Contributed Oral Presentations
Each oral presentation duration will be limited to a maximum of 12 minutes. After that, there will be 3 minutes devoted to audience questions and answers.
Poster Presentation with Mini Oral
The goal of mini-oral presentations is to expose particularly interesting poster contributions to a larger audience.
Each mini-oral presentation is limited to a maximum of 3 minutes and 3 slides. There will be no time devoted to questions after the presentation as the author will be available for them during the poster session.
A unique file containing all the presentations of a session will be prepared beforehand to guarantee an agile rotation among authors. The presentations will be pre-loaded in the computers of the venue before the start of the conference. The authors are requested to upload the final version of the presentations no later than the day before their presentations.
Poster Presentation with Speakers’ Corner
After a very positive response to the Speakers’ Corner sessions during previous ICALEPCS conferences, Poster Presentation with Speakers’ Corner will be organised for the ICALEPCS 2025 conference. This category is oriented to those contributions that are suitable to be demonstrated in a live demo. The duration of the session shall not exceed 30 minutes.
A table will be provided for the demonstration. Any requirement for a network connection must be accommodated by the existing wifi access available in the conference area. The speaker shall bring a laptop, a tablet or similar in order to execute the demo.
During the rest of the poster session the author will present their contribution with a poster using the corresponding poster board.
Poster Presentation
Please be aware that according to the ICALEPCS rules at least one author has to be present at the poster during the poster session, otherwise the poster will not be included in the proceedings.
Participants in the poster sessions are invited to upload an electronic version of their posters (in pdf format).