing operational beam position monitors at AWAKE cannot measure the electron bunches whilst the more-intense proton bunches are present, due to...
Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF) is a fourth-generation vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray diffraction limit synchrotron radiation (DLSR) light source under construction. It is expected to have an ultra-low emittance and an extremely small beam size, which requires high-precision orbit detection and fast feedback control. The processor is the key component of the digital beam position monitor...
SKIF is a synchrotron radiation facility under construction in Novosibirsk.
Electron beam energy 3 GeV, beam current up to 0.4 A and extremely low horizontal beam emittance 75 pm$\cdot$rad are convenient to make a high-energy photon source at the main storage ring.
Gamma-photons are obtained using Compton backscattering (inverse Compton scattering) of IR, UV and visible laser...
" Laboratory for Ultrafast Transient Facility" is organically composed of two major categories of core parts: one is a Ultrafast Transient electron microscope cluster; the other is a Ultrafast Transient synchrotron radiation device that provides ultraviolet to X-rays. The first stage of synchrotron radiation device includes a 0.5 GeV linear accelerator as full energy injector, a high-current...
At the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), a high orbital stability of typically 10 % of the beam size and angular divergence must be achieved, which implies that the beam orbit must be stabilized to the sub-micrometer level. A button and stripline beam position monitor (BPM) were designed based on the analytical formulas and CST simulations results. The results of electromagnetic field...
The Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) has been developing high brightness electron sources for the XUV and soft X-ray free-electron facility (FLASH) and the European X-Ray Free Electron Laser facility (EuXFEL) at Hamburg. Its research fields have expanded into applications in recent years like THz FELs, and radiation biology for cancer treatment. Since the applications...
The PETRA IV project is set to enhance the current PETRA III synchrotron into an ultra-low-emittance source. The reduced emittance will impose stringent requirements on machine stability and operation. In order to cope with these requirements, bunch-by-bunch information is required from most of the monitor systems. For precise monitoring of beam position and charge, the Libera Digit 500...
The Cavity Beam Position Monitor (CBPM) system at Accelerator Test Facil- ity 2 (ATF2, KEK, Japan) operates with attenuation at a reduced 200 nm (vs measured 20-30 nm) resolution to cope with CBPM to magnet misalignment. In addition, CBPMs need regular calibrations to maintain their performance. To address these limitations, a pulse injection system is under development. This system aims to...
The 81.25 MHz quarter-wave resonator (QWR) and 162.5 MHz half-wave resonator (HWR) are selected as the main accelerating cavities for the superconducting ion linac of the High Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP). Six QWR007 (βopt = 0.07) cavities and eight HWR015 (βopt = 0.15) cavities have been fabricated before the mass production to...
This paper will show beam position studies performed using a Cherenkov Diffraction Radiation (ChDR) based Beam Position Monitor (BPM) at Diamond Light Source (DLS). Displaying the characterisation of the BPM using the 3 GeV electron beam at DLS and comparing the effectiveness of this prototype to an existing Inductive Beam Position Monitor (IBPM) in use in the DLS Booster To Storage (BTS)...
The Proton Radiation Effects Facility (PREF) aiming for the displacement damage effect research was proposed by XTIPC (Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences) in 2018. The facility was designed and constructed by IMP (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences). The beam commissioning of PREF had been started since August to September...
In this paper we are presenting the status of the partnership between Instrumentation Technologies and Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste for the realization of 200 BPM electronics for ELETTRA 2.0. Last year, 200 Pilot Tone Front-End (PTFE) units were successfully developed and produced. During the present year, 100 Digital Acquisition platforms, each one used to digitize and process the signals from...
Over the past two decades, laser-driven proton radiotherapy devices have garnered significant attention among novel accelerator technologies, due to their high acceleration gradient. Peking University is engaged in the construction and development of CLAPA-II (the Compact LAser Plasma Accelerator II), a proton therapy facility which utilizes a laser-plasma acceleration scheme. This facility...
Accurate monitoring and control of charged particle beams at the HL-LHC demands the development of new beam diagnostics tools. This poster provides an overview of the electro-optic beam position monitor (EO-BPM), currently taking measurements at CERN's SPS. This device uses the Pockels effect to monitor the transverse position and instabilities in the particle beam. Comprising of a laser...
The CSNS accelerator complex is upgrading the injection area to improve the beam-loss control during beam injection and acceleration in the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron. At CSNS, the linac beam energy will be increased from 80MeV to 300MeV employing a new superconducting accelerating section, and the beam power at the spallation target will be 500kW. To accomplish these requirements, a...
Wuhan Photon Source (WHPS), as a fourth-generation synchronous light source, imposes stringent requirements on the resolution and longitudinal coupling impedance of the Beam Position Monitor (BPM). To address the need for beam current monitoring in its 1.5 GeV diffraction-limited storage ring, an optimized design scheme for button BPM is proposed. Additionally, the structure of the BPM...
The machine protection system guarantees the safe operation of the HIAF (High Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility) in different operating modes and also prevents damage to the online equipment in the event of a failure. Beam current data such as beam current position and phase is an important basis for analysing and diagnosing accelerator faults. In this paper, the authors designed the...
The Iranian Light Source Facility Booster is under design with a 504 m circumference and will accelerate the electron bunches from 150 MeV to 3 GeV. the 50 button-type beam position monitors (BPMs) are considered the non-destructive tools to measure the beam position in the ILSF booster. In this paper, the design of the BPM for the ILSF booster is studied. The BPM blocks have 4 buttons...
As many other light sources, ALBA is also going through an upgrade phase leading to ALBA II. In this context, new Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) have to be designed to fit the reduced vacuum chamber. The buttons and the block were designed to be as compact as possible minimizing the impedance to avoid overheat and maintaining a good signal level. Different shapes and materials were simulated...
The Insertion Device (ID) photon beam of a synchrotron can be contaminated with radiation from upstream and downstream bending magnets, causing position measurement errors in blade-type monitors. Beamlines of the low emittance storage ring are particularly sensitive to photon beam position variations, requiring more accurate measurements. To address this, we designed an ionization profile...
To convert weak current signals into voltage pulse signals proportionally, a 128-channel readout electronics system is developed. The front-end analogue circuits of this readout electronics system are designed based on the Charge to Frequency Converter (CFC) circuit structure, and the back-end digital board processes the voltage pulse signals. After the performance test in the laboratory and...
The High Intensity Proton Accelerator (HIPA) at PSI presently has an RF beam position monitor (BPM) system based on 20 year old Xilinx Virtex-2 Pro Systems-on-Chip (SoC), using application-specific integrated circuits (ASICS) for direct digital downconverters. For the planned upgrade of the electronics as well as for new HIPA projects, we started the development of a new HIPA BPM electronics,...
The Shanghai high repetition rate XFEL and extreme light facility (SHINE) under construction is designed as one of the most advanced FEL facilities in the world, which will produce coherent x-rays with wavelengths from 0.05 to 3 nm and maximum repetition rate of 1MHz. To achieve precise beam trajectory measurement and stable alignment of the electron and photo beams in the undulator, the...
MYRRHA (Multi-Purpose Hybrid Research Reactor for High-Tech Applications) aims to demonstrate the feasibility of high-level nuclear waste transmutation at industrial scale. MYRRHA Facility aims to accelerate 4 mA proton beam up to 600 MeV. The accurate tuning of LINAC is essential for the operation of MYRRHA and requires measurement of the beam transverse position and shape, the phase of the...
Beam position monitor(BPM) is used to measure the horizontal and vertical positions of the beam in the vacuum pip. Before online installation, it usually needs to be calibration. High Intensity Heavy-ion Accelerator Facility(HIAF) and China initiative Accelerator Driven System(CiADS) will need a large number of BPM, so it is a great challenge for BPM calibration work. In order to complete this...
High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a proposed new generation light source with a beam energy of 6 GeV, high brightness, and ultra-low beam emittance. An RF BPM has been designed at IHEP as part of an R&D program to meet the requirements of both the injection system and storage ring. The RF BPM architecture consists of an Analog Front-End (AFE) board and a Digital Front-End board (DFE) based...
The Korean 4GSR project is currently under construction in Ochang, South Korea, with the aim of achieving first beam commissioning in 2027. Designed to achieve an emittance approximately 100 times smaller than that of third-generation synchrotron radiation storage rings, the project requires the development of several high-precision beam diagnostic devices. In particular, the beam position...
The construction of China Accelerator Facility for Superheavy Elements(CAFe2) is advancing based on Chinese ADS Front-end Demo Linac(CAFe). However, the original Beam Position Monitor(BPM) read-out electronics of CAFe could not meet the requirements of the CAFe2 BPM probes in terms of quantity and the measurement demands of low-intensity heavy ion beams. In response to this challenge, a...
As part of the CSNS-II upgrade, the H- LINAC beam energy will be increased from 80 MeV to 300 MeV using superconducting cavities. To accurately measure beam position, phase, and energy, stripline-type Beam Position Monitors (BPM) are essential. The shorted-type stripline BPM was chosen for this upgrade due to its excellent S/N ratio and rigid structure. As space is limited in the LINAC's SC...
Huazhong University of Science and Technology is building a cyclotron-based Proton Therapy Facility (HUST-PTF). The facility mainly consists of a 240MeV superconducting cyclotron, a beam transport line, a fixed treatment room and two rotational treatment rooms. HUST-PTF uses three kinds of detectors, Scintillation, Faraday cup and ionization chamber, for the beam param-eter measurements. In...
We are developing a BPM system for the 6 GeV fourth-generation light source, SPring-8-II, which is a renewal of the third-generation light source, SPring-8. The new storage ring will be equipped with 340 button-type BPMs. BPM heads with molybdenum button electrodes have been designed to achieve the position sensitivity coefficients required for SPring-8-II as well as minimal beam impedance and...
For future continuous wave (CW) and high-duty-cycle operation of the European XFEL, research and development of the DESY L-band CW photoinjector is ongoing. The implementation of a superconducting radio frequency (SRF) gun operated at 1.3 GHz with a copper photocathode is the baseline option. The electron beam quality, in particular the slice emittance, produced by this injector is key for the...
The AWAKE facility uses novel proton beam-driven plasma wakefields to accelerate electron bunches over 10m of Rubidium plasma. Precise monitoring of 2 diverse beam types necessitates an electron beam position monitor (BPM) working in a frequency regime of tens of GHz. A high frequency conical button-style BPM with a working regime of up to 40 GHz has been investigated as a way to discriminate...
MYRRHA (Multi-Purpose Hybrid Research Reactor for High-Tech Applications) aims to demonstrate the feasibility of high-level nuclear waste transmutation at industrial scale. MYRRHA Facility aims to accelerate 4 mA proton beam up to 600 MeV.
Beam Position monitors are key elements in many accelerators. for instance, once BPMs are installed along a linear accelerator or a storage ring, they...
In response to CERN's need for alternative imaging solutions of scintillating screens due to the discontinuation of radiation-hardened VIDICON tubes, the single large-core multimode fiber (MMF) has been identified as a potential medium to transmit image signals to a CMOS camera situated away from radiation-prone areas. However, significant challenges in image distortion at the fiber's output...
The linac of INR RAS is а high-intensity accelerator of protons and H-minus ions, which is used for a complex of neutron sources, isotope production, proton irradiation and investigations in proton flash therapy. A non-destructive beam instrumentation plays a key role in the linac tuning. The general peculiarity of this multi-component system is that all detectors are home-made devices with a...
The China Initiative Accelerator Driven System (CiADS), a multi-purpose facility driven by a 500 MeV superconducting RF linac, is currently under construction in Huizhou, Guangdong. In order to ensure the stable operation of the superconducting linac, we conducted optimization research on the beam quality in the front-end section of CiADS. By using the point scraping method, part of the beam...
This paper presents the first experiences acquired with the new eBPM system based on pilot tone compensation, developed for Elettra 2.0. After the successful delivery of seven complete systems, belonging to a pre-series production within the signed partnership with Instrumentation Technologies, we started their integration in the current machine, in order to gain experience and develop all the...
INR RAS linac was developed in late 1970s and build during 1980s. Its timing system is based on the fifty years old technologies and requires full upgrade due to system stability decrease, lack of spare parts, progressing hardware degradation and increase in RF jamming. Moreover, the timing system upgrade should be done without additional accelerator complex shutdowns. In this paper a project...
Several experiments were done to measure the transverse beam size at the NCD ALBA beamline using the Heterodyne Near Field Speckles (HNFS) technique. Inside the FCC collaboration, it was decided to move these experiments to the ALBA Front End 21, where currently an x-ray pinhole camera is working since 2021. The goal is that the two measurement techniques can work alternatively and measure the...
Feedthroughs have been used for different accelerator detectors, such as BPM, BAM, CBPM, ACCT, and the RF cavities etc. that are used to test the beam properties and RF cavity signals. For this purpose, large bandwidth with low transfer loss is required. The long-life and high-stability are also needed. The SMA-type and N-type feedthroughs are developed. The bandwidth of the SMA-type is up to...
RF direct sampling and processing of beam signals has always been the goal pursued in beam diagnostic systems. Now it’s time to make it happen. For the first time, a high-sensitivity RF direct sampling processor has been developed for C-band cavity pickups in SHINE/SXFEL. It redefines the beam diagnostic system. There is no longer a need for complex analog down-conversion modules in...
The accurate measurement of the transverse position of a beam is crucial in particle accelerators, as it plays a key role in determining the beam parameters. Existing methods for beam position measurement rely on the detection of image currents induced on electrodes or the narrow-band wake field excited by the beam passing through a cavity-type structure. These methods have some limitations....
This article introduces the intermediate stage amplifier electronics for the HIAF Ring beam diagnostic system, it has intermediate stage amplifier, high-impedance preamplifier gain switching control, self-check, fiber communication, and enthernet communication functions. The intermediate stage amplifier has 4 channels, each channel has three gain states: 20dB, 0dB, -20dB, combining with...
Obtaining the complete distribution of a beam in high-dimensional phase space is crucial for predicting and controlling beam evolution. Based on the theory of maximum entropy tomography, we developed an algorithm for reconstructing the four-dimensional (4D) transverse phase space distribution. Our algorithm can take any number of 2D linear projections as constraints, and iteratively converges...
The beam position monitor (BPM) is a crucial instrumentation system for the commissioning and operation of the accelerator. Its accuracy and robustness are essential for ensuring the stability of the accelerator. Currently, the beam position is calculated by fitting a polynomial to the four voltage signals obtained from the BPM electrodes in BEPCII and HEPS. To improve the system’s...
The Nuclear Data Production System (NDPS) was constructed at Rare Isotope Accelerator complex for ON-line experiments (RAON) to produce nuclear data for neutron-induced reactions at a few tens of MeV. For the neutron time-of-flight measurement, various neutron detectors, such as gas-filled Parallel Plate Avalanche Counter (PPAC), MICRO-MEsh-GASeous (MICROMEGAS), and EJ-301 liquid scintillation...
The classical double-aperture interferometry using the visible part of the synchrotron radiation has been used in accelerators for beamsize measurements since the late 90s. However, this technique provides the beam size projection only in the direction given by the two aperture centers (i.e. only the horizontal or vertical direction). To fully characterize the transverse electron beam...
This study conducted offline calibration tests on the stripline Beam Position Monitor (BPM) designed for the Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF) injector. The Lambertson method was used to measure the off-set between the electrical center and the mechanical center of the BPM, with results showing horizontal and vertical offsets of 0.1154 mm and 0.1661 mm, respec-tively. Additionally, the...
The on-line calibration of beam synchronous phase (SP) is crucial for enhancing the operational efficiency of accelerators. Recently, we developed an artificial intelligence (AI)-based beam information measure model that uses transient beam loading information as input while simultaneously predicting beam current and SP. This method employs Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to extract...
The injection kicker design exploiting strip-lines and linear taper connections of the strip-lines to the feedthroughs was proposed and has been successfully used in the DAFNE electron-positron collider [1]. Such a design has helped to reduce the device beam coupling impedance, to improve the uniformity of the deflecting electromagnetic fields and to provide better matching with the...
The first phase of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) project aims to accelerate negative hydrogen ions to 80 MeV using a linear accelerator. Subsequently, these negative hydrogen ions are converted into protons after stripping, and then injected into a rapid cycling proton synchrotron. The proton beam is further accelerated to an energy of 1.6 GeV and guided through a beam transport...
Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) are essential in parti-cle accelerators for the precise measurement of beam trajectories. Considering the inherent inaccuracies in manufacturing and assembly, rigorous offline calibration processes are essential to guarantee the precision of beam position measurements. The predominant calibration technique, specifically the wire test method, is tailored for...
This paper presents a prototype of BPM electronics for experimental installation of free electron laser and high magnetic field (FEL-HMF). FEL-HMF integrates mid-long Infrared free electron laser, high magnetic field and cryogenic, which is a critical apparatus for new advanced materials especially for low-power electronic materials. The BPM electronics consists of two ADC chips and one FPGA...
This project aims to collect high-frequency high-precision data from the weak current signals generated by the quadrant-type diamond detector used for high-precision beam position monitoring. The main approach is to design a current conversion amplification circuit based on the theory of high-resistance I-V weak current to achieve fast conversion and collection of the four-channel weak current...
SOLEIL II is the low emittance upgrade project for Synchrotron SOLEIL, targeting an emittance of ~80 pm.rad. The new lattice includes 180 Beam Position Monitors (BPM). Due to the different constraints on the magnet yokes, beam stay clear and synchrotron radiation, 3 different types of BPM will be installed on the storage ring with inner diameter distributed between 16 and 24 mm....
The Iranian Light Source Facility Storage Ring is under design with a 528 m circumference and will store the electron bunches with 3 GeV energy to produce high-flux radiation that ranges from infrared to hard X-rays. Two Striplines are planned to be installed in the ILSF storage ring for beam tune measurement. The first one will be used for exciting the beam and the other for horizontal and...
Beam Position Monitor (BPM) system is an important part of the beam measurement system, which plays a vital role in the stable operation of the accelerator. In this paper, based on the requirement of high resolution of the BPM system, the DBPM algorithm is implemented on Matlab and FPGA, firstly, the overall design of the DBPM algorithm is introduced; secondly, the implementation method of...
The feasibility of X-ray Fresnel diffractometry to measure small beam sizes beyond the resolution of X-ray pinhole cameras is studied for the case of Diamond Light Source. After the Diamond-II upgrade, beam sizes as small as 4 µm are anticipated and are not resolvable by the X-ray pinhole cameras, which are the workhorse for beam size, emittance, and energy spread measurements. X-ray Fresnel...
Measuring the absolute position of the beam in the intensifier and storage ring of a high energy photon source (HEPS) requires measuring the offset between the electrical and mechanical centers of the beam position monitor (BPM). In the HEPS project, a four-electrode BPM is used, and the signals from each of the four electrodes of the BPM probe are led out by a cable. During the operation of...
The SESRI (Space Environment Simulation and Research Infrastructure) is a large-scale space science and technology experimental research accelerator clusters, the 300MeV proton and heavy ion accelerator is the key part. It consists of an ECRIS (Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source), a linac cascade injector, a compact synchrotron, and three irradiation terminals. The proton and HI with...
Beam Position Monitors (BPM) are the non-destructive monitors used most frequently at nearly all linacs, cyclotrons, and synchrotrons. The most basic function of BPM is to provide the accurate position of the centre of mass of the beam for closed orbit feedback and other demands. However, due to the error of actual processing, the k value and the actual electric center will be different with...
Shenzhen Innovation Light-source Facility (SILF) is designed to be the so-called forth generation synchrotron radiation light source operating at 3.0 GeV, 300 mA, and with the emittance less than 100 pm∙rad. With the increase in luminosity of the light, higher stability of the electron beam is required, which may also result in increased measurement diversity and accuracy. Here, an overview of...
A BPM signal processor has been developed for SSRF since 2009. It composed of Virtex5 FPGA, ARM board, and 4 125MSPS sampling rate ADCs. Since then, electronic technology has made significant progress. Such as Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC FPGA contains both hard-core ARM and high-performance FPGA, and ADCs with a sampling rate of 1GSPS have been applied in mass production. A new BPM processor with...
The electron accelerator S-DALINAC can be operated in conventional acceleration (CA) and energy recovery (ER) modes. In an ER mode, electrons pass the main linear accelerator (LINAC) twice as often compared to the corresponding CA mode: following the acceleration, the electrons are decelerated to return kinetic energy to the electromagnetic fields inside the cavities of the main LINAC. The...
In recent years, DESY has dedicated significant effort to the development of an open-source FPGA framework named FWK. This initiative is geared towards expediting FPGA development within the scientific community, with a particular focus on experimental physics applications. The framework functions as an abstraction layer, streamlining the utilization of diverse FPGA vendor tools, facilitating...
Electrical measurements of fast signals, as generated in particle accelerators, encounter severe limitations due to the high-frequency losses in RF transmission lines. This study describes measurements conducted with electro-optical modulators employing various radio-over-fibre techniques. Experimental data consist of different beam-generated signals, which underline the versatility of such a...
A new digital signal acquisition and processing platform for beam instruments at IMP is designed and realized based on Zynq MPSoC FPGA. Two FMC mezzanine slots are featured for analogue front-end electronics and analogue-to-digital converting, as well as for the WR timing. The real-time data communication between different platforms is realized through multi-gigabit links. To facilitate the...
Achieving sustainable beam operation in high-power accelerators requires careful control and minimization of halo-particle-induced beam loss. To accomplish this, it is important to have a clear understanding of the halo-particle distribution. While state-of-the-art instruments can achieve a dynamic range of ~10^6 with counting readout schemes, a novel fluorescence wire scanner combined with a...
A pepper-pot diagnostic device was developed to accurately and robustly retrieve particle distribution in horizontal and vertical phase spaces by single-shot emittance measurements. Two masks that differ in both composition and manufacturing method were fabricated: one made of phosphor bronze by an optical lithography process and another made of stainless steel (SUS) by laser cutting. Scanning...
To ensure patient safety, treatment efficacy, and facility efficiency, a full online characterisation of the charged particle beam is required for every ion beam therapy facility. Current dosimetry methods offer limited information or are invasive to the beam, asking for the development of in-vivo dosimetry solutions.
The QUASAR Group, based at Cockcroft Institute in the UK, has been...
Quantifying the difference between two beam distributions in high-dimensional phase space is crucial for interpreting experimental or simulation results. This study aims to analyze and compare several common statistical divergences that quantify the differences in high-dimensional distributions, and to determine which of them are suitable for beam physics applications. We tested these...
Bunch-by-bunch feedback systems have become essential components of high-energy particle accelerators, particularly for ultra-low emittance rings. These systems have been widely used in accelerator facilities to ensure beam quality and to apply them to extensions such as beam diagnostics or manipulation. Bunch-by-bunch feedback systems include various hardware components and related...
The SIRIUS Fast Orbit Feedback system was put into routine operation for users in 2022. New system identification experiments were conducted to develop an accurate black box MIMO model of the feedback loop. The high frequency response discrepancies among several fast corrector magnets are captured in this model and allow prediction of closed loop behavior, which is especially important for...
The FNAL accelerator complex has been upgrading in increasing beam intensity and beam quality. A new beam halo diagnostic device is required in the beam transport line between booster and Recycler.
For this purpose, it was decided to introduce the wide dynamic range monitor technique that was developed in 2012 and has been in operation at the J-PARC beam transport line. The device is a...
To address non-standard Gaussian beam spot pro-files in injectors, this paper proposes a fitting algo-rithm based on Gaussian, the newly introduced Gener-alized Gaussian Type and Skewed Gaussian Type dis-tributions. These distributions are specifically de-signed to better fit non-Gaussian and asymmetric beam spots by automatically selecting the most suitable model. Validation using beam spot...
The applications of proton beams require precise diagnosis of their properties including spectrum and spatial distribution. Distinct from the case of traditional accelerators, limited online detectors are available for laser-driven proton beams with high transient fluence, somewhat impeding the progress in this field.
This paper presents an online proton spectrometer, named Scintillation...
An X-Ray pinhole camera beamline has been installed recently at SESAME storage ring as a very beneficial non-destructive tool, used to characterize the electron beam size and behaviour. The design of the beamline is kept as simple as possible with a modification on the copper absorber to provide a sufficient flux of X-ray proper for imaging. The beamline is under operation now and used for the...
The Beam Loss Monitoring system (BLM) for the HEPS booster ring consists of 27 plastic scintillators and 4 optical fibers. An open source hardware is used in the data acquisition of the Scintillator BLM system, to monitor the beam loss during the injection and energy ramping process. Design details and application is described in this paper and the commissioning results of is also present.
In proton accelerators, nonlinear effects, such as space charge effects and fringe field effects, significantly contribute to the nonlinear characteristics of beam dynamics and control strategies. These nonlinear characteristics increase the degree of coupling between accelerator control elements, complicating the beam commissioning process and extending beam tuning time.
High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 6 GeV dif-fraction limited storage ring light source. An ultralow emittance of ~34 pm·rad is designed with a multiple-bend achromat lattice at storage ring. The transverse beam sizes at the dipoles will be less than 10 µm. In order to measure such small beam sizes in both directions, an X-ray beam diagnostic beamline is designed with bend-ing magnet as...
A series of upgrades has now begun to industrialize the applications of the experimental IPM electron LINAC. This includes upgrading the control system of the diagnostics tools and adding new tools and equipment to the system as well.
The aim is to build an integrated control system to collect and manage all diagnostics signals. This will allow us to continuously monitor and archive all of...
The Iranian Light Source Facility (ILSF) plays a crucial role in advancing accelerator science and applications. In this study, we explore innovative techniques for precise beam profile monitoring, focusing on two complementary methods: Incoherent Cherenkov Diffraction Radiation (ChDR) and scintillating screens. Incoherent ChDR occurs when a charged particle passes through a dielectric medium...
For diagnostics of the different bunch types at the BESSY II electron-storage ring, a streak camera and a fast-gated ICCD camera have been installed at two neighbouring beamlines*, both of which are powered by visible light from the same dipole magnet. This contribution is focused on the ICCD camera and its first applications. After an improvement regarding the ICCD repetition rate, the...
This paper presents a bunch-by-bunch profile measurement system, which includes an optical imaging frontend, a multi-channel photomultiplier tube (MAPMT) for photoelectric conversion, and a high-sampling-rate oscilloscope for data recording. The system is capable of measuring the transverse positions and sizes of each bunch in the storage ring during the beam availability period of the Hefei...
During experiments in particle accelerators online monitoring of energy distribution in particle beam is useful for correction of the accelerator setting and parameters. Time of flight (ToF) technique for energy monitoring is well known and approved method, which is used widely. Nevertheless ToF technique requires long flight bases especially for high energy particles and can’t be used to...
The Shanghai High repetition rate XFEL and Extreme light facility (SHINE) accelerates electrons to 8GeV with a high repetition rate of up to 1MHz. For the transverse beam profile measurement in the high energy sections wire scanner is used as an essential part of the accelerator diagnostic system, providing the tool to measure small beam size in an almost non-destructive manner. The prototype...
The main goal of NSRC SOLARIS is to provide the scientific community with high-quality synchrotron light. To achieve this, it is necessary to constantly monitor many subsystems responsible for beam stability and to analyze data about the beam itself from various diagnostic beamlines. This work presents an in-depth analysis of multi-modal, deep learning-based frameworks for fault detection...
The embedded EPICS control system for beam measurement is implemented based on the Zynq 7z020 SoC, which enables efficient and reliable real-time data acquisition, transmission, processing, and PV publishing of embedded IOCs. The data acquisition module uses a 24-bit ADC with a sampling frequency of 10Msps, which enables continuous sampling and data processing of detector signals, and...
Mass spectrometer, as a type of beam instrument, is capable of measuring and analyzing the mass and charge of different molecules and ions in a sample, thus identifying the type of particles. Mass spectrometer database software is an important part of mass spectrometer, which can realize the function of storing, managing, sharing and analyzing mass spectrometer data. Therefore, the...
Time measurement technology is widely used in modern nuclear physics and partical physics experiments,aerospace and laser ranging etc.As its core technology,time to digital converter(TDC) is increasingly important.This paper presents a high-resolution TDC implemented in Xilinx ZYNQ 7000 device with a new encoder.This design introduces a novel pipeline-multiplexer encoder that realises...
In an accelerator, the Beam Position Monitor (BPM), which typically consists of beam position probe and electronics, plays a role of providing information on the position of the beam in the vacuum chamber at the monitor location. The low-level RF (LLRF) control system is mainly used to control the high-frequency field and resonant frequency of the accelerating cavity to ensure the stable...
The beam transverse profile is very essential in the beam diagnostics of a high intensity proton accelerator. A Residual Gas Ionization Profile Monitor (IPM) has been developed and implemented as a non-destructive diagnostic tool at the LRBT of CSNS. The design specifics of the IPM and presents initial measurements conducted in ion collecting mode are discussed in this paper. Big challenges...
Beam position monitors are critical to ensuring that particle beams pass correctly through the various components of an accelerator, especially in high-precision experimental facilities such as colliders and synchrotron radiation sources. In recent years, in order to improve the performance and reliability of BPM systems, electronic systems based on MicroTCA have been widely developed and...
Beam quality from photoinjectors is crucial for lasing in Free Electron Laser (FEL) facilities. While phase space measurement are usually limited to 2D with conventional methods, the recently-developed transverse deflecting cavities (TDCs) with variable polarization provide the capability to measure multi-dimensional phase space information. Such information could guide the improvement of...
The primary function of the HEPS (High Energy Photon Source) collimator is to intercept lost particles induced by the Touschek effect, thus localizing beam loss and reducing it outside the collimator region. It also acts as a dump in emergency situations to meet equipment protection requirements. The collimator control system utilizes EtherCAT bus technology for precise motion control of the...
Electronic components in spacecrafts and satellites are subjected to impact of high energy particles and heavy ions. Radiation damage of semiconductor electronic devices depends on linear energy transfer (LET) of the particle in semiconductor material which the device is fabricated of. During radiation testing of electronic components for space applications in particle accelerators we have...
With the development of precise radiotherapy, high-throughput data transmission has become a critical component of beam diagnostics, i.e. for closed orbit feedback in the synchrotron, beam profile images captured with view screens, and medical images generated at the therapy terminal. As the volume of generated measurement data rapidly increase, the data transmission mode that utilizes...
Sensitive cameras are frequently operated to record low-light processes such as Beam Induced Fluorescence or optical transition radiation for transverse profile determination. We compared four cameras based on different principles: Firstly, we investigated an Image Intensifier equipped with a double MCP (producer ProxiVision); secondly, an electron-multiplied CCD (emCCD Teledyne Princeton...
Visible light range of Synchrotron radiation is a versa-tile diagnostics tool for accelerator studies and measurements. SESAME’s storage ring has a dedicated diagnostics visible light beamline from 6.5-degree beam port of bending magnet source point. The beamline will host in future a time-correlated single photon counting unit to measure the bunch filling pattern, fast gated camera and a...
In the past, the longitudinal multibunch feedback (MBFB) at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) storage ring had used an analog upconverter to translate the output signal of a 500 MSample/s DAC to the 1.25-1.5 GHz operation frequency range of the longitudinal MBFB kicker magnet and its power amplifier. For SLS 2.0, we have investigated the possibility to drive the power amplifier of a newly designed...
A Long Radial Probe is a device used to measure the transverse beam profile in a cyclotron along its radius. The current iteration of the probe was installed in the PSI Main Ring Cyclotron in 2022. After a successful start, the probe encountered issues due to strong coupling with RF fields leaking from the cavities, which resulted in the breakage of the carbon fibers. A series of corrective...
Although there is no clear definition of beam halo in particle accelerators, it is generally regarded as particles outside of the beam core with an intensity level of less than 10-5 or 10-6 of the peaks. In high-intensity, high-power hadron accelerators, the presence of halo particles may cause emittance growth and beam loss, difficulties in beam control and collimation, increase the noise of...
A generic signal processor has been developed for beam diagnostic system in SHINE. The stand-alone processor is used for the signal processing of stripline BPM, cavity BPM, cold button BPM, beam arrival measurement, bunch length measurement and other diagnostic systems. The main core is a SoC FPGA, which contains both quad-core ARM and FPGA on a chip. The ARM runs LINUX OS and EPICS IOC, and...
To address the high demand for precise low current measurements at the Sirius accelerator and its beamlines, a quad-channel high-resolution Ethernet picoammeter has been designed*. The instrument can measure currents ranging from picoampere to milliampere across eight selectable ranges, featuring integrated ADCs enabling sample rates of up to 2 ksps and synchronization capabilities. This work...
We present the MicroTCA.4 electronics, an AMC-RTM pair, for direct sampling of wideband signals with high-speed ADCs, versatile digital signal processing with a SoC FPGA and driving of wideband signals with high-speed DACs. Its core component is the Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Gen 3. The RFSoC IC was mainly designed for the telecommunication and RADAR systems, however, it is also planned for...
A data monitoring system based on CA and EPICS designed for particle accelerators is proposed, which leverages Docker containers for deployment and integrates InfluxDB for data storage and Grafana for data visualization. The Data Collection Engine built with Python gathers data through EPICS Channel Access, caches it temporarily, and stores it permanently in InfluxDB. A two-level cache design...
The optical timing system of the FERMI facility underwent a significant upgrade to accommodate requests for additional pulsed links for remote lasers or diagnostic stations. Following the successful completion of compliance tests, the long-term performance of the extended system has been recently evaluated through out-of-loop measurements. In the setup each of the two pulsed subsystems,...
The upgrade of the fast orbit feedback (FOFB) system is currently underway at the PF-ring. The new FOFB system consists of MicroTCA-based BPM electronics and a feedback control (FBC) unit. The BPM electronics are prepared with the same number as BPMs and synchronously transmit 10-kHz rate beam position data to the FBC unit via an optical data link. The FBC unit immediately calculates the...
SOLARIS, as a big-science facility, is obliged to provide the best possible conditions for conducting research. Due to the complex nature of synchrotron subsystems, we have met our needs and created the most convenient control system possible. The result of our work is a new graphical application for operators offering high level control over the most crucial subsystems of the synchrotron...
In the past year, the wire scanner at SXFEL is upgraded to a new firmware. Unlike the previous version, where a target frame is equipped with tungsten wires in three directions, the new system uses horizontal and vertical independent scanning methods. The beam loss detector adopts plastic scintillator fiber, and the PMT module is also designed with a Raspberry PI for dynamic signal...
Beam Gas Ionization monitors have been in operational use in the CERN PS for two years now, and they were installed in the SPS this year. An overview of the operating principal of the instruments is presented, followed by an update on their development. The mechanical design has been simplified and the Timepix3 devices are now mounted individually for easier assembly and maintenance. ...
To enhance the performance of the next generation of X-ray free electron lasers (XFEL), it is essential to produce a high quality electron beam with a low emittance, for instance, below 0.2 mm-mrad for a 100 pC bunch charge. In order to demonstrate the fundamental techniques required for future FEL facilities, a C-band photoinjector test facility has been constructed aligning with the Southern...
SOLARIS, a third-generation synchrotron radiation source in Kraków, Poland, is dedicated to providing high-brilliance X-ray beams for various scientific disciplines. The successful operation of a synchrotron radiation facility heavily relies on precise control of the electron beam orbit within the storage ring. Orbit deviations, even on a small scale, can adversely affect beam quality, leading...
For the ongoing upgrade of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) storage ring, the previous ageing beam-based feedbacks and beam position monitor (BPM) systems are replaced by newly developed versions, where beam commissioning is planned to start in January 2025. Feedbacks include the fast orbit feedback (FOFB), transverse and longitudinal multibunch feedback (MBFB), and filling pattern feedback...
Accurate measurement of flux rate is essential in heavy-ion single event effects tests, but it presents significant challenges for monitoring low energy (5~10 MeV/u) and low intensity (less than 1E6 /s) heavy-ion beams. In this paper, we propose a novel detector that enables real-time monitoring of flux rate by simultaneously measuring the beam intensity and profile using secondary electrons...
Future large high-luminosity electron-positron collid- ers such as Circular Electron Position Collider (CEPC), and Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) require nanometre-sized beams at the interaction point (IP). The luminosity is very sensitive to the beam orbit drifts at the IP. It is essential to have a fast luminosity feedback system at the IP to maintain optimum beam collision conditions and...
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is the fourth established pulsed spallation neutron source in the world. With the construction and operation of multiple new neutron instruments, a new generation of streaming data transmission solutions based on message middleware has been formally implemented. This paper presents a streaming data readout and processing software designed to meet the...
This paper presents a comprehensive solution for the real-time collection and analysis of BPM telemetry data using Kafka and the ELK stack. It includes the transmission of PV variables from BPM electronic devices to the Kafka message queue, thus realizing a powerful and scalable data streaming process. By retrieving JSON formatted data from Kafka using the ELK stack, efficient data indexing...
The Time Project Chamber (TPC) serves as the core detector of the CEE spectrometer, which accurately measures dE/dx, momentum information, and charged particle tracks in the final state of large angularly separated reaction products of nuclear reactions at the Cooling Storage Ring External-target Experiment (CEE) at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). It is used to investigate...
In order to reduce the projected transverse beam emittance, a solenoid is usually used at normal conducting as well as superconducting radio frequency (SRF) photoinjectors. At the ELBE SRF Gun-II, a superconducting solenoid is located inside the gun´s cryomodule about 0.1 m far from the end of the gun cavity. The solenoid has a longitudinal magnetic field on the axis with a Gaussian-like shape...
Peking University plans to conduct experimental research on a THz FEL (Terahertz Free Electron Laser) amplifier using a DC-SRF (Superconducting Radio Frequency) electron gun. The DC-SRF electron gun, which is capable of generating high-quality electron beams with high repetition rates and low emittance, is suitable for use in large scientific facilities such as FELs and ERLs. The experimental...
The Shenzhen Innovation Light Source Facility (SILF), as a 4th light source, is an accelerator-based multidiscipline user facility planned to be constructed in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. The accelerator complex is composed of a 200 MeV linac, a booster with ramping energy from 0.2 GeV to 3.0 GeV, and a 3.0 GeV storage ring, and two e-beam transport lines for injection and extraction among...
The commonly used bunch-by-bunch transverse feedback system is based on the scheme of analog down-conversion, which down converts the 3fRF beam signal to the baseband with a phase adjusted local oscillator. The system contains a large number of analog devices, which make the system complex and vulnerable to environment changes. Today, sampling the high frequency signal directly with high...
To serve the needs of the High Luminosity (HL) LHC, a consolidation of the beam wire scanner has been initiated. The instrument is a crucial tool for measuring the transverse beam profile by moving a thin carbon wire across the beam. It can only withstand a fraction of the LHC's nominal beam intensity but provides a reference to calibrate other instruments that operate non-invasively at higher...
The Siberian Ring Radiation Source (SKIF) is an upcoming 4th-generation SR source under construction in Novosibirsk, Russia. The designed beam emittance for SKIF is 75 pm-rad, which corresponds to a beam size of 6 micrometers at the observation point within the dipole magnet. The transverse beam dimensions are essential parameters for tuning and reliable operation of the facility. The SKIF...
The SKIF, a fourth-generation synchrotron radiation source is being constructed in Russia. This installation has an ultra-low emittance, allowing for high beam intensity in various scientific and technological fields. A crucial aspect of SKIF is its availability of diagnostic instruments that measure the beam transverse dimensions. This will allow for minimizing the emittance during operation...
The Nanogate-38 gated camera with a temporal resolution of 60 nanoseconds was used to measure the transverse beam dimensions in the BEP booster and the VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider. The camera was used in combination with a double-slit interferometer to measure the vertical beam size and with projection optics to construct a transverse beam profile in single-turn mode. Some beam...
The beam power is lifted up to 500 kW for the phase II of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS-II) project, which is five times the power of CSNS-I. At the CSNS, the neutron beams are generated by the spallation reaction of 1.6-GeV protons striking on a tungsten target. The multiwire profile monitor (MWPM) in front of the proton beam window is the only instrument for long-term monitoring...
In recent years, with the development of powerful THz source technologies, THz structures are widely utilized for electron beam manipulation, such as acceleration, deflection, compaction and diagnostics. Taking the bunch length measurement as an example, combining with high field strength and high resonant frequency, the THz structure based deflector could reach femtosecond or even...
The Rare Isotope Accelerator Complex for ON-line Experiments (RAON) is a facility designed to produce rare isotope beams using the ISOL and IF methods. RAON has a variety of diagnostic devices to measure beam characteristics. Among them, emittance is an important parameter in determining beam characteristics. RAON was applied the Multi-wire scan and Quadrupole scan methods to measure emittance...
In SSRF phase II upgrade project, , a specified hybrid bunch was designed to be injected up to 20mA in Hybrid Filling Pattern. Although it is currently unclear to what extent the transverse instability would affect the accumulation of the hybrid bunch current , the beam-line station still hopes to obtain higher luminous flux. For this purpose, an independent feedback loop has been added to...
tarting with my first experience of the transverse feedback damper in the KEK 12 GeV PS in 2005 - 2006, where we tested with analog system and in addition digital control-ler from SPring-8 team. Since then, digital systems have come to cover almost all the machines. In J-PARC MR bunch-by-bunch transverse feedback system had been introduced with a collaboration at the proton beam power around...
A superconducting cyclotron-based proton therapy system has been developed at the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). For the 230MeV proton thera-py cyclotron (CYCIAE-230), the beam profile is cru-cial for the adaptation of the proton therapy planning system and an important basis for the commissioning of the beam line. CIAE designed the scanning wires device for the proton therapy...
Non-invasive and turn-by-turn beam transverse profile monitoring is essential for the tunning and operating CSNS 1.6 GeV Rapid Cyclic Synchrotron. A residual gas Ionization Profile Monitor (IPM) was designed and installed in RCS for horizontal beam profile measurement. However, several challenges related to electromagnetic interference (EMI), vacuum, and MCP operation in the IPM were...
The 60 MeV Proton Radiation Effects Facility (PREF) spent nearly 1 month at the commissioning phase, during which the multi-strip ionization chamber (MIC) at the experimental terminal offered the core parameters, beam spot, scanning area, scanning uniformity, beam flux. However, the projection distribution provided by the MIC loses some information, such as the flux and the uniformity in a...
The measurement of the longitudinal phase space at the end of FERMI linac is one of the most important characterization of the electron beam properties prior to delivery to the FEL lines. It is performed using an RF-deflecting cavity in conjunction with a dipole to spread the beam in time and energy. The beam transverse distribution is then measure with a multiscreen. The original multiscreen...
This tutorial addresses the realm of electrical, hybrid and specifically optical schemes for achieving a facility-wide synchronisation on the femtosecond level at free-electron lasers (FELs).
After a brief introduction to the fundamental principles behind FEL operation and the significance of synchronisation for fully utilising their capabilities. Subsequently, it discusses various methods...
Photonic time-stretch is a powerful method for recording electro-optic signals with terahertz bandwidth and high repetition rates. The method consist of modulating a chirped laser probe with the signal of interest. Then, the laser pulse is stretched it in time up to several nanoseconds, so that it can be read using an oscilloscope or ADC board. This technique has been shown to be efficient for...
Detailed knowledge of particle beam properties is of great importance to understand and push the performance of existing and next generation accelerators. This includes full knowledge of the particle distribution but also the characterization of femtocoulomb (fC) charge beams. We recently proposed a new phase space tomography method to reconstruct the full 5-dimensional (5D) phase space, i.e.,...
Beam energy is a key parameter for free electron laser facilities (FELs). A commonly used nondestructive sys-tem uses a beam position monitor (BPM) to measure the bunch position in a magnetic bunch compressor. At the Shanghai Soft X-ray FEL facility (SXFEL), the chicane stripline beam position method is utilized for this pur-pose. However, this method relies on the initial bunch position...
At the Metrology Light Source in Berlin, the concept of Steady-state microbunching (SSMB) is evaluated in a proof-of-principle (PoP) experiment. SSMB has been proposed to deliver kilowatt level average power EUV radiation from an electron storage ring. In the PoP experiment, an energy modulation is impressed onto the electron beam using an infrared laser pulse co-propagating inside an...
The China Spallation Neutron Source Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (CSNS-RCS) is the first high-intensity pulsed proton accelerator in China and the fourth in the world. The space charge effect is a key factor limiting power enhancement. Measuring the frequency shift induced by the space charge effect is an important method for studying this phenomenon. In our experiments, we varied the beam...
The optical beam diagnostics at the BESSY II light source in Berlin have been improved significantly over the last few years. In particular, the streak-camera system has been extended in precision and sensitivity to allow two-dimensional imaging in time and space for equilibrated and non-equilibrated bunch patterns. In this paper, we prove experimentally and theoretically that we have reached...
Clarifying the longitudinal phase space distribution at the exit of a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) is crucial for precise beam tuning to minimize beam loss in a high-power superconducting linac. In this contribution, we introduce a method for direct measurement of the longitudinal emittance of a proton beam at the RFQ exit, which delivers an output energy of 1.51 MeV. Initially, we...
The shot-to-shot and non-invasive monitoring of the electron bunch length in a linac driven Free Electron Laser (FEL) relies on Bunch Compressor Monitors (BCMs). A BCM is designed to detect – and fully integrate in a given wavelength band - the radiation energy spectrum emitted at the threshold of the temporal coherence by the electron beam while crossing the last dipole of a magnetic chicane...
Accurate calibration of beam synchronous phase is essential for the optimal operation of accelerators. Traditional methods, such as the "phase scan method," not only consume significant machine runtime but are also susceptible to environmental disturbances. DESY has introduced a novel method based on "transient beam loading effects" for calibrating synchronous phase. However, this method...
For Time Of Flight (TOF) experiments in the Rare isotope Accelerator complex for ON-line experiments (RAON), specifically at the Korea Broad Acceptance Recoil spectrometer and Apparatus (KoBRA) and the Nuclear Data Production System (NDPS), the beam repetition rate must not be excessively high, and the bunch length needs to be suppressed. The pre-bunching and re-bunching systems will be...
Laser-to-RF synchronization plays a crucial role in various scientific and technological domains. It is instrumental in generating high-quality electron beams, producing high-performance FEL pulses, ex-ploring ultrafast dynamical processes, and achieving precise measurements and transmission. Passively mode-locked femtosecond lasers are known for their exceptionally low noise characteristics,...
We present the experimental results of the longitudinal phase space measurement using the well-known wakefield deflector driven by the dechirper. When the electron bunch travels through the dechirper, electrons at the head of bunch generate the strong transverse wakefield which forces the trailing electrons to be transversely streaked. In such a way, the temporal structure of bunch can be...
BEPCⅡ is a double ring e+ e- collider running in the tau-charm energy region. We proposal reusing the beamline of a dismantled wiggler magnet to implement a Compton polarimeter detecting scattered γ photons, to measure the self-polarization of the electron beam at BEPCⅡ. As a testbed for future colliders like the CEPC, this would enable resonant depolarization,and thus provide precision beam...
Bunch shape monitors based on the transverse modulation of low energy secondary emission elec-trons, will be used in the measurement of longitudinal beam density distribution in the upgrade of CSNS-II linac. A test bench for commissioning the 324MHz RF deflectors used in BSM has been built in the laborato-ry, which consists of a Kimball E-gun, a vacuum chamber for electron optics, an RF...
The North Area facility (NA), built in the 1970s at CERN, hosts several secondary beam lines for a large variety of physics experiments: Neutrino Platform, Dark matter, high energy physics, R&D, detector validation etc. 400 GeV/c primary proton beams, extracted from the SPS ring, are split along the transfer lines to fire on 4 targets and serve the users with secondary particles such as e-,...
The jitter of the beam arrival time can significantly impact the synchronization between the seed laser and the electron beam, which will constrain the brightness and stability of the FEL. It is one of the important parameters for beam diagnostics. To align with the SHINE's (Shanghai HIgh repetition rate XFEL aNd Extreme light facility) requirements of a 1MHz repetition rate and a dynamic...
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a fourth-generation light source with a beam energy of 6 GeV currently under development by the Institute of High Energy Physics. The Beam Loss Monitor (BLM) system is designed for monitoring beam losses during machine commissioning. Two types of beam loss monitors have been installed in both the booster and storage ring. This paper introduces the...
The Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser (NovoFEL) is a powerful source of narrow-band terahertz and infrared radiation, operating at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INP SB RAS). It is based on an accelerator-recuperator system and is one of the main user facilities of the Siberian Synchrotron and Terahertz Radiation Center. In recent...
Beam based alignment is a well-known technique for obtaining a small emittance beam which is critical in an injector of an accelerator or a matching section between two accelerators. The simplest beam based alignment can be performed with a corrector, a quadrupole, and a beam position monitor. This work presents a beam based alignment technique with double correctors located before the...
Beam loss is a critical challenge in the physics design of high power superconducting proton linacs. The challenge is even more acute in linacs that feature high peak intensity and low energy, which has strong space charge effect and RF nonlinear force. In this paper, we study how to achieve a high transmission rate for beam halo particles, commonly a major source of beam loss, via beam halo...
We are developing a system of beam loss monitor at the Aichi Synchrotron Radiation Center, AichiSR in Japan, for accelerator operation stable. AichiSR is a light source mainly for industrial applications with a 1.2 GeV electron storage ring, the circumference of 72 m. It is operated with a beam current of 300 mA at all times by top-up injection. The beam loss measurement uses PIN photodiode...
The Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) serves as a primary means to simultaneously achieve high energy utilization efficiency, high average beam current, and high-brightness electron beams. The Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics’ Infrared Terahertz Free-Electron Laser (CAEP IR-THz FEL) aims to produce FEL light within the 0.1-125 THz spectrum with updated beam energy and undulators. Another goal...
The final-focus solenoids of the round-beam e+e- collider VEPP-2000 can cause stopbands in the betatron tune plane. This specific stopband domain limits the available tune space in the most important region above the integer tunes. We present a study of the combined effect of coupling resonances caused by the decompensated solenoids and the integer-tune parametric resonances. The results are...
DAFNE is an electron-positron collider in operation at INFN-LNF since 2001. Bunch-by-bunch feedback systems installed in each of the two rings allow to store high-intensity and stable beams, by counteracting coupled-bunch instabilities. The feedback systems can be also used as a diagnostic tool able to measure beam parameters which are significant for the evaluation of the instabilities. In...
Accelerators at J-PARC, a high-intensity proton accelerator facility, consists of a 400 MeV linac, 3 GeV RCS, and 30 GeV MR. The RCS is aiming for steady operation with output beam power of 1 MW, while the MR has achieved its initial target of 750 kW by shortening its operating cycle, and further beam tunings and developments are underway to achieve the next target of 1.3 MW. At J-PARC, it is...
Providing 10 to 60 MeV proton beams, the PREF (Proton Radiation Effects Facility) is dedicated to the displacement damage effect experiments. The slow extracted beams from the synchrotron are delivered to two experimental terminals, which required the flux as constant as possible. To characterize the slow extraction parameters, scintillators and ionization chambers are equipped in the...
Beam lifetime measurements are an important tool to characterize the key storage ring and machine performance parameters. They are usually derived from the dc current transformer (DCCT) data, and their accuracy depends on DCCT noise and data duration period. However, accurate dc current and fast lifetime determination are in contradiction and have to be balanced carefully. In this...
In order to achieve nondestructive measurement and feedback of beam energy and energy spread for high repetition frequency Linac, an eight-stripline beam energy and energy spread monitor have been designed to replace destructive monitor sunch as fluorescent screen. Different from the conventional evenly arranged stripline structure, an unevenly arranged stripline layout is proposed to improve...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is equipped with NiTb superconducting magnets operating at the cryogenic temperature of 2.9 K. A tiny fraction of proton beam at 7 TeV impacting the magnet coils has the potential to generate enough heat, leading to the loss of superconductivity in the magnets. Consequently, it is imperative for machine performance to detect such beam losses before the quench...
The electron current measurement module is a key component of the superconducting cryomodule testing platform. Serving as a vital monitoring signal device within the coupler interlock system, this module monitors the electron cloud of high-energy power couplers and waveguide systems to ensure their effective protections. This article details the design and performance testing of the electron...
The Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) is a superconducting SQUID-based device, which measures extremely low electrical currents via their azimuthal magnetic field. Triggered by the need for nA current measurement of slow extracted beams and weak beams of exotic ions in the storage rings at FAIR and CERN, the idea of the CCC as a diagnostics instrument has been revitalized during the last ten...
The CSNS-II linear accelerator upgrade will adopt superconducting accelerator structures, with the beamline enclosed in low-temperature modules. Detection of beam loss can only be done on the outer surface of the low-temperature modules. The CSNS-II accelerator plans to use a parallel plate multi-electrode ionization chamber as the beam loss monitor (BLM) probe for the superconducting section....
Non-intrusive cavity beam diagnostic devices offer advantages such as high induced signal and sensitivity. The size of the resonant cavity is inversely related to its operating frequency, resulting in an increase in size at lower operating frequencies, thus limiting its applicability.
Therefore, exploring how to modify the cavity structure to regulate its internal electromagnetic field...
Accelerator technology development requires an increase in the precision of both the manufacturing of magnetic elements and their positioning during accelerator installation. In order to monitor the quality of the magnetic elements created, various methods are used. Most of the methods involve the use of precision stands, so magnetic elements are typically measured immediately after production...
The Rare Isotope Accelerator complex for ON-line experiments (RAON) is a heavy ion accelerator with a maximum beam power of 400 kW. The Beam Loss Monitor (BLM) system has been developed to investigate the amount of beam loss in the accelerator. BLM system utilizes current read-out system, analog pre-amp circuit and BLM devices. These devices comprise three types: Proportional Counter, Plastic...
The beam loss measurement system is an important beam measurement device in the CSNS accelerator, used to measure the beam loss signals along the entire accelerator to monitor the beam status. In CSNS, the beam loss measurement system uses NI PXIe-6358 acquisition card combined with self-developed front-end analog electronics. In the RCS of CSNS-II, a new beam loss electronics based on zynq...
A bunch-by-bunch beam monitor electronics for High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) was designed. The hardware of electronics consists of analog signal acquisition board and digital signal processing board. The software consists of underlying firmware and application software. The sampling frequencyis 500 MHz, and the bandwidth is 1 GHz. The electronics digitizes four analog signals from BPM probe,...
The Shanghai soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser facility (SXFEL) is a fourth-generation linac-based light source, capable of producing X-ray pulses with duration of tens of femtosecond. The photocathode laser and the seed laser for external seeding FEL therefore have tight requirements for relative arrival time to the machine and electron bunch. To reach required energy and wavelength to drive...
The article describes the BLM system of the Novosibirsk Free Electron (NovoFEL) microtron. Cherenkov radiation detectors are used to monitor beam losses. When beam of electrons hit the wall of the vacuum chamber, they create a shower of secondary electrons that fly out of the chamber and pass through the detector material, creating Cherenkov radiation in the process. The facility uses two...
The energy characterization of an RF ion beam, generated by an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) RF ion source, has been conducted using a spherical electrostatic energy analyzer. The RF ion source, operating at an applied frequency of 13.56 MHz and a power level of 300 W, was assessed in both pulse and continuous modes. The ion energy spectrum of the hydrogen beam was meticulously measured...
The knowledge of the longitudinal bunch shape is of high interest to accelerator performance optimization and advanced beam application. Attracted by the ability to continuously monitor the beam in real time, there is always a demand for bunch-by-bunch and non-invasive diagnosis. However, such diagnosis is difficult to achieve for proton beam with high intensity and high repetition. Using the...
All CERN circular accelerators are equipped with Base Band Tune (BBQ) measurement systems, based on the direct diode detection technique, allowing to measure the tunes of hadron beams by employing their residual betatron oscillations or very small external excitation. In the framework of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) project, a study was launched to optimise such a system for operation...
RAON is a multi-purpose accelerator facility that can accelerate various heavy ion beams and exotic rare isotope beam, with a maximum energy of 200 MeV/u for uranium beams. Abnormal behavior or excessive instability of the device may result in damage to the device when an ion beam is irradiated onto the device. A fast protection system has been built, which quickly blocks the beam and prevents...
VEPP-4M collider and KEDR detector are going to measure precisely $\Upsilon$(1S) mass and leptonic width.
In this experiment the electron beam energy is precisely measured using resonant depolarisation tecnhique at "Laser Polarimeter" facility.
The electron beam polarisation degree is measured using Compton backscattering with accuracy of 5\% in 100 seconds.
The beam energy is measured...
Modern accelerator-based light sources rely on short bunches to generate intense photon pulses. To achieve this, the electron bunches from the accelerator need to be compressed longitudinally in a magnetic chicane. A valuable tool for the measurement of the signal in the bunch compressor is the use of broadband EM-detectors covering a spectral range from few 100 GHz up to THz frequencies. With...
This paper proposes a longitudinal phase space measurement and reconstruction technology of particle beam in a storage ring. The technology collects and analyzes the beam injection signals by a high-speed oscilloscope, so as to extract the phase and beam length information of the injected beam. The length of a single data collection covers several thousand circles, the measurement accuracy of...
Beam orbit stability is a crucial indicator that can be used to evaluate the performance of a synchrotron radiation source. It can be improved through precise orbit measurement with beam position monitors (BPMs) and appropriate orbit feedback. The move-ment of BPMs directly affects the measurement of the beam orbit and indirectly affects the beam orbit through orbit feedback (OFB) system. Two...
The High Intensity Heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF), currently under construction, is a complex machine that couples a Continuous Wave (CW) superconducting ion Linear accelerator (iLinac) with a high-energy synchrotron to produce various stable and radioactive intense beams with high energies. The machine has a versatile operation mode which requires a high flexibility and reliability to...
Dipole magnet vacuum chambers are among the critical and costly components of rapid-cycling accelerator facilities. Alternative approaches to traditional ceramic chambers have been explored for the implementation of fast-ramping dipole-magnet vacuum chambers, including thin-wall metallic beam pipe chambers strengthened with transverse ribs. Here, we report a novel 3D-printed titanium alloy...
The demonstration of a 100 mA, 4.6 MeV superconducting radio frequency linear electron accelerator, based on conduction cooling and developed by the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), aims to validate the feasibility of stable beam commissioning in a liquid helium-free 5-cell-$\beta$opt=0.82 Nb3Sn elliptical cavity, and to offer guidance for subsequent industrial applications. The beam energy...
Accurately measuring the beam phase is critical when determining the ideal RF cavity parameters for beam acceleration. In the past, only Fast Current Transformers (FCTs) were used to measure the beam phase. However, with the upcoming upgrade of the MEBT section for the CSNS-II project, shorted stripline-type BPMs will now be utilized to measure beam position, phase, and energy. LIBERA...
H- ion source produces mixed beam of H- and electrons. Usually, a bending magnet is needed to measure the contents of mixed beam. However, bending magnet is generally lacked in H- machine, because bending magnet increases the transport line length, leading to more serve decline of H-. How to measure the H- content in mixed beam without the help of bending magnet is worthy to be studied. In...
The Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser (NovoFEL) facility consists of three free electron lasers (FELs) installed on different tracks of the Energy Recovery Linac (ERL). These FELs share a common acceleration system, which allows for the generation of high average electron currents, typically around 10 mА. This high current facilitates the production of significant average FEL powers, often...
The method of varying the strength of the corrector magnet installed upstream and minimising the position variation in diagnostics located downstream is widely used for identifying the centre of the magnetic field produced by a quadrupole magnet. However, in the case of a solenoid magnet, unlike a quadrupole magnet, it is not suitable to apply the variable separation method in the x-y...
More than 4000 Beam Loss Monitors (BLM) systems are operating at CERN. About 93% of them are installed in the LHC machine. The Ionisation Chambers (IC) are the part of the system where the lost beam particles ionise nitrogen gas in a chamber with electrodes at high voltage. The resulting current indicates the quantity of the beam loss. In the last 20 years, all BLM ICs were produced in...
Online beam monitoring is crucial for enhancing the efficiency and availability of high-power accelerator operations. While real-time monitoring of transverse beam parameters is commonly employed in modern accelerators, there is a scarcity of online measurement techniques for longitudinal beam characteristics. We are currently developing an online tool for measuring fundamental longitudinal...
Phase stable coaxial cables are widely used for the transmission of reference signals, monitoring signals and control signals in accelerator Low-level RF, beam measurement and control systems, especially for high requirements of time/phase stability. The change in ambient temperature will change the electrical length of the coaxial cables leading to the transmission time and signal phase...
The timing jitter of electron bunch will affect the temporal and power stability of FEL, as well as the resolution of pump-probe experiment at FELs. In order to improve the time stability of electron bunch by beam feedback, Shanghai high-repetition-rate XFEL and Extreme light facility (SHINE) will employ the Electro-optic Bunch Arrival Time Monitor (EOBAM) to accurately measure the electron...
With the refurbishment completed, the optical beamline delivers all the required diagnostics. This paper reports on their status focusing in particular on the R&D beamline branch. The additional branch is equipped with programable mirror and lens position controllers allowing elaborate optical optimisation. This system is used for educational purposes and for improving the source point imaging...
The fourth-generation synchrotron light source Siberian Ring Photon Source (SKIF), located in Novosibirsk, Russia, underwent the tuning of its linear accelerator segment successfully. By deploying a designed beam diagnostic system, crucial parameters of the beam including beam transverse and longitudinal dimensions, energy spread, emittance, and current, were accurately measured. To achieve...
Insertion devices (IDs) are currently being installed at the SIRIUS storage ring to provide photon beams for upcoming high-brilliance beamlines. A fast orbit distortion detection system is imperative to safeguard critical vacuum chambers located near the straight sections of the IDs. In November 2023, an in-house Delta undulator was successfully installed, and a fast orbit interlock protection...
The non-uniformity, longitudinal oscillations, and space charge effects in a multi-bunch filled electron stor-age ring can lead to significant deviations in the meas-urement of longitudinal beam parameters. Selecting a single bunch for measurement can effectively improve the measurement accuracy of longitudinal beam parame-ter, under normal multi-bunch operation mode. This pa-per introduces an...
LumiBelle2 is a fast luminosity monitoring system designed to do fast luminosity feedback and machine tuning and beam parameters studies for SuperKEKB. It uses sCVD diamond detectors placed in both the electron and positron rings to measure the Bhabha scattering process at vanishing photon scattering angle. Two types of online luminosity signals are provided, Train-Integrated-Luminosity...
The Iranian Light Source Facility, ILSF, is under design as a 3 GeV synchrotron light source. The storage ring of ILSF with a 528 m circumference and NEG-coated vacuum chamber is used to achieve the desired vacuum level. In this paper, the monitoring system for gas bremsstrahlung radiation from the storage ring is studied. Gas bremsstrahlung is produced when the stored electron beam interacts...
With the development of radiotherapy,the need for high doses became strong.However, existing ion chambers are either more absorbent of X-rays in terms of material or are non-sealed, that subject to environmental influences and have a short lifecycle. Now we designed a new ion chamber,which have high dose pass-rate,sealed and long lifecycle under radiation environments.The dose pass-rate...
Ultrafast micro-bunched electron beams have broad applications, including wakefield-based acceleration and coherent Terahertz sources, where precise diagnosis of individual bunch-to-bunch spacings is critical. However, high-precision direct measurements of these spacings remain challenging. This paper introduces a novel method capable of measuring these spacings with femtosecond temporal...
In this work, we analyze the movement of the electrons and ions inside a Faraday cup with different biasing of the collector cup, drift tube and suppressor ring. The possible error due to wrong biasing is also investigated. The particle pass is tracked in different biasing configurations. Also, the effect of stray electrons and ions, which are generated due to gas ionization along the beam...
In the high current hadron machine, it is essential to reduce the beam loss along the machine for machine maintenance and safety reasons. The linac of Chinese Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) delivery negative hydrogen bunches with power of 5kW to the RCS which increase the power to 100 kW. In the following several years, the power of the linac beam will be increased to from 5 kW to 100 kW,...
Monitoring the beam length and maintaining stability during operation is crucial for Free Electron Laser (FEL) user facilities. A monitor based on Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR) is an ideal candidate, and it has been successfully developed at the Shanghai X-ray Free Electron Laser (SXFEL). This article presents the basic principles, system configuration, and experimental results. The...
The Siberian Ring Photon Source (SKIF) is a fourth-generation synchrotron light source that operates at a beam energy of 3 GeV. In order to ensure the reliable operation of the accelerator, a beam loss diagnostics system will be implemented. For the linear accelerator, linac-to-booster and booster-to-storage ring transfer lines, fiber-based Cherenkov beam loss sensors will be used. Multi-mode...
Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics terahertz free electron laser facility (CTFEL) is a superconducting linac-based user facility. It provides laser pulses with frequencies from 0.1 THz to 4.2 THz. CTFEL works in pulsed mode with a repetition of 10 Hz where up to about 54000 bunches at a bunch spacing of 18.5 ns are accelerated in one macro-pulse. To satisfy the high-precision...
This paper describes the optical beam diagnostics available at the BESSY II booster synchrotron.
For the first time, diagnostics are established to investigate the distribution of the electron beam in all three dimension.
A permanent installation of a source-point imaging system aided by a telescope optic depicts the transverse properties of the electron beam.
Additionally, the bunch...
CERN H- Linac 4 (L4) and ion Linac 3 (L3) operate with millisecond beam pulses, which pose a challenge for beam current measurements based on Fast Beam Current Transformers (FBCTs). In the past the low cut-off frequencies of the FBCTs were actively lowered using a combination of transimpedance (TI) amplifiers and integrating amplifiers. Unfortunately, in many locations such amplifiers were...
High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is the fourth-generation light source under construction in China. The electron gun system is the origin of beam acceleration. This article introduces the wide range and high precision grid-cathode modulation of beam current for the HEPS electron gun system. Its grid-bias voltage adjustment is as fine as 0.01V. Cathode filament current and voltage ripple<0.1%....
Thin objects in the form of wires, foils or strips are often used as targets in various instruments that measure beam parameters or for other purposes. They usually cause only small beam perturbations and suffer from relatively low temperature increases. The beam induces the emission of secondary electrons, which are usually the source of the measured signal. In high brightness beams, the...
The Beam Gas Curtain (BGC) monitor was installed in the beam one of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) during Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) and the Year-End Technical Stop (YETS) 2022. The monitor detects the fluorescence signal generated due to the interaction between the charged particle beams in the LHC and the neon atoms in the supersonic gas curtain. This provides 2D images of the primary beam.
The Advanced Accelerator Diagnostics collabora-tion has been developing diamond-sensor based high bandwidth position-sensitive diagnostics for applica-tion at next generation XFELs and other accelerator facilities. A pass-through diagnostic with 50 MHz rate capability has demonstrated pulse-by-pulse position sensitivity of 1% of delivered beam width. Progress has been made in upgrading this...
Optical Beam Loss Monitors (oBLMs) allow for cost-efficient and spatially continuous measurements of beam losses at accelerator facilities. A standard oBLM consists of several tens of meters of optical fibre aligned parallel to the beamline, coupled to photosensors at either or both ends. Using the timing information from loss signals, the loss positions can be reconstructed. This contribution...
The North Area facility (NA) receives the 400 GeV proton beam through a slow extraction process at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). To improve the SPS spill quality, it is crucial to monitor the spill intensity from the nA up to the µA range with a bandwidth extending from a few Hz up to several GHz along the extraction line. The most promising measurement options for this purpose are...
This talk will show the infomation about IBIC2025.
This talk will show summary of IBIC2024.