Super Tau Charm Facility (STCF), a factory producing massive tau lepton and hadrons, to unravel the mystery of how quarks form matter and the symmetries of fundamental interactions, is under design in China. The STCF is designed to have energy of 2-7 GeV and luminosity higher than 0.5x1035 cm-2s-1 with circumference about 800-900 m. There are two dual-aperture final focus insertion region...
In older to explore charm physics and tau physics in next decades, a third-generation circular electron-positron collider Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) with the energy range of 2-7 GeV is being developed and pre-studied in University of Science and Technology of China. As the last correction of the particles before the collision, the superconducting magnets in the interaction region (IR)...
SuperKEKB is an energy-asymmetric double-ring collider with a 7 GeV electron beam and a 4 GeV positron beam. An extremely small beta function at the interaction point (IP) and low emittance are necessary to achieve a peak luminosity that is an order of magnitude higher than that achieved by the KEKB. A final focusing superconducting magnet system provides the focusing magnetic field required...
The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) aims at luminosities of up to 10^34 cm^-2 sec^-1. This is accomplished by colliding large numbers of high intensity bunches in a low-beta interaction region with a total crossing angle of 25 mrad. The physics program of the EIC requires high forward acceptance, which necessitates large apertures of the forward hadron magnets to transport scattered particles to...
Chiral Belle, put forth in a Snowmass White Paper*, involves a modest upgrade to the SuperKEKB e+e- collider at KEK to enable the existing Belle II detector to explore topics in precision electroweak physics with longitudinally polarized electrons. Spin-dependent observables provide unique, powerful alternative probes for entirely new discovery windows to address exciting hints of physics...
The FCC-ee is a next-generation high-luminosity electron-positron collider designed for beam energies between 45.6 and 182.5 GeV. Achieving its ambitious performance objectives relies on precise optics tuning. This study addresses the challenges of magnet misalignments, gradient errors and stringent alignment tolerances in the Interaction Region (IR). Utilizing the pyAT framework, correction...
The FCC feasibility Study has been performed between 2021 and March this year, to conclude on the technical and financial viability of such a collider at CERN. The FCC-ee would be the largest particle accelerator every built and comes with technical challenges, including its alignment. Some very preliminary concepts of survey and alignment have been proposed for the feasibility study and a...
SUPERKEKB was constructed by reusing the existing KEKB tunnel located 11 m underground. A major upgrade to SuperKEKB was started in 2010, and after five and a half years of construction, SuperKEKB was commissioned in February 2016.
In SuperKEKB, a superconducting magnet system called QCS provides the strong magnetic field needed to focus the beams at the interaction point (IP). Cryostats...
The FCC-ee is a next-generation high-luminosity electron-positron collider designed for beam energies between 45.6 and 182.5 GeV. Achieving its ambitious performance objectives relies on precise optics tuning. This study addresses the challenges of magnet misalignments, gradient errors and stringent alignment tolerances in the Interaction Region (IR). Utilizing the pyAT framework, correction...
Super Tau Charm Facility (STCF), a factory producing massive tau lepton and hadrons, to unravel the mystery of how quarks form matter and the symmetries of fundamental interactions, is under design in China. The STCF is designed to have energy of 2-7 GeV and luminosity higher than 0.5x1035 cm-2s-1 with circumference about 800-900 m. There are two dual-aperture final focus insertion region...
Super Tau Charm Facility (STCF), a factory producing massive tau lepton and hadrons, to unravel the mystery of how quarks form matter and the symmetries of fundamental interactions, is under design in China. The STCF is designed to have energy of 2-7 GeV and luminosity higher than 0.5x1035 cm-2s-1 with circumference about 800-900 m. There are two dual-aperture final focus insertion region...