Kacper Lasocha
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Observation of Schottky signals provides information on important beam and machine parameters, such as transverse emittance, betatron tune, and first-order chromaticity. However, the so-far developed theory of Schottky spectra does not include the impact of the higher-order chromaticity, known to be non-negligible in the case of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this contribution, we expand the theory of Schottky spectra to also take into account second-order chromaticity. Analytical results are compared with macro-particle simulations and the errors resulting from neglecting second-order chromaticity are assessed for the case of the LHC.
Region represented | Europe |
Paper preparation format | LaTeX |
Kacper Lasocha
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Diogo Alves
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Christophe Lannoy
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Nicolas Mounet
(European Organization for Nuclear Research)