Synchrotron light sources often use higher-harmonic rf cavities for bunch lengthening to enhance Touschek lifetime. By adjusting the harmonic voltage, a flat-potential condition for the longitudinal voltage can be achieved, typically improving Touschek lifetime by 4 to 5 times. It is known that exceeding the flat-potential voltage results in double-peaked bunch profiles, referred to as overstretched conditions. Simulations suggest overstretched profiles can surpass flat-potential improvements on lifetime. In this paper we report on experimental results from the MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring, demonstrating a longer beam lifetime with a stable beam in overstretched conditions compared to the flat-potential case. Additionally, a remarkable agreement between measured bunch profiles using a streak camera and predictions from a semi-analytical equilibrium solver was obtained for all tested harmonic voltages.
Region represented | Europe |
Paper preparation format | LaTeX |