7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

On the commissioning of the ELIMAIA plasma accelerator and the future medical application using the ELIMED beamline

10 May 2023, 09:50
Sala Darsena

Sala Darsena


Francesco Schillaci (ELI Beamlines Czech Republic)


In this contribution we report on the commissioning of the ELIMAIA beamline laser-plasma Ion Accelerator carried out with the high repetition-rate, high peak-power L3-HAPLS (>10J in 30 fs) laser available at the ELI Beamlines user facility. The optimization process to achieve a stable energy cutoff exceeding 30MeV with high proton fluxes will be described providing an overview of the available technology for user experiments. These results demonstrate the robustness of the developed technology available for users at the ELIMAIA beamline, thus paving the way towards the future use of the ELIMED beamline for the application of controlled and stable high dose rate ion beams in a wide range of research, in particular biomedical ones. We will present some beam optics and Monte Carlo simulation results obtained using the experimental evidence of the accelerated ion beam characterization and showing the capability of the ELIMED beamline.

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Francesco Schillaci (ELI Beamlines Czech Republic)

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