About Tsukuba
Welcome to Tsukuba, Japan!!
Tsukuba is the largest research institution accumulation city in Japan, where many researchers and enterprises are actively involved. On the other hand, Tsukuba is also a garden city which enjoys rich natural environment such as Mt. Tsukuba, a valuable historical and cultural asset.
Recently, the access to the central area of Tokyo and Narita International Airport improved drastically due to the railway and expressway constructions.
Tsukuba's science, nature and people are all looking forward to welcoming you!!
Things To Do In Tsukuba
See Unforgettable Vistas From Mt. Tsukuba!
Enjoy Tsukuba's Science Tour!
Tukuba Science Tour - Model Course
Getting Around *
*Unfortunately, buildings in the photo above are currently undergoing repairs and cannot be entered.
Accessible Tourist Destinations
Asakusa, Tokyo
Mito, Ibaraki
Kairakuen Garden is in its best season!
In spring, the top season, Kairakuen Station is temporarily open only on weekends. By taking the train from Tsuchiura Station to Kairakuen, you will not be bothered by traffic jams. However, please note that trains do not stop in the return direction. Go to Mito Station or use the bus to return.
Ushiku, Ibaraki
I recommend it if you want to visit a unique place. With a rental car, it is relatively easy to get there.