Sep 22 – 27, 2019
Cape Town
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Pre-Press Release of proceedings -

Paper Submission

Uploading of files is open.

Please ensure to use the correct and final Paper ID assigned to you.

Once all files are ready for submission login to: and upload your files.

Email if you have questions or difficulty submitting your files.

Instructions for paper preparation.

All work that is properly presented by a registered author at CYC19 will be included in the proceedings to be published on the JACoW website.

Number of Pages Permitted

  • Contributions for invited orals may be up to a maximum of 5 pages long (4+1 for overflow).
  • Contributions for other orals and posters may be up to a maximum of 4 pages long (3+1 for overflow)

When preparing your paper, use the following updated (March 2019) templates:

Basic Hints for authors


Instructions for paper Submission.

The deadline for the upload of contributions to the proceedings is:

Sunday, 15 September 2019, midnight (UTC+2)

Files to Upload

Authors are required to submit a PDF file made from the source document, the source file (docx or tex or odt) and all figure files in its native format (jpg, gif, tif, png, eps, etc.).

Check that the image quality is still the same as in the source file, especially for color images, and text in the image is readable.

Make sure the fonts are embedded in the PDF file.

Submission of Electronic Files

Only files named according to the paper's program code should be uploaded via the SPMS. Example for paper code MOB05, the paper contains figures, the file names should be:

  • MOB05.tex (or .docx, .odf) corresponding to the source file and are uploaded using File Type Source File (MS Word, Open Document or LaTeX)
  • MOB05.pdf uploaded using File Type Portable Document Format (this file will be renamed after upload to MOB05_AUTHOR.pdf).
  • MOB05_fx.jpg (or .png, .tif, .eps, etc.) corresponding to document figure x. Figures and other supporting files are uploaded using File Type Other Supporting Files

Submission of Talk files

The slides for the talk have the paper's program code too, but get “_talk” as additional qualifier. Example for paper code MOB05, the file name(s) should be: MOB05_talk.pptx (or ppt, pps, ppsx, pdf, odp), using File Type Transparencies.

Movies for the talk can be uploaded using the original file name under the File Type Talk Movies.

Submission of Posters

The pdf file of the poster which will be presented in the poster session can be uploaded in addition to the paper. The poster has the paper’s program code too, but gets “_poster” as additional qualifier. Example for paper code TUP13, the file name should be: TUP13_poster.pdf and is uploaded using File Type Poster.

Upload of File Bundles

Supporting files (figures, bibliographies, etc.) can be uploaded as zip or tar files under File Type Other Supporting Files. The source file (tex, docx or odf) and the pdf file have to be uploaded separately otherwise the upload is incomplete and not flagged as available for the editorial team.

Please note: Any paper accepted for presentation and not presented by one of the authors at the conference will be excluded from the proceedings. In addition, the Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to refuse papers for publication that have not been properly presented in the poster sessions. Manuscripts of contributions to the proceedings (or enlargements of them) are not considered to be posters, and papers presented in this way will not be accepted for publication.

Please make sure that the paper title and co-authors on the paper are identical with the paper title and co-authors already entered in the CYC19 SPMS. If this is not the case, click on the links "edit" or "authors" and update. The metadata in the CYC19 conference database should be consistent between abstract and paper, because it will be used for the production of the abstract booklet.

The papers will be processed by the editorial team starting during the week before the conference. Authors will receive an e-mail about the processing status. Alternatively, authors should check the status board (green=accepted, yellow=request for proof-reading, red=problems).

Once all files are ready for submission login to: and upload your files.

Email if you have questions or difficulty submitting your files.