19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Hybrid on-axis and off-axis top-up injection at the future circular lepton collider

22 May 2024, 16:00
Rock 'n Roll (MCC Exhibit Hall A)

Rock 'n Roll

MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC1.A02 Lepton Circular Colliders Wednesday Poster Session


Eliott Johnson (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


In order to maximize the integrated luminosity of the future circular lepton collider (FCC-ee), a top-up injection scheme is required. Amongst the four operation modes of FCC-ee, the Z operation mode has the highest stored beam energy in the collider ring with about 20 MJ per beam. Consequently, it is for this mode that the injection scheme is primarily optimized and is the focus of this contribution.
Due to the synchrotron radiation cone of the injected beamlet at the interaction point (IP), the conventional off-axis injection scheme is not favored. As for the on-axis injection, it necessitates an energy offset for the injected beam and sufficient dynamic aperture in the collider ring. However, the energy acceptance of collider ring is only around ±1% for the latest baseline lattice of the Z mode, making this scheme challenging. Therefore, an hybrid on- and off-axis injection scheme is proposed to satisfy the requirements of dynamic aperture and energy acceptance. This contribution introduces the concept and discusses the optimization process used to balance energy and position offset of the injection scheme.

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Sen Yue (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Yann Dutheil (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Wolfgang Bartmann (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Eliott Johnson (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Petr Martinek (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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