Sep 22 – 27, 2019
Cape Town
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Pre-Press Release of proceedings -

Abstract submission

Abstract Submission opens Friday, February 22nd, 2019 and closes Sunday 30 June 15, 2019 (GMT+2).

Abstracts are to be submitted through the JACoW Scientific Program Management System (SPMS) [].

Publication Type

The proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications will be published on the JACOW Website.

Call for Abstracts

Original papers, not previously published or presented, from the field of cyclotrons are solicited to be presented at the 22nd International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications. This includes cyclotrons for medical and industrial applications as well as their subsystems.

The scientific program will consist of invited orals, contributed orals, and poster presentations. Presenters of invited and contributed talks must provide a written paper for the proceedings in addition to any slides they might use.

All contributed papers are to be initially submitted that it will be a presuming poster presentation. From these submissions, the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) will decide, on the basis of the abstracts, which papers are suitable for oral presentation. This selection occurs in June 2019, with the outcomes of the deliberations communicated to primary authors in July 2019.

No contributions are accepted for publication only. Contributions must be defended in person either at a talk or poster session.

Any accepted work for presentation that is not presented at the conference will be excluded from the proceedings. The SPC reserves the right to refuse the publication of any work not properly presented (all sessions, poster or oral).

Submission guidelines

All contributions to CYCLOTRONS’19 can be managed using the JACoW Scientific Program Management System (SPMS). All primary authors must own a profile and associated account within the JACoW repository prior to submitting an abstract.

Once logged into the CYCLOTRONS’19 SPMS, confirm that the data in your JACoW profile is up to date, especially your email address and affiliation. Do this by clicking on the link “Modify Your Profile”. Activate the process of your abstract(s) submission by clicking on the link “Submit A New Abstract” and follow the instructions/guidelines below.

Abstract title

Enter the title of the abstract using initial capital letters for significant words. For example: “This is a Paper Title in Initial Capital Letters”.

Presentation type

Select the appropriate presentation type for your submission. Please note the default is poster. The SPC will choose Contributed Orals, based on scientific merit.

Classification of abstracts

All contributions are grouped by main classification. These are:

  • Cyclotron Technology,
  • Theory, Models and Simulations,
  • Operation and Upgrades,
  • Cyclotron Applications,
  • Cyclotron Concepts, FFA and new Projects
  • Session for young Scientists

Authors are reminded that it is their responsibility to properly classify their abstracts to ensure that, if accepted for presentation, the paper is properly placed within the conference program.

Abstract text

Text should not exceed 1200 characters.

Special characters

Electronic submission of the Abstracts over the web does not allow for Greek symbols, superscripts or subscripts. Therefore authors are requested to avoid it.

Footnotes/Funding agency

Footnotes must not exceed 200 characters.

Once the abstract is complete

Once the abstract submission is complete, click “Submit”.

Notification of acceptance

Notification of the acceptance of contributions for presentation at CYCLOTRONS’19 will be made to all primary/submitting authors in July 2019.

For questions regarding publishing, please contact:

Mike Hogan
CYCLOTRONS’19 SPMS administrator


For general questions about the conference contact:

Naomi Haasbroek