19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Radiation load studies for the proton target area of a multi-TeV muon collider

22 May 2024, 16:00
Rock 'n Roll (MCC Exhibit Hall A)

Rock 'n Roll

MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC1.A09 Muon Accelerators, Neutrino Factories, Muon Colliders Wednesday Poster Session


Alessandro Frasca (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Muon production in the multi-TeV muon collider studied by the International Muon Collider Collaboration is planned to be performed with a high-power proton beam interacting with a fixed target. The design of the target area comes with a set of challenges related to the radiation load to front-end equipment. The confinement of the emerging pions and muons requires very strong magnetic fields achievable only by superconducting solenoids, which are sensitive to heat load and long-term radiation damage. The latter concerns the ionizing dose in insulation, as well as the displacement damage in the superconductor. The magnet shielding design has to limit the heat deposition and ensure that the induced radiation damage is compatible with the operational lifetime of the muon production complex. Finally, the fraction of the primary beam passing through the target unimpeded poses a need for an extraction channel. In this study, we use the FLUKA Monte Carlo code to assess the radiation load to the solenoids, and we explore the possible spent proton beam extraction scenarios taking into account the constraints stemming from the beam characteristics and the required magnetic field strength.

Funding Agency

Funded by the European Union (EU). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the EU or European Research Executive Agency (REA).

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Dr Jerzy Manczak (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Alessandro Frasca (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Alfredo Portone (Fusion for Energy) Anton Lechner (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Chris Rogers (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Claudia Ahdida (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Daniel Schulte (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Daniele Calzolari (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Francisco Javier Saura Esteban (Catalonia Institute for Energy Research) Luca Bottura (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Marco Calviani (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Rui Franqueira Ximenes (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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