7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Longitudinal injection for SAPS based on a double-frequency RF system

8 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC2.T12: Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport Monday Poster Session


Weihang Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)


In the fourth-generation storage ring light sources, the dynamic acceptance is usually small related to the extremely strong nonlinearity inherent in the multi-bend achromat design, making it difficult to implement traditional off-axis local-bump injection. It was found that a double-frequency rf system can be used for longitudinal injection with the help of rf gymnastics. However, such schemes require tuning the RF parameters during injection, which would challenge the RF hardware system and cause the bunch length shrinking of the circulated bunch. In this paper, we find that with proper parameters optimization, a double-frequency RF system with static parameters can be used for longitudinal injection. A detailed design of this scheme for the application in the Southern Advanced Photon Source (SAPS) is presented.

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Weihang Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics) Yi Jiao (Institute of High Energy Physics) Yu Zhao (Institute of High Energy Physics) Yanliang Han (Institute of High Energy Physics) Jianliang Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Xingguang Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Xiao Li (Institute of High Energy Physics) Sheng Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics)

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