The unique electronic band structure properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials allow for a multitude of cutting-edge applications involving electrical and optoelectronic devices. Atomically thin 2D materials such as MoS2 face major obstacles during synthesis and processing into precise electronic band gap properties adjustments. Few-layer MoS2 films are synthesized using alkali halide (NaCl) and, ion beams have been used to modify the electronic band gap and result in subsequent absorption properties of few-layer MoS2.
The band gap tuning in MoS2 is highly desirable for optimizing their applications in solar cells, photodetectors, and optoelectronic devices. We have already shown the effect of biaxial strain on the structural, elastic, and electronic properties of MoS2 [1]. In the present work, we are reporting 100 MeV Ni7+ ion irradiation-induced blue shift in MoS2, with ion fluences of 1×1011 to 1×1013 ions/cm2. UV-vis spectroscopy shows the absorption peak shifts from 680 nm to 674 nm for the A-peak and from 630 nm to 624 nm for the B-peak.
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