Makoto Tobiyama
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
The bunch-by-bunch feedback system is now an key function in high-current, multi-bunch storage rings to suppress coupled-bunch instability and/or to reduce the effects of injection vibration. In high-luminosity e+e- colliders such as SuperKEKB, strong beam-beam interactions occur due to collisions, so the side effects of the feedback system can have a large impact on the luminosity. In this presentation, we will present the principle and configuration of the bunch feedback system, the cause of the side effects of the feedback system, and how to suppress them.
Funding Agency
This work is partly supported by US-Japan collaboration in High Energy Physics (R&D for SuperKEKB and the next generation high luminosity colliders)
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Makoto Tobiyama
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)