This talk will overview two instabilities in the accelerator’s vacuum chamber that are in a boundary between an accelerator lattice design and solutions for beam vacuum design.
Ion induced pressure instability is a threat for positively charged beams. Modelling of this potential problem is essential for a proper vacuum design for its mitigation. The modelling requires knowledge of various...
The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will be a new, state of the art nuclear physics research facility that is currently approaching the preliminary design milestone. This facility will be built at the US Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory located in Upton, New York. The EIC will collide high energy (up to 18 GeV) polarized electrons with polarized protons (up to 275 GeV) and...
The electron cloud effect (ECE) poses challenges in high-intensity proton and positron rings. A potential solution is to prepare a surface with low secondary electron yield (SEY) on the inner walls of beam pipes.
In the Low Energy Ring (LER) of SuperKEKB, TiN coating and grooved structures have been applied to reduce the SEY of the beam pipes. From 2017 to 2023, we explored a commercial...