19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Study of flat-to-round-to-flat transformation at high space charge

23 May 2024, 16:00
Country (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC5.D01 Beam Optics Lattices, Correction Schemes, Transport Thursday Poster Session


Patrick O'Shea (University Maryland)


We describe experimental, theoretical, and simulation activities testing Derbenev’s 1998 proposal for using flat-to-round-to-flat (FTRTF) transformations to enable electron synchrotrons for ion beam cooling. FTRTF systems have also been proposed for storage-ring and single-pass light sources (FELs), beam sources, and microwave tubes. The experiment—based on a low-energy (5–10 keV) linear electron transport system—includes an electron source, beam-shaping aperture plate, quadrupole matching section, Derbenev skew-quadrupole vortex sections, and a long solenoid. Our theoretical efforts explore the optical conditions required to optimize the canceling of angular momenta at the core of the Derbenev system. The complexity of the beam dynamics requires the use of simulation codes—here WARP and OPAL—to model the system for comparison with experiment. To reduce the computational effort required for optimization, we introduce the use of the adjoint technique, well-known in plasma physics but not beam physics. Using 5–10 keV beams allows us to study beam dynamics over a broad range of space charge in an environment readily accessible to students.

Funding Agency

Work supported by USDOE under grant DESC0022009

Region represented North America
Paper preparation format Word


Patrick O'Shea (University Maryland)


Dan Abell (RadiaSoft LLC) Tom Antonsen (University of Maryland) Brian Beaudoin (University of Maryland) Santiago Bernal (University of Maryland) Irving Haber (University of Maryland) Liam Pocher (University of Maryland) David Sutter (University of Maryland)

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