ICALEPCS2025 Attendee Code of Conduct
Date: 5 February 2025
1.0 Purpose
The Purpose of this document is to provide the ICALEPCS2025 attendees with a written guide of expectations whilst attending the conference.
2.0 Scope
The ICALEPCS2025 local organizing committee is committed to providing a safe working environment, and promoting respect, equity and balance. ICALEPCS2025 is also committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all of its activities. We expect conference attendees to comply with applicable laws and to conduct themselves responsibly, ethically and with integrity.
This conference attendee Code of Conduct (“Code”) outlines the principles and standards that ICALEPCS2025’s attendees are required to follow and uphold whilst attending the conference.
Compliance with this Code is mandatory for all attendees. ICALEPCS2025 expects attendees to comply with both the letter and the spirit of this Code. Conduct that is illegal, dishonest or unethical constitutes a breach of this Code, whether or not the conduct is specifically addressed in this Code.
3.0 Standards
Compliance with Laws
Attendees must ensure that all of their activities comply with the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the State of Illinois and the laws of the United States of America.
4.0 Responsible Treatment of Individuals
Attendees must act in a manner characterized by respect for the dignity of every individual. Attendees must respect others with whom they interact, including conference staff and other attendees. This shall include respect for any characteristic protected by applicable laws.
Acts or threats of harassment will not be tolerated and relations with ICALEPCS2025 personnel and other attendees shall be conducted in a respectful and cooperative manner. Attendees must not engage in nor tolerate any harassment, violence, intimidation, retaliation, discrimination, or other disrespectful or inappropriate behavior.
Acts or threats of physical violence and intimidation will not be tolerated. Engaging in violence or threatening or intimidating behavior may result in termination of access to the ICALEPCS2025 or immediate removal from ICALEPCS2025 property, as deemed appropriate by the organizing committee. All reported incidents shall be forwarded to authorities with jurisdiction for investigation.
5.0 Code Compliance
Failure to comply with this Code may result in termination of access to ICALEPCS2025.
Attendees have the responsibility to report any known or suspected violations of any applicable laws and/or any non-compliance with this Code to ICALEPCS2025’s organizers in a timely manner.
Attendees may address all notifications under, and any questions relating to the interpretation or application of, this Code to ICALEPCS2025’s organizers at ICALEPCS25@anl.gov.