7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

High power, high frequency tetrode development with revitalization supply chain

11 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC8.U06: Technology Transfer and Lab Industry Relations Thursday Poster Session


Michael Kempkes (Diversified Technologies, Inc.)


Tetrode-based amplifiers are well-established, and now have a revitalized supply chain after their demise looked imminent. High power tetrodes have been to show a greater power density and frequency range than solid state amplification, making them a robust choice for future accelerators and fusion devices. Recently, the MIT PSFC spearheaded an effort to source new pyrolytic graphite grids, to re-establish the supply chain for the Communication and Power Industries (CPI) high power 4CM2500KG tetrode. This allows Vacuum Electron Device (VED) amplification methods to be seriously considered for the next generation accelerators [2].

Development and experimental validation [1] of a 120 MHZ, 2.5 MW tetrode is described. The tetrode Final Power Amplifier (FPA) was excited with both a (1) tetrode-based Driver, and (2) Solid-State-Amplifier (SSA), utilizing a cavity power system, and protective circuitry developed at DTI. The experimental electrical schematic, setup, and measured results of the Driver and FPA output power, gain, bandwidth, efficiency, and frequency range are discussed and differences in performance between Driver- and SSA-excitation of the FPA are shown.


1. Adams J.M., Ageladarakis P., Alper B., Altmann H., Amasov U., Arshad S. et al., ICRF results in D-T plasmas in JET and TFTR and implications for ITER (Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1998). 40, A87-A103.
2. Mohamed M., Ridzon J., Garcia I., Quinlan, K.E., et al., High Frequency, High Power ICRF Source for Fusion Plasmas (24th Topical Conference on Radio-frequency Power in Plasmas, Sept. 26-28th 2022) Annapolis, MD.

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Marcel Gaudreau (Diversified Technologies, Inc.)


Kathleen Quinlan (Diversified Technologies, Inc.) Michael Kempkes (Diversified Technologies, Inc.) Rebecca Simpson (Diversified Technologies, Inc.)

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