The International Linear Collider(ILC) is a large accelerator project using many superconducting cavities and magnets. Therefore, huge cryogenic systems are required. The early design of the ILC was published as the Technical Design Report(TDR) in 2013, however, some changes have been accepted since then. The biggest change is that the collision energy was decreased from 500 GeV to 250 GeV at...
There is no doubt that global warming is accelerating due to greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. All industries are now required to work toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Accelerator facilities are no exception. In particular, life cycle assessment, including construction, operation, and decommissioning periods, is necessary to achieve carbon neutrality. Researchers...
The European Laboratory Directors Group that coordinates European programme of accelerator R&D, took recently the decision to establish a working group on sustainability assessment of future accelerators. Working group mandate is to develop guidelines and a minimum set of key indicators pertaining to the methodology and scope of the reporting of sustainability aspects for future HEP...