19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

First high-Q treatments for FCC 800 MHz 5-cell elliptical cavities

22 May 2024, 16:00
Blues (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC7.T07 Superconducting RF Wednesday Poster Session


Kellen McGee (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


Development towards the FCC-ee "Z" machine requires optimization of sub-GHz elliptical cavities for high-gradient and high-Q operation, both in pulsed and CW mode, for application in the booster and collider portions. Previous development work validated the proposed 800 MHz 5-cell elliptical RF design, showing reasonable performance after EP treatment. However, the stringent high-Q (3.8e+10) and high-gradient (24 MV/m) goals of the FCC machine cavities will require further development, relying on advanced surface processing techniques developed at 1.3 GHz such as N-doping or medium-temperature furnace baking. We report the results of the first applications of these techniques to the 5-cell prototype 800 MHz elliptical cavity.

Region represented North America
Paper preparation format Word


Kellen McGee (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


Alexandr Netepenko (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Franck Peauger (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Frank Gerigk (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Oleksandr Melnychuk (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Sergey Belomestnykh (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Shahnam Gorgi Zadeh (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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