19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Emittance growth and transport of an intense relativistic electron beam after foil scattering

22 May 2024, 16:00
Country (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC2.A08 Linear Accelerators Wednesday Poster Session


Sebastian Szustkowski (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


Intense relativistic electron beams such as those produced by the DARHT accelerators, consist of large total currents of 1.6-2 kA at modest energies in the range of 16-20 MeV. Beam envelope codes are generally used to predict the evolution of the first moment of the radial distribution (i.e. beam 2-RMS radius) assuming a constant emittance. Upon passing through a thin metal foil, such as may be used in a vacuum window, the beam experiences multiple Coulomb scattering and foil focusing effects which modify downstream transport. We measure the 4-RMS emittance of the beam with and without a material scattering foil using the solenoid sweep method with a downstream magnet. A 50 μm Ti foil is found to increase the emittance from about 0.09 cm-rad to 2.9 cm-rad after 1.5 m of transport. We also make measurements with aluminum scattering foils 1.5 m upstream and 3 cm upstream of the imaging foil to examine the beam dynamics after scattering. We find envelope codes are able to describe the 2-RMS radius of the beam after foil interaction taking into account appropriate weights on the scattering angle after 1.5 m of transport.

Region represented North America


Michael Jaworski (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


Sebastian Szustkowski (Los Alamos National Laboratory) David Moir (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

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