19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
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Report on an international accelerator school - ISBA23

22 May 2024, 16:00
Rock 'n Roll (MCC Exhibit Hall A)

Rock 'n Roll

MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC5.D11 Code Developments and Simulation Techniques Wednesday Poster Session


Zachary Liptak (Hiroshima University)


The sixth International School on Beam dynamics and Accelerator technology (ISBA23) was held for 10 days from August 3rd to 12th, 2023 at Pohang in Korea. ISBA23 was jointly hosted by Korea Atomic Energy Reꠓsearch Institute (KAERI) and Korea Accelerator and Plasma Research Association (KAPRA). After screening 83 registrant’s resumes and letters of recommendation, 70 students from Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, India, and Thailand were finally admitted to the school. For 10 days, 20 professional scientists from Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Germany, and the USA gave 30 valuable lectures and 14 hands-on training sessions with ASTRA and ELEGANT accelerator codes. Thanks to the generous financial support from 14 sponsors, the school was successfully completed. This is the first time that ISBA has been held outside of Japan, and it is a big step toward becoming a truly international accelerator school. We report on ISBA23, which is the biggest international accelerator school in Asia.

Funding Agency

KAERI, KAPRA, Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI), IINAS-NX. KR TECH, VITZRO NEXTECH, MKV, STSI, POSCO E&C, BMI, MIRAPRO, Metal Technology, R&K, and Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation

Region represented Asia
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Yujong Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)


Masao Kuriki (Hiroshima University) Yong Woon Parc (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Zachary Liptak (Hiroshima University)

Presentation materials

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