19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Mass production of 3.9 GHz 9-cell cavities at SHINE

22 May 2024, 16:00
Country (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC2.A08 Linear Accelerators Wednesday Poster Session


Xiaowei Wu (Zhangjiang Lab)


Two 3.9~GHz cryomodules of sixteen cavities are required in the Shanghai high-repetition-rate XFEL and extreme light facility (SHINE) linac. They are placed before the first bunch compressor to linearize energy distribution. A total of twenty-one 3.9~GHz 9-cell cavities including two prototypes were fabricated and tested. The first two prototypes reached a Q0 of 2.9x10^9 at 13.1 MV/m and a maximum accelerating gradient of 20.0 MV/m during the vertical test, with a large margin with respect to the SHINE specification. The first prototype was integrated into a small cryostat and horizontal tested. Batch fabrication of nineteen cavities started after the prototype qualification. The 3.9 GHz cryomodules are under assembling after the vertical tests. Horizontal tests are planned to start from mid of 2024. This paper will introduce the experience of the prototype development and mass production of the 3.9 GHz cavities.

Region represented Asia
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Xiaowei Wu (Zhangjiang Lab)


Jiani Wu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute) Jinfang Chen (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute) Lijun Lu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute) Miyimin zhao (ShanghaiTech University) Sen Sun (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) ShenJie Zhao (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) Shengwang Xiang (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute) Shuai Xing (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute) Xia Yan (ShanghaiTech University) Xiaohan Ouyang (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute) Xiaohu Wang (ShanghaiTech University) Xuan Huang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) Xuhao He (ShanghaiTech University) Xuming Liu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute) Yanzhi Wang (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute) Yawei Huang (ShanghaiTech University) Yeliang Zhao (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute) Yue Zong (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) Yuxin Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China) Zhejia Xu (ShanghaiTech University) Zheng Wang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) pengcheng dong (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute)

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