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9–13 Sept 2024
Wanda Realm Beijing
Asia/Shanghai timezone
IBIC2024 Final Proceedings:


Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to welcome you to Beijing, China, for the 13th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2024) between September 9th and 13th 2024. IBIC Series bring together the world community of experts in instrumentation for particle accelerators, to explore the physics and engineering challenges of beam diagnostics and measurement techniques for charged particle beams. The 3.5 days conference includes tutorials on selected topics, invited and selected talks, as well as poster sessions. All properly presented contributions will be edited and published as JACoW Proceedings.

IBIC2024 is held by Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), which is China’s biggest laboratory for the study of particle physics. BEPCII and CSNS, two large scale facilities are operating, HEPS, a fourth generation light source is under construction in IHEP. As part of the conference, a tour of the HEPS construction site or BEPCII tunnel is organized.

Beijing, the capital of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), center of politics, culture, transport, tourism and international communication of China, is a fast-growing, dynamic metropolis, attracts foreign businesses and visitors, and maintains a firm grip on its rich cultural heritage.


We are pleased to announce that final proceedings are available on the JACoW website.

IBIC2024 proceedings:



Jianshe Cao                                                 Junhui Yue

IBIC 2024 Conference Chair                       IBIC 2024 SPC Chair