Beam-beam simulation studies for the Electron-Ion Collider

6 Mar 2025, 14:50



Tsukuba, Japan
Invited Oral Presentation WG4 : Beam-beam & Instabilities Beam-beam & Instabilities


Mr Yun Luo (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))


Yun Luo, F. Willeke, Yue Hao, J. Qiang, D. Xu, M. Blaskiewicz, C. Montag

The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), to be constructed at Brookhaven National Laboratory, will collide polarized high-energy electron beams with polarized hadron beams, achieving luminosities up to 1 × 10^{34} cm^{−2} s^{−1} in the center-of-mass energy range of 29-140 GeV. To achieve such high luminosity, we adopt high bunch intensities for both beams, small and flat transverse beam sizes at the interaction point (IP), and a large full crossing angle of 25 mrad with crab cavities. In this talk, we will present the challenges to the EIC beam-beam design parameters and compare them with previous e-p collider HERA and other colliders, such as the KEK-B factory and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). We will present the beam-beam interaction related design parameter optimization, optics and magnet imperfections, and noises from power supply ripples, crab cavity noises, and intra-beam scattering (IBS).


beam-beam talk on EIC

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Primary author

Mr Yun Luo (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))

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