
Become a sponsor of ICALEPCS 2025! Meet a targeted audience of controls system specialist in a special setting!

Updated Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration is now open at the ICALEPCS2025 CVent page

It is our privilege to invite you to exhibit at and sponsor ICALEPCS 2025, the 20th edition of the International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems. ICALEPCS 2025 will be held September 20 to 26, 2025, at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, Illinois, and is hosted by Argonne National Laboratory.

ICALEPCS is the preeminent conference for control system engineers working at world leading scientific laboratories around the globe. The series was inaugurated in 1987 by a number of control system specialists from accelerator laboratories around the world. Over this time the Conference has evolved, keeping pace with changes in technology, the development of better control systems, the demands from facility operations, as well as a growing marketplace supporting the mission of these laboratories. The community for this Conference series has also grown, with ICALEPCS 2025 expecting 450 attendees representing over 200 research institutions worldwide. It is no longer just a conference for accelerator and experimental physics control systems. It is a forum enabling discussions and the interchange of ideas on technologies, engineering practices, management practices, project evolutions, safety system practices, cyber security, and cutting-edge enabling research, for many kinds or research instruments from many kinds of research institutions.

ICALEPCS 2025 is being hosted by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), home to the Advanced Photon Source (APS), the world-class particle accelerator. The APS has recently completed a major upgrade project, making it the brightest hard X-ray synchrotron source in the world and enabling new groundbreaking science and discoveries. Argonne is a multipurpose research institution funded primarily by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

In this Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus you will find general information about the conference, venue, sponsorship packages, and exhibitor opportunities. Additional details will follow in an updated Sponsor/Exhibitor Handbook closer to the event. Your contribution and involvement as a sponsor and/or exhibitor are vital to the continued success of ICALEPCS. We look forward to your participation in creating a successful conference for everyone.

ICALEPCS 2025 Local Organizing Committee

For more information, contact us at ICALEPCS25Exhibits@anl.gov.